Bill Maher Puts CNN Anchor Kaitlin Collins in Her Place Over Kamala Avoiding Media

get into it coach Colin here we all know Camala Harris has been hiding from the media and you know a lot of the white dudes for Cala are saying no she's not hiding she's in the rallies she's doing rallies and that doesn't count as media we're talking about podcasts we're talking about interviews we're talking about sitting with independent journalists mainstream media all the above everything that's what we're talking about when we talk about her hiding from the media she has done none of that not even once not even in places like the national black journalist Association that actually loves her and would praise her and would treat her like as if she was Michelle Obama Christ reincarnated she even declined to do that she has been hiding and her communication specialist is actually going to tell us why she's been hiding very interesting stuff uh would it kill you guys to have a press conference why hasn't she had a press conference listen the vice president governor walls uh have been busy criss-crossing this country since uh the launch of this campaign and adding Governor walls to the ticket you saw the ways in which uh they went to across the Battleground States last week uh generating rallies of of thousands 10 thousand here 15,000 there uh but Michael you know a campaign rally is not a press confence do you mind if I cut in I mean you know a campaign rally is not a press conference why isn't she had a press conference she's the vice president she can handle the questions why not do it we absolutely are going to do it you hear her take questions as she's out on the stump and she's as she said last week uh we're going to be having a sit down interview here before the end of the month uh what she's going to be focused on and what this campaign is going to be focused on is communicating directly with the voters that are actually going to decide the pathway to 270 electoral votes that's why she Comm to a press conference this week country this past week that's why we're doing a bus tour in Pennsylvania as we head into Chicago and it's why we'll sit down for an interview before the end of the month to make sure we can have a deep do conversation about the vision uh that K Harris has for where she wants to take this country in the contrast that we're going to have with Donald Trump we're gonna have plenty of opportunities to do that uh throughout the one interview by the end of the month month the rest of campaign I don't I don't want to you know belabor this but one interview before the end of the month I mean that's that's not a lot I mean can you commit to a press conference before the end of the month we will commit to directly engage with the voters that are actually going to decide this election and that is going to be a complete with rallies with sit down interviews with press conferences with all the digital assets that we have at our disposal he's literally basic he's basically saying No this is actually purposeful we're doing this on purpose we're avoiding the media on purpose one interview by the end of the month just so you know that was August 1st when this gentleman said that we are at August 24th we should be expecting that interview anytime now shouldn't we we'll see what happens but like the gentleman said one interview is not a lot you know answering a few questions here and there because there's people yelling at you as you're getting off of a bus but also making sure you know who the journalists are who are going to be there you know the people that are going to be at the spots where you're meeting that is not this is not real this is so manufactured and that's why she's not doing all these random interviews because you can only manufacture and script so many interviews and in today's climate if you sit back and script an interview like Joe Biden had to do so many times it gets outed just like Joe Biden got outed as being very scripted I mean some of it he outed himself but it got outed a lot of people came for which Sage Steel was one of them said the interview that she did with him was completely scripted and that's exactly what'll happen with Kamala Harris now the question is in reality what's worse someone who Embraces the media but is very abrasive like Donald Trump or someone who completely hides from the media like Kamala Harris that's what Bill Maher and Caitlyn Collins are tackling right now check this out what do you think about the fact that kamla doesn't talk to the press in a way I feel like it's more insulting the how than what Trump does and Trump says you're the the enemy of the people which is pretty bad but she's kind of saying is I don't need you I I'm not I'm not talking to you you don't matter you're not relevant anymore to me that's even worse then I hate you it's like I don't think about you I don't know if it's worse than denigrating the Press on a daily basis which is what Donald Trump did I mean I was I covered him in the white house every day as a as a correspondent and you know often times to to kind of you know shake you if you were asking him a question he would try to get into a personal argument with you or just deny or or lie about you know what you were asking about and so I don't I don't know if I would compare the two I do think she should talk to the Press I think anyone who wants to have access to the nuclear codes should be willing to sit down and take questions and and we'd love to have her on the show I'd love to too but I'm not going to hold my breath we'll see who gets her first well I think she'll do you before she does me but uh well stop love you started I paid her actually before I came in CNN I wouldn't doubt it you probably did pay them before they came in um kidding of course a lovely moment with Caitlyn Collins and Bill Maher look at them there both both just so so true to the journalistic code just just so true to truth and and bringing the truth to people look at them both there oh of course anyway what is worse you know I think Bill is right I think and of course Caitlyn Collins would be the person to make me feel like Bill Maher is right only only that meeting of the minds could have me on Bill Maher's side but I think Bill is 100% right she is saying I don't need you she's saying I already have the media you know MSNBC The the leftwing media I have them wrapped around my finger you will not say anything negative about me those are your marching orders you are going to follow those marching orders there's nothing you can do about that so she doesn't need them in a sense but here's the thing when it comes to the Press now I wouldn't say the mainstream media upholds this properly but the Press is supposed to be reflection of the people it's supposed to be asking the questions that the people need answers now answerers to now does MSNBC ABC CNN do they actually do that no I've talked about it many times on this channel they mold people's reality that's what they try to do they try to mold our reality they don't actually reflect us but you know in a way when Donald Trump decides to sit in front of the black journalists Association or goes to the bodega or goes to all these places he goes to the Chick-fil-A whatever what have you he actually has to answer questions and it's just more respectable even if it is a journalist that loves him that talks to him and asks him a question it's still more respectable it's showing I'm here whatever you have to ask whether you love me or you hate me let's go let's hear it you know I'm sure he would like to be in more rooms where people loved them but but he steps into situations where he knows that they don't like him when he holds that press conf conference and he has groceries around him and he's trying to make the case of look at how much inflation has gone up he has people when he goes to to meet with the uh police department of Michigan you know who have been heavy supporters of Donald Trump since his first Administration there's still journalists there who do not like him that are are going to ask him tough questions and he's there to answer him he doesn't run off nothing he holds his ground and he talks with them for a long time I wouldn't say hours but long enough he gives them a thorough chance to ask their questions Camala Harris has not done that not even once and I do think it's more insulting I really do but I mean think about this her whole campaign has been rather insulting if you're an American voter if you are an American citizen her whole thing has been absolutely insulting she gathered no votes she skipped the primary process where the people get to look and say I'm a Democrat I want my choice of the Democrat nominee that's going to go up against Trump I want my choice I pick this person she said I don't care about all that and she went the New York Times actually talked about this they talked about it like it was some great thing they're like Camala Harris made 100 phone calls and went didn't go to sleep until well past midnight in order to get the nomination and it's like what the what the hell are you talking about she made a 100 phone calls to who was she just calling regular people no she was calling the Obamas she was calling Chuck Schumer Pelosi the bidens all of their constitu she's calling congressmen and Senators she's making deep State people we don't even know about she's calling all those people to get the nom ation and people the American people are supposed to be proud of that Democrats are supposed to be proud of that they're supposed to be excited by that that's alarming could you imagine if Trump was just like I made a hundred phone calls and now I'm the nominee everybody would be like what the every every single person who called him a dictator would be like confirmed confirmed dictator he's making calls in dark rooms to get the nomination he's not even letting the people vote that's exactly what she did so her whole campaign so far has just been insulting but I'm not done here yet she actually did take a question from somebody and this is the reason why you could already see the fear in her face this is the exact reason why she does not get in front of the media she has one person ask her one question and that's supposed to dispel everything about her hiding from the media look at the fear in her eyes also watch this side of the screen when Tim walz and her husband appear on the screen look at how nervous they are this is why she hides from the media you unveiled your some economic policies last week yeah can you explain how you're going to pay for those and can you give us a sense of what other policies you want to unveil going forward sure well I mean you just look at it in terms of what we are talking about for example around children and the child tax credit and extending the e PC that it's at $6,000 for the first year of a child's life the return on that investment in terms of what that will do and what it will pay for will be tremendous we've seen it when we did it in the first year of our Administration red we reduced Child povery by over 50% so that's a lot of the work and then what we're doing in terms of the tax credits we know that there's a great return on that investment when we increase home ownership in America what that means in terms of increasing the tax base not to mention property tax base what that does to fund schools again return on investment I think it's a mistake for any person who talks about public policy to not critically evaluate how you measure the return on investments when you are strengthening neighborhoods strengthening communities and in particular the economy of those communities and investing in a broad-based economy everybody benefits and it pays for itself your some economic policies last week yeah look at the fear the fear she's like oh gosh I actually have to answer a question look at Tim Tim's like oh good lord what's going to happen here oh I hope this is going I hope this doesn't take away the joy she's 100% nervous as she's getting this question and they're all nervous for her as they're hearing the question let me tell you something if if my wife had to my wife's a great speaker if she had to answer a question I would not look like this I would be happy I'd be like this would be my face oh there someone's asked my wife a question she's going to kill it she's going to answer it because she's a normal thinking person she can just say things that make sense but when you know you have a wife when you know you have a running mate that cannot make sense and goes into these word salid rants all the time you get nervous when she's in front of camera because you know just one slip up can make it so she is no longer respected by anybody that's what happened well I shouldn't say that's what happened with Biden but I don't know some people needed to see him in a debate to understand that his mind wasn't working properly the rest of us knew from just seeing him but this is very interesting this is exactly why she's been hiding from the media this is exactly why even what she was just talking about she was talking about return on investment and she's like oh you can't you know you can't quantify you know the return on investment because you know there's going to be a return what is the return on investment what are you talking about what do you what do you mean what is the return on investment and she's saying you can't actually calculate it how would you calculate it then how do you calculate it because yes me and other journalists we can't we can't do that but you're the one suggesting this so how are you going to qualify how are you going to calculate that return on investment what's going to happen there she just keeps going into these weird Rants and that's what happens when she's caught off guard which is why she wants a debate same style that Trump and Biden had a debate at they want she wants that exact same style and who knows what's going to happen there she's rehearsing quite a bit right now hopefully she can handle it but you know just what what what is worse someone that avoids the media or someone Embraces the media and is very abrasive while they do it I think the person who's Abra abrasive why they while they do it because at least you know where that person stands and at least that person's proving themselves to be able to speak to be able to think to be able to debate to go back and forth because when someone's able to do that you at least understand that they have some conviction in their their ideas and you get to actually hear their real ideas we haven't heard that from Cala Harris and the only thing that we have heard since she's been nominated is that she wants to do something that happens in all failed Socialist Communist States which is price controls but that's for a whole other episode I'm going to be doing that talking about price controls it's absolutely ridiculous Venezuela inflation went up to 800% are you ready for 800 you know what that means you leave you leave that's what it means when a country hits that you have to go you if you can oh my gosh anyways guys plane tickets become $6 million it's just and the money's worth nothing it's crazy it's crazy what happens oh my gosh anyways anyways guys like subscribe and let me know in the comments let me know in the comments what you think is worse someone who avoids or someone who's abrasive with the media anyways like subscribe turn on the notifications other than that I'm out

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