Category: People & Blogs
Hey baseball fans welcome back to home run baker today sunday august 25th and these are our top scale cards of the day we got six cards let's check them out we've got card 585 jackson holiday with the orioles trailing the astros holiday came up to pinch it in the six with the bases loaded and delivered... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Hey baseball fans welcome back to home run baker today's thursday september 12th and these are our tops now cards of the day we got six cards let's check them out we've got card number six 78 jazz chism jr yankees third baseman loves having fun and he had a blast yesterday hitting his first ever walk-off... Read more
Category: Sports
What are we discussing on today's locked on dbacks podcast corbin carrols big night fuels the dbacks to a bounceback win over the new york mets in game number two and what has been the biggest dback strength this [music] season you are a locked on diamondbacks your daily arizona diamondbacks podcast... Read more
Category: Sports
This was a first for jackson holiday after starting on the bench jackson holiday knocked in the go-ahead run in his first pinch hit appearance in the majors left holiday first pitch swinging in the right center that's a base hit that will tie this game jackson to second cower coming home oh they never... Read more
Category: Sports
Intro it is wednesday september 11th 2024 this is another edition of baseball today presented to you by a good friends over at 5 hour energy that is my man trevor plof i am chris rose producer dan along for the ride as well as we are t-minus two and a half weeks left in the baseball season are you getting... Read more
Category: Sports
Al al [aplausos] bogs makes the catch and there's one away i still stand by my statement you can reiterate that when he comes in here's cal rale with one out in the seventh rbi single in the third a double in the fifth for rale a very good night mentioned it earlier he homer yesterday that's his second... Read more
Category: Sports
[música] pay off is crush deep center off the top of the b ey first pitch center field frei was deep coming on he slides it gets by cruz can fly he storms to second gathers the track wi on relay to the al al al al al al al al al al al al al al al al al al al al al al al al al al al al al al [aplausos]... Read more
Category: Sports
What are we discussing on today's locked on dbacks podcast ryan nelson and randle gritch power the dbacks to a game one victory over the giants and how did corbin carroll turn into the national league's player of the month for [music] august you are a locked on diamondback your daily arizona diamondbacks... Read more
Category: Sports
Intro youtube what's happening we have made it football season is back tomorrow is saturday august 24th as you can see we got four football games to talk about today in college oh it feels so good saying that out loud into a microphone oh it's been amazing can't wait so yeah the games aren't exactly... Read more
Category: Sports
I know these games aren't supposed to mean anything and i also said that uh this bucket wouldn't go on my head again this year well i felt like it was needed tonight jay's blow a uh six-run lead and lose 109 to the uh philadelphia phillies but more importantly kyle schwarber who was an absolute mutant... Read more
Category: Gaming
Shallow left de la cruz going way out on the run extends and makes the de la cruz going way out on the run extends and makes the play there are Read more
Category: Sports
Now i don't know about you guys but that is a beautiful way to end the weekend as the blue jays sweep away the los angeles angels and i don't really know what that is and the anyways say sweep away the angels in four games see you later la and see you later taylor ward and uh taylor ward we heard the... Read more