Volcano, Prez Debate 2?, VP debate, Government shutdown?, Marchan sentencing

Published: Sep 11, 2024 Duration: 00:38:32 Category: News & Politics

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hi Erica Robinson from in the company of cards welcome back or welcome if this is your first time uh I am the author of oh who knows where it is the language of lonand my book um as well as the deck which is Erica's lonand of Hope and I use my cards to look at issues of the day and ideally to um teach you a little bit of leod at the same time okay so um how about that [Laughter] debate uh I think I've said in my last video that it would feel interminable I mean I did not find it interminable I'm sure certain people on the stage did I thought it was um a SLO anyway really really um impressed with with Harris and how it went H and so I guess maybe the first thing I'll look at I have about five questions here uh some from viewers some of my own but the first question in light of uh the debate is will there be a second one now I don't you know I don't love yes no questions but I can do them and as you have seen already if you've been watching me um there's a spread that I use um six card spread that is yes no and then gives me a little bit of detail about why it's yes or no so let's try that so as I've been doing I'm gonna flip that uh screen so that you can um watch me work and this time I've shuffled a cards and I'm just going to pull three cards and these will be called houses and then I'm going to pull three more cards above them and these will be the cards that are in the houses so what we have are in the houses the houses are the moon the stor and the ring and the cards in the houses are these so we've got the older man in the house of the Moon we have the sun in the house of the stor we have the rider in the house of the Ring okay so what does that mean okay man in the house of the moon this is the card for Trump and the moon if you recall is reputation I mean he got slaughtered uh and the word on the street is that even he is impressed by how well Harris did he he's a bully so if he can be bested he has to sort of step back and say whoa don't like you but that was impressive so he may very well want to get his reputation back he's saying that he won he didn't win but he he will want to Reb burish his reputation the son in the house of the stor sort of emphasizes that the stor is about positive change and what kind of positive change well he wants people to have a sunnier view his followers anyway of how he did and then we have the rider in the house of the Ring now um news riter news information and the ring to me feels very much like a rematch and then the final thing I can do with this spread is I can mirror the very first card here it's that trump card with the very last card so what does this mean he will want a rematch he will want a rematch I don't know that his handlers will want a rematch and so I also think that he may set terms that are untenable like what would I consider an untenable term um it has to be on Fox I mean I thought those moderators did a terrific job um I'm sure Harris will probably say anytime anywhere I'm in um and Trump may want a redo the cards are saying that he wants he wants a chance to um to to do to do well but he has handlers and his handlers probably know that it it won't be any better the second time around than it was the first time around for him uh so he will want one she will be amable to it Harris whether it happens or not will be up to handlers I could say more about that but I'll leave that alone okay um a viewer asked me a question um you know there's a lot of um weather literal weather that's going on right now um you know hurricane Seasons coming earthquake season all of that and so I was asked whether there would be a volcano eruption between now and the end of the year in um compi fi and that happens to be in Naples Italy now I don't know whether there will be um but the cards know so uh this is a yes no question as well so I'm GNA do the same thing I'm gonna pull six cards and see whether uh I think there will be a volcano eruption in Naples um and Cy fi f l g REI uh between now and the end of the year okay so let's do this and please by the way like subscribe share it would mean the world to me I'm I'm loving doing this and I I the way that you can tell me whether you're loving it too is for you to share like And subscribe Okay so you know what I think I'm not going to do I'm not going to do a yes no what I'm going to do is look for the mountain have the mountain stand for the volcano right so the the the mountain will be our significator and just see what's around that mountain so that's what I'm going to do okay so it's not on the bottom of the deck so I just have to flip cards until I get to that mountain well I'm flipping please if you've not done it before like And subscribe I'd really appreciate it okay come on Mountain okay there we go so there's our mountain and this stands for the volcano in uh Naples Italy that I've been asked about whether or not it's going to erupt between now the end of the year two cards before it and then the two cards after it okay and so I just decided I would look at the energy around that so we have the ring we have the birds we have the mountain we have the stars and we have the stor and because we have that stor there I'm going to say my instinct is telling me that it will not erupt but let's look the stor is about positive change right so the the ring I mean of course it's erupted before so the question is it comes up in the answer right is it going to repeat will will it erupt again apparently there's a lot of talk about this and not just sort of talk on the street but um geological talk geologists talk that there will be an eruption uh in the middle we have the volcano itself and then we have the Stars which I think will stand for the future and then we have the stor now the stor is positive change so that's good um but you know think about what change means change means something ceasing to be what it was and then becoming something else or or being becoming better so I mean is there any positive aspect to a volcano blowing I mean I guess Pompei would say no so I I decided I would draw some clarifiers on this stor because what does that mean like what's going to improve and we have the rider we have the Moon and we have the whip you know what I think I think the Improvement is and I it sounds like I'm hedging my bets sorry the Improvement feels to me as though it means that um you know we're in the modern era now news travels fast uh geologists can ascertain um quickly and more easily when and where and how something's going to blow so this is new news coming to the people in the vicinity um and the Moon is about the reputation which makes me think that um it's due for an eruption but and the whip also makes me think that it's due for an eruption um but I think that if it does erupt the consequences will not be as bad as they could be because we have that store card at the end of the line so um is it going to blow before the end of the year you know what I'm gonna say no and I'm gonna say if it does it won't be anything to write home about okay so I'm not gonna say take that to the bank but that's that's what I think I think um technology and our awareness of how these things happen and when and how is is is Advanced and so um I think people and property will be okay if it does erupt all right um another question uh that I was asked to read on has to do with the government shutdown or a potential government shutdown now I read on this before and I saw that there would not be a government shutdown but one of the things that I hope you're understanding about all card systems um and just also the way life works is that energy is mutable meaning energy is changeable circumstances can occur on any number of levels that can change the answer to a question so what have we got going on now we've got um you know an election cycle we've got a Republican candidate who is failing and flail flailing both who really controls the Republican Party despite his failing and flailing and um I know that he has um put a bug in the ear of Johnson who is the Naro well current Speaker of the House saying that things should be held up the wants a shutdown because then he can say oh look at that it happened under a um democratic government but that I mean yeah but who caused the shutdown it will not be the Democrats so um I think that particularly as a result of the um debate performance uh I think that Johnson may be less inclined to let Trump so it be too much in his ear I think that that they're realizing that Trump is kind of a lost cause so he may not um be writing the rules I don't know so this is uh let's let's not do yes no let's let's pull five cards on whether there will be a government shut down and I think what I'll do for shutdown I'll use the Scythe because the Scythe a cutting okay so um let's look for the government shut down again please like And subscribe as I look for the Scythe which popped right up okay and interesting okay so we have the fox we have the stor again we have the Scythe the book and the writer and this is right in keeping with what I said about energy being mutable um you know the fox the fox is a lot of things as each lonon card is but here I feel like it's about the Republicans um on the one hand they want to be wise as a serpent and and they also want to be gentle as a dove because they certainly don't want to take any blame for a shutdown so they're they're having to weigh this you know this is this to our advantage or is it not to our advantage are people going to be mad at the Republican party if there's a shutdown and by the way the shutdown would happen um I think the the the government is funded through October 1st so you know we're talking about this shutdown happening in the next couple of weeks um it's interesting that the stor pops up because I think of course each party will want the electorate to think well of it uh we have the shutdown in the Middle with the Scythe the book the book is the card saying we don't know which is to say the energy um is still fluid and what don't we know we don't know the message that the Republicans who would be the ones to shut it down want to send what they don't they don't know the message that they want to send they're trying to figure it out I can mirror the fox which is the the Republican house leadership with the rider they're trying to figure out what is in our best uh interest as a party to have a shutdown to not have a shutdown which would be better they don't know so that's an incredibly unsatisfactory answer to that question sorry about that but again the energy is mutable um I think that the party is less and less inclined to um fly off the handle because Trump suggests that they fly off the handle I I think they're they're being the fox is a cautious card so I think they're cautious about um the message that that will send if they shut the government down okay uh another question to look at is uh the vice presidential debate now that also will happen on October 1st um this will be the debate between um JD Vance and Tim Walls uh so I think what I'm going to do let see I'm gonna pull three cards for uh bance and three cards for walls and then I may do something else to get us closer to a a more refined answer after that so here we go these cards are for Walts and his debate performance and these cards are for vce and his uh debate performance so for walls we have the Sun the dog and the star and for Vance we have the stor the child and the whip really interesting cards for wall it's it's win-win-win the sun everybody says is the best card in the deck and people will also get a clearer picture of him remember that the The Sun Shines light so to whatever degree we don't know this Governor from Minnesota uh we will know him better and through the debate we will like what we hear because he will sound as though he is um a friend of the American people let's just say he will seem relatable this is the dog not the fox he will seem relatable he will seem uh good-natured um friendly and and I think this will move him up and forward in the standings okay now let's not sneeze at the fact that we have Vance who has the stor God knows he needs a stor every time that man opens his mouth he sticks his foot in it so he will have an opportunity to present himself in a better light than here to for because the stor is about positive change that's really good but not in a huge way because the child is something small uh you know he won't win over anyone with his performance he'll just seem less fringy weird um and this will not help him he will he will be argumentative he will be nasty and I you know I well I guess I could I can mirror the sun with the whip people will see his nasty side so in other words he'll have an opportunity to change people's opinion of him but I don't think he will take the kind of advantage of it that he should take because this is this is something small and and rather than him coming across as you know I don't know uh All-American Appalachian for the people type of guy he's gonna come off as an arrogant argumentative so and so we'll just say because you know YouTube all right so I I think walls is going to win um by being affable not to say that he won't find ways to to hit bance where it hurts but he will do it in a in a good humored and an affable way he won't lose his cool I see Vance with that whip card losing his cool good lose it okay uh so remember that's October 1 that's your popcorn all right um and then the last question that I think I want to look at today is something that will happen on November 26th that is the rescheduled date for Juan maran's sentencing of 45 um and it's two days before Thanksgiving so who's gonna get the gift who who's goingon to be thankful uh for the Thanksgiving gift will it be us or will it be 45 and I say us because obviously if you're for 45 why are you here unless you want to be convinced otherwise in which case well welcome please like share and subscribe okay so the sentencing uh I gotta think about what oh okay all right um I'm going to use for the sentencing the whip now we just saw the whip earlier and uh just in the last question and it was the card that stood for uh Vance being argumentative remember in the vice presidential debate but I am now going to imbue it just with my intention there's no Hocus Pocus magic potion going on magic potion is my black coffee I'll tell you why I need it in a second um but just with my intent I'm going to imbue the whip card with the energy of uh sentencing punishment I mean because right isn't that what a sentence is in this situation punishment now why do I why am I drinking coffee at this late date well it's afternoon usually I don't I um I listened to um Mary Trump's new book it's called um who could ever love you and uh you know in case you don't know and I don't know why you wouldn't know if you're a reader that's great I love to read words I write words on my substack please go there too it's in the company of cards as well um but I can double my my intake of information right by using uh audiobooks so uh I I plugged myself in thinking I would just listen to a chapter can I just tell you I listened to all 7even hours and 41 minutes of that book last night so I I got zero sleep it's it's a good read it's an interesting read and whatever your family circumstances are you will be thanking your lucky stars that your last name is not Tru MP entertainment purposes only YouTube so I'm a little tired but I am definitely more informed than I was when I went to bed and I recommend the book um so let's look and see whether um see what will happen with the sentencing of Mary Trump's Uncle Donald okay and again we're gonna look for the uh the whip because a sentence is a punishment okay all right so I just cut into three let me put this down so you can see all right so we're looking for the whip it's not the last card but it's interesting what is the last card which is the Tower and that can stand for the justice system okay but we're looking for the whip deep in the de okay finally so here's our whip this is the sentence putting the two cards that come to the left of it and then I still have two cards in my hand and putting those to the right o okay look at this here we have clover we have the young man we have the whip we have the mice and we have the [Music] tower okay so I am definitely going to pull cards clarifying cards I'm gonna pull three of them for um each of the last three cards okay so our cards were Clover young man whip mice and Tower all right when I get to that card which I will in a second you'll see why I'm going all right listen 45 is a lucky guy can we all agree on that I mean Teflon Don a a cat Pardon Me dance with nine lives um and entertainment purposes only YouTube I mean he's got a lot of people in his pocket who are in high places Supreme Court I'm looking at you so you know even though he's facing all these things that he's facing all these court cases and all these challenges he knows himself to be a lucky guy his life has shown him that he's a lucky guy Clover is luck and that makes him a guy who is full of hubris and bravado you know if you ever watch that um what was it Housewives of of Atlanta this episode was years and years and years ago my daughter and I used to watch it together and uh there was a a woman I think her name was shereé and she was sitting at a table minding her business with a bunch of her girlfriends and this man came up to her in a very rude menacing way and she sat back in her chair and she said who gonna check me boo you okay that's Trump he's saying with these two cards to the to marshan who gonna check me boo you well you know bravado is all well and good Bullies Are full of bravado until they meet a bigger kid on the on the playground and Sean qualifies as the bigger kid on the playground so this is 45 going into it I got this I'm good I'm lucky I've got judges in my pocket push comes to shove I'll go to the Supreme Court I I'm not worried about this okay in the center you have the whip this is the sentence or sentencing process whatever and then we have the m and the tower you know what the mice is about being anxious and nervous and of course underneath all of that bravado of course 45 is anxious and ner nervous and I can mirror these two cards so he wants everybody to think he's this but of course really he's this but more than that when I look at it with the the uh final card the fifth card this feels like jail and they say in leand that um when you see the mice with a card sometimes it can eat away at the card that it's next to so if there is a jail sentence please God anyway if there's a jail sentence it will not be a long jail sentence it'll be it'll be a short one or maybe even this wouldn't be I'm not thrilled about this maybe even a suspended one but I do think Jail jail is um a piece of it now jail can mean a lot of things so let's just see but I don't I mean I don't see him getting off with a a slap on the wrist nor should he okay so I pulled cards on first of all the whip right because that that's the sentencing and the cards I pulled are the star the fish and the dog okay not thrilled about this first of all um you know the star well you know this line is actually right in the center so I I feel like this is what's going on now is that the sentence was pushed off the sentencing was pushed off into the future um but you know here we are about to be in the future on November 26th fish and dog I don't love because it's actually what I said earlier before I even pulled the cards fish is money and dog is friend it's also attorney by the way but you know 45 continues to have friends in high places and not so much because they like him but because he pays them so that's how you know that's part of how the sentence was pushed off not that Marshon was B bought off I'm not suggesting that at all but I'm suggesting that he had money to um appeal and push it off and do whatever he did and money is still operative here okay but now we get to the juice part what are the clarifiers for mice house child and heart I think he's gonna get some type of house arrest so no he won't be in Rikers he won't be in Guantanamo he won't be in the best deal he he will probably be uh under arrest um and and you know it's a New York case right so um pretty sure that it won't be in Bedminster I mean in U maral Lago that's not where the house arrest is going to be I don't think uh maybe Bedminster or maybe Trump Tower sadly as I said earlier I don't think it will be for a long time I think it's more more the point that you know a slap on the wrist does him no good teaches him nothing but if he can't go out and golf you know if he can't press the flesh well he won't need to press the flesh because the election will be over and he will not be the incum the uh incoming president just saying uh I don't think the sentence will be long it'll be short and I think the heart will be that he will he'll say good because I can just watch TV I'm good with that but also let me say this about the heart of course the heart is love and all that but the heart can also be the anatomical heart and I can mirror the first card which is card number four in our line of five going across with my last clarifier I can mirror these two uh I've said this before as well don't be surprised if he doesn't have a cardiac event entertainment purposes only YouTube because uh the mice eat away they degrade the heart so he could he could have a a a heart event at the sentencing or just after the sentencing or just before the sentencing that wouldn't surprise me all right and then on on jail itself and of course we have to include house arrest because I think that's what it will be the clarifiers are Crossroads scythe and moon so AC Crossroads when you look at it as a clarifier for jail time you know house arrest time whatever the court will have had to come up with some kind of alternate Arrangement because even though he will not win the election he is still a former president of the United States you can't stick them in Rikers you can't stick them in Guantanamo would that one could so there Crossroads is about Alternatives so there was an alternative incarceration plan um developed for him and then with the scythe and the moon for all of his big bad loudmouth talk this is going to eviscerate his reputation because you can't argue with that kind of a sentence it just is what it is now in the end because I can mirror also the Clover with the moon first card with the Moon last card he will um he will in the end I mean nobody wants house arrest but it's house arrest it's not Riker's arrest he will say okay you know what I thought I was going to be super Lucky in the way that I've always been super lucky and the whole thing was gonna just go away but I'm gonna count this as a win because I get to stay in my apartment or wherever and watch TV and get door Dash or Uber and um yeah so I'm I'm still lucky sucker that's how he's GNA um that's how he's going to spin it so I do think he will get house arrest I don't think it will be for a long time um you know to find him they may find him as well but I mean how much can you find a person you know he's already been Fin and has that done any good I don't think so so I think there will be some some form of house arrest that will be brief but consequential and um and it will be the the final nail in his reputational coffin to whatever extent he still has a reputation because this is not good for him all right well thank you so much for watching um have a great great rest of the week if you want to make my week please like share and subscribe I really would appreciate it all right take care don't forget to ask me questions too put them in the comments and I will look at your questions next time bye

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