How The 49ers Can Win Football Games Without Christian McCaffrey

the Red Zone Deo was in like like like the uh like he was on the line but he was he did he went in motion and then SS acted like he was gonna hand him the ball and then Mason came around like the front side and took the ball like they act like they was gonna give it to uh what's it name and they pissed it to Mason I want to know if you see that play I did and they've run variations of that play over and over again and that's how they get a lot of walk-in touchdowns right right I never I never really tripped on that play but anyway all I wanted to say was with cmc's injury I kind of agree with Bonte he kind of out he's like out of sight out of mind he's an awesome player I love CMC I didn't even realize how good CMC was before he like Kevin Durant I didn't realize how good he was till he got on my team so with that being said I kind of want to like sit him down for a second with our defense now it's only week one but if our defense can play the way that I see and envision them playing going into the future I can see us not as much as of a explosive offense to last two years but more of like a timely offense pre CMC with the way our defense is playing and if our defense can keep playing like that then I feel like you know what you we might want to sit CMC on on a hype of this we may get a like like like he's almost like a trade Edition it's like Pine like yeah you know and then if he get hurtt early we could maybe get him back it's a long season so I'm kind of like you know what I mean like we could possibly get him back I don't know if it's I don't want to repure we don't want to put that out there but I'm just saying if he get hurt we could possibly get him back that's a good point Phil Mo that's a good point and I like that mindset if he comes back it's like a trade it's a bonus and it's a hell of a bonus to have for Chris mcaffrey but is anybody am I alone here when it comes to my mindset saying that you know what if maccaffrey contributed to the 2024 49ers then it's a bonus because this a this series this injury is serious anything like as in like he only plays let's say let's play this out a couple of games let's say four games this year yeah if it's regular season four games yeah it's a humongous disappointment like there's no way around this if he doesn't if he doesn't let me let me yeah if he doesn't play don't get me wrong it is massive Chris M you just gave him a two-year $38 million contract extension before auk before Trent as auk is wandering through the desert looking for his money and everybody's looking for C money mcaffrey got reup Reed so yes it would be not seeing a Monday Night Football yeah it hurt it hurt this is CMC all right this is christien mcaffrey for crying out loud so if he doesn't play yes it's a massive disappointment but my expectations now for for him knowing what this injury is I don't have high expectations from mcaffry for this year so yes it is disappointing on one end if he doesn't play but also my expectations for him now I'm not going to expect much from him with this injury so I agree with where you're going with this but if he can't go for the playoffs your opportunity to win a Super Bowl diminishes big time I mean you had him last year you're going up against one of the great like if you make it to the Super Bowl okay if you make it to the Super Bowl going up was one of the greatest quarterbacks of all time whether he's won two or three he's on everybody's top three list already he's like in the LeBron category almost immediately in at this point in his career right let's look at the NFC well you needed CMC to get through Green Bay now it's a different Green Bay team let's see where they're at the end of the year you absolutely needed CMC to get through Detroit and they've got not one but two running backs that look like they're in their Prime and ready to go now can injuries happen to them and it's a long season absolutely we watched the receiver dock alond Ross St Brown wasn't right right all year but I know that guys on my team like KD and Debo have a history of going down in the middle of the year and I know at the end of last year with a full Squad essentially KD and Debo were both compromising that Super Bowl game physically well dvo got knocked out of the GRE Bay game so like they the only way this is a silver lining for the ners like for me like this is a devastating injury and they can overcome it I'm not saying they can but the only way there's a silver lining is if he is right right and ready to go 100% for the playoffs for a long push now who can guarantee that nobody can nobody can but but be like you are not a better team and no one agre like nobody's disagreeing with me you're not a better team without chrisan mcaffry they they just have to have him for the playoffs they have to they have to it feels like it but I'm not counting on it no more I'm not counting on it I have to move on without him right now he's not available this Ser this injury is I mean let's hear from Shanah head let's hear from Kyle Shanah head on the update of cfc's calf well yes I I believe they're similar I know it was a calf then and it's a calf now you guys could ask Christian more on that um definitely I believed if it was playoff game he would have played um you know but when you it's you know it's not just the calf it's The KES and you know The KES is tendonitis and that stuff comes and goes and when when it is acting up something you got to be very careful about Christian's very diligent about that stuff and if it was a um playoff game um you know he made it very clear to me he believed he could go but when you hear that type of stuff and it's not a playoff game and it's week one and especially when you're dealing with the lower extremities like that um it it was a tough decision but hearing all the words and stuff in the long run it made it easy in the long run so they're going to treat this with kid gloves and I don't anticipate him playing on Turf in Minnesota this Sunday I don't expect him to play against Iran two weeks from now at s Stadium on their Turf we may not see him until they play the Patriots hell we may not see him until after week eight I have no idea when he's coming back because as Shanah head said this stuff just pops up and it flares up out of nowhere one day you're feeling great the next day you're like what the hell is this why is my AES throbing so again I want to know how I want to know how everybody fills out there 888 957 9570 would you be shocked if mcaffrey missed the season would you be shocked if C mcaffry didn't play at all can they survive not playing at all yeah can they survived are they still the Super Bowl favorite are they still the favorite to come out the NFC can they stack up with Detroit and Philadelphia without chrisan mcaffrey I still think they could play with those guys if they didn't if they had Jimmy at quarterback I would be so much more petrified yeah Brock right B this been that good this speaks to how much I have faith in Brock the fact I'm not as panicked as I thought I would be with the CMC injury he's awesome Christian's one of he's one of the best players we've all ever seen in terms of talent he's unreal they can they can overcome it for the regular season it's again I go back to the playoffs playoffs the margins are so thin in beating these teams even in your own conference you need every Rock every tote every yard every inch every schematic Advantage where he's a decoy he he they need him in the playoffs regular season I think they could still win 11 or 12 games I do I absolutely do now the question becomes okay Jordan Mason in college you didn't have a a heavy workload can you survive the workload of a regular season because you have a bruising style of play he mentioned that after the game he goes I don't know how Chris mcaffrey does this every game 28 touches my gosh and you to your point about being a bruising style yeah that's a problem so now I look at the dep chart here and I see the backups for Jordan Mason and Jordan Mason as he started their running back Patrick Taylor Jr and Isaac gindo are your backups right now on the uh practice squad kha vad you only got one running back on the practice squad this kha Von and he's had a cup of coffee in this league so I I don't know what to do here Patrick Taylor Jr in his fifth year out of Memphis he's a 62 running back 217 haven't seen much of them I can't even give you a Scot of report on them haven't seen them at all we know Isaac gindo was fast as hell 6 foot 221 can shoot through the gaps he is quick but KY stay healthy first day camp he pops his hamstring he's out for a couple weeks comes back to Camp he's got a groin injury so we don't even know if he can stay on the football field so this now does the philosophy change aski you start to shift to more of a passing offense where it's like hey we're going to move off this 30 carry a game I know Shanahan wants the 30 carriers no matter what but if you don't have effective running backs they're not getting The Yards at maccaffrey or Bas could get you I don't know if do you put more on Brock's plate to throw the ball well you do have a $3 million wide receiver on one side and a $26 million I just say football player and Debo Samuel on the other side with an $18 million tight end so you know you could say put it on Brock's play where like can't these other guys you know lift up the rest of the roster as Shanahan has has proven through a decade of being an OC and a head coach more so now 15 years that he could figure out the Run game I mean I think a lot of people didn't know who breida was Kevin Coleman they saw him a little in Atlanta you know he was excellent Jeff Wilson Jr at one time remember there were people mad that they traded Jeff Wilson j remember that I do remember that agre I mean M to that like I know they draft a running back every year it feels like they go through running backs left and right I feel like they could figure out the running back situation but I go back to The Playmakers making significant money and I go to the offensive line like I need the off of line to step their game up and I need the other Playmakers on this team to step their game up and to offset that production in the past game well maybe that's why I feel better about this team enduring the loss of chrisop mcaffrey is because one I believe Brock P's better you were talking about The Playmakers earlier do believe The Playmakers are going to make plays but Brock P's better and I think the offensive line is better yeah I think brindle's better than he was a season ago M kin had some hairy moments early but you know what they ran behind him and py you know what I'm saying mcki we know he's probably the weak leak of the offensive line but really we didn't talk much about mckin into the Super Bowl when things were blowing up mckin had a solid season forget the PFF grades or whatnot I I don't care pery was able to throw for over 4,000 yards do not forget the PFF grades because did you see who the number one ranked PFF quarterback was this week who Rock pury buuz he PFF now CJ Shrout it was Rock py what do they grade stuff off of again well they just you know good and bad plays I'm assuming they they each individual one they're grading it and then they're adding it up I'm assuming you got to Google it see I I decided I had to go all in on PFF in terms of if I'm going to Ripp them for some things I got to rip them all the way I can't use it to my advantage trust me sometimes like oh well you know swo was the number one greated pass blocker according to PFF I was like I can't be that guy I can't use him when I want to you know what I'm saying it when I need to it's a buffet C but but to your point about Brock pie it does put more on his plate and I think he's ready for that and I think the offensive line is in a better spot offensively to your point they are in a better spot than when they had Jimmy because when they had Jimmy we didn't know if auk was an all pro yet we didn't know where dvo Samuel was at we didn't know how Chris mcaffry played this offense so key titis how long can he be out is it a big concern baldi's Baldi touched on it from day one last year this year he's been all over it would you give a guy forward a touches that next year could be tricky and the ners Not only gave you know him over 400 touches was all B board with you got to do what you got to do to win the Super Bowl but now you don't win the Super Bowl and you give him a contract extension two years 38 million and now we're dealing with the AES ttis on top of a cash trate huh okay I know that you were okay with the 400 carries and I don't want to argue you know but but knowing what we know now do you change your philosophy moving forward not you're not going to reccon what happened last year but just as like cuz I get it like I do understand your point of like dude he's the best player on the planet you got to win games these games are hard to win you look over and it's like h no one knew who Jordan Mason was you know I I get why you build that workload but knowing what you know now there's just a big drop off too I know huge pass game Run game mcaffrey was everything he made everything go I mean you're talking about a guy who who's running for 70 yard touchdowns you know this is LT territory this is Marshal faul territory we're talking about the greats of the greats so I wouldn't change a thing from last year but maybe Christoph mcaffrey because he's a workout like that's what they always talk Christoph mcaffry just works out his ass off maybe that should have maybe been taper back after a big year that's tough to do that's what makes him him I know I know I mean you and I have walked alongside of him at a on a field the guy is chiseled the only guy on the team whose body comes close to his is Fred Warner and and Nick B yeah that's it not even close this dude's calves and his legs are humongous he looks like a track athlete but watching Detroit the way they utilize their packs David mcgomery and Jamir Gibs I do think that's a tipet for Kyle shahad now I know shahad the shahad love the Run they love to ride one right one back the whole way a back gets hot they're going to ride all day long that's the shed ofad way but I do like the way B Johnson the Dan Kamp will utilize everyone back in Detroit with jir games and David Montgomery and that's why David Montgomery had that overtime where he looked like the freshest dude on the field on top of jir games so you got that burst you got freshness and all all stuff so maybe moving forward we do see a little more thunder and lightning we do see mcaffrey ease up off the touches especially with this injury if you're not going to do it now with the injury then where the hell are you well what I worry about is like yeah if you're not going to ease off of him and allow him to get right then you're looking at a Todd Gurley situation that's what I worry I fear that you're going through that like Todd Gurley 2,000 yards from scrimmage 2017 almost 2,000 yards from scrimmage in 2018 and then just fell off a map went down literally just production cut in half he had the knee right and he was done and literally out of the league two years later I mean un believable didn't even play the Super Bowl really he was out of the league by 27 years old and and I would have put money on it like talk ear one of the best like he was that year he had 2017 2018 I would put that year up with anyone's he was a monster destroy the ners remember he came to Levis he was unbelievable and they theyve smoked him like what was it like 39 to 10 or something in all yellows he looked like a GRE God he was unbeliev he was going to be a Hall of Famer he was three time all he might be a borderline one actually he's three-time all proo offensive player of the year three-time pro bowler rushing leader twice like just his college career is insane too and they had 67 touchdowns like all that within that short period he was going to be Hall of Famer and and he he shredded the knee and it's different obviously but he shredded the knee and he was never the same I mean they they were giving CJ aderson carries in a postseason everybody's thinking what the hell's going on with Todd Gurley he was done that's what was going on the Rams evolved and and they kind like I didn't think they could sustain and they evolved and they kept moving on and it's a credit to McVey it's a credit to team and you bring up the the other guy who took over the he's from Fairfield I believe who's that or Vallejo CJ Anderson oh CJ Anderson yeah he's a he's a c um and and they end up getting to the Super Bowl that year right so things can happen other people could step up but I think we would all agree they were more Dynamic with Todd Gurley when he was fully healthy it's the same thing with the ners to your earlier Point as we started the show you talking about replenishing Talent how L shed ahead do a great job of replenishing Talent they have had the chance to replenish a lot of premium Talent they've done it um they've had some bumps in a row when it comes to inseason injuries it's tough to overcome that but for the most part they have replenish Talent right so this is going to be another test of that theory can they replenish the production of a curs mcaffrey that was my whole thing with Brendon iuk who's going to replace the production of Brendon iuk well now we got to see himc answer a question who's going to replace that production we're talking over 20 touchdowns yeah I think he had 65 5 67 catches I'm pulling it up right now um in terms maybe the 50s his re I mean he was Dynamic leading rusher 67 catches almost 600 yards as a receiver 1500 yards as a runner I mean you're look at had over 2,000 2, scrimmage yards allp purpose yards it's a lot of production it's a lot of production let's go to chewy and San Jose chewy what's happening hey yeah uh what's

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