Christian McCaffrey: To Play or NOT To Play?

the topic of the day obviously with the San Francisco 49ers is is Christian mcaffrey goo and yesterday he talked to the media and we haven't had a chance to to hear any of this uh sound so I say we take a listen to it and then we try to figure out for you yeah then I think we try to figure out what what we think's going on here uh but here's um here's how Christian mcaffrey pray uh prepares injury or no on Monday morning just moving around a little bit you know I prepare every week to play my mindset every week is I'm going to play you know there's been weeks where I'll go the full week not even feeling good enough to do the walk through and then I wake up and body's capable of a lot of cool things and you know mentally I'm always prepared to play and then woke up and it was a group decision very tough one I hate not playing but look at it as a chess move and you know something that hopefully we can benefit from the rest of the season all right so that's Christian mcaffrey talking about how it was a group decision and I think the the the thing that stuck out to me there goo and I think we got to be ready for it is I don't think we can assume because he's not practicing or because he's limited that it means he won't play because I just heard him say that there were times he could barely make a walkth through man which is on a Saturday and then he wakes up Sunday feels good and plays so it it really does kind of feel like something that may linger a little bit but some days are better than others and if he if a game falls on a day or a period of time when it's feeling good then he's going to play if not then I guess they're going to have a decision to make yeah and you know what resonated uh with me yesterday stting was The Crossover with Willard and dibs and Willard was basically he made the point and he was right on nobody knows if six weeks is going to be enough sty or four weeks but hearing that sound I'm telling you this means something to me mcaffrey I don't think he's on that that that that time of you know what I'm just going to shut it down for four or five weeks it's like he's a gladiator steiny and he's like if I feel good I'mma go and what happens happens and the wannabe doctors like myself I'll put you in the camp and Evan or like are we so sure that's the right prescription you know what I'm saying but he's looking at from a gladiator standpoint like sty there's a possibility he's on the field Sunday at 10:00 a.m. in mini yeah I think it's possible I think it's possible I wouldn't say it's probable but how scary is that for the fans because obviously he's facing it head on it's almost like if if something happens it happens goo well I you know you asked the question how scary is it for the fans and they can certainly answer for themselves at 888 957 9570 I mean I think in the short term you got to feel pretty good about Jordan Mason I think on a small level small level you you probably are W wondering if you're Kyle Shanahan how does he rebound from a 28 carry performance when he's never carried that much before I think that's a fair uh Fair way to go into this game and maybe you're going to have to use Mason and another back this week if mcaffry is not ready but I tell you what go ahead cuz I got you know I look at Jordan Mason kind of as a backup quarterback and that is you don't want him to start a lot of the games because that means something's wrong with your starter but if you have to play him three four five games to get you over the hump I don't think there's anybody out there that that feels bad that Jordan Mason is the backup and that he's the probably going to be the guy to replace mcaffrey I think in the in the short term 49er fans got to feel pretty good about that okay uh I understand that but let me run something by you all so mcaffrey got his money yeah he's prideful I called him a gladiator he's earned it you watch him sty he's not Earl Campbell he's not the biggest guy but he's tough he takes a lot of pounding do you think at all tell me if I'm on crazy Street the fact that Mason had so much success Monday night not that he's insecure but we hear athletes all the time talking about you know what I could have sat out but I don't want my backup you know to get some Rhythm not to where he's forgotten cuz we know how important he is like I'm just asking you do you think that give me 5% of his thought process might be hey Jordan had a good game Christian mcaffry is happy for his teammate but if I can go when maybe I shouldn't I'mma go just so I can handle hold it down we don't need the emergence of of young JP Mason just a thought what percentage do you want me to meet you well I'm on crazy Street I like you at the corner I'll come pick you up but I'm getting in the car okay all right I think maffre is a maid man no I know that but the ego part of it where nobody you know yeah I I don't when I'm out and Evan's in here and I ain't mcaffrey and he's killing it well that's the point and you're out and Evan's killing it I'm you know what I that is the app I'm like oh boy yeah I guess that speaks to the security of each of us yeah I'm not saying being insecure but just you know let me diffuse the young fell behind me I wouldn't want to do that well I'm not saying it's malicious it's it's Pride yeah well well here's what here's what he said about Jordan Mason uh Christian mcaffrey and see if we can read into it I'm so proud of him when you're in a rhythm and you're in a Groove you let him be and uh and he showed that man I was I was so pumped for him and you know just everything that he's done all Camp you know he's earned that and and he bought out in the show did you talk to him after the game yeah AB what you say yeah congrats yeah congratulated him we got a special room and and he's right there in the play and someone who's going to help our team a lot this year so um I'm happy he's in our room and super happy for him he gets into a rhythm and a Groove I believe him let him be let him be and I believe he's happy for him oh definitely yeah I got to believe he's he's ecstatic and I'll bet you Kyle Shanahan's pretty pretty happy too I I left the uh the stadium what Evan Monday night sty got in the car thinking there's no way mcaffrey has a chance to play this week this is something they'll slow play but here in mcaffrey Russell Crow the Gladiator talk like I really believe now they're there I would bet that he's playing boy if I had a bet like if you're at the counter right now it's Don five Stacks is that five 500 oh my God 5,000 yeah yeah so I'm betting 5,000 on whether he plays not yeah right now I'd say he's not playing I'd have to bet on him not playing just because this explain the because just because it's the second game of the year [Music] and I why not air on the side of caution I why would you bet he is playing from the sound we've heard and also there's one we haven't heard from him St I don't know if you can queue it up sure the distraction he doesn't want to be that player that think I'm playing I think I'm good I'm I I don't know if I'm play like he all that is a turnoff to him and when you're injured I feel like that's part for the course it's like you're not doing anything on purpose but you're dealing with an ailment 888 957 9570 is the number we're talking about Christian mcaffrey uh whether or not he's going to play against the Minnesota Vikings Vikings beat the 49ers last year 227 2217 behind Kirk cousin and he was 35 for 45 damn he was throwing that thing but now we uh the Sam darnold Revenge game yes sir uh Travis Travis is in Oakland what's to talk a little Jordan Mason what's up Trav how you doing buddy hey hey how y'all doing man um that's great that's great love the show um I just wanted to talk about how Jordan Mason wasn't used in the Super Bowl or in the playoffs when they knew he had this Talent already and I really felt like that he uh could have been the one that softened up the defense is cu he's a power Runner man and then you had mcaffrey come right behind them and be you know the finesse that bust the big play because they're they're beat up you know so I I don't I knew last year because I I'm can I get a little drop I know y'all do the drop sometimes I know a guy I know a guy from uh my hometown in Kentucky um that works for the 49ers and I wanted to ask him I never got around to it like you know with the auk situation it's the same thing like why wasn't he used but I guess you know he couldn't learn the plays or he wasn't uh as focused or whatever it was I always wanted to ask him like why wasn't Jordan Mason played more did he not have the focus was he like you know you know a wild child or what you know like I don't know let me take a crack at it I'mma do darl Steinmetz Kyle Shanahan's style is he's going to run the the one trick pun the Ferrari is mcaffrey and I guess he's not into you know doing the two-headed monster or three-headed monster that that's all I can think they learn I think they would learn from the Pittsburgh Steelers look how they ran Le'Veon Bell Antonio Brown into the ground throughout the season then when it came to the playoffs they never finished I mean appreciate the call I mean the minute Travis started talking the first thing I thought about was the Warriors and kaminga and Moody and wisman and how the youth a lot of fans wanted those guys to play and have more of a role and I guess Steve ker thought they weren't ready the only thing I can think of with Jordan Mason keep in mind he was an undrafted player man that's crazy so I I think Travis what I would what I would tell you is uh you know you asking why Jordan Mason didn't spell mcaffrey more last year maybe it's because Kyle Shanahan didn't trust him enough to spell him last last year but what if I told you that I kind of think the process is now starting I and that's that's the one thing that I think Guru is probably G to come out of this even though you know I think it's it's going to be something Kyle Shanahan's not crazy about and that is I think the 49ers have to monitor McCaffrey's touches and and the the pounding he takes just a little bit more than they have in the past it's interesting and it'll be something that will rear its head and we'll be able to find out and I think and I was at the game again for the millionth time Monday and Debo got up slow he he's incredible steiny we know he's a tank a collision but he got up slow a few times and I know you're going to say it's tackle football it's a rough sport but those eight carries let's just assume mcaffrey plays do you think Jordan Mason gets though like there should never be a game that the ners play from here on out I believe partner and you could call me prisoner of the moment where Jordan Mason shouldn't get five to seven carries Donnie but seems to make sense that makes sense to me only because of the injury or we got a glimpse of what Mason could do against a Robert solid defense um mostly because of the mcaffrey injury yeah I mean I think if if Christian mcaffry were 26 or 25 he's 28 this wouldn't be an issue but at 28 guys get a little bit guys get a little bit older and I think whether Kyle Shanahan wants to or not he's going to have to he's going to have to figure out a way to use mcaffrey judiciously and I think if you ask most 49er fans about how Shanahan coaches I don't think he likes to coach that way but he may have to work within some parameters that he's not used to working uh in so I'm not wrong when I say this if that does happen this will be the first time since mcaffry has been a Niner that he's sharing the rock per se because of injury or whatever the reason is like I can't wait to see how that you know what Kyle does well how many carries would would uh if he plays have to get for you to say they're sharing I guess is what U it would it would be double digits like if he got 10 to 12 yeah see I think that's high for him if mcaffry is playing but but who knows uh 88 957 9570 uh is the number uh Christian mcaffrey sore uh Christian mcaffrey on his mindset going into not just this week but every week you know I'm not lying I think as soon as a player says you know maybe I'll play maybe I won't that's not a good mentality to going into a week with you know when you're kind of on the on the fence so for me I'm I'm ready to go so it sounds to me D steiny what sounds to me like he will have have to be told he's not playing because I think if you asked him today he's practicing this week like he's going to play because if he feels good Sunday he's going to play I think he's practicing like he's going to play it sounds like it and if he doesn't feel great on Sunday he just won't play that's the way he feels great will the will they still pull him to the side like I've been lobbying for and say hey Christian just just sit this one out I think if he says he feels great you got to play him and I feel like 25 total touches with the like they'll use him like they have and you never know what the right way like Willard kept saying yesterday are we so sure seven weeks is gonna he's going to be any better and if he's telling you he's ready to go I guess he's earned he's earned that steiny like he's not on eggshells about oh it might go Durant he ain't thinking about none of that how does he feel Sunday morning uh this from Chicago Jason on the YouTube chat uh he says splitting carries would be like 6040 6040 so that would be let's say about mcaffrey 15 carries and Mason 10 15 and 10 is what would be essentially a 6040 split so we'll we'll see how it all plays out but uh obviously it's the biggest decision the 49ers are going to have to make this week and that is whether or not to play Christian mcaffrey one last thing because this is always something that's talked about when we talk about a calf and and an Achilles and that is does the turf make any difference as opposed to natural grass of course this game Sunday is on Turf uh in Minneapolis is Turf an issue yeah if you can't run on Turf you can't run on the field can't run on grass you can't run on Turf if you can go you can go John Wayne man he ain't hearing none of that Donnie if you can go you can go man this may maybe I'd take that 5,000 now and put it on mcaffrey to play yeah I mean man if again the word play everything coming from him it's like miss me with all that soft stuff and then he said that he didn't like that mentality of and I'm like damn is that really a mentality stany if you're alen to take it day by day minute by minute you know and and see how you feel you know on the weekend or or or the morning of the game but he's calling that a whack mentality I guess my question to 49er fans is is how far do you think this team could go if this mcaffrey thing lingers if the mcaffrey injury lingers let's say six eight games how confident are you in Jordan Mason I I think they could I think they could survive with Jordan Mason for a good chunk of the season I wonder I do wonder about the postseason and late in the season when the opponents start getting better and you maybe are playing playoff teams but I bet like I feel like this is just the way I feel you tell me if you agree if mcaffrey would have missed the year and they just used Jordan Mason they're still winning 10 games no doubt I think I I agree okay and that's why I came away or we did some of us just blown away it is Brilliance Colin in regard to scheming it up regardless of who the player is and I know it's a different position but Jimmy garoo looked the best he could possibly look played in the Super Bowl under the Tage of Kyle Shanahan now I went to the lab again sty I'm not uh last night and I'm watching the game again and for whatever Robert solah was doing and it goes back to JP Mason their Gap integrity was it it felt like UI and Evan could run through those holes so I need to answer your question more sample of Jord Mason running against Minnesota who might load the box and dare the Niners aerial attack to beat him like and I think they can but in order for me to say Mason can hold it down there's got to be different defenses they face and that's what's so interesting about this matchup Sunday is we already saw last year I think the Vikings with that six-man front Stein he held him to 1.53 yards after contact that was the ners lowest of the season they wereing no I'm just saying they were selling out to stop the run and they beat him now you could call and say no Debo no Trent goo I get it but if I'm the Vikings JP Mason ain't beating us you're GNA have to throw it with auk who hadn't even you know worked on his rapport with Brock pie that's how you got to beat me I think the I think the way the 49ers are are comprised I don't think they're going to be able to be stopped with a one-dimensional defense like that all right I I just don't I'm not mad at you but and I think you're right I mean th those numbers are impressive from last year's game but you're correct there was no Trent Williams and there was no Debo Samuel so I mean I think the whole the the way the 49ers are comprised they you they can beat you multiple ways and and if you take away the run and this is where I think the difference is between Brock p and anybody else who's who's quarterback the 49ers and that is if you take the run away you can dare their quarterback to beat you I'm not sure you can do that with Brock pie because I think he will beat you he with just smart decisions and taking what the defense gives you he's 18 and four as a starter in the regular season yeah and and I just think that's something that would have had or has better success against a guy like Jimmy Garoppolo just because perie to me is is better and more polished um than than Jimmy G so uh we'll find out probably more later today and into tomorrow whether or not uh Christian mcaffry is gonna play this is going to be a game time again yeah I think it is too I think it is too uh but I think they're going to they're going to go about doing things the same way they did in week one saying the hope is he's going to play the hope is he's going to play the hope is he's going to play now I I do have to say this just going off of JP Mason's great game and great night one thing that did rear its head regardless of who you believe he did say he knew Friday he was starting so you could do with that information what you will we're saying it's a game time decision it sounds like JP was alerted Friday from someone within the organization sty that he was going to be uh running back one yeah I that you know what and I I feel like I feel like I got to say this and I think most people agree with me like in a way poor Jordan Mason I hated that for he gets caught up in that crap that he has nothing to do with telling his truth and he may have he may have just answered the question honestly but Kyle Shanahan didn't say start he just said be ready to play uh in any event to me it doesn't matter whether Mason was going to start or not Kyle Shanahan did what every coach is going to do on a Friday and say look you know he's banged up a little bit you may have you may have to go

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