Category: Gaming
Today i'm playing the entire collegiate career of arch manning is it all hype or is he really going to be another manning legend so arch begins his journey as an 88 overall red shirt freshman like honestly him having these ratings before he even starts a single game is ridiculous in a good way so what... Read more
Category: Gaming
Utah tech trailblazers baby team builder here in ea sports college football 25 welcome to the first official episode of our team builder dynasty series here on the channel guys i'm your host matd with the bleacher kings don't forget to like subscribe hit your noty bell so you don't miss anything now... Read more
Category: Gaming
Yo what is good internet jb back with some more greeners le dynasty here on college football 25 today we are taking on texas tech in what should be our biggest test yet i don't think it's our first rank team i think we played one last season i don't know if we actually saw like any in the previous timeline... Read more
Category: Sports
Thanks to ea sports i got to fly all the way out to seattle to spend the day with marshon lynch jo sir are you ready to go go where i'm just kidding yeah look that thing looks like it weighs 50 lbs what are you doing yeah i brought a lot of stuff i'm very excited i didn't know what to bring so i packed... Read more
Category: Gaming
Come away with three it's good and that'll add three more to a lead that is already way out of hand and after this play the cake will be baked looking to go up top on first down fires deep toward the end zone and give him another six grab it for a touchdown and the blowout continues a crutch throw and... Read more
Category: Gaming
Hello everybody and welcome back to the yellowstone yams dynasty here on college football 25 this week we're headed to the alamo doome for our last mountain west game of the season as we continue to fight for bulll eligibility if the yams want to go bowling they've got to win two of their next three... Read more
Category: Gaming
Yo what's up boys how are we doing what's up wyatt what's up jason all right we should be good to go tubby over the nfl game i'm going to be watching some of that probably uh once i get done streaming actually i guess i definitely will i don't know what else i'd be doing who am i going to lose to tonight... Read more
Category: Gaming
When sean judkin spinning 150 yards versus luther burton sprinting 200 yards who will win this is a match up between the two best players in college football 25 ultimate team i was looking forward to seeing how they would do when matched up against one another should also be noted that this is post... Read more
Category: Sports
The future of the college football landscape ladies and gentlemen the ever handsome former president of ohio k k [music] [applause] street when did we move over to former aj you and i i don't know i don't know who the current is right now actually tell you the truth oh really who would it be it's kirk... Read more
Category: Gaming
Perfect play at the perfect time right there looking to the end zone touchdown boston college and they've got the lead in the final minute really good execution by this offense late Read more
Category: Gaming
[applause] and while this game is all but decided the offense's job is to score so they might try to score again the give touchdown badger and the route is on no step back in week three they have been sharp as they extend the lead Read more
Category: Gaming
We're turning this thing back around all right i know the first couple weeks of the season were rough the state of michigan and its entirety blasted us in the ass okay east west middle south north you know up down i don't give a damn every single one of them just tore us a new one okay we got about... Read more