The Mormon Wives Show Everyone's Talking About | #YoursTrulyPodcast

Intro I'm teen the dve is spoken I know that you were really upset about me falling asleep that day for some [Music] reason welcome back to yours throughly here to Yap about reality TV all things reality TV's new what's hot there's something pretty we know what's new and what's hot this week what something piping hot and we're so ready to dive into it it's not even funny I just also want to give a huge thank you to Hulu for dropping the entirety of the episodes blessings because I really needed that binge yeah I needed that binge if you're this out of touch with society and you can't pick up based on the simple fact that there's eight episodes in Hulu we're obviously talking about the secret Liv of Mormon wives The Secret Life of Mormon Wives and do you have like one word maybe to summarize the entire show in your opinion do you I got to think a minute I think Messi is the one that comes I was going to say chaotic yeah I feel like I've seen already like a lot of people have started to watch this show yeah and I think it wasn't as hyped up I think not a lot of people knew about it it kind of slid under the radar for a minute and then they just kind of like dropped it and I feel like I mean kind of as it like how the show played out it just kind of like Dropped a Bomb and then kind of we're just kind of seeing the the mess after yeah so there are eight episodes and we're going to maybe attempt to try and cover the first four in this episode but we'll also see how how involved and how invested we get into this topic and we may break it up into a few more parts um I feel like there's a couple things we probably want to clarify first about it um a lot of people that I've talked Format of the Show to like don't really know which I was this way don't know what it is or what kind of format it is like if it was going to be a do series or like ongoing or just like about the Scandal or like um but we're here to tell you so it's it's very like reality show housewife yeah like Vanderpump esque like it's it's following the lives of like eight eight of these women they kind of are throwing in like some back history of like how they got together whatever but it's also what's going on currently in their lives and kind of so they like have they're they're filming them basically in their life there like Talking Heads and so if you're not like yeah if you're not familiar with the reality format that's kind of the format that it is so it is set up in a way that it could be very ongoing there could it just kind of goes on like a a real housewives show um which is exciting for us so exciting I feel like I want to do like sort of sort of not a disclaimer but whenever I watch things like this I just feel so personally alarmed whenever I watch it I just feel like it brings me back to like growing up uhuh and so when talking about this I'm going to try as much as I can to not reference my own personal opinions about some of what these women are doing I'm just like so like while watching it I'm like oh my gosh that one reminds me of someone from high school to a te and I'm like that's so crazy or like yeah they're all at the soda shops and I'm like oh my gosh so I'm going to try to just not be annoying like that but yeah also I may but obviously I'm not an expert on all things Mormonism also speaking of disclaimers or like um yeah the Mormon church so the whatever the official name of them the Church of lter Day Saints they came out with a statement that said they are not affiliated prior to the show even coming out or being aired they came out with this statement and they actually asked people to not watch it oh they did they asked people to not watch it and they said we have nothing to do with it like we are not associated with this in any in capacity and we actually find it very offensive and that it doesn't Reign true with like what we believe and we ask that people don't watch it and they I believe are honestly still ongoing with like Hulu trying to fight to get them to take it down so I don't think they'll win that but on what basis I feel like I mean it's probably the it's like the exact same thing that they do with the Book of Mormon musical like they hate the Book of Mormon musical if it goes against your like religion that doesn't mean that someone can't yeah it's like freedom of speech and expr because the ladies on the show what I don't know the correct terminology but they're they they they identify as LDS but they are not practicing a majority of yeah what LDS believe people believe that it kind of yeah it kind of sets a little bit of like for people who are not in that like whatever it's confusing CU you're like are you aren't you like you know I guess with anything like somebody can identify as something and then not be super like in alignment I guess with it but they are saying like oh we do this this and this because of our faith like we are LDS blah blah blah but then the other things are doing yeah or like what this is my problem I'm get to get on soap for just a moment this is like the hypocrisy like growing up in a town that's like very very heavily popul populated Mormon I knew a lot of them and loved so many because they're great but the hypocrisy of like some where they say they're practicing and then they do things that are directly against it right and then they turn around and judge others who are who identify as LDS and then they're saying they're just like the worst people ever I'm like you can't do that because like you're still also breaking your own rules so like the hypocrisy in this show is like absolutely insane and that's usually what I have always had like the biggest issue with like stupid freaking Whitney is like these girls are literally so bad and like I am the best thing ever but also my marriage is falling apart and I'm swearing all the time even the language yeah the language they're using drinking like they had champagne yeah her and her husband did and so then I'm like you can't open a bottle of champagne when you buy a house and like do the housewarming thing and then turn around and get so mad at Jesse for drinking at a party like I was just like the hypocrisy with Whitney was a whole other level that I absolutely hate Whitney she reminds me of girls did I know I'm told you I hate her ha her hater ha her s Whitney no I literally but immediately I was like no there is one person on that show I just like go bounds more than the others could not believe the hypocrisy and so for anyone who doesn't yeah know the show basically The Mom-Talk Scandal back in 2020 this woman named Taylor Jones Taylor Paul Jones Taylor Paul Taylor Frankie Paul Paul Taylor Frankie Paul she started what is now known as mom talk I did want to know if you could maybe answer this cuz I actually didn't know is mom talk for all moms ever or is it short for moms of Mormons or like mother Mormons no I was confused cuz I was like Mom talk sounds like it sounds way too over it sounds like all moms no no and I from what I understood from watching the show was mom talk was their group they named their group of eight moms mom talk which I'm like interesting name because I'm it's also turned into like so many other things yeah mom talk seems like some like a hashtag it does and it seems like it would show up like if you're talking about like being a mother usually you would hashtag your Tik tok's mom talks so it shows up on other mother's feeds but I'm wondering if it like they like treat it as though it's their own EMP but they the way they talk that's that's why I think it is their group they named mom cuz the way they they talked about it was like we're going to get together and film like the mom talk group is like it was their group of yeah like yeah they just so basically it started with like they would do like dances yeah basically Taylor started this group back in 2020 and it slowly grew to like eight or nine Mormon couples in Utah who were like best friends that made Tik toks together and it become it became overnight viral success like they gained a huge huge following from it but the Tik toks were like dancing it wasn't like it was weird to me I didn't tips and tricks to be like a mom it was like dances was like dancing like they did dances and like bits like that so I didn't necessarily get it and then but they all became very uberly successful what we don't know is the four women that were in the original mom talk are the only four that are so on the show and it's Whitney Taylor Michaela and Marcy and the rest weren't necessarily on it when the big Scandal happened yeah so then in 2022 Taylor there was a Reddit thread that suggested something sus going on within the group and so Taylor Paul just was like well let's just snip it in the bud folks she went on Tik Tok live and said yeah I'm getting divorced and it's because I started developing feelings for one of the other men yeah in this mom talk group and then she's like well I should elaborate it we also like soft swing so like we don't know who cuz all the women have denied that they're a part of it besides Taylor yeah Taylor comes out and does it and all the women of course are like no no no no we didn't do that and so basically she kind of throws everybody though under the bus and she's like we did everything like soft swinging basically they would all hang out at one of their houses and like make out do all this weird stuff in front of each other which is weird and of itself so then that happened in like late 2022 yeah and then everything like blew up obviously and it was like picked up on like so many news headlines I remember hearing about it in 2022 but I didn't know like I guess the behind the the history of it all and so then basically they fast forward from that point this is all the first so they're just giving us some back story this is all first episode first episode like giving the history of the group and like General the context cuz like like me like me I didn't know anything about anything about mom talk Taylor whatever Paul I didn't know who she the only thing I knew about this and I didn't even know it was it was connected and then it was confirmed and I was like ah I don't know if anyone if you yes the only thing I I saw was this video blow up of like a mom dance doing a Tik Tock dance in the hospital while her child had RSV and and it got some bad got some backlash got some backlash for sure and come to find out it was one of the mom talk moms and the one that I disliked most so that checks out but um that's the only so when that connected I was like okay yeah so yeah that's like all in the very beginning of the first episode to just give us the groundwork so those four Initial Reactions obviously Taylor kind of get ostracized from the group like kind of kicked out she's like and all of them are like banding together against her essentially yeah initially yeah and I think it's crazy because that's probably the end like when they start filming that's the end of 2022 if not the beginning of 2023 is that first episode and so I was so shocked that this is all post swinger Scandal I thought I thought it was going to be about that I did too it's not really it's it's not really at all you need to like understand it to know like the cause of all the contention but it's not about that and so I was shocked right away out at the gate when we figured that out and then they kind of are like slowly introducing all eight of the women M and I mentioned it to a I said I cannot believe how much they say and then just keep going my gosh they brush past things and I'm like whoa whoa whoa whoa hold on hold on rewind little Michaela was like yeah I um was dating my now husband um I was 16 and he was 21 and I got pregnant and we got married and I said um um hold on hold on like a record scratch we're the tape she was 16 and he was 21 5 years m is that not considered legal I was just like oh and they literally gloss over it she just says it and keeps going she's like this is my family they have three more kids I'm like um she's also only 23 so the fact that she's 23 and doing all this I'm like because she's the youngest by they're all in their like late 20s her and then um the the other one are 24 oh um is it Olivia no one of them is 22 is recently divor like they're all oh I think but then the other one sorry I can look on my Instagram because I just recently looked them all up while watching this cuz I'm like what most of them are like 28 29 oh Jen is 24 Michaela's 23 and Thena is 22 those are the youngest I'll the other ones are kind of like late 20s early so they have like multiple kids and and what obviously mom talk so the fact that she was 16 got married and her husband's 5 years older than her honestly really puts a bad taste in my mouth yeah I if it doesn't yours I don't know oh I'm going to write that down and uh I won't be forgetting that no I said that's a huge mental not that for later cuz that has to come up I'm sure it has it yet for where I'm at no which is crazy um so I could not believe what they gloss over and then so much of the other things they really do also gloss over they're like yeah I drink and then they just kind of keep going and I'm like okay okay write that down cuz I'm like that's not allowed yeah and then they're just like so weird it's like they they make their own rules and they do and that's fine but probably why the LDS church is like yeah AB because they're they're saying like some of the women say like we're what do they I don't remember what they exactly say but it's like the the new ver like new age almost we're this new Modern Age of Mormonism and I'm like you can't say that you can't you can't do that for you to decide I by no means am Mormon but like I can understand how that would be offensive to the Mormon church if I was like yeah these women are going on TV doing everything we're not allowed to do and saying it's just the new era I too would be like no it's not they're like okay we love you guys but like we're going to go off and do like our own thing but like still use the the title use the title use the same common core beliefs we love that but like we're going to drink I just like so shocked so I'm honestly I think after this airs they're going to get excommunicated oh yeah I'm surprised they haven't already but I don't know like if you don't go I don't know if they can excommunicate you I don't really get that whole process all I know is that it has you need a notary and I'm like what yeah you have to have a notary and then that sounds crazy to me cuz then in the first Taylor’s Bad Decisions episode they kind of go back to Taylor and oh girl gets it bad like ni Taylor she gets a bad but also you're an idiot I'm sorry like like girl let's make some better decisions you know come on so yeah the first episode is like like kind of a a prequel yeah and then it flash flashes for and I feel like she is trying to do better and she does and I do like like her more yeah but like wow during that first EP cuz I called my mom and I told her I was watching it and my mom was like yeah I watched the first episode and it's crazy that girl is just not I was like no 1,000% because the fact that she basically implodes her life and like blasts all of her friends which like mhm like she's all like shocked that they're mad about it and I'm like no I think I would be mad too like if we were like best friends and the world knew me and my husband like hung out with you yeah and you like went on and Tik Tok live and said there's no one innocent we were all a part of it I would be a little upset like granted hat she's telling the truth and like you made your bed lie in it like 100% I get it well she's airing out the laundry and totally understand yeah but then like you should have done it you shouldn't have done it she's like it's been 2 months you guys are still mad I'm like yeah I am still mad so that part I was kind of like okay Taylor I don't know and then she starts daing this guy very shortly after she gets divorced I do believe before her divorce is technically finalized um and we've known nothing about the man I haven't heard met him anything they met via Instagram yeah and then like we first hear about him she's over at her mom's house she goes over to her mom's and she's like yeah like I have to take a pregnancy test cuz I think I'm pregnant I'm like sister Taylor you're not there so many things you could have done not making not making it better for herself at all no at all oh to bring a child into this world and your mess is pretty unfair and so that's what we find out Taylor’s Mom and then man that first episode really is JM back no it is crazy well wait I wanted to talk a little bit too about her mom oh I know cuz like the first conversation that airs with her mom I go it's yeah her mom's the worst I mean I guess when your daughter is really going through it she just like wasn't supportive empathetic compassionate at all no ounce of any of that and they're like I can't say they're like that but like yeah it was hard to watch honestly it was really hard to watch it's like it's it's harsh and like in that instance I was like okay Mom do you remember what the mom said in that one cuz she does go on for a few other parts yeah she's she just but that first conversation she's just like was so harsh like Taylor you're making really bad decisions and like I'm not supportive and like you know I don't agree with you on that like I think that's stupid like very tearing down and like honestly like from what I know and like have seen other people go through like that is very much the verbiage given when you mess up I know in that church and like because it's not she's also messed up big in terms of like what the core Mormonism belief are like that girl's done some of the worst things you could do in terms of the morm yeah I'm not saying like I disagree with them but I just think you could be more the delivery yeah like when she's sitting in front of you like obviously she knows she's making bad decisions stup but and having someone continuously tear you down like I just I don't think it helped like I I think it help at all I think too she basically just gets up and walks away and like when she told her she she's like I can't I'm not not dealing with you basically yeah when she was like I have to take a pregnancy test she was like you're an idiot gets up basically and walks out she's like I'm not dealing with this yeah I'm done with you kind of and like yeah I would have loved an encouraging mother at that point that's why I'm here like obviously and so I felt bad for her cuz yeah her mom obviously and like come on like if your parents are also non-stop telling you you're the disappointment yeah at what point does everything they say completely bounce off of you because you know it like I saw that a lot like obviously Taylor knows she screwed up a lot and like screwed up in her life but we then obviously see her parents have no hold back of telling her that and every single time they say it like she goes very yeah blank and like passed like she it very much like looks like it just goes in one ear and out the other because I'm sure she's heard it for years yeah so I thought that was really sad it was sad and then we meet Whitney Whitney I think you should talk about Whitney on the first episode trying to remember if you don't remember that's fine don't they like get like um they like get together with Taylor Marcy and Marcy and her and Taylor get together orever get together but they just moved back from Hawaii her and her husband so yeah I guess the backstory with so this whole Taylor goes on blows the whole thing up um and Whitney and her husband like take off to Hawaii yeah and are just like they're like we're moving there Mia for I don't know however long I'm like you just move somewhere for two months that's yeah that was weird I was like two months you can afford to do that in what world you have kids um what job are you working that let you yeah and then like comes back but Whitney is like she basically she like she's the type of person enters the room you know she's on a high horse oh yeah she's like has the whole holier than thou like I'm so much better than you yada yada yada um I don't exactly remember all her in the first episode though yeah um so in the first Episode 1 Recap episode before we see Whitney we hear there's a rumor about Whitney's husband being on Tinder oh yeah and she denies it Point Blank she's like that's not true like somebody found his Facebook photos whatever and then why she decides to do this I can't understand but we see them moving into their house Whitney also like thinks she's the superior holier than that person she thinks she's the most Mormon yeah her and her husband get into their new home pop a bottle of champagne and try it and also she also says I've never had alcohol before in my life and then I'm like so you're just like so casually trying this champagne I was so taking aack yeah also shocked I think witty has the worst language out of all of them she does I agree I noticed that right away I was like yeah very flippant language and then like we meet her in her husband all of five minutes she's like I got to tell them the truth she's like I got to tell them I they I got to tell him and I'm like what so then she like gets all the women together and she's like yeah like it was a real Tinder account like my husband he had some issues going on he had some issues our entire marriage yeah and I guess he's been on Tinder for years yeah just meeting women and talking to women having like fullon I think it was mainly emotional relationships because I don't believe they ever he ever met any to her she he never met up with anyone but she like says that and I was like no offense but like why you cover it up for so long and now like no one's even talking about it no no one's brought it up again no one said anything like why do you feel the sudden urge to like air it out in my opinion she needs a storyline and that's what she's going to use as a storyline yeah so she says that and they're all sitting together on the couch cut to Taylor then saying she's had a miscarriage yeah and cut to then Whitney and then her confessional Taylor will do anything to steal the spot from me I'm like oh my gosh Whitney no yeah that was a lot okay that was a lot Whitney you just like unloaded a lot yeah and so did daylor honestly very heavy conversation happened and also in some of like the confessionals with Taylor Taylor's like so this whole time Whitney made everyone believe that she went to Hawaii because of the whole mom talk thing what I did fault and come to find out it was like her and her husband her husband was ler having and they went away to figure that out yeah so so you blamed it all on me yeah Whitney totally used Taylor as the scapegoat blamed a lot of it on Taylor and then so that happens all in the first episode yeah but then at the end of the first Episode 2 Highlights episode Miss Taylor really falls off gosh yeah it really goes backwards you think she's at bottom but you do she got exposed for a swinging scandal she's gotten divorced just had a miscarriage well JK she's actually arrested for domestic violence she yeah and we watched the body cam footage which felt kind intimate I felt so so it's with this boyfriend this new boyfriend that they yeah just had the miscarriage with and yeah they show the body she's hammered she's absolutely gone and I guess was like throwing furniture and stuff on him and he like threw her out in the garage though yeah who yeah I mean we don't really know all she gets arrested ared gets charged with domestic violence and she gets 11 months on parole yeah so that like cuts the end of the first episode we're like right okay well next I'm like absolutely next episode go and so after that I was just kind of like this has gone the completely opposite trajectory I would have ever thought totally didn't didn't know it was going to be like this and so then when the second episode starts it's 11 months later yeah which I'm like oh my gosh crazy and I think that's comical because the fact that Whitney said that about her husband I'm wondering if she like said that up as to be like a plot for the next several months but because Taylor went to jail like a bunch of stuff happened they cut production yeah so then she just had to like figure out her marriage on her own not even going to watch it on TV yeah um and then she I don't so so sorry my mind went blank and then it starts 11 months after and guess what Taylor's pregnant Taylor's like 8 months pregnant pregnant you're like oh you're like surely it can't be with the same guy she just got arrested for it is it is crazy never going to believe this that was like when I was watching that I was like oh my God I was hooked at that point cuz I was like I have to know if she's with this guy that's where I was like Taylor Taylor you're so dumb Taylor um get is with the same boyfriend and eight months pregnant and that's where it like picks up and you're like and starts filming them pretty yeah like continuously surely she wouldn't want to be pregnant with this man but hey she is so love that for her she's giving him messy yeah definitely messy and they kind of talk about how ever since all of like Taylor's arrests and everything mom talk is on the down yeah and they were like it's because of Taylor and part of me is just like also it's been like 3 years it could just not be it anymore yeah it on Taylor and they're like we don't want to be affiliated with her like yada y y and basically like kind of kicking her out of the group yeah which I just thought was stupid because I was like you guys wouldn't be famous without her yeah and let's face it The Swinging Scandal only made you more yeah that's the thing is I think especially Whitney they all are like Taylor didn't create mom talk they all like stand by that especially Whitney so I think I think there's like this fight for like Taylor didn't make us famous and but but then they're like Taylor's taking us down so it's like it's like is she or isn't she yeah is she did she create it and like kind of help with the cloud or not like and honestly all press is good press in that world as an influencer yeah like I think all presses get pressed you can't be mad yeah people are talking about like if people are no longer watching you it's because you guys are no longer in the Limelight yeah not so you got to do stuff but there's this whole P like you can just sense like the power struggle that Whitney has like she wants to be the leader she wants to like get all the fame like she wants Taylor to be out and to like get the fame on herself and say like we need Taylor for all of this basically funny Taylor Tells Her Parents thing is like I honestly don't even remember much about episode 2 besides Taylor being pregnant and just being like Jaw on the floor yeah the women like being like anti- Taylor yeah and then I also know um Taylor has that conversation with her parents oh yeah and like I just got so anxious watching it because it's hard because I agreed with some of the things her parents said is that about Dakota moving in yeah but then on the flip side I was like Taylor Taylor just could not have done it worse M she gets her parents over to her place yeah she's like he Dakota's moving in he's like on his way they're like when she's like today like right now like right now like he's pulling up and I'm like that's how you're telling them right now yeah I'm like that's crazy and then her dad was pretty like they were pretty harsh yeah like they're very much the traditional like you're pregnant you need to be getting married first before yeah you move in and like honestly no offense but at that point like it's already hit the fan like what do we care yeah so I'm like the guy's like probably already staying there like you guys are not dumb enough to not think that so Taylor's whole point of view is like I don't want to get married because of what just happened to my marriage like she's a little has a little bit of PTSD with like the marriage thing but she want she's she's with this guy to and he wants to like help and be a part so their solution was to move in together yeah and I think she was like if I want if I get married again I want to make sure it's like going to last which 100% like totally mik the caveat to that is like but you are now having a baby you're having a baby so you're tied to life to this guy so regardless yeah I think my other caveat was um oh crap what was I going to say yeah I think her her parents were like yeah you are also though pregnant so like what's what's the big deal at this point and oh I think it was she also is still standing by the fact that she's like Mormon yeah so then I'm like man you know like I don't know Taylor I think you're really not at this point yeah obviously I can't say that like if she believes in the core stuff but yeah if you're doing like as many things as you are that goes against it yeah that's a tough like thing if you are like your parents are obviously going to say something mhm like it's a huge not in the Mormon church to live with someone before you get married but even more so yet to then have their baby and then not be married like that's a huge if however so like at that point I was like girl just like married the guy however towards the end of the season I was like sis needs to break up with him yeah like him I did love when he walked in with those boxes and the dad was like what are you doing like the dad was so got to the point no he like walks in he's like hey yeah moving in like a joke I'm like such an idiot like I'm just like so embarrassed yeah like what how his reaction is and then the dad is like yeah what is it about like what are your intentions with our daughter he's like we're having a kid the dad's like okay I love this for my daughter that's like are you going to marry her and he's like I'm trying and I'm just like it's just like so unserious he's so unserious stupid yeah I just like could not believe and so I was no I was like you guys are so dumb yeah and then I think messy that is the Taylor's Baby Shower episode where she has her baby shower is it yeah and Whitney doesn't come Oh I thought that was no I know it's like yeah no that's episode two and so Taylor's like I'll like start a fresh start and like invite all the girls so Taylor still trying to like you know be amicable with the ladies and whatever and has this baby shower invites everyone and one person doesn't come guys Whitney Whitney Whitney you're the worst I literally hate Whitney doesn't even have the decency to text a girl no Whitney just doesn't show up everyone's like where's Whitney where's Whitney I kind of loved that Taylor's mom called her I was like go off Queen Taylor's mom Whitney why aren't you here I said oh my and Whitney yeah Taylor's mom calls Whitney just flat out asks her where are you and then Whitney's like well this seems this is a conversation that me and Taylor um need to have I would and I just was like but you didn't come or text her yeah so a conversation that you and Taylor need to have why didn't you have it yeah I feel like I thought it was like really iconic that the mom called yeah I don't know what the mom expected but I love that she just called it out just to embarrass her love and I just was like I just don't Whitney like just is so irritating listening to Whitney talk because like she's one she's on says one thing I'm just like if you think you need to have a conversation with Taylor then you you need to have that conversation and not just no call no show absolutely I think she's the most hypocritical person maybe I've ever seen on television the fact that she talks all this talk talk and then whenever he's confronted with her she's like I just like didn't care to have the conversation I'm like well then you can't be saying all this no if you're not going to have the conversation this is not a oneway street you don't get to just say whatever you want about me and then if I say something back you don't just going to be like I don't want to speak to you no that's not the way the world she keep saying like oh I just don't really care about a friendship with Taylor I don't want to be friends with her then stop talking about her behind her back my name out of your MTH mouth if you don't care enough about the Friendship that's fine you want be friends with me that's fine then stop talking about me perfect literally just shut up about me and then yeah I would love that my mom embarrass her like that like absolutely put her on blast and then yeah I think it's just disrespectful if you're invited to a baby shower and can't go don't choose to go send a message at least let her know so then not everyone's like where is she where is she because then you could become a whole topic of conversation you know is exactly what she wanted she's like I want the attention on me cuz I'm the worst she's like I didn't think anyone would notice I literally can't stand her you're literally on a TV show about you and these seven Other Women of course they're going to notice it's crazy to me so so then yeah this whole Wrapping Up Episode 2 baby shower thing sets up like just more drama in division so basically there's there's this divide between like Taylor and Whitney and then the all the other girls are kind of like figuring out which side they're on yeah so that's honestly like the end of episode two I feel like we can't even I think we got to talk about the next ones next time yeah so we'll go over episodes three and four next time which honestly are so good we see galentine's day and their first girls trip which is outstanding any reality show has to have a girls trip every time I cannot express the joy I feel when I see next week they're doing a girls trip I'm like Vegas or like girls trips are the best episodes of Television I think I've ever watched the Vegas trip on this show have you seen the Vegas Tri oh yeah I saw trip I said you guys just wait until we talk about the Vegas trip oh my gosh I just like abely any trip on any reality TV show Vander pump when they went to Mexico and Sheena was like hating all the girls yeah oh my gosh iconic or when or when Jax cheats and then lies about it and then they're like Jax did you sleep with this girl he's like I did Jax when he gets arrested in white because he stole the sunglasses everything always happens Real Housewives like City when they're on the trip trying to get to resid oh my gosh in the van so good so good when they almost get in the fist fight in the in the van oh my gosh it's all amazing and so yeah we'll go over next episodes next week but you need to start watching watch you need to watch it's going to be it's going to be the Talk of the Town it's been out for 4 days it's going to be the Talk of the Town so make sure to watch it you can binge it or at this point you can follow along as we review it you'll see and hear from us though Outro shortly about the next one so yeah okay talk to you later bye [Music]

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Inside the Earnings of 'The Secret Lives of Mormon Wives' Stars: Influencer Secrets Revealed!

Category: Entertainment

Tired of dealing with annoying flies fruit flies and gats in your home the zeo flying insect trap is your ultimate solution don't wait check out the link in the video description now to get your zeo flying insect trap on amazon and enjoy a bug-free home today the much anticipated reality series the... Read more

Whitney and Taylor Share Secrets | The Secret Lives of Mormon Wives | Hulu thumbnail
Whitney and Taylor Share Secrets | The Secret Lives of Mormon Wives | Hulu

Category: Entertainment

Hi hi come on in oh my gosh you look so cute you look not hello hello guys okay so what's going on whitney did you say you had something you want to talk about um yeah there is i really want this mom talk group to survive it's my life right now it's it's what makes me happy i look forward to it these... Read more

MomTok Breakdown with @ANNAREPORTSNEWS on TikTok thumbnail
MomTok Breakdown with @ANNAREPORTSNEWS on TikTok

Category: Comedy

[music] welcome to i heart radio so bad it's good today is a jam-packed show and we gotta get right into it because i something has been burning up the internet this last week and i'm scared it's gonna be gone within a blink just as the internet does with these stories but you guys know i've been uh... Read more

‘Secret Lives of Mormon Wives’ star Taylor Frankie Paul is ‘scared’ to watch show thumbnail
‘Secret Lives of Mormon Wives’ star Taylor Frankie Paul is ‘scared’ to watch show

Category: Entertainment

Me and evan both binged it in one day i don't know how you watched it but i know you haven't watched it yet yet are we waiting for a special type of popcorn what's happening yeah no no so i i split my kids so like obviously 50/50 and we got back into town i had my my little time with them and then we... Read more

‘Mormon Wives’ star Taylor Frankie Paul on boyfriend’s alleged sidepiece joining the show thumbnail
‘Mormon Wives’ star Taylor Frankie Paul on boyfriend’s alleged sidepiece joining the show

Category: Entertainment

Do you think jenna could potentially join season two because that finale that cliffhanger i thought i thought the cliffhanger i thought the twist was whitney leaving mom talk and then you have a little conversation with jenna and she's like i'm g to tell you everything did she ever tell you everything... Read more

Unpacking RHOSLC drama w/ Meredith Marks + Mormon Wives stars Taylor & Mayci spill exclusive tea thumbnail
Unpacking RHOSLC drama w/ Meredith Marks + Mormon Wives stars Taylor & Mayci spill exclusive tea

Category: Entertainment

I didn't think people do that to a pregnant girl but like yeah it's fine people are brutal though virtual reality hi i'm denny murphy and i'm evan real and it seems like everyone has been getting unholy this week evan because the secret lives of mormon wives and the sam smith song that you know isn't... Read more

The Secret Lives of Mormon Wives | Official Trailer | Hulu thumbnail
The Secret Lives of Mormon Wives | Official Trailer | Hulu

Category: Entertainment

Intro i love the mormon church but there are a lot of rules that we have to follow we were raised to be these housewives for the men serving their every desire have kids by the time you're 21 or in my case at 16 well i'm like this show me what you're working with i created mom talk it's a group of mom... Read more

Taylor Frankie Paul & More #MOMTOK Stars Meet the Cast of 'The Secret Lives of Mormon Wives'! thumbnail
Taylor Frankie Paul & More #MOMTOK Stars Meet the Cast of 'The Secret Lives of Mormon Wives'!

Category: News & Politics

Hulu's new docuseries, the secret lives  of mormon wives, is diving into a major   scandal that hit a group of mormon tiktok  influencers back in 2022. taylor frankie paul,   one of the most famous members, shook  things up when she revealed she and her   then-husband tate were part of a soft  swinging... Read more

DWTS Alum Lindsay Arnold Defends Mormon Faith Amid Controversy on *The Secret Lives of Mormon Wives* thumbnail
DWTS Alum Lindsay Arnold Defends Mormon Faith Amid Controversy on *The Secret Lives of Mormon Wives*

Category: Entertainment

Tired of dealing with annoying flies fruit flies and gats in your home the zeo flying insect trap is your ultimate solution don't wait check out the link in the video description now to get your zeo flying insect trap on amazon and enjoy a bug free home today i'm excited to dive into the fascinating... Read more

TikToker Taylor Frankie Paul Charged With Domestic Violence & Child Abuse | E! News thumbnail
TikToker Taylor Frankie Paul Charged With Domestic Violence & Child Abuse | E! News

Category: Entertainment

Tick tock creator taylor frankie paul has been charged with domestic violence and child abuse following her arrest over an alleged confrontation with boyfriend dakota mortenson according to court documents obtained by e-news on march 2nd she was charged with one count felony aggravated assault two counts... Read more