Jason McCourty on Leaving Good Morning Football | SI Media | Episode 502

[Music] welcome everyone to SI media with Jimmy trainer thank you so much for listening on this Fourth of July week I appreciate it we have an excellent show this week we have Jason mccordi who uh gives us all the information on him no longer being part of good morning football good morning football moving from New York to LA for the upcoming season Jason decided not to make the move so he explains what went into the decision what happened with good morning football why it's moving and what he'll miss about it and if he's going to continue with CBS calling games get into some Patriot stuff too uh Jason was one of the hosts at the Tom Brady retirement ceremony in New England he talks about the roast bill bellich and his dating life so we have a lot of fun with Jason he also has a great rant about dance recital that I recommend everyone listen to and then following uh Jason mccordi salaka joins me as he does every week for hour train of thought segment talk about the Direct TV lawsuit the Sunday Ticket lawsuit I should say with the NF fell and what that means get into some Fourth of July stuff as well got a book recommendation for you guys so all that going on before we get to it just quickly last week we had a phenomenal episode with Pablo Tori about his very very interesting podcast Pablo Tori finds out Pablo works for metal Ark and Dan lebatard and works for ESPN so we discussed that with him last week Derek Jeter and Richard D were on the show two weeks ago for our 500th episode Tom Brady and Jim Miller won the podcast three weeks ago so check out all those episodes if you missed them subscribe to SI media with Jimmy Traina and leave a review on Apple all right let's get to it right now Jason mccordi formally of good morning football on his exit from the show along with salakot and train of thoughts all right here right now on SI media with Jimmy train all right joining me now it's a little Bittersweet CU I was a big fan of this guy's work on good morning football and he will not be part of it when the reboot happens but he'll still be covering the NFL we'll get into all of it now with Jason mccordi Jason how's it going it's going good you know I've had more time at home Jimmy as you knows we were trying to schedule this we were moving days around I'm like y as long as in the morning early afternoon I'm free I got nothing going on my schedule's clear so it's good to be joining you good to see you have what was it like having all this time off it was I would say it was a lot of fun in the beginning and then after a while I think my kids and my wife were looking at me like all right there's no gym be but you you can find something else to do like we're tired of you complaining that there's too many dishes in the sink or telling the kids to put the pajamas in the dirty clothes hamper so that's what day-to-day life has been like but it has been cool like school year is over now but dropping the kids off at school every morning U my son now with baseball we're diving on into that we're watching sports center in the morning as he was getting ready for school watching all of that stuff so it has been nice you know I started gmfb I retired from the league and then the next week I accepted the job and two weeks later we were on air at the end of July and it's been that grind ever since so this is the first time kind of post football that I've actually just been chilling being around the family the cool thing has been where now When Vacations come up where you were trying to work out the days and stuff it was just like well no actually like we can stay till Monday we got nothing else going on but it's good to look forward I know when the season starts I'll be I'll get a little bit more busy so what time so how much extra sleep you getting now without gmfb are you able to sleep past like 4:00 a.m. or is the body so used to that wakeup call that it's hard to get that many extra hours in in the morning no I'm out there there's been mornings where during the week where there's no alarm even waking up like with the kids at 7 o'clock felt like I had a full 12 hours worth of sleep uh no matter what time I went to bed because it was it was just new found territory of getting used to waking up every single morning but I tell like you missed that platform where it's just that every single day talking Sports being around Kyle Peter and Jamie and everybody behind the scenes you you miss that camaraderie of hanging out with everybody so there's that give and take on both sides yeah let me start backwards before we go to good morning football and what's going on there let me go to I I just want to be sure are you going to be back calling games for CBS this upcoming season has that been determined it hasn't been determined but a lot of conversations around that that's the from my end that's the hope to uh be able to take on more with CBS and doing a little bit of that so uh still in conversations and all of that you know how it all gets worked out but hopefully sometime in the near future like we can announce that possibly I'm doing more games or whatever that may look like yeah because when the news broke about the NFL moving good morning football from New York to LA my you know right away I'm thinking of Peter and Kyle because I I know those guys that have been on this podcast a million times and I'm like well Jason I'm like I'm assuming he's an automatic no because he has CBS and you know not going to get into your personal finances but you an NFL player so you weren't making like 50 Grand a year for your career so I'm like he doesn't need to up and I know you're a jersey guy you went to Ruckers so I'm like he's not going to move across the country if you didn't have the CBS thing I would assume maybe it would have been a little different but take me through like was CBS a big factor in you not moving West was it never even an option for you to move west take me through the whole thing I was when the news first hit I was like oh hell no I said to my wife like there's no way I'm going all the way to California and I think more than that it was just like a complete shock like having no idea not seeing it coming like we literally I was like penciling in our dark weeks like what weeks to ask vacation for I had a friend's wedding coming up so like the whole plan was like you were getting ready for the summer on gmfb so when that news hit like the beginning of March at the end of March was going to be our last show New York originally you know like anybody you're like screw him I'm not going to La and I think as time passed the realization is like I really love the show I love being around the people that are involved in the show so you me and my wife sat down and we're like all right if we do say all right we're going to move to LA what does that look like and for me CBS didn't factor in at that time because the biggest thing was family so my first eight years of my career I was in Tennessee from 2017 till when I accepted that job in 201 22 my family had lived in Tennessee we lived in Ohio when we were playing in Cleveland three years in Massachusetts then we moved to South Florida then we moved back to New Jersey so it was like from my oldest kid she did second third and fourth grade all in a different state so I'm not complaining everybody's people in Army everybody has their own situations but for me at that time it was just like I couldn't come up with a reason Beyond like selfish ambition within the industry to continue my career I could come up with one good reason why it made sense to move my wife and three kids out of New Jersey because to your point financially we were fine to be able to stay in New Jersey both me and my wife's parents lived 30 minutes away from us so it was just like Beyond just all right good morning football still going to be there and then I think the tougher thing my wife challenged me on was all right we get to La the show's now coming on at 5:00 am so now you're waking up instead of waking up at 5:00 a.m. now you could be waking up at 2:30 3:00 in the morning she she knows how I am the first few months of gmfb here like I was a zombie like no like nobody wanted to be around me in the house cuz everything irritated the hell out of me because it took time to adjust so then just quality of life and what it would feel like as a husband and as a father not just a co-host on a show of like how I would be able to kind of keep all those plates spinning at the same time was also going to be a challenge so ultimately like we had those combos and it was just like hey you know what it would be best for us to stay put and at that time it was just like all right like my contract situation was specific to me where I had a four-year deal but there was a after the second year there was an option that had to be picked up so for them it was just like all right like we want you to come to La we want you to be a part of the show we love you but then it was like when I'm not moving it made no sense for them to pick up my option and continue to pay me for another two years with not knowing what my activity was going to be on the show commuting in and out so that was kind of the end of it and then your the Hope was all right maybe there's something you could work out and figure out and those things I think for them are a little bit further down the line as they determine exactly what gmfb is going to look like uh for the future with Kyle and Peter and Jamie and everybody so it's interesting to me so you actually did discuss the possibility of of moving to La I I'm I'm I I was wondering about that um yeah so the the the the news that the show would move from New York City Lower Manhattan to LA that that just came as a complete shock to all of you right yeah and I think even above us it was it was a shock to them to trying to figure out like how to keep the show going like what financially all of those different things and and and variables that factor in that are above my head that I have no idea what's being discussed at those higher levels I think for them they looked at it was just like hey like La is a way to keep our show going to keep it good morning football so the hope I think was for all four of us to go and pick the pieces up and put it all together and figure it out but yeah it was a it was it was a shock to all of us and then you in this in this industry I'm quickly finding out no different in football like you don't know what's around door number two I was cut while I was playing I was traded while I was playing so all of those different things happen you adjust and you roll with it and the unique thing I was talking to one of our producers Bill henchel about it and he's been in this industry forever and the one thing he said to me you strike gold if you actually are able to create a show and work for a show that works it was just like for me I don't have that experience because I got in on a good show and just picked up where Nate left off and tried to keep it going of something that was already an Emy awardwinning show so he was just saying to me it's just like listen like you can go your whole career in this industry and never be a part of a show that actually becomes a brand that people recognize so for a lot of people involved you're like well if I can move with this show I'm moving because there's no guarantee that I'm going to leave this show and get on a better job or a better show so that was I think for even me where it fact end up like let's actually give this some thought and see what it may look like because there's no guarantee you're gonna be good if you do 18 games there's no guarantee there's another Studio show that's in need of another host right away so those all factor in it when you come to making the decision yeah know I I think all four of you have unique situations I mean obviously Peter and Kyle have been there since the show started they have a chemistry just because they've been there so long together and Nate was great on the show and we've seen what Nate has done with his career since he left the show so for them to strike goal twice with the quote unquote ex-player seat of that show you know Nate that had to be extremely difficult for you to go in there following him considering how good he was and then what he ended up doing and then the show has a hit on their hands with you and then after two years like now you got to be out I mean I'm sure behind the scenes they they must be bummed about that too because now they got to replace you after getting lucky when you got to replace Nate and you worked out so well yeah and I think even beyond the performance on screen is all the stuff behind the scenes and you know any job you work out for me A lot of it was being in a locker room when the chemistry and the relationships work within a show like that's huge too when you can walk into that studio Monday through Friday and like everybody feels good about being there and Peter can look at me and say you know what like jmx's a good teammate and I can feel the same way about him and we continue to further our relationship I think that's the big thing so when you're making those selections all right there's one piece of it where it's just like all right this guy we think he can be really good on camera but then another piece of it just like how does he fit into the equation with everybody not only on the screen but the people holding the cameras up the producers behind the scene is he an [ __ ] like that's a major thing too is he somebody that people want to work with so I do think it is hard to continue to strike gold but I think the one realization I've had is man everybody's replaceable like we all like to think of ourselves in this very unique way and how special we are and how talented we are but there's somebody out there that's better in the event Nate was really good and I came in and I tried my hardest just to fill Nate shoes because like you said Nate is still killing it and who knows where he's going to end up when it's all said and done and our show was able to keep going and Peter and kle have been the Main Stays and I'm so thankful to those two guys I told him that because I learned so much just about TV from not asking them a ton of questions but just watching those guys work and how much they care about gmfb too when Nate leaves and Kay leaves to be able to get two new Replacements and welcome me and Jamie in but also show us the ropes and challenge us to continue to keep the standard at a certain level so I do think it's definitely a challenge to replace and continue to move on but I'm not naive to think like they can't find somebody better than me and keep that thing going give me one like very specific thing you will miss the most about doing good morning football you know I'll say we I would get into the studio around 6:00 am. and have an hour of prep time and somewhere in between there we have hair and makeup fortunate for me the hair part I was able to skip but walking in the makeup room where Jamie kind of was always every morning but then we had Brad and Maddie and all Ashley the different hair makeup people would all kind of be our own little meeting within the room and I'd walk in there and we spend probably 15 20 minutes of just conversation about whatever was going on I think that's the stuff behind the scenes that you miss so much even Kyle when it came time to do Angry runs where in the break he'd be pacing back and forth and he'd be like reciting what he was about to say but it all would sound like gibberish to us and depending upon like what mood he was in you would see like where this thing was going he could be completely zoned out and then next thing you know he's going and then we look at his card after and you think like he has all this information and it was highlights scribbles and all types of stuff so all of that the things that the creativity that would happen behind the scenes you missed that of not knowing what the hell was going to happen there was a when Russ signs with the Steelers were getting ready to go on and I I guess Kyle had disc discussed with our stage manager what he was going to do but he does a spit tape during the middle of the segment we're all sitting there for one you're trying to cover yourself up that he doesn't spit on you which she like what the hell was that but he said and then right after he goes Danny I told you I was gonna do it sorry about that so like those little things that happen that sometimes if you're watching like oh they plan that the rest of us have no idea what's going on I'll miss that I'll miss the the 5:30 a.m. call with all the arguing as well so I know I went down ly of all the different things so I really enjoyed the show K Kyle could have been the original HW Tu who would who would have guessed if he would have just you know who would have gu now I would have had a totally different meaning than a Russell SP T so right you know well that's the thing if he does that now then they'll accuse him of trying to you know jump on that bandwagon um I would be surprised he'll have something yeah tell me Kyle definitely would have worked in hu a reference on the show if if you guys were on the air right now too that's Kyle knew how to work those things in tell me about what was your feel so after doing a year with CBS where you called games give me your Take On Studio gmfb versus doing games is the adrenaline different obviously the prep is probably a little different but give me the compare and contrast of the of the GMB versus doing a game for CBS yeah so I said to somebody doing the games are you play the game once you retire the closest thing I think you can get to being in that game and playing it is being on the sideline and coaching and having your hand in that coaching was never going to be for me the time commitment all those things I think the next best thing is being able to be there in that booth and having an impact on the game as far as from the people sitting at home viewing the game and when you talk about the adrenaline within that the thought of between every single play I have to think of as that play has happen happening what I'm going to say determining whatever happens on the field but be so concise that I have to shut up before my playby playay guy gets to go and then for me I did three man booths last year some with Ross Tucker some did a game with Dan rowski like that's even more tricky because now I I saw something I really want to say it but Ross is in the booth going like this me me me because he's fired up and he wants to say something so that whole dynamic I think you become a competitive junkie from playing with the thrill of succeeding but also the fear of failing and I think being in the booth it brings that upon a lot of playing and play out not fumbling over your words not saying St something stupid with somebody at home was just like what the hell is he talking about they have three timeouts and he's saying that they got to get out of bounds whatever the case it may be of trying to be on point where the studio is more laidback where we know the itinerary and everything we're going to hit on going into it but what I loved about the studio was your ability to be creative of especially and I got I was fortunate enough to be on good morning football where we had a lot to say as the talent that sit at the desk of what we wanted to do segment wise and where we were going to take it and I look at the second year of gmfb what it involved to of me hosting a segment that had to do with wardrobe or hosting a segment where we're talking about defense and being able to take that segment wherever in the hell we want to take it you don't get that creativity within the game because you can't it's not about you so you can't take away from the experience of it but for me there's nothing like walking in the stadium and or even the night before sitting down talking to players talking to the coaches of actually being a part of it and last year I L doing both because I would sit in the studio and I would say all of these things but then on the weekend I'd go to whatever City and you got to be accountable for whatever you're saying Monday through Friday because you're sitting there saying something about a team a player or coach and if it's way off the wall now I got to sit in front of this person who might have just watched whatever I said Wednesday morning and been pissed about it and be held accountable for so that part of it I really love because you got a chance to do both yeah that that's I mean I'm not comparing our situations in any way shape or form but I actually relate to that because I write a column every day and I will sometimes write something critical of someone doing a game and then like I gotta be like you want to come on my podcast and doesn't know he's you know cuz you mentioned the timeout thing that's usually my pet peeve and what I'll if I'm ever going to be critical and write something negative about an ouncers I hate when they mess up like strategy and timeouts at the end of the game so it's like a little thing of mine then you know like oh that guy would be good on the podcast oh wait I ripped him two weeks ago I probably shouldn't reach out um so just to just to be clear about it before we move on you you don't have any deal yet with CBS you're working on it but you definitely want to call games and be an analyst in the booth this upcoming season yeah definitely uh I want to continue to be involved in it and whichever way possible and games is something I love doing so and you did radio too right didn't you do games on radio like what Thursday nights I think you did yeah so just a combination how dinner offs not with Wes one Mike E is the guy there now um but yeah so between me and my brother called a game called two games together uh both with Iron Eagle so that was kind of a mixp of like local games I could get to and all of that the last two years it was seven in year one and I think it was probably seven last year games that I did total was the playoff game and all of that so whatever way last year total I did 13 games so some on TV some on radio do you um have a pref like do you like radio as much as TV or you like TV better than radio in terms of doing a game so I like both and I I'll explain that radio I had a Thursday night game in Philly uh Phil the Eagles versus the Vikings I took a car down Thursday afternoon to get to the game called the game got in the car and went back home do a game for CBS you take a flight out on Thursday night you wake up Friday you go meet with the team you go watch practice you go out Friday night you wake up Saturday you go to walkth through you do meetings on Saturday night do you do a production me do you call it so it's just like the radio is beautiful because it's like this is football in its purest form prepare how you prepare you know we'll see you at the game and let's get it done and the TV part of it although it's a lot more involved but it's really cool to be able to have all the gadgets at your at your disposal to be able to say hey I want to show a package here of something that happened the week before because I think this is going to happen in the game and you have the replays you have different things that you can take your time more or less to fully explain and I don't have to worry about telling the listener of like it was a a snag on the on the left side of the field where he was able to bring it in with one hand and how hard of a catch the other the people at home are watching it on TV so now you can just talk about how difficult that players or what makes it happen so I really like both the uh the radio games some think are harder I just think it's different the description and how you go about it is completely different versus the TV but I I I enjoy both um the radio being able to get in and get out man there there's something beautiful about that yeah yeah um and Ian great who you did the games with so I would imagine that makes it a lot of fun too and the crazy thing my first year doing it I do I do the seven games and my first game ever was with high and eagle and I thought Howard dinov was out of his mind I get to Cleveland I'm like yo I know I like as soon as you hear his voice I'm like there's no way in hell like you guys are letting me call a game with ion eagle and throughout that first season of like whatever tips I had him actually talking to CBS and saying how good I was and how much fun it was to work with me between Ian eagle and Tom McCarthy man both of those guys as far as play-by-play guys have been tremendous for me hell Tom would text me after he heard me do a game and send me like a list of things that he heard from me that I can correct so those two guys have been awesome for me of just being guys that I like mentors in a sense that I can hit up and ask questions to and just be a a sounding board yeah that's great that that you had that experience tell you mentioned your segment on gmfb you said you did a fashion segment it's called the fit list I loved it I really like I thought it was a must-watch every week I would assume it bums you out that you know no F was that like one of the hardest parts about not going back to gmfb because I think each week that segment got better we so that segment we had a producer David ziplo and then Ryan Rivera wardrobe guy us three were on a group chat every single week of outfits coming out sending them to us all right what can we get to the store and pick up and as when the season ended we were already in full discussions of all right next year we may moved to Thursday to give it like it was like a full-blown thing of progressive became a sponsor on it so it like took off from just an idea in the beginning of what we could do to what it became so that part of it is brutal because those were segments that weren't on the show when I first started uh ooie the fit lless and the fit lless came in year two after having a better idea of what the expectations were and all of that so to like Peter and Kyle can probably relate the most on this they were there from the very beginning of good morning football so what it's grown into the trials and tribulations the ups and downs with the fit lless I felt the same it felt like it was your baby like you started this thing you grew it you made it better and now you're looking at what it could become in the future and then just like that it's like damn well there that go so that those are the things of why you try to say all right can we make this thing work um but it's one of those things just like it is what it is you know will you be watching gmfb when it comes back or will it be too tough to watch no I'll be I think I'll be an everyday Watcher I just think for me like if I'm going to be calling games you obviously study your game throughout the course of the week but like you want to know what's going on in the NFL and I think listening to those guys Jamie and Peter and Kyle who I've been out with for two seasons I can listen and understand what they're talking about so I think a combination you know I'm not going to lie I'll be watching get up I'll be watching first take now my morning's being free I'll be watching everything and listening for everything so I think I'll definitely watch it I say that now I may turn it on be like the hell with them they left me behind dry and turn it off but I think I'll be tuning in or if your replacement says something stupid you could cackle see see they but you might be on a you know you can end up on a morning show during the season you know you know with the way media is now everyone has like eight jobs it seems like so um who knows where you'll end up um I like the sound of that yeah all right let's talk about some non- good morning football stuff because I got to just touch on a couple of things while I have you because you played for the Patriots won a Super Bowl had that great play against the Rams uh breaking up a touchdown the first quarter and it seems like the Patriots are just always in the news about stuff so let me start and I you were like one of the hosts of The Brady ceremony right the Jersey retirement I okay well let's start with this I I'll just start what did you make of the roast yo the roast was insane um and obviously you know what a roast is but watching it and knowing the people I will say like well that's why your perspective is important on this I thoroughly enjoyed and was surprised by the players getting up there so from blo like blo just had a moment like bledo needs to be on TV somewhere podcast something because he was awesome at the Hall of Fame induction as well with Brady called him the worst backup quarterback in NFL history so he's just been hitting but I just couldn't imagine sitting there and just listening to I like joke after joke with the same topic and everything you know it was just were you surprised were you surprised Tom did it yes I've heard numbers being floated out though what he got paid to do it so then I was just like no uh sign me up and people are like well you guys a lot of money there's certain numbers that make a difference that that that possibly are worth jokes you know yeah I I mean he's getting 375 million from Fox does he need like the but did anyone's performance at the row surprise you either good or bad I mean I I wasn't familiar with Nikki Glazier and I mean obviously everybody said that she got on was phenomenal Jules surprised me i' figured Jules would be good but Jules came out with a craft joke to start he had a Hernandez Joe I I didn't expect that uh right away um like I said blo definely surprised me um so I I was th I thoroughly enjoyed uh the roast and and what everybody Sammy Jay was really good too so there was a lot of people that you typically don't see Comedians and then you see them all up there because the difficult thing to me was the jokes were kind of all the same like there was a lot of jokes that had to do with whether it was deflate or whether it was his ex white all of the different things so being able to come up with a different way of saying it and make it funny was impressive you know I I feel like too because the rasters were so brutal I feel like what got lost was I thought Tom was really good at the end when he when it was his when it was his turn was he in was he a ball buster in the locker room like what because he's going into TV it's going to you know I think a big thing for Tom doing TV it's interesting because he was on the P he was on this podcast a couple of weeks ago and I asked him his biggest concern with getting into broadcasting he said he's worried he might be too critical of the players I wonder I what I hope for Tom is I hope he lets his personality shine through because like you said with TV you got to be in and out you don't have a lot of time although he's in the two-man booths it's a little better for him I'm sure Kevin burkart will defer to him a lot um but comment on that and tell me what you think Tom going into the booth will be like yeah like when you say he a ball buster like I tell people all the time like Tom was another guy in the locker room so in the sense of Tom could walk in with those big white UnderArmour shoes that he would walk in with some old man jeans on and Jules will be the first one time what the are you wearing so like he like that was the locker room he wasn't treated any different and he would go right back at him him and hoer were always competing whether they were playing corn or and they trash talking to each other like that was tomon when he says like he has a fear of being too critical I think when he gets comfortable in the booth like he's not GNA have a problem with his knowledge of the game calling something out whether it's a quarterback receiver a DB whatever it is of like no that was wrong I don't think he's gonna have an issue of like wow Tom's just too nice in the booth I think his fear is that he's such a perfectionist and did it at such a high level that that's going to be the expectation of the other greats that are playing I think his fear is like I don't want to get up there and just pumble somebody for three straight hours so it's just like that balance of making sure like I'm pointing out the good things holding them accountable seeing what I'm seeing and saying it but also doing in a way that's enjoyable for every body and it's not me just like on a high horse talking down to the players that are now playing in the league you know yeah I'm looking forward to seeing what he does in the booth I think he's going to be good um is there is there like a group chat with all the EX Patriot players or there's all all like different sections of them like different guys have different group chats but yeah I still talk to a lot of guys so in the group chat has the topic the last couple of weeks been Bill bich che's dating life 100% that's been that's been that's been in the group chat it's it's more like you'll see a post on like X or Instagram and somebody's talking about it especially when it first hit and you hit the group chat you're like oh sh did you see this and it's just like dang like news got out because I think a lot of guys kind of knew different people that have been in that area knew about him dating him his new girlfriend for a little while now so now that it's out it's just like there there's a lot of those memes and stuff being sent I hope he's only been dating her for a little while and not a long while because that could end up being a problem what I was curious I don't you know I don't want you to go into any area you don't but what I was just curious when the players if any Patriot player who played for Bill when they saw that news complete shock or not surprised that's that's what I'd be curious to know man I would say not surprising in the sense of like my dog single you're out there you're looking to mingle you find somebody you like go ahead and try to chase love and figure it all out you know Bill's not married so there's no expectation for him to have to be with a certain person so it's just like you see it and like you know what man do your thing Bill you're not coaching this year you got a lot of free time go travel hang out enjoy the world now can you give that response in front of your wife or what you I think the men and women might have different takes on that she she may she may listen give a nice little giggle and like slide a knife a little closer to her and just be like don't don't you get any ideas though you better be happy with what you got at home so the conversation may go a little bit like that that's so funny that is funny I mean it is it's just like you you know you hit on it because I think I I'm in this like you scroll through Twitter during the day and then you'll see like you know Bill bich 72 girlfriend 24 before spotted hold I'm like you have to read it like three times it seems like to really like have it thank you um all right before I let you go I want to bring up something because this is what is so great about gmfb and I is you guys can go into areas other than football and I and I've always I've said to Kyle too like what what would you know I think Kyle is so freaking talented and what always would impress me about Kyle though was always tell them is the shows they would do this time a year when there's no football there's nothing going on and how they come up with content and you had one of the great great takes on a subject you really not supposed to talk about negatively so the fact that you did it made you a hero of mine and it's how horrible and I'm going to say it's horrible I don't care you want to think I'm a bad person you can think I'm a bad person but how horrible recital are for kids because it's not just like okay you go see your kid dance and you're proud and you take the videos and the pictures and it's all good no it's like a 3 to four hour Affair I'll let you handle it but the guts you showed for giving that take publicly and you recently you must have had a recital recently because you brought it up again on Instagram and we need more honesty like that from our analysts so the the the awesome thing about this because I didn't have a recital recently I got invited to a recital recently and that's what sparked the thought in my mind for some crazy reason my twin brother his wife sends us a text in a group chat telling us where my niece's dance recital is and that they have a ticket for us that they paid for I said to my sister-in-law are you out of your mind my two daughters have decided that they don't want to do dance anymore they're in gymnastics they're in volleyball cheerleading they don't want to do the dance anymore you're out of your mind if you think I'm going to sign up to go to a dance recito to my niece like I love her but absolutely not there's no way I'm stepping foot in a high school gymnasium again where there's probably no air conditioner is hot we're sitting there for hours my mom went and I was like bless your soul for going through it because she had all boy so we never had to put her through anything of that nature but I mean I we did one in South Florida and then we did won in Jersey when we first got here and both my daughters were involved in it and we were there while they were on stage for a total of probably eight minutes and we were there for two and a half hours and then you get stuck in the middle of the row and then I have a son who he's eight now but was seven and six during that time span so he has to go to the bathroom or he wants a snack so he's not going to sit still and be entertained you're just praying that they choose songs that are popular enough that he wants to hear them so in South Florida they have Bruno Omar's going so for the first probably 40 minutes my guy was in there he was jamming singing the words I was like this ain't this ain't bad he fast forward we're in an all Taylor Swift type of error right now he's sitting there like for one I gotta listen to this in the carway here now I gota listen to three hours of it so I'm I'm so happy that the girls are now moving away from dance because not only was the recitals Bole we're at practi two or three times during the course of a week well I'm sitting there on my iPad getting ready for a segment the next day so man and the funny thing about it is when I did that I had dads that because it ended up getting played on the local radio dads that would come to school and be like yo I heard you on the dance recital man my wife wasn't too happy but man you you were spot on on that so my only hope was that my kids aren't old enough like they don't do social media so I'm like I'm good like they they have a while before they hear what dad had to say about but it's not about the kids it's about the event it's the event that's the problem and you are a hero for unleashing that take the last one I went to the instructor was a part of the performance too like she was dancing throughout and I'm sitting I'm looking at my wife like so now now I'm paying to have the instructor who danced 20 years ago now like she wants to go on stage like I coach my son's football team like I shouldn't be able to check into the game and line back up at free safety to relive to try to go make a play and score a touchdown I'm like what the hell are we doing here I'm watching her now put the kids on stage right right well I mean I think that that might be the biggest [ __ ] of it all is that you pay thousands of dollars for the dance and then they make you pay for a ticket to the recital yes for Grandma for Uncle Auntie and him and everybody and we aren't going to juliar so it's like I I don't know what the end payoff and all of this is so I'm just we I'm you know what I'm I'm G ease up on it because I'm like I'm not living that life anymore so I'm going just go ahead and say a prayer for all the dads out there that just went through it throughout the spring season I love that there must have been so many dads just trying to quietly like give you the thumbs up like way to go man you said it but not letting the wife see him yeah yeah um all right well like I said I'm going to miss you on gmfb I appreciate you doing this giving us sort of the the behind the scenes story and uh hopefully you get that deal done with CBS and we hear you on some games and uh we'll have you on during the season for sure so I appreciate you coming on and uh good luck with everything in the future Jason thanks a lot man appreciate it appreciate it sounds good I'll be trying to I'll be coming to it TV I think during the week throughout the season we'll see what happens but I think you'll see a little bit more of me awesome all right take care manam yes sir you too all right joining me now as he does every week for our train of thought segment from WFAN radio in New York SNY TV in New York my buddy salaka Sal how's it going it's going pretty well excited for the holiday week should be fun here what are we wearing I can't see what are we we this this is a WF again okay okay I thought it it looked like a little I didn't know if it was Nick's rang I'm color blind I can't tell red and orange it's blue and orange for like the Mets you like this so today you know July 1 1987 the fan started right this this warm-up jacket it Bob Hustler gave it to me years ago it was one of the warm-up jackets that they used to wear for the WFA and basketball team got it okay so there you go yes July 1 the fan first voice on the fan Susan Waldman that's a famous famous little known fact I always think of you on July 1st because I know that you despise and hate the Bobby Bon nonsense and it is oh God it's unbelievable like I log on to Twitter in the morning and I go through my page and everything is Bobby Bonia tweets like do we really need to do I'm with you now like do we really need to do this every year like okay we like it it bothered me 10 years ago so imagine now where it's like all right I think we've all had had enough of it like I would assume you're numb to it by now who still thinks it's funny like the I've only now years ago I am kind of numb to it and years ago it used to be every tweet in my feed boom boom boom happy b day I'm like oh my God these people don't even realize how unfunny they are this is so old and played it so stupid and then today I saw one tweet Darren Revel with his Bobby Bia day hat on and I'm like this is exactly why it's corny this is the poster child for Bobby Ben day thank you Darren Darren Rell is not a guy you should follow I I can't see you enjoying Darren rll's tweets although you're into the baseball cards yeah I like the collectible aspect of it now he's a little much at times but he's he's great he's the best at it with the with the Collectibles and the gradings and all that stuff so I do find him interesting I I put up with the corny nonsense um to to get some of the good stuff but that's like come on down a compliment for rll I'm impressed by your maturity there I I didn't even think I didn't even see people like trying to make jokes about it it's just like happy Bobby Bonia day and it's like oh my God okay in comparison to some of the other deferred contracts out there like the Bia one's a bargain if you actually look up Chris Davis and how bad is I actually put that in my column today but the problem with the Bon one is it's like it's every year it never ends that's the problem right that is true yes um are you ready to get three or $4,000 from the NFL yeah so what is up with can you explain this to me all I want to know is how it impacts me it doesn't right right no it does it absolutely impacts you wait how you had you had Sunday Ticket yes if you had Sunday Ticket between a certain period of years you're you're supposedly going to get some settlement money and I the if you want pro football talk Mike Florio pro football talk they've done a great job covering this although the one issue is it's still not really all settled like there's going to be appeals and the amount that is going to be paid out has not been fully established was like 4 billion or something yes okay and they're so what but what is the issue I still don't get what the issue is a bunch of people sued the NFL a group of people filed a an an anti trust lawsuit against the NFL um saying that I think like it was a monopoly and because it wasn't because the only place you could get it was direct TV no other place and because the the price was so jacked up because of the Monopoly so right but I thought go ahead okay go ahead no you go I thought that it was only pertaining to to um like establishments that paid for it I didn't know it was individuals like you or I I thought it was only bars or restaurants or whatever I'll read you the class action lawsuit is on behalf of more than 2.4 million residential subscribers and more than 48,000 restaurants bars and other commercial establishments that purchased Sunday Ticket Okay so so that would include everybody like you or I who have purchased the thing I think for me I had it since 1999 yeah and from what I read from what I read there is a chance there is a chance that the NFL is going to have to cut a check between three and $4,000 to every single one of us who is a subscriber God what I love that right now I could really use that actually you know I be great for to start up my September betting pool for the season I thought you done betting I was but football seasons around the corner and if I could get a free four grand tell my wife it was three put a th in a little kitty you know the NFL kitty pool there we oh my God so the so the gambling so we're the gambling uh uh Hiatus is going to be over soon well I think so I think football season we got to play by year I have not made a bet since Kansas City Miami on that Saturday night in the postseason that was the last time I actually placed a Wagers so it says here the lawsuit was originally filed in 2015 on behalf of a San Francisco sports bar alleging that Direct TV CBS ESP Fox violated Anti-Trust law by suppressing competition in exclusive agreements with the NFL that restricted fans ability to view ad of Market games uh so the NFL plans to appeal of course and uh there we there we go well whatever as long as I'm able to watch Direct TV not Direct TV as as long as I'm able to watch Sunday no I don't want I I want $3,000 from the NFL I mean that'd be great what would you do with it use it to buy Sunday Ticket I mean I sent you this text oh I'm doing tap this on my phone I can't see no no no no I'm saying I sent you a text over the weekend you didn't return it but that's okay are you sure I even got it it's here it says deliver say Del what did it say I don't know if I got it I sent you I sent you the screen grab of the email I got from YouTube and then I sent you a message that I can't read on the air because I'll get canceled but it says that my charge for something now I'm not a YouTube TV subscriber I am a Verizon Fios cable subscriber so the cost of Sunday ticket for the 2024 season for James trainer $449 oo so yeah hey we we've been getting away with it for years when did you send that to me Saturday morning let me so basically $449 sue their asses off I think mine's 300 or something like that Saturday 3:00 in the afternoon yeah I I was many many surf sides in in the pool that might have been one I saw just like and deleted it yeah that was deleted it I don't mind no response but why you deleting it I I honestly don't remember it and I have a thing where I delete all my texts even the ones you don't respond to no well maybe I thought I responded maybe you were drunk and deleted it before you were okay I got it or by accident it might even still be on actually I got to check but that is because normally you know I'd always respond I don't mind I don't mind no response because there are texts I don't respond to but to say to my face deleted without a response no it must have just been in in bad habit um I don't know that's a weird one that I can't tolerate I apologize so yeah so the NFL is ordered to pay 4.7 billion billion to its customers now I'm worried about did I delete anybody else like what if Taylor Rooks texted me on Saturday and I we do you don't want to say that on this podcast no I'm just no I said it because I you were talking about how you don't respond sometimes and I remember like texting her and then she didn't respond so that made me think of it but like what if somebody did text me on Saturday like with you it's whatever we'll we'll pick it up but what if it was somebody that I talked to in a while then you know right all right fair enough um yeah like I said pro football talk has covered it they said there's a scenario where each customer each person who had Sunday Ticket between a period of years where we had it would get $3 to $4,000 okay get me my check have to say a little recommendation for everyone I have my summer book for when I'm at the beach or the pool Michael Richards from Seinfeld the name of the book is entrances and exits love it if you are a Seinfeld fan must read now let me set it up the book is let's I'm going to give her a take here the book's like 400 Pages the first 200 are about his starting Show Business his you know life getting in now there's some good stuff in there because he was on this show you might not be I don't know if you you might not be there's a show called Fridays which in the 70s that was Saturday Night Live on NBC ABC decided to copy Saturday Night Live and do that type of show on ABC on Friday nights and it's called Fridays and on that show was Michael Richards and Larry David and there's a famous clip of Andy Kaufman who was on that show sort of sabotaging the show and there's a whole fight and supposedly it was live TV and who was in on it who was so it's if you YouTube Fridays Andy cofman you can watch that but anyway the first 200 is on all that the last 200 pages of the book is on Seinfeld and his um you know when he made the racist comments in the comedy club and got shuddered from Show Business basically and I went into it like okay I'm a big Seinfeld fan I don't want to sound like an arrogant prick but like is there stuff I really don't know at this point you know you know you've heard so many stories there's stuff in there I didn't know you know I knew there was a famous story that I knew about early on in Seinfeld there was an episode where Jason Alexander wasn't in the episode and he threatened to quit the same thing happened with Michael Richards which I didn't know there was an episode where he wasn't in it and he was very angry about it um I don't want to give spoilers but if you are a Seinfeld a big Seinfeld fan you have to read that book okay so you got you got me into it as a matter of fact they've been watching a lot more sefall recently because with YouTube TV like you just put in some of your likes and then it automatically has all these programs in there so I was yesterday I was watching like three or four during the veteran I watched like four episodes and it's been years since I've seen some of them so I'm kind of in a signf Seinfeld mode right now I am intrigued by that do they have the audible version do you know I don't know are you you're not an audible guy no because I like to read at the beach in the pool in the summer because I can't see my phone so I need a book yeah okay that makes sense also it's 2024 how does Apple not invent a phone where you could see it in the sun good point I thought it was just my eyesight I can't see anything out there I got to deal with all this AI GPT blah blah blah can I get a phone that I can see when I'm laying like a bum at the beach I've got to take the phone I got to take my glasses off put the phone in a towel put my head under the towel and then I could and it's 100 degrees I'm sweating like a fat pig as it is and I can't see the goddamn phone it's ridiculous it's can we how do we not have a phone that we can see in the Sun but yeah so I'm I'm a I can't recommend that book enough so speaking of the summer you know we've had this conversation about Grimace the past two weeks where I've said you know fun is not our thing and I can't think of a a more appropriate day for that Mantra than Fourth of July they're really I don't want to say it's number one but if you give me the top five things I hate the most in this world fireworks is in the top five fireworks raisins people like that would be the top three so reasons I I now you have a dog does your dog go ballistic with the fireworks he does not but I'll tell you this the I don't I don't mind now I've never shot off a firework or anything like that I don't mind them on 4th of July I agree we we were getting them last week and this weekend loud and nonstop and even my wife was like what the hell's going on here yeah it's not Fourth of July week like do it on Fourth of July right I couldn't exact like listen I would love to but I can't complain about fireworks being shut off on the 4th of July if I do that I'm just a big [ __ ] you can't do it fine you want to shoot them off on the 4th of July I do think there should be a time limit I don't need him at midnight when I'm you know but whatever you want to shoot them off on the 4th of July I can't say a word on the 4th of July I have to keep my big mouth shut I don't need Saturday night they're blasting off Sunday night it's just noise it's just goddamn noise yeah I don't I don't get I don't get the appeal of why they would do it weekends before you have plenty of time to do it and I got and I got something else I despise about the Fourth of July again we don't we don't do fun I don't think there's anything Dumber in the universe than that hot dog eating contest oh okay it's dumb it's repulsive there's people who don't even have food and we're shoving hot dogs down I don't get the appeal of it I don't understand here's what I really don't understand I really don't understand being in your house on the fourth of July putting your television on or I guess you know if you're not old you put your iPad on you put on ESPN and you watch these people stuff hot dogs and them I don't understand the appeal in any way shape or form yeah I I've I mean I've watched it over the years in you know sporadically in spurts I'm not it probably won't even register this year like I got bigger and then the guy wins and people talk about him like he's like LeBron James or Tom Brady yeah isn't he not doing it isn't there something where Chestnut is not Joey chestnut's not doing it I don't know I don't pay ATT yeah I think he's I think he bowed out this year he's doing he has some different endorsement or something where he's not doing it so oh good then maybe people won't talk about it he was banned there you go Shelby oh he was banned from the hot dog eating contest I think because he has another sponsorship or something what a first of all just how about that sentence alone him and Kobe yashi are doing it on Netflix oh that's okay they're doing it on Netflix there you go it's so big it's turning into a Netflix special are you a big hot dog guy no because I had a bad experience oh yeah I I remember my parents had a barbecue I think I ate like three hot dogs threw them up that night and haven't been able to eat one since oh man yeah it's a problem I like hot dogs but not as much as I used to as a kid we used to have them all the freaking time if I'm in a barbecue the number one for me I think this might be the Italian Roots I want some sausage sausage I like the thin the ring yeah with nice a TI and smolina bread we have it on on New Year's every New Year's Eve it was a big thing saage at midnight and all that what see I like it on the bar I like the sausage on the barbecue okay that's that's what I like now you get me hungry I'm going to have to get some sausage this week I love that so you won't be shooting off fireworks on the fourth of July do you have Fourth of July plans no we didn't I have my family coming over the 5ifth and we might just have my wife's brother and his kids come over July 4th I got actually work that out after we're done here but no plan staying home now this is your first Fourth of July in the new house so you don't know what goes on with the fireworks on your block and all that right but it's been a right I'm hoping we could see some from the backyard maybe but it's been a the the the sounds that have you know the fireworks been going off it's insane what's G on the last this past weekend so so you're hoping you can see some why yeah I mean you know my wife is into it maybe my daughter I'd like to see it from the backyard I'll give you a spoiler it's just like colors in the sky you you really are no fun I mean my hate for G my hate for is a little bit different than your hate for fireworks yeah fireworks are nice oh your hate for grimace is so much worse my hate because he my hate is because the noise intrudes on me I don't want to hear loud noises if it was just the colors with no noises fine I don't want to hear the noise but you don't like looking at the fireworks Grim is doing no damage to you personally now now what about you making up with firework like you won't if you have a barbecue you're doing you going what are you doing for of July usually we I meet friends we go I take my nieces we go to this beach they do fireworks there but the fireworks there I don't go for the if it was up to me I'd leave before the fireworks right I go because my niece but I but the fireworks at the beach are not bad because they're very very very far away so they're not loud right I see what you're saying yeah I want to see them from the distance yeah i' like back when they're shooting off the fireworks I don't even look up to the sky talking to I'm talking to people I have no interest I could okay I got it green and red and yellow okay wonderful yeah not my thing and Grimace isn't doing anything to you personally the fireworks affect me because they're loud right I don't want noise all right I'm glad you got it happy Fourth of July s enjoy the enjoy the day we'll see you next week you too I'll talk to you later right all right my many many thanks to Jason mccordi my thanks to Sal Lata my thanks to you for listening if you missed any recent episodes of the podcast make sure you check it out recent guests last week Pablo Tori from metal Arc media and ESPN was on the show two weeks ago Derek Jeter and Richard D of the athletic three weeks ago Tom Brady and author and reporter Jim Miller so if you miss any of those give them a listen subscribe to SI media with Jimmy trainer rate and review on Apple all right have a happy and safe 4th of July we'll see you next week stay safe and take care [Music]

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