Questions Surrounding Tom Brady's FOX Debut | SI Media | Episode 511

Published: Aug 28, 2024 Duration: 01:20:26 Category: Sports

Trending searches: brady and fox
[Music] welcome everyone to SI media with Jimmy trainer thank you so much for listening we have a big Sports media conversation for you this week with Brian Curtis of the ringer hovered an absolute ton of topics with Brian Curtis everything from Tom Brady's upcoming debut on Fox to Bill bich and Nick Sabin becoming members of the media to the Kelsey brothers getting $100 million for their podcast to Mike Greenberg becoming the host of ESPN's Sunday NFL Countdown show um The Return of the Sports reporters Paul fbal and also get into a conversation about Charles Barkley what we think is going to happen with him and whether or not a network will ever hire a non-x NFL player to call a game based off of um Peter shreer from Good Morning football calling a preseason game this past weekend so all those ICS with Brian Curtis of the ringer followed by Sal Lata and the train of thought segment all coming up on this podcast and uh Sal and I go through the Apple reviews for the month of August as well this week before we get to it if you've missed any recent episodes Kirk herb street from E Pen's on the podcast for me as pan and Amazon Prime on the podcast last week great great interview with Kirk check that out if you missed it Chris madogg Russo on the Pod a couple of weeks go Greg olssen on the Pod recently as well from Fox so herp Street Russo Olsen all recent guests check those out if you did not listen And subscribe to SI media with Jimmy TR all right let's get to it Brian Curtis from the ringer followed by trainer thoughts all right here right now on SI media with Jimmy trainer all right joining me now SI media podcast regular I always love when he comes on you guys always seem to love when he comes on so after several attempts and several vacation problems we finally have from the ringer Brian Curtis Brian how's it going that sounds like I'm really important or something but it was mostly because I Pro promised my wife and family that I would actually be on vacation this summer I think I asked twice and both times you're on vacation so I was I had good timing there so um this is actually a perfect week to do this because there's a ton of sports Media news and um obviously NFL is starting up so we have a million topics to get into in fact right before we started taping I think this came down like 20 minutes ago I just saw ESPN for the Florida state Georgia Tech game this past Saturday from Ireland 5 million viewers up 40% from week zero last year five million viewers for that game is pretty significant I yeah I'd agree and also it was an awesome game so it was you know one of those where right off the bat you're like oh wait Florida state looks really really vulnerable to the upset as it wound up happening Han King Hayes King looks like a live quarterback and it was fun too I I was just I'm like you just when football comes back even if it's branded week zero football which is like the fakest designation of all time I'm just like here we go uh even if ree Davis sounds like he's doing the intro to the Ireland edition of the Lonely Planet on game day when he comes out of the box I'm like this rules let's go yeah it um I mean listen you get a game that ends on a field goal but and and an upset you expect a good rating but I wonder if that rating means anything in terms of you know the anticipation for football football already has a strangle hold on this country that's a big number 5 million for that first week still the middle of Summer Saturday at noon um that's good news there for ESPN and the college football world that's for sure absolutely and I'm not but I think we've been told right to expect ratings go down slightly this year that has nothing to do with American appetites for football but okay so big number out of the box yeah I don't I don't know if I buy the ratings are going to go down I think when it happened in 20 uh wasn't four years ago I think it was eight years ago when it happened it was all new and fresh the insanity of trump now I think it's old hat so I don't I wouldn't expect a big dip based on politics I think you're the one who pointed out that the debates are all on Tuesdays Tuesdays and Wednesdays getting the heck out of the way of the NFL yeah absolutely they know uh I thought it was interesting too herb Street was on this podcast last week they sent him there for game day then they didn't do the game it ended up being Joe Tess and Greg mroy and not Greg mroy Jesse Palmer Jessie and that was a perfect Joe Tess game so again everything aligned properly to get the uh 5 million viewers all right we uh begin the season soon and maybe I'm biased because I cover Sports media but I'm also a huge NFL fan the biggest story in week one it's not Jim Harbaugh it's not Caleb Williams it's Tom Brady I don't care what anyone says that will be the biggest story of week one how let's start with how are you going to judge Brady are you going to make declarations after one G I already know I could already see all of us who do this are going to post something about Brady like either after the game or on Monday I don't know if you will but is it should we take it easy and relax a little bit or because he's Tom Brady he deserves to have a judgment made after one game you're saying we're gonna wait till after the gameer on Monday to start posting stuff half whose plan was that the first time Tom Brady talks uh on Fox I'm in I mean I think there's a couple things about him that are fascinating one is just because this level of meast star actually doing announcing wow the fact that it is Tom Brady okay I want I so eager to see how that turns out but also there the fact that we have not heard Tom Brady talk all that much in a relaxed setting ever and you know the first time that he criticizes a quarterback will that be desun Watson will be Dak Prescott in week one will that be Daniel Jones somewhere down the line that's just gonna have so much more weight than anybody doing that on first take or get up or a panel show NFL live anything right because it's Tomy so you know I just think like the the anticipation for that to me not just him breaking down tape not just how he handles the mechanics of a broadcast which we saw Tony Romo do really well right out of the box but but what he says you know what are what are the proclamations that he makes so that that's kind of what I'm looking forward most to seeing yeah I agree I also think in this day and age of aggregation Fox PR Fox management I think they're gonna have an interesting battle on their hands because I think every single thing he says is going to be aggregated and when aggregation happens context is lost and we saw a case this happened with Troy a couple years ago and I was what I was on it I tweeted it too and I you know Troy was doing a game it was a Niners Packers playoff game and I think maybe the ners are struggling to run the ball and he goes well now things are going to be left up to Jimmy Garoppolo and you know and the way he said it it was easily implied like well that's a problem and everyone posted it and Troy said he didn't mean it that way who knows but my point is in that long diet tribe everything Tom says is going to get aggregated yes the answer is just ignore it but I wonder if that's going to become an issue too because like you said the first time he's calling out anybody it's going to blow up so I think 95% of what he does is just going to be breaking down football right like the big proclamations are you know when the game slows down or if he takes a moment to to really say something but the that Troy moment is really fascinating because that was the NFC Championship Game by the way Troy even in the internet's interpretation of what Troy was saying Troy was right right right right Jimmy garoo was not great like it was one of those things where he accidentally said the thing that people wanted him to say which was this is done now because Jimmy garoppo is not going to go down and win this game and in fact I believe he threw a pick six uh either on the next play or a couple plays later if I remember that game correctly so yeah you're right like those those will be the interesting moments but I I just think so much of a game is just talking football right and like Tom Brady Talking Football it's pretty aggregation proof I say bravely yeah it's pretty interesting and you know that that will be a lot I think what we hear week one okay that'll be interesting if it's aggregation proof I'll be C you know he did the um he did something in that Fanatics thing a couple of weeks ago in New York City he did a thing with Stephen A and even then he was talking about well there was two funny things that happened Stephen A wanted Brady to name the top five quarterbacks in the league right now and Tom got to four he said Mahomes burrow Allen Lamar Jackson and he goes I'll just leave it at that like the guy can't even come up with a fifth quarterback that's how bad he thinks the quarterback play is and and and then he was talking about quarterback play and he goes you know let's say someone throws a pick let's say Daniel Jones throws a pick and Stephen A was like oh it's Daniel Jones that's the guy he goes no I didn't mean it I didn't mean it he goes well he goes maybe I meant it a little bit I think Tom's gonna have a hard time controlling the criticism during these games unless he has someone in his ear saying you know pull it back or take it easy well that's and that's that's fascinating right because that's the reverse of the usual problem when you have a big athlete coming to the broadcast Booth is they won't say anything they won't go out and crush somebody when they need to crush somebody so by the way if that part of his personality is getting out to me that's a great problem for everybody to have I don't I don't think Fox corporate PR or whatever is going to worry like Tom Brady is making news uh by having opinions about people I think that's they're I think they're super happy if that's the outcome here couldn't agree more I I fall on the side of I think he's definitely going to have comments about people I think he's definitely going to be critical what would your guess be at this point um I think there'll be some of that I mean I I we don't know right so I'm I'm guessing here I think he'll be very judicious with it because I think he of all people knows exactly what weight those words carry um it may be a little bit like Troy where one thing that I love about Troy is he is frustrated by bad football right and that's when it comes out with Troy and that's like I think Troy as a human is like that and in recent years that has nut on to the air more because he's just been a little looser and he's been a little more comfortable with saying that stuff so I think with the kind of anger SL disgust SL disappointment bad football I look forward to that because those are some of the the best moments I think we get from color guys absolutely and and listen Troy's been doing it 20 plus years that's what I find really fascinating about Tom is will he will take him a little time to get comfortable or will he be comfortable right from the get-go in criticizing players it really going to be fascinating on uh that Sunday Browns Cowboys at at 4:25 and it's interesting because you haven't heard much from Tom no interviews no you know he's Cherry picks his things here and there but it were really gonna it's really going to seem fresh on that Sunday too which is yeah like I said I think most we've heard from him is at the roast that's the most we've heard from him in it kind of you know there's been the serious Show podcast podcast and few little things here and there but like just to hear him talk at length about anything and especially in that setting and doing it with Burkhart right who's very much like Troy's partner Joe Buck and he wants to make this work right he is a guy Buck always struck me one of the interesting parts of his personality he's a pleaser right he wants to make things comfortable and good he wants to set the other guy up he's not worried about you know his him getting shine in that role and burkhart's really really like that so I think that'll be the other part of this it's important not to mention the guys in the truck who are excellent but you know burkhard just being the kind of guy that will make Brady feel comfortable and make him feel able to say what he wants to say Tom did a stop here but it was only for 10 minutes so if anyone from Fox is listening can I please get Tom for an hour thank you all right um and then obviously Tom's coach bill bellich is now Mr Media five media jobs for Bill bich he's going to be on with McAfee once a week Monday night Manning cast on Monday nights with pton and Eli he's going to be on in the first quarter of those games those 10 weeks side note I love how the Mannings are still doing only 10 weeks like that's the AL that the Howard Stern Mannings where you dictate your schedule and you don't want to work every week that to me is the dream so kudos to the Mannings for still only doing 10 episodes you know ESPN would want 18 oh yeah I mean my my childhood example is always Johnny Carson working Tuesday through Thursday and then taking the summer off yeah yeah that is good work if you can get it excellent work if you can get it so uh Bill be Manning cast McAfee his own thing with Underdog which no offense don't don't know what that is uh and the inside the NFL on the CW and then it was just announced he's going to be with Jim Gray on Monday nights on Seri 6m five media jobs for bellich and I tie this in with Nick Sabin cuz they're similar all time coaches and their sport these unique personalities Sabin obviously now on college game day he's and and McAfee too I guess which guy intrigues you more this year as a media star it's interesting let me let me say this first about Belichick's jobs why did coaches get into media so they can get another coaching job that is the case in 99% except for Jeff Van guny who was only only said he wanted to get another coaching job that's the reason I get in so if you're bill bellich you just went through a whole cycle where you got you know told no by the Falcons and all these other teams and the commanders then like you have a lot to gain here which is you need to remind people that you're a great coach or were a great coach and you need to also sort of convince people that you have a personality that can fit inside a building and fit with a billionaire owner that's more than the personality you showed or didn't show when you were with Patriots there's a lot of upside for him here like I just assume he wants to coach I assume he wants to go set the all-time NFL whims record I assume this is not his life's work at this point or a second career but I think that's part of the reason he takes so many things is because there's there's an upside here to him which is you know I can go get another job him or Sabin so then I think the question is like who do you want do you want the guy who's on a temporary probably one or twoyear deal or do you want Sab and who's done and it's free to go I mean I think sabin's kind of interesting because he explains a lot more of college football right now there's this whole nil recruiting part of college football and you saw him get into that in week zero a little bit but he can kind of the he is the portal to explaining that right he does that he already made news by saying oh these people are camping out and Tuscaloosa to try to steal my players and you know right terms of transferring so I mean I guess I guess I'd go a little bit Sab though belich is kind of like Brady it's like just belich talking in uncontrolled setting I know he's done a lot with mac and stuff like that like that's that's fascinating too yeah you do wonder if belich maybe pulls it back a little because like you said he wants the coaching job whereas sain can let it all fly because he's like you said he's done with coaching yeah that's that's that's my take early but you know bichi again it's a little bit like Brady was like anything he says especially anything that's critical will be huge news just big aggregatable stuff I think what I think I'm more intrigued by Sabin this season from the standpoint of seeing him on Game Day mhm which is a fun wild atmosphere he's not fun or wild you've got McAfee there nothing else needs to be said y it I I think if you do that show you have no choice but to loosen up so I I guess we'll see a looser Nick you're not going to be on that show and be stiff eventually you got to loosen up if you're doing that show and him loosened up I think will be good TV yes and he's got this relationship with M that you know predates him being on game day that started last year probably before that on mcafe show so that's kind of an interesting element and also Nick saan is just like game day man I mean he was one of the first coaches to let that show come in and get the whole tour of the program every week he was one saying come down come down I have no problem with I love the media I love you guys because you guys are my biggest recruiting tool so from that point of view just fun to see him on the other side of the desk speak of game day I thought it was interesting when I had Kirk Herre on last week he said he had thought about maybe giving up game day when he got the Amazon gig and he said McAfee was the reason he decided to stay with game day and doesn't want to leave anymore and I feel like McAfee talks about getting criticized a lot or people giving him a hard time I don't I mean I've seen it because I get it when I praise mcafe but I feel like he's now like this firmly entrenched ESPN guy I mean you have Sabin going to his show bellich going to show herb Street staying on game day because of bfee and people may have an issue because Pat maybe curses on the show or rips ESPN people on the show I think anyone who thinks I mean I think there are a lot of people who didn't think that ma if ESPN marriage would last a year which it's been now I think that marriage is here to stay there's a reason they're fighting through all this stuff wasn't it like what was it a month ago two months ago that mcki was like am I coming back to game day or not I'm I'm still trying to decide there's a reason Jimmy patara is fighting through all this stuff like it's important and by the way game day's got like competition on Fox like they need Pat McAfee sitting in the middle of that desk that's important and it's and and it's good for the show The Thing Herby is fascinating to me because I think game day is where he gets his where so much of his mojo as an announcer comes from because it's different right than any other broadcaster that we see you can go on there and have opinions about the whole sport you can be Mr college football in addition to calling the big Saturday night game it'd be weird to me to have Herby without game day and listen there are a lot of announcers broadcasters that have multiple jobs I Ian eagle and Kenny Albert and but for herb Street to be doing G game day the aame on ESPN ABC and Thursday Night Football that's I think that's sort of flown under the radar how significant that is yes it's that that might be the most demanding you know I mean we've seen a lot of play-by-play guys do five games a week or something like that and in different cities and I'm sure that's just a big travel toll but doing three hours of freegame where you have to know about a 100 college football teams and then know about the n and then the big game that's that's a ton yeah it's a lot and then swoop into the NFL where again stand the alone game on Thursday night so everything him and Al says gets oh yeah uh analyzed to death um and you know we had this dust up on Monday with Paul febal and Dion Sanders I don't know if dust Up's the right word but I've been blown away by the media just kissing Dion's ass for a year and just giving him a free pass on everything and fine bound dropped the Hammer with this whole thing where not only does Dion and the school I guess it was the school saying that nobody at the school is going to talk to this Denver Post reporter and I forgot his name Sam key is that the [Applause] name yeah not only do they do that but it's written in Dion's contract that he doesn't have to talk to anyone he doesn't want to talk to and Dion wants to end up in the NFL like one that won't fly that will not fly in the NFL at all and you're were 4 and eight and here you are Banning reporters that was as Bush league as I've seen and the only voice prominent voice there I think there were others someone else did it on I think around the horn but fine Bal dropped the hammer and good for him yeah oh I mean absolutely and it's funny because I think this is one of those cases where what Dion is doing is a version of what college coaches have done forever I mean there are a lot of not Nick Sabin there and maybe the local Alabama people would tell you that Nick Sabin wasn't a huge teddy bear when they were interviewing him as opposed to him doing a national interview this is this is one of these access things that we from the national level probably don't see a lot of the time because it is all fought on a very local level at press conferences are not watched by that many people compared to an NFL press conference so to me it's part of what the reason that this is so big and this is not to excuse Dion at all because I I think totally unacceptable as well and I do think it's Bush League to use the phrase but I think what he's doing is he's just getting more attention right started with that weird Ed worder thing that was in was that week one was that after TCU I think yes I forgot about mad at Ed worder we're like wait what did Ed worder in particular you the coach of the University of Colorado just made absolutely no sense right but it's so weird because on the one hand he's he's kind of doing two things right he's telling the local media I'm not going to answer your questions but then he's telling the national media come on in get the full tour we saw Fox hitch big noon kickoff to that program weeks last year right and when you talk about why TV people are grateful it's because Dion equaled ratings last year well that's that that's what the issue is because you can't criticize Fox for doing that because what the numbers are but I thought Fox embarrassed itself with the way they covered Dion the way they went to Colorado games the team stunk so at some point like maybe stop kissing the guy's ass for five I understand you got your rating so that's all that matters but I thought Fox embarrassed itself last year with what they did with Dion but you know they they got the ratings so that's all that matters yeah I think this's this weird position and you and I probably been in this in our lives sometime where somebody a famous person is not talking to other people specifically not talking to other people and doing it on grounds that just don't make any sense right they don't make any sense but they're willing to talk to you and in this case this is probably a national person talking to di oh sit down 60 minutes here we go to me it's incumbent upon you to ask the question why are you treating local reporters like that that's kind of it's kind of the least you can do if you're you know soaking up the clicks and the rating from getting the interview to me that that that seems like a question because it's obviously a big story but de well the local media probably knows way more about the nonsense happening there than the national media they're there every day yeah they're all just let's get a college reporter right here and just be like tell me about your relationship with a coach you know it's not just good bad like it is with any beat writer there's some some shutout times sometimes you probably were just like pissed off and not getting called on and yeah all that stuff I I absolutely believe that well I think it was important that fine bom said what he said because of his prominence in the college football world and fine bom is not a guy who's out there saying crazy stuff all the time when he says it it carries some weight and he's you know the words he used disgrace and Bully big words but he did it in a very fair manner so not crazy stuff all the time but not above getting aggregated let's let's say well who isn't these days you know I was thinking of this yesterday too with the Dion stuff I don't know if you have an answer to this or if there is there probably is no answer but I'll throw it why is Paul fbom not on game day they tried it um and you know he was he would tell you he was almost too hot for game day he did it as a season he did it for a season and then he wound up doing the SEC network thing the idea was that maybe he's he's more there but he did it and that's where remember he called Lane kein the Miley Cyrus of college football why have I have no recollection of this I can't believe it oh my God it it was a fun couple of weeks of American life let me tell you I got to look that up um and one thing about the last thing on Dion before I move on you and every time you come on we're you you know you had the Johnny Johnny Carson reference so we go back a little bit unfortunately I I remember what Dion did with Tim McCarver so that's why I have a hard time with all the Dion forming all the time oh my God because I went back and watched that and it was bad it was really bad it was really bad I mean imagine if that happened now with anybody oh my God forget it forget it suspension and every you know with big Wireless providers what you see is never what you get somewhere between the store and your first month's bill the price you thought you were paying magically skyrockets with mmobile you'll never have to worry 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Analogy yeah if there is a show he will host it at some point the sports Ryan C Chris will as smooth as butter will never say anything that gets anyone riled up and you don't have to worry about do you think ESPN slides him in there because they don't have to worry about it if he goes in there they know he's going to do a good job and that's it that's part of it and part of it is they have like six stars and those six stars will be on every single ESPN show like I think that's philosophy pretty simple right yeah so have Stephen A it's gonna have Pat Magi it's gonna have Mike greenber it's gonna have SVP one of those people are going to be on every major ESPN Studio show well my first thought when I when I realized when the news came out about Sam Ponder was okay they need a host who would be good I'm like SVP would be great I'm like oh wait he's on Monday night so he can't do Sunday so they went to one of the other I know a lot of people I don't know about a lot but I know there were people upset Laura rutage didn't get the job um do you think is pen should have given her a shot or do you understand why it was Greenberg I understand the Greenberg for the reasons for the you know just but the corporate philosophy we've seen over the last couple years I think laurwood would do a great job at that I also think like the problem with that show to me is not was not Sam ponder it was that there wasn't really anybody I wanted to hear from on that show that that show needs a whole re rethink I mean it is it is not the host right is a problem and I don't think I seriously doubt you and I get much out of any NFL pregame show but I get less out of that one that I get out of the other ones just because it's not even like oh it's big stars you know that have been around forever it's just like who who am I looking forward to hearing from on that show to me if there's an idea of Laura it's not only Laura it's the whole NFL Live Crew I mean I would just say well why don't we just take isn't that our pregame show we've invested in so much in these people people like them won't we just do a full transplant and that's that's our Sunday Morning Show you could I think you could easily make an argument that Laura rutage with orlovski Ryan Clark Marcus others on I guess they do Monday night so maybe Mina was easily a better crew than what they have I mean that's to me and I was just kind of assuming that was going to happen at some point and maybe again maybe contractually it's hard for that to happen right now but I wouldn't be shocked I mean remember greeny did kind of a cameo appearance on NBA Countdown who has there for a while well that's a great point but then he slid it off Malik's got the show now so you know I could see that happening to him during a year or two being Laura but she absolutely deserves it of course she does so let me ask you this it's an NFL Sunday You're somehow home right before the game start what is the pregame show you would put on first uh is there a ringer NFL podcast I haven't listened to so you don't even flip on I will have it on as wallpaper but am I that's what I mean I think that's how most people consume it and I probably Fox for the at least for the nostalgic part of it just because Terry howy and Jimmy I mean that's what I would do but if I wanted like information about the games I'm looking at Twitter I'm listening to podcast yeah it's funny I'm yeah Fox is if I'm home and getting ready the fox is the one I put on let's yeah and ESP and I would go to CBS and NFL Network probably before ESPN in that case too which is I think so interesting about that pregame same power rank is here yeah all right that was a little harsh towards ESPN so now it'll be nice um last week I I wanted to do a mailbag from my column on asked people for questions on Twitter and the topic that came up the most and I think maybe because there's a little confusion about it which we'll get into but people were excited about the return of the Sports reporters which I think John oan broke over at puck now the details of it are a little it's supposed to be on YouTube and then I think John came out with a follow-up tweet that it'll end up being on linear so I think where it ends up right now maybe we don't know 100% or what the plan is but there's going to be some Return of the Sports reporters well let me start with this do you know any the do you know any details yet on or just what John oan reported and because I think you need a certain kind of host for that are you gonna make it the same way it was how are you GNA go about it so let me you did have Jeremy shap as a host right chair he said that they they were gonna tape an episode with Jeremy shap with Joe Buck and Al Michaels so that all was just confusing to me because they are not as great as they may be Sports reporters right of a weird Parable for sports writing when our first idea is like what well here's some big time announcers that could be like that's a bad show like that's interesting to me I mean the sport I love I grew up loving the sport supporters to to go back to the Johnny Carson era of Television here right it was awesome but I would also love that show in an era where it's like I have kind of vaguely heard of these people there's no way for me to read their column on a daily basis there's no I've never maybe seen them before other than I don't know the back of a book jacket or something like that right it's a real time and place thing and and for People of Our Generation when when ESPN killed that show show there was a lot of death of ESPN oh no they've killed another thing it it did feel though like it was part of a time and place to me so if it's going to be something it's going to have be something very very different than what it was otherwise it's just a podcast with Sports reporters talking to each other it's a really really good point because it it does feel like that I you said it perfectly that shows of a time and place and if they brought it back in the vein that it was where you don't have people screaming and yelling and doing hot takes and and and not even doing it in the bad way I mean even if you're doing it in like a mad dog Russo way where you're trying to be entertaining that show is none of those things that show is not what that is it's a con podcast is perfect it's just a conversation everyone chimes in with their opinions no one saying crazy just to get a reaction which is what happens on all these shows so can that show exists today is is a very interesting question because it's funny the first your first reaction to Buck and and buck and Al Michaels was one at Sports reporters my first reaction was okay so if you have Jeremy sha doing a one-h hour show say and it's a conversation with buck and Al I'm gonna watch that like I know I'm gonna watch it right by way put cus on there like they did at the Olympics when too had cus and Al Michaels like that was cool yeah kind of like the super you know the uh Marvel superheroes that we don't often see in the same movie all coming together at once right so the question is then is it in name only or is it the Sports reporters I guess we have to wait to find out yeah and by the way I think the announcer one is just kind of more interesting to me at this time and not to to throw our fellow Sports writers under the bus but I just feel like I have that in various forums now you and I right now are doing our own little cosplay of the Sports reporters so yeah that's true I thought I was in my head I'm thinking if they bring it it could bring it back in the same vein different kind you know I think like I I I think I said this in the column like I think Tony R would be a great host for a Sports reporters type of show younger guy yeah smooth I will say dick sha was cool in the day because he was a writer and he was kind of a writer who' graduated to TV but he had literary bonafit so if you there was somebody like that I don't totally know who off the top of my head who that would be who was also happy to be the kind of point guard Elder Statesman figure yeah kind of interesting role to cast but made me think the YouTube part of it made me think they're trying to go younger with it like a younger version I don't know why but that's what came in my head when I saw it prominently on YouTube I was thinking okay like a ton of real maybe and I guess I guess it's a big wait and see but people hear that name it it the point is the name sports report is still holds some weight in this day day and age yeah it was ESPN's Meet the Press back in the day it was their Sunday Morning Show absolutely uh let's see what else we have oh I mean we're here as two podcasters and the Kelsey just got $100 million for their podcast I'll take $100 like can we okay what uh the bidding for Jimmy at $100 yes I don't know the business side of this and obviously a lot of this is tied in with Taylor Swift but I'm blown away that amazon1 Dre I guess like they can make their money back on a $100 million investment in a podcast and I don't say that to denigrate podcast since this is a podcast but that to me is shocking yeah I mean I'm not going to totally totally pretend I understand the economics of it it was a huge number and it's not just Taylor remember I mean Taylor obviously super duper turbo charges it but they played each other in the Super Bowl but then I a100 million without her no I I I agree I mean it has it has much more luster now but like it was you know it's we you and I seen 19 versions of this well let's say 190 versions of the player podcast while they're still active from Draymond and on and on and this is by far the most successful of those not just in terms of like we made this amount of money but in terms of like this is actually a good podcast some of them are just like not good at all or just okay or good only win the players in an interesting Moment Like Draymond doing it during the finals that year I remember that was pretty compelling when they when they won their last title but yeah that's a big number big number um couple of things here before we speaking of big numbers I saw I got an email about it last week and then I saw I think they released it yesterday that LeBron now who I'm a big fan of LeBron is now doing he's a spokesman doing commercials for DraftKings and unfortunately he's doing with Kevin Hart which I've never understood that Kevin Hart thing but I see that and I'm like okay well if you're LeBron you really need the DraftKings money and then if your DraftKings you print money because every gambler's a loser you're going to waste all that money to pay LeBron I guess Football starting you're in competition with FanDuel I don't know but I just think the sometimes I see these marriage and I don't understand them at all the Lebron part is interesting because presumably he could just make tons of money from anybody that has included Taco Bell remind me of his other sponsors oh God I mean Sho yeah the shoe stuff is what else is LeBron I don't see I don't usually pay attention to it I because how can you keep track is he one of those people that did Subway like Jeter which was the biggest joke ever like d Jeter ever Romo yeah none of them have ever had a Subway sandwich in their life probably in a Subway ad at some point I'm sure LeBron Gatorade I'm sure LeBron has a drink ad you know yeah I mean it's F he's in the he's in the kind of interesting late Career Zone too where I feel you start doing different things we've seen him do like various media things that are different because it's late in his career most recently the podcast with his now coach but you know maybe maybe it's a late career I'm figuring things out I'm setting myself up I don't know I think it's just I see LeBron on the DraftKings ad I'm just like don't like don't you just want to enjoy your time what are you what are you doing this for yeah we should know no one is asking us to do major national ads and you know I don't know that we would be like you know what I want to just enjoy my time at home uh rather than do this train subway ad that we're I mean air in 100 markets yeah don't ask me to do Subway though that that's where I'll perhaps a bad example yeah um the game was aired locally here in New York on Saturday but then I heard it was simult Cas on NFL Network did you get a chance at all on Saturday to tune in it was Jets Giants but the broadcast team was Ian eagle and Peter shreer I'm fascinated by this because I saw your Tweet about this and it's like it's a really interesting question right because it does feel like past time this is what you're pointing out on Twitter that the networks have non-players in the booth first of all it does especially since Howard coell did this 50 years ago yeah and that was a big deal and a big hit you know um we're talk we're talking about this the podcast yesterday it's funny you mentioned this it's like um to me part of the thing about getting players right is they're really famous Tom Brady being the ultimate example that Amman all these guys right you're getting Fame that even our famous sports writer Pals cannot quite match no no offense to to anybody here but I think it's one of those things where the old thing when you and I were growing up to go back to the 80s one last time is that there was this idea that there was no way a normal human could know as much about football as an next player and now we've seen in the era of mina in the ER of Bill Barnwell and Ben solak and all these other people that like oh wow you can know a hell of a lot about football just from watching tape just from studying and being a journalist so if there's ever a time that's going to happen it feels like it's now and even you know there might be a moment where people at home who are not into the media and the level you and I are like oh wait why is this person on a game but surely they could prove that they know football pretty quickly yeah I think listen there's never going to be a network that takes someone like shreer who's never played the game and put him as a lead analyst in in the number one booth solo like that's never going to happen it's always going to be an next player because look who it is it's Brady it's Aman it's got to be all the big names so that's not gonna because the network still want the guy who's going to sit there and talk about You Know cover two and the Nickelback rushes after the end drops off and to show how smart they are it's all you know but you can't tell me someone like Peter shreer can't be on like the fifth crew at CBS or Fox I would say that Peter shreer would be a better listen a more entertaining listen than like Daryl moose Johnston well that that to me is the best point about this because it's like those those lower Crews where doing a game for like 5% of the country right they weirdly stay the same year after year and I understand part of its reliability the Network's like let's just have somebody there we'll never worry about them that's fine but if you're it's weird that you're not using that as a talent pool right let's go create a star who's going to do something big for us maybe it's the number one crew maybe it's the number two crew you know that does a playoff game maybe it's part of a three person booth that does something interesting maybe it's somebody that they we Elevate to the pregame show because they became kind of this you know Sunday Ticket Star doing a doing Jaguars whatever like that that that to me is a is what they should be doing with those jobs absolutely 1,000% because also it does come down to entertainment for me so I like I said the a crew the B crew the C crew they're always going to be that ex player who can break down the film The X's and O's and all that stuff and talk about my when they play played but if you want some but you can go the entertainment like ion and Trager if you listen to that broadcast I I I caught about 15 minutes of it after getting home it was entertaining like sports is supposed to be entertaining you you can get out of that formula give give someone like that a chance and like you said if it's the fifth sixth crew maybe you find something something catches on and no one there's no downside to it if the person's good if the person's bad it doesn't matter if they're an next player or not an next player if the person's bad the person's bad but there's no downside to it yes I mean I would just think it's almost like your tripa a team in baseball where it's like right you know the triple A team should be populated by people who can play the majors right not by people who will be good at tripa a baseball for the next 10 years like that doesn't really help right ultimately so yeah and like if it's the F six crew that's a bad game that's not a good game so at least there's entertaining so when we're flipping around on something like oh oh there's so and so let's go watch this this is fun and you know you know this let's say let's say if Fox decided to go that route and put someone who didn't play like shreer on their fifth crew you know the next year CBS is going to do then mea will be working for CBS like once one does it then the other's going to copy because they all copy so that'll happen all right last thing before we go I this is the first time I think I've done a podcast with some who covers Sports media in probably three or four months where we're here at the whatever 40 minute Mark and we have not mentioned TNT inside the NBA and Charles Barkley uh oh and it's all been done to death and I'm actually illegal not to mention the NBA rights deal for 40 minutes I'm not even gonna get into the rights deal I'm just GNA make one statement get your reaction and see what you think so obviously the the latest news and the biggest news of it is Charles saying he's staying with TNT even when they don't have the NBA now they have this whole year coming up where they do have the NBA and then after this season no more NBA and Charles says no ESPN no NBC no Amazon staying with TNT and I know calling Mountain West football I don't know but anyway I say that still doesn't happen that this is not his that this is that it's going to be this year and out for Charles yeah I think I saying retiring I'm not saying retiring that he's going to be a free agent at the end of this year I think that is the safest bet in the history of the world first of all Charles Barkley said five different things about his career this year that have all been contradictory no no five different things in about a two week Span in about a two week span depending on how he was I'm just shocked by how credulously a lot of this stuff was reported about Charles I mean we're talking about reporters here that are skeptical people Charles Barkley says this I mean I saw like the athletic aggregated it when Charles Barkley said he was retiring remember that remember that version of what Charles is doing next he was going to do one more year and then retire and I'm just like really I understand this is going to do a bunch of retweets here but you're just kind of misleading all of your readers because this isn't going to happen your own reporters don't think this is going to happen well I I In fairness if he says it if he says it I think they he said it 50 times over the last five years that he's going to retire and then they give him a bunch of money and then he doesn't retire right you just got to be like smart and be like this guy's not leveling with us or he just changes his mind all the time and by the way that's I Charles Barkley is allowed to change his mind all the time yeah but that doesn't mean we have to be like oh oh we got a big scoop here Charles barle oh I see what you're saying yeah yeah yeah yeah to present it like that is is a little ridiculous yeah I mean listen it went from like he signed this he signed the 10-year deal with Turner and then immediately did interviews he might even it might have even been one of them with he said there's no way I'm doing 10 years so right off the bat that he already retiring right after the New Deal then it was if we lose the NBA I'm going to listen to ESPN and NBC and Amazon then it was I'm retiring I'm in I'm open for business brother that was his that was his quote he was bragging about having an out so he could be a free agent right then it was I'm retiring yep and now it's I'm staying with TNT and getting the rest of this huge contract to not call basketball for returns I just I don't overwhelmingly likely he will be a free agent again and we'll be doing all these same stories all these visiting all these Stations of the Cross of the sports across one more time I think that's exactly there's not a show they're going to be able to offer him Turner that's going to make him stay there when they don't have the NBA no do hockey he's gonna do B like that's fun like that idea and I guess there's this idea that they would change it into kind of a general sport show like that's fun but I just don't think you're gonna pay $20 million a year for somebody to do that right to basically not advertise basketball games on your network yeah I just don't see it I get the Turner angle of it of this I think they were trying to save some face and trying to get a win after taking so many losses with losing it and the and then yeah all that and this thing technically still is in court right so if you're just playing out as much string as you can play out and clearly it really felt like somebody at Turner had gone to barking be like hey by the way you just bragging that you're a free agent is bad for our case it's bad for the rest of Inside the NBA team and it's bad for the people here because if this show disappears people are going to lose their jobs because you saw him do a real about face there oh this is really about the behind the scenes people at Turner right so I understand it from that point of view but let's say they play the string next year and that is it yeah I think overwhelmingly likely he's going to be a for and we'll be doing all this again Jimmy this will be we will not get 40 minutes into a podcast without mentioning I didn't know I didn't know if you would agree with me so easily on that one I'm glad that was uh I'm glad I came through I wrote a piece about it this spring because it was just so funny because every time I love Dan Patrick like you big Dan Patrick guy every time you go on The Dan Patrick Show be like a radically different statement than before it's like oh we got a Charles Barkley well I just saw him on the show and he was saying something else and I honestly believe it him just changing his mind that's the vibe I get I think when he says it that's what he believes in that moment I do think though he's he's smart he's very very smart he's very very Savvy about his career and he knows that every time he says about retiring there's this one that our pal Richard D at one time he was going to retire and they came over to his house in Phoenix and brought him all this food and then they gave him a golf check at the end of the night I'm not retiring like I think Charles knows when he says certain words yes either free agency or retirement money comes in because he's so good at television so I I don't take out the agency from him either I think he knows exactly what he's doing it's I forget Charles also threatened to go to live which everybody memory hold remember they like oh my gosh Inside the NBA could die it's like it almost died a year ago because he was going to go to the golf tournament to the golf organization and take the and by the way when that happened remember they might make me a huge offer I don't know I'm going to go see and then all of a sudden Turner comes in a huge new contract for Charles yeah I could go imagine Charles on the CW drawing what did they get like 10,000 viewers for the LIF that would be horrific for everybody oh my God Brian appreciate it as always this was great and uh I'll be looking for that Brady column about Midway through the first quarter on that Sunday against the Browns said too early to publish I listen first drive get it in it's it's going to be like the remember the first Manning cast was like a you know Optimus club meeting of sports media writers like we were all gathered together you know patting each other on the back catching up this that will be the first Tom Brady telecast people forget the first like 10 15 minutes of the manast was a disaster Payton was like trying on that helmet and doing some nonsense he had a lot of bits yeah that was the quickest recovery ever all right Brian take it easy and uh enjoy the uh start of the NFL season thanks Jimmy great to see you you too all right joining me now now from WF radio in New York SNY TV in New York as he does every week for our train of thoughts segment my buddy Salata s how's it going great you know I'm on vacation but I'm taking the time to do this with you because this is not work this is just catching up two friends bsing here on the SI media podcast I just saw you two days ago so we don't have a ton to catch up on that is that is true um but if the cameras were rolling on Saturday and beautiful house in Jersey how many how many media ears were ringing on Saturday afternoon I don't think there was a media person we did not mention over the course of the of the day that's for sure that was fun um it was fun so basically what I want to do is we got to read some reviews for August but when I I went to Sals took a drive from Long Island to Jersey not not easy and uh spent the day at Sal's new home and I posted a picture on Twitter and I want to go through some of the replies here because they were funny okay but couple of I have to say and I I should have I was going to pull the audio and have Shelby play it but i s needs to be commended because he did not offer me the house tour and if you watch curb you know that nobody really wants a house tour I I might have given my wife a heads up actually maybe not even about you you know we had Eddie Ericson and his wife were over as well I was like don't like they don't need to see the house they know what the house is we got it it's rooms bathrooms bedrooms we got it oh who do you want to see upstairs no nobody wants to see upstairs so especially my friends don't want to see it so don't worry about that and I was impressed with s's grilling skills phenomenal burger and a and a good skirt steak how about s busting out the steaks if I have friends over hamburgers and hot dogs you went steak now I will admit that was my first time grilling steaks for others like hamburgers and hot dogs I'm okay with but I was a little nervous with the stakes for other people I I did it before for just my wife and I but it was a pretty uh you know intense moment for me I'm glad glad was able to deliver and make you guys happy it's still bizarre to me that so many people enjoy this segment to the point where when I tweeted the picture we got so many responses everyone nice too um so and like the things people pick out like people right away notice you were eating red velvet cake I don't know why that is anything significant but there were like five cakes there and S had multiple pieces not just the red velvet just I had two I just had finished the chocolate cake and then the red velvet was sitting there uh so yeah I didn't get to that yet the CH is better I would say we discussed this a little bit there I'd be curious people listening can help us with it like is it an Italian thing where you need basically one cake per person I mean my family maybe it's 2K no excuse me I'm still partially sick so that's why I'm clearing my throat sorry um my family probably goes one cake per three people like if there's not 48 cakes at a Holiday my aunt my dad they'll have a stroke they'll stroke out right it's got to be one of everything multiple of everything it doesn't matter how many people are there you need to have way way over the now you guys have you brought something Eddie brought something my wife wanted to make sure so she had a couple of things that's how it happened but yeah it was like five people and five cakes now forgive me for not knowing this what was the shirt you were wearing it says go away with some green Oscar the Grouch yeah it was Oscar the Grouch it just it was just a fit all right we got a lot of comments on our shirts got a lot of like you know all s wearing a go away shirt is just perfect a comment from Derek Nelson I understand why they would say that in his fitting this was not planned it's the biggest loose loosest fitting tank that I have it was clean I threw it on that was it then we happen to take a picture but yeah I mean I I enjoyed this tweet from Boston broker 33 special thanks to Sal's broker for finally making this happen yes uh the long journey well well worth it for us thankfully Vegas Kev love train of thoughts of Jimmy and S usually highlighted my week pallet cleanser from the world that was oh Patrick web asks approval of s's new TV setup question mark I do approve it's pretty it's pretty uh it's pretty spectacular he's basically has a whole wall that's that's a that's a screen I don't love the YouTube TV whatever I know well I told you I didn't really have a choice Optimum was not much better I know and and either way for Sunday Ticket I have to have YouTube TV in some capacity um I I don't know what to tell you Verizon internet but it's basically the same setup I had last time I think just a more modern maybe a little more spacious setup no it's a very very very good it's very similar to your old setup that's what I'm saying yeah yeah very similar so screen is the screen is the same size the seats are basically the same right you just you know not exactly the same because we left all the other stuff with the old players but it's just I thought you were lying when you they weren't the same couches I was convinced you had brought the couches over the same exact couches yeah yeah so good setup uh at Mets game says how long did it take you to get there and did you tape this week's pod with s's wife all right so since everyone wants Sal's wife on this podcast I'll just tell you quickly at one point in the afternoon I said to s's wife hey do you realize how many of my listeners want you as a guest of my podcast and she had absolutely no clue and looked at me like I had 12 heads so we're just we're GNA keep things we're not even gonna I didn't even want to explain why no details were given so no s's wife not going to be on the podcast I could I could show you that all right and how long did it take me to get there did she say what did she say when you when you mention that because I heard you bring that up and I knew she had no clue but did she say and did she did you follow up with like would you she was like and I'm like yeah and then I just tried to change the subject cuz I wasn't going to be like well sth complains about his life every week so right she's probably thinking oh wow he talks so nicely of me yeah I I I I did a quick quick subject change and took me like I don't know two took me like a little over two hours it wasn't too bad um W that actually is bad if it took over two hours did it did it take you didn't it take you less to go home going home was a disaster what yeah because of the George Washington Bridge you know you left earlier than Eddie and then he texted me basically he got home like 10 minutes after you so you left too early I know you were antsy to get out of there but the later you leave the better it is you never want to overstay you're welcome it's a got to be careful with that all right let's read some apple reviews for the month of August since we are wrapping up August and then when we wait there was one more comment one more comment that you didn't cuz I actually I don't I steer clear the Twitter comments cuz I'm I don't want see it but I was curious the reaction to that picture and they were all pretty much positive so I thought it was good there was one that said something like marble countertop paper plates so I wanted to ask you like I use paper plates all the time I don't give a I'm not yeah I didn't even really understand that comment well so I don't know basically like and actually that might have been from um Constantine the dude from uh yeah yeah uh Rock of Ages yeah Rock of Ages right yeah yeah paper what's the problem with paper plates did you have an issue with paper plates like is that I don't I have never in my life ever had people over for barbecue and not use paper plates that's why I didn't read the comment I skipped some of these you know because I got a so I wore a t-shirt that said Howard and Robin and Fred and Baba buoy so I got a lot of comments about you know where's Jackie Jackie should be on the shirt great shirt fellas yeah so I didn't read every comment and that comment you know someone was like you know someone tweeted red velvet cake with an ex so I didn't yeah I don't yeah I've never not used I was just curious I think that could be up for debate like whether you should serve paper yeah paper plates is like why would you Ser if I served you regular place it would be weird to me I mean listen there are certain foods you need on a regular plate but barbecue food is perfect for okay for that yeah okay all right so next week football will be here we'll do all football stuff next week but you know I'm sure half the people who normally listen this week aren't listening cuz everyone's off from work this week it's Labor Day weekend so we give you a little recap of our day Saturday at S's and oh this was an interesting topic though from s s tell the people what temperature you keep your pull at so this is this is my first ever experience with the heated pool okay we grew up I'm like who the hell needs a heater we didn't grow up with a heated pool and now people are so oh you have to have a heater it just came with it whatever and then the more people that I've had because I've hosted plenty of people this summer so far they like it almost like 90 degrees they like bath water ridiculous I would say I now yesterday I went in and it was actually cold it was nice and refreshing and cold but it was that that day was probably like I'd say I'd say anywhere between 85 and 90 is the normal temp it's got you got to go to 80 it that's way yeah the water needs to be refreshing understood you're not factoring in that I don't go in like if it's me by myself yes my wife is the problem she wants it warm like a bath maybe I should get her on the podcast start parading her for how hot the pool is yeah just don't ask her to get you a drink yeah well I wasn't bringing that up I stayed clear of it I was on to the Apple reviews you wanted to bring that up you got to see firsthand no let just say if are you doing fantasy football this year I I might do one League I think just your name should be can you get me a drink that did not go well I knew she wasn't gonna take well to that but yeah let's move on all right so next week we'll do all football stuff we'll we'll really Hammer the NFL home because it all gets started next week and uh we'll read the reviews here for August and then wrap it up all right here we go this is Murray Malone five stars thank you I love that Sal does sports for a living doesn't know USC going to the big 10 doesn't watch college football love him cracks me up how tightly his bubble is funny so I did a mailbag last week for for one of my columns cuz I just there's nothing going on I said let me do a mailbag and so many people are asking questions about you and one of them was like does s really not know what's going on and Sal does not know what's going on meaning like politically or talking about well some well your your even your sports bubble is tight well it's just the only reason and I I'll be honest with you I'm actually for some reason inside of maybe it's just the excitement of football season I'm more excited about college football this year than in years past but I think that might just be me excited for the fall I used to love college football I just don't have the proper time now paying attention to all the New York sports teams plus being married with a kid it's very I find it very difficult to I like what am I supposed to do I can't be watching college football all day Saturday and then the NFL all day Sunday and then work two jobs five days a week and still be married with a kid it just doesn't work so College we know politics is not happening at all yeah that that I just I genuinely don't have interest in in politics I never have never will I don't even want to get into it I mean I have my own thoughts and opinions but nobody wants to hear that I don't care to share it I do the sport so that's by Design I broke the news to S Saturday that RFK dropped out of the race he had no clue I was not aware of that do you know who he was married to in real life no really RFK yeah the guy who dropped out the Aaron oh oh wait wait is it uh Cheryl Hines very good D ding D all right all right didn't know that one all right all right um do you want back in the college football pool that I do with diesel since you're pumped up for the season when do you need an answer on that well probably by the end of this week yeah because it starts Saturday starts Saturday I I'll text you and her ask you about it later yeah all right here we go kir Rogers KIRO Rogers K listen every week and love the Pod but you're conversation about the new kickoff rule was ridiculous it's not that difficult to figure out they trying to promote kick returns while making it safer so kicking team is encouraged to kick the ball to Landing zone so it can be returned instead of kicking through the end zone and offense starting at the 30 kicking team is encouraged to not let the ball roll into the end zone for a Touchback by being forced to start at the 20 if that happens also love that you think the Pack 12 is two teams now and questioning why they haven't changed the name the Pack 12 doesn't exist anymore you're allow to read about things that occur outside of the East Coast he gave five stars so I don't mind the review and I call it the Pack 12 because that's what the conference was and now there's two teams in it so don't I call everything still by old names I still call City Field chase stadium so I I I can't be bothered with that his explanation to kicking rules City Field is a totally different Stadium but like field whatever they play in Cleveland I I still refer to so I'm with you there what is the conference actually called if it's not the Pack 12 I pack two I don't know I don't even know right and for years it was you know the Big 10 didn't have 10 teams in it like we understand that is it he or she that tweeted that I don't know okay well their tweet was accurate about the kickoff stuff we did we didn't we just had a conversation about it without fully understanding the rules I thought initially and I remember this conversation with us saying that I think it's it's designed to have more kickers more kickoffs returned which it is I exactly why that is the case but if you if you take a touch back you're going to get fewer yards whatever it is so they explain the the rules better there we'll learn it as the season goes on but yes we did do a bad job with that I will admit I don't think I did a bad job I didn't understand the rule I still don't understand the rule and I don't care about the rule and here's all you need to know Bill Bell check yesterday on Pat McAfee new NFL kickoff rule destined to fail so did he give a reason for it I mean yeah we're gonna get into a whole big thing but oh um if you want a quote I'll give you a quote just give me a minute oh no now they giving me a video here let's see popup ads F this that is the problem that you said we and the the the responder The Listener is correct there that we didn't gather all the information but the reason is we don't care about all the information yet we will once we see it play out and and then can talk about it but for now so if you kick it in the end zone they get the B to 30 if you kick kick it in the kickoff Zone they get it at to 20 I'd rather Kick It In The End Zone give it to them it to 20 than have them return it and possibly get a touchdown if that's how the rule works but again I you can have better field position wait you'll no you'll have worse field position if you don't run it out right it's just 10 yards I mean yeah I still I still don't know the rules so I'm butchering it again I don't care I'll learn it after week one but it is designed to make kickoffs more exciting and keep them safer so I do think it is a a you know should be a more exciting play in theory yeah John Ruden the new kickoff rule was stupid I don't know I I you know whatever all right uh what do we Okay Apple reviews all right here we go um now I got to go back cuz Apple doesn't make it easy I don't know like to me just leave it the way it is like there was no need don't if you're going to change it don't change it into something so convoluted that's my issue but you don't agree I don't know I mean I I want to see a play I know this the old kickoff was pointless 95% and I don't that's not to be accurate I'm exaggerating for effect but most of them just felt like kick it in the back of the end zone take it at the 20 like let's just eliminate the the the problem there now though I think it is going to be a play in the game okay fair enough all right here we go all right we got five stars here thank you Brad T4 hi Jimmy seems like you've been getting the big Sports media names on your show on a regular basis you must be getting the respect and attention of the biggest broadcasters which is cool to see as much as you and S love the NFL it's now at the point for me that the NFL no longer cares about the game and it's purely about making money the ridiculous rules penalties for pass interference late hits and roughing the passer makes the NFL Lake McDonald's quality no longer matters everyone just eats the junk so they keep seeing what else they can get away with with all the new extra games and 18 games is ineval it just too much becoming unwatchable a couple things McDonald's quality has definitely gone down I got fries from there a couple of weeks ago the fries are not the same the last couple of times I've gotten it I try not to eat it as much you know like but the quality of McDonald's has gone down and as for the NFL being all about money guess what every company is about money the NFL is no different than anyone else doesn't matter what company you are it's all about money so yeah I don't know to me I don't know how you your beef is more games like 18 games holiday games I mean we've gone through it with you you don't like it because of conflict conflicts with family events like that more games is better I don't in the NFL I don't see what the issue is I I'm okay with that but I think he Nails it when he talks about the lack of quality of play basically the first four weeks and this is not just me saying this people in in the game have acknowledged this and said it the first three to four weeks in the NFL games that count are essentially what preseason games used to be or at least one of the preseason games used to be they don't practice as hard they don't play in the preseason games so they're getting a feel for themselves the first four weeks of the Season that means the quality of play in the first four games that count is not anywhere near as good as it used to be now how do you fix that there is no way to fix that unfortunately because they're not going to go back and and make fewer games and have more preseason games they're not going to play harder in practice or play harder in the preseason so I don't know what to tell you but the quality of play is suffering and when you have like the Jets start with three games in 11 days that is unbelievable to me Monday Sunday Thursday three games in 11 days what I mean what type of quality can you be expecting from them right out of the gate so you just have to learn from a gambling perspective or a picking perspective you're also feeling it out you can't judge based on week one week two week three it really takes four or five weeks now to really get some sort of a sense of what these teams are that's fair I guess I get a little tired of all the narratives about the game having all these issues just because when I watch the games I still enjoy them just as much as ever but yeah I mean right yes the qual the first couple of weeks are definitely lower quality there's no doubt have you have you had Ion on I told you about this like I talked to a about either last year a couple years ago he agreed with it like basically the first four weeks is essentially a preseason that counts which is it's just to me wild but it is what it is people eat up you like you said you can't get enough of it all right fair enough all right here we go finy 9999 five stars thank you Jimmy everyone knows that you hate flying and haven't been on a plane since Co would you take a flight to La for a private dinner with Jerry Seinfeld and Larry David what would it take to get you on a plane I I forget Co I hav been flown since like 2017 probably Wow way before Co U no not 2017 no no 2013 2013 what probably the last time I was on a plane yeah just no interest yeah combined with some other things um when I get on a plane to fly to LA to have dinner with Larry David and Jerry sunfield yes yes yes like yes absolutely like yeah give me all the drugs you can I'll take 87 Xanax maybe I'll pay someone to be on I don't want to be on the plane by myself my fear is dying alone didn't you have didn't you have um was it Cena that told you what if you had to fly to get you know fly to California to get the on wasn't there some kind of yeah something like that and you were like yeah yeah L dinner with Jerry and Larry yeah I'll take that okay all right zel Z five stars very fun podcast did you call the fan back in the day have you ever tried or would you ever try to get franessa on your pot I keep getting this question about getting Francesa on the podcast I wrote this what I wrote last week the last couple years of Mike's show I vote I wrote critical pieces about how bad it was so I don't want to now turn around be like oh I want to come on my podcast like it just feels phony to me to do that because if he did come on I would have to ask him like why were you so miserable those last three years and he's going to say I wasn't miserable and I don't want to deal with like you know that kind of stuff so that's why I haven't asked him yes I used to call the fan way back when I was in like high school college whatever it was Jimmy from Sasa I used to call Mike and the dog all the time and I know s used to call too it is bizarre you have the tapes cuz I have some I have the tapes I have the tapes isn't that great think about that like I I'll never forget I was on hold and they were arguing about who's better Brady Anderson or Bernie Williams and dog was like Mike Brady Anderson 50 home runs Mike's like oh my God you think you think Brady Anderson's a better player than Bernie yes I do and it's great sth from R con I mean it was crazy how long you'd be on hold sometimes oh but I didn't care man once you got through when you got on that was oh God and I think I called beningo a couple of times on the overnight Joe Bingo but it was he was my first call I called him 9 my first ever call was 1995 after either game three or four the AL DS with the Mariners and Yanks I used to like calling dog on the Saturday mornings because then you get a little more time all right that was the trick uh DOL Iowa five stars great interview at Chris madog Russo would love to go to baret one day it's fun you should if he does it next year I highly recommend everyone going all right last one from Mike Clifford ATX five stars thank you Jimmy loves all the things I find boring wrestling gambling and the New York Yankees he's got a whole slew of stuff he dislikes and we'll tell you about all of them he's joined by his buddy s who does hapless as good as anyone growing up in New York City myself as a kid being a Met fan we would call the Yankees the crankies because although they rarely lost it was never their fault yet Jimmy is an excellent conversationalist podcast his podcasts are always entertaining and I even listening to the wrestling nonsense because he knows it is nonsense and sees the fun of it he loves his nieces I don't miss any of the shows the only thing missing is s's wife she should be on without s if only to prove she exists I mean well listen she exists that's a ridiculous statement and again I understand everyone wants her on not happening especially after I thought Saturday if I would have said you know everyone wants you on and she would have been like I know s tells me you know maybe like I thought maybe I would take out theone and do like a little voice thing and be like you know everyone you know but once I saw her complete cluelessness about what takes place on this podcast it was over right then and there you you know what the the unfun part of it would be she doesn't know how to like if she knew she was on air right she wouldn't be her truest self right she wants no part of it and all that stuff but I I do think it would be fun like you said you could have done a little conversation with she I'm sure she would do it but again I'm not I don't not want to be responsible for any marital Strife are you two now no oh come on I mean I know it sounds like that but yeah well my first question would be okay give me you know rank Sal as a husband here scale of 1 to 10 I but see I would want her if she says four I don't want to be no I would want her to answer that honestly I don't want no oh he's a 10 he's so loving no no no no I want you to answer it honestly what are my deficiencies and all those different things we have to get that if we can get to that point that it be worth it I would suggest a therapist instead of the SI media podcast if you want a ranking I agree she needs a therapist all right so what's on the agenda the rest of the vacation here since you're off all week um golf a couple of days which I'm not even a big golf guy but I just got invited so I can't turn that down I'm going to go to Saratoga on Friday pool time relaxing I want to I need the last two days to really start to get mentally prepared for what's going to just be an exciting but crazy busy beginning to football with both the Jets and Giants Mets and Yankees post season push so I'm excited for but I need at least like a little mental breather I don't even know this where are the Mets right now in terms of playoffs I think they're two and a half back of the final wild card spot of the final Wild Card yeah they were a game and a half back and now I think it's like two and a something like that but they're they're right there right so if you get Mets and Yankees both in the postseason Jets and Giants oh man the Jets will give you stuff all year the Giants could be go either way so that'll be inter which is fine because when you think about in comparison to last year Mets and Yankees both missed the postseason they were dead in August Jets were dead four plays in when Rogers went down and the Giants got washed on Sunday night right out of the gate 40 zip or whatever it was to Dallas so we didn't have any of that last year so I'm looking forward to those guys being back and and then the Knicks you throw in the Knicks eventually but this is the best time of year September football weather starting it's the best time of year I agree all right enjoy the rest of your week off don't ask your wife to get you a drink La last one yeah you made the trip yeah you saw the the setup and all that yeah yeah would you now be willing to come out for a football Sunday yes absolutely okay the problem well no this would be the problem with a major issue because how you going to leave what time you going to leave that's the issue so when you used to live on the island I'd leave after the 1:00 games miss a very very short portion of the 4:00 games maybe half the first quarter that was it and I'd be home if I come to you I got to stay probably for the 4:00 and blow off the Sunday night game maybe I mean you also could stay over and just make it a I mean if that's easier I don't know if you you know I'm a little old for sleepovers but I'm just I'm just offering otherwise yes you stay for the four o'clocks yes and then then you go home and listen to the first half of the Sunday night that's probably the best bet to right right but it also depends on the games that day like if it's you know I need a shitty Sunday night game then I don't mind blowing it off like if there's a really good 425 I gotta stay right you know so yeah yeah I'll make a trek one of these Sundays during the season all right sounds good all right all right see you next week take it easy talk to you later all right bye all right my many thanks to Brian Curtis and Sal Lata and to you for listening if you missed any recent episodes of Si media with Jimmy trainer make sure you give them a listen if you missed it last week Greg Excuse Me Kirk herb street from ESPN and Amazon was on the Pod last week Chris Mad Dog Russo a couple of weeks ago Greg from Fox a recent guest as well so herb Street Mad Dog Russo Greg Olen all recent guests on SI media with Jimmy trainer so give those that listen and make sure you subscribe and leave a review on Apple all right that wraps it up we'll see you next week for week one of the NFL season finally here on SI media with Jimmy Traina stay safe and take care

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