ROB PITTS | INTERVIEW | Rabbits Used Cars | Tex Mex Motors | Radio Labyrinth Podcast

Intro [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Party This Weekend! hey everybody Welcome to radio labate season 8 episode 41 we have a guest on this week's show his name is rabbit and he's from TexMex motors which you can watch right now on Netflix it's a fun show he's a guy that goes down to Mexico and gets old beaters and brings them up here fixes them up and makes a good sweet tidy profit off of them if I'm assuming that I'm correct am I correct kind of correct by the time they fix them up they're worth a lot more I've watched a bunch of his stuff on YouTube he's really really an interesting cat and we got to thank Steph for picking up that guest also I wanted to remind everybody that we have our big Halloween show live at Atlanta Pizza in Euro when does that take place that takes place on Sunday the 22nd so if you're listening or watching this immediately as it comes out it's tomorrow and you have all the time in the world to get there 1 p.m. for patreons 2 p.m. for everybody else uh feel free to dress up in your costume bring your kids if you want we I mean if there's yeah we'll monitor what we say and and how we act um but we're going to be recording a live show and we're going to have a contest for the best costumes uh we're also going to have a raffle where you take a ticket and then if we call your name you win prizes we have all sorts of prizes I printed out some of my drawings that I'll sign and give to you if you want crap like that um we also have some really cool pop culture metal plates one of them is uh Matt Foley outside of the van by the river there's a blockbuster there's all sorts of cool stuff and those come to us courtesy of Brett Perkins from ldi Michael have stuff to give away uh and God what else do we have oh we have a copy of aquatine Hunger Force plasm on Blu-ray and two trivia games also 280s trivia games courtesy of so there's a lot of stuff we're going to have a lot of stuff to give away you you won't go empty-handed also we have a bunch of Swag posters and pins from Five Nights at Freddy this Halloween when night shift start s the nightmare begins from bloomhouse producers of Megan Universal Pictures presents Five Nights at Freddy's rated PG-13 in theaters and on peacock October 27th you get uh passes for you and a guest to go to see uh uh special screen of it I believe that would be on the 25th so you're going to have to go that week but it'll be a lot of fun and listen uh Pizza buffet and soft drinks 10 bucks and that's a sweet deal uh you know that's you don't have to if you don't want to eat you don't have to but if you'd like to um it'll be help yourself and uh Mike will take care of you 10 bucks is a sweet deal for pizza and and there there's going to be a few limited menu items so you can order off the menu and and you know we'll pass the hat for the weight staff you can buy beer and wine too yeah you can buy that's I was just going to say you can buy adult beverages if you so desire the glory hole is closed right yes it has been closed sealed up and no one's to bring a crowbar near it no hey uh patreon members we have a Patreon Popcast Stuff brand new one thank you to jack G for joining up and Jack now you have access to our patreon only show just like everybody else we uh we have multiple levels uh our producer level is $25 and for that level you get your name mentioned every week on the show at the top of the show you also get a T-shirt and some stickers and a doodle from Tim that uh you can either have one that I've already done or I'll do one special for you uh thank you to our producers Tim SL Clon Brian and Chelsea Smith Jeff Peterson Jim forner Terry Fuller Chris Chandler Roby Neely Kevin Jackson Mike D and Matt c i my podcast is a radio show I do on WSB radio you know sorry I get all these plugs out of the way uh pod popcast is the name of the show um normally Air 7 pm on WSB radio that's 955 FM or 7:50 a.m. if you live in the area if you don't you can get the app and uh it's a WSB radio app you can listen to it live or becomes a podcast the following Monday the current uh podcast version uh features guys from uh the dynamic wrestling Alliance that would be Kevin Kirkland the GM chain mail who is an elusive character and the ultraviolet champ chip Skyler it was a lot of fun doing that with those guys and they have an event coming up at the end of the month check it out you can find it all on the uh on any of my social medias uh um and the guest this week well we'll see I had it booked his name is Graham Nash if you're not familiar there's a band called The Holli you may have heard of or Crosby Still's a Nash maybe he's that Nash and uh he has two dates coming up in the 27th and 28th at Variety Playhouse and he also has a new album out and that's what I was going to talk to him about uh and because I was here early today and he wasn't able to to call in I just pretended to be him and did an interview with him and I ansers and I did it in an accent and then I went through and made it sound like he's on the phone so if I don't get him on my reschedule date that's what the whole thing will be and it'll be a lot not in a mean way I mean certainly he is a busy person he is on tour did you tell him about the you being in his movie no but I'm going to I told the guy who booked the interview that I met him before and that I was in the movie uh also bonus for uh the Atlanta Pizza in Euro on Sunday Ira will be there and we are going to tape the show so we'll record the show and we'll point it out as a you know just a bonus episode because we won't have video as far as I know right yeah I think we're trying to do video we'll see make see we'll see what happens don't make it too hard everything may fall apart but we'll still have a party everything falls apart and more Steph you hanging you're hanging in there Steph's a little under the weather yeah yeah yeah I like that Smoky Sury voice yeah it's um serving me pretty well when I'm dealing with patients on the phone they uh really helps turn them around you know I'll answer and then they're they're very shitty yeah and then you know like by the end of it you know I sound so pathetic then they're like well I sure hope you feel better well are you taking anything to get rid of this mess I'm taking I'm taking the D the music yeah I know you are the m nextd m nextd does that [ __ ] help I hate that my heart go well yeah but I mean I like being jacked so so do I not the same Tim Jack on the D Jack in the D there's an name of Jo also we you know we have a guest so maybe we're g to call it Jack I appreciate it don't do that to [Music] Guest: Rob”Rabbit”Pitts me our guest tonight is not only one of the stars of the popular Netflix reality series TexMex Motors he's also a legend in the car selling Biz his YouTube channel rabbits used cars where viewers tune in for his wild sales stories and Sage car advice has over 130,000 Subs he's also widely known as the eBay Outlaw after being banned from the site for Life where's he from Steph I believe he's from Texas but I think um he works at of South Carolina like his garage is in South Carol in he doesn't do the work on the cars he um he's the sales you know he he help he like makes the deal to get the old crap car for a good price and then yeah they don't show much of that part on the show oh oh where he where he's got the guy over a barrel and he's beating him and I'll give you 10 bucks for this car okay sir here's the CR please welcome to the show rob rabbit pits [Music] I've always known you can make a kill and bring your cars over the border from Mexico if you know where to look there he is hey man oh can you hear me yeah hot and clear how you doing doing good doing good literally just ran in the door sorry I too late I was like I was like though this is it he's he's gonna burn us he's bad guy I tried not to be try not B Bann from life from eBay and radio Labyrinth exactly exactly I'm steadily working my way being Blacklist well my first question for you probably and please excuse my voice i' I've got some sort of respiratory nonsense going on um but it's probably something everybody asks you now um what the hell kind of dog is nacho you know I don't no actually so um so yeah Nao he got brought in there the tail end it was kind of a shot to all of us and um I don't think anybody really knew Nao was gonna be there till he showed up with mik and uh and he won't be back next season so all oh no oh that well you answer another questions there's going to be a second season H yes as we actually leave the January film it awesome well for people who never watched texmax Motors how would you describe the show to him you know I tell you how the show was described to me um it's a core TV show a lot like the others with a little r 911 mixed in it and and you know when I was first told that I didn't know how I felt about it till we shot the pilot it's fun you know at first I didn't know I was kind of own the fan pups you know these just they got you got a l um and you know and and we had a hold of the cast was sh really yeah everyone who basically B should are the only two that carried over um but it was really neat because it showes some of the nuts and bolts you see these cool cars being built but on the other end you have this story on the side and you know a lot of people are like is this rehearsed no no I these are just genuine conversations between me as Tor going back and forth and in the shop um probably the funniest part of all of that backing way up um about three years ago Liv been a little longer than now I got a message on Instagram from a production company that says hey we got this idea for a TV show I saw you on YouTube we love this rabbit of yours and I said that's me you know we use car [ __ ] and um you know I just opened up to it and uh so and and and he has but we love it like I love that that quick wit you got and all that stuff and you know I didn't stand up cing for seven years and once I figured out that you can't pay mortgage with B tabs I got out of that and I got in cors because something I did learn in stand up I took I traveled with three two other comedians three of us every weekend we were somewhere on East guys and U and you know we have we played every little hole in the wall bar you could think of matter of fact we actually did jokes one night at seafood restaurant that tells you your career places um but anyway you know stand up comedy may not have been in the in the in the courts for us but we learned a lot of valuable lesson learn another to work CR and just having fun with it and something that a good friend of mine that I told jokes with one the other two guys he actually end up starting a large landscape is still going to this day it's monstrous now and um you know and me and him we'll grab L about twice a year we'll catch up and I said what's the one thing you took from Comedy that you use every day if you can make somebody's laugh you can dab near make I've had customers matter than hell I'll talk talking about coming in just horn sting cut out of their ears two minutes I got him laugh about something got him gck next thing you know it's like the Jedi M so that's one thing and the other thing is Con uh it's it's an old Oscar wild quote but it's it's a great comedy's like a rubber sword it allows you to make a point without drawing blood so if you need to break some bad news to somebody be like you can make them giggle while you're doing it it's usually a little bit I never heard that quote but it makes perfect sense disarms the other person and and shows them they're they can be vulnerable because when you're laughing You're vulnerable you don't know how you look you're and then you're like like so sorry Grandma's not but yeah the uh it's you know comedy's a funny thing and laughter is is a great thing and and it's it's one of those things if you can make somebody laugh I mean all the cran that's going on in the world and and I'm not going to get started on any of that but you know what I'm saying the world's going on this world yeah and uh but you know what I mean like the turn all the news they tell you good evening see tell you everything that's wrong right um but but you know what I'm saying You Gotta Laugh a little bit and that's what this show really truthfully you know is it for than nuts and bolts car guy yeah he's got a life because we did some fun stuff we did some cool builds we have very talented people on this and in the shot you know Wes Z you know Jamie Hill these those two right there they kick ass and tape names all the way Jamie is Jamie the best is she like the most badass female mechanic you've ever seen I will tell you something Jamie literally you know because keep in mind we all met over a zoom call you know and getting you know and basically we just kind of got thrown together you know we're kind of like well there boy bands back in the 90s boom now you guys can all be best friends and uh and what's crazy is is we all taught every day um we are all really close and and you you got think about it you spend four and a half months every day with somebody you know you build build a little bit of a friendship there you having dinner every night get 12 hour days um and some of the craziest situations some I can't tell you about some I'll share but um some I will never tell you about um but with that being said you know these are talented people I mean like I joke around you know Jamie she was going automatic transmissions at 12 years old she's the real deal she's not just there because hey we need a girl in the team right she's she's the real deal all the way across and I be Hest I'm a little seared of like in every relationship you got to have the right amount of feet you know what I'm saying yeah and like I wouldn't cross you know what I'm saying I wouldn't you know I will say on the good side and I was RA on the Rowdy side of the trailer park but I want tell you right now that that yeah yeah I don't want to mess with her there was a couple of times I'm like so I'm g go my office you guys all right when does that love of cars grab somebody and never leave can I asked this because my father is in his late 70s he's always been a car person I know [ __ ] about car um I know that when the light goes on I'm going to ignore it for six months and then take it in and then get yelled in it doesn't stop but my son is uh is 2 and a half years old completely obsessed with cars and a week ago I put on NASCAR for him and it was like he had reached nirvana his eyes opened up he cars cars going round fast race and but he's obsessed with cars do you think like with most kids that's just an early Obsession or is he going to be like can we nurture for that so he can like fix our cars when we're old which it won't be long you know so this is the thing you everyone appreciates a good-look automobile you know in a lot of ways just ride it passage we're teenagers and you know getting that driver's license is freedom you know and you open road all that stuff you know that's that's a neat thing so I think a lot of guys like it you don't have to be a mechanic to be you know this is the thing with me is I come from a long line of mechanics my father was a mechanic my grandfather was a mechanic they owned a decent truck shop for years I'm not smart enough to be a mechanic I end up get a s but but you see what I'm getting at like like and I grew up I had no choice I mean it was either light cars or Le and um so and and I and I I love cars you know I've sold course R fast you can think of I worked with boring commercial trucks and buy here pay here Ford escorts and and and just your minivans CLE boms all that I did that but now I get to sell what I love this classic cars and I got that from my grandfather because my grandfather at it was around most was fairly we but he you know he was the one taking me to car shows when I was 12 years old and he my dad was a drag racer and you know he was a big RAC and um you know and then when like every old dver is they get in old cars so when they retired from Drag Race So when my dad got out of the drag race and stuff which was around the time and uh we all started going car shes together and that's where you know my love affair for classic cars and I like the new stuff you know I mean like I love I've got a new Cadillac V in garage that I daily that I love with a passion I love it but there's just something about a 69 Camario or 57 cherol or 65 Mustang that's just you can't recreate it's art well it's art it's a simpler toone I mean and like I said in the show this one's very a billion times on YouTube my job is to talk when making bad financial decisions and but you can't put a price on happiness and I have put more people in their first collector C and I love that like I I love selling I love dragging somebody dark and get that I mean I love to sell somebody a terribly terribly unreliable car that is going to leak and it's going to break down and it's going to make weird noises and it's not comfortable it doesn't have air conditioning in and it doesn't have a good radio in it but you know what it does it turns heads everywhere you go when you go get gas and that thing it's going to be an hourlong Venture because everyone's going to want to talk to you about this thing and everybody so will have one just like you but a different caror and all these things that's the thing it's that lifestyle I stole a fell this has been about six well that's about six months now I sold a guy an F100 from truck 50s truck and it was his first car and he was actually a doctor he moved out here from upstate New York to to South Carolina and uh you know C retired and all this stuff I said listen he said why should I buy this you know he's a real you know just straightforward straight thinker analytical I mean smart guy it's a doctor and uh and I said listen as I hopped up on the hood sitting on the hood of a Corvette I said we'll tell you something bud I said you could find the cure for cancer but if you got this poor truck sitting in your driveway every woman in your neighborhood he not gonna be like yeah that guy over there that 2011 he cured cancer look he's got that badass F100 sitting hell yeah hell yeah that's the thing with that and I like the guy down my street has a DeLorean and he dri you know it's the same and he drives it up and down it's like oh yeah that's the DeLorean guy everybody knows the DeLorean guy well it is you know I love it I had it was so funny the I love I love happy customer stories keep in mind so you gotta think 2021 and 22 or 20 20 and 21 and 22 we so over a 100 classic cards every at you see and I mean that's a lot that's one number three basically and all over the country and I love I love when they come in stor in some we ship straight out whatever but I had a kid he started a custodial service L janitoral service 24 years old in business for he uh sends me a message about this long black Cadillac I have on a this lower and think monsters he goes how long is that car I said I don't know I tell it give me a few minutes and I'll let you know I W got my warehouse we'll take measurement it's 22t 9 in he goes I'll take it I have 23 feet by garage that car is awesome wow he said I want to come down and pick it up so and I you know keep in mind this is all in best we talked for just a brief minute about the details and uh so he comes in his grandparents brought him down from Virginia Beach to South Carolina and uh they brought him in this kid he's 24 but he looks like he's 14 and and he's just all over himself and they we're sitting there just drag PS in my office we're doing the paperwork on it and you of course we're doing the paperwork and I said you course you there's no warranties on 40y Old Cadillac and I and I also can't be responsible for any illegitimate children made because of this Fu right so they were leaving they were leaving my dealership going to Myrtle Beach South Carolina for a week so his grandparents drove there you know bu Grandpa Mill and he got this black Cadillac on the air ride 22 feet N9 inches long and drove it to Merl Beach about seven or eight hours later I get a text from this kid I still had it I had saved my phone because it just makes me smile and I can't say exactly how little older but he loves his car sitting on A1 in Myrtle Beach right there on the Strand and people were piled around it and he said he'll send me a messageer tag me a post on Instagram and and I mean I love that you know what I'm saying because that guy right there we created a customer for life that kid will never have a savings account again because well I want to ask you um like you and scooter when you go down to Warz in places like that do you ever get nervous and you know you said you got a season two coming and I know that the plan was that you're going to go deeper into Mexico correct are you even more nervous about that so yes and no um you gotta understand I've sold some cards in pretty rough neighborhoods so I mean it's a different area though um Warz we took a tour of Warz before we started F and you know they showed us where to you know places that it's okay to film here or you can hang out here don't go here you know night time don't be here you know um and things like that we had armed guards with us everywhere we went um so that that made us feel a little better um and you know of course security and safety is key with any kind production like this oh I think so with Netflix because like those people got killed that were filming narcos I was figured they'd be EXT okay okay so I didn't knoww my contract and um though they they are very safety conscious and and it is it is a good thing because I mean you're somewhere that that that's not hope you know anything can happen um so you know that's and there's a lot of crazy things that happen on the border which I think that's a lot of the Lum of the showa also I mean if we went to you know loveing Texas it probably wouldn't get as much attention you know but and it's and it's neat and I love I love what this hobby has expanded for me I mean I never thought a million years that a guy that was selling cars buyer Pay Here West greenall is now fill with a TV show that's going over to Mexico buying classic cars or you know just h a month ago I was in London England hosting a car show out there wow and and I mean like I love this hobby because worldwide and that's a big thing about the show if you guys think about it I mean this thing's like broke down to like 28 languages around the world so it's it's insane the reach it was a worldwide drop so basically they have a television they hi and it's that was that's that was a big PW of this but and then going on about what you're saying so we are going deeper into Mexico nor as in last episode we were driving to Chihuahua and that's where we're headed and chah was about 4 hours inside now I've also heard that the more interior you go usually the better it is I haven't been there yet you'll find out we'll find out you know we'll find out if rabbit live for season boot it be cool if Cuba opened up again like really opened up because really they didn't get any American cars after 1960 so 61 and then they have all those classic cars there that they've been taking care of for Generations right I've been there you've been there okay are there are there a lot of them I W on a little sick I we'll beat you to the P they've already thought about TV show oh okay this is the problem with that this was about about eight nine years ago I was approached and this way for YouTuber actually have a radio an automotive radio show then and uh they reached out me and about going to Cuba and you Cuban past of an American dollar literally right there with each other um or then that Bo I don't know currently but um and we went to it's beautiful you it's just what you would think you know CU was a small island really but the cars were so just hodg Podge together people running yeah they're in horrible shape where the cars that we're finding in Mexico when one's a very dry climate and two you know like they use these cars but they can get parts through them you know okay things so yeah it's not G have like a forlift engine in it I didn't think about that they couldn't get you know what I'm saying you know keep about all the other countries Trad in Cuba but Cuba doesn't have a lot of money to buy these things so they kind to you know what I'm saying get that old Soviet compact car exactly it's made it's made from like you know used rubbers or something you know but it's it's different you know in Mexico and I love you know of course the weather's gorgeous out there it's very hot um but you know and that's a neat thing that you've got cars that are 40 50 60 years old that you know if they were up north or even here in the South where we have it a little bit better these things would be rusty or whatever these guys are still driving these things they still use a lot of these cars um and you know that and that's a really cool thing so it's it's not quite C cool but it is definitely you know where you can actually build some really neat cars well I'm just so exced excited you guys got a season two cuz like when I was first doing research on this there wasn't word on it yet there would be a season two so so I've learned a thing about the internet there's I love this I love this being being a seist Netflix TV guy there was an there was an article I'm pretty sure what AI wrote this it was saying that I was 5'9 I'm 62 um it said that I was engaged it said that uh and it said I was worth $3.2 billion or 3.2 million I'm over like I guess they send that money to you later or something I don't know I'm like let me check myline bate NOP still not there but um if very interesting you know and and and things like that and I actually had a friend that sent me the link he said I didn't know you were engag hell I didn't either yeah well you are now you know but um but that's that's the funny part about this stuff and and and I love doing these podcast interviews and things like that because it it was a great experience and that that right there was the best part you know it's it still blows my mind how I even got from a guy that they had a few old cars to go into selling them and the thing that was crazy the reason I went into sell clutter cars is because I needed cards to film with and content so basically from one YouTube video collector C dealership was born that took off and then Netflix saw it so if somebody wants to come and buy a car from you they can come to your place and buy a car right you know I love it yeah or 1535 Blue Ridge full ofarts South Carolina and you can come seeing yourself I love we probably have about 10 people a day come in a lot of them just from the TV show and YouTube stuff and I love I talking to them we have a BL I it's like I was telling somebody the other day I get P [ __ ] I just be tired I'm gonna get my dad T turned on to the show I'll show him how to figure out Netflix well so yeah that was another thing I was doing a meet and greet I try I don't even remember I was in Indianapolis then there was two funny things about the show in Indianapolis so I did a meet and greet there's an Australian car and a guy come up to me he goes my son absolutely loves you and I man where's he at I hate couldn't make it you know just was incarcerated right now yes that's my demography to put some money on his books that's my and Honey Buns on rabbit but and the other guy proceeded to tell me how his TV remote didn't work right on Netflix like that was my that's my doing that's you help me my Amazon I can't F I took the batteries out of it put them back in it that seemed to work these These are lot people this is something really funny and I and I think he guys will get a kick out of this and I love telling the story because it just I don't know how long I'll be able to keep this tie so I need to get the story out as long as I can um so real funny um obviously B for life you know that's that was my very first YouTube story you know so we know this already um I bought two brand new Cadillac V's in February of 22 one for me and one for my mother um my father passed away if by my mother a brand new Cadillac every three years and of course he died on your three so this was my fault now so anyway so we got Mom and new G so me and my mother at matching gin and hers is bright red mine's why and um I you know what I want get I don't want to run a dealer attack I want a personalized play you know I want to put something cool on it and my buddy Travis Bell who owns Celebrity machines that does all the cool Pandy plates and that you see on TV and movies and stuff I said Travis I said you're going to get a tag what would you pick he said well South Carolina you only half seven of characters and I said yeah he goes he said well you can get Rabbit but it's going to be offset so you're going to get Rabbit one and I'm like there's some old man with for Ranger that has this no so I said okay he said we can get YouTube that's seven letters he said you know and I'm like yeah but I gotta Show on Netflix about a film I don't want to do that and he goes H he said let me think on so he sends me back about 20 minutes later BND the number four LF ban for life I said I love it so I put that in on my on my person plateform well by this time already left to go film you know we've been there few weeks my phone rings and my mother called it she checked my mail at home and she says you have something from the local or from the DMV home office I that's probably something from the car lot so big deal and she said no it's addressed to you and I'm like well open it up and it was a piece of paper saying that I need to call in and explain why I wanted BND number four LF on a license plate that they couldn't find anything that it didn't meet the C that that didn't meet the criteria but why okay I call and I give her you know my information and they they direct me to a a person they got a little Cas thing do so yes Mr I see what you're saying she said so why do you want banned for life on a tag she said what are you baying from and I said no ma'am I said no no it's not like that she said I don't understand and I said when I bought that Cadillac it was my dream car and it got me thinking about the happiest days of my life you know when that was the marching band in high school oh my goodness the band for life I said exactly I said old was hold up I'd be a marching band somewhere today he's like oh we thought it was something bad now stop right there Google Rob pits and see what it tells you the very first thing ban for a life for me there so I'm just waiting for the state of South Carolina to say me something they actually gave me that t that's awesome that is awesome anyway but that's that's that's the fun stuff guys thank you for that rob rabbit pits just so people know your full name my driver license FY oh well before we wrap with you thank you so much man for coming on and everything and um this was fun well please we' love for you to come back you know he when season two is coming back come back on and let everybody know yeah well we can definitely do that definitely do that you guys take care thanks for having thank you for coming yeah we love the show thanks for watching watch again we won season Sponsor Ads three hey I want to say thank you to Atlanta Pizza in or Gyro however you want to pronounce it they're our longest sponsor and I want to say thank you to Mike Hall and everyone at the restaurant uh fall is here and we have some new local craft beers for you to enjoy we don't but they do um and not one pumpkin spice which kind of disappointed Mike made an effort to point out in the commercial that or in the email with the new copy that they didn't have pumpkin spice and and you know what kind of beer season is it without pumpkin spice but again I get it not everybody likes pumpkin not everybody likes pumpkin SPS I like it it looks like my f Now featuring two locally made German style meron beers I said it right they have the umow over the a like mly crew uh they have that on top uh terapen October Fest which I'm sure is delicious and dry county October Fest which I'm sure is also delicious and I'm back in beer drinking mode so when I'm out there and we're out there uh for a h party I'll be drinking some of that uh both of these local Brews are delicious Amber loggers and feature a clean Rich toasty and bready malt flavor with a nice dry finish Atlanta Pizza in Euro serves up the best freshly made Greek and Italian Specialties around in an authentic Retro Retro die pizza place with a come as you are familyfriendly atmosphere dine in and take out available limited delivery also available through slic door Dash GrubHub in Uber Eats and if you're a business or corporate client who is looking to book a food truck for your next private or catered luncheon please contact Mike Hall at Atlanta Pizza in Euro by calling 77483 6228 they are open for dine in and takeout Monday through Friday 11:00 to9 Saturday noon to 9: closed on Sundays also do you have a commercial or residential construction printing need well what are you waiting for if you have said needs contact ldi Reaper printing of Athens they've been in Athens Georgia since 2005 so almost uh 20 years now with fast turn around and affordable prices call 706 316 9366 or you can email them at Athens ldi Conversation Grab Bag I like that John Carpenter sh I watched the first episode of that did you get into that it's a little odd it wasn't what I was expecting it to be it was like everybody's crying and [ __ ] I'm like I don't want to watch this what the hell is this I thought this be scary stories that's what I thought well it was scary like getting zipped up in a bag by heroin addicts I guess oh they finally heard that uh Jack Osborne Jason Muse searching for bigfoot episode that they taped like a couple years ago oh oh yeah yeah that was good they didn't find anything of course or see anything thing or hear anything but it was just fun watching those two out in the woods I watched all of that Wilderness show on Prime was it good oh yeah yeah it was it was pretty good you know just a little twisty Revenge Thriller six episodes I watched a lot of football and I think I'm tired of football oh I'm sure you would be tired I'm definitely not tired of it why you're team one I don't care everything is fake especially like the Chiefs should have lost at least two games this season they not while Taylor's there I know I think it's all fake so the lions are fake they're just not as good as they are it's all scripted it's all scripted the lions are good um but uh it's going to be the the freaking uh Chiefs we'll see we see Chiefs are going to win it all Mr fizer Alazar Al I love that guy the guy Tick Tock how I did think that Pete that Pete Davidson thing was funny the self-deprecating yeah thing put oh yeah that was good I mean what else was he gonna do nothing yeah his um his monologue too about like Israel and all that was pretty good yeah I like that bit he did with please don't destroy yeah that was funny where where they were Apollo yeah yeah in Uptown Comedy whatever yeah they were they were de deaf Comics as kid yeah and then the the one guy's mom recognized him Chase Chase mom watered to be yeah I would love to go see Jose and Chay but their tickets are crazy expensive everything's Mory this week is 300 bucks I'm not paying 300 bucks to see a guy yelling at me about meat get I go out ton but you Cann have bacon that would probably be a fun show though Mory no jo Colin Jose and Michael CH oh it was great when he when he opened for John Stewart when I saw him goby their headline the News segment makes that show look that's a that's the only thing that I always will watch I'll just watch that nothing else most of the time yeah I usually go to bed after update and you can watch it all the next morning on all the good parts are online the next day right tell you what I did watch um do you remember the in the 90s early 90s they rebooted Twilight Zone yeah yeah there was an episode um called nightcrawlers that was done by frein I rewatched it and it is so good it's it's about the Vietnam vet that goes into the diner and and he has a I guess something happened to him in Vietnam but he can materialize things and then all of a sudden the Viet Kong like materialize and come back to get him in the diner and and it's it's really good it's on YouTube but yeah I started watching that and then I started watching other other ones they have all these like when they rebooted it they went in for like all these big directors and had them do all these episodes and I forgot how good they were it's definitely way better than this new Jordan Jordan Peele Twilight on oh yeah yeah so I was talking a few minutes ago about how I think the NFL is fake um I think some ways it is and I think the reason I think it has some fakin in it is because of the gambling Association yeah the betting the betting it's all legal now yes teams aren't making overs um or or getting within the uh getting within the spread which you know they normally would and you saw that like oh God who I I can't remember his name it started Sunday morning with the Ravens Titans game and it was the fill in quarterback and he they didn't even try to score a touchdown they wouldn't have won but they could have gotten it closer uh same thing with the Giants they should have that game that game should have should have had a much higher under yes and also there was a the bills held them at the end even after that last penalty which gave him the the zero time left last shot at the end zone and they shouldn't have passed they should have just run saquan and I don't know why they I don't know it's fixed I think it's fixed I honestly believe that it's fixed and all this Taylor Swift up is just annoying as hell that's why I like that uh that Tik Tock guy um he has a stupid name jokes for wokes but whatever but he makes all these these short little parodies of how bizarre and it's called how fizar like and he's Mr F Here Comes Mr fisa his girlfriend's in the stands Alazar so those are a lot of fun um but I didn't really you know the news is so fraking depressing I can't we can't talk about any of that stuff because if you start talking about it you're put into a silo and uh you're talking about you're talking about Britney's abortion damn I know I am Pro Brittney and always have been you know they when they came out in those ridiculous matching denim outfits I I just I I decided that that I was done with them but no Britney has a book out or something is that where all this yeah your book just came out or it's just about to come out you gonna believe her the woman who does weird dances that she's locked in her home with knives with the knives I oh my God I love all of the things where they put her in a Benihana yeah I was going to say the Benny one was the best the Deadpool scene where he's dodged bullets with the knives yeah that one's great what did Disney do to this woman or what Justin Timberlake did to her but so she had an abortion that probably was record label and Studio saying you can't get pregnant now no I think it was I think it was Justin saying he didn't want to be a father was what she did she say that he had a small penis too somebody made that up that was part of a joke or something like that where they said uh that was like an exer they leaked from the book where it said I said when are you g to put it in and he said it's in and I was so disappointed but I don't think that was real he puts his dick in a very small box it's my dick in a ring box I was listening to that car the other day it came up in a I don't know I was just on random and it came up and Gil was in the back I'm like he not gonna figure it out know what I'm talking those Lonely Island songs are so good dick play the dick box song again Daddy di g a b di g a b I was gonna ask for Christmas this year he's gonna ask you for ticking the box robot robot no no no robot as long as he doesn't go around singing chiz in my pants no you will not you will not he he every morning this week he got up and go well B no robot and he goes over and he stares at the Roomba and finally I said listen all that robot does is cleans the floor it picks up dog hair and whatever you leave laying around I said it cleans the floor repeat it I said tell me what does the robot do clean Flor no Rob no robot okay there's the robot no robot so he's obsessed with it I saw on Tik Tok no it was on Instagram uh that somebody had this great idea of putting a dowel a fixing a dowel to the top of it and putting a a a like a sheet with like a ghost on top of it so was it the ghost has a broom and I said I'm GNA make that I showed it to my wife I I'm gonna make that for Gil he'll really love that the ghost floating around no ghost Views or Snooze? [Music] views or or or or or snooze snooze uh we'll skip the last weeks since everybody can just look it up uh old dance comes on Netflix as Bill bur's directorial debut I thought with the theme of the old dad that would be good to throw that on there yeah yeah view for me defin watch yeah the preview looks hilarious yeah Bobby canival we all love him he's a big penis loves his big penis I didn't say I loved it I just acknowled Admire from afar upload K back on on Amazon Prime since anybody kept up with that I'm I've watched season one and two I only watched I only watched first season it was good season two is good I'm I like the first probably get caught up yeah get caught up it's good and then Pete Holmes has a standup special coming on Netflix called I'm not for everybody that's a views like I did not watch big Vape or Frasier just I watch the first episode of big Vape it's good they kind of gloss over the whole thing about how it came out of the weed business because it was the it was the packs that started the whole thing that's right they kind of over that but they they talk about it a little bit but I thought that the whole first episode would be like the split between the packs and the Jewel bastards well definitely if you guys get a chance watch that Mr Dress Up documentary on Prime I found that and Bal my freaking eyeballs out what's that about it's a you guys didn't get the CDC I guess in New York huh the Canadian broadcasting network no we got it in Detroit and uh Mr Dressup was a u he was a kid show him and Mr Rogers were best friends and so whenever they went to Toronto Mr Rogers no shut up Mr Rogers took him with him when they went to Toronto OH cool and um he was there the first two years and then he wanted to go back to Pittsburgh so he said why don't you give the show give um you know Mr him a chance and so he started the show this was my show it was like more than Sesame Street more than Mr Rogers even Mr dress was [ __ ] so anyway if you want to learn about mother's brother he was so amazing I can't even tell you and then we're watching the documentary it made me realize how many like choices and probably actually things about me my personality and whatnot came from watching this freaking show and I never even realized it this I'm check it out it's on Prime he's got a looks like lady Elaine yeah he had well he had fin there was fin Casey and finnean yeah um and the the lady who did the INF finan was you know mouth moo but Casey did not or whatever but so this this Casey person not the the dog was Casey right what's the other what's the no dogs name was finan okay an angry drunk right who lived in a carousel no that was a carousel so Mr Joseph he had the tickle trunk and he would go he would go and he would costume out on every episode and he would dress up and they got it out of the tickle trunk I'm going check that out little tickle trunk cross different in can there was a guy who lived in our neighborhood who had a tickle truck and it wasn't fun he gave you all that he gave you all that free bubble gum afterwards St yeah but it wasians do not molest not anymore they don't but that's the name for the show title no show title will probably thank uh uh rabbit from uh TexMex Motors and not mention any of things we just said that's right Rob Pitts from TexMex motors which you can watch now on Netflix uh AKA rabbit and you can find them all over YouTube and and all over the internet thank you Steph for getting that for us um coming on New Presents Wednesday Wednesday uh we have a guest we'll have a show coming out uh Jeff who will be on radio Labyrinth presents Wednesday uh Dan frisman from head of the senior class on Facebook and also from Head of the Class on ABC yeah the the original Head of the Class and also my favorite episode of Family Ties and you can hear how I embarrass myself meant to me you you didn't mention about how you loved Jerry Jewel no I figured I had already the other thing is um anytime I do I do the New York Times crossbo puzzle every single day and uh whenever the MoMA comes up as a clue oh yeah that [ __ ] episode and I have every I mean not just recently like anytime I think of the mlma I think of that episode yeah Barkville Dog Rescue Update Steph I hope you feel better do you want to talk about barkville um only only to say that uh Leela got adopted yay yeah oh congratulations cool yeah her family I went to take her over there to meet them um at their house they wanted to do a cat test with her the cat that they had was um as big as a dog so was it a mun it was a mun mix I mean and he he looked like an old man just like he had the full face of an old man when he came around the corner I was like oh my God I'm like there's no way she's going to think that's a a rag doll and shaking death I mean it looks like a so she did great the family was so freaking amazing and I I begged them to adopt me I was like I want to stay forever I love them they were so wonderful so they adopted her and uh they're going to get her when they get back from melee Island cool nice so if you but again thank you guys for supporting barkville and uh if you want to donate if you want to adopt if you want to Foster if you want to do anything for us go to barkville Wolf and uh if if you guys like pickle ball I don't know what the hell it is but we're having a pickle ball tournament and it's like happening every week and I don't know what the hell it is but we're doing it and people are winning money so people like pickle ball they like it I don't know what it is but they they like it I hope you feel better and I hope we see you at the uh the show this at the at Atlanta Pizza in Wrapping Up Euro I am out of gas so thank you guys all of you yeah thanks for staying late to get all that done yes bye everybody [Music] Outro please [Music] [Applause] [Music] he

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