Joel Rosenberg examines current events in light of BIBLE PROPHECY | Inside The Epicenter Podcast

and you know and many horrible people in the Bible did God changed their hearts they were evil and God Chang them so let's not forget to pray for our enemies why is it important to stand with Israel should Israel stop fighting for the defense of its territory and its citizens Israel is being shaken like no other time in modern history but we know that God is for them hi and welcome to this episode of inside the epicenter with Joel Rosenberg a podcast of the Joshua fund a Ministry dedicated to blessing Israel and her neighbors in the name of Jesus today we present Joel's message that he gave at the Jerusalem prayer breakfast and the importance of prayer during these challenging times [Applause] well it's an honor to be with you and uh it's an honor to live here and it's an honor to have gone through the horrors of October 7th and every day since with our people many of you know that I'm Jewish on my father's side I'm not Jewish on my mom's side so some here in Israel don't consider me Jewish that's fine but the Jewish agency did and uh the state of Israel did and so we were able to make Aliah 10 years ago we arrived on ooc August 15 2014 and in that month 4200 Rockets were fired from Gaza by Hamas at Israel and this was sort of our you know almost literal baptism by fire of coming into the country and um it's been a challenge ever since but it's a it's an honor and a joy and uh it's a real I really appreciate uh Albert and hel and the entire team that has put on this jerusem prayer breakfast all these years in so many countries with so much impact mobilizing prayer educating Believers and I think there's never been more a more important moment than now and for you to all come about 400 of you from all over the world when you didn't know exactly what would be happening you didn't even know if the airport would be open you didn't know if missiles would be flying and that you'd be diverted as many flights have been over the last eight months but you came and uh as important as it is to stand with Israel in all of your countries what a joy to stand in Israel or in this case sit I realize you're sitting but you know metaphorically spiritually and in every other way you are standing with Israel this is super important but not only to love and bless Israel but you know God does command us to love Israel's neighbors this requires us to have a heart of compassion on the Palestinians being cleare eyed to be sure but we're supposed to we're commanded to love our enemies love our neighbors and love our enemies that's challenging never more so than now so we really have to be looking to the Lord to show us how do you do that how do you do that and um it's also critical that we put all that we're seeing and all that we're hearing over the last eight months in a Biblical context and particularly in a prophetic context and that's what I want to do here walk you through some scriptures you know many of you certainly in this room you're familiar with these scriptures but I think it's important to relook at them one by one in context of where we are right now right now in prophetic history right now in the history of this particular war that began on October 7th and honestly right now seems to have no end in sight okay there will be an end none of us I think can say how this is going to end and we are facing attack from every single sector okay yes we're take we're in a a massive battle inside Gaza we're in a massive battle that's getting worse every day with Hezbollah the terrorist organization in Le on the attacks on that border going up up up up we're in a we're in a war with the hooes who are firing ballistic missiles you know almost 1800 kilometers into aot in our Southern cities we are facing infiltration of terrorists from Jordan and from Syria we are fa you know my home with my wife here in Jerusalem we happen to face East we Face Jordan we can see Judea and Samaria we well Judea at least we don't can't see Samaria from our apartment but we can see Jordan the lights of Jordan the hills of Jordan the mountains of Jordan right from our backyard so how surreal it was a few weeks ago to see dozens of Iranian ballistic missiles and suicide drones coming from the East over the Temple Mount over the Dome of rock over our home and being exploded intercepted by various Israeli interception systems over our home and feel the concussion each time those explosions but see some of them continue past our our line of sight and continue South this is not normal even then you know I've been coming here for 37 years when I first studied at Tel Aviv University as a a junior or uh yeah Junior in at Syracuse University studying film Mak studying storytelling studying Communications I came here for six months the first inata broke out while I was here so I've been coming in and out of this country for almost four decades and have lived here at a citizen for one decade and I've never seen anything like what's happened over the last 8 months this is Israel's Darkest Hour at least since the war of independence in 1948 which was existential now this feels existential I'm not sure if it is existential yet but it's grim and it's not just the kinetic war that we're facing on every angle right it's the war by uh the international criminal court right saying that we're the committers of genocide this is this is insane but this is what we're facing this the ICC inditing our prime minister and defense minister as we defend ourselves against hamash which is literally in their and explicitly in their own 1988 Charter focus on committing genocide here in Israel yet it is our prime minister and our defense minister who are have been indicted and are going to be arrested even the Germans have said if they if the prime minister or defense minister lands in Germany they will arrest them the Germans who have been quite supportive of us I got to say but this is we're in a we're dangerous moment President Biden at times is with us and he deserves credit for the those times it's very important whether it's diplomatic or plain loads of of arms and and and and ammunition and resupply and and yet he's trying to force us to stop fighting he's imposing arms and bargain on us to not finish the job in Rafa the Southernmost city and he's saying explicitly look I support Israel I I want them to win I just will not support them going into Rafa this is schizophrenic and I'm not that's not a medical diagnosis I'm just giving a political analysis these two things do not go together and President Biden is the best that the Democratic party has so we on the one hand don't want to think that we're going to get better I'm not making a partisan point I'm making an anal analytical Point that he's the most pro-israel person in the entire Le senior Ash lines of the democratic party and look how conflicted he is over truly standing with us and I could go on and on but I I I don't want to do that what I I I want to walk you through some scriptures but I want to say one other thing um as we as we look at these scriptures and that is this over the last eight months from my unique vantage point and you all have your Vantage points that prayer writing about these things maybe you're in the media there's a whole range of ways you're preaching you're teaching you're bringing solidarity groups here um you're mobilizing people to you know pray in cell groups all over you're you're working online you're fighting in the in in diplomatic Arenas in legal Arenas and God bless you for this don't stop in our tiny slice of this world our Focus has been Communications education through all Israel news and all Arab News and as was mentioned through uh my weekly uh Prime Time show on TBN Trinity Broadcasting Network which is the most watched It's not the only Christian Network in the United States obviously but it's the most watched Christian Network and it didn't do news and Analysis for many many decades and only in the last few years has it decided to do so and one of the things Matt Crouch the head of TBN asked me is would you create a weekly Prime Time news and an Al show alysis show in Jerusalem about Israel in the region and I said Matt I have a face for radio I don't know that you really want me on television every week but he uh he prevailed upon me and so we've been covering this war from all of these angles I've been inside Gaza with an embedded IDF unit going into KH unit going into actual Terror tunnels that were newly discovered walking into cages where at least a dozen Israeli hospit including the youngest kear bibus captured at only 9 months past his one-year birthday there a beautiful adorable little red-headed boy he was in that cage they have DNA evidence but they were all moved just hours days we're not sure before the IDF came fighting in to capture those tunnels no reporter had ever seen those tunnels before and Chris Mitchell my dear colleague from CBN Christian Broadcasting Network and I along with a few other uh International journalists Israeli journalists were able to go in and stand in that cage and then stand in the lair of yak sinir the demon-possessed leader of Kamas in Gaza just extraordinary to have a an invitation to go into the epicenter of evil we prayed in those tunnels together as brothers and when we came out we prayed for the hostages we prayed for our troops we prayed for the capture kill and conversion of all the Kamas people not necessarily in that order but if they won't come to fa faith in Jesus and you know and many horrible people in the Bible did God changed their hearts they were evil and God changed them so let's not forget to pray for our enemies but one way or the other they need to be captured or they need to be killed then we came out of those tunnels and we were just about to get back in the armored personnel carrier to go out of Gaza how surreal is that wake up in Jerusalem kiss your wife goodbye get in a car drive an hour and a half put on a helmet and a flack jacket get an an armored personnel carrier drive an hour and 15 minutes in and then go into the epicenter of evil cover it and then go home take a shower get your wife sit down and have dinner it's a different planet and it's only 2 hours from my home it's a different planet it's a different Universe it's evil it's tyranny it's Terror and there's freedom God bless Chris Mitchell because just before we laugh he said hey you want to take communion I said what and he said it was almost like he like hey I got communion crackers and I brought grape juice wow I didn't even think of this God bless an older brother and in faith and Jesus to think of that and sure enough we took communion we bowed our heads we took the Lord's Supper in Gaza in kanun and we pray Lord would you break the strangle hold of Satan in this entire Gaza Strip would you give Victory to our troops would you give protection and Redemption to our and of course uh freedom to all those who are held hostage would you set the captives free according to Isaiah 61 veres 1 through3 and would you bring Salvation to everyone in Gaza and everyone in Israel to imagine standing on that ground Unholy blood soaked defiled ground and have that opportunity we've had an opportunity over the last eight months to sit down with prime minister Netanyahu in his office in the in the Kira the Pentagon of Israel we've we've sat with the victims of of these terrible atrocities I was just a few days ago with Nikki Haley in three border communities just meeting with people who had gone through these traumas I've interviewed parents who've lost their children in battle we've interviewed pastors all over the country who are living on the front lines living in the midst of this and serving the lord and seeing Israelis struggling do I even believe in God anymore if they're religious or unreligious secular thinking I need to be reading the Psalms I start I need to start reading the Bible I've never read it before it's really an interesting spiritual Dynamic going on here and we're trying to cover those things again on all Israel news all Arab News and the RO ber report and I I hope those are resources that will be helpful to you I also mentioned the work of the Joshua fund and providing humanitarian relief and other types of Financial and and other type of support to Ministries that are caring for people in real time in the worst moment that we've ever experienced in In Our Lifetime and the Josh F's only 18 years old and it feels like everything that we've learned and the mistakes we've made on the improvements and Corrections we've made by God's mercies are are needed right now now right so those are some of the things we've been doing but as I've been asked to teach and speak around the country over the last eight months I want to share with you some of the things I've been sharing with them let me Begin by saying that um a few weeks ago I was invited to uh preach at the congregation that happens to be located on Mount Carmel very very interesting and uh and that northern border really heating up and I and I taught uh on lessons from the prophet Amos and I'll just mention a few things I want to mention from Amos chapter 1 the words of Amos who was among the sheep herders from tocoa which he envisioned in Visions concerning Israel in the days of Uzziah king of Judah and in the days of jeroboam son of joash king of Israel two years before the earthquake okay there was a massive earthquake but this was these visions and this scripture was written prior to that and the Lord spoke uh through Amos this Prophet who was not as he says later in the text right I'm not actually a prophet by you know background or uh you know the Lord called me but I I'm not a prophet I'm not the son of prophets but the Lord called me to say things and so I'm doing it what a faithful man but the in verse two uh he says the Lord Roars from Zion and from Jerusalem he utters his voice and it goes down in verse three thus says the Lord for three transgressions of Damascus and for four I will not revoke its punishment and then a few moments later in verse 6 it says thus says the Lord for for three transgressions of Gaza and for four I will not revoke its punishment it goes on to say in verse 7 I will God says I will send fire upon the walls of Gaza I will cons it will consume her citadels and it goes on uh the remnant of the Philistines will Perish Say the Lord God and he he describes judgment now those prophecies are fulfilled that spe you know that section of Amos there are prophecies uh that are yet to be fulfilled from Amos but we can learn lessons you know I think God is only mentioned about 20 times in the Bible only once positively that happens to be in the book of Acts when Philip is sent there to share the Gospel of Jesus the Messiah with an Ethiopian uh treasury official who's heading on the road to Gaza and uh that man um beautifully and miraculously comes to Faith In Jesus that's the only positive mention of Gaza there's a lot of heartbreak there's a lot of uh horror and there's a lot of sin uh in that area and and I think it's important to say UPF front a we're supposed to love our neighbors we must we were commanded this is not a suggestion look it'll be nice Jesus is not saying ah you know find a little room in your heart says He commands us love your neighbors now you say but they're not our neighbors they're our enemies fine Jesus says love your enemies come on Lord that capture that that's everybody I mean aren't you giving us any room of people we can't love and of course the answer is no now it's important that he says you can understand a person as an enemy right he's not the Lord is not confused he's not saying look uh they're just misunderstood no they're enemies now not everybody in Gaza is an enemy some are neighbors and they're trapped in a system that they can't get out of did they vote for Kamas 18 years ago 19 17 years yes they did have they had another election since no they haven't is almost every apartment and every home in in in Gaza filled with weapons and ammunition and off and terrorists and rocket launchers yes unfortunately yes i' I've interviewed commanders who and and soldiers who told me house by house room by room you would not believe we we did not believe that in every home or almost every home we would find this and and this is why the destruction is so bad because things are booby trapped and they decide once they clear the house we're not or the apartment building we're not going to try send troops in to try to figure out how to diffuse every single bomb and every single booby trap we're going to blow it up and this is why you see destruction as far as the eye can see now understanding this prophetically right we all know from Genesis chapter 12 veres 1-3 God's blessing to and his Covenant with Abraham and through the rest of the scriptures to Isaac to Jacob On Through To today this is an eternal Covenant it's an unbreakable Covenant it's an unconditional Covenant there is a peace that is conditional um those who bless Israel I will bless we like to focus on that part and it's good to focus on that part but there is a consequence of cursing Israel those who curse Israel God says he will curse now it doesn't mean a person is not redeemable you know I've interviewed on my show Iranian Shia Muslims who hated Israel hated America hated Christianity and God has supernaturally transformed them right but if you curse Israel for 76 years straight there are consequences okay there just are and I believe we're watching the Judgment of God now we're not supposed to rejoice in it we're supposed to pray that the Lord would use this in some way to wake up the people of Gaza to set off to cast off the spirit of Islam the spirit of radical Islam ISM and and the spirit of apocalyptic islamism and to say this has failed us we're on the wrong team and to turn and give their lives to Jesus the Messiah this needs to be our prayer and and I believe God will do this but I believe we're seeing the Judgment of Gossel and that's a painful reality In Our Lifetime our verse of the day is Isaiah 61:1 the spirit of the Lord God is upon me because the Lord has anointed me to preach good news unto the meek he has sent me to bind up the Brokenhearted to Proclaim Liberty to the captives and the opening of the prison to them that are bound please join us in praying fervently that God would break the strangle hold of Satan in the Gaza Strip and that he would give Victory to his people pray that the Israeli captives would be set free and that God would bring Salvation to everyone in Gaza and Israel now I don't believe we're seeing the Judgment of Israel right now I believe we're seeing the shaking of Israel I Amos speaks to this too Amos 99 right God famously says through the prophet Amos I will shake the house of Israel among the Nations okay this is the moment that we're in Israel is being shaken like no other time in our modern history again at least since 48 I just interviewed and it'll it'll show this summer in a series of shows on the Rosenberg report one of the last living origin Jewish Believers in Jesus Israeli Believers in Jesus that was alive in 1948 we know there were only 23 of them at the time this man araar David was a a young boy like about a year old at that point but his family of seven they are seven of the 23 that were the only Jewish Believers in Jesus in the entire country when God prophetically gave rebirth to the country in 1948 it's pretty amazing those who are left we have had the joy of getting to know in this uh just a few ago we did hours of interviews with ARA and that's going to be a multi-part series coming up this summer so you can hear and see from a man who's been here he's 76 he's 77 and the country is 76 it's it's really amazing he's fought in every war since 1967 and his spiritual perspective his prophetic understanding of what's going on is extraordinary and yet most people have never heard of him so it's a joy to be able to not only sit with someone like that but share them with Believers all over the world we are being shaken uh we're being shaken because Israel has forgotten that we have a good shepherd right this is what David taught us set aside the New Testament for the moment right David the first king of Israel 3,000 years ago tells us the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want and yet when a nation like Israel and particularly the nation of Israel who was chosen by God to know him and to make him known when Israel when Jews forget that we have a shepherd and we think either there isn't a Shepherd or it doesn't really even matter to stick with the shepherd I can be a sheep that goes astray I don't need to pay attention to my shepherd this is of course a dangerous Instinct and it's a it's potentially a fatal flaw and what we've watched here is a nation that mostly doesn't know God or care about God and that is painful to be a part of a society like that though we are heading towards a Romans 11:26 world where all Israel will be saved but we are not anywhere close to that yet there's only about 30,000 Jewish and Arab Believers in Jesus in the entire country right now it's a country 10 million people so do the math we're we're just a smidge away from all Israel being saved so we got a lot of prayers to do a lot of work to to to be faithful but what's interesting is if you wander away from your Shepherd or you're not aware that there is a Shepherd you you you the problem is that it's not just a neutral environment you can't just roam the countryside and think ah I you know be better to be with the shepherd but it doesn't really matter it matters because the Bible is filled with descriptions of the ravenous Wolves and the brutal beasts that are out there waiting to attack and eat us devour us so there's not a so there's a consequence I don't believe that's judgment right now I believe that's a consequence and I believe the Lord is shaking the whole house of Israel to get people to wake up Nikki Haley was chatting with a A young woman in her 20s totally secular who was a Survivor on October 7th at the Nova m music festival but listen to her friends and and and brothers and sisters all around her being tortured being murdered being sexually assaulted and raped not just women men as well she witnessed this it's I said why did how did you survive she said it's a miracle well first she in the conversation she said luck later she said it was God I said okay well are you from a religious background no I'm not so do you see it as luck or do you see it as God well I I I I I think I'm saying that she said uh uh I'm paraphrasing but um and we'll have the story in the next few days on all Israel news but she said I I I I would have thought it was luck from who I am before but now I think it might be God and she said when I was able to reach a trailer where some of the operations people were based and I hid in there and for some reason Kamas terce didn't storm in and kill us all I found somebody else's mobile phone she said her phone was had died she found another mobile phone and she said I should have been texting my family and friends telling them I'm okay at least so far instead I was Googling the Psalms she said I've never read the Psalms before i' never read the Bible before but that was my first instinct God is shaking people here and I've sat with Orthodox Jews for like I'm done if this is what God lets happen to our country I'm out I can't pray I don't want any part of that God Orthodox shoes keep out wearing and I've met with secular people who have never thought about God a day in their life we like no no no I'm I'm I'm far away from God I need to get to God I need to find him it's a very interesting Dynamic going on um now God says he's also going to shake all the nations and we and you know as has been mentioned here God is shaking the Nations and forcing or requiring Nations to choose are you in or out are you with Israel or out are you a sheep Nation or a goat Nation this is part of Bible prophecy playing out now another Bible prophecy of course that we need to look at is is from Matthew 24 where Jesus Yeshua in Hebrew is saying that there's going to be wars and rumors of wars right and you'll be hearing about this and you'll be experiencing it Nations will rise against Nation kingdoms against kingdoms there'll be various earthquakes I mean God's going to literally allow the the nations of the earth including Israel to be physically shaken emotionally shaken financially shaken politically shaken but most importantly spiritually shaken and he says these are merely the beginnings of the birth PS now I'm a father of four boys we have all boys we we did not get the spiritual gift of raising teenage daughters okay the Lord obviously looked at my wife and me and said I I don't think that's going to be a good idea so we got boys and we love these boys and we're very grateful for them I will just say you know as somebody who didn't give birth um I of course didn't experience those birth Banks the same way as my wife did I'm not saying that I did so all the women I don't want to see some big rebellion and you know Rush the stage you don't even know I don't know all I know is my hand being squeezed until there was no blood left you're like yeah whatever okay I'm not say I'm just saying I began to experience what I I began to watch what was she was going through I was watching in a minor way what I was going through and I was watching that monitor right cuz that that birth pain went upah you know you know that's the most pain and then I began to it ease off I could see that she was beginning to so birth pays are contraction and release contraction and release right and the closer you get to the point of delivery of arrival the contractions are longer and more intense and the release periods are shorter you have less time to catch your breath before the next one kicks in longer and harder clearly our world is going through birth pangs right you can certainly say that about all of the 20th century you can certain say it about now but I would just give you two examples three let's say I would say covid was a global birth pain regardless what you think of medically or politically about covid the world went through a contraction and the amount of power that Nations took from their people immediately travel the ability to step outside your house what you had to put in your arm and of course churches being allowed to be open or not while strip clubs you know bars you know had no issues at least not in the United States so this was a contraction Russia's invasion of Ukraine a massive contraction this is the largest war in Europe since World War II and it's going on and the the the amount of death and destruction is is incalculable this is a major contraction but as of October 6 Israel felt like we were in a release that's why there was fewer than 400 soldiers on that border and mostly there were young girls 18 1920 serving in the IDF watching monitors keeping an eye on the border it was basically an unguarded border why how is that even possible that's for an investigation and a conversation longer than we have today but the the basic concept was Israel felt in a release it did not feel like they were in a birth Pang and they certainly didn't think like a birth Pang was imminent we had just signed four Arab Israeli Peace trees the Abraham Accords right last year we were celebrating that and we're saying may God have the next one happen with Saudi Arabia well that's what was building all year and by a October 6 we thought wow we we are within Striking Distance within maybe with the next few months a a a game-changing deal with Saudi Arabia is going to happen now that didn't mean we shouldn't guard our border our Southern border nor should America by the way but that's the mentality the mindset where you know Hamas is really not a threat anymore things are changing we're being welcomed into the the region by the way remember last year we we prayed not only do we want to have you know one of the next Jerusalem prayer breakfasts in Riad in Saudi Arabia and I'm I would love to work on that with Albert and heli having had a chance to spend time with the Crown Prince over the last few years but also in Iran remember the Crown Prince of Iran had just been here last year rea palavi the son of the Sha that was overthrown and driven out of the country he had just come and he I had interviewed him uh for the Rosenberg report and he told me point blank I want to make a peace treaty like what's been happening with the Arab world but I want to call them the Cyrus Accords because in our history Cyrus was the guy who loved the Jews and let the Jews leave Persia and go back to here to Israel and rebuild their Temple and we help pay for it from Iran like preach it brother I mean you know so anyway he's not maybe a brother in Jesus but yeah may he be the next leader and I would love to go cover his arrival and uh and his leadership of of Iran and there are prophecies Jer IIA 49 that says God is going to judge the leaders of Iran and then it says he's going to move his throne to Iran the the ancient term was ilam e l a m and like uh Lord excuse me excuse me I got a little uh need a judges ruling here uh aren't you moving your throne here to Jerusalem like aren't you setting up a temple uh and you're going to reain from here over the entire planet of course he's going to do that but before that he says he's going to move his throne to Iran which means spiritually I believe the Shia radical country that's our worst enemy is going to become the a fountain of many blessings so many sh Muslims in Iran are going to come to Faith in Jesus Christ and they are going to be gospel preaching radicals all over the planet they are going to be the Apostle Saul turned into the Apostle Paul millions of Iranian Shia coming to Faith In Jesus and being just as radical for Jesus as they have been against Jesus and against Jews this is something to look forward to amen so so we're in birth pays October 6th release here in Israel October 7th and sins and we can barely breathe I mean maybe you would say right at this moment like the the the birth p is still on but it's it's it's lightened just enough that Israelis feel like they can breathe a little bit but we're expecting another contraction on the Lebanon border just a few others um that I want to highlight there's a point Bible prophecy tells us that all nations are going to abandon Israel right we're moving towards an Ezekiel 3839 conflict right where Russia and Iran and turkey and a number of other countries will will come and Surround Israel in the last days God told the prophet Ezekiel and everyone will fear here in Israel that our demise is imminent that we will be wiped off the face of the planet as this evil Coalition comes to invade conquer and destroy now we're not there yet but a lot of the preconditions for Ezekiel 38 and 39 are increasingly lining up the Russian Iranian Alliance was has been building for the last 20 years you know I I've written and spoken a lot about this but never more so than during the Ukraine Russia War because as the world has turned against Russia and cut off money and all kinds of embargos and sanctions who's coming to Putin's rescue it's Iran providing weapons that Russia desperately needs this is a problem I don't want to get into Russia Ukraine us International politics and this but I do want to say Vladimir Putin people ask me all the time do you think Vladimir Putin is Gog biblical Gog and my answer is I don't know he's Gog esque but is he really him I I don't know but could he be yes and I think one of the things as you study Ezekiel 38 and 39 what you find is once that Coalition comes and surrounds Israel not a single country comes to Israel's defense let's be clear it's it's not the same as what happens in Zechariah and Revelation and other passages where all nations come against Israel to attack Israel in the end of days but in this case in Ezekiel 38 and 39 which explicitly says it will happen in the last days it's clear that no Nation comes to Israel's defense Israel's abandoned every so that means that at some point America is going to abandon Israel now when I I've taught this for for 20 years and most of the time over the last 20 years even people who are interested in this prophecy but aren't you know real students of it necessarily and far too few pastors and Ministry leaders are teaching Bible prophecy that that's a problem right uh 27% of the Bible is prophecy and so when you don't teach it people don't know 27% % of what God wants them to know that's not a good formula for a healthy believer or a healthy church right if you if you have a son or daughter and you teach them 27% less of what they need to know to drive a car safely are they going to be safe what about the other people on the road let's say you run a medical school and you teach your students 27% less of what they need to Save a Life who's benefiting here well that's too controversial we don't want to get into it it's too political it's too crazy crazy people teach prophecy yeah unfortunately there are some but there are people preaching false gospels we don't say well I'm not going to preach the gospel there's crazy people preaching the gospel I don't want to be linked with them no because there is false gospels being taught preached believed we have all the more we need to teach the truth in love and the same thing is true about prophecy but most people don't know these prophecies and so just to tie that up Israel is going to be abandoned and if you look at the pre prec conditions for Israel uh and a war of go and Magog so many of those pieces are in place Russia Iran turkey all these countries that are explained as being part of the Coalition are forming an alliance now some people have said uh privately publicly we are we are in that moment I I I I want to be cautious about that I don't think we can say that and we can't we can't rule it out October 7th isn't in Ezekiel 38 what's described there is these countries form this Coalition Israel's incredibly prosperous and it's secure people feel secure now you could say well Israel wasn't completely secure look what happened on the seventh right but look at how people felt on the sixth in God's economy in his Sovereign understanding of things is it possible that is that October 6th checked a box of Israel feeling secure feeling prosperous and therefore feel feeling invulnerable even as Russia and Iran and turkey and these other countries do form an alliance is that possible did that box just get checked and if so could the events we're seeing lead in the coming weeks months maybe years Russia and Iran saying we're coming to finish the job you invade Rafa you commit genocide we're coming to make things right is that possible yes it's possible is is it playing out the way the scriptures say at the moment well know in the sense that it doesn't say first or or between prosperity and security and the alliance that's building against us there's going to be this convulsion that looks like what we've seen but that doesn't mean it's not part of it and I can't tell you right now I really think it's important for us to to be cautious and analysis because I can see two scenarios I can see a trajectory where as the world is clearly turning against Israel and Israel is being increasingly abandoned even at on depending on the day and the hour from the White House I can see a scenario which this thing builds to a crescendo and people say we must stop the genocide that Israel is you know fting against the Palestinians we must get them out of uh they are no longer legitimate and maybe they'll do the right thing if we pressure them let's build a military Coalition and surround them right Russia in the text Gog the leader of go uh the leader Gog the evil dictator of Russia he's not even proactively thinking about Israel God is pulling him the hooks and the Jaws pulling him into a conflict to bring judgment on Russia having come from a family where my father side escaped out of Russia because of anti-Semitism and looking at all the Jews that have been killed all the Christians that have been persecuted and now what Vladimir Putin has been up to for the last 24 years and including the last 24 months could judgment be far off I think it's deserved but I you know we also need to pray for the Russian people my point is could I imagine that the Iranians are going to say look we have helped you Mr Putin we've given you weapons we've given you we've stood with you it's time for you to come with us and you need to step out of the Shadows are you with us as your ally or you with Israel it's time to choose so could I picture that happening I can do I have time to write a novel about it no but I'll analyze it on all Israel news and the Rosenberg report and so forth but I can also see a scenario in which in the next six months one year whatever the time frame is that God gives Israel a dramatic win that right now though it seems so murky and so painful and it is can I see a scenario in which we have a big win in Gaza and we figure out with our Arab allies Egypt Saudi Emirates bahrainis the Moroccans let's this is the way that we can figure out how to run and de deradicalize Gaza and build a Palestinian Paradise not a state necessarily that's not from our perspective from their perspective they want the beginnings of a state maybe we put a pin on what we call it yet but maybe we we figure that out maybe and maybe we have a decisive Victory or at least a victory good enough in the north and maybe a year from now Israel looks like the superpower that we've gone from the bottom the world against us suddenly we have a deal a true big deal with the Saudis and and our economy is taking off our stock market is taking off trade tourism technology military cooperation against Iran with the Saudis and all the Arab world could that happen yes it could out of the ashes of this war could Israel become the most powerful and the most influential and successful country in the entire region true Regional superpower yes might that set up the basis for Ezekiel 38:39 yes that's possible so I think we just want to be careful when we look at Bible prophecy one we don't want to be clickbaity we don't want to be sensationalistic we need to be sober minded because most even Christians don't listen to prophecy they don't study prophecy and when they hear prophecy they get a little like it's going to be spooky these people are from Area 51 they're from Roswell New Mexico I don't know it seems a little weird right that's most of Christendom doesn't think about prophecy doesn't believe in Prophecy so as we teach it those of us who know that it's scripture and know it's real we let's just be sober-minded thoughtful prayerful you do not have to convince a person of Prophecy you just teach it they may think you're crazy okay let the spirit take that enzyme and and set into motion a catalytic environment which it may be 10 years 20 years later where it goes oh my gosh that was true I'll close with this thought when Lyn and I first got married it was the summer of 1990 and uh one of the first actually the second job that Lynn got in Washington DC where we were living was for concern women for America the biggest uh Pro women Conservative Christian pro-life uh women's organization in the United States and of course the leader of that the founder was Beverly Le so and her husband was famously Dr Tim Le one of the great Bible prophecy teachers of the 20th century right so Lynn was in charge of the National Convention every year and so we would move into the hotel in DC for a week where she was running the convention and I didn't have anything to do I mean I was happy to be there now if I'd been seeing it might have been sound really exciting wow 3,000 Christian women all in one building fantastic but I was very happy with my bride I wasn't looking so I just hung out with Dr Tim Le and of course he was a Bible prophecy expert I had never met a Bible prophecy expert my church didn't teach Bible prophecy when I was growing up they didn't teach about Israel they didn't take trips to Israel that was too bad but I survived and so now I meet Tim Le and this is Tim Le pre- Left Behind success just normal wonderful feisty really interesting Tim long story short he's teaching me about Ezekiel 3839 I'm like okay if you say so Russia is a threat I said Dr hey with respect you know me I was like 25 right or 23 with respect the Soviet Union just imploded are you not watching the news do you really you know are you not paying attention to a million Jews are coming out of the Soviet Union like what are you talking about that Russia is going to be a threat to Israel to the Jews think this is the greatest season in Russian Jewish Israel relations in the in the in history and he would teach me and he even gave me a book uh the coming pece in the Middle East I'm like okay inside I'm going okay whatever you're the expert you know I didn't really say it I was trying but I was like okay I really didn't see it then fast forward 10 years later I'm working for Natan sharansky the former deputy prime minister of Israel of course former refus Nick nine years in the Soviet goog and KGB and eventually the head of the Jewish agency but at that time time I was working for him as a young media Aid to him and we're on a flight from Washington New York and we're just chatting and he's asking about my background my family escaping out of Russia and all these things and he gets talking about how it's so amaz I said did you ever imagine being the Deputy Prime Minister of Israel he said he just laughed he said no obviously I never did but when I was then prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu said I need you Natan to go to Moscow and go meet with the head of the KGB then called the f FSB and N time was you know the way I recall was something like um b i I've done Moscow I've done Russia I've done the fsp I I don't really want to go back said no no no you're the guy I need to go and go and and shy said asked him why he said because we have this file here this file is full of evidence that the Russians are beginning to build an alliance with Iran and they're selling nuclear technology they're helping Iran build a nuclear industry and he goes I'm worried BB said this Russian Iranian Alliance puts us in Mortal danger and you're the guy Natan you speak Russian you know that system you have respect there get on a plane go there and say Mr Putin don't go there so I finish up my you know a few months of assignment with Natan shansky and I go home and I'm like honey where's that book from 10 years ago she I don't know maybe in the garage in a box and I'm just like suddenly this dormant thought from Dr Tim Le like one day there's going to seem like there's peace and then the Russians are going to build an alliance with Iran that's going to put us in Mortal Jeopardy I'm likeing binging binging like what but I got to read that again I got to find that I I thought that man was crazy bless his heart I know the southerners in this room they're like bless your heart that means you're an idiot but you're just trying to say it nicely that man is dumb as a post bless his heart that woman is Ally as Sin bless her heart now I'm a northerner so when I say bless your heart I really mean it but anyway the point is I really just didn't see it but suddenly this dormant thought could that prophecy be real could that even be setting into Motion in my lifetime it started to come alive and that set into motion for me writing becoming a novelist and writing the Ezekiel option and teaching about these things and and so forth so I just want us to be focused on Bible prophecy I want us to look at what's happening here in Israel and in the region in light of Bible prophecy but I don't want us to be crazy just be sober-minded be thoughtful lay things out for people like look this is what it says this is what the text say this is what's happening let's watch to see what happens next and let's ask ourselves how should I live differently in light of what I'm seeing and in light of what could be coming breakfast God us [Applause] thank you for listening to this episode about lessons from the prophet Amos if you have found this podcast valuable please be in touch with us let us know who you are are you someone who's searching for Jesus we would love to talk to you about that do you have any question that you'd love Joel to answer in future podcasts please send comments that you might have to podcast at Joshua your feedback is incredibly valuable to us as we develop this podcast and as always you can check out our show notes for anything you heard on this episode that you'd like more information on for the Joshua fund Ministry team I'm Lyn Rosenberg and thank you for listening to this episode of inside the epicenter I'm Joel Rosenberg on your left you'll find some videos we've chosen specifically for you we look forward to partnering with you to bless Israel and her neighbors in the name of Jesus

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