Danny Masterson is Holier than Thou

now back in 2006 20-year-old Super Starlet Lindsay Lohan was all doled up rubbing her nose a little bit standing outside a nightclub called guys imagine her surprise when the bouncer said Deni now this is 2006 Lindsay Lohan just coming off Mega hits like Herby fully loaded 144 million at the box office and of course who could forget mean girl so she was a certified a-lister certified teener left to stand outside like a commoner so what does the entitle do in an event like this well of course they start to talk [ __ ] they start to throw a fit reportedly screaming at the top of her lungs forcing the man that made the call himself to ban her from the club to come on down and give this little Starlet a little bit of clarity and that man is Danny Masterson he told her directly to her face that he did not approve of her lifestyle of being this partying druggy woman he basically shoes her away like a dog and then he goes back to partying and drugging women I guess it's just not as fun if the women are just drugging themselves this was more than just a case of a Man convicted of sa I mean he wasn't even an Alister by a [ __ ] stretch of the imagination but somehow interestingly Garner the the power and the respect of the Hollywood Elite and after Decades of abusing this power under the hypocrisy of a holier than thou attitude as exampled with the Lindsay Lohan situation it wasn't until two decades later that he was finally charged by three women of drugging anding them back in the early 2000 they tried to report this to the LAPD but something always got in the way and will get into that later so how did masteron get away with this for so long that's the question and why was his influence so far reaching that even Hollywood a-listers risked being cancelled they were giving him glowing Yelp likee reviews using words like role model in hopes that the judge would give masteron a lighter sentence basically if you think about it for two more seconds undermining the victims now I'm going to give you a multiple choice question a hypothetical if you will now if you were in a loving marriage for 15 years and suddenly you are accused of rape subsequently convicted of it multiple rapes but stay steadfast to your wife that you are innocent baby look into my eyes as you stare into her bloodshot teary eyes that you didn't do it these [ __ ] [ __ ] are only looking for clout they're looking for a payout whatevers does your wife of 15 years a believe you and stick by your side baking a saw into a cake or will she be immediately drop your last name file for divorce and even dropping the entire religion you guys were in together unfortunately for masteron the answer was B his wife of 15 years and mother of his daughter actress beu Phillips to her credit stood by him every step of the way during his trial but I I equate this to like looking at an Instagram photo of the perfect couple laying on the beach they both have Margaritas when in reality it's just orange juice and salt and they help each other take down the green screen once the gavel came down his wife promptly dropped his last name filed for divorce and left the religion that she once stood next to him by representing it proudly for years and that religion was the Church of Scientology which do I need to mention is a very controversial religion cloaked in secrecy and their reputation was being drugged through the mud actually I should say not just it was already being drugged through the mud now it was being drugged into piles of dog [ __ ] with allegations and lawsuits leveled at them from different angles now all the articles that I used as a source are sourced in the description and I have to say allegedly a lot in this because I hear that the Church of Scientology is very soe happppy so everything is alleged concerning the Church of Scientology in the case of Danny Masterson well let's get into that watch me sweat as I work for you guys so a good place to start is with Danny Master since childhood how he was born he was born in Long Island 1976 raised in what would become uh actor family because he he since four years old he was considered a baby Model A child model and would go on to do over 100 commercials that's kind of wild now he does have an older brother named Christopher Masterson and when you see his face a lot of you guys would go oh my God that was his brother back to this immediate family now the mother is Carol the father is Peter and they would actually go through a divorce in the'80s and the mom would remarry and because of this new marriage they were given half siblings one was named Jordan and the other was named Alana now Master's first Big Break was in a show called Jake and the fat man when he was just 11 years old now for Danny I guess because he was so excited about acting and modeling and whatnot he would influence his siblings to get into the same thing they would catch the acting bug now if you remember a little hit show in the early 2000s called Malcolm in the Middle then you might recall Christopher Masterson's face he was the older brother named Francis the kid that always got in trouble was always away at some type of military camp now Jordan went on to play mark in the hit movie The 40-Year-Old Virgin some notable TV appearances and Alana she is best known for her role as Tara in The Walking Dead now back to Danny Masterson his first Big Break was in the movie Beethoven second in 1993 now after more guest appearances on television he finally landed himself a more steady role on a show called cble and he would play in the third and fourth Seasons but it was shortly after this that he would finally land the role that we all know him for till this day and that would be playing Steven Hyde in the hit TV show That 70s Show Now by this time he was already in his ear early 20s 22 much older than the character that he was playing which was in high school but the casting felt that he was just perfect for the role and hey I would say I would have to agree I watched That 70s Show not religiously but I every time I caught it it was very entertaining characters had chemistry it was really funny and I enjoyed it every time I watched it and Masterson himself I got to say played his role perfectly he was the best friend of Eric Foreman which was the main star of the show show I believe played by Topher Grace now toea Grace was very sarcastic I kind of remember Stephen Hyde being very sarcastic but he was more of the anti-establishment kind of figure the uh hippie but all the kids they sat around a table they smoked pot together while camera revolved around each one you know how that goes Danny Masterson was heaped with a lot of praise for this role he was a fairly wholesome character it was a fairly wholesome show there were less than wholesome things going on behind the cameras of That 70s Show and one particular story that sticks out in my mind is that of Danny Masterson and Ashton Kutcher you got to understand these were grown men at the time Ashton was about to turn 20 and of course Danny Masterson was already in his early 20s 22 23 at this point and there was this little girl named Mila Kunis and I say little girl cuz she literally was a little girl at the time lore has it she lied on her application that she was older than she was but she was actually only 14 years old and according to the article that I read in Business Insider Danny and Ashton knew that she was 14 at this time Danny bet Ashton $20 that he did not dare slip munas a French kiss a tongue kiss if you don't know what that is 20-year-old men 14-year-old girl let that sink in so what's a good True Crime without a little bit of that old vintage video receipt that you see in your screen right now you're about to watch a grown man squirm and they're going to talk about the story that I just outlined soon you're going to see munes a very young munas of course but before we get into this video and our reaction I just want to say a heartfelt thank you to my patreons we're only six strong just knowing that you guys are backing me to do whatever Endeavor that I plan to do here on YouTube is remarkable we're technically strange but you guys feel so close to me shout out to Joseph E kbg uncool Dre Yan 702 Tony H and last but not least Mr Joe Nathan YouTube hates monetizing True Crime but let's get this underway let's see what this man has to say what's funny is when she was she was 14 when we started the show I was like 19 right right and they're like okay you guys are going to be making out in the scene and I'm like thinking like like slime ball producers right they knew exactly what the Ages were by this time but they they still let it happen your first kiss ever right it was my first kiss where's some a bet you made with Danny about our first kiss no it wasn't the first kiss like a second or third kiss it was the first it was like the first week no it was not the first week whatever let me tell you here's the beginning of a series of uncomfortable denials by Mr Ashton Kutcher here and you know she She's So Young she doesn't know when to shut up he's trying his best watch he'll he'll try his best to shut her up she does not get the point happen no let me tell you no okay I've never kissed a guy I was I was so I mean you know Ash was attractive and I was a 14-year-old little girl and I was extremely scared for my life sure and he was very nice about it he was like oh don't worry so I was like okay then Dany goes and goes dude I'll give you $10 if you french kiss her what would you stick my stick your tongue in my mouth or some what no no no no no $10 you're making it sound like it was like really okay D we had a little side B going like which was to whether or not you know like you know you're kissing on the show or boyfriend and girlfriend you would use tongue right Rosie I mean you would it depends what kind of an actor you are I guess absolutely right yeah so Danny depends what kind of PDF file you are and and so you're going to start to see body language speak everything don't listen to Ashton just watch his body language that's me like 20 bucks that I wouldn't do it and of course I'm like yeah sure what's the deal you and then the cops showed up and you got arrested those are the most tense shoulders pretty much they should have he never did it and did it he claim to this day he did that I swear I swear Mila stopped talking that's technically what he's trying to say I have a bright future in front of me it's going to end right now if you keep this charade going and # me too cancel culture whatnot are decades away but he's feeling The Pinch at this moment never did it I didn't let him I think he tried but I think I my mouth so yeah you did the old teeth block yes the teeth block like oh yes he never got his you didn't you didn't Ashton just admit it she okay this is so strange on Ashton's part okay maybe he wasn't thinking he's not too good on the Fly okay so Rosie odono basically jokes that oh you did the old teeth block on him right okay before this he's denying everything meaning that it never happened and now they're doing the teeth block thing and mil is like yeah I did the teeth block and then Ashton chimes in but you were so accepting of it and at the end there did you hear she gave me the tongue back so what is the denial here now right you're just proving that you've lied now that you can't get out of this lie you're just going with the story and yeah it's all bad did you stop it she would know that was not the first you had turned 15 by then no she was 12 but I know it a bit difference that one year makes the whole world change all right then we're coming up with the guy check the body language legs crossed arms crossed has a name that should have been chased for Show Business Wilmer his soul has already left to say it what's the point yeah Danny will be here as well don't go away he now I want to be there right now at the end there that was kind of like oh you know I I kind of I get it I'm so sorry Ashton like I mentioned before Dany was the oldest of the six kids that were on the show and he was described as definitely the leader for the younger cast and he would introduce them to Scientology and they would go to these yearly Scientology celebrity center events yes the church really really prized their celebrities the kids would go to these Christmas parties at the celebrity center they would do plays they be it became a regular hangout there was an actress named Laura preon and she played Donna that was Topher Grace's Eric's girlfriend on the show and she would publicly join Scientology and she even dated Danny Masterson's older brother Christopher now the one hold out from this crew of kids was actually toer Grace as The Story Goes he might have had like some six sense or something about Danny masteron because he never liked the guy and because the kids were all following masteron he pretty much didn't care much for those other kids as well reportedly just going on set doing his sarcastic lines and bouncing right after so now let's go ahead and get to the beginning of the end of Danny masteran because beginning of 2016 Netflix had a show called The Ranch I watched the ranch my wife told me to watch the the ranch I enjoyed the ranch she loves the ranch and the star of this show I think also a producer Ashton Kutcher and one of his best friends Danny masteron gets him a roll on the ranch and this is 2016 so a year later you know those pesky sexual assault allegations that's been haunting this poor guy all this time resurfaces but this time it's different this time it's sticking cuz they got swept under the rug for 20 years guys one of these women that came forward was named Chrissy Bixler she would tell The Daily Beast that she could no longer stay silent that the only way to protect ourselves I think she means ourselves as in the victims of Merson or maybe ourselves victims of in general the only way to protect ourselves is to speak now Chrissy basically says once she learned that she wasn't the only victim of Danny m she knew she had to speak up come forward be the spearhead for the rest of them and it pretty much worked because shortly after that another woman boette riales hopefully I'm saying that correctly would find the courage to reply to Chrissy on Twitter with a very disturbing tweet that read Danny Masterson repeatedly me now the relationship between realis and Danny Masterson was that the two had dated in the early 2000s now Chrissy excited I don't know if excited would be the word but glad that another was stepping into the fire with her responded to her you are amazing I'm so proud of you and just eight months later a fourth woman would come forward Netflix promptly did some damage control killed masteron from the ranch fired him and at this moment Netflix had already already been developing that nighty show a 70 show spin-off and of course masteron was not invited and now let's go ahead and talk about Danny Masterson's ties to Scientology because the three initial accusers were all part of the church now I put the church in quotations because the joke here is if you have to put what you are in your name then you probably aren't actually that like if a boy dresses like a girl but he clearly has Adams Apple then I clearly need a little help with his pronoun like Cedric the Entertainer like the prophet cat William said he does not sing he does not dance he does not write his own jokes therefore he does not entertain now I wanted to give Cedric a chance but I could not find his special on Netflix or Tu back to the lecture at hand as a story started to break Nationwide it didn't help scientology's already questionable reputation as Masterson's accusers would also Throw Dirt onto the church such allegations as suppressing victims from reporting it to the police but of course the question is why did it take so very long well the answer to that allegedly the Church of Scientology shamed the victims and forbade them from reporting this to the police now one of the victims did go to the authorities in 2004 and all that happened was nothing which wouldn't have come as much of a surprise to her at the time if she knew that they were also being accused of having some powerful people in their pockets another claim was that the church mediated a settlement between Masterson and herself for $400,000 to stay silent letting her know very well that the alternative to all this was to have her life and her family's life ruined and after several years of Investigation by the LAPD we are here now charging Danny masteron with and of course catching some Strays the Church of Scientology being accused of using any means necessary to silence anyone going against them they were accused of causing property damage liable and even animal abuse now for anybody sensitive to stories about anim animal I know my wife is I would say skip a couple of minutes ahead save yourself the heartache let me go into this story of animal abuse there was a singer named Cedric Bixler Zavala that is Chrissy bixler's husband the initial accuser so Chrissy would tell her husband all about what Danny masteron did and like any good husband he flies off the handle into a fiery tiate he goes and confronts Danny Masterson personally but nothing is to come of this because they are all part of the church everything gets suppressed right so no justice is done except kind of counter Justice because they would claim that the church would systematically try to ruin their lives they would stalk them at their home they would send them threatening messages they said that they were wiretapping their phones and even committing credit card fraud with their information but the thing that destroyed them the most is when they came home and found their family dog dead someone had fed the poor thing rat poison and needless to say this couple is no longer a part of the Church of Scientology like if they were throwing out these allegations to some Rando in the church I would assume that the church would just throw that member to the Wolves it's because because they were throwing these allegations against one of their more respected figures of Scientology Danny masteron and let's talk about how Danny masteron became so prized so he didn't happen upon Scientology like most people would he literally grew up in Scientology his family were scientologists and according to Dany himself growing up in a Scientology family didn't really affect him in any way he didn't have any types of feeling about it besides that's just the family religion like a lot of kids but it wasn't until he was 15 he said that it impacted him when he finally picked up dianic written by their founder El Ron hubard science fiction writer elron hubard elron hubard believed that humans evolved from clams the way clams the way their their jaws hinged is very like humans so so therefore we evolved from clams so young Dany picks up this book and now he finds himself getting deeper and deeper and more prominent in the organization and I'm sure the church appreciated Masterson's ability his celebrity to introduce their religion to more people now in Masterson's own words he said I work I have a family and I'm a spiritual being that likes to understand why things happen in the world and want to learn more so that I can have them not affect me adversely so if that's weird then well you can go [ __ ] yourself I don't know to me it always feels a bit disingenuous because you're basically creating an antagonist to make a point because I mean really dude who would have an issue with you wanting to be a better person to have a better life no it's it's that other weird [ __ ] that people find out about you have been convicted of rape I'd say that drugging and rap women is very wrong and if you Danny masteron think that's weird then you can go [ __ ] yourself on June of 2020 Masterson was officially charged withing three women between 2000 and 2003 he plad not guilty and he was confident that they would throw this case out however preliminary hearings resulted in the judge finding that the Witnesses were credible and the evidence was sufficient to support the charges and they would also specifically point out that Scientology did have policies to discourage and to suppress any type of In-House information from going to the police now from here masson's defense attorneys enacted a little bit of uh character smearing or should I say countermeasures against the plaintiffs accusing them of collusion accepting money you know that little situation with the in-house 400k or your life is [ __ ] situation that is collusion now Masterson's defense attorney she said that all these three women they had character issues credibility issues motivations to lie and that the incidences they were so long ago so basically adding memory issues to the L of problems so let me try to read between the lines of her words here okay so what she's saying in my opinion is okay girls ladies you were raped right so I mean getting raped is bad enough but come on guys you were drugged before that so how would you even remember that so Masterson's first trial begins in October of 201 22 he declined to testify he declined to call any Witnesses the trial was said to have so many inconsistencies and this was on both sides right defense and offense that the jury just didn't know what to think and it wound up ending in a mistrial but not so fast Danny Masterson a new trial will begin on April of 2023 and things went a little bit smoother here on both sides you know they were more prepared and the presiding judge allowed expert testimony on behalf of the Church of Scientology which turned out to be not so good for the Church of Scientology but ultimately for Danny Masterson on May 31st he was convicted of two of those three accounts of sexual assault with the third ending in a hung jury and he would get 30 years without parole handcuffed and sent straight to prison now I'm I'm ecstatic as any other that this man is being put away for pretty much the rest of his life right he's pushing 50 already 30 years probably pushing 80 by the time he gets out but my first reaction if I'm to be honest was damn 30 years for two rapes now I only say that because I covered a case back in the day Thomas Shiro he knocked on a woman's door in Indiana she opened the door he I forgot what the problem was he probably said he had a broken down car needed to use the phone she was nice enough to let him in he says he needed to use the restroom but by the time he came back out the restroom his pants were down below his knees with a full erection he would go on to rape and murder that poor girl and I'm going tell you he's out today working at some Factory and that's murder so I would say 30 years for two sounds excessive but I okay let's go into like conspiracy theories somewhat okay let's get into the weeds a little bit I think there was just some unspoken thinking in 20 years this cannot be the only [ __ ] Danny Masterson has done he's a repeat offender obviously he was getting away with it I mean think about it the prosecutor didn't even pursue uh a retrial of the third woman's claims because 30 years was more than sufficient so why waste time is Ashton ccher munes wil marville D you know Fez are they a part of Scientology and all we can say is who knows the Church of Scientology is pretty much cloaked in mystery like I said before and that's by Design okay they don't just put out a list of our most influential members okay they don't make available this list and unless they want to make it uh known like Laura Prepon or like their most famous Tom Cruz others will choose to be anonymous but they will give subtle Clues like sticking up for the church or coming to the aid of a known Scientologist when they are charged with but definitely they have some sort of ties to the church if attending yearly Scientology functions is any indication then we can make our own assumptions but to be honest it doesn't really matter as long as it doesn't hurt anybody it doesn't affect someone else's quality of life I mean this is America after all bottom line as long as it doesn't hurt others now I'm going to leave you with one last thing pushing you further into the weeds with me and you know Weighing on the conspiracy side and that is a simple fact that Masterson whether F or a he is a celebrity his siblings are celebrities his best friends are huge celebrities and all this wrapped around a controversial Church which I assume is what the news the fake news gossip mongers tabloids this is what they all wish for right so when the news broke countless Outlets were writing their articles and social media mainstream news all blowing up they all did their part to feed the public what the public wanted but when it came down to the trial itself okay the media coverage the only way to describe it was underwhelming now just think about the Danny Masterson case when it came down to the actual trial doesn't it feel like there's some type of void in our memory like when you try to recollect the most important parts of the case and maybe it's just me but it felt suppressed it felt like the media machine that can easily sensationalize and grip the world about an entitled woman who decides to hit her pirate playing husband could probably if they wanted to produce a narrative that completely blows the doors off Scientology and paint Masterson is probably the worst man alive since Hitler now if they wanted to they could do it and I guess that is the point of it all if they wanted to

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