Germany sells Nord Streams [music] Hello friends on the air geoenergy info Maxim Radaikin I Boris Mankevich Good afternoon everyone British Harbor Energy has completed a deal to acquire the main production assets of the main German beneficiary of Nord Streams 1 and 2 as well as their onshore extensions VM Hidden motives behind the deal: England hitting Germany? I don’t see any chance, it just means that the shares the company is now worth approximately Nothing simple. We found a buyer whose presence in Germany was approved by the German government, headed by my favorite politician vom Scholl. I really have a great passion for this wonderful person because Well, I don’t know how Praise Scholz? Who is behind the destruction of the Federal Republic's economy? the small collapse of the land is where we can strive to say that un there were huge production projects, and the gas won’t work out; it extracted mainly on the territory of Germany itself. There are no large deposits connected with our gas business. Let me remind you that at the turn of the seventies, the Winter company was bought by the bass concern, the largest chemical concern at that time in the Federal Republic of Germany, demand for GAZ she had a constant screw, she knew how to do it, but she had problems with financing, she went to this deal willingly because she was ready to buy all the gas produced from the fields in advance, it’s difficult to refuse such conditions, starting from the same year, cooperation with Gazprom began at that Gazprom Takes Its Own: The Story of the Takeover of the German Market time the company also like the Gazprom concern, then Soviet Gazprom in the year it was in semi-Russian jurisdiction, they were counting on the possibility of participating in the privatization of gas companies of the German Democratic Republic, both companies were pushed aside, both companies did not expect such a result and, apparently, under pressure. It was such circumstances that it was the company Vinte whose cooperation found a common language with Gazprom, Germany is obliged to unite its two parts of the occupied GDR at that time the GDR received gas Wintershall Dea - the key to German reunification through other mothers inside Germany and in all cases this was a whole series of joint ventures between Vinte and Gazprom, the traditional distribution of distances was at first 51 to 49 in favor of Vinte, then the ratio changed in the opposite direction On the other hand, the controlling stake was in the hands of Gazprom, Wintershall Dea's Russian Billions including in the development of the Russian gas field in the development of the gas production project from the Plastov aski, this is deeper than our traditional production, almost 2 km, we did not have such technology here before, Germany willingly shared the video [music] from construction main gas pipelines Winter behaved quite actively, projects of underground gas storages appeared and the project of the main gas pipeline yal was implemented. This is a continuation of Yamal Europe through Germany from the border of Poland [music] inward by the shareholder of the sulfur sweat overland continuation of the Nord Stream. Of course, Winter also participates in both directions as in the north of Germany and the south of Germany, that is, she really participated in everything she could, willingly financed the construction of the second Nord Stream and, accordingly, after the German government guessed that Gazprom had Ukra Gazprom Germany after my beloved Olav Scholz, one way or another, took part in everything As for the explosions at the bottom of the Baltic Sea, direct supplies of Consequences for Europe without gas from Russia natural gas from Russia to Germany were simply stopped. And of course, after this, all Winters projects ensured that there would be a sale of not production but gas transportation gas from Russia, then the cost of gas pipelines that were a continuation of Yamal Europe's northern streams became low So I can only join in congratulating the gas company, there will be less participation of the British in gas production in Germany, this is a wonderful Step forward, if the goal is to eliminate the Independence of Germany, then here is one success after another. I believe that there is a movement in the right direction in the right direction Elections in Germany. Scholz - hero or traitor? . in the elections in Saxony and Thuringia, but I hope that he will retain the post of chancellor or whatever they call this position for the next 20-30 years, I think that approximately this will be required to finish the work started by Olaf Schulz friends Youtube may be blocking Our channel next and this video is the last Subscribe to our Telegram channel geoenergetics info link in the description and attached Subscribe right now so as not to lose us don’t wait for the final blocking Boris tube And what in principle Crisis in Germany: BASF on the brink of bankruptcy? is happening in Germany in its energy economy business activity index there Vagen is closing For example, why would this really be the first time in its existence that the concern does not see any other way out for itself other than reorientation towards China and the United States, here the reasons are also completely clear - it is a chemical concern for According to him, natural gas is important as a chemical raw material in both China and the United States, this issue is solved completely differently than it is solved by Olaf Schultz. Yes, China is the largest importer of natural gas, but nevertheless, the Sun, as for tax policy within the country, lack of orientation towards exchange pricing, all supplies to China are like gigot natural gas and pipeline gas, let me remind you that through main gas pipelines gas comes not only from Russia but from Central Asia, the gas pipeline is called Central Asia China production goes on the territory of Turkmenistan Uzbekistan Kazakhstan and from Myanmar all these are long-term contracts tied to the oil basket, which provides significantly more high stability predictability for any business it is important to understand what the selling price of its products can be, and if the price of raw materials changes several times a day based on stock exchange quotes, then everything will be very difficult China - This is a huge creature, the focus on the United States is also completely justified, I remind you that today on the Henry National Exchange the cost of natural gas in terms of British thermal units is such a country, it still doesn’t really understand what a meter cubic meter is, not all at once, it’s small and in ro Of course, ba likes it better, he’s moving there, trying to force metallurgical companies to switch for the production of cast iron and steel based on hydrogen converters instead of coking coal. Of course, it leads to an increase in cost, all this sounds beautiful, but if [music] to preserve the environment, just close the plant and, in fact, the trend is being observed by the sun more and more. As for phosgene, the concern cannot withstand what is happening in the energy sector market, the concern cannot withstand competition with Chinese manufacturers, the confidence that the electric car direction will be the most promising sets of Volkswagen closes factories in Germany Kovan tests in Germany does not in any way affect the successes of Vahe that are in China, this means that if nothing changes, if Volkswagen does not return to the production of cars with internal engines the combustion of an enterprise in Germany has no prospects and, accordingly, there will also be reductions there, in my opinion, Europe in danger? Where will Germany's course lead? the movement of Germany to Europe to Penelope, there it is quite consistently, the closure of nuclear power plants was decided and implemented, despite the fact that there is a decision of the European Union of the European Commission that the Green taxonomy has the full right to be widespread and to nuclear Nuclear energy: salvation or a new deception? generation at the discretion of each national government, of course, the construction of a further infinite number of solar and wind power plants, now we see the result that should have been, experts have repeatedly spoken about this; however, lately, experts still like to say that the welfare of Germany grew due to Russian Gas - Evil? The Whole Truth About Prices cheap Russian gas, which of course cannot but irritate us, gas has never been cheap, we have gas at a fair market price with an oil link, which was adjusted cheaper than any other option due to geographical proximity. Of course, prices were lower than those formed in result of exchange trading So to say that it was cheap gas, in my opinion, well, firstly, it humiliates Russia, we will not sell anything cheap to anyone unless there are some exceptional cases, these are the rarest cases. As an example of Belarus, here we immediately snatched this union state here there cannot be any other relationship Yes, indeed, in many respects the development Farewell, German industry! of the economy, the development of the chemical industry, the development of the same paper industry of many Russian coal in the Russian Federation, the introduction of so-called carbon units, the cost of which is higher and higher every year, and of course a separate story. Why does our Ministry of Economic Development believe that this the market Russia needs is probably a topic for another program, but all this led to Thanks for your support! YouTube is being shut down in Russia our government over YouTube to slow it down, blocking it out of harm’s way so as not to lose us Subscribe to our Telegram geoenergy info the link will be in the description of this video and pinned comments there will also be details for those who want to financially support our project in the conditions of this transition thank you See you again for those who do not like France We have specially opened our projects both on VK video and in Rutube so you can subscribe and look there and have a look, we will only be glad if our projects develop on these hosting sites [music]
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