Published: Aug 20, 2024 Duration: 00:23:04 Category: Education

Trending searches: tim walz dui
Intro hello there Traverse TV fans uh it's John altarelli again your host and today we're going to do a little followup on a recent video that I did about Stolen Valor and I'm also going to add some information and some things U about the Trump and Elon Musk uh Twitter interview I thought I was going to make it a longer segment but uh after going through the research and the factchecking um I realized that it would take the rest of my life to to deal with every single inaccuracy by both the media and Mr Trump so I'll hit some highlights and just talk about it generally uh so we'll start with the other topic first because I want to follow up I had a lot of comments on The Stolen Valor one anyway I'll pause for a second uh Jenna is here our producer and uh if you like the content again please subscribe like share it with other people and hit the Bell so you can get updates so I'm going to start with uh a little followup because I'd like to try to keep the facts straight I like to stay current and I want to make sure that when I do provide content if I find that there's additional content that additional facts that are are material or if I got anything wrong and people have corrected me I'd like to try to correct the record I'm not like the mainstream media I I don't mind if if I'm found you know if I found a fact that ends up being wrong I do my best to do the research it's very difficult in today's world because there's so many sources there's and I try to go to original sources I try to use uh original databases and the like but there's some things you do have to rely on either news articles or or other uh outlets and it's not always correct so I will try to correct those some time to time but I got some great help from our viewers they got a lot of comments it was not surprising a lot of military people chimed in uh they had a lot of strong views about uh Stolen Valor about you know Tim ptim walz a lot above JD Vance and I want to share some of those with you even though they're in the comments you can go look at them yourself but I do want to share some and I tried to respond to many of them and the other thing that I want to point out that was really pleasing to me I would say 99% of the comments were very helpful very uh respectful and even if they didn't agree with me or they wanted to call out something that they thought I might have missed uh uh they they did it in the appropriate way and a lot of them were veterans so you know we we're you know and thank goodness veterans treat mostly treat veterans pretty well so I got a pretty good reception from the veteran Community there was one or you know two maybe one you know person that got a little emotional and you know sort of took a point of view and whatever but I I don't worry about those and I even responded to that person I try my best to to give everybody a shot but it I'm not going to spend a lot of time on people who are setting their ways and they just want to take a position you know you're either one side or the other you know that you can't be in the middle you can't just try to point out the facts and you know I'm trying not to take a view okay I'm trying to just give you the facts and my perspective which is just my perspective I'm not telling you that that's the right view or you need to believe that or take it but I do want you know people to know what I feel and I try to explain my bias on everything and I always do so in any event let's get to a couple of the things that that came out of my the comments so a lot of people pointed out that you JD Vance know well you know JD you know Waltz didn't attack JD Vance true enough I don't think he has other people surrogates a lot of people on uh on the left very much did attack him but you know Waltz did attack his you know fact that he was a ivy league guy and I thought that was you know a cheap shot uh but look we're in a political season everyone's doing cheap shots I can't keep up with them all and frankly I decided I'm not going to I thought I was going to sit here and try to referee this stuff but I it's impossible uh the amount of you know Victory you know just the amount of baloney and rhetoric and just falsehoods and just attacks and it's just too much and and if this is the way we're going to go I have to spend every minute of my day trying to fact check this stuff and bringing you know bringing some reality to the to the show I will cover just some general topics and then as we go forward I'm going to go back to focusing on what I always wanted to focus on which is just basic facts about major social economic and Technical and you know technology issues that are not they may be politicized but I can get away from that because I'm just going to deal with the ACT underlying facts and I'm not going to take a position whether Trump said it right or or MAA said it right or who did what said I it's just impossible and you'll see why when I get to that segment where I show you what happened after the uh uh the Twitter interview with with Eli musk it was it was so outlandish you know the perspectives that were thrown out there that it just tells you that we cannot have a civil conversation in this country we cannot have anything that the mainstream media is telling you to be trusted at all and and therefore if you're just in your bubble and you only want to hear from CNN or MSNBC or Fox News and you want to keep getting that stuff regurgitated to you then that's what you're going to get and if you believe that without any analysis then that's your that's your problem and you're going to be wrong uh most of the time unfortunately uh so let's get to uh uh the JD Vance uh Tim wals uh stolen value arguments uh like I said I never said that that Tim Waltz ever you know attacked JD I did talk about JD's record because I think it's relevant that you know he was a military Guy Waltz was a military guy JD taking issue with Waltz I had an issue with that although and a lot of guys pointed this out to me uh he clearly did things that would tick off and had ticked off I we got a lot of people who were ticked off in the military Community about what Waltz did the way he misrepresented his record and it's true he did I just personally didn't think it was enough you know to be called stolen valor and I was willing to let it go if he had corrected the record and uh and and apologize for uh what he did and then subsequent to that I found out a couple of new things which I'm going to share today that unfortunately do not go well for Mr walz and I think you know it does call more into you know into uh question uh his credibility and whether you can trust uh him or not on on what he says about both his record and and clearly when you start to listen to his policy flops and and the like you know it's going to it's to me your truthfulness is going to bear on whether or not I can trust you when you tell me you're going to do something and you can say the same for JD B you can say the same for Trump we can go tip for Tat I'm fine with all that but we were talking about these two guys so here's the two new things that came up that I wasn't aware of uh and I want to just update you so one the first Challenge Coins one has to do with uh with these challenge coins you see the screen there he had a challenge coin uh minted with his rank of command master sergeant and you see it there it's pointed out an arrow and then it's circled over there with the uh with the ranks now challenge medals uh military people and organizations the government agencies they they meant these things and they give them out the people mostly I think civilians who are helpful to the agency you know sort of like you know it's it's not like a metal like you know someone might think it's a metal that you would get for being in the military it's not that but it's they try to give you the equivalent of that if you've done something good for them and they want you to feel you know rewarded they can't give you anything else so this is the best that they can do and and frankly I have a bunch of them so I'll just show you a few because I do a lot of work as I told you with many organizations in the government uh and Military folks and I'm very proud that I you know I have quite a few of them and uh so here's one that I really love can you see that Jen okay this one I got from the uh uh uh Naval special Warfare group Commander I got this in Hawaii during a change of command ceremony uh on the Missouri it's beautiful I love it it covers all the different organizations that they cover submarines special Warfare space Force Navy Seals I mean it's it's a really beautiful metal it's one of my favorites uh I've got them here from uh let's see here this one's the Customs and Border because okay because I've been trying to work with the people down on the border trying to help uh figure out what to do about immigration problems down there and some of my my partners have met with uh on the ground have gone down to um Arizona and Texas to actually see it for themselves I was supposed to go on a trip but I got sick so I missed it I'll try to get down there soon this one's from homeown security investigations I have a lot of friends there you do some work with them and this one I'm also very proud of because um this is for the Afghan female tactical platoon and I think if you seen some of my content maybe you did or didn't but I used to in one of my salons the ter salons I had a u we had a uh a documentary that was filmed about how uh our special forces trained and embedded with uh women from Afghanistan who became female Special Forces with our female Special Forces uh they did some amazing work uh in Afghanistan and then of course when we had that uh incredible pull out debacle and I'm going to say that I'm a military guy any military guy will will back me up on this you don't just pull out leave billions of dollars of equipment you know over 300,000 rifles you know hundreds and hundreds of of vehicles uh helicopters aircraft T I mean it was amazing how much equipment was left behind that now the Taliban is using you know against uh the civilian population and other places we basically armed the Taliban in a way they could never be armed on their own uh and I don't know how in the world anyone here thought that that was a good idea so that that's something we can also talk about and that also kind of came up in in the Trump uh Twitter uh thing and and he's been bashed about his exaggerations which we'll get into so so as I said so Wrong Rank Tim Waltz had a Challenge medal minted with the incorrect Rank and he used that for quite some time during his campaign that's not good it's one thing to just sort of say it here and there or maybe have it on your website but this is pretty bad and I don't you know the question in this post on Twitter was you know who paid for it I don't know probably the government but uh it's not good and I got to tell you what people in the military people in these agencies that actually do these things uh they're not going to be happy about seeing that okay and I'm very disappointed that he didn't fix that and correct that he clearly was not a you know command master sergeant when he retired he was an E8 master sergeant and not an E9 sergeant major so uh that's that's one issue okay so the second thing that came up and this was a shocker to me because I didn't have any idea I can't believe that he got this far along in the campaign and it didn't come up until recently Jen can we show the other clip now this is by the way this is CNN okay CNN so you can probably trust that it's true and it's probably not even as bad as they say that it is but let's put that clip Up learning new details about Governor Tim Walls and how his campaign tried to spin his drunk driving arrests nearly 30 years ago the incident is well documented by court and public records but as ourc reports tonight walls' campaign didn't tell the truth about it when he ran for congress in 2006 Andrew kazinski is out front for us um Andrew what did you find out about this arrest and how it was portrayed yeah that's right and this isn't really a story uh just about that DUI arrest this is a story about uh someone getting a DUI arrest and then his campaign repeatedly misleading and giving false statements to the public about it so let's just go to the facts of that 1995 arrest first okay wal Al was speeding over 95 mph in a 55 mph Zone he failed a field sobriety test that was administered by state trooper he then admitted in court that he had been drinking he was transported to a local hospital for a blood test uh that showed he had a blood alcohol level of1 128 and that was above the state legal limit uh he then took a plea deal where he pled guilty to a reckless driving charge now those are the facts uh that's from police records that's from court records and and that all is is completely Undisputed all right so that is clear the the idea of what happened what did his Congressional Campaign actually say happened so let's fast forward to 2006 he's in a tight Congressional race he is running for congress uh this was a republican held District that he was trying to flip and then a local Republican blog puts up that he had this arrest for drunk driving now I'm going to give you sort of the bullets of what his campaign said about that they the campaign setting walls claimed that he had not been drinking and driving they attributed his failed field sobriety test to a hearing loss from his time in the National Guard not alcohol the ca the campaign falsely said that he drove himself to the station that he was allowed to drive drive home they said they said the DUI charges were dropped because they were unfounded uh and the campaign even faulted uh this Trooper uh for saying that he didn't realize that walls had hearing impairment they claimed a judge actually chastised the state trooper for it now take a look at just one statement that his campaign put out they said he quote couldn't understand what the trooper was was telling him during the field sobriety test and the trooper refused to speak up the DUI charges were dropped for a reason the judge would not have dismissed them if there were anything to him Tim drove to the station that night and drove home afterwards I don't think the trooper uh would have allowed that if there had been a problem so none of what they said in that 2006 race was true at all as we saw and just looking at those details of the 1995 arrest your reporting sort of points out this is an issue of deception uh what is the Harris Waltz campaign saying about this situation yeah so we reached out to them we asked how are you you know squaring with that 2006 race uh vers what he uh what actually happened in 1995 they declined to comment to CNN now walls did when he ran for governor in 2018 he did own up to this drunk driving arrest he said it was a life-altering moan for him that he he stopped drinking and now uh his favorite drink is is Diet Mountain Dew okay so let's get in there My Thoughts so this was quite a shocker I didn't know about this I cannot believe that we got this far down the line and no one had picked up on this yet usually this is the kind of stuff that comes out in the early um uh due diligence on a candidate although it hasn't been that long so I guess that's not surprising and what worries me is that this is just the tip of the iceberg and who what else is going to come out because remember these candidates have never been vetted for presidential or vice presidential neither Vance uh Cala uh nor U Tim Walls have had that scrutiny now the good thing about Trump is that we know everything about him and then some and uh you you don't need to do any more vetting on him plus he'll do a good job of uh of saying enough stuff on his own that we don't need to worry about uh having enough stuff to deal with Mr Trump but these new new candidates or these you know recent candidates are going to go through quite an exam and I think you know obviously one of the reasons why and look you know you can say what you want there's no reason that they're keeping you know Cala behind closed doors not letting her interviewers because they're trying to figure out how bad her stuff is and you know normally they would have had a long time to do their own research and come up with their own uh risks analysis and already have come up with ways to deal with all this ahead of time rather than getting caught flat footed like they're going to get caught here and and that's I'm sure they're doing for her right now on top of trying to teach her how to speak and sentences and try to give her some talking points that she can actually you know make uh makes sense that when she gets on these uh uh interviews because even if they script it she doesn't seem to do very well so hopefully that's part of her training process and she'll be much more articulate because I want our president uh to be articulate uh so that's the next thing uh so let me just talk about this a little bit now this a big deal in the military to get a DUI a big deal uh it may be because it was a long time ago maybe he was in a favorable jurisdiction but I got to tell you I'm shocked that he wasn't booted out at the time I know just recently and I'm not going to mention neither the service or the state or whatever two extremely high ranking super decorated war heroes that got DUIs and they were not even driving 95 miles hour no accidents no one hurt first time offenses um we're booted out of the military one of them even surf 5 days in jail for just the DUI first time offense didn't get the they didn't get offered a plea and they were high ranking officers one on the way to be at a general Rank and uh their whole careers and their lives were ruined by a DUI now um what does that say about the military well okay that's probably a good thing military zero to right they don't fool around particularly when it comes to command level and officer levels you make that kind of mistake they hold you to a really high stand in the military I guess I'm okay with that how that didn't happen to Tim wals I don't know maybe things have changed over the last 30 years maybe the the military's gotten tougher than it used to be maybe he was in a good state where he had political pull I don't know what happened but he got away with something that I know real heroes people who were in combat for decades in Afghanistan an and Iraq and who served honorably and were highly decorated with silver stars bronze Stars you know uh uh every kind of award you could imagine lost everything for DUI so I am very upset with this situation and then the fact that he lied about it and that they continue to know have no comment on it uh that right there you know he's now lost pretty much any chance that I would ever support him because I can't trust him at all and I don't like the fact that he got that favorable treatment now if it wasn't just for the military I'm not a big guy on like punishing people to the death losing their life over something like that look but for the grace of God I'm sure almost every person you know at least male who grew up you know and went out drinking maybe was over the limits okay I'll admit to it I'm sure there's been times I don't drink much now so it wouldn't be now but years ago when I was a youngster I'm sure there are times that I should not have been driving uh I never gotten an accident in my entire life I've never hurt anyone I've never gotten arrested and I I I'm just lucky but I don't like I don't judge this okay it could happen to anyone uh it's wrong you have to pay a price for it okay and people do should their whole lives be ruined for that no okay however when you run for political office or in the military for example where they hold you to a much higher standard okay uh you got to take the consequences and those consequences are normally termination and for me you know that would be probably disqualification uh to run for vice president not so much on the offense but the lying about it okay that really was over the line for me so that's that's where I come out on that one that one really troubled me the challenge metal uh not a good thing okay uh cuz these things mean a lot I mean the one I have a lot of them and I got to tell you they mean a lot to me they they came from people who uh you know were true Patriots you know they the fact that they even consider me to be worthy of of a Challenge medal that for the work that I do with them you know it really uh it means a lot to me and it means a lot to the people who get these and it means a lot to the organizations they don't just give them away it's a big deal so um those are the two things about him now I don't you know I'm not going to go any further with this because this can keep going on and on on who knows what we're going to find out next who knows we're going to find out about JD Vance I'm not going to get into that anymore because frankly it's it's a political season there's going to be lies and there's going to be this that and the other I can't possibly spend the rest of my life trying to verify each and every fact on this stuff I didn't start my this this podcast thing uh to do that what I did try to do is to bring the truth about things that mattered in the economy and technology and social issues not part of the political left and right debate because that once you go down that rabbit hole it's you can't stop okay and I'm going to show you why in a minute why I I made this decision I started to think about doing it I thought maybe I Conclusion can get my arms around it I thought maybe with my research help and all that and my own research skills I could actually come back and you know and deal with these things and then when I realize the Machinery that's behind this misinformation I can't I won't be able to do it and it's impossible and and it's because the Nuance excuse me the Nuance of the lying and the Nuance of how they misrepresent and stuff it's very tricky and I'll show you a few examples it would just be uh and Frank I don't have the I don't have the Life Energy to waste my time on that I know what's right I know what's wrong I hope the rest of you do the same I hope you use use your own due diligence use your own judgment you make your own moral decisions about that and and you know and I'm I hope you do okay okay well I think that's quite enough on this segment uh it kind of went over I was hoping to do another piece uh today but we'll we'll make that a different segment uh in any event um thanks for viewing I hope this was helpful I wanted to sort of correct the record uh on on where The Stolen Valor segment left off last time because there new information I'll generally try to do that if the information that I find is new is materially impacting you know something I've already put out there because as you know my goal here is to try to keep the facts coming try to keep uh you informed of what's really happening out there there and not be biased by the uh corporate uh news media which unfortunately is not willing uh or able to provide any sort of unbiased uh factual reporting so again thank you very much we'll see you next segment again uh like subscribe hit the Bell share please and uh there'll be a bunch of links down below for things that we talked about earlier thanks again take care [Music]

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