Noem lauds agreement with Crow Creek Sioux Tribe

Published: Aug 22, 2024 Duration: 00:02:06 Category: News & Politics

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After the Crow Creek, Sioux Tribe share details of a new agreement between its tribe and the state of South Dakota. >> We're now hearing from Governor Kristi Noem couple lands. Dan Santella sat down with governor for a one-on-one interview to get her take. >> In Wagner last week as he gathered with other tribal leaders for a meeting with United States attorney General Merrick Garland, Crow Creek, Sioux Tribal Chairman Peter Lang Keiek talked about the new venture couple of days ago. We signed an amended MOU with the state Highway Patrol to bring them into the reservation on it as needed basis under. >> Our jurisdiction under our law and order. Cold Chairman lanky guy has been fantastic as far as addressing. >> The needs of this community and signing this agreement we're looking forward to partnering with them in a good South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem not only praises the chairman, but also this agreement when the past we've had these mutual aid agreements or law enforcement agreements at the time for specific events. Maybe we signed one with the tribe just handle a special activity they were doing or how our celebration. This is going to be an ongoing mutual aid agreement with Crow Creek. That really is unprecedented in special, by the way, that it brings resources to their communities. Furthermore, the agreement can be a two-way street, were looking for more agreements like this that are mutual aid to that is their tribal officers get into a difficult situation. Need supporter backup often they're under-resourced and don't have enough that our highway patrol officers that are local law enforcement can come and be of assistance and the same situation happens as well if one of our officers as in tribal lands, they reach out to the tribal officers and ask if they can assist with the situation that they're seeing and they can partner and that a new way. And she says this partnership can happen elsewhere. This can be a model for every tried to embrace this mutual aid agreement recognizes or sovereignty as as a government government to government relationship an agreement dance and tell KELOLAND News the Crow

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