SLVRsport LIVE Draft for 3 Yahoo Leagues - 2024 Yahoo Fantasy Football

[Laughter] the best laid [Laughter] plans what's going on everybody can you see us oh I don't know I got an ad we opened it up with Porky good grief oh jeez Chuck commercial oh yeah nobody saw nothing oh they didn't even see it huh oh oh you got to rewind it rewind it yeah that's lame kind of messed up our intro yep loud and potato damn commercials messing up the intro well it was funny in theory not this again CH well you came to the right place for the Chad Ryland fan club meeting probably the only place Mario om Marian Hampton Auto $1,000 sh the email we'll get that PayPal going and I will send it to you uh free shipping free shipping Chu's so [Laughter] generous oh yeah so we got to figure out uh uh I have to figure out is hi Scott my name's Chuck oh Jared says deal all right shoot me an email we'll make it happen right now I'll package that [ __ ] up and leave the live and go to the Post Office on a Sunday on a Sunday I got a butt commercial what pwe free shipping [Laughter] too what do you think of the college football kickoff this week again Chuck why is the why is the chat in the window too that that's just annoying I don't know let me see if I can fix that yeah you need to get rid of that I can move it over here but that's about as far as it goes why is it even on there in the first place I've never seen it on there uh it's on there you just because you just don't see it how do I don't see it look Chuck I've never seen that on there has anyone ever seen the chat on the screen before Chuck's brand new Duck's brand new you Jean finally made it to Alive hfield card says Nope yeah no one's ever seen that before dude well we're keeping it up there we're doing something new people guys yeah it's annoying is it yeah is it I I did not have my uh super collector shirt on because I actually wore it the day before I drove out here so uh it was uh how do I get in the draft that's what I want to know oh enter live draft oh geez we're starting our already look at there where's my draft board at look at there oh got the little pics over here on the left hand side got all the players right here where's Chad Ryland yeah what's he where's he rid looks nothing like what I'm looking at is oh because it's different on the computer j oh jeez that's what happens I can draft for you if you want oh Joseph from uh Tri Cities Washington all QBs first round well in a two QB League that would probably be the case dang near hey boy where you at Chuck's bed in the corner with a toy on the floor at the HQ yeah did you see that in a thing slide that chair right over here I got to get my draft board set up that's uh that's Chuck junr one my oldest that's my draft board Chuck can't do it on his own so he had to he had to hire help and bring him all the way from Arizona I'm just saying everyone's got their draft board and and whatever so is the only the first league is gimped because Chuck is in it I mean yeah everyone's pretty much got a yeah a freebie win oh Dusty Hayes Baine Washington it's a half point right uh yeah half Point PPR oh Braden Ward oh hasht teamed uh Braden go ahead 13 months is long enough you can go ahead and not number anymore nice knowing you Chuck what's your live reaction of the hog getting cut it's uh it was it was a little painful it was it was a little painful it hurt a little bit although it helps in the collecting business because his cards are even cheaper now than they were before maybe you can get that gold one of one after all Chuck I saw that somebody uh shared I think Vikings 95 shared with it on Twitter the gold vinyl 101 out of optic was going for it was over $300 last time we looked at it yeah Chad R I don't know what happened I don't know how that ended oh Josh lton uh give me that um see them two stacks the thick Stacks there yep grab those and then right next to it to the right yep can you bring those over here please thank you I'm telling you this draft board I got is incredible uh Josh lton you met oh or there's no there's no camera got to go that way uh the the the popcorn card Josh so I I need you to shoot me uh shoot me an email with your address I can get this out to you I brought it with uh to send out to you um from one of the packs I opened you said I got to have that to with popcorn card so here it is shoot me an email with your address we'll get that in the mail today too all right um at least the Manina is Micky W 140 140 people in here Chuck Dave has fans is hog getting cut of a sectomy joke no uh that's that's our uh that doesn't it's there's some good opportunity there though uh how do you feel about those two hockey brother yeah that that sucked man that's why uh you just got to live life man you know do do what you want to do and have fun because you never know I mean that's terrible yeah well it's tough to make it in that league right like but I mean he had a rough year last year thinking what are you talking about Chad rather I'm talking about the two hockey Brothers man oh what two hockey Brothers got hit by a drug driver killed them both never caught alive this should be interesting busting out the gummies well again it's not our it's not our normal everyday live and we're we're drafting the fantasy leagues the good thing is is I'm only in the first league so I don't know what the hell I'm going to do for the next three hours he'll be entertaining the chat while I'm drafting and trying to manage three leagues at once we all saw how that went down last year oh Colton's getting better after hitting the Thumbs Up Button appreciate it any chance you say hi to Michaela from Al alter alter who's Michaela from alcaster where what what's an alcaster a l c s t r alter workshire England Colton is that what you're talking or alcer South Dakota there's two alcas popping up look the man said any chance you can say say hi to oh South Dakota there he is all right well hi Michaela from elestra South Dakota in Union County South Dakota that was plated in 1879 early variant names were lyanna and Irene how about that Chu has Ed heard the song oh no he hasn't oh yeah there's something new what are we talking about yes yeah I heard the two previous songs did you did you hear in our last video we pulled a Chad Ryland and we played your song bunch of people were like what was that I'm like yeah you if you know you know the CH had Ryland song you said that you needed an intro song expected to be off center the [Applause] [Music] whe yeah I'm down I like it we we won't go through the whole thing there'll just uh oh you got to save it for uh well to post just the audio with a silver sport background and let it just absolutely Play on YouTube chucking his deviant friend Ed wasting Ed's retirement money that's right those kids don't need college they can earn their own their own way oh address sent all right Josh we'll get that off to you waffle fries is in Pittsburgh where uh Chuck junor Jr's at Junior junr yeah I got Chuck junor and then I got thanks yeah that's awesome absolutely now I'm going have to listen to whole thing Chuck didn't let me hear it before the before I went live Unskinny Bop Dublin Indiana I've been to Dublin Ohio can you say hi to big nuts mcke you know I used to know big nuts but uh after that incident with Lil Sis um me and big nuts McGee are kind of on the outs usually we call yourself big nuts mced means the opposite oh man oh it's instrumental from there so that was all the okay yeah yeah yeah that's why I yeah but I mean it's definitely good I mean it could be an outro it could be an intro it's yeah yeah yeah little beas and Butthead clip in there with with the right oh yeah well we got we got some time to the draft for sure yeah uh 20 minutes anybody seen uh graceful Saint or hary orange wook I was hoping you jump in here too Appleton Wisconsin you're saying my name is not true king dingling yeah mid90s Ed has been fooled more than twice by names well King itself doesn't really imply anything right other than crowned I don't know ah open some cards well I can't do that because then I'll screw up all this stuff I got set up up here and then it'll be a big mess transitioning back so oh graceful Saint is here um we had a um graceful Saint reached out uh because it kind of like my idea my 10K bears and uh was looking for some input on how I track things and things like that so I I I just grabbed one quick box one time oh look at that there's Chuck junr wanting a FaceTime so obviously you don't look at the notifications else you'd know I'd be I'm live right now all right bye no no B by what's going on just hold on one second let me finish telling this story um so I grabbed a box before I came out here and uh I I found about uh about a hundred Saints cards real quick out out of the first box here graceful Saint so again just like with Josh lton if you if you can uh shoot me an email with your address and uh maybe a little jump start towards the uh the 5K for you he might already be at 5K he's been a team Pack holder for a long time oh yeah but some of these Go I mean they're they're from uh from 93 to 2000 I think is is the box I I kind of grabbed so all right talk to the people dude I got to go talk to Chuck junior junior junior junior stay live walking class right now by love you bu bye walking into class on a Sunday uh they working hard down there boy yeah I tell you uh yeah you like that ringer that's a nice ringer isn't it [Laughter] yeah get some more of them Disney cards but have you have your wives open it as a box battle yeah yeah yeah oh just said Chuck a Pokemon gift yeah Josh you and me are Ultra friends so let me put this out here too because Ed was a little butt hurt because I didn't send him a gift I mean it's been awesome put I put out my thing I got like a 100 friends from all over the dang world it's awesome but what I got what I got to do now is we're already Ultra friends I got to send my gifts in order to try to you know build up the friendship level so I get that XP from the others so uh so he just using you for XP is all it boils down to that's what he said I was just summarizing would you rather be the star of a bad team or an average player on an elite team uh average player on a look at $2 s me that in Hampton is that the down payment on the 1K price yeah would you rather be the star of bad team or average play player on an elite team I mean hey man it's all about the team and team sports uh I'll I'll I'll I'll bat ninth I'll be a pinch freaking Runner if we're uh we're an elite team my dream is someday see a Sumo car video on the channel well we've done a few of them and I the last the last release of sumo cards we what do you mean yeah we've got like five or six at least up on the channel just go Search sumo on our Channel you'll find it yeah uh they were asking about the college uh kickoff yesterday so we we watched quite a few of them had of the four boxes on the TV or whatever so you can watch four games uh I need to quit talking so much smack about Leaf quite I got I got autographs of quite a few guys who did well yesterday like I got some Carson Beck Autos who was that other guy from UCLA uh uh steel or something I think like there was a couple of them that were breaking off plays I'm like oh I got an autograph card of that guy uh not yet KY rips I still walking around need 400 candies for that Larvesta but I do got like 160 rare candies and might just want to pull a trigger on that oh yeah uh what was this oh oh am I breaking tops yeah I do got tops composite I got two boxes of composite in route and a box of the breakers Delight but since I didn't get it from the first pallet I'm a little concerned that I'm probably not going to get the same the CJ St treatment that everybody else got so we'll see um but I'm still looking forward to opening it myself because I've watched some videos on it uh you know but it's never the same as seeing it in your own hand so yeah oh what's with the ads I'm from I don't I don't know like yeah see I'm not the only one that keeps getting ads whenever you go live it's it's freaking Ed man money grabbing Ed he's like got the look at that it's turned up 614 ad uh cap oh my goodness man shopping what's shopping I don't know I don't do that I don't know why oh oh Robert F Jenkins yes man is here yeah hey where did my draft board go oh we're up to 185 you team premium see there we're a walking ad YouTube should be paying me to be a YouTube premium ad oh yeah Will Greer investor signed my Greer we got to do that too where where did that go uh I don't know you put it all over there before the stream I think I thought those were all Chads uh I don't know it's might be in your box too I don't know where the heck I put it there's some there was some stuff I usually set it over there all Chads Chads Chads Chads Chads Chad Brandon Aubrey Chad Chad Brandon Chad Chad Chad oh whole stack of Chads Chad Chad Chad Chad Chad Chad Chad there's a lot of Chads there all Chads it's a lot of Chads in case there was any demand for Chad 101's is it under here oh came from mail days I think oh there what's that more Chads oh this is from Nick I was too late to get the Chads for all on the last mail day can you do these Chads do those too no no Ed dun lost Will Greer uh pretty sure it's in Chuck's box somewhere probably you just filtered through them oh you didn't get to him oh Brandon War Ward yeah Braden uh this going right for a signed Chad card shoot over your uh oh he's doing it right now look at him there you go there's one for bradden right there you want Ed on there too or uh just just chuck oh don't sleeve it yet why are you signing it yeah didn't he say No Bren you want yeah get both of them see nobody wants just you why'd you sign right across his junk cuz that's my spot baby you know that any cards ended up on eBay tonight yeah well you said you were going to put some cards on eBay but I don't think I oh yeah I never got to it so obviously not because uh we will be still live here at six o'clock probably uh that's for break oh what happened where did everybody go I'm trying to go back to here they're still over here has the chase clay pool been sold yet yeah I got some Chase clay was up there from like two years ago oh look at corn oh can't stay for the draft but wanted to say hi for the community please give half of this to Chuck Jr and half toedit J I like it that's what you get for bragging about your draft board Chuck be on have a good evening thanks for stopping in cor really appreciate it oh absolutely absolutely man I have 0 four flirt Ultra you know those are the type of questions that I'm going to be answering after the first uh after the first League drafts cuz I got nothing to do so I'm going to be talking with the chat while Ed's over here smoke coming out his ears you should see this some [ __ ] we haven't done nothing since I've been here because he's just sitting there on his iPad doing mock drafts uh well to be fair Chuck uh I won one league play second in one league and play Third in the other league I made the playoffs in all three leagues last year so yeah where'd that get you uh I don't know I don't remember but I I got a I got a box of prism everybody everybody knows that I got smoke checked and look at all the friends I made I made some friends too CH fluffy fluffy ninja taco what fluffy ninja taco hi Chuck hi Ed love all your videos hashtag Chucks Army I like it Ed is locked in should I send the address through Twitter send uh email it yeah yeah you get us all confused because there's like Instagram Twitter like we'll be all over the place so just send it all to email silver. Chuck slvr docu c kgm a l in case you didn't know how to spell G why do you got to talk over me CU trying to because I think they got it [Laughter] Chu oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah so who's picking first over here uh redemptions is the first pick of the draft who you picking redemptions you out there who's got redemptions for the team what's up Liam oh it's late night over there in the UK oh yeah uh yeah it was $28 in gas and uh $17 at the fries for snacks so I didn't see no receipts oh Carl I need a I need a silverport dual Auto in my next team pack oh that's uh you're the Bears right Carl pretty sure that yeah all right well here it comes there you go be out oh you got it on the rookies and stars too oh yeah let's see where do I want to sign that Joker in the bottom right corner where I normally sit here we go probably need to do a keeper League option Hall round three and lose him next year Lea I don't what I don't know what Le pora in round 10 for two years it's 0.5 PPR yeah I don't know I don't do all that keeper League stuff I think we need to get a different color well one black one different color so we have there's a red one up there one all right so that's Braden's this is Carl in his team pack here I'll just stick that in the Bears okay oh Subzero can I get one too oh my goodness gravy I got top high quality stuff all right uh yeah Subzero looks like you're getting the Mosaic Chad practice jersey Chad number 62 oh you're red right this is Subzero Subzero go ahead again send a send an email I like the red that's my color send an email with your address don't forget to blow on it uh 7 minutes let me go grab a drink of water I got to get ready to get to business all right so this is Subzero subzero again shoot a shoot an email with your address we'll make sure I'll make sure these all get out ah Ed we need an Aubrey one of one well as luck would have it in this stack of Chads that I was just looking through there is an Aubrey now the Aubrey might go for a little higher price because I mean Chad's Chad but uh the yin only comes around every now and again we don't have too many uh the yin might have to auction Au has been going like the sixth round of drafts I don't know which one of you guys is drafting him but telling you during all my mock drafts people are drafting him in like round eight like what's going on here oh unreal who would have thought Chuck and Ed getting paid to sign a guys only on Silver sport oh man tattoo a welcome aboard what's that from oh that's a periscope down yeah uh oh is that uh 9 said don't forget to blow on it that Craig Ruth he U he's from over there cuz yeah I've seen a couple of names that uh we met in the in the buck City stuff over there in the buck City brid yeah yeah yeah appreciate you guys jumping over here oh yeah yeah I missed out I was going to try and jump in and get get something in that select uh thing that they did but it sold out too quick yeah yeah that was impressive six box uh select I didn't even I didn't I didn't even go back and check was anybody in there for that did they pull anything good out of that I was I was looking at that xrc spot for like 200 200 something dollars but we eat up select how much time per pick I think Ed said 90 seconds you say 90 seconds yeah I think it's 90 seconds yeah so oh and they did hit an xrc Dave has fans just one wide receiver four o is that Ricky piol who's that oh jeez who's that oh Ricky's in league three yeah it's a couple hours till that one kicks off we're g to be here for a hot minute hopefully with no issues with the drafts like last year was there issues with the drafts like I mean every time we go live there's some kind of issue right like so oh was wide receiver for Malik neighbors uh no he was well ad dun was dunesday was three right I don't know it was neighbors four because I think it was it was Marvin Harrison neighbors then ad dun right how much uh how much in Super Chat to pick Ed's first draft pick oh you are not Ed is you don't understand Ed is so damn dense serious with this fantasy football that he was getting angry at me when I was trying to talk to him while he was doing a mock draft so yeah there is no I mean now me uh I can be bought fairly cheap we know Chuck oh Seth Seth $2 needs that yin to go with his go with his Yang I think we could I think we could sign a for Seth I mean the music he makes surprised we didn't send one last time oh that's optic look at there yeah the all right this is for Seth Seth if we don't have your address shoot it to me an email I know you got my address there you go sign up for Seth oh I'm here for the rise oh I didn't I didn't get done sorting all all my cards I did go through though and pull you know any kind of duplicates or triplicates that were there for for trade and whatnot like that oh Briant Thomas Jr was wide receiver for oh who's drafting him in the first round hey speaking of that redemptions what are you drafting number one overall did you ever say come on it's not a secret don't be like the Bears and wait till the dang live announcement Joe finally changed his impressive team's name there's a bunch of people in the draft well yeah it's three minutes of go time and my draft board is Mia draft board I got to figure out if I can uh draft from here or if I need to do it on my I wonder if I can enter into two spots I guess I'm gonna Robert shuck Jenkins I'm just here so I don't get fine oh whoa what happened oh draft prep oh presented by Toyota no it's not you get a piece of that who's running EDS whatnot show during all this quarterbacks wide receivers we're not going we don't go quarterbacks first right running back no you do uh the Bears quarterback is who you pick one. one that's how it's supposed to come did Chuck use crayons on his draft board come say hi draft board that's Chuck junr one my oldest that's that's my draft board oh look at that greeting from Down Under finally man catch the live stream $5 does towards Chuck debt so we increased it by $5 all right sadly probably only 69 us cents though oh appreciate that absolutely uh two minutes till the Draft starts oh jeez have you watched in the chat did they say who he was drafting to one point one uh howdy I will tell you with the first pick in the league three I'm drafting CMC oh Ricky see that's how you do [Laughter] it Ed's hyper focused because he doesn't have to close the wheel today that's right well I don't know I got to do a bunch of other stuff so but I think I got it set up it should be pretty smooth uh yeah two minutes all right am I on the right board here what happened what in the mock draft thing that you were showing me it showed me who to pick why doesn't this one show me who to pick what do you mean like it said across the top like you know top three people why do you need uh why do you need all that extra help CH all right chat so I got my draft board here just like last year um but then I'm also going to be relying on the chat a little bit here too so feel free anybody other than Ed fail miserably on a p hard o [Laughter] o I still your team name I guess from last year they change the team name oh from fields of Dreams yeah yeah yeah chug and glue was the universal thing yeah yeah yeah if mhj is is 1.5 in my Dynasty oh see I don't do the dynasty league so I don't really know the ins and outs I've never done one usually just do a fresh start every year but it would be kind of cool to get a league that plays every year for a long time right I'm sure you you got a handful of guys here whoa he Chuck it's Robert the custodian Chuck here money to help your balance out hopefully God BL both of you thank you Robert guy that's been around for a while a lot hot thank you very much 5 Seconds here it goes ohz about to change up what's it good look like here oh here we go oh round one you got you're on the clock I wish there was some sound oh I got sound uh who did he take I can't even see where did this go dude this is not working for me who just took who oh who not ding my pick [ __ ] I gotta Focus here uh oh [ __ ] I don't even know how to draft what right there the big button at the top it makes it up there big big and tall what am I looking for yeah oh man this ain't working I might have to can I get into here or is it going to not let me get in oh no it did it logged me off God D it oh no there goes the kid-friendly rating for the show and there it goes all right where am I at I don't like the way this is set up on the on the yeah on the computer it doesn't look as good as I was so used to looking at on my iPad that I kind of know how it's all set up I could see who's been drafted oh here's the draft results oh there we go like that better draft board oh there we go you think oh number five look at oh secret bent man Tyreek oh at number five silver Destroyer oh is that Brandon yeah he's upstairs he's probably still mock drafting don't even know he's supposed to be in the room what do you think oh I'm on the clock I'm on the clock I'm on ra look at him har orange Wie oh don't go anywhere hold on Harry orange I'm here for the [ __ ] show well you came to the right place oh what's Chuck gonna pick let's go look at the Players he's got oh there's lots of good players available up there yeah [Music] H just this dude everyone's telling me Chad Ryland that's that's the one kicker kicker J jeda mean's off the board right well you got 45 seconds boy Chuck does like to eat up the whole clock too doesn't he go with this guy you sure which guy you sure are you positive oh $5 for Chuck's debt hello from Alaska Steeler Nation Oh Jamar Chase Harry orange wook are you still there W still there see look at the chat tell everybody tell me Tell Jefferson and my draft board goes at a completely different direction and he goes right after me like well let's just talk about it Chuck Justin Jefferson has Sam Bradford throwing to him so he's a stud but Sam Bradford like oh cow James tickle heads here while he's trying to draft don't be do don't encourage them people they'll be fight right here on video is W still here W where you at Harry orange W Harry orange W he's up there somewhere just show me that you're here buddy that's all I'm asking show me that you're here I don't know if we'll Jor play but that's where my that's the direction my draft board told me to go he's not I think he came in here he just dropped money and rolled out should I trade up Higgins and Reed for mjh uh yeah I would because you don't know where Higgins is going to be next year right like they Ain signed him he might go to the Raiders you know I mean like Chase May sit out all year yeah I that's I'm glad his [Laughter] draft Jonathan Taylor Derrik Henry off the board oh saquan off the board oh man I don't like this number three spot it's too long to get back to the next pick too much talent coming off the board that's right I do like that tie in slim Rock I grab a guy on a hold out just like I do when contract negotiations coming I like it walking the picket line where is Harry orange wook he is oh chat's messing up on my YouTube app well well Wie I I I got thist ra cuz I know the Texas guy Bean guy I I found this extra bean I got here uh extra Bean out of Automania Auto out of 75 if you want it it's yours just shoot me an email with your address slvr Chu and uh shoot me your address and we'll uh we'll get this out to you and that's why everybody loves [Laughter] Chuck but jir Gibbs off the board Garrett Wilson 1.12 oh what's going on we're going back to other way where oh what are you looking at for me oh Isaiah Pacho off the board man all that good talent Reese Hall better be a baller I was not ready for that at the number three spot who you look at that what who's that I don't even know that guy I don't even know that guy I don't even recognize that name we're here oh okay all right that guy I recognize Bree is the Bree the Beast is going to be number one this season I like your style oh [ __ ] what look at Orange wook take this from you from your debt this time take it from not add it to since you gave up a beon auto oh you didn't need to do that W man you've done so much for us it's been awesome I I was trying to find a way to say thank you and that's that's what I came up with so again just shoot me an email with an address send it to uh I'll get it out the way out the door for you yeah I think he bought you what a team or two on on B city braks right got the Bears and hit a bunch of Autos yeah so that's why I wanted to find something you can set the dust up for party mode and we'll still be able to draft from your tablet oh how do I do that Howard to duck everybody you pointed at is gone everybody you pointed at it's gone no oh that was the sound yeah that's your preference that's my preference pretty much yeah you well what would you do top or bottom top bottom let's see what's going on up here wait a minute that guy took Devana that that that's who I was supposed to do in my that's who I got in my mock draft oh well the mocks don't always work out like you like them too Chuck I didn't get Bree Hall in any of my mocks so so I think I should go here huh yeah oh Jared Bolton thanks buddy this guy what's what's the little five for I wonder what that means that's little oh fifth super on live oh thanks Jared oh my goodness oh Brandon's back on the clock I need to start looking at my team now what am I doing up here I only get whatnot ads while watching slick backyard whatnot ad oh bat bat man bat one of the one of the ogs on the channel man yeah for sure absolutely uh yes Tim Hill Tim Hill said Chuck so I said Tim Hill oh what happened I wanted to see what everybody's drafted Oh can we see what everybody's been drafted come on Brandon hit the button buddy all that time in Mock Draft so you don't know who you want oh who just went oh kyen Williams look at him oh returner yeah that's that's the one that my draft board was tell telling me either way punt returner yeah everybody that shi a lot of people away if you're if you're taking your star running back he's not your and making him return punts he's probably not your star running back where am I going now it was probably all smoking mirrors position should I go here now my still going like here oh where's my guy where's my guy there he is ky Williams Josh Jacob there he is who worry about it quit looking at my iPad you got over there overdrafted Williams who's Williams kyen Williams oh well none of that matters right everybody likes to be draft Bo going places not college but places dra hopefully some other places outside of this house oh slick hands Eddie you're on oh oh am oh look it what just happened somebody took Rashad white oh my goodness Marvin Harrison o hookah prob more Park still on the board oh what oh Ed's looking running backs interesting okay hookah and Marvin Harrison are steals here says annoy anoy speaking of annoy yeah the problem with my only problem with Marvin Harrison is he hasn't proven anything yet in the league but I'm going to try him anyway marvelous first time in any draft wow wow mjh or mhj yeah [Laughter] whatever this is the first time I didn't I didn't pick him in any of my mocks I don't think he fell to me in any of my mocks either oh then puka went right after yeah okay yeah I was scared of p puk's uh injury nobody likes a questionable tag to start to everyone keeps saying solid picks Ed but no one says anything about mine I'm feeling a little well you know I mean it's cuz you didn't actually pick [Laughter] them Drake London prore Park oh it's coming right back to me too yeah all right where are we going what are we looking at now what have we got so far oh so much talent on the board you in a running back than look at all the running backs that are gone holy cow thanks Dave has fans what are we looking at grab my guy [Music] Josh Allen Chuck says wook oh what just happened Nico Collins went off the board oh now it's back to Ed Ed Ed's on a I'll tiir every draft for $10 [ __ ] every pick I'm focused leave me alone oh Diggs will kill Colin's production say maybe Diggs is getting a little bit over to Hill though let's be honest like this I'm liking that a lot quit trying to peek at my stuff d damn [Laughter] it take your little copper Cooper cup uh Ed if you Google Yahoo fantasy football presenter mode on your tablet it gives steps oh Chuck good sleeper pick is Demario Douglas or Jaylen pulk they're G to get a ton of targets okay like Eddie went with Joe Mixon yeah oo okay oh Joe Mixon oh Mike Evans went immediately after that yeah he did oh I think you can like Star them or something and Stage them to be drafted automatically they're available when your pick comes up all right well somebody start starring some players for me here in the chat LOL Mixon he don't like Mixon what don't you like about Mixon wait a minute how far down are you on on on our list cuz he ain't on Ed's list that's cuz this is just the running [Laughter] backs oh Justin Tucker that's who I'm going with oh man I got forever Raheem moer going high in the third round Mike Evans oh Brandon's on the clock Brandon takes forever after all them mocks saying Josh Allen do I take Josh Allen here yeah he usually goes that high he does go high who did Brandon take uh Brandon iuk hey there you go look at the wide receiver stud room he's got going on there I do Brandon's looking strong top three picks between these three okay well this I think could still be around I'm not so I think it's between these two yeah all right odds we go with the top B we go to evens that sound good with you evens evens so that's this yeah I don't know but I like that well then you shouldn't have rolled the dice if you like that stick with this yeah okay why you got me drafting everybody with Red Letters by the way that's what I want to know it's the old man's draft and stuff we're all nicked and bruised just pick something Chuck Ryland oh Sam Porter questionable out for the [Laughter] season did somebody draft George KD over Sam La Porto wow Ballers CMC Drake Len Tim Hill if you're letting dice pick your player you've already lost apparently you're kind of new because fantasy football is not my jam baby I'm I'm just here for the uh what's it called camaraderie the camaraderie of the whole thing yeah yeah Dalton can Kade is the number one tight end well where were you with that information before I made my pick yeah oh my little copper Cooper cup got pulled off the board yeah yeah should brought off the whiskey for the draft Yeah bottle right there you want to break that open yeah I don't drink [Laughter] whiskey all right so now what are we looking for now we're in the what round Chuck take JJ McCarthy we're coming in the fourth round what do we have going in the fourth round I forgot what do we got going on here yeah it's funny the silver sport superiority there's there is none if y'all really knew how much money Ed dumps into doing this channel I don't want to be in charge of it that's nobody wants nobody wants any of this no not at all all right so where we looking head take Ricky Pierce all yeah I saw the news too that's craziness really already already no I don't like that guy I like that guy not that guy that guy get your finger on all right we'll go there Bear's kicker looked great that's the [Laughter] punter time to draft Desmond Ritter when are we coming up oh six picks don't be laugh don't be last don't be last oh what's don't be last team looking like oh is that me on the clock oh no 10 picks where is it don't be last is on the clock oh oh man I got forever till another pick holy cow Clayton tune which round are you drafted Bag of Donuts I think he's in the supplemental round Tim Hill uh Tim Hill I got a hot $25 right now put your money where your mouth is I bet the Bears are not in the basement of the NC North at the end of the season $25 for anywhere but last $25 for anywhere but last okay because you know people like to be uh you know internet Warriors and stuff and Shout stuff and sound real strong put your money where your mouth is and then I bet him easy $25 [Laughter] just Devonte Adams oh and Patrick M Mahomes wow interesting yeah so you're saying Sam darnold isn't Delite that's exactly what I'm saying yes just one man's opinion you know I mean there's probably a lot more people with that same opinion but see there who that man thinks the Bears are going to make the playoffs they got a solid Squad they got a chance if they can put it together that's that's the difference though can you put it together looking and avoid injuries that helps too yeah I believe the I I think the Vikings are going to be in the basement for sure it's Sam darnold like as we said before huge Montana fan have you sold the white Sparkle is that on eBay uh no I think I still have it somewhere I don't know or did I I don't know I don't know that was a while ago I think I've pulled him once or twice on white Sparkles [Laughter] actually Patty Mahomes whoa kid shows on the clock two running backs and Josh Allen he's looking for a wide receiver desperately oh and there went one didn't it uh yep Jay Wadd going in the fourth that's a steal Wadd Wadd waddle who's the backup exactly looks like this draft will bleed into League two any plans to push back time NOP Ed's running he's already got the screen set up for two drafts at once yep two drafts one one Eddie yeah that's right oh are we up what was that oh Alvin Kamar the Bears will pick up Ryland no we're good with our Cairo Santos James Cook Chuck take Herz that is that who we is that who we're pre-stage in here you can't tell anybody yet you're not on the clock oh damn it $35 for The shadur Bowman variation that's been for sale for a year uh no I don't know I don't even know what's up there right like make an offer on eBay we'll see if it trips my trigger just not now because I ain't paying attention to it oh Chuck R you oh that was Chuck's guy DJ Moore you knew that I have a feeling he did that on purpose I think he did oh so between Brandon and Clos the wheel uh those are the two people going to be sniping Chuck for Bears the whole draft and both of them will probably lose the league because of it well now what do I never draft your own team it's a bad idea yeah those the only two at those really you think he you think that's that's the play is it where I don't know but maybe that is the play somebody tell me who to pick oh jeez you got somebody over there telling you who to pick CH he's giving me three options indecisive I don't know but you got 20 seconds to figure it to [ __ ] [Laughter] out H go Pitman from Indie he says pit see the list Pitman Pitman Chuckles oh we got eight seconds should I just take this yeah yeah Chuck just did all that for suspense Jaylen Herz uh Jaylen Herz won me won me leagues two years in a row by the way back when we used to draft him way late oh whoa look at that lamback Rong on quarterbacks everybody draft a quarterback let's go see who who uh who's left over there at uh quarterback oh jayen Herz will be hurt oh come on richon CJ stad Kyler Jordan love Dak Prescott oh it's my turn no what are you doing who just who just got uh taken dton Kade Jared Goff okay all right I see you the DJ Mo threw me all off there was an offer on eBay I said not right now uh interesting interesting draft results [Music] he's still there why did I go the other way when that one's still there we did we did that one in the mock draft like the was it that was the fourth round I don't want to take too many of that though do I you Kenny Walker off the board mid90s Ed grabbed a chub is that what happened yeah CJ Stout off the board early man it's a quarterback run in the fourth round that's pretty significant you know I'm the card carry member of Ed's Navy I'll bet you $20 that Chuck finishes higher than Ed in this league uh confirmed bet Chu gets no more knowledge from me the rest of the season on our morning phone calls and [ __ ] nope now I don't know who you should swap it out for on the wawire Chuck oh Trey McBride went off the off the board that means you're that means you're out uhhuh oh graceful Saint confirmed sounds like you got yourself a bet there sir confirmed confirmed video giraffic evidence yeah look who your help got me last year [Laughter] Ed I plan on giving the same level of [Laughter] support where we going ride or die baby Kyler Murray we going next yeah either one of those all right yep you just lost Ed how's that oh there goes a tank damn it secret bent man between you and Clos the wheel I'm getting squeezed out here all Chuck's play favorite players go right before he picks I know it's killing me what it's going to do is help you win Chuck cuz you were picking all dummies yeah top kind of good with that yeah all right we'll go there we got a minute and a half yep Kyler Murray chucking 79 yard tutes to mjh all year long baby yeah you're kind of putting a lot of faith in the Arizona Cardinal or mhj yeah right and that's not a good idea in most years right like not genius Pi bub means oh Chuck you're on the board what are you doing I know I got a minute oh you're taking a sweet time he likes a boy you're the type of people I hate when I'm on the other end of the draft Yeah because what I'm trying to do is push you into your second draft because I want to see you scramble and sweat oh I got the one one draft [Laughter] away all right Chuck well let me while you're doing that let me just go figure this out then should we go ahead and make the pick all right this one yeah sure done there you go bats I got you bats I got you bads here we go we're back we got we got a few more minutes before we can even jump in the draft of the other one Anthony Richardson you know bat is a Colts fan right yeah I didn't take Anthony Richardson man you can't even know how to read I thought it was just up close Michael Pitman even [Laughter] worse look at everybody excellent pick Chuck there you go see yeah if anything I won the draft buddy all right that's all you need Chuck we don't know what first prize is anyway so you might as well oh hour oh man it'd be cool if you could like shrink this so I could see the whole board I don't want to like have to scroll up and down or another one of those either i' say nine has the best draft who's who's drafted nine what did they do that 12 11 10 nine Jonathan Taylor AJ Brown Cooper cup James Cook David Montgomery yeah it's pretty solid all very hit or miss much like my squad actually you ride or die with the Cardinals is a little uh wait till I draft James Conor in the next round I'm all in on the Cardinals offense baby I'm kind of thinking this man yeah it yeah we got a long wait he's only about seven down on the list so eight pick rushy oh man pcks are flying out what's going on here oh flying out of there man went James Conor oh don't be last what do you know the reverse psychosis don't be last that happen to get the last pick of the draft right slide Kyler Murray he needs a high chair at the Kitty table well well well Sly are you in the league because did you put your money where your mouth is is what I was asking because we bet another $20 on on who wins I need to get a pen of paper for a slight 13 and a half% it's going to be like January 15th there's going to be like 52 emails you owe me $20 I'm like what what are you talking about video giraffic evidence see it see the Cardinals get vaporized are you talking about preseason are we talking about preseason practice you talking about practice oh crashy rice George Pickins uh yeah still a lot of Talent on the board I did notice in all the mck drafts though that like there's Talent all the way to the bottom there's starting caliber players where we at here no silver sport vibes from videos from January July Ed [Laughter] won't where does it say what number pick were at 58 that's like 12 6 yeah I got too much math where does it say hover over Naji Harris hover over Naji har nope oh right there 63rd was Naji haris so this is a 6 it's not 63rd it's 6.3 there's 12 people in the league all right so 12 24 36 48 64 yeah 64 is drafting now oh there it is on the left yeah that's what I was looking for so it's the same number yeah I get it thanks tanks offense I don't know I'm having second thoughts about that I have second thoughts about are you all right romad dun incoming if you're going to steal DJ more from me I'm taking Rome oh KY pits off the board Rome could go off that's why I'm oh rre is New England going to be the worst offense in the league do you think there is where where'd he go oh there he is I take him what's wrong with that guy you really want me to take that guy yeah how confident are you in that pick just drag it out for another one minute Chuck okay how confident are you in that pick that just seems a little shaky for me got go here uh yeah Giants and yeah well they'll they'll end up Daniel Jones will end up sitting for somebody right Tommy DeVito I don't know that's that's what I'm worried about my draft board is telling me to take Malik neighbors what yeah my draft board is telling me to take Malik neighbors yeah do you got to do you I mean he is the only offensive person in New York right like he was drafted above a Dun I mean you could draft a Dun instead if you want everyone says do it do it oh that guy says pass on neighbors yeah see oh jeez you done threw Chuck into a tizzy oh he drafted him got have one rookie at least just know you ain't going to have nowhere to sleep in the sixth round all right where we going next yeah all right and's gone oh it's my it's my turn who just who just got drafted Jake The Snake Ferguson DeAndre Swifts off the board right before me too huh everybody try to get me secret bent man see see see oh man so many choices come on man we can drag this out your we can drag this out come on man pick shut your mouth well now what I mean this might happen a lot right because what else are they going to do yeah I have a younger guy what do you think it's kind of what caught my eye too but scary Terry I got a one-on one on that guy yeah you do right there yeah it's up there in the case nice one Spectra just don't pick a cardinal oh PS are flying off now yeah you think all right we'll see all right chat I need someone to start telling me who to take with my next pick how many rounds is this uh oh who just came off Joe burrow just came off the board oh you're up even Allan I would take jsn or defense chuba hubber zamir white on your next pick it's not bad either yeah all right Scott I'm going with Scott going with Scot Deonte Johnson gambling well I'm doing some gambling on this one more wi more I know uh Bryce Bryce young you do like small quarterbacks apparently right I like their receivers cuz especially the tall ones it's the only thing guys can see just Chuck it up to them oh we're next still like it we still going with Scott with Scott all right Brandon hit the button [Laughter] man is that his alarm going off up there yeah what about BL Coral that oh your time Chuck oh Brandon tried Brandon stole them so I guess I go I guess we go with what Scott said right yeah yeah all right Scott zamir white yep all right it'll be a very run heavy team yeah I got a long ways to go back to another pick what are we what are we doing next checking something East B down load it up and trucking we going do what they they can't be done got a long way to go a short time to get there I'm not on am I if I'm doing anything here oh really that really really no I got I gotta overrule you down yeah all right I can see that I'm down Jordan love I'd be the snowman because again he he's running a show silverport is his thing he's the big cheese he's the star but I'm the one that does all the work this like snowman I'm clearing the path you know or he's clearing the path yeah I'm the one loading up the truck you know fishing with the dog doing all that stuff fishing with the [Laughter] dog we need to watch that today dude both my kids love that movie we watched it wore out the DVD watching those movies how can you not the classic I'm in Hot Pursuit when we get home when we get home remind me to punch your mama in the mouth so he still funny get home remind me to Bunch your mama in the mou oh Evan Ingram went off the board my hat Daddy I hope your godamn head was next year we need a league where Ed pay to buy in but the chat makes all his picks based on super chats just to watch him fidget oh yeah hey I'd do it I can still make it work trade them all and play the waiver wire been doing this for a long time what's going on here yeah where at oh what happened oh on the clock down here don't be Jord Love my hat Daddy I hope your godamn head [Music] was well what you wearing now comeb back [Music] next year the league winners should be able to get an automatic spot in the league if they want yeah think that's you know who's paying for that automatic spot no they should be able to get in you know what I mean they shouldn't have to hit the refresh button to get in yeah well I mean anybody who's paying attention can get in right I was thinking about doing next year now next year I should be retired by the time I spin up the league so next year I was thinking about doing like a big league for only the big bosses right like $500 opening Flawless or something do you know what I mean oh why but who knows we'll see three leagues is a lot right like oh speaking of three leagues when's your next League kickoff here oh good point let me go uh check that out oh what happened where's our oh yeah uh Ed releases the uh fantasy spots on our website here we go look at there oh we got bigger oh let me clean myself up now see me oh wait you're not okay now I got to make sure I'm on the right one yeah this is what I like when he starts having to do multiple leagues oh yeah yeah yeah yeah is this the right League here all right let me see stick with this what what time is it okay I still got 15 minutes all right I don't even need to be in there this quick it's kind of five picks away what's the eigh round already that's when I got to take my Kicker did w I wasn't I mocking to take my Kicker in the eighth round by the time league three comes up Ed's think he's Ed will be thinking he's drafting in five [Laughter] leagues oh man this is awesome see this is what I enjoy this is the fun part we got 200 people here we're we're shooting shooting a breeze with while we're doing it this is what I like yeah oh I'm next are we still looking good and put the other big board on there what do we miss Xavier worthy autra card that guy yeah fastest man in the [Music] NFL see Mr Sax is drafted two leagues too it could be done oh there it is J ryland's twigs and bears if he'd hurry up and pick every round then maybe I'd get to you know pay I'm doing my best for the for the for for the fans if I drag it out and you and they love to see you sweat man look I'm going to need you to do [Laughter] something what really oh JC Buckeye oh my Chuck is a man of the people Dave has fans oh my I like do you I mean I would like the other one just because yeah but I think I like that too I think I like the other one too this might be a little little too much of [Laughter] us yeah yeah yeah you you agree with that one mhm you sure yeah we don't need any more of this color we can you sure yeah oh where'd he go here Chuck's drafting Keenan Allen who did he just get I anybody like that pick oh Brandon's oh jsn look at there since I got an autograph card of that guy courtesy of Josh lton [Laughter] sounds legit oh I'm three picks away I got to steady up so what are we looking for then next yeah yeah really we don't need any of the other color though oh there he is is yeah I know I don't like any of those guys really mhm oh is it oh one pick before me that was my pick too there dang it watching my board I love mastbating hello W say that team real quick uh real real fast Chuck I love maths B yeah there you go oh you're on the clock I think that I think we burned up that $10 worth of damn it Jerome Ford stop blowing up yeah I really like that kid I just I just don't know how many more rounds we got four more rounds 15 15 rounds thought it was 12 rounds holy CRA the last three are just like you well earn that $10 thank you should I draft Trey Benson for the Cardinals you ain't got a hair on your ass oh it's coming right back right back around to me damn I think we almost have to go that color huh yeah but I don't know what's there chat better help me draft in lead too yeah that's right everybody stick around help shred Zed draft in lead to we're not doing a live next year draft draft so long you might even recognize some of those contenders Autos yeah right that's good League two Frozen what does that mean oh that's just CU there's nothing happening there right yet oh I see it's frozen yeah yeah yeah there it goes yeah it just hadn't been showed in a little while so just need a little touch just a little touch oh where did everything go all right so yeah it's almost got to be right or this there anything of that left or no this yeah yeah anybody else doing that yeah yeah see every oh yeah we screwed up dude no just what's up Paul Dave Paul Paul Daves Jr do a podcast with sack Town pack Hound can be found there Tim hill hill does a podcast why can't we do a podcast good question we're doing one now kind of I don't know if you call that that oh Roma dun off the board never draft your Homer League just makes matters [Laughter] worse you're mad twice CU they lost and fantasy team lost dra Edie oh who went off the oh Jonathan Brook's coming off Kayla Williams Tim Hill Ed I sent the bed over did you read it yeah turn all this off and open your email yeah yeah yeah gfy all of you can you sort by team just look for your Arizona guys oh there there you go Trey Benson mhm Tyler Al oh no that's Atlanta not Arizona oh where's the my glasses I need the glasses that's the problem I need my glasses I need another monster you another monster uh no I'm good thank you oh [ __ ] it's getting down to it it's a good thing I went to go get the glasses too graceful Grace graceful Saint still here because I forgot I I found this Bobby AAR uh in the pack too so I think that should be about the 100th card or 101 or whatever oh yeah that's better Pat fryer moo The Moth is loose baby uh oh I knew to steal this guy was going to draft him later I had to get him now had that to I overdrafted him with Tad but had to fill out the squad before it got to to slim pickings and I had to draft Cole commit right where we at oh Keenan Allen Jobe Myers are we on the clock no no Brandon is oh let me uh all right so are we doing it are are we are we are we reaching yeah are we reaching there oh draft starting in six minutes oh well this will take let me burn up a minute here for you oh perfect I got to use bathroom Bobby stuck full yeah yeah I do like the kid I don't know how much he's going to be doing but I do like the kid so I I got to take him Blake corm coming off the board what is everybody think Blake corm I think Blake Corum here in what round are we in ninth round I really like put it on autodraft yeah I should how do I do that how do I do that how do I put him on an autodraft somebody tell me quick where oh Auto don't worry about it man take your time I put you on autodraft oh Chuck took Blake chorum after all huh I like that kid I like that kid I really do oh W bone Chuck got some more cards heading your way 100,000 gold now that'd be awesome man I mean I'm s I'm just about to crack 5K and I haven't even gone through the big box yet something tells me with this 10,000 thing the next time you come out here your your box is going to be like uh I'm telling you I'm going need another room to store it well it's it's harder than you think 10,000 different Bears cards I mean luckily with the Bears there's so many uh you know they've been around long enough to there's so many cards out there but uh I'm having so much fun doing it uh you know checking the spreadsheet finding different cards it's been freaking awesome whoa Clos the wheel with the First Defense off the board in the ninth round uh 10,000 yes ballpark 10,000 unique different cards yeah yeah I'm trying to do 10,000 different Bears cards it's yeah I need to head out F trying to change it up$ per game I have Packers yes or no he was trying to do $25 at the Bears finish dead last now all of a sudden oh [ __ ] ain't so big now huh Tim here huh feeling a little sheepish yes le le two it starts in four minutes absolutely and the Bears and Packers ain't playing till the end of the season so we get half a season the SE how they're going to play out before we make that bit 10,000 Bears cards 5,000 junk wax yeah Liam it's you know yeah but it's all right I mean I'm I'm having a blast doing it I'm having such a blast doing it next goal is 10,000 Chad Ryland you should see the stack of Chad rylands I had in my box here once I'm done drafting I'll go do that I'll show you the stack of Chad rylands you guys have been sending it's it's freaking awesome I mean I don't know what the hell I'm going to do with him but it's awesome I mean it really is Well Chad does need his own box I mean he's he's rated that yeah there needs to be a Chad box and it better be deep if you know what I'm saying bottomless Chad box I said everyone saying give me to Chiefs I need Chiefs I hate the vi oh I need Chief's cards was the chief's team pack available no no it was this earlier this week it's gone now no lad makoni off the board oh oh lad such a good little lad next lad makoni yeah I'll do that I'll do that Chad's gonna get a lot of boxes oops You' think Chad would have the time to do a video with us right I don't know if we're quite his uhul kind of people he would hang out with right did did Paul Davies do a super chat for a Chad Ryland he said sign one and put in my way yeah Liam he's getting cheaper what do we got here show me your Titans two minute warning for League two says Andy K oh open that one up see what what oh whoa whoa free advertisement no [Laughter] advertisement now it's going to get a little tricky Paul bter I'll sell my Falcon team pack for $100 a month yeah slly yeah we still have a stack of Chads so yeah by all means if uh if anyone wants to feel feel the need to donate to the channel and uh we'll throw you a a Chad uh a chucking Ed Chad we already got uh Braden Seth and Subzero oh there was one other one that went to the the Bears team pack right oh what whoever was it that pick just show me your Titans just got Auto picked oh I think all right anoi good luck on your draft my chat oh Josh Josh says my chat is sitting pretty on display next to my Cowboys one of1 and St Autos I like it oh I like that there you go there you go boy now you're using your Noggin oh where'd he go oh why is he all the way down there oh right oh I got to put the glasses all right oh yeah now I can see everything a little better oh we're up do we do it I'm still looking for an autograph card of this kid I'm still looking for an autographed card of this kid because I love his attitude I love his personality I think he's going to do great things not even gonna wait for him Keon Coleman yes sir damn he was next on my list yes sir League two starts in 5 seconds Ed oh I already uh I I I have a Blake Corum Auto um uh oh a Chad for Paul Davies oh Josh L Josh Len ponying up for Paul Daves all right Paul uh shoot us an email with your address oh man it's going quick over here CD lamb CMC Tyreek gree Hall holy cow oh here we go and it's about to be my turn in this league too isn't it I love the I love the Mayhem oh it's my turn and you got to sign this car for PA D this [Laughter] is all right Paul uh Paul Daves uh SL vr. Chu shoot me uh an email with your address we'll get it out in the mail to you see now I'm getting rushed really another another one with Red Letters by his name uh and there's that oh and it's coming right back to me and it's my turn over here oh no uh players oh [ __ ] uh W bone I cannot see uh when I'm sorting cards and anything like that yeah I have some granny glasses I have some that are a little more masculine in color at home but I forgot to bring them but Ed's Ed's better half was kind enough she had an extra pair to the side so oh hero is rookie I'll take a Chad with that beon oh we got a mosaic or an optic or an absolute Mosaic op optic or absolute W what dealer's choice on that one did you did you pick sign that real quick then we've already picked your red Sharpie I got two leagues going on here Chuck and you're signing cards man of the people Mr Ed buddy look at that hville just sitting here sorting cards I'm telling you it's the best man it's the best little stress reliever you just hang out uh it's fun I I love sitting around sorting cards I do all right this is for Paul Daves Ray Davis who that all right that one all right wook I think you're getting optic buddy optic uh if you're not replying I think we're we just going to default to optic or uh wook and you sent me uh oh Sly Chad Chuck and Ed One One auto oh my Sly what you got I got a absolute or a mosaic well I actually got some other stuff in here too where are we going next oh somebody just went off the board I'll take whatever all right so here sign that real quick too while you got a minute that's for w yeah I don't got a minute apparently you got a minute 15 oh and Scott too oh my goodness might as well keep your pen handy buddy can't do it I'm in the middle of two leagues right now you have to wait you can just keep them all ordered up over there there's wook dunzo for wook but that with the beon and wook you sent me the address right oh when I'm on this clock uh Sly Sly with the big we got see we got something nice for Sly here how about a sad Chad Sly you want a sad Chad look at look look at him looking longingly at his career in the in the rearview mirror should we autograph that one Sly the elite I just took a second quarterback K whoa what's wrong with me oh Sly says optic okay I think I got another optic for sly oh and then we got to get to Scott Scott needs one too oh my goodness picks until my turn another optic oh oh heyy well I'm up in two picks there draft board where am I going with it are you sure all right okay thanks Wookie now this one's going to uh Sly Sly Sly send me an email slvr Chu all right Ed we got to make a pile for Ed to sign after these are completed oh KY Williams off the board are you sure about this man getting kind of sure about that yeah yeah no I guess not a good handcuff Brandon's on the board any optic left says Scott let's see oh who just went off the board who did Brandon just take Rico oh that was close to the one we were going to take should we take that guy all right let's burn up some more clocks soad turn is next and when this guy DS all right oh was that take him mhj he took off to made sure I didn't get him in two leagues oh that's you Ed inde it is uh uh oh my goodness Brian Arrington donation to The abused credit cardome thanks Brian uh uh email slvr do Chu I can put it in the chat oh I gotta in the chat we got 10s right I can do that real quick s lb C hu K Gmail so much different in this league okay uh so there's that um oh I was still looking for an optic right who is that for Scott we got Sly we now we need to get Scott uh I'm not seeing any optic left not seeing any more Chad optic left no I'm not seeing anymore Chad optic I get a Saints one of one made by YouTu yaho $20 PayPal donation I don't want YouTube getting their cut I like your style [Laughter] Don all right you wouldn't have time to make a Saints 101 tonight sure all right we'll do that make a note of that somebody which who what player you want I probably got a I got a whole stack of them over there I'm sure I think I I think they just want a like a Ed 101 Art card of the saint oh well Chuck's got to draw that one we you already know you'll never get it if it's up to me right like uh so is that everybody now oh no I'm still need a the the the Scott uh we gota we gotta sign a card for Scott uh we got the absolute that's a that's a that's a true shows what Chad's all about so we'll go there for Scott oh Dylan pole welcome to Silver Hollow and this is for Scott M oh CLE Herbert off the board that's that oh Josh lton gifted one silver sport membership how about that well thanks Josh is that Dylan who got it I think so yeah oh no graceful Saint was gifted a membership by Jos oh funny how the universe works out all right I got you Scott I signed it and as soon as Ed calms his nerves here a bit maybe he'll jump on there oh where's the draft where's the draft oh three picks where where are we going yep that's it how are both these leagues I got seven picks and eight picks till my how are they lining up that way right oh Scott wants a sticker too which sticker probably the little silver sport sticker oh the little silver sport yeah a little Topo somebody gifted those us those a long time ago yeah yeah I could definitely do that if and Scott if if if Ed would sign it I can go ahead and just sign that one real quick so I can put it in a top look look look this is why at the end of the here Chuck's going to here this one too have to pay for my [Laughter] loss seven picks to my turn on I haven't eaten at Dias in Pittsburgh I've eaten at Dias inic six PS this one went quicker chis La where's Scott let me get Scotts in a top loader with a with a silver sport sticker on it oh graceful $20 to silverport PayPal oh my goodness thank you man oh my goodness oh this is getting this is getting nuts here all right how many picks we're up in two picks we're still looking good let me go ahead and get a silver Sports sticker on this one I'm gonna have a player uh go I'm going to have every top 10 receiver and every top running back on one of my different teams right like them are overlapping six pcks and five picks you know what I'm willing to do graceful Saint you know what I'm willing to do if Ed has already made my one of one for my set I will pull it out of my set and we'll both sign it and send it off to you have you made my Saints 101 yet uh I don't know probably not I'm going to make this quick and easy got my guy got my guy who's that stop yelling my got my guy dude dude dude be down shut up Caleb Williams is that your backup quarterback well played sir I should have drafted him instead of Dak yes Josh lton got I got the the 78 stickers yep uh yep the the pack sets in two I'm leaving Ed I'm leaving Ed one cuz I actually have two picks till my turn in both leagues I actually have one of the two so it worked out great oh man Grace will says he hasn't guaranteed let's take a look in the old art box here no he would know he watches every video he he would know but so for some reason the floor dle seems familiar to me like you drew that out you don't think you did what the oh Josh Allen in the middle of the third in this league he didn't he made it to the middle of the fourth in the other league huh all blanks what happened I thought these were all my cards I see cheese Sam leaport off the board right before me uh oh Dylan Poe can I get a chuck chuck how many R you got left over there Chuck Colts Niners bills cheese Browns Panthers Chiefs Chargers Titans Cowboys Seahawks Washington and my Houston Metropolis CJ stra so yeah graceful was correct there is no Saints card done oh maybe I'll work on that during draft two once my draft's over I'll start making a Saints 101 what Dylan Poe oh could I get a Chuck head Ryland been watching for quite a while at patri Fan new one for my collection absolutely uh Dylan email address slvr dochu please shoot me an email with your address and we will get it off to you the absolute that definitely uh highlights Chad being Chad oh Mr Saxon I'll take a RI too boys put it in my team pack oh Jes I'm over here trying to draft sorry guys I'm like focused uh seven oh I am next in this league what the heck so Dylan oh it's my turn what are we looking really oh this is okay yeah I I don't mind that need sign that one Mr Saxon graceful Saint I'll take a signed Aubrey you want that instead of the the 101 instead of a Saints 101 cuz I do have a Brandon Aubry here one left needs to sign that Mr Saxton needs one that's going to go in the team pack though Ed got all quiet now he's got two focused it need to sign you got a second here you got five picks to your turn here that one that one got all sign it on camera sign both of those oh we're up what where are we going here yeah yeah I'm with you winning Pick right there Harrison buter kind of ironic two my favorite people in this chat our division rival shuck with the Bucks and Paul with the Falcons and CH we're we're bringing the world together we're H we're we're healing division Rivals one one uh video at a time oh yeah better be an NSA 10 no guarantees this tough grading over here at NSA can you scroll through that chat I want to make sure I just got everyone who just real quick just like the last yes you can I need you just Mr Mr I got Jos oh Brian Arrington did Brian Arington he just wanted to donate all right Scott Scott yep okay I'm good that's all I just wanted to go back a couple and see uh who do we got here Darnell Moon dead yes he did I got a rainbow up for sale if you if you're uh Brian Alexander I just joined it's not like I thought what the pton has been at PSA since the 13th without being scanned in oh oh the other guy has terrible auction on whatnot dry hands I don't even recognize him what round are we in 14th it's time I think it's time I think it's time I think it's time no I did like my pran's brother sandwich when I was in Pittsburg it w it was tasty uh when I when it first sat down in front of me I was a little taken aback but you know what uh it was it was it was nice ran Alexander it's way too quiet I thought it' be a party with you two it was a party till the second league started Drafting and now Ed's bouncing back and forth between two leagues I don't think you understand the level of competitiveness with this guy no no you don't it's hard to uh he is uh he's playing football up there Greg so oh Patty Mahomes off the board got something you like is it's coming up fast and furious huh Ed had M surgery again yeah that was a fun video that was a fun video hey it's your turn to draft there oh damn it he took my guy why you keep picking everybody with Red Letters by their names I'm really starting to question the my investment on this draft board I don't even he doesn't even have a picture rookie what if I'm doing anything you know where I'm going wait for what this is the last round isn't it going with lamback baby oh wow look at you changing it up every League got to be a little bit different all right I got some time now I can move over to the other league what's going on over there oh eight PS to too much all right I got a little time now oh are you sure on this I don't even I don't even know who the hell that is oh hi Barack just want to say hello to all of you hello hello still almost 200 people in the chat that's pretty awesome man I tell you like I said this this is my best part about this I'm I'm not a big hang out but this is this is I love this I really do oh Tyler Locka coming off the board late now you changed it up we're just here to see Ed flustered yeah Grace will say you're absolutely right because they take a chunk but it's kind of awesome yeah for sure head not gonna go do well in the playoffs with his lamb jacking it up lamb jacking it up oh Paul dve here from Jambi yeah jambia sent that uh nice uh Chad Island right oh yeah yeah Castell show well let's few this or pulling my putty wagon pretty sure the wagon wants a break pulling that poor horse Ed and Lamar have problem with their bows Golden Girl sports cards hey what's up guys yeah Christina Gregory I made it late oh appreciate it Christina thank you what do we decide on I'm up in two picks where oh okay we're back to that oh we're on the board so or we're up do you yeah all right it's either him or him or what um who's that cmc's back oh didn't they say cmc's got a little hamstring he's always got a little hamstring so I should take his backup probably so think I want you yeah what do you think I think he already told you what he thought yeah you like that guy more yeah who' you who' you pick Let's see Adonna Mitchell and freaking Brandon defense that's what I want to take and my draft board talk me out of it that was your turn that was the time to get it Chuck don't forget you still need a kicker oh it's my turn I don't need a kicker you need a kicker everybody needs a kicker there's a kicker that starts in the league you could start without one choke that's fine I got bucker oh yeah oh I got the top Point scorer in the league what are you talking about you can start with that one gfy buddy League two frozen says Liam and Scott there you [Music] go why do you insist on that oh you see a better yeah every other team in the league their offense is bad all right that's where we're going with if they're there oh 30 seconds gfy is good for you MH good for you or up to interpretation depending on how you're acting oh thanks for the shout out another for my birthday yeah no problem Christina Ying at the guy has saved your draft oh yeah anyone drafting Chad this draft season maybe I should is is Chad still available maybe I should with the last pick I should I should I should draft howdy Lads hey King Leo Chuck Junior 1 Ballpark wants to ask you a question I know supposed to say ladies oh cheap ass said [Music] [Laughter] commercial uh this one is almost done no that's that's not that one's that's your league two where's League one at should who's your D Chuck well I mean that's a loaded question sometimes I call him Gary other times he's more of a more of a Hercules but the time it's Gary Hercules Hercules Hercules Hercules Hercules Hercules oh Gary Terry off the board everybody's been watching my previous draft taking all my gets to me Rich Gonzalez y all live is great first time I get to tell you me and my son enjoy watching all's episode and contact well thank you Rich we appreciate you watching man and you and you and your boy fifth pick in the draft what's up fellas good to see you in the room Chuck thanks William oh I'm up my picks up at five I think someone should do the honorable thing and draft Chad Ryland where is he Q up Chad Island search by player name there he is ranked 2,410 did we do it oh I I can't even draft him there's no draft button oh I can draft it no Chad we hardly knew drafting Chad would be a huge move King Leo oh it's on Keegan absolutely Keegan oh it's my turn over here oh Qui I'm trying to say hi to Keegan it's my turn you shut you shut it up you shut it up now Keegan I tried buddy but you know how Ed it's always always got to be about Ed so you know try to said hi to Keegan but Ed gota shut it down and there he is rounded out with your Chicago Bears you didn't take Chad no okay now I gotta go back to the other one oh what's going on over here look at everybody saying Hey to Keegan King Leo says Hey Keegan everybody I'm impressed with Ed got all this technology on the screen right golden I when he when oh I'm up I'm up with my last pick of the draft do I take Chad Ryland or because I do need to come in hard with the D at the end and every time you come in hard with the D in the end that's what you get I didn't even have it up on the [Laughter] screen coming in hard with the D in the end you get the Browns well played Chuck well so my team's completed thank you very much draft board now now I can just sit here and and chat and B Ed the [ __ ] show supervisor strikes again [Laughter] yep uh I'm liking the team I'm liking the squad yeah lot of talent this year a lot of talent yeah and since I have so many people with Red Letters by their name can I go ahead and hit the waiver wire right now and put somebody on IR yeah they're just questionable Chuck they're not out oh you got to wait for that one yeah since he's a supervisor I might need a employ shirt oh lead three is open he says oh yeah it's open but not yet holy cow so I got these stacks of autographed Chads that I could well Mr Saxon says he's got a team Pack Mr saxon's got a team pack oh yeah Steelers right you can topl load it and put Steelers on it and then okay I can write on the top loader I want to write on the top loader got sticky nose holy ads Ed yeah see I'm not the only one that's like the lowest setting I don't know like what oh it's my turn oh who drafted what T Higgins went off the off the board all right I got to find some stickies and some envelopes oh yeah where's lot of Canadians in house so I went I even went ahead and and brought a book of stamps to uh uh to mail off all the the autograph Chads and uh look look at that look at that stamp book I got there Alex Trac [Laughter] stamps nice draft Chuck junr W oh I just drafted two tight ends in a row what the hell was I doing oh je too much yapping going on over here God dang [Laughter] it well if anybody's looking to trade for a stud wide receiver I got two two of the top five tight ends in the league god dog it oh Josh L that's a good question God DG it how do I see that uh okay I think I can close this one now how do I see my what email I'm using for YouTube I don't even know how to see that uh Google account uh it's not Josh don't don't sweat I'll be all right Ed needs a beer stat I can't believe I I just blew that leak I just blew it no you come on there's plenty of time you can make a trade you you can't make critical mistakes like that Chuck you can't you cannot he said critical mistake yeah what's a critical mistake drafted two tight ends that's what you did I didn't do it you did it that's what I mean yeah uh did Mr Saxon ever say what what he's got is it it two tight ends in the in the juices juiciest part of the dog it oh that was on your wraparound too dog it that was on your wrap around oh yeah o yeah that was critical that was critical error and all I had to do is click back and check too and I and like I thought about it for a second but I just clicked it it looks like an angry cat when he's [Laughter] concentrating uh Mr Saxon yes Steelers team pack yep okay I'll write Steelers on that okay that's going there it's that team pack yeah Ed have some backbone dig deep make some good decisions going forward and you can overcome this yeah no I know B look at the right of the screen it shows your roster oh yeah it does look at that right I didn't notice that well now I got Kyle pits at Flex so we're good I bet you know what I bet you uh bet you sons of silver Spork will probably trade you ter oh no he got no you probably you probably trade tank Dell look at that wake woke up feeling dang what it has smoke coming out of his ears I hate to see Ed after he forgets to hit record I can just imagine after this draft oh yeah it's y'all once we hit end end stream um I no no I guess he just [ __ ] the bed [Laughter] again holy geez that was critical man I've never done that I've never done that never done that how many how many times in your mock drafts have you have you I was trying to ignore you I was trying to like I was already done with the other why are you blaming me I had I had no excuse I had no excuse because I was already done with the other draft so there was no reason to hurry other than I'm an idiot he still he still just blames me too I was trying to ignore you well you were running off at the mouth right in my ear Chuck I'm H sit here you're draft I like hey Chuck what are you [Music] doing he's for sure blaming me I'm too focused he's for sure no I can't even blame that something that's so boneheaded I can't even blame you no excuses yeah put pits in a tight end Andrew at Flex it'll make sense well now I got lamb Jack chucking The Rock to Mark Andrews so it's all working out just need him throw 20 touchdowns like Tom Terrific and Randy back in your last fantasy league yeah the last time I took fantasy football seriously yeah all right got this oh players are flying off the board now for Josh lton oh and here comes the here comes the uh the Twitter memes of Ed draft and tight at two tight yeah you had some of them armor loopes start a dressing easy yeah they're back over there on the Shelf excuse me I'm trying to draft them you're no problem you're excuse Watch Ed win because of his double tight end both turn out to be Ballers one and two tight ends somebody's somebody's going to offer me a said it's in one of these drawers over here oh Chuck here's another 10 bucks for throwing it off his game oh on the [Laughter] clock what we got here I'm gonna wrap around on this one okay oh you said on shell oh there they all are underneath all these boxes yeah oh okay those are just empty shipping Chris Godwin welcome to the squad finally got me another [Laughter] receiver too bad you're GNA be sitting behind a couple of tight ends I got two Beast running backs a beast quarterback there's 10 bucks what El Hunter Henry's available Hunter Henry's available Ed Ed got distracted by something shiny yeah yeah got to get your tight end three God dang it laugh laugh up I'm entertaining trades prior to week one better make it a baller though cuz these these tight ends hard to come by Jack I hog them all up I should have made my first five picks tight ends ends left on the board you don't want to miss [Music] out screw you guyson [Laughter] Herz that's terrible it's so much more fun when I don't have to do anything and you were [Laughter] worried all right you think I can address these just with the Sharpie yep okay all right time to check the emails here I mean if somebody sent me like boobs pics in my email I'd be deeply offended keep it up you're gonna get a [Music] nutshot the Batwing somebody's going to send you a Batwing Chuck good show good show that's nice you want a Batwing if you know you know if you don't all right let's see email all right here we oh Dylan po first one I see here Dylan Poe this is Dylan from alive my address is oh say his address don't you don't want to lick that pen either Chuck I saw you I saw you look at I saved your life after you screwed me on two tight ends and and that's and that's why I've stuck around 30 Years buddy unbelievable any tight ends left nope all taken se's taken look at all these movie references they're coming out one after another I'm I'm I'm on fire people all right no I nobody can see the address Caleb Williams drafted in the eighth round oh my who's that Darnell Moon dead no doubt you're giving yourself away Jack oh boy all right um no one can see the address I'm right here right on below no yeah you can't see nothing watching fantasy drafts are great for naps yeah not this one okay so this one I can close still got 15 minutes to that one okay I'm almost on the clock Chu I'm almost on the clock look I you mess you just W me wasting one of your armal opes come on I Need You To Be steady now at least you didn't draft two tight ends in the fifth and sixth round oh geez woke up feeling dank or what woke up feeling Dak well you should draft him right now then oh Keenan Allen oh look at you Bears going left to right in the eighth round over here uh oh what's the return address I don't know just save it for later you could put all that on there to get at one time it's a PO Box oh yeah all right that one's done do we put anything else in the in the the thing or just a card I don't care oh you don't care so let's go see what he's got in his hit box so you get just I just need you to I need you to have a cup of shut the [ __ ] up cuz it's my turn that's what I need do you put it in the top Lo making me you're making it's kid show choke look what you're making me do let me see if there's any more tight ends available hold on all right Dylan yours is the first one in the top loader address up and in the envelope nobody likes pissy Ed yeah nobody likes pissy Ed pissy Ed don't like anybody else either so we're all we're all leing we Russell remember for 10 months you know next year's draft he'll be reminded of this moment it will go down in silver sport mythology the day at draft did two tight ends back to back Christian Watson drafting Packers over here don't mind me wook says if he don't care he'll take the extra over shones he [ __ ] about in his pack all right I'll be back guys I'm going all right I'll I'll put this on auto draft for you buddy all right one is done let's see who else we got in here uh next who else sent me an email uh Sly sly's address is here okay H Chuck I'll drop you $20 if you pick Ed a tight end $20 is $20 all day long uh I don't know how to work this one now do you think Ed is smart enough while he stormed off to go take a break and everything to watch the live on his phone so he can see what's going on we need a real good type Cole KET should we at least make it co Kat K Greg doic there he is Greg doic would have been cute K or Craig he's going to be so pissed I will stop you at Ed and smart oh man will it really screw it up what if I put it in QBE dve the Bears defense Tommy tremble Panthers tight end who's at the bottom of the list Christina RI que up all tit oh just for horse day former bear you wouldn't mind that what time AG got huh what are you doing oh I got time I'm queuing up your your next [Music] pick do it all right uh Sly I think you uh Sly Sly are you still here you sent me an email right this is nobody just impersonate and Sly difficult to what's going on here oh queing up your next draft pick oh CH what is going on W what is going you scroll all the way to the bottom too didn't you all right slly is up next here oh what oh 9 minutes oh and again you just put it in in the topl load right in the arm load uh you put you got to put some masking tape over the top of the top loer oh [ __ ] uh sorry Dylan po you didn't have masking tape I mean it is just a Chuck Ryland one [Laughter] one and you just put the stamp right over the armal up there everything's good to go oh yep oh man that was was too that was too fun trying to make a comeback from it right now all right slide Keon Coleman oh it's my turn Throwing Alex tree Beck stamp on that right see what do we got in the next the next email okay well that Grace is GNA have to wait because that one's got to be a package that's uh a package Mark is unre how do I do that uh Wookie that's a wook that's a that's a package Jaylen poke did he play for New England who's quarterbacking over there I don't know who this is I don't know who this is somebody sent me an email but didn't uh with no subject yeah no subject little Bandit Le Bandit yeah I I don't know who that is I don't know who that is just email to you check Paul Davis just sent yep Paul Davis I got Seth I got Brian at hville I got what Brian at hille you want to [Laughter] see he asked for it people he asked for [Laughter] it oh my goodness that was phenomenal Brian I love you man I knew there was the reason I like that dude I don't think we could show everybody that all right Paul I'll do yours right now since I got it here at the top oh my goodness that's what I get for asking you did ask m all right there's Paul is it a Crockett address uh uh no it's a Pennsylvania address is the one I don't I don't have a a name for so if if you sent me an email with an address I I I don't know who you are if you could just tell me your screen name or your your your chat name so I know which which one it is glasses still have the protection stick well yeah I mean I'm I'm borrowing I'm just borrowing your hum I'm just boring the glasses so I want to make sure I give them give them back uh Scott I I'll take a peek after I get this one done yeah had to draft T Dallas coder Ain't No Other tight ends left I got them all you want a tight end in this town you come to me hey Chuck you see your draft grade no what' I get pop three you're the third one B+ top three baby B+ I got a D+ you mean Zaden got a [Laughter] and the chat the chat was quite helpful oh if somebody if somebody sends off one of these autographed uh Chads to get to get slabbed I I'd fall over there's no reason you would do that there's no reason absolutely how would they authenticate your autograph Chuck pretty funny if it came back authentic Auto all right there is Paul now Scott I'm going to check for you for what did Scott say is it a what add Crockett oh who just got drafted Trey Benson my turn uh what's everybody think of Jameson Williams Hollywood Browns hurt right as usual so Josh lton send off Josh lton did Josh get a did Josh get a an autograph check oh he's already got one that's right he's already got one okay so I'm just sending him the the Terell Owens right Josh just the just the Terell Owens Scott I don't have uh an address how come when I'm asking for help from the chat you're too busy yapping about something [Laughter] else just a popcorn looking over the rim of your glasses at people [Laughter] hey oh I don't know what to do here I drafted Jameson Williams now that dude has been out for like two years now and we're hoping for something this year that was that was probably a bad pick too I'm just playing flaming out right like and you still got one more draft to to go oh yeah that one's about to kick off too oh that's that one oh [ __ ] freak me out there for a second I thought i' already picked it oh close this guy what are you doing oh I'm 12th in this in this this league last place can't draft two tight ends in this one or I'll be in serious trouble oh W's heading out to do his draft good luck to you w good luck don't draft two tight ends in the fifth and sixth whatever you do Jos lon's going in there with the to card get your popcorn to graceful say I hadn't done no research on Jameson Williams I mean you got a mon ra over there is Jameson the number two now Scott uh all right Scott I'll check Corner the market on TMT t on tight ends that's right I'll trade uh Christian mcaffrey before he gets injured for either one of them tight ends you uh no I'm good oh but why you grab me another monster buddy another one H never mind I'll just have a water or whiskey or something uh still nothing yet Scott uh I see Seth though Seth I'll go ahead and get yours done now Seth Seth Seth got to keep Chuck's Juices Flow up we're only about halfway through this Chuck around and head out I like that Josh Chuck around and head out Seth head back in what what was Jos saying around and it out yeah yeah yeah you do that pretty good pretty good pretty good I knew pole was going to cause problem this is a good show I knew this Popsicle was going to it's a fudge sickle [Laughter] oh Scott I got it now Scott it just came through am I selling that tuba py 101 I don't know I haven't looked through them yet I meant to look for eBay stuff uh this week but I didn't make it so looks like no no uh eBay auctions this week either what's going on up here Rico dle mid90s Ed showing up with that pop budle yep is is this the league that your mid90s head too um no that's Le three oh speaking of that oh damn that League already started nobody even said nothing Rick dun there you go [Laughter] Ricky it's been known to leave a brown stains either on Chuck sheets or his lips if you know you know all right there we got sets in there and done oh look at H Bill's in this one Hill you should change that picture to your uh your team logo [Laughter] there Seth all right now we got Scott there's Scott if chuck had a tight end the sheets would have been Sage it was my sheets it was Edge Ty Ed loose Edge loose end [ __ ] let's get make sure we get story straight [Laughter] you guys are killing me in the [Laughter] [Music] chat tight Fiasco could be worse he could be the guy at the plan who has to pack all that foot into a [Laughter] rapper oh jez I'm up how many tight ends are available we're gonna go Garrett Wilson hoping Aaron Rogers don't get hurt me make sure yep that's who I drafted okay it's my turn again Derrik Henry [ __ ] so supervised that's right my shirt says it all it's talking Ed sheets incident when when he's what in a footle oh what's this one oh I'm up this is a tight end League I'm going to change my name in this league if you ain't got two tight [Laughter] ends you ain't [ __ ] good show man good show all right Scotts is ready to go so I'm just looking at Subzero and braen Subzero and Braden yeah Subzero and Braden I need a I need an address Ed hit Refresh on your browser says hville oh he must have changed the picture already hold on I'm up everybody be Qui before he drafts [ __ ] third tight end oh who do I pick there's lots of options still here all right I drafted [Music] [Laughter] he updated his H did he you asked for it Chuck see what you got all right wook and wook and graceful Saint will have to uh print I'll have to have Ed Show me how to print labels I got to send bigger stuff for them CH back there violating the animals and looking that thing like he oing money it's wood flavored now somebody that went up my nose I hate when that [Laughter] happens jeez CH Riley did it in the observatory with the Candlestick oh man any more tight ends available in this league oh they think we murdered laa and buried the body I'll need proof of life if I'm wrong yeah has been uh's been sheld for quite some time I think she's holding up boxes oh yeah she is [ __ ] around you gonna sorry I keep forgetting I'm on video [Music] there's Lala she's still kicking oh on the keyboard that proba no it's [Music] [Laughter] not I make myself laugh oh oh Sirius saided is he back on the clock Mouse over the other league to update that's not Lala that's Lala wasn't that Lala yeah that's Lala right no yeah I don't I don't know who's Lala Lala's a donkey right is Lala the donkey oh Lala's a donkey F oh my goodness been so long since I don't see L Ed what did you do to oh it's my turn shut up Chuck de oh Dominic's the Donkey Dominic's the donkey oh yeah not this this is Dominic oh yeah laa did have lipstick what did you do with LA the one with the aat that's the one I brought over what the that's laa oh [ __ ] I got to pick somebody uh oh who did I just draft oh my God I just drafted the Cleveland I didn't do anything oh I might as well just quit this league now man geez Louise what the hell who is Brandon who was laa who they said they say this isn't La I just drafted a freaking defense in the 12th round golly dude two tight ends in a defense asking the wrong person well every got you only got you got a one in 11 shot of winning this one people made it easy on you take advantage no excuses this is laa right yeah yeah this is everyone's saying that that is not laa oh no B is the donkey no that's Dominic the donkey no donkey what other donkey there's another donkey CH there's not right there on the floor look it with the [Laughter] lips why is this one separate Ed why why was this one not w why is it sticky why was it separate because can't there you see there's no room up there I got too many animals is so pissed yeah he is Chu doesn't know the animals and Ed's about to explode I can't believe [Laughter] that I can't believe it can't believe believe it oh two tight ends in the fifth and sixth and a defense in the 12th when I had two an option at running back and receiver but I after around and found out LA's doing burles for the other animals that night Ed you'd have been better off drafting two tight ends mhm it's about to ban the whole chat might need yourself another ice cream to cool off I I probably do smile Ed so you say there's a chance come on buddy Dave Dave Dave has fans kid show kid show Ed's forehead looks like a [Laughter] [Music] bat oh my yeah look at grumpy Ed he chased away 50 people went from 200 to 150 come on man don't worry shut up be happy don't worry be happy now BR and iuk God D it is dying inside he's taking us with them right bringing the whole vibe down the bridge will be there man bridge will be there Positive Vibes Zaden Ed's having a terrible draft and we're all making fun of him you want you want it on this that's your first on waivers though cheer up you drafted to did you have you been near this and then he was trying to figure out who to pick and he he ran out of time so it auto drafted him the Cleveland defense like in the eighth [Music] round oh Chris over at Buck city was bidding on an xrc and thought he was looking at Zack Wilson dropped 11k on a Kyle pits one of1 then Panini screwed up so there were 10 101s printed arguably worse than yeah drafting two tight ends see arguably arguably oh geez so yeah I'm still missing addresses uh two addresses one for subzero and one for Braden so and again I have one address but I'm not sure I guess I can reply to the email right you know your screen name not sure I dread the day you're both in a pissy mood I am a positive outlook person I am a glass half full I have never been in a pissy mood a day in my life my oldest son can attest to the fact there always a ray of freaking Sunshine get up your boots I'm trying to get out of this [ __ ] I'm stepan oh yeah we're I keep forgetting we're on a kid show choke does that to me sometimes you know what really burns my ass a fire about this high that was funny a fire about this High get it burns my ass great Chuck great dad joke Chuck you know what burns my ass Cleveland defense in the in the 12 and two tight ends oh somebody drafted Co KET that's the first time I've seen that today I got something else Che you up buddy oh it's my turn there are two months of hold out videos that prove you can be pissy Chuck yeah that's let me let let me know when you're when you're done not can sure you up hold on is there any more tight ends available I'm drafted Trevor Lawrence I got some autographed cards of that guy here you go buddy Merry [Music] [Applause] Christmas that Burger King Wi-Fi could put you in a foul mood LOL I do get a little pissy on mail days when I only get 24 out of the 25 card stack just sha my height a [Laughter] [Music] bit 15 pcks and eight pcks I got some time here oh my oh you got some [Music] time he's seen the way you work that funicle [Laughter] buddy I'm about to go get another one it's pretty tasty hey you need to order the pizza he said we were having pizza tonight H who said that you did I don't recall ever saying such a thing that was until I dropped in two tight ends Chuck now we eating ramen [Laughter] noodles that's the way stuff goes sometimes hey guys let me get your opinion on a Redemption I got it's a Travis Kelce 25 out of Illusions I've been waiting 3 years should I keep waiting or replace it what is it Travis Kelce 25 out of Illusions he's been waiting three years should he keep waiting oh yeah no get a replacement before that place burns down get a replacement and it's burning actively now the basement is on fire right like get out while you can yeah like I barely saw Ed eat the fudge sickle it was gone so fast well I'll try to give you a replay here in a while let's have a race who could down a footle faster no I like to enjoy my footle off the rails man just keeps on coming only if you're paying attention 130 230 334 3 hours that's our that's our Max a wish sandwich too slice of bread and wish you had some meat in there absolutely that's right what do you want for nothing A Biscuit you know about a Rubber Biscuit Jonathan G lover Liam that of drink ice want me want me mies you a drink buddy no I'm good thank you are you sure yep you look like you're having a rough day I'm fine two tight ends in a bucket [ __ ] oh wait kid joke go joke somebody's got to keep this thing uh your 2019 contenders box sitting in the back got me interested I bought a fotl box and pulled the fotl Red Zone variation Kyler Murray onard Auto on his way to PSA I just pulled a big Kyler numbered Auto out of that myself uh still got in the stack over there waiting to go to PSA someday or never Jonathan G lover without Googling type in there right now what is the license plate of the Bluesmobile what's the license play to the blues mobile put it in there I'm waiting trying to test me on some Blues Brothers son oh tank Bigby is still available you better think about what you're saying you better think about the consequences of your actions oh shut up woman you [Music] better out what mean so totally suck to me Su to there it is bdr529 Charles Gra I knew it was in there that is correct sir Dave has fans two tight ends is the license hold on hold on now I got to focus serious business Happening Here is anybody G to catch any passes in Cleveland I mean last I saw desan Watson can't even throw the football I don't even know like Jerry Judy used to be an athletic dude but I worry about anybody Cleveland with Sean Watson be throwing that thing left and right and just draft back drone hey you got 10 seconds man oh yeah I guess I better draft him then [Laughter] [Music] huh dudy dudy dudy that might turn out to be a decent pick if if who's des's backup who's some I think DTR h DTR I mean I don't know I only watched a couple Cleveland games last year but it was like dude deshaan Watson like who's your most hated team in the NFL mine's Cleveland they even hate them more than the Cowboys and Falcons yeah Packers Packers are I mean you know we're Bears fans that's kind of how it goes oh what slab Club somebody asked about a slab Club up there I don't know where the only essay that gets done around here is atsa that's right I should I should have sent that Kyler out to PSA though because once he takes my league to the promised land uh he's getting ready to go had a nightmare that I drafted backtack tight ends in the fifth and sixth round got worse I took the Browns defense can you imagine if that was real I hate when that happens you remember the Roshan I showed you on Twitter uh not sure not sure Scott that dear how much per car to get them SSA slabbed NSA slab well it's either two way you know how like you know you get the you get the black label for a Becket 10 you get the uh uh the little eggplant sticker pinched over the top of the card if it's a if it's an NSA 10 otherwise you just get the silver sport it had a sick patch on I kind of remember that I don't know we get a lot of we get a lot of stuff yeah lot of pictures and emails and chats and whatnot that's why I usually can't keep it straight that's why usually on these live drafts we ask to send it just to the email because otherwise we get all over the place right it's hard to track it's too many different social medias and all that J Jonathan G speaking of that was anybody in the chat that saw our Instagram live last night no nobody mentioned like nobody mentioned it like it completely different audience yeah nobody mentioned that uh we went live on Instagram last night oh yeah graceful Saint was there yes I yep yep yep uh hey Jonathan G lover I got an email with your address but I I did you did you order an autograph card I didn't have that on the list oh it's coming your way in coming mail day what is apparently a Roshan with the sick patch oh oh man unreal I'm telling you bro just wants you to [Laughter] visit I got any tight ends in this league [Laughter] yet oh Mark Andrews just went before me I can't get two of them then I guess W off Jared Subzero yeah Subzero I I I I need an address for you Subzero and Braden Ward yeah Braden and Subzero I still need addresses I'm feel bad feel bad they're little cheater glasses uh uh Guinness what Ginsu Ginsu Master Dan oh Ginsu Master Dan Ginsu remember that they never go dull you know that [Laughter] heard thanks thanks Charles there you go might be a little much sending you to luck and love from London England Chuck's Army frantic fixer London Town frantic Mark Sho sorry Ed had to take the tight end there that's what happened to your tight end we do have we do have a lot of I'm doubling down on Kyle [Laughter] Pitts and then right behind him with scary Terry UK representing yeah huh and a bears and Cubs fan I like it all right why this got a stack of armal opes and a stack of stamps and a stack of Chads the Chad train slowed down that's another way to uh distract Ed from from his draft it reminds me there's another one going on still in there oh your turn 35 [Laughter] seconds go Andy Ed you're picking in League two let me get my guy Cairo [Music] Santos oh did I draft two kickers too well that's the two tight end League bejan Pacho auk lamback Andrews pittz Godwin Christian Watson Jerome Ford Jameson Williams J M I could win with that League watch out now the two tight end league is coming for you remember this in January whenever we do the live David Kane love the content and the banter watching in Lincoln Illinois oh hi David Kane and we are down to the last League huh yeah still 150 viewers unbelievable three hours deep into this nonsense Ed went from crying to delusional I got got a shot watch out now it's All About Management It's All About Management draft for show and manage for D that what they say no sure buddy right I got to get these off to graceful Saint we got to get this off to wook this goes into Steelers team pack and I need an address from Subzero and bradden uh here now I got to figure out how to get rid of new rated Rook rated rookie I've got I've got whoa whoa whoa whoa slow down what on there I don't know volume uh let's see now I think D hey Chuck put some casc cards me out of Ed pile I would but I already sealed up your envelope Paul Ed's relationship status in love with football yeah uh I don't think we need to see what Jimmy shine's last pick is do we which Bears player has scored the most points in a Super [Music] Bowl oh has scored the most points there we go well we back in Action there we go switched it up look at there I'm getting pretty handy with this thing I can't be Butthead right because I mean that's which what is 14 points it is butthead all right that's what I was going to say but I thought it was going to be a trick question oh your silver sport light just turned on I know it's been on has it mhm just changes colors oh Liam wow a little dagger there Liam I'm sorry well who is the last person from Lincoln Illinois Lincoln annoy that's not true cuz early on uh I was reading about uh who was is it Michaela from uh South Dakota uh Lincoln Illinois Lincoln is in Logan County Illinois uh is the only town in the US named for Abraham Lincoln before he became president officially named August 27th 1853 in an unusual ceremony Abraham Lincoln having assisted with the plating of the town in working for Council for the new L Chicago Mississippi railroad which led to his funding was asked to participate in a naming ceremony for the how about that Lincoln Illinois depressing facts about shreport sh Port that's one of them big towns I don't know anything oh the cport Discovery Center features an IMAX Dome and Hands-On science experiment exhibits riverboat casinos dot the Red River surrounded by Gardens and trails RW Norton Art Gallery displays paintings sculpture and rare books in treport Louisiana look up when when when oh Crockett Crockett California hey help me out with this look up uh W wachi Washington you heard me uh Wen what it say w n a t c h e w n w n a t c h Crockett California in Contra Costa County population of 394 at a 2010 census 28 miles Northeast of San Francisco he uh it was a Sugar Town take for that what you will Crockett California uh the Bailey Art Museum work features the work of internationally acclaimed sculptor Kayton Bailey notable people Aldo Ray and Dino Waldren professional rugby player with the United States National Rugby Union team Dino Waldren from Crockett California uh uh you guys watch the new heights podcast cuz the episode they filmed in London was filmed at the bar I work at no I don't know the new heights podcast oh geez Ed's got another fudge cicle look up S oh did you look up wache Washington god dog it give the kid one job wheni Washington I guess that's the kind of the limit people could only handle uh three hours three hours winachi Washington where oh I'm sorry wachi wachi wachi Washington Glenn O'Neal is asking what's the prize for winning Fantasy Football are you in the are you in the league Glenn um if you look back in our Channel last year we did like a $5,000 break so basically first place we'll get a big box second place we'll get a medium box and third place we'll get a like a $300 box I think last year it was prism was it prism I think it was prism Mosaic first off the line and uh Pini one for the three prizes for each league first second and third but I don't know what the boxes are yet because I got to find the right deals so I'm still looking uh Chris Deo member of the heavy metal band Queens Reich was born in uh wachi Washington Dan Hamilton lead singer for Hamilton Joe Joe Franken Reynolds was raised there uh norin Nash Heidi Shrek Kurt scholes Mr Saxon drafting another League careful not to draft two tight ends oh Mr saxon's out oh oh still here yeah and drafted in another League yeah hobby boxes are ripped not shipped yeah cuz we kind of make another live show of it oh yeah Saxon pulled a one1 yeah right what's going on here John's optimal team has JN been autod drafting this whole time how can you tell because he hasn't changed his team name so I don't know if he's even here right oh man too much fun man Misty Hyman with javante Isle of Wright England isn't that where they have the uh what's the motorcycle race is of white oh that's the aisle of man right where they have the motorcycle race I support the FP Union at popsico Association manufacturers oh press good Valley's nice yeah Rusk Valley's nice yeah Isle of wiped Isle of wiped that sounds a little racist no I've heard of it Isle of white is an island English County and unitary Authority in the English Channel 2 to 5 miles off the coast of Hampshire across solent it is the largest and second most populous island in England referred to as the island by residence the island white I need those glasses have been popular today since the Victorian times yeah look at that oldest records that give a name for the aisle of white are from the Roman Empire Cent later where's the famous people from the aisle of white settlements industry and agriculture breweries Services culture language and dialect music landmarks prisons oh the aisle of white is near the densely populated South England yet separated from the M this position LED it to hosting three prisons Albany Camp Hill and Parkhurst notable people who are these people I never heard of murderer Michael Mory that's a famous person oh 17th century there you go hville draft a tight end just be careful in the next round don't forget you drafted one 20th century and onwards Keegan Brown Helen CLA Sarah close I don't know any of these people UFA Fox oh Bear Grills you like that guy don't you bear GRS or whatever it is yeah you told me about that guy tried to get me to watch some TV show I don't recall that band wet leg who's heard of the band wet leg a British indie rock group from the aisle of white wet leg oh look at Wet leg okay I see you wet leg that's interesting leg oh some of wet legs uh songs Chase Lou Chase Lounge wet dream too late now oh no your mom oh can we hear your mom how do you leg h anybody heard a wet leg it's raining in Phoenix really of course I'm missing it what leg is what Ed had after drafting two tight [Laughter] ends I got Deontay Johnson in all three leagues I think yeah that sounds like some British Indie pop sorry wet leg uh what else we got what leg are quite popular in the UK oh well do we need any more tight ends in this [Laughter] league how about some facts in the neighboring town of Pennsylvania called blue ball oh oh my my oh Jrock beans for breakfast frantic fixer if you're not a wet leg fan then uh oh I like my music loud and heavy well Seth music's got something for you then the new uh silver sport uh don't get an itchy tight end finger here we go this is as like his music's loud and heavy I don't know if they can hear that expect to be that's a yeah little little theme music Seth music put together for us demonetized can't be demonetized that's original music original content that's original content that's our uh when's our secret super secret fourth League drafting yeah I got another draft tomorrow in the TCG Brothers League that's the Dual quarterback one way different oh yeah Seth music there frantic fixer he was in here earlier he uh he put together a couple of couple of songs for us right there mhm get a little Burpee from them fudge cicles oh look at the quarterbacks flying out Dak went in the eighth round in this draft and I think he was well I don't know I guess it's where he was going on the other ones too yes the Chad Ryland song guy yep yep same guy same guy same guy all original let's get out of this terrible sandwich shop is a great band let's get out of this terrible sandwich no you looking at my draft score score for the second one I got a B in the second one D+ in the first one but the two tight end draft I got a B oh did you find my card yet oh Will Greer invester I haven't what uh where is that optic Will Greer he wanted us to sign it's got to be around here somewhere I would have I don't know you to look through all that stuff oh this is the one that that kid wanted to sign up yeah yeah we got to do these too yeah my name is Jack and I'm 11 years old I love sports card can you please sign these but you get to keep one oh yeah uh I'm keeping woke up feeling dangerous offering me tank Dell for Mark Andrews what I tell you I told you didn't I say that I'm going have to evaluate that later I don't know if Tank's going to quite cut it tank is a bit of a beast though we do like some tank around here I should go pick a random box off a Ed shelf what go pick y I know those towns are real jrod I was going to get to it but I got some of this business too I'm G to keep the yanis there Jake which card do you want you want Jah James Jaylen or Kevin hter Jake said we could keep one each and sign the rest and send them back okay you you couldn't keep that one so all right jack we're going to sign these for you real quick we'll get these I'll put these in an envelope send these back to Jack got your red pen there I do all right sign those get those back to Jack oh oh this this uh it's like separating off the car do you see that oh yeah there you go it's a little better no it's still like it writes fine and then it like dries weird yeah strange give me the black one for the other two oh oh it's just no he said we get to keep one see can you please sign these when you get to keep one oh thanks Jack thanks Jack not going anywhere oh what do we got damn boy still going strong yeah oh Josh left for two hours came back we SP like five minutes ago we just talking to you Josh the VR video is great if you haven't seen it Z kid show uh oh uh yeah do you want to resign that in Black shreds in I got a D+ though that's right D+ you want to resign these in black for the kid or did it just oh did you just wipe it off I know I haven't touched it that's way it just like dried yeah try that again there you go go there you go now it's all scribbled on like two colors and yeah I'm sure Jack don't even probably remember sending us these man that was back in uh a couple months ago yeah oh what do we got Chase Brown coming off who else we got left up here all these have one sleeve one top loader huh fat sleeve yep got a fat top loader here nope no no not too many video Shenanigans for this weekend kind a short trip and yeah uh we've only recorded one other video that you guys will see tomorrow we'll see if uh we slide in another one at some point but we knew we were going to be live today for four or five hours so yeah and then all my good stuff ain't come in yet of course till after Chuck gets you know has to leave so probably be recording all that stuff late next week into the weekend try and get it out composite select all the good stuff on the way y oh got the wrong can't see what's going on up here oh man it's this 12th positions killer man it's like forever between I could have used that on the first and the second league where like everybody getting drafted in between what you say Chuck you were ordering pizza I here and I know how particular you are about your pizza 's got middle of the week Pizza he's got weekend Pizza he's got guest pizza and he's got I don't really like you but so I'm going to suck it up eat this crap Pizza cuz I want to make you eat this crap pizza too [Laughter] dominoes I just finished my draft and Ed is still drafting yeah this my third League man all right so this is going to oh Liam's gota call gota work in four hours catch up with the rest of the stream during the break all right Liam uh yeah get you some rest man hey I was going to ask you you know I see all this stuff on Twitter about you know London burning down over there is is that is that accurate or is that just stuff we see on Twitter is it normal over there and it somebody just making a big deal out of it online I guess is what I'm trying to figure out or is it actually a dumpster fire like California blown out of proportion yeah yeah yeah sounds legit that's what I figured somehow I knew Ed played the mouth organ and the harmonica he said and the [Laughter] harmonica London is actually Minnesota ah I'm out all right Liam night night all right Liam appreciate you man oh cuz I live and work in London what way I don't understand what he's asking franic pixer he's asking what you mean well there's just there's all kinds of stuff about uh you know chaos protests immigrants uh crime like you ain't sitting on all that I know London's always been a bit of a uh you know I've been there a few times there's seems like every time I've been there there's somebody's protesting something right but all right I don't know it's a really nice place right I I uh I enjoyed to go there and visiting there a couple times but seems like I see a lot on Twitter about well maybe it was really not much this week it was really a couple weeks ago I think we saw where it was getting all crazy the bridge is in America it's in uh it's in Arizona actually yeah been there too been to both oh this guy you left a sticky here that Nick wanted us to sign these cards and send them back to him but I don't have an address to go with him yeah I don't know either it's a problem Chuck yeah the Smart Ones prepackage that stuff all up and make it Eddie proof yeah like 11-year-old Jack 11-year-old Jack he put the note in there toally bribed us with two cards said you can keep one each send me the rest back good job Jack that's done we don't know we don't know who Nick is and we still need an address from Subzero and bradden oh man my iPad's dying yeah did you order pizza no I did not Chuck I've been sitting here with you well no you haven't you've been running out there I've been hearing that door open and closed a few times [Laughter] too honestly it ain't as bad as Twitter makes it out to be there you go yeah it's a bit of a political hot bed at the moment but honestly it ain't as bad as Twitter makes it up yeah sounds legit yeah oh look at Ed and his political talk now we're down to 120 viewers good one Ed I was just curious I mean I don't know too many people from London you know I mean like gota got to take the opportunity to ask when you got yeah I wasn't slinging anything just I really want to call Chuck Junior Jr back but it's been like three hours Chuck Junior junr if you're watching the live stream give me a call back buddy any more rounds you got in here round nine what parlay you put together for opening week yeah uh we got to do that too we got to do that I wanted to do some season long ones you know they got a bunch of those but we got to look at that look that up make some bets on some you know over unders on receiving yards rushing yards wins losses you know Bears to go 10 get 10 wins all that good stuff right yeah yeah well that's right we did go live right week one with our picks London KY was yeah I think I think we did yeah London Kentucky oh I got to excuse me for a moment Excuse me while I whip this out people are more friendly there just like Chicago yeah sounds legit oh I'm up for e e oh got quiet in here all of sudden all right there we go Chuck get Juju Smith Shuster yeah Jordan Addison suspended for half the season is he oh jeez probably so let me see Addison joins the Vikings the first round pick quickly five TDS the Vikings figure more played his two year two there's also an offseason DWI arrest lingering over Addison I'll be it with the Poss possibility of a suspension wouldn't come until 2025th Sher I'm not even in this league yeah is the most dead look I've ever seen of a fellow looking at a computer screen yeah that's that's said what it's weird how quiet it gets when Chuck leaves the room yeah he's the mouth of the operation oh oh Aiden biet it's he's putting people's yeah sorry putting people's stuff all over the Internet chuck all over the inter as he likes to say all right what do we got chat's kind of calm in here I got some time I got 18 picks to go or something till my next 21 picks even more which QB did I get uh Jaylen Herz appreciate it here's me right here along the end Garrett Wilson Derrik Henry James Cook Jaylen Herz Kyle pittz Terry mclen Deontay Johnson BR Rob Jordan Addison and chuba HT got a tight end got a quarterback but I don't have two tight ends yeah they do tend to catch some charges you're you're not kidding there guess that's what happens when you're 22 23 years old with too much money like you catch some charges sometimes what oh will G buer says if NFL WS could catch footballs like they catch charges oh yeah too much money and uh too young right there's another one of our guys from high school is out there uh fighting his way playing some college football too so yeah it's it's awesome man watching all these kids now spreading across country doing their thing Chuck it's 1795 Callin your Spurs oh oh oh J polist your belly you yellow Billy Ryland your Spurs are polished you yellow Billy Ryland chuck chuck with his mid90s ring to that's what they're talking about the old used to actually sound like that yeah they're doing a fundraiser saw the text well that's just the link for the team information where's the oh no there it is bears over eight and a half or nine and a half wins on most most book I think I definitely like the over eight and a half yeah yeah me too me too I'm I got ,000 on Bears over eight and a half right now you ain't got a hair on your ass I'll put that in right now I can't cuz we're in your stupid state yeah see burning burning down just like I told you yep it won't even let me look at it while I'm here Addison should have just told the cop it was a only 17 more rounds to go location not verified that's lame frantic fixer I'm old enough to know what the phone sounded like yeah no joke man that's how it sounded the one that hung on the wall and then you know when I when I was young you probably had it the same way the the version of a cordless phone was go get one of them 20 foot coils that's right you can run across the room with talking on the other side of the room that was a cordless phone back in the day back in the 90s mid 90s you know maybe that was early 90s that might have been that might have been late 80s Ed it might have been late 80s there's a big difference between late ' 80s Ed and mid90s Ed like that fine line between Saturday night and Sunday morning late 80s Ed was no punk either though I tell [Laughter] you oh jeez yeah I'm with Josh I'm I'm about done my dang s yeah You' think they'd have like people driving them around instead of driving around Maserati drunk at night right like yeah CU I was born in 92 rantic fixer born in 92 I thought I was the young pup of the group dang Josh says at my age I wish it was old enough I was old enough to retire now I'm just tired yeah that's what I said me too man yeah Eddie's got 12 more weeks I'm older than Ed who knew that was possible work work work work work yeah I mean that's kind of the way it is now man like way it's always been right like work till work till you pushing up daisies they keep pushing back Social Security and everything else they was going to give you so you can retire yep and hoping you'll just go to the grave and they can spend your money elsewhere I'm tired of your dirty old sidewalks Ed that DD214 in 8 months I'll get it before that Josh you get them early now if you do the paperwork ahead of time which I'm still not done with but I could be like I can turn it in now and I think you get it back Dennis clay 61 all right you got me beat Dennis yeah yeah you got me yeah all y'all got me beat I'm a young buck yeah oh yeah I'm taking three months a terminal uh Josh three months like 80 80 Days oh Josh is 88 1988 yeah Josh's Young Buck too yeah what's going on with the draft here boy it's like 22 picks in between my we now I'm now I'm now I'm bored right I'm ready to sign cards I don't have what I'm saying too I got a stack full of armal opes I got the tape I got the Chad Ryland but we're all chatted out I've drafted at least 16 tight ends between the three leagues I'm all set right like oh Mark shu's turning a big 40 oh yeah oh Cooper born in the 2000s yeah you are the Young Buck Cooper who knew this was a retirement community yeah we should all find some big old plot of land in Florida and move there and make it a card imunity make it a card imunity I like it the silver sport card munity ripping packs and trading cards in the everyone gets 160 Square F feet to call their own yeah 160 square feet J's generous isn't he holy cow silverport Bingo [Laughter] League look at all the viewers going down all the Young Bucks are like oh [ __ ] there a bunch of old people I mean now it's it's pretty uh it's pretty slow now right like people are taking their like I don't know what's going on but there's like everybody's taking their sweet time in here too oh Rico dle well there's only four more rounds too so I think all the meat's off the bone right like yeah four more rounds four more rounds what are you do who you trading you need a tight end Ed's got a few I wonder if I should tank trade tank tank Dell for uh oh Mr Saxon I think we're out of uh I think we're out of Yin all we got is Chad Ryland yangs left I don't think we have any more Brandon aubre yeah Andy K bener since the start yeah he is Steel City 10 born in 98 my job made me feel like I was bornn in 70 oh Ed was born in 70 so so there you go [Laughter] stop yeah it's getting hard right go get you some ice cream Chuck per back up all the meat is off the bone kale Williams oh yeah Chad was dropped by the Patriots a couple weeks ago yeah yeah oh Frankie the fixer yeah if you feel like making a donation of any type to the channel we'll get you off an autograph Chad uh chucking chucking Ed Chad autograph and then uh just shoot me an email and uh away we go I got one ready for you right here not Frankie to fixer what is did did you show him your stamps Chuck I did show him my stamps yes Chuck bought a whole book of extra Beck stamps just for this yeah just for this he knew it was coming baby in the 80s a kid in the 90s a teen in the 2000s young adult in the 2010s and fed up in the 2020s yeah that'll do it that'll do it nice word satell Chuck I thought camela Harris had taken over you know he's un he's unburdened by what has been Oh Ship internationally yeah that might be a problem there Franky to fix her yeah I don't think this I don't think the Alex TC stamps go International yeah Alex TC ain't got it like that but for a small fee we can do a digital version and email it to you what is it called blockchain we can do a blockchain card scanned in black and white that's right silver sport style oh jeez oh it's my turn oh it's your turn let's see who drafted what oh man is this the league you took you already got the do Sumo cards have gain warn no unfortunately they don't but there is a guy um in uh a Facebook group that I'm a member of for Sumo card collectors he gets the cloth uh he gets like a a bolt of cloth that they make their yukatas from you know they're kind of big kind of things and he makes his own custom uh mem cards they're actually pretty cool I got a few of them from pick a punter says Steel City Dan Blake Corum yeah Blake Corum still available isn't he like the third running back in LA or [Laughter] something you'd have to pay extra for the Sumo skid mark I got the skid mark parallel the super short print dang slim picking out here 20 seconds man 20 seconds bonx [Music] bonx 10 seconds eight seven well you sure like that pretty boy Trevor Lawrence don't you you've picked him in every League haven't you to he's just there cuz there's like nobody else that's really enticing at this point it's like Nick you're digging deep Adam Thelen got a one- one of that guy yeah Ed is the Cleveland defense still available oh it's your turn to draft I know oh jeez I'm well aware Chuck thanks Blake gorum take Adam thel already kamani Vidal Los Angeles clip ERS Roshan's on the board tank bigsby's on the board dang it's it's SL yeah but I'm laughing because I took the Cleveland defense by choice anded let it autodraft the Cleveland defense for him do I try Blake Corum is he do supposed to do anything yeah that's what said I mean he's a national champion right but tough as Nails hard Runner they usually get hurt in the NFL but I'll take a swing at them anyway they don't last long like that in the NFL right like going to get them going to go up against them boys uh yeah that's a weird that's a weird turn there I had I would lik Caleb Williams oh he went in the 11th he went in the eighth or ninth round on the last draft yeah went 11th this time not as many Bears fans I'd like to pick him up right there instead of Trevor Lawrence but he wasn't available I mean the girls aren't going to be back for a while right so I mean we we're on our own find something to eat after this I'm pretty sure yeah what we going to eat I don't know Bo Nicks is GNA make your Cleveland defense look like preschool flag footballers yeah said No rookie quarterback ever to the Cleveland defense week one right like oh I think you'll find that uh everything looks cool in preseason till it's coming at you live this is going to the Steelers yeah TM Hill is a tight end in a quarterback yeah I know I was I was looking at him you better take MC Jones a backup because we all know Trevor's gonna get hurt at some point oh Mr Sax vote for pizza Ed's usually all over to Pizza he's a yeah we have pizza are we getting it from the the guest pizza place or we getting it from the shut up and eat your pie p i don't know I haven't decided [Laughter] yet depends on how many tight ends I [Laughter] draft how many you got in this one uh just one oh just one Kyle Pitts ever disappointing uh wouldn't he like a first round pick or a second round pick for like three years in a row never produced yeah every day when I leave the house I'll say let's bow I don't think so [Laughter] buddy buy up those Mac Jones rookie cards again for when he comes back who's Mac Jones backing up now where's he at Trevor Lawrence he's in Jacksonville oh there you go I got a lot of nice Mac Jones rookie cars I'm I'm ready for him to make a Resurgence just give me two weeks of solid play I can get rid of them jokers he wasn't the major problem in New England yeah no doubt I mean they were kind of a dumpster fire right all together two and a half monsters deep and I'm having chest pains that's usually what happens Chuck I told you not to have another one you didn't listen hope B goes off so your 101 value goes up yeah I don't know why I drafted Blake Corum I gotta see what this what do they say about this guy 58205 the number two bigger than Williams not to mention much faster and quicker yep oh good draft good draft likeit Corin where's he been all my life golly 22 picks it would have been really nice if like the second league was where I had the 12th pick you know what I mean where it was like yeah you can manage both ends and like you get like 30 it's like 30 minutes I don't know what's taking people so long oh Paul Davy says he's got to go all right Paul well I got your envelope all ready to go thanks for hanging with us really appreciate it yeah yes thank you what a dang live stream man we're pushing four hours four hours yeah it's kind of crazy we've been live for a good hot minute y what are you doing here just checking it out why does it say go live did you just shut it off no did it's live see in the corner there's a picture of the yeah Peak was 250 we really didn't start dropping till 5 o' 4:30 3 o' 3:00 H 2:45 yeah I mean you know people got stuff to do you can't hang out here for 4 hours right I'm so glad superport doesn't do whatnot most of the YouTubers who do whatnot basically uses YouTube as their whatnot commercials yeah I I don't know man like I mean I don't know I don't know much about whatnot at all right so I think there's a lot of people in the community here who like it I hear people talk about it all the time in these chats but all right Sly thank you very much too thank you Sly off like a prom dress hey uh hvv cards how is that Zach be I always see commercials for them but I'm not I'm never like in a region that has them I always want to try it though the commercials work Wonders on me what's what's Zach be a chicken joint isn't it oh it's getting cold we'll eat it put your shirt back on and then eat it put your shirt [Laughter] go keep that shirt off get start dripping that chicken grease see then send chick a new pck oh grease off the dang [Laughter] rails I saw some Hesters come out of there Auto yeah I'm looking forward to that composite as well too right uh but now it's like the secondary market up like 45500 a box come on man well they did it right they sent out them Juiced boxes early got it all over to Twitter and the Instagram and the YouTube you know what we got some time so we might as well talk about that you know uh every big influencer pulled a massive card out of like the basketball was it the basketball everybody pulled a wimy yep everybody pulled a like all on the same day on release day all of them pulled a big wmy Auto some of them huge one was like 5K right like yeah but chuck if I and I have subscribed to this theory of Panini for a long time too I think it's still the first pallette it's called marketing yeah the first first pallet you send out especially nowadays with all the everybody records their stuff right and posts it on Twitter posts it's marketing free marketing yeah so you just load the first pallet uh dump all the good stuff in there and then everybody will buy up all the boxes with nothing in them and won't be mad till after you sold out all your stock right like so I mean it makes sense but maybe uh there's only four rookies in that composite right the rest is like old vets so they're all $20 cards all the autos and hopefully you get one of those four guys which makes up for a lot of for a lot right if it's one of the four rookie quarterback you haven't been able to get anywhere else but yeah yeah that's kind of my take on that hole but I'm I'm still looking forward to it uh I get it we all get it it's just your business do what you do right but yeah yeah but man it'd be nice to get him be able to get him for 289 without people flipping them and uh doubling them up but such as supply and demand yeah I think it'll be fun yeah it looks like a fun rip yeah that's I think it'll be fun and you know me I like hitting them them uh vet Autos I mean you know Hall of Famers and just you know guys that you know made a name I I like hitting those compared to Clayton ton and the Gang you know yeah Brian Dawkins out of 25 player War patch Auto yeah you know that's that's freaking awesome it is like a fishing show you only see the Biggins right up Chuck's alley with the older players yeah see I that's oh I'm up oh TJ riffle that's a new name you know a TJ riffle yeah TJ riffle hey who took Chicago's defense [Laughter] and why would you do such a thing it's like you're taking the Cleveland defense that's just douchy we got the Miami defense I don't know how good they are Miami defense Buffalo defense take the Green Bay defense they played a bears twice a year doesn't Buffalo give up a whole bunch of really defense def yeah upper deck is nice that's a and and while I'm chasing these 10,000 Bears cards I really like coming across the upper deck ones oh Anno ano's back take the bills didn't he annoo left like two hours ago to go do his draft Yeah Dicker the kicker Cairo Santos in all three leagues that's my one bear so I can make sure I know what the schedule is and who they're playing this week I avoid all draft Bears draft Talent learned that early on in my fantasy uh oh my goodness oh there's still a round left I just trapped those guys around too early I thought it was the end I thought was all the way down well now somebody take Chicago over here oh yeah Gary's glorious team yeah you got the last pick in the last League yeah you have to take Chad Ry oh yeah you you have to close it out with Chad R who's gonna be Mr Irrelevant for league three for the whole night it's the last pick of the third draft you have to take Chad there he's right there you CE him up the legend of Chad Ryland I don't know if I can do it come on I can't just throw stuff away really Mr two tight ends in a defense yeah no I will I'll draft him and then I'm gonna have to drop him and everybody's gonna tuck smack for and dropping them Chad shell rise that's right so appropo that it was the Phoenix card that really turned us on to Chad and Like a Phoenix Chad will rise again From the Ashes and you will feel his Fury what is it how did that speech go I am My Brother's Keeper come on somebody fill me in here the pp fiction speech I just thought it was some badass to say to him before I shot him yeah oh this could be a while with great V in furier you know my name's the Lord when I strike my Vengeance down on the I'm hungry for some pizza oh you want to watch some uh some uh Hard Knocks after this I still haven't watched the second half of the second episode or the third episode goodness I heard the third episode was kind of a me look Denver oh smart play pick it up TJ Hawks and throw him on your IR yeah Ryland probably will end up on the the Ottawa Rough Riders or no they're just iskatu and Rough Riders and the uh I don't know man I don't know if D was missing a lot of kicks he might be off a little weight left to right you know what I'm saying like he was missing a lot of kicks jeez but you got to say you can't be mad you you you made the NFL for a year yeah right no Dam can't be upset at that you took your shot and you and you made the best of it that you could right sometimes the the dice don't roll your way and you draft two tight ends back to back there it is Yoda what there's the speech I was looking for path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the iniquities of the selfish and tyranny of evil men blessed is he for who in the name of Charity and goodwi Shepherds the weak [Laughter] through I don't know the rest USC oh there's a football game on too there you go USC LSU that's a good one we watched that one yeah take Justin Fields is this Justin fields or uh I'm at the game right now as we speak gustavo's at the game no watching us what the heck gustavo's a baller oh will Levis in the last round smart play I like that I kind of messed up my fantasy drafts this year I think 75 bucks a ticket had to check in one time you guys in this fantasy Ed is in this in the third League Ed is in the second league and Ed and I are in the the first League hi Carlo good evening Carlo 75 bucks a ticket yeah this is me over here Carlo mid90s Ed mid90s Ed it's not a bad Squad up top gets a little shaky to lower you go but I think with everything like all of these guys there there's a lot of talent in this draft so I think you could feel good about your team pretty much at any one of these you know any one of these probably feels good about their team after the draft there's the rest of the speech the valley of darkness for he is truly his brother's keeper and I will strike down upon thee with great Vengeance and Furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers and you will know my name is the Lord Pizza is coming from Chuck's Chad Dead Oh from Chuck E cheese du to Chuck's dead yeah anded you need to back up tight end yeah I do I do good good call followed by rapid gunfire nice Yoda let's see do I got any good tight ends in here thought you got Chad queued up Chong quote he was all the rage a couple years ago Zach HS does nothing but catch touchdowns wax rippers are you out wax out wax Outlast oh my goodness hey take that star off of that one and put it back on Chad [Laughter] oh oh it was in San Diego last weekend went to a Padre's game and then a Burbank card show I wanted to do that last weekend too you know as well as I do Chad ain't going to be available at the last pick of the draft oh you think Gino Smith Super Fan is going to snipe Chad from you or struggle snuggles my money's on struggle snuggles if anyone's going to grab a Chad it's going to be struggle snuggles well fortunately since I had him star somebody else drafted him he's gone now a he that's what happens when you draw attention to it Jun I didn't tell you to Star you're like oh I'm going to take that star off of him drafted Oh all right graceful Saint thank you very much for you hanging out the whole time and caught our Instagram live that's uh not too many folks can say that thank you very much oh yeah that's graceful is 10 of1 I gotta I should have been drawing the Saints thing all this whole time oh dang it oh you're on the clock take Chad Ryland uh yeah I'm trying to figure out 45 seconds 35 seconds where did you see Dy at chat oh hille said Jerry Judy 10 seconds Man 10 seconds Jaylen tolber breakout season this year so Jerry Judy oh yeah Tolbert I got a nice card to that guy hope he does break out and there we go that's it man it's Vito three leagues drafted in four hours and there's the phone call yeah and there's Chuck Jun he knew it was over I think that's our queue hey appreciate all of you hanging out with us U thank you very much it was a ton of fun appreciate all the support see some videos from us this week with some good stuff hopefully and definitely some good stuff next weekend what'd he say all right bye all right that's that all right he said if you guys are wrapping up stay on the camera and say thank you to all those people thank you people thank you people we'll see you next time go watch some football absolutely again thank you everyone great time

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