Seattle Seahawks release their first depth chart of the 2024 season

Intro this video is brought to you by bet us Sportsbook and casino what's up everybody good evening hope you guys are doing well a little bit later than usual for a video but the Seattle Seahawks just released something pretty significant here and we got to spend some time pulling it apart taking a look at it putting it back together and trying to understand what we're looking at the Seattle Seahawks just released their first depth chart of the 2024 season it's an unofficial depth chart obviously I mean we haven't even played preseason games yet how could they possibly know what their depth chart is actually going to look like but this is likely a snapshot of where the Seahawks see things as of this moment so it's certainly educational it's certainly Illuminating it gives an idea of who they like the most on their team right now and obviously we still have a month plus for that to change we have three preseason games and then we have basically the regular season in five weeks but there's still something to be BetUS learned from this list so we're going to be going through what they've posted up here trying to get an understanding trying to get a feeling for what the Seahawks are seen so far but before we get into that I want to tell you about my friends over at the BET Us online Sportsbook and casino so maybe you're looking at this depth chart and you're thinking to yourself I like this team I think this team is going to be good I think this team is going to overachieve and do better than people expect I even think this team might win the division I think this Seahawks depth chart is good enough to win the NFC West and then you start thinking hey maybe I want to make a wager on that maybe I want a bet on it maybe I feel so confident that I'm willing to put money on it well if you do then I recommend you head over to and check out their many many different ways in which you could take advantage of a feeling like that right now you can go and get plus 700 on the 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so let's just kind of go in order here of the traditional ordering of positions in the NFL quarterback goes Gino Smith Sam Howell PJ Walker nothing surprising there pretty much exactly what any sane person would have expected going into the season I know some people thought Walker might jump over how but um that that's obviously not happening and and I don't think it should happen Howell has NFL experience I'm not scared of him having to play in a game if he needs to so that's as expected and then they go running back we got Ken Walker up front then you've got shanet and then you've got Kenny Macintosh behind him now I don't know if going from side to side and then going down is the right way to read this but I'm thinking that's probably the way in which this is meant to be processed so it seems to me we're going K9 then shanet then MacIntosh and then you go down to the next line vertically and get to George helani so George helani is your fourth string running back and then you've got Kobe Lewis and Curry Robinson so if that is the case then the running back room is going as I expected I expect helani to ultimately be the fourth running back and Kobe and Cur I don't think will make the team or may make the practice squad they split up wide receiver into three different um sections which I actually like so wide receiver we go DK metf Tyler Lockett jsn at the top we all know that and then on the next um column we go Jake Bobo we and then we got DQ young and then you've got uh shanal Jr at least I think that's how we're meant to process this data here I think it goes metf lockit jsn and then Bobo young shenel Jr I think so if that's the case those are your six receivers and then everybody else is probably not going to be able to be fit on the roster because you can only really fit six receivers on the roster unless you're doing something very creative and interesting and different and I don't think we're going to be doing that because we do actually have a decent investment into our tight ends but once you get past that group you've got Cody white who has been looking really good in training camp so far Hayden Hatton Ty Scott you've got esof Winston Jr you've got Marcus Sims and then you've got DS grid if I was to try to put it in order not that I really think it matters because I think everybody I just listed is probably not making the team as of right now it would probably go something like es gridge white atton Scott ESOP Winston Jr Marcus Sims something like that again those are the guys who there's probably no room for but at the end of the day what matters is the top six because those are the guys who actually make the team and I think this lays out a pretty reasonable right now top six tight end we've got Noah Fant followed by Pharaoh Brown and then Tyler ma that's a interesting choice with the ma pick if that is indeed the order we're supposed to be taking this and I think that it is and then after ma we have Brady Russell and then AJ Barner and then Jack Westover so if that is the way this data is meant to be understood then I guess it's not terribly surprising that the two rookies are at the back of the line but the fact that they're not over ma who has been a lifelong practice satter and Brady Russell a guy who basically wasn't able to even get on the field at all last year unless we had a complete emergency well it's uh I mean it's at least notable right I'm not too worried about it once you get this far down your tight end depth chart it doesn't really matter that much but I would say that over the next month AJ Barner should make a push for tight end three if he can't push Russell and may out of the way in the next month I'd be a little bit surprised so that is tight end now we go over to the offensive line here starting with the left tackle Charles cross starting rayquan O'Neal currently listed as the backup which is kind of interesting it's not Stone foresight like I would expect foresight will come up a little bit later in this video and then the guys who probably won't have room on the team would be Max percher and Garrett Greenfield so nothing too radically unexpected there but they're going with O'Neal as the listed backup left tackle over uh Stone foresight which I don't know if that would actually happen in a game if it came to it but it is certainly notable left guard goes lak and Tomlinson then McLendon Curtis then ilm Manning pretty predictable pretty understandable seems about right I will say that there was some anticipation that someone like Bradford or hannes could slide over to left guard even Lumia but on this current chart we don't see that yet it could still happen right now they go Tomlinson Curtis Manning so Manning obviously won't make the team but it sure seems like Curtis well because they like his flexibility uh center now we are waiting on the Connor Williams signing that I still kind of expect to happen at this point but for now we go oluwatimi then Harris the supposed impression of these players out of Camp so far is there isn't a lot separating them and that's not really that good of a thing oluwatimi is not winning the job outright it seems like they're letting Nick Harris show that he might be better or just as good as oluwatimi and neither gu is good enough to drive them off of Connor Williams but that's the depth chart right now for whatever it's worth Olu is in the lead Right Guard we go Anthony Bradford Christian Haynes and then seta lomia so that's pretty strong I do think that Haynes probably takes the starting spot over the next month but for now he is the backup and I don't know what happens to Bradford at that point maybe he bumps over to the left side uh right tackle we got George Fant remember AB Lucas is currently injured He's listed over here in parenthesis to represent the fact that he's currently not playing obviously he will start when he's healthy then you've got George Fant then you've got Stone foresight Michael Geral and Jaylen sundell now Jaylen sundell obviously massive uphill battle to make this team Geral I think we're going to try to squeeze him on but might also have to risk the practice squad I don't know it's possible that when Lucas comes back Fant gets bumped to the backup and then foresight becomes the backup left tackle I'm guessing that's why he's currently listed over here because they need a technical backup and they don't want it to be McLendon Curtis but um it's it's um certainly notable that theyve really come to view foresight as a viable right tackle when I've always viewed foresight if anything as a left tackle so good for him for developing some flexibility for for sure all right so that's the offense that's everything going on on the offense you can get a pretty good idea for who's likely to make the team who's likely to not so let's swing on over to Defense the defense here let's take a look at their depth chart so far and obviously things get a little bit murky here because we don't know exactly what the defense is going to look like but based on what we have here defensive tackle we've got Leonard Williams as the number one you've got Mike Morris behind him and then you've got miles Adams behind him him with Rodney Matthews hanging out on the fringes now Rodney Matthews would you know he'd have to walk on water to make the team probably but Williams Morris Adams that's within expectations I don't know if Adams is going to make the team this year I think that could go one way or the other nose tackle Jonathan henkins Matt goel cam Young and the interesting thing here no jiren Reed jiren Reed not listed as a nose tackle which is what he played last year listed as a defensive end now at the end of the day it doesn't really matter how you're listed it matters how you're used but I do find this notable because jiren Reed is an undersized nose tackle he played well last year but it's very possible and I talked about this before this coaching staff might think that he's just not capable of being a nose tackle in the Mike McDonald defense so maybe they do bump him over if that's the case then Cameron young who is listed here as someone who is currently injured um it's kind of important that he gets back because I don't know if goel can really provide quality NFL reps right now he might just be a permanent practice squad level guy so henkins and young in a rotation is at least workable and then we'll see what's up with Reed but without Cam young henkins is playing way too much and we all know what happens when your defensive lineman play way too much defensive end is jiren Reed and then Byron Murphy the second and then we have two guys behind them uh levelston and pierine that very unlikely they make the team maybe they can make the uh practice squad I guess so again in line with expectations I don't see any need to have Murphy play an excessive amount of football this year we should definitely be taking it chill with him he's very young didn't have a ton of playing experience at Texas if we're being honest um the fact that we only go too deep at this position does make me wonder if a guy like uh miles Adams might be looked at as someone we want to keep because he can kind of play both roles maybe it makes me think we're going to end up picking some up I'm not sure we need to see what this defense ends up looking like so uh I don't want to get too deep into the weeds here on this stuff but it does seem to me that it gets a little bit thin over there especially if Reed can't hold up which he was a better as a nose tackle he was okay so now we get to the linebackers here Rush linebacker they actually have draymont Jones listed at the top and boy MAF listed behind him I don't think that's going to reflect what happens in the regular season but it's very possible that this coaching staff sees something with draymont Jones they really like now we haven't been able to see it for a week cuz he's been hurt for a while now but maybe they go draymont Jones in a kind of utility role that he ends up playing a little bit more than MAF because he's playing all over the place whereas MAF is playing kind of one defined role after MAF we have Taylor then we have Nelson Caesar don't be shocked if those two flip and then we still have onu jogou here but obviously there's not going to be a lot of room for him um and just to jump over to the other side of the linebacker room uh the the Sam linebacker I guess they call it but it's another Rush linebacker at the end of the day nosu is listed at the top Derek Hall is second and then you have sundata Anderson so makes plenty of sense lines up um little bit of lack of clarity on the Jones versus MAF listing but again that could easily flip in the next couple weeks especially if draymont doesn't practice all right inside linebacker we got Dodson and Baker listed at 1 and two Baker by the way missed practice again today I'll say more about that later but um he's still listed here it doesn't seem like the injury is serious behind them right now it goes rigan at Tyrese Knight Pat o Connell Devin Richardson Blake Lynch who was just signed the other day and then Drake Thomas who is currently injured so it gets very thin very quickly because I don't think Tyrese Knight is ready to contribute at the NFL level very much John rigan is mostly a special teamer and then after that it becomes really kind of questionable so it it's not too bad at the top but there is not a lot of depth here okay so that just leaves the secondary now the uh uh defensive secondary we're going to start with the cornerback spots let's just kind of go from left to right we got wither spoon obviously is one of the starting corners and behind him is Trey Brown and then you have Lance boyin sure makes sense and then on the other quarterback spot I'm sorry and then after boyin you have pritchet and you have D Williams I do expect pritchet to jump boyin because pritchett's going to make the team and boyin probably won't but for now boyin takes the top spot he has more experience and I haven't heard a ton about uh pritet in training camp yet so it makes sense um on the other quarterback spot you've got reek woen and then you've got Mike Jackson and then you have Arty Burns and that makes a good amount of sense as well Arty Burns is having a pretty good camp behind him you have DJ James and then Carlton Johnson now I still think that DJ James is going to jump burn and be on the team when the season starts because we spent a pick on him and we like him and he's doing pretty good and burns while he is a good veteran I think just doesn't offer quite enough to stick around unless they do something else kind of exotic like maybe they carry less safeties than usual um maybe they only Carry Three middle linebackers or something I'm not sure exactly what might shake out but it seems to me that those spots are going to be taken by the rookies okay so now we have safety Jenkins in love starting which we all pretty much knew Avon Wallace your third safety right now Kobe Bryant is your fourth safety it's official now by the way we're trying him at safety and that's probably all that's going to make the team for now I do think Jerick Reed will start the season on ir and eventually join up again as like a special teamer um but obviously that's going to come later in the year and then you've got Mars Blair and Ty oata who have uphill battles to make the team uh unlikely they do especially with with how deep they are at cornerback so Special Teams that's the defense now we just have special teams and some of this stuff's really interesting actually Myers is the kicker that's not interesting we know that punter Dixon holders Dixon we knew that long Snappers Chris stole we knew that punt returner and kick returner this might be educational so for punt returns punt returns these are the ones that shouldn't be changing that much this year we go dsgd number one they currently think that drid is the top punt returner D Williams number two a guy who I don't know how he makes the team he will it will be a remarkable job by him if he makes this team and then ESOP Winston Jr in third place so that's how they see things right now now this isn't ideal because esgd I don't think we want him to make the team as a receiver and if he takes a roster spot just for special teams that's not ideal you would want the guy who makes the team as your return man to also be able to do something else for you so they're not just taking up a roster spot for special teams and there's nobody here who I think is likely to make the team for any reasons other than special teams now kick returner on the other hand it's better we have Shanel Jr who I think will make the team or at least could make the team as a receiver esage number two which hey I'm not going to Discount that right if ESD can be our punt returner and kick returner that that's dual value there's something there and then d Williams is your number three kick returner so he's doing both still though I I just don't know how he we have room for him on this team we'd have to get rid of a receiver that we really like probably to make room for him or we'd have to get rid of a cornerback that we really like to make room for him like can we trade somebody like a Trey Brown before the season I I I don't know how exactly that they would make that work but um yeah that's your dep chart so far that's what we got it's pretty good I mean it most of it makes sense to me I do find some of this stuff interesting I find some of it heads scratching but um that is what we are currently sitting on going into the start of the preseason so uh thank you for watching and once again before I end the video I want to say thank you once again to bet us for sponsoring this video once again if you'd like to sign up for bet us use the link in the description below check it out see you guys later gohawks

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