Seattle Seahawks 2024 Training Camp Day Eleven Recap: Geno back in action, Holani making a move

Intro the Seattle Seahawks got Gino Smith back for yesterday's training camp [Music] [Applause] session good morning everybody happy Tuesday hope you guys are doing well today we've got some more training camp stuff to cover in this video we've got some more things to dig into with these Seattle Seahawks obviously football Fest is come and gone and we're probably mentally at the point where we've had enough training camp and we want to see an actual game we're not that far away from our first actual game we're just uh 5 days away uh excuse me actually now it's 4 but still got to continue to process the information we're given and the Seahawks continue to give us some information with yet another day of training camp uh nouser has a detailed article right up on what he saw over at the vmac by the way it is um he lists the uh training camp session yesterday's day 10 that's if you don't count football Fest as a day of training camp a lot of people seem to consider it a training camp day so I know some people said it was the 11th day of training camp either way it was another day of training camp and it was a pretty good one because quite simply we got our quarterback back I mean that alone is going to put a little hop in your step right you need your quarterback so we did get started on that note let's talk about some of the other things that went down but before we get into the details of yesterday's training camp thank you for watching the video I hope you like it please click the like button down below if you do helps the channel out a lot consider subscribing if you want daily Seahawks content click the bell for notifications become a channel member for $2 a month those are the best ways to help support the channel okay so going into some of the finer points of yesterday's training camp again I want to emphasize that Gino Smith was out there he was out there for the whole time and it didn't seem like there was any limitation on his work it didn't seem like he was in any way inhibited by the injury so whatever it was looks like it's done now that doesn't mean it can't come back that doesn't mean it can't flare up but for the moment we should be feeling fairly good about things with Gino Smith I would say um roster note here and I did mention this a little bit yesterday but just to reiterate the Seahawks have released one of their uh udfa rookie centers Mike nitzki and they've picked up a linebacker Blake Lynch because they need a linebacker with Jerome Baker currently nursing a little injury which I'll talk about in second here but this this also is interesting not just because of the Jerome Baker part but because of the Connor Williams part because it's been said that Connor Williams would be our center now if Connor Williams ends up as a seah I I don't know if Nick Harris would become like the practice squad Center or if we just let him go but obviously if we do bring in Conor Williams everybody kind of gets bumped down the line a spot so we'll see exactly how it shakes out but nitzki was not ever really going to make this team he didn't have much of a shot not that Blake Lynch does but I'll say this Blake Lynch has NFL experience he started six games for the Vikings uh a couple years ago so it's not Beyond The Pale to Injuries suggest uh injury stuff we did have Tyler Lockett getting the day off however there was no injury he was just getting the day off for um you know rest purposes let me pause that video real quick so yeah Tyler locket nothing to be worried about just getting a day off because he's a veteran because he needs to rest um wouldn't surprise me if he gets a lot of days off during the season this year like you might see a lot of dnp rests or NP not injury related on the injury report this uh year because if this is indeed his last year and if we are indeed going to try to get the best out of him I think the best thing that you can do is just assume that he's going to be ready for game day you know he's going to be ready for game day he's been doing this a long time he doesn't need to practice every day so I'd get used to seeing locket not practicing and just working under the assumption that it doesn't necessarily mean anything um there were a couple other injury notes as well draymont Jones remains out he has now missed well over a week I don't want to get concerned about it because it's not that big of a deal even if he does miss a lot of time because he's a veteran but it's just when you hear the injury is minor and then it lingers on and on and on and on you it makes you a little bit concerned it has to right because they were wrong the first time what what else are they wrong about were they really wrong were they a little wrong if they had just said initially he's going to miss two weeks with this then obviously things would be fine right now but that's not what happened uh jome Baker like I said earlier also sidelined with his own hamstring injury excuse me and um no word on a timetable with Jerome Baker I that that one's a bigger deal I know Jerome Baker is a veteran too but he's got a history of injury problems in his career already we don't need to see another one and even if you forget about that part we need him and probably needs reps in this defense to build familiarity with it because he's going to be such a crucial piece to what we do so hoping that gets better at some point yeah uh yeah Draymond Jones also out with the hamstring issue already mentioned that um as for stuff that Highlights actually happened on the field uh I'll highlight a few things that stood out to me from the various beat reporters starting with this from dugar Trey Brown continues to kill it and DK metf continues to kill it two stars of training Camp so far just continue to eat dugar has this Suite here we can't record during this period but just take my word for it that Trey Brown versus DK meta in one-on-ones is good action virtually every rep so if you're looking for two guys to have better than expected Seasons I think these guys would be near the top of the list because they're just every training camp session they're locked in in a way that we haven't seen from them before and I say that even knowing that DK metf has made the Pro Bowl he's made an all prot team he's set franchise records he's nearly set NFL records in terms of early career production but it feels a little different this year it does and I've said it before I'll say it again he'll never put up that 1,800 1900 yard season because I don't think our offense will allow it but he can be an ultra efficient 1300 yards and that's all you can ask for like getting those monster yards like push up near 2,000 yards in this offense I don't think is going to happen I don't think that's realistic but he's locked in Trey Brown playing for that contract next year potentially locked in pretty exciting to hear about pretty exciting to think about so that would be one of the highlights of the day there was more chippiness as well dugar passed this along K9 and reek had some pushing and shoving turned into some maybe punches even thrown turned into a scuffle it kept going on and on and on finally got broken up K9 and reek also two guys that have had really good training camps I've talked about reek not so much K9 but I probably should be talking about K9 a little bit more because there's been some stuff said from uh it might have been Rapaport about how incredibly good K9 has looked so far in this um this training camp and I mean that's a big deal that's a big deal uh dugar actually just a couple minutes after that tweet put this out there K9 ripping off a 22 yard touchdown run and I mean these are not just basic drills where the defense is going half-heartedly at you and you're scoring a touchdown every two plays no this is really going at it here so we're seeing K9 really start to lock in here uh hit that gear where he's hard to catch once he sees a little space so that's encouraging um I I like what I'm hearing about him uh there's actually some interesting stuff going on with the running backs out outside of K9 as well I've been reading about this Palani looks like he might be a little bit more frisky than Macintosh like Macintosh actually had a good uh let me see if I can find it here yeah Kenny Macintosh actually had a touchdown on a uh I think a screen pass from Gino at the end of the day detailed here from dugar but overall Macintosh has looked a little bit forgettable helani has actually looked a little more interesting and has given us something to think about so helani definitely brings a little more power to the table Palani probably has better testing numbers because remember Macintosh ran a really poor 40 time that probably caused him to fall to the seventh round in the draft a couple years ago and um he he's coming off a year where he was injured a lot that injury may have affected him long term I don't know but Macintosh he's kind of not even a running back anyway right he he's like a a gadget player more than anything like he he's a receiver as much as he is a running back so I am wondering if maybe there's a little bit of a shakeup here not that it really matters because Macintosh is still going to be doing things even if he's not the third or running back versus the fourth running back but there has been some there has been some notice of helani looking better and helani brings something to the table that I don't think other running backs on this team do he runs with power he's a smaller guy but he runs with power and he's a pretty good pass catcher as well so there are some things that he's doing that may very well earn him meaningful playing time during the season which I did not see Analysis coming uh Greg Bell kind of sums up the day here overall after it was all over the um offense won at the end of practice but defense won the sudden change situation I didn't see anybody say exactly what the sudden change situation ation was but the couple last two sentences here are certainly notable Gino Smith returned from injury and was sharp Sam Howell was erratic so meet the new boss same as the old boss goino Smith comes back and continues to have a really good camp remember before he got hurt every day we were hearing Gino looks good Gino looks sharp Gino's locked in and what we had heard about Sam Howell was he's inaccurate so with Gino back we kind of fell back into that pattern a little bit here so if there was any thought of a QB battle it should have been dashed a while ago but it's certainly been dashed now so that's um I I don't know how many people were still thinking about the Sam Howell stuff but uh if you were remember how young he is I know he has NFL experience and that's great but the guy's very young the guy's younger than some guys who got drafted uh a few months ago so we'll see where that goes uh dugar comments on the center competition between oldwood teami and Harris and he describ well McDonald described it as open and Nick has been getting some first team reps and I've said this before I'll say it again that tells me they're not that impressed with oaimi and are open to Harris being just as good or better now nouser actually noted in his article that he wrote up that Olu had a better day yesterday so it's not necessarily an indictment on him yesterday but it is overall and I was starting to feel myself a little bit about olaw teami I was kind of excited about this I think I thought he was a good fit I thought he was a good draft pick I was excited to see what he could do so far the results have been very tepid obviously this becomes something of a mood point if we can get Connor Williams in at least short term but um the utimi thing is it it's just kind of rough right now um again I want to stress that Hower if you actually scroll down in the article he wrote for a hawk blogger he mentions that oluwatimi is starting to maybe get a little bit better but it didn't happen fast enough for him toh Stave off the uh Connor Williams situation I think that if he had played well enough in training camp we wouldn't be doing this but we are so not great not ideal and uh somebody who was feeling the oluwatimi hype a little bit it's uh it's it's been dampered a little bit because Nick Harris has been in the NFL a few years now we've seen him play a little bit it's pretty lackluster and he's a very narrow use case player we know this so not ideal but it may also not matter in a few days depending on what happens with Connor Williams and as of the recording of this video we haven't signed him that may change by the time you watch this video Byron Murphy though uh we also have this about Byron Murphy and Murphy continues to impress people pretty much every day Murphy continues to be a guy who looks like he's ready to perform in a big way this season so Murphy talks about how McDonald told him back in May that he needed to get in better shape and the Seahawks coaches have also altered the way he gets off at a snap and he is the fastest lineman off the ball in Camp so whatever they changed works and should make him all the better and being fast off the line was not Byron Murphy's problem before so if it got better then it could be something really special it was already pretty special if we're being real like the get off on the ball is not the concern with Murphy there are other concerns with him there's snap count concerns there's tackling concerns there's finishing concerns but it seems like he's going to be an absolute nightmare to deal with off the snap and the Seahawks coaches have helped him hone himself in that area so certainly an interesting read um and and yeah here's Corbin Smith talking a little bit about helani and how he's right on Kenny macintosh's six so to me there's some momentum here and it could absolutely carry over into preseason and the regular season but I'm interested on seeing both guys in preseason in a few days here uh that that's most of what I heard Mike Morris had a good day I think uh it was nuser who um shouted him out positively uh Derek Hall continuing to look pretty pretty good those are the main things that I saw all right so that's another day of Seahawks training camp like all in all a pretty good day I know that we're all waiting on pins and needles for something to get done with uh Conor Williams and honestly if you're a Seahawks fan you might be waiting on pins and needles for Brandon iuk news because yesterday it got pretty hot and again as of the recording of this video he's not traded yet but it sure seems like something was about to get done Patriots and Browns obviously it doesn't matter that much to us which one he goes to I guess we don't play the Browns this year and we do play the Patriots so maybe you'd prefer the Browns but either way it's uh it should be fine either way he's out of the division out of the conference if he goes to the Steelers he's also out of the conference some people are saying maybe the the Broncos could be a sleeper that's out of the conference too so I think most of us would prefer that to happen I know that there was some um there were some people playing Devil's Advocate when I was talking about iuk previously and maybe so but to me the Niners become much less likely to win a Super Bowl this year if they trade Brandon iuk regardless of what they get back in return even if it's a good trade it still makes them worse this year so we'll see where that goes this year if we get resolution there I'll probably make a video about it but uh things are heating up over in San Fran and I think we're all pretty interested to see how it ends all right see you guys later gohawks let me know what you think down below

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