THE SPORTSCAGE September 4th 2024: Farhan Lalji Noah Pelletier and James Gallo

Published: Sep 03, 2024 Duration: 02:50:45 Category: Sports

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e let's go it's the Wednesday Sports cage like the big voice said it's for the sasat and Ru Rider Foundation 5050 get in on that before tomorrow at 5:00 p.m. because you'll be in entered for the Nashville getaway we'll get to that in a bit it's going to be Chris mazerick with me today we're going to talk to Dave Thomas momentarily and a jam-packed full three hours for you lots of football Ridder news they're back on the practice field today Dave's going to run it down we're going to hear from coach mace as well as a couple of players uvar Reina Rams they're in a heater as they say this weekend against the Saskatchewan Huskies big game CIS we're going to talk to the U ofar starting quarterback Noah pel who was thrust into action last weekend we want to we want to incorporate some some high school football we started it yesterday I'm going to talk to ma about it in a bit really curious to get his take on ninan six-man and then even some 12-man high school football that's firing up this week in the province faran L is going to join us from TSN in hour three a lot to talk to faran about Nathan roor ditching out on the interview farhan's actually in Kansas City getting ready for the Thursday night football game tomorrow so we'll talk NFL with him and we go camping in the WHL again today it is the Moosejaw Warriors we're going to talk to the voice of the Warriors James Gallow Maz we talked on Monday shortened Sports cage post Labor Day now we're a few hours later have things Cal down for you are you still I think you said you were going to be a little bit scared or you were a little bit scared well I think the Winnipeg Blue Bombers played it beautifully by saying that Zack Kos has an upper body injury and it wasn't a injury and it wasn't a concussion because they've now avoided protocol because look who was back at practice today in Winnipeg Zach Clos taking first team rep so if it's gamesmanship beautifully played we don't want anybody hurt but I the one thing that if you get taken out of a game for um a possible concussion shouldn't the doctors take over from there and kind of leak the teams are second and the players safety is first if they deem you're in concussion protocol a doctor does that the team doesn't get to decide and you stay in until as long as you're out that's what me and probably the rest of Ryder Nation are thinking today we like it looked pretty serious gamesmanship exactly gamesmanship by the Winnipeg Blue Bombers and it happens again and again and again and I don't know the unfortunate thing is if he comes back and he plays on Saturday and if something does happen and it was too soon then who do you blame we are live on 620 CKRM we're streaming there as well but as we mentioned yesterday we are now video streaming if you want to go to the sports go to video you will find us there you'll be able to see us as we go through the next three hours you'll be able to see this fellow as we bring them up voice of the Saskatchewan Rough Riders Dave Thomas Dave they were back on the practice field today let's start with any news and I know we're going to hear from coach ma in a bit any news on the offensive line and the injuries there I'd like to know the the news that is what happened to Mass's cornflakes this morning like holy cow my friend GE that's out there GE is um as far funny gamesmanship it's g gamesmanship i think we've played the gamesmanship card this year as well though it's the only have some self-awareness okay fair enough but here's what I'm going to throw out there as far as I'm concerned with the offensive line Peter godber did not practice today he wasn't even on the field at any point while Zack fry was there he had his arm back in the sling that it's the way he left the game of the Labor Day classic back on Sunday so no Zack fry I'm very hesitant to say that Peter godber is going to be back head coach Cory mace did update his status at the end of practice so what does that mean well as anticipated Nick Jones will probably get the start in the left guard spot that means that Z Logan ferland is going to or Pardon Me the Right Guard spot Logan ferland will shift over to the center spot and Noah Zar out of langenberg Saskatchewan will get his first CFL start in the banjo bowl and he'll be playing for the sasan ru Riders at left guard nice if we were allowed we could play some Jess moscalu right now shout out to langenberg right there um a couple of others that weren't practicing today it looks like um Dante Meyers did not participate uh and and but Nick weeb was full again yeah Nick weeb and Jackson Ford were both full again both now eligible to come back off the six game injured list Dante Meyers had his arm in a sling today I didn't see that at the end of the labor day so I would suggest that he's out and interesting among the receiving CT today because the Riders looked like they may be going with a real Canadian Air Force come the banjo Bowl because you've got Dell Duncan Busby you've got the likes of a Joe a Joo also taking first team reps today where Samuel emis and Ken schaer Baker and there's four again I counted there's four receivers that have got the national tag Canadian on them so that could be a very interesting development if the Riders choose to go this way without Dante Meers in the lineup this week do you think that they uh maybe is this a chance maybe to bring robustelli onto the roster and give see what he can do like I know D bun D Duncan Busby had one game he had one catch we have really seen him yet but if injuries are coming um I don't know do you put jarth Stern back on he's got more experience but he just he hasn't played well this season and there's a reason why he's on the practice roster that's the that's the Catch 22 right do you go with the inexperience of robelli who's shown all kinds of athleticism or do you venture on the other side and go ahead and go with a guy that knows the offense Inside Out jarth Stern's had a good couple of weeks to start the season but I'm not sure if he's gained the trust back not saying that he lost it but again if you're not performing then you're not playing in the CFL and again I jarth Sterns is a definite possibility he was running with the first team at times but not true first team reps if you understand what I mean I like I like going with the Unseen especially at this point of the Season uh no tape on a guy and I know it's just a receiver put him in what is this guy what's his pattern yeah he is big Shield right put him in maybe some jump balls um I don't know I in a sling I I I looked at I saw the look on Ma's face now that we're streaming we can see that the look of concern on that Dome I you know every team has injuries we're not the only one it just seems like this movie's been played out again and again and again over the years like how many more and he was having such a good rookie season I to me since he's come on the roster he is our rookie of the year he's played so well may maybe it happened on that catch where he got hammered when he took that shot it wasn't over the middle it was off to the side but man it just we could use and I agree with Barney on the robustelli thing to because to me he's he's like a Dalton shown and um Drew W Atari big guy that can looks like he can use his body to get open but nobody has seen him play and on those jump balls or those 50/50 balls I like our chances with that cuz look the bombers have lived off that big receiver for years and if we've got one going into the banjo Bowl we got nothing to lose I'd say put him in uh I I love it as well you got to love live radio uh Dave Dave Thomas's power just went out so he dropped out he's going to be back that that's okay yeah uh and now and now that we're streaming we had to pull them off cuz it was like Frozen Dave although it's actually not a bad not a bad picture of him um that's awesome F Powers now racing to Dave Thomas's house so the voice of the Riders can get back on the radio that's awesome I want to know I'm looking outside yeah there is some rain in the area here downtown Regina but doesn't look anything uh anything that bad um yeah the the sling I I just I would really like to be a fly on the wall or if it was a reality show all almost to just see the sleepless nights the grind that is for Jeremy OD day right now just trying to find who what where every stone up okay no not there right like it would be um it it it would be really interesting to see and I know we're getting text messages yesterday and people just you know um OD day and um you know he's working at people out there right like you you you can't that has nothing to do when guys are getting hurt on the field in gameplay there's nothing that anybody me as a fan you as a fan or anybody in management to the person that didn't sold me the Unlucky 5050 it's a nice guy about anyways there nothing we could do so um I mean if anything I was watching Dave Dickinson's presser after the football game yesterday and he said there's changes coming so there may be some CFL ready players uh looking for work here in the next few days man he seemed hot but at this point you're gonna need if you're trying to find guys come in that can actually play that know the league because I think you know Dave what do you think after Labor Day it's kind of hard to bring somebody in that has never played the Canadian game before your mic's muted hey before daa I I it it would be hard to bring anybody in at uh after this but at this point point where we are especially on that offensive line I don't care if he's played in Cologne Germany or batswana if he can play offensive line let's bring him in let's drop him up Dave still power we got we need power we need can anybody like Maz said out there in SAS powerville um but anyway Dave Dave caught up to uh to coach mace at practice today and uh he he talks he talks about a number of things here one of the things near the end um he does uh update the offensive line coach mace this team hasn't achieved the results that you'd like do you change the messaging to the team or anything up this week to try to change the outcome the feel you know of where we've been the last you know x amount of weeks is it's hard it's it's it's hard to stomach the results um but you can't hide from reality right and you know our message is reality is that we still got games to play in this season and also the reality is if we handle business we put ourselves in really good position um to attain a lot of the things that we look to attain as the season started so everything that we still want is still in reach and is in our control so um it's the it's the fine balance of you know not being uh too go with the flow because there are things that need to be uh handled um but at the same time time to not look at it as you know season's over certainly it's not man so uh the West is a it's a it's a grinder this year uh for whatever reason um but luckily for us it is so what would your read on the morale or the demeanor of the group b right now again considering the last six weeks it's like a margin of Four Points between winning and losing yeah I think uh what the guys are understanding is you know games are going to be dog fights um and we're certainly willing to do that uh the morale I don't think is it's not negative it's just a sense of a little bit of you're frustrated cuz you're you are getting better in certain areas and then you take a step back in another one and it's like okay well hey can we can we all move this thing together um then we'd be sitting in a much different conversation um but uh like I said we're we're still in a situation where you know we can control what we can control and put ourselves in favor so um man lot of lessons I feel like we're we're in a tough tough tough class right now you know we're learning a lot of lessons um but you got to learn and move forward and not make the same mistakes do you get the veterans to deliver some messaging as well and using their leadership of course you could see just the amount of admiration there was for like a player like Micah Johnson for example with the effort that he put in last week oh a ton you know this is um play players players win the games you know as coaches obviously we'll you know scheme up as much as we can to help benefit you know the the game plan and the attack for the week um but it comes down to execution of those guys out there and you know guys who are leaders and guys whove played a lot of games and Veterans have been around the game for a long time because they're able to execute in those precious situations so um yes you know uh We've leaned heavily on those guys and you know they've they've taken accountability to to talk to their teammates and you know have some honest conversations which I think is important um but again U it's got to come down to execution uh we can have as many player only meetings or my meetings uh we have to go out there and execute or really it's it does no good obviously when it comes to Micah Johnson he had to go in after injuries to Zack fry and Peter godber Zach was in a sling today didn't see Peter at practice do you have an update on what Peter godber's status might be looking like moving forward it's looking a little tough right now for we just don't have dial as far as a total timeline but um you know he it's going to be a little tough probably uh a little shorter turnaround here so uh we're going to play by year I think the byee coming up is going to be good for for him really good for us as a team but um uh this week yeah we're it's going to be probably a little tough for Peter to get in there so that would suggest that lenberg Noah Zar will get the call along the offensive line his first CFL start is he ready to go yeah I mean I if he if he wasn't ready now he certainly wasn't ready when he had to get thrown into the game last week right and and he played fairly well so I think again now with just more reps he's going to feel even more comfortable I think it helps that it is similar opponent um he kind of knows what to expect a little bit from that standpoint um and man what a you know I'm sure he's happy as ever you know as far as his relationship to this team and you know where he's from so uh we're excited for for uh to go out there and and play our brand of football um and certainly you know we ided him as a guy that we wanted in the building and he's been a a Conant professional since he's been here it's his opportunity um and he knows the standard so that's exciting uh like you said Dave from lerberg Dave how how well do you know him do you know Noah well Mass do you know him we're having audio problems with David over there yeah I I I didn't know Jess moscalu was from uh from lenra I knew she was from sasy but I didn't know specifically where she was from really so if there's a sign as you pull into town is her name already up and now they got to add his or are they both sitting there on that sign already 936 6262 is there a Jess mosuk sign when you roll into langenberg Saskatchewan I don't know I like it's been years since I've driven through ber so I'm sure somebody will will chime in here uh momentarily on that yeah exciting for that guy and put in his time grinding he has and I think the one thing in listening to that mace interview how he sounds like a different person than he did on Sunday after the loss and understandably after when you lose like that in just in another crazy what else could you think of in another way to lose ma sounds like he's got his pep and his step back he sounds like the Cory ma we've heard all season yeah it's just a matter of time I don't know what else I don't know what else you can say you know you know it's like when you've had it with your kids and you're at you're like I I don't even know what to say anymore guys so let's just take it back to the beginning and yeah yeah now there's ones if if the football gods have been against us maybe the football Gods owe us one this weekend here's hoping yeah you know what uh let's take a quick break we'll try and figure out Dave's audio here I want to I want to get into the the the newly released and I know you chuckled at these the other day the the CFL the official CFL Power Rankings we can get into that and have some fun with that it's the all new sports cage if you're listening on 620 CKRM or if you're now joining us on our stream and watching over YouTube it's at sports this is the all neww sports cage on the home of the rider 620 CKRM the all News sports cage is brought to you by Sherwood Co-op from locally grown fresh produce condiments and Western Canadian beef your barbecue tastes better when you shop at Sherwood Co-op food stores greetings football fans the Ultimate Football Road Trip NFL football is back the all News sports cage and engelheim tours are sending you to Minneapolis on the ultimate football road trip to see the NFL's Minnesota Vikings play the Houston Texans weekdays at 3:30 listen for the engelheim tours football keyword then text it to us the more keywords you enter the more chances you have to win the grand prize includes Deluxe motor coach transportation from Regina hotel and tickets to the game at US Bank Stadium for trip details or to buy your own ultimate NFL football road trip go to engelheim football fans score $200 in free plays with play green 20000 play is fully operated by sea and whether you're a new player or already have a play now account you're eligible for a $100 Sports Free Bet and a $100 Casino no free BET with a minimum $40 deposit when you enter promo code green2 200 that's right visit play green 20000 today and enter promo code gn2000 to redeem $200 in free plays must be 19 plus use your game sense barrels of fresh produce grown locally mustards and condiments made locally and Western Canadian beef aged 14 days your barbecue tastes better when you shop at Sherwood Co-op food stores offering more local products than any other grocery store while stocking the national Brands you love plus member benefits let you share in the equity get your barbecue meat cut inhouse your way I like my way get more local flavor for your barbecue at Sherwood Co-op food stores your truly local grocery store we are members we are owners we are surewood Co-op Rider Nation lives on 620 CKRM I'm Dave Thomas voice of the Saskatchewan Ru Riders Saturday is game day as the Riders take on the Winnipeg Blue Bombers countdown to kickoff with Justin Dunc is at 11:00 a.m. game shows at 1 and kick off with Luke Muller and I is at two Saskatchewan Ruff Rider football on the Cooperators Ruff Rider radio network is brought to you by Johnston's grain cattle Automotive Group sasp party caucus and seaplay stream every minute of Rider football at sports with over 380 conveniently located card loock locations Co-op offers the largest card loock Network in western Canada count on us to keep you fueled 24/7 right from Vancouver Island British Columbia through to thunder Ontario and all points in between don't miss a minute of the all new sports cage podcast are posted at sports 620 CKRM uh it is for the Saskatchewan Ru Rider Foundation 5050 you want to get in on it this week before Thursday at 5:00 which is tomorrow why because it's the early bird prize is the Nashville getaway flights three nights accommodations Grand Old propery day trip and shuttle transfers or you can just take 4500 cash uh that's a tough one when you when you really sit down and think about it 4500 cash or a nice three nights in Nashville ryers think I I would follow follow suit on that I think it'll be a big one again no not 1.2 mil that Maz didn't win uh last weekend Dave are you back in business now we hope so yes like was it lightning up there in your neck of the woods G give us give us a weather update give us a little Les nesman I I just moved so maybe I didn't pay the right power bill I don't know maybe it's a sign I don't know but but I haven't won any Silver S Awards lately so I'm not going to give you the weather aside from it's cloudy and it was a little rainy at practice Silver S that's awesome I don't think you have to pay power bills anymore oh really perfect yeah get it's solar um okay no I want to get your guys take on uh on this power rank have you got you guys have you both seen them can we play a game here or have you both already seen it no let's play the game yeah let's play the game I kind of have an idea where the Riders are falling out of nine this week okay Ma ma uh ma go where do you figure uh where do you figure our Saskatchewan Rough Riders are if if if if we're ninth it's eighth we're no higher than that it's just because we're what one five- one or one six and one in our last eight games so nobody has given us any love where do you think the uh do you think the Winnipeg Blue Bombers are above or below the Edmonton Elks hello H Winnipeg Blue Bombers mat that's a that's a that if you're watching on the on Sports this is a real thinker are the Winnipeg Blue Bombers below or above the Edmonton Elks I'm I'm going to say the Edmonton Elks are higher just because they're surging and they look good uh and the bombers I don't know there's there's some people out there that put these power rankings together that are if sudor can be associated with liking Nathan RoR a little too much some of these power ranking people are liking the Edmonton Eskimos and their four wins a little too much but I still think the bombers in a one game Showdown I would take them over anyways okay but for this of this I think they're sitting higher I um I would have been wrong as well I have it in front of me so I was wrong it's uh Montreal Ottawa Winnipeg Edmonton BC Toronto Saskatchewan Hamilton Calgary yeah they they changed it up and maybe maybe this maybe this is what they want they want us talking about it like this yeah K the floor is yours ma first to you I I I I forgot um how bad the stamps are and then and they did look good in the Labor Day game I sorry I you know I've been sensitive Sally and only worried about us here in Ryder Nation I completely forgot that the stamps are maybe even a bit more uh of a disaster this season than we're used to so okay bombers at three Riders ryer so Riders are at seven and Hamilton too but Hamilton beat Toronto so seven seven I'll take seven cuz I thought we were eight or nine I'll take seven I'll take seven all day long Dave we're not last Bobby what jumps out at you there Dave I'm a little surprised that Hamilton is out of the basement because they nearly coughed up the Labor Day classic because Toronto was terrible in the opening half and then they really turned it around and then the mark leio kick of course wins it for Hamilton at the end so I'm a little surprised Calgary not so much again I understand we're Calgary is but again if I'm the Saskatchewan Rough Riders that's a little more motivation Now isn't it all of a sudden because hey we're 5 six and one our last six games have been decided by an average of four points if you take out the BC loss which was by 11 then all of a sudden it's two points so to me that's a little motivation and maybe a little kick in the pants not to say that the team hasn't already got one and doesn't want to find the win call uh I think it was a rash Madan yesterday and maybe correct me if I'm wrong that thought the Calgary Stan Peters won't win another football game this year you know was it a rash that was a rash he was also said that the Elks were going to be in the gray cup I I don't mind that I don't mind sprinkling on that putting a unit half a unit on the Elks like if that if that if that means when when the Riders come to on September the 20th and we win like hands down and no problem hey rash I'm all for your crazy theories because that game is our I know we play the banjo Bowl this week but that game's already worrying me we we don't need the stamps bouncing back in a couple of weeks but uh really another another game all season wow and and BC like okay I get it RoR had a had a heck of a game in Victoria but it was seven days ago that all the pundits and and a lot of the experts were saying that BC was hot garbage well come on now they're not hot garbage they just weren't performing with Nathan roor and I really think in a lot of ways they overthought themselves in BC bringing roor in and disrupting the offense bringing their receiver Hatcher back from and putting them where Justin McKinnis was playing which I think is huge I can't understand why you would ever do that with McKinnis who no one could stop in the league you move him from where he's being successful so to me I wonder if BC hadn't overthought things a little bit there but again I'm not in their meeting rooms I don't know what they're seeing in practice I don't understand what concepts they're trying to develop or maybe progressions they have but yeah come on K so are we uh are we worried as as Rider fans because we kind of want every team in the west here to lose uh BC in Montreal how did these two match up after that game last week Dave you on the heels of that you know how do you think these two match up in Montreal the stupid horns I think this is a statement game for the Montreal aletes I'm not saying that they're not for real they've already clinched a playoff spot for a reason because they are a good football team they've had a very good defense throughout the course of the season but I I think their offense is going to be put to the test because I really like BC's defense so to me I really am curious how that matchup is going to go down and again it's a game in Montreal and I now know firsthand how difficult it is to play in Montreal not just with the horns part I yeah I said there maybe Montreal's a little bit of a fugazi right I don't know but I think it Mass to you is it a statement game for the BC Lions as well well I think so um I had just saw on social media the aletes are 18 and one in their last 19 games including the playoffs including the great cup I don't NE necessarily know that it's a fluke anymore and that trust me it's not the easiest pill to swallow but I think they're a good football team but if Montreal loses H I think this is more about BC if they're they got they got Matthew Betts now Nathan work they if they if they are going to be this team that they spent all this money on to be the great cup Contender they're going to have to beat the team that's could likely be in the great cup again and I don't know n thorp's defense is good and Nathan roor coming back in a couple of those games look confused and if there's one defensive coordinator that can confuse quarterbacks even the good ones it's n Thorp even chatting with Daren about that on the weekend he said n Thorp is one of the hardest guys you ever have to go against even when he was later in his career there was still stuff that got him and I'm like wow because after getting his chance to spend a little time with Darion he pretty much knows his stuff um but that was the one guy that he mentioned was always tough to go against Dave any rebuttal on that no I completely agree with with what you're saying and again you got to do you do have to give Montreal their props right they're finding ways to win they probably should have lost two games to the Saskatchewan Rough Riders but again like I said when the Riders are winning at the start of the Season those close games good teams find ways to win and the Montreal aletes have all kinds of confidence after the run that they went on last year and they're going to be real tough down the stretch if if I gave if I gave you a a a bag full of of Hoshi money and said you can bet on anyone to win the gray cup as of right now except the Saskatchewan Rough Riders who would you put that that bag of uh cash on ma um well a lot of people are comparing the Edmonton Elks to that BC team that what did they start 0 and six and 0 and7 and if they managed to go on a run because remember Darien picked them to be in the great cup he thought they had the best talent on paper they just had the wrong coach in GM like that was the issue there and it looks like you take Chris Jones out of the mix they got a pretty good football team they've made some additions Dar if if that comes through Daren could look like an absolute genius move aside Tony Romo and all your picking this and that like Daren could look like an absolute uh uh Nostradamus but I hate to say it like even if Toronto if they get in the playoffs and they win a game and then they go on you just you never know like because it's so short we like everybody said you just got to get in because you just you just don't know I mean if Hamilton squeaks in I don't think they make it but like Toronto could do it Montreal obviously Edmonton Winnipeg like you can't it's funny you know this with BC sometimes when the teams are too stacked when you're supposed to win and you don't that it's kind of funny too K you're at the sports book at Vegas you did not place the BET who are you who are you putting it on Edmonton n i I'll go back with Montreal if I had to try and win money to be like no I'm gonna go with Montreal it in Cody We Trust Dave you can't you can't put it on our beloved Riders who would you put it on right now any extra money that I'd have would be going towards Glade candles and a bag of marshmallow so I can cook my kids supper in this Darkness like what the heck like how long does a power outage last people come on give me a break like really but in in all I guess if I had to go ahead and say the teams that I believe that are built for a playoff successful run right now in the East it's really hard not to like what Montreal is doing I get what you say ma though with Toronto and they're an unknown commodity because if Chad Kelly can get that offense clicking again I think that they're going to be a very formidable opponent in the west I truly believe even though the people are calling Calgary or saying that they're not going to win again I truly believe that the West is absolutely wide open right now despite everything that has gone on thus far this season because if a team gets hot if a team gets healthy they've got an opportunity including of course the green and white who I really truly believe I think I I I agree with the West still being open Dave I think so much is going to depend on home field advantage especially weatherwise like if Edmonton if Edmonton does get home home field advantage let just like the Riders if they would have coming into Saskatchewan or Edmonton even Calgary at that weird shinook system and everything that they got going through there is your team built to play in the elements uh you know we we talked about it earlier in the year with AJ olette yeah I I liked our chances when we were healthy and going in can van can BC do that and then BC plays in control in the controlled elements there if they get home field I don't know I think there's a lot to be a lot will be on on on home field advantage so that was a friendly debate it was fun ma ma would have been getting yelled at at the ticket window at the at the sports clook people would have been like hurry up man place the place the bat um okay we're going to let you go Dave we got some more audio from from practice we're a little bit behind on uh on a couple things thanks so much and let's chat again tomorrow Absolutely I'll start hand cranking the generator now yeah hey shorty generator right you got to get one Croft electric can hook you up uh voice of the saskatch and Ru Riders Dave Thomas joining us on the Western Pizza guest hotline Perfect Pizza generous amount of toppings plus all the Greek food you love like suaki ribs and salad you just can't make that goodness at home call your Western Pizza today okay we're a little bit behind on our keyword today for the ultimate football road trip with engelheim tours and engelheim Charters we are sending two people to the Minnesota Vikings in Houston Texans September 22nd in Minnesota nice motor coach I like when it's called motor coach trip down to Minnesota you got some shopping uh they're making a few stops and um so two two seats on that if you just want to buy in you go to angelim and you can just get that the keyword today all right people people that are kind of spelling challenged like me you might want to go to Google because we're going to see it if you spell it wrong it's Minnesota okay Min Minnesota uh phonetically you just spelled it wrong it's m I know s o d a TA we're going to get a lot of Da and T at the end and you know that's going to be the I think the determining factor of winning or losing this contest is it's called grammarly people and it's free just get it you'll be fine m i n n e s o t a i it's it's a mouthful it's a lot it's not as tricky as I always find Pittsburgh very tricky um uh what are the other ones that are tricky but today we're going Minnesota okay that is the uh that is the key word 93662 62 it is the all new sports cage we are live in-person vide Styles Sports and as always we are on the home of the Saskatchewan Rough Riders 620 CKRM from the Sask today Newsroom here's what's breaking news in Saskatchewan China is hitting back at Canada by putting canola shipments on the table what will this mean for our producers going forward Sask today's team of local journalists are on the ground in communities across Saskatchewan focusing on local topics that matter to you visit and bookmark SAS and sign up for our daily news Digest SAS everybody has a story from Harvard media everywhere hey Rider Nation this is Dave Thomas voice of your's scat and Ru Riders listen to this how does a 50/50 payday sound sounds like a win to me huddle up to Riders game home or away you can even score quickly with the early bird prize this week it's a trip to Nashville and you'll be in for the massive weekly jackpots buy now at Riders sponsored by ISC licens LR 2426 this summer if you're thinking of a new building think Olympic building they're engineered from top to bottom to be better than the rest strength solid design and impressive good looks are all standard on an Olympic Farm building visit Olympic [Applause] uh we already got we already got one wrong spelling of min spell it to the I want what how how how wrong is it how I think I think it's someone just pulling our uh pulling our chain cuz they they put Minneapolis that's even harder to spell than Minnesota it is isn't it I know it is and another one that's always tricky and I don't spell it a lot but I always get tripped up Cincinnati it seems simple but Cincinnati oh yeah and Mississippi m i SSI I SSI I PPI oh I I don't know what you were doing did you see what movie was on TV last night classic I didn't realize it's 24 years old well there's so it it's not 1980 where we had uh I'm going to stand up here where we had um like three channels there's now like 800 channels so okay we could play the game though give me a hint what what what era where are we talking it came out in the year 2000s one of the best football movies ever made um Friday Night Lights uh we are that was on after that Friday Night Lights to me was good but it was too CRA Bob Thorton's too scary in that movie so before funner uh no God good movie but was so serious what's the other one I'm missing don't what's the other one I'm missing I know I'm GNA give you I'm gonna give you the name and it'd be funny if if I had a spare Rider jersey with no name I would get this name on the back Falco Shane Falco The Replacements oh oh that's you like The Replacements that much that's a good I haven't I maybe only seen that movie Once what yeah classic keano Reeves just played like he's the he's the the down on his luck ex-quarterback that had a bad Bull game and here's his chance after the league you know the guys go on strike and he gets a chance to come back and play in the well they didn't have enough money to license the NFL so in the Quasi Pro Football League down in the states in Baltimore and just you know it's it's it and maybe why it resonates because it's a Saskatchewan Rough Rider Blue Collar story of a guy that was counted out and then he gets his shot and then Falco comes through in the end a good movie last last week we were talking about that 1986 and the amount if you ever look it up if you're ever bored out there and you're kind of a music a movie person like so many good movies came out in 1986 and the one football one was wild cats with gold Goldie h i remember going to the theater in wasu to watch that one um but speaking of football movies I I haven't watched the the receiver I try to get into that on uh on Netflix or whatever it is and I haven't really done the Hard Knocks thing but the one that uh Mrs S and Gabby are watching is the uh they follow the basically the triy outs for the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders so they are watching I think I saw I think I saw a clip of that online the other day and one of the one of the boyfriends from the clip I saw like it's at practice gets down and on one knee and proposes and stuff and then obviously you know you just ruined it for some people but that's okay it's uh we don't we don't know if we don't know if she said yes they just show him getting down on one knee you hope that oh um the receiver thing um which reminds me I got to get my brother-in-law's Netflix password back um it's hey so any just before you go if you're gonna don't I would say that the reason why I don't like it and I know I I my daughter's watching it and all that it they absolutely treat these uh rookies trying out like dirt like I'm you're really treating them like that and then and yeah it they're the critique um so yeah I I I would give it uh was it Rotten Tomatoes is that still a thing I I'd give it maybe like two and a half out of five if it's five okay sorry go ahead back password hunting well no it's funny you mentioned there's 800 channels to watch now but we're all creatures of habit yeah there may be more choices that doesn't necessarily mean there's anything awesome and then it comes around and there's a reason why The Replacements keeps getting played and Friday Night Lights because obviously when they put those on people are drawn to those movies it's like watching uh what is it fool's gold and Couples Retreat on The Slice network you know Vince vaugh when they go to Bora Bora to do that with Jason baitman and stuff that movie is on every weekend along with fool's gold on uh um this week's uh early bird prize again for the saskat ru Rider Foundation 5050 is uh uh the Nashville getaway now okay are are you taking the Nashville getaway flights uh three nights accommodation for two Grand old Opry day trip a shuttle transfers Cu uh that you got to factor that in because Uber in traffic can be you know through the roof or do you take $4,500 cash no kids no braces we're taking the trip and the other thing too is you have to view Nashville now like a three nighter in Nashville is like a three nighter in Vegas like when you're going to go you're going to go hard like you're probably not just going there to you know just you know lounge around I mean there's action everywhere not as you know as much as Vegas and things do close there but that would be an intense 3 days like the grand old opery thing would be great but I would also love to see a show there with something else and maybe go to a hockey game uh if it's in hockey season two I mean try who doesn't love try who doesn't love Barry trotz exactly yeah go to a PRS game you can get your tickets the early bird it closes tomorrow at 5:00 p.m. so uh it stays open open after that for the 50/50 it's Riders 5050 doc the only problem the only problem with Nashville I love it I like the I like the smaller older places and now there's all these three story place every it's big it's busy um it's it's expensive because you start having a few if that's your thing around noon or 11:30 and and the bands come on and you think it's one of the greatest bands you've ever seen and they're playing ear so they're not and then before you know it it's supper time and you start looking through your receipts and you're like I've spent a lot of money and I haven't even eat eaten supper yet like it it every time I go to Nashville I fall for the same thing and then it's like I'm going to give this guy 20 bucks to play Don Williams well then 20 here and 20 there to hear a little Merl or something and then now you're two2 $300 on tip money an American they don't take Canadian for the tips when they pass the hatter so yeah Nashville's sneaky at least in Vegas you got a chance to kind of win it back a little yeah and nothing and the only dangerous thing about when you go out at 11: there's a good chance some days you may be home at 5 I mean that could be from anywhere that how many how many great days at Craven started at 10: in the morning and you're back in the campground by 5: not because it's your choice but because the body is just said you cannot go anymore and you're going to be sitting this one out for the night in the penalty box or laying on the ground in the grass next to the tent it's um yeah so back to the people are just tuning in here uh not a lot for updates when it comes to the Riders and and what we're dealing with but it it doesn't sound good when um when Zach fry uh did not participate today it's it's just looks like it's an elbow issue um and also Peter godber ankle ankle he's out and the the the big one that Dave what Dave Thomas did break earlier and the one that you're like how can we just get a little puck luck here please Dante Meers armman a sling and when your Iran is in a sling on a Wednesday and you're playing Saturday unless a miracle is gonna happen it's a good chance he's not gonna play on Saturday in the banjo bowl and winipeg I don't yeah I I don't I don't remember that yeah he he didn't and yeah it may happened the game and he just gutted it out and it's an after effect thing and if you're tracking um bomber practice Yeah Zack Clos did practice today took first team reps I know when he was taken off the field just because of his concussion issues and we know that all too well here um he seem they he's apparently medically cleared but they they said he had an upper body injury they never said he had a concussion so the protocol is different it can be determined if you're good to go if this was concussion protocol as we learned yesterday he would have to be out 7 days as per the CFL and its medical guidelines before you could come back in if you were cleared I like no name on this text to the Capitol Ford linoln text line 936 6262 anyone text Clark to see if he is in half game shape and to snap next week oh D Clark yeah you know a it's funny a name that got brought up at dinner dinner with doubles on Saturday at the casino and I hadn't heard it in a while Brandon leat yes there's so many uh so many options any since you you seem to have your uh ear to the ground as that as they say any word on Adam big hill out of uh out of bomber Camp because that that didn't look too good it it it didn't um probably the one thing and you don't want to see anybody hurt anybody out of the lineup I think that the Winnipeg Blue Bombers without Zack ceros um are they can probably get by without Adam big hill and he makes a huge contribution on defense I mean having both of them is great but if you had to miss one and like what a Dave say yesterday or like we saw Chris strer was only attempted six passes from the whole time he came into the game so if if you if you could only have one I'm sure that bombers fans would love to have Zack keros in because Winnipeg's got some studs on defense and you know with scheme they can do it but nothing on him so whether if he plays no word haven't heard anything yet uh I know we got uh like we got we got everything covered here on the show today coming up in hour two um right after the news we're going to be joined by uvar Rams starting quarterback old starting quarterback now starting quarterback again Noah pel um he was uh kicked into into the fire last week in Calgary Rams pulling that one out so we're going to talk to him he was 14 of uh 14 of 19 125 yards uh we'll talk to him Rams and Huskies coming up this weekend right here on 620 CKRM with brenon Maguire Friday 6:45 the playby playay starts at 7 the 6:45 is the pregame show um uh Hy lost last week too I know which is kind of uncommon uh to lose early in the season and if you're the CIS schedule maker huskys ran early like week two wow trying to fire things up um listening to the game on Friday I thought Brenda did an outstanding job in Calgary and with the Rams being one and seven last year there wasn't a lot of expectations and just from everything that happened and the story that you're going to tell after four to to be be the starter then to lose your job and then have to come into the game for injury and then you lead your team to the win I don't know they were they kind of write movies about stuff like this so uh I'm looking forward to that interview and should be a good game could you imagine if the Rams are 2 and 0 by Saturday morning and one of those wins is against the arch rival and a team that just doesn't lose like how good have the Huskies been for so long they just don't lose a lot only in the vanet cup it seems I love it if you're a football fan you want to be at that one this is the all neww sports cage like I said Sports you can now watch the stream thanks to everyone who's watching it out in YouTube land right now and it's always on the home of the Saskatchewan Rough Rider 620 CKRM Rider Nation the O new sports cage is bringing you Cooperators Ruff Rider football like never before now for every home game you can watch the ryer radio live stream on our Sports cage YouTube channel Saturday September 28th the writer day on the red blacks the live stream starts at 10 with countdown to kickoff brought to you by Croft electric and we wrap up the game with a sports cage radio Round Table brought to you by McDougall auction subscribe to our YouTube channel at Sports and don't miss a minute of our ryer radio live stream in town at the cabin or on the farm only one rural internet provider brings you a whole Home Solution access rural internet now offers download and upload speeds up to 3 350 Megs for one low price plus keep entertained with access next TV stream and keep an eye on your home and property with access rural security each for just $4.95 a month extra get more from your rural internet service visit my access. CA today hey Rider Nation this is Dave Thomas voice of your's scat and Ru Riders listen to this how does a 50/50 payday sound sounds like a win to me huddle up to Riders can purchase 50/50 tickets for every Rider game home or away you can even score quickly with the early bird prize this week it's a trip to Nashville and you'll be in for the massive weekly jackpots buy now at Riders sponsored by ISC licens LR 2426 when you have a big job on the go always head to prair land rental for everything from skid steers to excavators to jackhammers you'll get everything done with equipment just from Prairie land you won't need to go anywhere else and at prair land you deal directly with the owner they're very local and very Sask they appreciate your local business and they've got everything you need for your projects they'll even deliver prair land rental 600 Albert Street prair land when it comes to money you can bet that everyone has questions what's going on in the markets when is the right time to invest what should you do with your money today when Len had questions he talked to to Brian golly anytime I have any concerns you know I'll either send him an email or text him and he he gets back to me right away but he's still very forthright gets back to me right away and and lets me know how things are going you don't have to plan your financial future alone call Brian golly of smart investing Solutions 306 546 2533 I would recommend them to anyone it's 4:00 good afternoon there's a light rain shower and it's 15 degrees in Regina I'm Corey Atkinson from the Harvard Media news center with 620 CKRM news for Sherwood Co-op Liquor Store now open in Harbor Landing and on rdale Boulevard and by Mercedes-Benz Regina for those who can Mercedes-Benz regina. CA conservative leader Pierre PV has called the ndp's decision to back out of its political pact with the Liberals a stunt sing announced his decision today and says the next election will be between the conservatives and the NDP POV says jug meet Singh refuses to say when he'll vote to bring down the government and actually call that election so my message to sellout Singh is this if you're serious about ending your costly carbon tax Coalition with Trudeau then commit today to voting for a carbon tax election at the earliest confidence vote in the House of Commons poll's show PV holds a substantial lead over both the NDP and the governing liberals a play ground has been built to honor one of the victims of the 2022 mass stabbing in Saskatchewan the name of 78-year-old Wesley Patterson is to be emblazoned on a metal sign at the structure in the village of Welden organizers of the playground project say Pon was heavily involved in the community and would even cut the town's grass and cther gather people for coffee two years ago my Sanderson killed 10 people and injured several others on the James Smith creation before fatally stabbing pson nearby in welon a fire in a village Southwest of Saskatoon has destroyed a a hotel in a post office on its Main Street the village of weison hasn't said how the fire started before it destroyed both buildings The Village says the community is under a boil water advisory until further notice Postal Services have been moved to the nearby community of Dinsmore a protest in downtown Winnipeg took a hostile turn today Pro uh protesters had blocked off a downtown intersection when a motorist drove up at a fast speed stopped and then tried to go through the intersection some protesters jumped on the car and it ran over at least one bicycle before turning away this woman who didn't want to give her name says she was hit as he was turning I was also there and then he like came at me my bike was in front of me so like the bike stopped a lot of his momentum but I did fall he did hit me the protest was over the death of an indigenous woman who was struck by a police vehicle at a homeless encampment on Monday and the hospital's Regina Foundation has launched its fall home lottery as you would expect the prize list is extensive including the grand prize home which is worth $1.4 million it could also come with 25,000 in cash hrf CEO Dino saus explains what the organization does with a money raised through the lottery every year we support of course uh all the hospitals plus other Hospital facilities including the Urgent Care Center here in Regina and all of these of course in support of South sukat the deadline for some prizes is coming up like the trip to New Zealand you can get tickets at hrf home it's 403 and that's your 620c RM news weather is next style performance upgrade your daily driver to the new 2023 Mercedes-Benz glb250 This SUV packs a punch with features that make a normal Drive exhilarating the ultimate in automotive luxury can be yours for 419 bi-weekly the friendly and knowledgeable staff at Mercedes-Benz Regina will help you find the exact model you want take a test drive and feel the difference stop by for an award-winning experience at Mercedes-Benz Regina recipient of the star dealer award barrels of fresh produce grown locally mustards and condiments made locally and Western Canadian beef aged 14 days your barbecue tastes better when you shop at Sherwood Co-op food stores offering more local products than any other grocery store while stocking the national Brands you love plus member benefits let you share in the equity get your barbecue meat cut inhouse your way I like my way get more local flavor for your barbecue at Sherwood Co-op food stores your truly local grocery store store we are members we are owners we are Sherwood [Music] Co-op and now it's time for your 620 CKRM Precision weather forecast for Linx Regina serious protection Killer looks 1865 mcara Street and by wolf Industries your truck repair specialists in grandell servicing all sizes of trucks SGI accredited tonight some isolated showers and then clearing with a low of six tomorrow partly to mostly sunny and a high of 21 on Friday mostly sunny and a high of 24 and then Saturday partly to mostly sunny and hot with a high of 30 at this hour in MOA it's cloudy winds are from the Northwest at 24 gusting to 35 and it's 15 Regan has a light rain shower winds from the Northwest at 20 and it's also 15 get news and information anytime through the CKRM app or stream online at 620 CKRM docomo your truck has withstood the harshest elements Saskatchewan has thrown at it rocks travel rain sleep and snow and left with no chips no rust LX protective coating keeps your trucks Bedliners rocker panels and bumpers looking like brand new don't settle for brandex go with Linx it's serious protection come see why everybody loves taking their truck to Linx Regina for their rocker panels bumpers and more Linx make your truck complete 1865 mcara Street whether Smokey's after you or not when you're on the road in your big rig you're in a hurry to get to where you're going and you need a part shot you can trust wolf Industries is the premium Choice they're your family run truck mechanic shop with a full line of parts for big semies with certified AC technicians for the hot summer stop in at their grenfell location for all the parts and repairs you need their SGI accredited for safety inspections and have 24-hour emergency call out wolf Industries the best for your truck 104 hi Bronco plumbing and heating is it true can I rent my water heater with Bronco again yes we rent water heaters again you've been asking for it and after 5 long years water heater rentals are back at Bronco plumbing and heating you'll get the same great service you expect from Bronco with a rental cost that makes hot water affordable how soon can I get it installed Saskatchewan's best water heater rentals from Bronco call 306 781 2090 bronol broadcasting from Century Studios and downtown Regina Harvard media presents the the all new sports cage where the sketchin comes to talk local sports be a part of the show call 1866 767 620 or text 36936 6262 all new sports cage streaming at Sports and on the radio at 620 CKRM that's right we are streaming Sports you can go and uh check it out YouTube get on some people are commenting Maz we're we're taking their their YouTube comments as well uh one YouTube listener wants to change the name of the banjo bow oh I saw that something more politically correct what was it Prairie rivalry bash yeah sure I can call it that for the rest of the week see how it goes but I think banjo B's brand is uh pretty entr trenched I don't know if we're going to change that and I know there's a lot of banjo players out there that are offended but it is what it is Kelly Taylor comedian in uh Kelly Taylor comedian in uh Prince Albert his son his one middle son took up uh I think was it banjo he wanted to play the banjo I'm like hey they should offer that in in SAS for school an elective took guitar in grade n once as far as far as uh instruments go that aren't overplayed banjo would probably be one of yeah every kid you either sign up your parents either put you in piano for a year or guitar for a year and they realize you've got no Talent at all um I'm fortunate my wife is incredibly musically talented she's got her grade 12 Royal Conservatory when it comes to piano so she can teach you can do everything and the kids have got that they got not a lot from their their father great I'm renting a saxophone again this year the boy tried it and now the uh now the girl's going to try it and I'm like hey I'm all for it do it while you can um I I played uh yeah I took I had to take guitar in grade nine as an elective I think I think we all I think we all did oh and that that um the rental of the instruments because we do that too that's a good racket to be in like like that this flute I don't know how many people have had it before her and how many people going to have after her but man we sure pay good money for it and and and then you go to buy the book and then you got to buy the what's the the reads they're called reads the thing they're they're called REITs yes you have to buy the things the music the sheet music and then they make money on the deposit they always make money on the deposit for sure what if that thing breaks what if it falls in the hot tub I get it they got to make their their money uh if you're just tuning in whether it's on the radio or watching us on the Stream the word today for the ultimate football road trip to Minnesota September 22nd to watch the Texans and the Vikings with engelheim tours keyword today was Minnesota so people are actually we're not we're not seeing as many wrong ones to the Capital Ford Lincoln text line so that's uh that's a good sign and you can just always chime in if you want on anything on the capital for Lincoln text line as well um yeah so so we are going to talk NFL football a little bit later with Farhan Loi he is in Kansas City getting ready for the start of the NFL season tomorrow night between the Ravens and the Chiefs great start and then I I really like the Monday nighter is Green Bay San Fran like yeah it's uh they know what they're doing there as far as pitting teams together they they do um are are we is this the year that we should be all in on the Lamar Jackson Baltimore hype that he's finally gonna come through and beat the Kansas City chief exactly so let's tone that H Hammer him tomorrow I don't mind that tomorrow because he's healthy game one yeah yeah but long term because I know everybody oh Lamar Jackson yeah he does everything but win in the playoffs when he should that's that that's the Patrick Mahomes thing momes wins in the playoffs when the games matter that that's the big difference because tomorrow there'll be a lot of the Lamar Jackson hype and then and now momes is turning into probably the closest thing we we're going to see to Brady for a while where he's kind of like one enough now that he's kind of turned in he's got his fans but he's also kind of turned into a bad guy he wears the black cowboy hat now because he has been successful and people just want to hate him because he's good at what he does and then the Sunday nighter this was the other one I'm like What's the other Sunday nighter they give us Los Angeles Rams in Detroit to take on the Lions oh just like as if well here's here's where the Lions have to prove that they they W they weren't a oneoff and it was a fluke year like Dan Campbell which by the way there's a new Applebees commercial floating around online it's Dan Campbell basically you know how they all the coordinators cover their face you know when they're calling plays it's Dan Campbell in at a table he's a waiter at Applebee's and he has the menu covering his face and then he gets the people at the table to do their order covering their faces but that's the thing I mean we we we'd all like to see Detroit kind of win because they've lost so much but they really have to prove that last year wasn't a fluke and the LA Rams as long as Shawn McBay is coaching and um Jared G Matthew staff yeah Matthew Stafford golfs with Matthew Stafford I was like what wait a minute yeah and Matthew Stafford uh that Pua AA Cooper cup healthy healthy um yeah like I I I think I'm curious to get farand uh farhan's take on a lot of this um Pittsburgh Steelers like there is I know a lot of Steeler fans um a lot of heartache and pain it ain't it ain't 2014 like Russ Russ is cooked never mind let Russ Cook I think Russ is cooked um you know and it's the thing with Mike Tomlin that because he's so well respected there like I don't know that they'd ever fire him it would probably have to be his choice to lose but if this Russell Wilson thing doesn't go well and there's no signs leading to that it is going to go well like what do you do there like you've got can you let give Tomlin another chance to build this back up like but then you have Justin Fields right yeah I'm surprised he wasn't the starter a little bit I guess just I'm not super into the Steelers like whatever they do they seem to always make the playoffs or squeak in or be close I just don't but they they got they got Russell Wilson for for like basically an e transfer it's like he's he's playing for nothing um the the minimum there there's not a lot of risk there but are you kind of pissing off Fields that's the thing well well I think if Justin Fields was that good Chicago doesn't get rid of him you know before year five is up and hey good on good on Denver for getting rid of Russ because what B Knicks has been named a captain the first time since what was it like the 70s that a rookie has been named captain on the Denver Broncos but but the Broncos are like paying the the small you know amount that a lot of countries have as as capital the the Broncos are paying that to him to get for tell them to get lost it was a lot to not play there I know like I forget what the was 60 some million or to to not play for the Denver Broncos but if you're Shawn Payton you're like G that's God that's that's done I don't know like I mean there's there's the usuals there's the regulars but who's going to pop out of the woodwork I don't know the Jordan love thing in Green Bay like is it real like is it I'm I'm did he have a few good games I'm buying that Green Bay I'm I'm buying that Green Bay hype for some reason and for some reason I feel like I need I need a future on the Cincinnati Bengals but I don't know if their offensive line is good enough but I just for some reason the bangal and we let's talk to farand more about this at 5:00 we got so much foot football Mass to cover um I also want to I really want people to start chiming in on high school football in a bit we're going to talk to that we're going to talk about that after right after the break we're going to be joined by the starting quarterback from the uvar Rams who will be taking on the ufs Huskies in a little week 2 CIS football it is the all new sports cage live streaming vide style at Sports and as always on 620 CKRM the all new sports cage is brought to you by Bronco plumbing and heating where Professional Service is guaranteed they'll treat you right 781 2090 Ryder Nation the old new sports cage is bringing you Cooperators Rough Rider football like never before now for every home game you can watch the rider radio live stream on our Sports cage YouTube channel Saturday September 28th the writers take on the red PLS the light stream starts at 10:00 with countdown to kickoff brought to you by Croft electric and we wrap up the game with a sports cage radio Round Table brought to you by McDougall auction subscribe to our YouTube channel at Sports and don't miss a minute of our writer radio live stream hi Bronco plumbing and heating is it true can I rent my water heater with Bronco again yes we rent water heaters again you've been asking for it and after five long years water heater rentals are back at Bronco Plumbing and heating you'll get the same great service you expect from Bronco with a rental cost that makes hot water affordable how soon can I get it installed Saskatchewan's best water heater rentals from Bronco call 306 781 2090 Bronco hey Rider Nation this is Dave Thomas voice of your sukat and Ruff Riders listen to this how does a 50/50 payday sound sounds like a win to me huddle up to Riders every Rider game home or away you can even score quickly with the early bird prize this week it's a trip to Nashville and you'll be in for the massive weekly jackpots buy now at Riders sponsored by ISC licens LR 2426 the largest selection of pre-owned trucks and SUVs is at Capital GMC the GM certified truck sale is on right now over 170 pre-owned trucks and SUVs GMC Chevy Fords Rams Toyotas gas and Diesel available at the lowest prices and all GM certified Vehicles come with roadside assistance and a 150 plus point inspection the massive GM certified truck and suv sale at Capital GMC on the corner of rosdale and pasquin Regina Capital GM back to the all new sports cage text 306 936 6262 720 CKRM e e e e um you know obviously maturity can we can see from you but you know you you were starter you were playing and then you kind of kind of battled for the position Owen takes it over um you're there you know as a supporter as as backing them up ready to to get into action did you you know talk to anyone did anyone help you through this mentally just hey this is how you got to deal with it it's part of the game be ready to play did anybody uh help you in that uh I'd say yeah like teammates and and coaches have been a big part of it uh obviously you want to be on that field no matter what what it is but it's it's it's a tough game there's a lot of a lot of great players in this league a lot of great players on the team so always kind of battling but like I said earlier no matter what I'm going to continue to to battle and and always be ready to to play whenever my opportunity comes however it comes so that's kind of been I guess the biggest advice no matter what position I'm in I'm GNA going to kind of prepare to to be ready to to go whenever I need to you have our starting quarterback Noah pel joining us here on the sports cage on the western Pizza guest hotline okay let's talk about this weekend this one's always a big one uh the boys from up north right the ufs huskys um and they drop their opener last weekend maybe to the surprise of a lot of people so they're going to be hungry uh you guys don't want to give an inch uh how are you guys preparing for the huskys uh yeah kind of we're looking at every week the same like we're just going to focus on oursel kind of do what we need to do at practice do do our job and we know we're going to be put in a situation to be successful we always get a little a little bit more excited for this game than most games so we understand that they they have a really good team uh they they still played a good game uh last week but yeah we're just going to continue to focus on ourselves we know our coaches are going to put us in good spots and as long as we do our job we should be successful in the game what what what do you guys got to be on your toes for for the Huskies what what what kind of problems could they pose uh they're obviously always just a big strong team they they kind of have send a lot at us uh offense and defense so we just got to yeah stay on our toes kind of be ready for anything that's going to be be the biggest thing and yeah they're going to make plays but we're going to make plays as well so it's just going to be responding to those and staying composed throughout the game hey it's uh it's a big one and it's only week two looking forward to it uh always a battle thanks so much Noah and continued success thank you thank you for having me yeah know uh great young man quarterback of the U ofar Rams um third year student got some info today that he's he's done a couple practicums where he's going to be a teacher some sort so Noah pel that's a great football game to go watch also don't sleep on the Thunder and hilltops two undefeated teams in junior football this uh this weekend here and like I said High School Football starting in some parts I want to get to that in a bit still to come like I said an hour three we got faran ly we're going to talk CFL NFL with him and a whole lot more we got our first uh spelling of Minnesota wrong uh I saw that um so again the keyword today is Minnesota for the anglee him trip to uh to Minnesota to Minneapolis Minnesota not minota Minn soda that's all right uh you can you can get it back text us back 936 6262 we are awarding that trip Friday at 5:30 trip for two uh with engelheim tours if you still want to get in with a group uh you can go on engelheim and check it all out there we come back ma going to talk a little high school football this is the all new sports cage streaming on Sports and on the home of the Riders 620 CKRM you get home from from work and as soon as you open the door you realize oh this place smells like shocking surprise you've got sewer problems let's be honest sewer problems literally stink you need to call someone someone who will get your sewer situation all sorted out you need the sewer experts at Bronco pluming and heating they're number one in the number two business Bronco pluming and heating serving Regina MOA and the surrounding area 306 781 2090 give them a call they'll treat you right you know something it's like selling a six-pack with only five bears in it Wood Country Woody here reminding you that unlike some other places Wood Country garage packages contains everything you need right from the start including appearance grade Lumber all your nails and screws and walk indoors with claded jams Building a garage it's one and done with Wood Country your home is your Castle in mlan estan and Tisdale shop online wood Das country .c hi Jason here general manager at Capital Ford Lincoln and I want to tell everyone that employee pricing has been extended to September 30th right now is the best time to get into a new Ford on top of employee pricing and great financing rates only Capital Ford is adding additional discounts as high as $2500 over and above combining these two great offers generate savings as high as $20,500 off new 2024 models see all the details at capital for hurry though employee pricing ends September 30th it's been a long day I don't want to cook I'm going to surprise the family with a pizza night oh I'll be a hero my family might actually pick me up in celebration and and carry me around the kitchen and they'll chant my name and I'll be celebrated until the end of time when I this isn't Western Pizza I thought you loved us don't Pizza fail get what they want it's got to be Western Pizza big on toppings big on taste and get it hot and get it fast W Pizza 3D wood signs multi-layer designs dimensional wood art layered wood gifts wood paintings Woody layers of Awesomeness we're not always sure what to call our Creations but when you need a meaningful gift to recognize someone who matters This Is The Place To Go personalized pieces made in-house that celebrate the family friends clients and staff you care about sticks and doodles Regina's personalized artwork and gift shop now open at 2406 Victoria Avenue East thanks Regina Pro to make you proud if you've ever had to clean out a grain bin in August you know that most metal buildings can get scorching hot during the summer hi I'm Terry from zipper loock Building Company at Zipper loock our buildings are white so they absorb far less heat than your average metal Farm building avoid working in an oven next summer store your grain fertilizer and farm equipment in a zipper loock building instead zipper loock Building Company built in hours to last a lifetime see us in Raymore or call 1 18692 5515 don't miss a minute of the all new sports cage podcasts are posted at sports 620 CKRM welcome back if you're joining us streaming Sports uh live and in person thanks for uh joining there you can comment there or uh yeah as always we're on the radio in the Stream that way 936 6262 hey Ma uh there is uh pre-season hockey this evening at the brand Center in Regina WHL and we're going to be talking Moosejaw Warriors a little bit later with voice of the mo Warriors James Gallow but Pats tonight Swift Current 7 PM pre-season action now to to our story on Monday because a lot of people might have might probably missed that one maybe missed that one um it's it's not your dad's pre-season hockey anymore in the Western Hockey League yeah because normally well we talked the Pats had their blue and white game the other night and I had asked you because things changed I mean and your son is and your daughter growing up in hockey you know there's it's a different game and there's barely any fighting but I remember the int Squad games in the old days no matter what league no matter what team there was going to be probably anywhere between what three to six fights probably and that was normal but then then then the preseason games you know you're done beating up your fellow team tees now it's time to try and go you know do this with somebody else I just uh they said the game's changed and you know they don't do that because is it now like one you're one and done right in the preseason if you get into a fight you're immediately tossed from the game I would assume I I think I think it's one and done and it put me on the spot but I I don't think they uh no maybe is it one fight or is it or you allowed another one but yeah you look back at like 95 96 or even back to the 80s I if if the Pats and and Swift Curr and Broncos are are playing like there's there's I don't know who is it Tod Willis maybe for the Broncos is going to drop the gloves of somebody from the Pats who was a tough guy at that point and go at it but yeah it's changed so much you know and and not it's not it's not that bad the hockey's better I mean everybody they're so much more talented when you see these kids at like 15 and 16 and you're like oh man um it has um it is it's a different game it's faster um I think probably just the the lack of you know in the old days people smoking cigarettes in the stands that's just one of the big one of the big changes and 50-50s back then was an actual ticket you needed that that paper ticket that was ripped in half uh to get half of that and the coffee came in the white styrofoam cups and it was awful but it was hockey rink coffee that's what it was there was no there was no such thing as a latte in a hockey rink no remote no remote starter when it got cold to fire up the vehicle you had to run out and risk it with the keys in it or if you had the two key system um yeah no the 5050 back in the day like looking back now those were Shady times like really what was it a 7030 split if that a lot of times in a lot of rinks it's like we'll keep this over here and you could talk at that it's funny we had Dante diaria on from the Pats a few weeks ago before the rider game and I was asking him about play byplay and then he started getting into his superstitions before every game whether it be clothing or food and the routine that he goes through again and again and again and I'm like wow I like you're way more dedicated than me because it's all I could do when I had to do that a few times is just to get myself to the rink in the Press Box and call the game let alone be able to meticulously go through the sheet of everything that needs to get ticked off on the boxes before the game starts hockey playby playay and football playby playay I found we're so different football I I I've never done baseball I think baseball play-by-play guy has an extreme you got to have so many stories or just be able to lie really well and make up good stories um because a lot of downtime and and then you know like football you kind of you have to be so aware of numbers and you know where they are and what it was and what was the feel what's the penalty and all that where hockey you just got to fire back Red Bull and just go and it's busy and you got to if you don't know the names of hockey if you call them the hockey game and you don't know the names like I think the guys that do the World Junior game of like Austria versus Kazakhstan it's like Bravo to you really good job so uh the Pats tonight are playing your Swift Current or the Swift Current Broncos if you're from Swift Current they are your Swift Current Bronco Broncos even if you're from mortl uh you probably call them your Swift Current Broncos 7 pm. at the brand Center um on the heels of that I I know you like to scour social media in the mornings I came across this um people in Vancouver are losing their mind or a good chunk of people in Vancouver are losing their mind because the Canucks are charging $32 for a scrimmage on Sunday so people in Vancouver that pay $32 for a soy latte aren't liking the $32 for a scrimmage price that is a little steep Well normally the scrimmages especially as training camp for the most part those have been free or like a dollar to the food bank or $5 to the food bank like that Hey listen I I get it I mean you're running a business but that that that's why people are are up in arms in um in Vancouver uh I know you've been wondering Capital Ford Lincoln text line over under I had at five or 15 sorry on how many wrong Minnesota spellings we would get and uh we're push we're pushing it now people are people are coming in hot and heavy 936 6262 the engelheim keyword today was Minnesota uh this this one might be sent in by my uh 5-year-old nephew because it's not I'm I'm not even GNA say it okay what is it cuz is somebody trolling or they if if they're trolling that's fine and they're listening to and they're having fun so that's good I I don't just in case I don't really want to embarrass someone but this one is you don't have to say names just spell it out got to know the spelling because there's only so many ways you can spell it right m i n n i s o t a mini mini soda it's close it's close it's not I think that it might be a little bit of a troll drob which is fun I love troll drops uh thanks for listening or maybe you're watching on sports high school football when you when you think of high school football in Saskatchewan what do you you've worked in a lot of different places a lot of small towns small cities and then big cities what do you think of um it's something that UniFi like it when you're in high school it unifies your high school like when all of the whole school is sitting on one side or in one section you know cheering on you know cheering against a rival um it was a chance for high school football brought out it's funny High you know let's say it's a 16 or 17-year- old kid playing High School football brought out different fans than than 16 and 17y old hockey fans or they be parents or people because there are certain people that just are football fans and they'll come and watch any game anytime anywhere and I noticed that with high school football and then you know in the smaller places like where we grew up you saw the guys playing both ways and you saw how really talented some kids really were and how unfair it was to be like how can you be so good at two things and it can't even be good at at at one thing and and in the fall once Harvest is over you rally around whatever the football team is whether that's six-man or ninan or a full 12-man Squad it's it's just what you do so we want people here on the all new sports cage we want to know what's going on in the football world out there what's the big game coming up in your area maybe it's your team whatever we're going to pick some we're going to have some fun with it uh what is the email is it High Sports that's hi yeah tech department was working we you should have seen was that it it probably was about a 10 email thread right to get it down to high at sports thank you to the tech team we're nothing without you we couldn't do any of this but yeah so what's your Friday night light so we I know we were talking about this last hour because The Replacements were on in the Friday what's your Friday Night Lights where do you live what's the next game what time does it go down do you need to be our official like are you are you know who do who would who do I want to say um uh are you are Aaron Andrews on the sideline you know like taking it all in shooting us socials you know where is it you know what's the big game we know in Indian Head they just replaced the turf you know it's it's big this weekend like this is when it all gets roll and all of those early morning summer practices are starting to pay off now it's go time Mall field grand opening is coming up Friday night in Indian Head like you said they have always been a big um football town there a lot of Aaron Andrews types rolling around Indian heads so yeah that's we're going to talk about the the Field opening coming up tomorrow uh and then Friday with them but get get these scores M this this is the kind of stuff that we want sent in Cas so last year's provincial finals um there's really there's a couple that that were out so I'll start in on the big boy side or the big school side um it was Miller of Regina over Holy Cross so two Catholic schools oh man 12 to 10 Miller of Regina was your uh 12 12 aside they call it 6A champ then the 5A 12 aside where our old high school would be in a lot of the smaller high schools along with the I think the Moose Jaws are in there some of it was wurn over Aiden Bowman from Saskatoon yeah 3515 so wurn shout out you guys won it last year then this is the stuff that I used to call when I worked down in shovan and Swift Curr absolutely loved it Lumsden shovan went at it in the 4 A n aside Lumsden 3814 I remember that day that field was absolutely packed in Lumsden for that contest and if I if I remember correctly it was a beautiful day out like they hit really good weather second week of November or whatever so Lums in in the valley beautiful no lights though right A lot of these places no lights I think the the new field in Indian Head might have lights uh we're going to find that out more okay so then this is where it gets real interesting the six aside so like six aside football wow feel so big that that like you said that athlete that that is is harvesting right now and he just got finished being picked up by three baseball teams and he's trying out for a doublea hockey team an hour away and the football team is like but we really need you can you please just be here on Friday because you you run like a a 4940 and you're 15 years old it's it is the best six six aside football clette beat watus 46- 40 absolute shootout that would have been exciting so is that basically every possession you're just you're scoring there's obviously play defense I would watch so it's funny because when you watch like uh if you ever go to a rider practice when they do Skelly it's called seven on seven so there's no lineman it's just like receivers and stuff and defensive backs and quarterbacks and stuff and you watch them go up and down the field and kind of tear it up but they're just doing it for fun and eventually the whistle blows and it stops and then everybody else comes back on so man six on six wow okay so then there's still one more there's still there's the one a six aside and this is th this is the game that I would love I would love to see that the cette Watchers game I'd probably watch it a few times just entertainment Factor would be amazing but then this would have been a game for the ages and if you were at this game or you know anyone that at this game 936 6262 Halford beat Lamberg 5754 let that sink in a three-point game but 5754 so would they be kicking field goals and extra points because I'm just thinking you line up you're going to need somebody to hold and somebody to kick and somebody to snap so that's only leaving you like three other like your chances of blocking a kick are probably pretty good when you only have like a three-man line right or a fourman line or like or or if you have I I foret I don't know if I gave the kid a name let's call him Tim that's playing baseball and hockey and everything and he's just the natural athlete that runs so fast and no one can cover him and he's probably somewhat gangly at that age but he's just fast like we've all seen this kid if you're going for a field goal I don't and probably don't know the rules there probably has to be maybe some so many people on the line I don't know but then you just put Timmy or Jimmy out on the one side and fake it and go for a twoo convert cuz good luck covering him he's got he's got half of a Canadian football field to basically beat one other human being unless that other guy from that other team can backpedal like Timmy or Jimmy it it's just fascinating to watch and that's why we want to be behind this this year so help us help the kids um hi Sports what game should we be watching this weekend if not a big write up give us a little write up and then um on come Monday or Sunday if you want to send in Recaps we got clutch performers every day we'll give shoutouts to clutch performers and then ideally down the road we start getting some video now that we're streaming and we're up here on videoand and then we can show these highlights um cuz keep in mind it there's crazed hockey moms sorry hockey moms taking videos of everything there's crazed football moms taking videos just fire that in on that same email address you just get it to us and then we'll get it up yeah basically what's your Friday Night Lights we'll do it and the one thing I find about football is that and it happens in other sports you're always volunteering or you're a parent but you see people in football that are so dedicated for so many years and they have other jobs doing other things but they always will commit to football and it's not an easy season because you start when the weather's good and sometimes end when it the weather's really bad so you're going through the whole gamut at least hockey Ringette it's indoors 99% of the time now and you're in control atmosphere when it comes to football man you just never know but you it's funny September sept early September football is awesome and I can see why it's the best game ever that first snowfall in October on a Monday or Tuesday and you got to go practice in that and the game's not until Friday and it's kind of cold and you got homework that's the dedication that I appreciate for any of the young athletes that are playing High School football okay uh thanks Stefan from Humble shout out uh listening up there in Humble uh he said on six aside football OT is a crazy game to watch when you mention kicking converts teams will do it as they get two points when successful H jeez it it's probably when you think about it like that that Halford Lamberg 5754 game like it is probably one of the Hidden gems out there as far as exciting sporting events to watch is a high school six aside final in the first week of November where it's a a 5754 game that'd be amazing you didn't you didn't you say the 6A final ended up being 1210 between Holy Cross and Regina Miller so like you know so what's better do you want to watch that or do you want to watch 5754 like not that they couldn't both be good football games but you know we want yeah somebody opened the Playbook up we want to we would just want to give all these uh these high school football players and now I know there's a lot of females playing you know back in back in the day you'd hear the odd one and it like wow Bravo but now there are a lot of females playing so these athletes I think deserve um some hype and we don't want to make it cheesy and you know it's like what we want we're going to figure it out so let's grab hands here like we're walking onto the field like Friday night light style and let's figure this out together Sports cage Nation let's have some fun with this so it's High Sports you can always thank Stefan again for uh for the note at 30 936 6262 I I I feel like tonight I'm going to go down the rabbit hole of reading the six aside football uh rule book I've already got it here do you let's go col what is you got anything good for us there oh I haven't started reading yet so we should go to Commercial and then I can read you some stuff uh ah that is awesome um yeah we'll go to a quick commercial break we are streaming uh if you're watching thanks uh Sports and as always on the home of the Riders 620 CKRM hi everyone Sean here with Young's equipment your Macedon header headquarters in southern Saskatchewan new or used red green or yellow whatever drives your farm Young's equipment has the macdon header to lead the way with macon's IND leading Flex Draper technology an FD series header ensures your smoothest and most productive Harvest yet no matter your color Young's has your header Young's equipment leading the way in a thriving agricultural Community hey neighbor hey Otto where are you off to taking my car to Moose Jaw truck shop for a checkup it's my third one this year so with their new rebate program I get cash back other perks too and cookies they love their community at Moosejaw truck shop and want a reward their loyal customers with rebates bring in your vehicle for preventative maintenance three times a year and get cash back in September and February plus other perks learn more at Moosejaw truck hey ryer Nation this is Dave Thomas voice of your's skat and Ruff Riders listen to this how does a 50/50 payday sound sounds like a win to me huddle up to Riders 50/50. CA and you can purchase 50/50 tickets for every Rider game home or away you can even score quickly with the early bird prize this week it's a trip to Nashville and you'll be in for the massive weekly jackpots buy now at Riders 50ca and support amateur football in Saskatchewan sponsored by ISC licens LR 2426 hi this is Shannon Forester with floor coverings International people tell us our mobile flooring showroom and seamless service experience is an easier way to buy flooring our consultation takes place in your home and from our ontime on budget installation to our final walkthrough our team is with you until you're completely satisfied check out our Google reviews and see why we are the five stars of flooring don't let her name fool you we are locally owned and operated visit floorcoverings today wondering what your equipment is really worth hi I'm Riley mcchesney from McDougall auctioneers your go-to appraisal experts with our finger on the pulse in today's market we offer the most accurate up-to-date valuations for your Machinery planning to expand or thinking of selling get the real value of your equipment with mcdouall auctioneers over 42 years of expertise at your service call us at 1800 263 4193 or visit us at McDougle so uh how big is yours 5 in that's about average how'd you like 6 in 6 in 6 in that would be a big Improvement a 6-in package from Prairie 6-in eough is made specifically for your Farm building 6-in EES drops are more durable and efficient during storms they're family-owned and operated so you'll get an honest installation at a fair price Prairie 6-in eough your farm shop specialist call 570 6415 Country Corner brought to you by Municipal hail Insurance proudly serving Farmers Municipal hail. CA celebrate the grand reopening of Mcall field at Indian head high school this Friday September 6th a ribbon cutting ceremony concession and at 7:00 the Friday Night Lights game between Broadview and Indian Head the suceden ship Pioneer Village and Museum threshing B is coming up this Saturday and Sunday the demonstrations include plowing threshing rope making and blacksmithing a pancake breakfast 8 to 10 each day located 13 km south of musaw on Highway 2 and take in the souy summer Market every Sunday from 10: to 2: until the end of September a variety of local vendors with baking jewelry clothing and more you can find them on the junction of Highway 6 and 22 as you enter syi for more information visit 620 CKRM docomo new sports cage connect with a show call 1866 767 620 or text 306 936 6262 welcome back holder Sports cage queso Maz yes this this one has me thinking love the sports cage uh listeners chiming in was this one on the YouTube no this one was on the Capital Ford Lincoln text line uh name the Saskatchewan high school that produced more Rough Riders than any other school Players management and coaches and one CFL official and name them we're not going to name them we the school is going to be hard enough I attended this school 25 years plus as a rider season tickets holder living in Winnipeg so name this iskatu in high school well is isn't it Tom Collegiate in Regina isn't that where NE Neil Hughes went that that's my instant first answer um I know that holy cross holy cross and Saskatoon produced Dan Farthing I know Dwayne Demitri went to Mar and grah but I would say Tom collegate would have to be like where did gsy go to school where did uh Sheldon um he was a re Sheldon started with an N the P oh yeah so no he's from North Battleford no no no no Sheldon the ptic yes oh that was North Battleford yeah no no we and we will get him on the show if you've never heard His Story how he went from selling hot dogs at the bar to Ryder players that were at training camp to to being on the team we'll get him on he'll tell that story it's it's only in the CF fell moments okay uh no name here thanks though uh Sports cage nameless person living in Winnipeg he he did give us a hint so I'll let I'll let people listening out there let it uh Fester um but he gave us the hint and I I got it immediately so uh we'll get to that we're it's just on the heels of talking High School football because we're getting revved up and the sports cage wants to be all over it um High Sports you didn't know that Jess moscalu was from uh langenberg Saskatchewan no I had no idea I knew she was from Saskatchewan and I was always wondering I'm like I wonder where she's actually from you know because you don't once you kind of get a little more famous you put it like a little bigger of a city in your bio sass or you say that you're from somewhere or you're like a wrestler and just fake it and say you're from somewhere you've never lived so well I had no idea she was from there but I knew she was from here always love the wrestlers were from Parts Unknown I always thought uh that was a good one k So speaking of lenberg Saskatchewan Dave Thomas had a chance to catch up with Noah Noah Zer who's probably going to play his first game as the rider Noah it looks like you're going to get your first CFL start in the banjo Bowl what does that mean it's it's huge you know what I mean it's uh my first opportunity to start in this league uh it's with the hometown team you know it's the team I grew up cheering for and and tried to to go to every game with and you know it's it's really exciting to be in that starting role finally now of course trial by fire last week what was it like inside the huddle with so many different changes going on was it chaos was it calm I think uh I think there's always a little bit of uh anxiety a little bit of panic maybe with new pieces coming in multiple injuries on the old line you know you hate to see it but at the end of the day I think we're a prepared group we're a tenacious group we fight our but butt off for every inch every play and and I think once we got our first couple plays under us it was back to normal now you've shed some great versatility on the left side of the line right side of the line you played some Center does it matter to you where you play um I think earlier in my career it might have mattered but to me it's for the last couple years anyway have been being ready to play any spot you know whether it's tackle guard Center uh I just stay ready and stay focused and learn everything I can and take every coaching point I can and and just be ready to go whenever the coaching staff needs you you are a veteran in this league but have you had moments like oh my gosh there's Willie Jefferson or wow this is the Labor Day classic um I think I think I used to I think Labor Day for sure you know Labor Day is a special moment I've never been here for the Labor Day classic um playing for this team I think stepping in there when guys went down was like it was a like a a fever dream you know what I mean it's something you you've always wanted to do always wanted to rep the green on Labor Day and and it was amazing but I think for me football is football you know what I mean going up against guys like Willie Jefferson guys like Jake Thomas everyone's a little bit special but at the end of the day you got to go out there and do your job and realize that you're here for a reason so what's it like likely getting your first start with a team that's frankly desperate for a win Noah um I think we're always desperate for a win you know we want we want to win every week I think we have the talent in the room to win every week and it's just about going out there and proving it you know I think the focus has to get better our our technique maybe individually has to get better we just have to keep getting better in All Phases you know and I think nobody's panicking about that I think we have the talent I think we have the focus I think we have the guys and I think everybody in the room feels that we just have to come together and play as a team and and get these next few wins now as I mentioned before the banjo Bowl isn't going to be the easiest place to get your first start of course having to contend with the noise what does that all mean to you I'm sure I'm sure it'll be a challenge at stages I'm sure that uh they'll love to shift I'm sure that they're going to try and keep us guessing and try and use that noise to their advantage but but we're prepared we're we're working our butt off to make sure we're ready for it and and we're working our butt off to make sure it's as little of a factor as it can be so yeah right on there's a guy that would have played some small town High School football uh awkward segue time you you want to talk hockey before we go to break well no here's the here here's the thing um with dry side signing yesterday with the Oilers obviously it's that's the biggest news in the hockey world Oiler fans you have the world's shortest memories because remember a couple months ago heartache and pain in game seven and Matthew kachuck is hoisting the cup and talking trash and postgame interviews and now if you have overtaken Leafs as far as winning the off season and if social media meant anything you are the next Stanley Cup champion and I'm just checking the betting odds everybody across the board all the different sides from like Bal DraftKings Caesars all of that Oilers plus 850 to win the cup next year they are the oddson favorites ifs and nuts and candies and butts I um I looked at the first thing I looked at after that was the uh Futures NHL Stanley Cup Futures I'm like yeah they're the Oilers at because all all social all social media has been in the past 24 hours and you're guilty of this you're either posting pictures of your kids going to school the first day of school or you're posting something either pro- Oilers or anti- Oilers in the past 24 hours about what is transpired there's nothing else on there's no not even any politics in my feed and there's always it's either Oilers or kids going back to school which by the way hi yeah I was gonna say Zach Cero's hit was was was pretty hot yesterday in in the feeds that I was going off uh again we're bouncing around here but this is fun I forgot about Stu Ford who also was from Tom Collegiate that that's why I'm saying my answer is Tom Collegiate I just think that haven't they produced more than it it is Hugh talked about that yeah it is Tom because even Neil Hughes talked about what great coach on Saturday what great coaching he got at Tom Collegiate and that because Jim Hobson Tom Collegiate alumni and I was like there's Pro that's probably the deepest pipeline you'd go uh yeah no so that was uh that was our answer uh it's time to break uh thanks to people are loving the lenberg chatter as well uh the big export Darren Dreger actually dreger's from another little small town by lenberg we interviewed him on the Monday noer absolute Beauty um I for I'll figure out the town name that he's actually from but yeah lenberg is uh that's where he still goes and and hangs out it's y all new sports cage we are streaming live if you're watching on Sports through our YouTube channel and as always on 620 CKRM after the news we got farand ly live from Kansas City Missouri it's a sports cage on 620 CKRM it's 5:00 good evening there's a light rain shower and it's 15 degrees in Regina I'm Corey Atkinson from the Harvard Media news center with 620 CKRM news for Echo sound and for Capel stay connected with a new cell phone from Echo sound call 30633 3 to 6711 and for Kevin Marine make the most of Summer with a boat or Pon tune from Kevin marine and for Capel kevinm Canada's canola industry says the federal government will need to do what it can to support farmers in the wake of a new potentially costly trade dispute with China canola Council of Canada president Chris Davidson says his organization is pushing for the maintenance of open and predictable trade with China even as that country prepares to launch an anti-dumping investigation into Canadian canola Imports uh we will work uh and do whatever we can that is appropriate for us to do uh to support uh the investigation uh but we will also be working with and calling on government to provide you know appropriate levels of support to our industry in the face of of what is potentially another significant challenge Davidson says the situation with China comes on top of what has been several difficult years of extreme weather for Prairie Farmers China has historically been the biggest buyer in the world of Canadian canola seed children have been swinging sliding and climbing on a playground built to honor one of the victims of a mass stabbing 2 years ago Northeast of Saskatoon the name of Wesley Patterson is to be emblazoned on a metal sign at the structure in the village of Welden Chelsea Erikson an organizer of the playground project says the 78y old was integral in the community he would drive around in his white car and every time you seen him he'd wave it to and he was just all around a nice Community person in 2022 mil Sanderson killed 10 people and injured 17 others on James Smith crenation before fatally stabbing Pon in Weldon conservative leader Pi PV says now that the NDP have pulled out of their political pact with the Liberals they must bring down the government NDP leader jug meet Singh announced today that he would no longer honor his Supply and confidence deal with the government to prevent an early election but hasn't announced any plans to trigger an election POV says without sending Canadians to the polls sing's announcement is no no more than a stunt after Jag me Singh after salout Singh did this stunt today he is going to have to vote on whether he keeps Justin Trudeau's costly government in power or whether he triggers a carbon tax election Singh says the Liberals are too weak to go up against the conservatives and he believes the next election will be between himself and POV and US authorities say a shooter at a Georgia high school killed four people today sending students scrambling for shelter in their classrooms and eventually to the football stadium Junior Lila frell at appalache high school says he she heard gunshots and rattling from her classroom while we were waiting a little bit um there was rattling at our door and we we were all just scared and like tensed stuff then it went away and then there was a second wave of shots that we heard they were more rapid um and so that's when we were really like we knew it was serious authorities say at least nine people were injured and a suspect was in custody it's not clear if the shooter was a student at the school it's 5 4 and that was your 620 CKRM news your weather is coming up next Summer's here and if you want to have the best one yet you'll need a boat from Kevin's Marine in for Capel right now they are putting folks on the water with the lowest prices of the year including manufacturers rebates dealer discounts and low payment financing on a fantastic selection of lond and four wins boats and pontoons from Crest and Harris now was the time to save big bucks and enjoy summer big savings big fun all at Kevin's Marine Kevin marine and forel stop by or shop online at kevinm with the success of the recent Apollo space flights man has been brought another step closer to the Moon aboard these flights three astronauts and with them top of the line smartphones with all the latest features uh Houston we've got uh no problem at all we're loving these smartphones that we got at echos sound your sasel authorized dealer Echo sound your sasel authorized dealer's biggest role isn't in in the space program it's right here on Earth in Fort quel or online at ecosound [Music] doca I'm Cory Atkinson with your 620 ckm Precision weather brought to you by Linx Regina serus protection Killer looks 1865 mcara Street and for Croft electric keep the lights on in any weather with a generx standby generator from Croft electric financing available craftt now here's Precision weather meteorologist Phil SP back isolated showers have been flaring up across parts of the province but the air is pretty dry and a lot of them have not had much success reaching the ground the threat remains for a few showers into the evening and then overnight we dry out mainly clear sky takes hold in fact through the night and once we do get into that clear sky we're mostly clear for the next 5 to 7 days at least likely even Beyond into next week with nothing more than a few scattered clouds each day that's how Thursday will look mostly sunny scattered clouds through the afternoon temperature around 21 after an overnight low near 6 through the night Thursday night backing all the way down to 4° with a light North to northeasterly wind and Friday is a mostly sunny day warming back up to around 24 pretty quickly warm air builds right back in for this weekend we're partly to mostly sunny Saturday and Sunday 30 on Saturday 32 on Sunday and it look like a stretch of 30 plus through at least middle if not late week with your 620 CKRM weather forecast I'm Precision weather meteorologist Phil SPAC across the province at this hour Saskatoon is 18 Swift Current 15 cinoa 13 Yorkton Melville 17 moosman Broadview 17 estan 21 and wurn is 15 at this hour in musaw there's a light rain shower winds are from the Northwest at 26 and it's 15° Regina has a light rain shower also winds from the Northwest at 24 cusing to 35 and it's also 15° get news and information anytime through the CKRM app or stream online at 620 Croft electric you've probably heard of us because we've been around for over 27 years we do commercial and residential work yes we do permanent holiday lighting yes we do cabins yes and Farms yes and yes we're an authorized gener generator dealer we are a fullservice 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36936 6262 the all News sports cage streaming at Sports and on the radio at 620 CKRM it's uh Barney shankri with you for the last hour here of the sports cage if you're out there streaming in uh YouTube land now that we're there sports thanks for tuning in keep those comments coming or if you're joining us on 620 CKRM always 306 936 6262 uh before we went to break we were talking langenberg um and we were talking about where Jen Dreer was from shout out to uh Brandon Basler from the Monday ner he's actually from mcnut Saskatchewan and his parents owned the bar there uh when we did the interview with him he was an absolute Beauty uh loves his sasy roots senior hockey all that stuff so uh thanks baz for uh hooking us up with there dger is from mcnut Saskatchewan let's go out on the Western Pizza guest hotline and we are joined by also from TSN he knows drgs probably really well probably never been to mcnut Saskatchewan faran L uh have you has you ever even taken you to lenberg let alone mcnut no he hasn't I haven't had the privilege I've had I've had drinks with drgs on many occasions uh he's a good dude proud of being from saskat absolutely so I've got I've got different stories I'm not going to share them here but certainly nothing involving MC nuts um we're GNA get to the NFL like I said uh to everybody earlier you're in Kansas City getting ready for the big game tomorrow night with Baltimore let's start with the uh Labor Day weekend all the games which one to you was the most intriguing or surprising well I think Calgary Edmonton to be honest I thought was going to be a lot more uh competitive than it was was I was really surprised that the Stan Peters l laid the egg that they did you know I've kind of been of the mindset for the last little while that I I thought Calgary had a real chance of making the playoffs as a number three seed not because I think they're a great team but because I just felt that BC Winnipeg saskat and Edmonton all had the ability to spike or crash right like I felt any of those teams did enough good things that they could you know win six of their remaining seven games or lose six of their remaining seven games but Calgary just thought would kind of meander along at three and three and find a way to get in because their their ceiling was a lot lower but their floor was a lot higher uh and I was wrong about the floor right I mean their their floor was pretty low in that game and full marks to Edmonton and just the turnaround that jerius Jackson and and G Roy Simon have authored there but ultimately just not good enough and and the performance obviously that Hamilton put out there against Toronto right I thought that was really really impressive uh you know B Levi Mitchell and what they did I mean you know they they came big time and as the game progressed you knew Toronto would get back into it at some point but you know Hamilton didn't fade they just kept coming and they and they still were able to move the ball after the score was tied Toronto got close and you expected Hamilton to fold at that point they didn't so I think I think both those games were were pretty impressive and you know obviously uh the game out your way with Regina with saskat and Winnipeg was pretty entertaining as well uh next question if you were a Saskatchewan Rough Rider fan or if you know scaton ref Rider fans are you telling them to push the panic button telling them to push the panic button no I you know I don't think you can look this is your one of of the Corey mace uh regime and I think Cory's gonna do a great job you know how I feel about him I've got plenty of faith in him as a coach I think he's doing a lot of the right things but you know this has been a close competitive league he went through a real challenging situation having to play Shay Patterson and not uh Trevor Harris and you know shaded fine as well as could be expected given the circumstances and and you know while every game was competitive the overall record wasn't necessarily treading water which I thought they might be able to pull off they're going to win their sh games on the stretch um you know defensively they've been very good but they've also been very turnover dependent right so they still give up a lot of yards and a lot of and a lot of time of possession um but then they kind of bail themselves out from time to time because of turnover so they've got to improve in that area and um you know offensively I think as as Trevor goes here he's just going to find a level of consistency and I think the be okay I don't view this as here we go again you know this happened two straight years with Craig Dickinson it's going to happen again with with uh Corey mace I I think they're better than that okay now I know you coach football I'm going to coach football immediately following this program um the uh you know Wade Miller and the miles Brown hit when you watch that as a coach um I don't think it's dirty it's unfortunate um how do you assess it that's a tough one um look this guy's not Garrett Marino okay so that's number one doesn't have that kind of history as a player um it you know it looked like he was trying to turn away right turn his left shoulder in towards Zach but at the same time um he didn't necessarily get his head out of the way I thought there was a window there where he could have avoided head-to-head contact and he didn't but I've seen so many worse hits than this right so I get from Wade Miller's perspective he's protecting his guy and he's making a statement for his guy he wants to show Zack and Zach is a really really frustrated quarterback on this topic right like this is a difficult one for him I mean he's had his share of concussions um you know I I I I think you know I think Zach is considering the end and I don't mean right away because of what happened here but you know I know that he he doesn't want to walk away from this game without all of his faculties because too many hits to the head and too many concussions he doesn't want to be that guy so he has been very frustrated with the number of hits uh late hits borderline hits that he's taken in the last couple of years so I think Wade Miller just has expressed that but I did I like the hit no could it have been worse have I seen worse yes and I'm not willing to label him a dirty player but I I didn't like the play I thought there was more he could have done to avoid it backto backs are always tough in football seeing teams twice um for for coaching you know sometimes it's great sometimes it's not so great um Riders haven't had a lot of success going into Winnipeg now it's a Princess Auto Stadium uh you know you've been there you've got the vibe uh why is it uh so tricky to pull out a win there well it's a it's a pretty good opponent right like at the end of the day I can't sit here and look at you and say well the atmosphere in Winnipeg is so loud and so tough and so intense because it's not worse than what Winnipeg had to deal with in Regina with a full crowd there right similar size Stadium similar passionate fan bases so it's a loud crowd and that look that affects the game but there are ways to win those games as Winnipeg showed this week uh you know Edmonton did the same thing with a big time crowd in Calgary 29 ,000 they were allowed they were engaged and Edmonton took him out of it early right so you know generally what happens in these games is the team that loses a justmore in the second end of back-to-backs um they they have whereas the winning team doesn't change its game plan nearly as much there's a little level of satisfaction um whereas the other team has a level of desperation especially this year in the west when you look at how close the standings Army sukatan is going to fight I I I think I like their chances going in there yes Winnipeg is tough to beat at home but you know if Winnipeg could do it in saskat I think saskat can do it in Winnipeg what are you hearing or what are you making out of uh out of Ottawa with Armstead being released and uh and then signing moral I well look I I'm not sure that anybody in the Ottawa building is surprised that it came to this uh this is a player that has a bit of a reputation uh emotional volatile I was on the Ottawa bench uh during touchdown Pacific when he was not happy with his usage not happy with the team's output at that point uh was pointing fingers was doing a lot of screaming and you know he wasn't necessarily ready to create an altercation with somebody but players on his team are having to calm him down and clearly this isn't the first he's been ejected before there's been some moments so um I I I gotta be honest I I think Ottawa brass Was preparing for this day from very early on in the season they knew how good he was they were going to see how much they could get out of him but they also weren't going to let him ruin their room so you know read between the lines or read right there what you wish and Jamal Morrow is a readymade experience CFL back who's not old he's got he's got a lot of tread on the tires left so um I I don't know that he's going to step right in because they do have some other people in that building that they like but it's a good insurance policy for them to have uh of course Capital Ford Lin cont text lines lighting up am I going to ask you the question of course I'm going to ask you the question uh Nathan roor interest interesting problem I don't even know the guy I see him that that was a massive out of character maybe the question for you did does Nathan R do another halftime interview because it sounds like he he thinks he's not going to have to but as kind of the face of the league or one of the faces of the league uh you know how do you what's your take on that Nathan will be doing halftime interviews he and I have spoken since I don't think I'm the only person that that's spoken I like and I didn't speak to him about it trying to convince him to do it since that incident but you know I know that other people with the Lions have and he's agreed to do it we talked about it yesterday uh before left and for me look I got a long history with Nathan right we go back to his first year in college at the University of Ohio uh we've known each other we've developed a really good relationship I've got a lot of time for him got a l a lot of time for Curtis uh when Nathan was abrupt in that interview it wasn't personal this wasn't hey faren stop asking me stupid questions it's him just not being comfortable in that environment at halftime he's you know as good as he is in interviews he generally just doesn't like them even though the media has been pretty good to him but he'll get over that as he gets older um you know he's very much a purist a traditionalist but at the end of the day he has to learn and I think is learning that this is also part of the job when you sign an employment contract with a professional football team like the difference between um football and professional football is Television right like it's fans and television so at the end of the day if you want to get paid a lot there are there are uh requirements that come with the job that become part of the job and I just think he's learning that right now so he and I are good it wasn't personal there's no grudges he'll be fine uh you're in uh Kansas City uh it all starts tomorrow night NFL style I'm going uh I'm going probably one and a half units on Baltimore tomorrow night uh let's just start with that game uh you know what match up like What's the storyline there well a rematch of the AFC Championship game as you'd expect with arguably the two best quarterbacks in the NFL I mean for me it's not even arguable they are the two best quarterbacks in the NFL uh first time we've seen um you know two uh two MVPs two multi MVPs in the same field to open a regular season uh two guys under 30 that have won those two Awards playing each other um it's a historic game and these guys are Elite it's going to be early in the season so they're going to be healthy they're going to want to make a statement on the national stage um you know and and I'm curious to see the change in both of their offenses right because if you're Kansas City I was in the season opener last year in Detroit your receiving core wasn't very good you had seven drops and you didn't have um you didn't have CHR Jones there and you lost by a point uh to an upand cominging team this year they've got Xavier worthy who's going to create a lot of attention for opposing defenses with his speed uh they won't have Hollywood Brown in this game because he's still dealing with the shoulder injury but eventually they're going to have him they'll have Juju Smith Shuster back in so you know they're they'll be better at in receiving at the start of the season and then if you're if you are Baltimore you've got Derk Henry and Derk Henry is look he's a great great back who's had a lot of miles on him but Derrick Henry is also a different type of running back than what they're used to in their option type running games so they're gonna have to lean on dererk a bid but how will the running game look different as opposed to all the option stuff so I'm curious to see the evolution of both offenses so many people it's you know the Chiefs are going to run it back three in a row uh I think so okay so I was my question I was going to play uh the field question uh you take Kansas City or you take the field to win the AFC well the AFC is loaded right I mean look I'm taking Kansas City Bar and I I I don't want to I'm not going to walk that back barring injury they're the best team in a loaded AFC and um you know Buffalo is still got Josh Allen I I think they're I hate to say it I think they're trending down a little bit I I think their Windows still open but they're Turing down Joe bur it's just about whether or not he can stay healthy uh they've retained enough pieces but they're not as good as they were uh you know because they're they're now dealing with those salaries of some of those young players and that comes at a cost um you know is Miami ready to take the next step if it's you know in terms of actually beating good teams right I mean there are there are so many good teams and good quarterbacks in that conference and then you know San Francisco while I'm picking Kansas City to Win It San Francisco probably has it easier in the NFC right because like that team is loaded they managed to get all their pieces back and intact now that Trent Williams signed and I think they've got less competition in the NFC but while while Casey has more competition in terms of how loaded that conference is a quarterback if Patrick Mahomes could do it with that receiving core wow I don't know how he doesn't do it now uh yeah and and the Niners are aging right like how many more years do they have to make this run one and they're not aging right that's not the issue there because mcaffrey is not old uh their receiving core is is still really good right you know a tight end and at receiver BOS is not getting old Fred Warner is not getting old like they're guys they got the highs paade players at a number of different positions and they are still dudes the difference is the quarterback's on a rookie deal and this offseason that quarterback's going to get paid and when he gets paid it's going to come at a cost there will be collateral damage they can't operate with that many guys at the top of the salary scale and still function once they pay the quarterback so to me it is now after this I don't know they can't find them any kinky marketing money like a like a in League um no okay so last last one um what team out there for our Sports cage Nation does farany think uh surprisingly doesn't make the playoffs this year made it last year uh and what team is into the playoffs this year that maybe people aren't expecting H it's a good question um I think Arizona is going to make the playoffs in the NFC I think there's a lot I think there's a lot of opportunity there um you know Marvin Harrison's going to be a big addition they made some improvements on the defensive side of the ball I think they can shock some people and sneak in with the last spot um you know I want to say Philadelphia had stumbles the way they ended last year I I want to see if they can recover but I I'm just such a jayen Herz believer and they're pretty loaded at receiver as well so I don't want to walk away from that I know everyone's expecting big things from the Chargers this year but um I don't think they're getting there uh you know I think think Herbert's always going to be that guy that leaves you wanting and there's not enough good pieces around him and I'm not the Jim Harbaugh guy that everybody else seems to be so um I I I but in terms of who's not GNA make it I don't know you got to let me prep for that one I can't I can't snap that off the top of my head Arizona in Buffalo how's that Buffalo out whoa Buffalo cuz yeah well hey the Jets if if if uh Aon can stay I'm going to be there Monday I'm Monday and I'm not I'm not bullish on the Jets at all no really on reic out of their lineup this week okay uh so did they make the playoffs no too tough of a division they're not making the playoffs oh all right faran uh have a have a good one tomorrow that's an exciting start uh thanks so much for this we'll catch up with you next week take care pal faran ly from TSN Arizona I think I'm going to watch Arizona and New England in December um I was thinking that those those might be two kind of rougher rougher teams around the edges but faran taken uh the cards AZ I've always had a saw spot for the cards kind of like The Lovable losers there in uh the one run they made everyone was kind of on the bandwagon there um and the Jets don't make the playoffs according to faran LGI ah Jets that's an exciting one though Monday night we'll be talking about it right here on the all new sports cage the Jets and 49ers NFL season is here I know a lot of you out there are Jack having your fantasy football leagues do you Coulson do you play Fantasy Football your brother definitely does yeah no I'm in a league I'm in a couple Leagues with him this year actually just small leagues though uh so I played I played fantasy football once one one year not just once one year um and I I that's when the Patriots were good and I'm a huge Patriots fan and I just couldn't get into rooting for other players especially when they're playing against the Patriots and to be honest I kind of got lazy and I wouldn't put guys in and I wouldn't put guys out and I'm like I can't pay attention so then my my buddy he was chirping and I said hey I tell you what whoever finishes lower uh has to retire from fantasy football forever it's like the loser goes home match yeah well I finished last and then I said okay well I'll never play fantasy football again which was like a weight lifted off my shoulder because it didn't really want to play anyway and it's it's it's a lot and but that has taken football especially NFL to another level like gambling has uh along with fantasy football so there are a whack of games uh coming up starting tomorrow like faran said with Baltimore in Kansas City now I'm a little bit scared on my Baltimore uh cover tomorrow night but I still I think I'm still going to do it Lamar Jackson will be healthy this is the all new sports cage you can always chime in 936 6262 also we just got word we're pay we're playing pick the score for the next 45 or what do we got here 33 minutes of the hour what is the score in the banjo Bowl in Winnipeg text it in 93662 6 2 a chance to win two tickets to the next Rider home game plus a $200 sasel gift card get those in this is the all new sports cage we are streaming live video style at Sports and as always on the home of the rider 620 CKRM the all News sports cage is brought to you by byy B Doors BB will repair or replace your residential or commercial garage door so you don't get stuck in or out catch the buzz Busy B Doors the garage door [Music] specialist greetings football fans the Ultimate Football Road Trip NFL football is back the all new sports cage and engelheim tours are sending you to Minneapolis on the ultimate football road trip to see the NFL's Minnesota Vikings play the Houston Texans weekdays at 3:30 listen for the engelheim tours football keyword then text it to us the more keywords you enter the more chances you have to win the grand prize includes Deluxe motor coach transportation from Regina hotel and tickets to the game at US Bank Stadium for trip details or to buy your own ultimate NFL football road trip go to ingleheim your sewer backed up big time some guys came tore up the carpet and drywall then disappeared leaving a mess that's almost as bad as the first one that's one disaster after another disaster but even so windmar property restoration gets that 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including your best chance to win $1 million hurry early bird deadline is next Thursday help Saskatchewan kids get your tickets now at Riders Lottery license LR2 434 please play responsibly Sask lotteries has 50 years of winning behind us and you know what that means lots of winning numbers numbers like over 1,200 organizations funded and 12,000 plus groups supported $6 million given away annually in community grp grants and the winningest number of all $1.4 billion given back to the people of Saskatchewan through sport culture and recreation and we're just getting started help us grow the next 50 learn more at SAS sasan we have come so far together more people more jobs and a government that invests in hospitals schools and highways to meet the challenges of growth we can keep our economy strong and our future bright with the Saskatchewan party or we can turn back back to the NDP who will crash our economy and drive away people jobs and opportunity just like they did before we've come too far to let that happen let's keep our economy strong and our future bright this message brought to you by the Saskatchewan [Music] party welcome back to the all new sports cage get social with us follow us on X at sports cage watch our video stream at Sports and always on the radio at 620 ckr [Music] welcome back all new sports cage it is for the Ruff Rider Foundation 5050 if you missed it rer at 5 p.m. that's when the early bird cut off is so you're in for the 50/50 but you want to be in for the early bird because it's a trip to Nashville Tennessee includes flights three nights accommodations shuttle transfers little Grand old Opry Day Tour or you can just take 4500 cash so that's before tomorrow at 5:00 p.m. always thank you to the Saskatchewan Ruff Rider Foundation you get your tickets at Riders uh pick the scor starting to come in at 936 6262 tight one people are picking tight games here high scoring games in Winnipeg this weekend so keep those coming and uh yeah coulson's going to award two tickets to the next Rider home game by the end of the show let's go back out on the Western Pizza guest hotline and joining us streaming look at them right there face to face here we are voice of the Moosejaw Warriors James Gallow we're kind of going through the camps of Saskatchewan teams in the WHL we went PA yesterday we're going Moosejaw today I let's be honest here Camp's got to feel a little bit different after you know playing hockey into the into the spring last year and just all that energy and excitement last year well there's obviously a lot of energy shins you're wearing a mush Warrior shirt I see so that's awesome I love it representing hey hey hey when when rips when rips gives me a a tarp and says you can wear this I'll be like sure rips I'll wear it yeah hey when you work in media anything free is great exactly exactly yeah yeah you know what uh Championship summer is a is a short summer and uh and that's fantastic you know it it flew by pretty fast you know it almost feels like yesterday that we were coming home from Sagen and uh you know it's it's right back to work I know it's short but I love it it's great and you could feel you could feel the energy you know when the boys kind of showed up last week um you could see the energy on the ice you just still feel that buzz and I think it adds a little bit of swagger uh to the boys and that's you could see that you could see that a little bit right now okay so uh you know you've been around a lot of WHL camps uh how did Camp go to where we are today I thought it went pretty well I mean just to give people a sense of how we do things in moja uh you know we'll go two days of a rookie camp and you know we kind of separate the main Camp guys and then after two days uh we'll bring you know some rookie Camp guys you know the main camp and I thought first off credit uh to a lot of the the 09s and the 08s of the 15 and 16 year olds in rookie Camp I thought did an amazing job uh establishing a pace establishing uh a competitiveness which was really good and you know when the guys the big guys got on the ice they kept that going I thought uh goals were hard to come by at times I thought there was uh uh some energy I thought it was feisty whiches you want to see it was competitive I know we have 16 returning guys from last year but guys want bigger roles and and you've got young guys nipping at their heels looking for that ice time as well so I thought I thought C went really well can you give a shout out to anybody that caught yri from that like 2009 man I can't believe kids 2009 are now starting to go to WHL cams J like we're getting old buddy um anyone that caught your eye we're not getting old we're already old sh that's the way it is um I called games for your nephew that's how old that's how old I am uh you know what I mean obviously obviously there's our camp guys or our our draft picks you know guy like Cohen Williams Willam uh who who looked pretty good in Camp I thought Preston hoppy who was from the humbled area who was a draft pick this year looked really good Cooper parin uh defenseman from Saskatoon looked really good one of our draft picks this year um you know I thought the the kids in the 2009 draft class looked really well I thought the scouts with the the higher picks that they had or lower picks depending on how you look at it did a really good job identifying talent and finding it um you know when you look at some of the the camp invites that came um mne who I believe is from Lumsden I thought looked really good um he a Ford bod Edwards defenseman from Calgary looked really good as well um there was a lot of good presence out there it's some of those stories of of the guys you don't expect Tanner Jano is the great story on that for Musa right this guy came out of nowhere and uh look where he is right now but uh you know those would be some names from the rookie camp that I thought caught everybody's eye uh as far as the Vets um you know some key departures for the Warriors this year um first off how which which guys are going to to NHL camps besides the obvious ones uh so Ryland kovasovic Parker and of course Braden Jagger VTech Port they'll head off and then of course the the obvious 20-year-olds that you know we won't see back in musja other than just to to have some beers in the stands probably Dent matuk Jagger ferus and Matthew Sao um they're off to their camps and of course you know three big graduating guys leaving us as well and Atley Calbert Lucas friended and Martin rice saavy yeah yeah no it's uh you know you're going to have you're going to have turnover there but obviously when you win a WHL championship you you are um Braden Jagger you know uh I'm sure it hit him like a ton of bricks um you you go through your whole life as as a hockey fan and you hear this it's a business it's a business and then you know all of a sudden it's like hey you got traded is actually uh I was texted with Berkeley Kat in that day and and as soon as I saw it um I think he was going to hang out with yags and I said oh yags got traded and he's like what and I'm like yeah it's uh it's on Twitter pretty reliable source um you know after talking to him I know you're close with him um what's his mindset night because now he's got a reset right I you know I think he's excited um you know I think it's I don't know if he would say it publicly and he didn't say it to me but I think it's I it's got to be hard where you know you go to camp and you see Sydney Crosby on the ice a guy that he's probably you know looked up to just like everybody else has you over the last 15 years I think that's difficult but I think for him Winnipeg is an exciting opportunity for him that's the way he's looking at it is you know they've got an exciting uh Prospect pool uh that I think gets better with Braden in it kind of similar to what what it is here right he has the opportunity uh to grow up now with guys like Cole Peretti and and Kobe Barlo and getting into that system um you know the Jets are an organization that are a bounce here or a bounce there from for making a playoff run they've got you know veteran guys signed up for years and the other thing too shins I think people you know have to consider is they're only six hours away and it's it's a good opportunity for you know their Player Development people to come and watch Braden and to come and work with Braden not just when he's in moja but you know so we go on a Friday night to brand you know you'll see their Player Development people there and one of those guys is Mike Keane right you know so Mike Kean who's obviously familiar with with the you know Musha it'll be nice to see him around the rink a little bit more here so I think that's one thing you have to consider is he's that much closer to his NHL team so he's that much closer to getting more input from his NHL team I heard uh pavl McKenzie looks uh looks really good really good summer of training for him really good he looks like he uh he put on probably 10 pounds maybe two pounds not not like what you and I put on Shin put some negative pounds they put on positive pounds um but he looks fast I think he looks he looks really good um and I think he's I think he's looked not to say that he wasn't last year I think when you're a young guy and as a rookie coming onto a team like last year you just kind of take everything in stride I think he he came in really mature this year and I think he's and that's a good thing he's come in looking to make an impact from game one and I like that about pavl he's one of those guys that to me set a good tone in training camp fast uh you know great shot he's got you know I think he got faster than he was last year and I think he just looks more confident just like a lot of those other returning players well it's uh it's going to be exciting I'm looking forward uh to to the season as a whole we'll be chatting a lot Gallow I know you're you're a busy guy I'm I'm I'm I'm excited to watch games in moja but the thing I'm probably most excited for about musra is October 26 I think it is it's uh Sawyer Brown and shann andoa with a little George Fox speaking of old right like that that's that that gets me going do you think that lead singer can dance like he used to back in the 90s when sorio Brown was was probably at their Peak I don't think so that's got to be a hip or a knee replacement right there I think those jeans are so tight they're like compression pants so I think he's he's taking care of for the two or three hours that he's up there uh let's let's uh catch up again here in a few weeks my man anytime shs appreciate it have a nice rest of the day right on that's a voice of the Moosejaw Warriors the WHL Champion Moosejaw Warriors James Gallow going to still be an exciting hockey team to watch this year uh for everybody that's a that's a Warriors fan yeah I'm wearing my Moosejaw Warriors tarp had to support at the end of the uh end of the year last year last year Jason riplinger uh general manager uh wow did they have a good hockey team was that worth for me the 35 minute drive to go watch them and uh that blad series and then into the Portland series that was amazing hockey uh this is the all new sports cage thanks to everyone who's streaming at sports the YouTube channel and for all of you of course tuning in on 620 CKRM be prepared for what Mother Nature throws at us because we never know what kind of wild weather is in store shorty generators is authorized and trained to service all the major home standby generators offering the largest selection of generators in Saskatchewan gener Coler Champion cumin and Briggs and Stratton now is a time to get your generator serviced and ready for the upcoming storm season to book your service or to learn more about generator maintenance visit shorty generators. CA the generator experts at McDougall auctioneers we're not just selling heavy equipment we're powering progress hi this is Riley mcchesney our Online Auctions bring together the best machinery and the biggest network of buyers whether it's construction Marvels or industrial Giants we sell with expertise and a commitment to Value choose McDougall auctioneers for auctions that move as fast as your business does McDougall auctioneers 1 1800 263 4193 or visit us at mcdugal hey Rider Nation this is Dave Thomas voice of your's skat and Ru Riders listen to this how does a 50/50 payday sound sounds like a window me huddle up to Riders game home or away you can even score quickly with the early bird prize this week it's a trip to Nashville and you'll be in for the massive weekly jackpots buy now at Riders Valley located only 20 minutes from Regina lays the beauty of the Deer Valley Golf Club one of the finest golf courses in Saskatchewan five sets of te's provide golfers of all skill levels the opportunity to enjoy the scenic Beauty and challenge of the valley right now pay a $500 deposit towards 2025 memberships and get free golf for the rest of this season visit dear valy better at Deer Valley Golf Club Compact and mighty and ready for a challenge it's the Kabota bx80 compact tractor Tough Enough for your loading Mowing and no removal jobs right now get 0% financing for up to 72 months see your Kabota dealer for details stay connected with us any time of the day call or text us 306 93662 62 driven by Capital Ford Lincoln CIS catch win's number one Ford retailer capital for on 620 CKRM the all new sports cage watch our live stream at Sports and on the radio at 620 CKRM welcome back uh to the all new sports cage still some time what do we got about how many minutes Coulson you tell me about eight minutes left to get in for sasel pick the score eight minutes that sounds about right 8 minutes SEL pick the score 936 6262 what is the score for the rematch the banjo Bowl call it what you want what was the other name that we got somebody wanted us to to go Prairie football club no Prairie PR rivalry bash something like that just doesn't have uh the same roll off the tongue is as the other on so yeah get it in 936 6262 and while we're there the code word or keyword today for the anglim tour trip to Minnesota for the Vikings and Houston Texans was Minnesota so you can text that in as well spell that one correctly and then uh yeah you need a passport you'll get the form and all that we're giving that away way Friday at 5:30 Riders rematch with the bombers we're already ready it's right here on 620 CKRM Croft electric countdown to kickoff show starts at 11: and then the rider Nation pregame show with Dave Thomas and Luke Muller goes at 1 and kickoff is at 2:00 on the ryer radio network Saturday in Winnipeg uh Dave Thomas at practice today hadit a chance to catch up with the longest C in Rider jorgan Hues he asked him about the state of mind with the team jorgan the question that I keep getting asked is what is the mindset of this team right now after the last tough six weeks yeah I mean it's uh obviously it's been a tough stretch but I think you know you look around and we've we could we could make excuses and we could say you know injuries that but that's not us I don't believe um I I still I've said it since day one I I I really like the DNA on this team you look at the the West it's it's tied across the board um it's pro football man that's how it is and that's how it's shaking out this year but I I still love our DNA I love who we are and um you know this team has the potential to get hot and um you know if that happens you know we're going to be fine and we just kind of got to catch our groove again but I have all the faith in the world um you know past years maybe with this record it would be a little bit tougher but this group um you know and and the way we do things I'm not I'm not worried we just we got to get it going we got to get that game that that gets us going and we'll be fine so what is it about this group that gives you that confidence I don't know I think it you know it starts you know it starts at the top um I think uh coach Ma has done a good job since day one um you know our our our weight room everything's you know uh is just been really well done this year um all around and uh the guys that we have I think there's talent in every group we got great leaders in every group veteran presents in every group um and uh good people and um I I just believe in us and I you know I believe in Trevor like everybody does um I I think uh you know we just need we need to get that game to get us going and I think we can we can get back to that uh you know winning shape we were in earlier on I know that any week that you don't go one and0 is a tough week but you look over the span of the last six it's been a fourpoint differential on average is that any tougher or easier to regroup from afterwards um no that's a good question um I don't look at it as being tougher you know you're you're right there it's uh you can look at a couple plays here and there and if they go your way then you know you win the ball game so um you know the other side is you know they're paid too and um you know we just got to we just got to dig down a little bit deeper but but we're right there you know that's that's the other thing you know you look at all those tight games and we could easily win them too so um no I I like our group and um we're we're going to be fine we got to um like the mentality of everybody on this team and uh we got good mental toughness across the board um not not worried at all coach ma says they're all must wins from here on out agree yeah yeah I mean I think you know you look at pro football in general every game is a must win with you only play you know 18 games it's uh you don't you can't afford to lose many so they're almost all like that anyway but uh yeah I know for here on out it's uh we can really decide our future in the next three games it can things could change a lot depending on how they go so um yeah no he's he's spot on it's been a long 10 we span for this team you finally get a break after the banjo bowl is anyone even looking ahead to that um we don't talk about it a whole lot um it has been a long stretch but um you know it'll the timing will be good you know get a get a full seven days off or whatever it is and hopefully we can get some guys to come back and that gives guys a chance with some injuries um you know that are kind of at the end of their um six game or whatever it is so um I think the timing will be good and then you know a few weeks after that we got another buy I believe it is so um you know I think with a banged up team that should uh should help us out and kind of get fresh for the end of the season hopefully make a good playoff run here I draw on your veteran Savvy then what does this team need to do to get over that hump and get back into the wind coln we just got to stick together believe uh in each other and it comes down to just doing the small little details um you know if you it can be it can be any little thing on any given play you know and we just got to stay disciplined and um because you never know when that could come back to bite us or or help us uh you know win a game so it's the small little details and we just got to keep sticking together and believing and just keep dropping wood I I I believe it said it since day one this group we got the right DNA in the locker room um and we just got to keep chopping Oran appreciate this all the best this week hey thank you be bet keep chopping wood I love that one uh if you're go on to sports the other story on the on the riders today that I really thought was interesting um if you want to go on there and check it out Dave Thomas has a story on uh Micah Johnson and uh having to play both sides of the ball which I think is just fascinating speaking of high school football starting this weekend in SAS the nine man or the nine aside sorry the six aside football where they play both ways but you just don't see it at a professional level we talked to Glenn suder about it yesterday and he's like I don't remember when I saw that so that story is up at sports uh also story on the Moose Jo Warriors we just talked to James Gallow we're going to have that up in podcast G form in a bit um as the Pro Prospects are back there as Camp is fully underway for the mo draw Warriors the Regina Pats are in action tonight at the brand Center 7 p.m. against the Swift Current Broncos in a little pre-season Puck if you're into that so you can go check out that thanks to everyone who played picked the score they came in Fast and Furious Coulson on the text line here I don't know how you're going to pick or who you're going to spin the the wheel of winning uh and still the majority of everybody picking the Riders uh Barry out in Kinders leeville though he's uh he's liking the bombers byful so thanks for texting in there Barry shout out to you um 936 6262 and then hopefully you got in for the anglee him Charter keyword if you didn't the little hack is just send it in after the show it's not that big of a deal and we'll have a new one tomorrow that you can get down with as well like I said in podcast form you can go back listen to our chat with Dave Thomas earlier today we had Noah pel quarterback from the U ofar Rams as they get set to take on the ufs Huskies this weekend big football we got banjo ball we got huskies and Rams and we got hilltops and thunder and again if your local team starting High School you want to shout out send it in hi sports that's an email you can text in as well we just want to give those sports or these uh high school teams as much love as possible elsewhere uh today faran has me worried about this uh NFL action uh I'm not going to put any money down on the Arizona Cardinals making the playoffs as farand thinks I think that might be a little bit of a stretch but what do I know and then he says the Chiefs are going to run it back go for three in a row they open up the NFL season tomorrow we'll be talking about that at home against the Baltimore Ravens what a matchup the Chiefs are three-point favorites there uh you look down at the games like I said the Sunday nighter as well Rams and Detroit Lions that is a doozy the Lions are three and a half Point favorites at home on that and then the Jets and 49ers are the Monday nighter so much football to talk about now on the all new sports cage plus like I said hockey starting with the Pats in action tonight we're going to have another WHL Camp visit tomorrow on the program also on the program tomorrow rash madani Glenn sudor it'll be a lot of fun uh and Derek Bidwell is joining us from sasun Saskatchewan he's got a few interviews lined up I I'll just tease it little pro golfer hopefully interview PGA player as well that's itth for me I'm going to send it to Dave Thomas with around the horn thanks to everyone who tuned in sports if you're watching the stream or if you're just listening on the old radio on the stream thank you very much as well Dave's going to take it with around the horn and we'll talk to you tomorrow I'm Dave Thomas and it's time to go around the horn for shorty generators keep the power in your hands with an automatic standby generator from shy generators the standby generator experts we're into the final month of the MLB season from a Toronto Blue Jay standpoint the team is six games under 500 but have shown signs that they could flirt with that 500 Mark which will be interesting to watch down the stretch and whether or not they can catch Tampa Bay and Boston within their own division that Sid here's what else baseball observers can be watching down the stretch the Dodgers Orioles Guardians Phillies and Yankees they were all on Pace to win 100 games before the All-Star break since then they've all cooled off considerably to the point that none of them may reach the century mark in victories yes they should still make the playoffs but will any of them get to 100 wins we'll wait and see at the other end of the spectrum will the Chicago White Socks become the worst team in MLB history the white socks right now are on Pace to lose 126 games which would eclipse the futility Mark of the 1962 New York Mets who lost 120 games Chicago has 22 more games to lose 12 to beat the record meantime individually it's going to be fun to watch show he Otani as he chases history yet again trying to become the first player in history with 50 home runs and 50 stolen bases in a season currently he has 44 dingers and 44 swipe bases with 23 games to go and that's around the horn for shorty generators keep the power in your hands with an automatic standby generator from shorty generators the standby generator experts This is Country Gold with Steve Harmon your home for the country hits of the 80s 90s and 2000s hello I'm Steve Harmon inviting you to join

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