Lifelong Republican delivers debate WARNING for Trump

Published: Sep 09, 2024 Duration: 00:16:49 Category: News & Politics

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you're watching inside the right we're obviously all waiting anxiously for the debate happening tomorrow evening between kamla Harris and Donald Trump Tim you were a republican for your entire life uh what is Donald Trump seeking to do right now on that debate stage what is his goal in advance of this debate yeah I do have to say Brian uh uh Donald Trump strategies in debates is a little different than what uh my candidate strategies used to be uh for example uh his Methods at least certainly are different not not a lot of crossover in that in that ven diagram between bu and Donald Trump a little bit of crossover so we'll talk about the areas there's a little bit of crossover and then and then the areas where you know look I used to prep Jeb for debating Trump which didn't go well um so I can tell you what not to do um and uh and look here's the thing I think that his main goal Vis Parris is trying to push her to into like the extremes on the policy issues right like trying to Define her as farle or as kind of a shape shifter type of person you can't trust right like that that that is going to be his uh main strategy it's different than what it was for Biden right for Biden he trying to dominate him it was like a strength vers weakness type of thing um I think that's tougher particularly the black woman there'll be a little bit of that um but um he you can tell he feels a little bit more uncomfortable in that frame uh you saw it with the National Association of black journalists that he gets uncomfortable in that frame so I think instead here it's going to be she's a leftist she's a Marxist she's a communist she's a phony right and and sort of having that all sort of blend together and um some of that is is going to be in traditional Republican territory right like the types of things that bush would have said to Carrie right like oh you know you're far like the massach it was Massachusetts and K's case it's California and Cal right this is far left you know these states are expensive crimes everywhere like these traditional kind of issues government's too big it's bad for the economy and then there's going to be the stuff that only Trump does right which is the gross stuff the personal the racially coded stuff the outright racist stuff maybe and and for him to me it's like the more he stays in bucket a the better it's going to be for him and the more he gets flustered and starts like talking about how she turned black or you know whatever how haian immigrants eat cats or who the hell knows like where he goes tomorrow like the more of the crazy stuff the worse it is for him now what about KLA Harris's goal in all of this what should she be seeking to do with Donald Trump how can she bait him into presenting herself in the best light here yeah you got you got to think there are a couple groups of people she's talking to right and um you know for my people like the former Republican high education engaged suburban swing voters in Atlanta Charlotte Philly um for those voters it's the same thing she's trying to do at the convention right demonstrate that she you know is um is not embracing the far left of the party like demonstrating that she cares about the country the basic uh constitutional rules of the country unlike Donald Trump that she believes in American uh strength in the world and American Global Leadership and you know like just kind of pass that commander-in-chief threshold bar like that's what she's trying to do for that group um and then I think you have this lesser engaged group of people that have become a key swing demographic the type that don't really engage in the news that much um it's across all racial demos it tends to over induct on men um but those folks are going to see this debate maybe half watch it maybe they see it on Tik Tok maybe they catch a clip of us talking about it you know and so for that she's going to need a couple of um lines I think that demonstrate strength where where where Trump is kind of this standin for Putin almost right and and and these people these guys that are like is she up for this is she you know this kind of sexist undertone right like can she demonstrate that she can go toe-to-toe with him she's strong enough to be the leader she's strong enough to take on an adversary and and so I I think that that element is there and she's going to have to pick her spots you know you don't want to be fighting with him all night right you're you want to introduce yourself you want to talk about policies you want to you know demonstrate what your vision is but you also want to take a couple shots at here's the million-dollar question who's more likely to achieve their goal in this debate um I think KLA is more likely but I don't think it's a slam dunk and and I and I think that you know I've seen a little bit of overc confidence out there here's the thing with Trump man he gets great on a curve it's you can invite me back on Thursday for inside the right we can talk about all the ways that it's like no matter what he does he's going to be greated on the curve right if he's terrible though you know it'll be okay if he's okay it'll be like wow look at Trump's discipline right so like acknowledge that he gets cre on a curve but within that curve um he was Savvy in the Biden debate you know there were opportunities where he could have tried to go in for the kill on Biden and been really overaggressive and and and had a backfire on him you saw that in the first Biden debate 2020 um you've seen it in the past in some of the primary debates uh and so you know I think that Trump um you know is is a lot of times His Own Worst Enemy and and so like whether he is able to kind of choose his spots um if he is you know I do think that this kind of like this curve that we're talking about Works to his benefit right and people start saying like well you know we we've all been to this cycle a million times before so I don't think it's a slam dunk and I think that kamla while she's obviously stronger than him obviously the substance will be better um the background is better like the prosecutor the The Truth Factor will be better um but she's got to be nervous I I do have to tell you Brian like prepping Jeb for these debates with trump it just is a different animal than like a normal politician debate and I know that she's been VP and I know that she debated Mike Pence four years ago but she hasn't had a ton of reps she gets thrust into this gig and she's been practicing for a few days days but like man I just think the nerves are high so look I think that if she performs as she's been as since she's Tak since she's been the nominee I think it's more likely that she does well given how much of a clown Trump is you know if if she's nervous and he's restrained like that that's kind of what I those would be the two things I'd look for what's the biggest warning that you would give to kamla Harris if you were advising her in the aftermath of what you've seen between Donald Trump and and Joe Biden just a few months ago yeah Trump is like inhuman well in his cruelty yes but also just in his ability to like not have a normal conversation like he just doesn't Converse like a human right and so if you feel like you have to get in this position where it's like you said something and then Donald Trump takes that and and then he rips off three lies in a row and he starts talking about something completely different and then and then the moderator says back to you without factchecking him is what's going to happen you can be tempted to feel like okay well I got to fact check this crazy thing he said and I got to reply to this insult he he hit me with and like you just have to resist that right like you kind of have to let some pitches go by because he is just spewing crazy constantly so you have to choose your spots right like I don't I don't think you should ignore him completely and just speak to the camera there should be some of that you have to choose your spots to call them out when you feel like you're on sturdy ground you know when you when you have a strong attack that you've been working on or that you feel like is important contrast for a certain group of Voters and and then do that um but not you know the more you go round and round with him um the more you're on his Turf and to that exact point I think when we think back to the Trump Administration the most effective interview that a reporter held with him was probably Jonathan Swan because he didn't succumb to the Gish Gallup that Donald Trump was throwing at him he just focused on one thing and beat that forward over and over and over again and Donald Trump can't do that he relies on his ability to just throw a bunch of against the wall and and just completely inundate you with with with so much information that you couldn't possibly respond to it in the way that any normal human being could respond to anything but when you like hammer away at just one specific topic and hold Trump to that he flails and in fact he starts to look as ridiculous as he is but it takes somebody who's very disciplined to be able to do that and to your exact point to be able to ignore all of those pitches let those go by so you can focus on just one so uh you know I I do think it'll be incumbent upon kamla Harris to make sure that she's able to focus as opposed to kind of succumbing to the Gish Gallop that Donald Trump throws at her I agree with that and and she can focus on one one or two issues or whatever that she wants to contrast to month whatever they may be and there's plenty of material to work with and and she you also can she can get in little digs By ignoring him right and that's going to get under his skin right and and just kind of like you know the old Reagan line was there you go again or and what she used against Dana Bash is this kind of version of that right which is like okay moving on next question and and you know she is dynamic she has the look I think one thing that's really working to her favor in this debate is just like the nonverbal is so much better right like a younger woman I mean she's very in command compared to what you know you were seeing if you like weren't even listening to the words just like looking at the visuals in the last debate so um that's what get her favorite and I just think a couple of like smirks and brush offs you know um for her to him would do well on so on social and like and that also then allows you to not have to engage in all that stuff you know it's just like little eye roll little brush off move on to whatever the topic is that she's focused on so I assume that's the advice that they're giving her um some people there have been some leaks that like she's going to try to bait and try and really trying to like troll them and I just I don't really believe those leaks like I think that that's BS I I don't think that that's what that she's going to try to do I completely agree and I actually did my podcast episode about exactly this point just last week where KLA Harris's um most potent tool to wield against Trump isn't meeting him at his level it's not it's not rolling around in the mud with him it's not responding to every every racist bait tactic that he puts forward it's it's the polar opposite it's her ability not to meet him on his level it's her ability not to respond to all of these racist attacks so that he can you know be successful in making it a a race that's a referendum on on on skin color right on on whiteness versus Blackness and and she's been able to brush it off every time very similar to what Barack Obama did in 2008 where yes he was the first black candidate running but this race that race wasn't wasn't about him being black he made that race an issue on on what he could do for Americans more broadly and she's following the same Playbook here so I do think that that's a great point in terms of her not just meeting him uh on on his Turf and like letting him dictate what the narrative is going to be but rather her ability to brush him off which I think is going to I think is going to make him lose his mind way more than him actually meeting him at his level and and going head-to-head even on an issue that she's stronger than him at yeah you've seen this I mean you've just seen this with him um I mentioned earlier the association of black journalists like yeah they weren't really going over the top with him I mean they were asking him you know pointed questions and which I think that she should um but I you know I I think that trying to throw haym makers is not the I mean that's what I want you know like hey would I love a three M three minutes of KLA just going insane about January 6th and ripping his skin off yeah like that would be satisfying but I just don't know that that what who who you're getting with that like what the point is of that and and I think you get down into Trump's territory very quickly and she she's brought in David plff who did the ' 08 race with Obama so I he's very you know attuned to kind of how to balance all that now obviously they ran against McCain so it wasn't exactly the same as running against Obama Trump I McCain specifically tried not to uh use racist attacks uh you know and told his team not to then he picked Sarah Palin who who did some racist attacks so so you know um a little bit of a a little bit from from both sides on that one but but Puff's been through this and I think that that that model is is the right one okay and let's finish off with this because I think that what we're going to see on Wednesday is regardless of what happens some complaints about the moderators but my view on complaining about the moderators is that inherently once you start doing that it looks like it looks like you're putting that forward as an excuse for a bad performance like where do you stand on on just on just the the pundit the punditry pointing to the media um in in any instance uh in the aftermath of a debate and and we've seen this before no one is ever really happy with the moderators certainly not the side who does who performs more poorly but but I'm of the mind that like when when you're complaining about the moderators that that actually reflects pretty badly on on your argument and on your candidate yeah I agree I look uh there I guess my exceptions are it's the moderator's job to bring up the relevant topics okay so if if the whole you know the first 30 minutes of the debate is about kl's flip-flop on fracking and then they don't mention January 6th uh to me that's a fair thing to complain about and and there's times where you need to work the refs right um the factchecking thing and just like you kind of whining about all that and how oh the moderators you know need to be active and have a job to do I I just I think that that's asking too much for moderators and I think that it looks weak uh to be honest I think it's Kell Harris's job to challenge him U I think it's the news media's job after the debate you know um to during commercials maybe certainly um to talk about the things he lied about and provide context and all that like I'm not saying that news media should ignore the truth but in the confines that are made itself I don't think I think it makes KLA look weak to have like David Mur being like excuse me sir that's not true about the crime rates right like it's just that's just not their job and so and I think that the complaining about that um you know actually hurts her more than helps her so I I I agree with you I mean hopefully these guys we're in unprecedented times like we've never had a criminal running um uh for president uh convicted criminal we've never had somebody that's been impeached twice running again never had somebody that tried to coup right it's like all these topics should be brought up and if they like treat him like he's Mitt Romney and and don't bring that stuff up uh then I think that merits criticism but beyond that uh I think it's up to up to kamla and I think that that's what the what team kamla thinks I think it's a lot of people around them that that do most of the complaining well of course we will do a followup in the aftermath of this debate but very much looking forward to it and uh and definitely good predictions here let's finish off with this one prediction uh and and we're going to hold you to this and uh oh God and uh it's going to be uh maybe I'll post it and um and pin it on the top of my page uh who do you think is gonna win this debate I kind of want to throw up just thinking about it Brian um I'm still dealing with trauma from June uh but I I think it's I think she's going to do it I mean I they they put a lot of work in she's very strong and um and Donald Trump as I keep saying gives her a lot to work with so uh I think that as long as she can stay focused on the contrast um and and tell her story to the American people uh then I think that she's going to be fine but um I'm nervous about it yeah well you should uh we I think I think it's healthy for all of us to be nervous at this point I mean I don't know if you notice Brian but uh he was specifically talking about how political operatives that opposed him need to be jailed earlier this week another topic that maybe should be brought up with the debate by the way so you know the stakes are a little bit higher than they were for the Dole Clinton debate I guess that's all I'm saying yeah yeah I guess I guess it wasn't the same uh sameel Threat Level for uh for for those of us on the outside uh uh for that one uh well with that said to uh support the work that Tim and his team are doing which again specifically is giving a permission structure to those Republicans out there former Republicans Independents um to know that there's a community of people people who don't just automatically have to pull the lever for Donald Trump please make sure to sign up and subscribe for the bull workk I'll put the link right here on the screen and also in this post description of this video I'm Brian teller Cohen I'm Tim Miller this is inside the right [Music]

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