LIVE: Presidential debate Harris vs. Trump pre-show

Published: Sep 10, 2024 Duration: 03:33:55 Category: News & Politics

Trending searches: how long is the presidential debate
sh [Music] [Music] [Music] hey everybody thank you for joining me this is the debate pre-show that I'm doing tonight uh I'm going to talk to you in a little bit about why specifically I won't be streaming the debate but I want to I want to cover the more important stuff right right at the top and that is uh what we what we should expect to see as we move forward in in this debate what both sides need to do what Donald Trump and KLA Harris need to do to be able to win and what they'll be seeking to do in this debate here tonight obviously a much different um environment that we're operating in from a couple months ago when it was Biden and Trump uh just to note at the top that this debate will start in an hour and five minutes so an hour and five minutes that is 6:00 Pacific 9:00 Eastern and uh wherever wherever else you are uh um watching from around the world so uh we have an hour just over an hour until this debate actually begins in Earnest again I'll speak a little bit um shortly about why I won't be actually streaming the debate because I've had some in-depth conversations with some folks and uh and we'll get to that but first let's uh again start with the important stuff what do both sides need to do so Donald Trump is going to have one goal tonight and that is to do what Republicans largely are seeking to do right now even in his campaign which is to redefine kamla Harris uh there's polling out right now showing that KLA Harris still has about a quarter of Americans to about a third of Americans who don't know who she is um just by virtue of her being Joe Biden's vice president there's not a lot of time usually to glean the policy positions of somebody when they work in another Administration they usually adopt the policy administrations of that Administration so um so what what Trump will do is he'll seek to tie her to the unpopular positions of the Biden Administration and then seek to frame her as this far-left liberal Marxist communist Democrat for everything else already they're leaning heavily into the immigration stuff I'm sure that most of you watching have been focused on the the the most pathetic disinformation campaign I think I've seen thus far which is this uh this suggestion that Haitian immigrants in Ohio are eating people's pets but look as insane as that is and of course there's no basis for it I actually called the Stark County Jail in Ohio to find out if there was any legitimacy to this claim that that uh to to back up anything that Republicans were saying um as insane as this claim is the the over it still lends itself to the overall narrative which is that brown and black people are coming in and uh scaring scaring you know white people and uh you should be too afraid to go out of your doors and this is the America that kamla haris will usher in so that is uh that is what we should be looking for Donald Trump to do to frame kamla Harris to Define kamla Harris as this far-left radical um he's also going to try to pin uh inflation on her he's going to try to pin the Afghanistan withdrawal on her he's going to try to pin um uh the southern border on her so he'll take he'll cherry pick all of the worst parts of what Republicans perceive uh within the bid Administration and try to pin them on her KLA Harris's job tonight is to do what she's been doing thus far in the campaign which is When Donald Trump Trump descends into his rants when he tries to bring her down into the mud it's not it's not the whole we go low uh when when they go low we go high thing it is to do something that will infuriate Donald Trump even more which is to just ignore him it is to listen to him go off on his screeds turn to the camera and say that was okay okay okay Donald and then talk to the American people she's not going to get anywhere by going going toe-to-toe with Donald Trump and descending into the madness that he wants that this whole election to be on to be on that plane with him he wants he wants Mayhem he wants pandemonium and Chaos he wants a brawl basically what her job is going to be to do in my opinion is to leave him looking like a lunatic maybe give a look to the camera I'm sure she'll be doing a lot of non-verbal cues and let him look insane then talk to the American people about what she's going to offer them moving forward Donald Trump wants to make this election about him he wants to make this election a referendum on on his uh on his efforts to seek retribution and Vengeance he wants this to be a referendum on January 6th that's what he wants to that that's what he's looking to do here kamla's job is to say that look Donald Trump's focused on Donald Trump he's focused on protecting Donald Trump he's focused on on on helping himself on making sure that he pays less taxes whatever he can do to prop himself up that's going to be his priority my job is to look out for you my job is to continue the work we've done in the B Administration where we've uh made sure that you can have $35 insulin which I which President Biden signed into law to make sure that you have $35 inhalers to make sure that you have automatic refunds for canceled flights to make sure that we've eliminated junk fees at Banks to make sure that we have rural Broadband that largely benefits red America so on issue after issue it is it is her going to it's the onus is going to be on her to make it clear to the American people regardless of what Donald Trump is is Wailing about in the corner that her job is to continue the work that's going to help regular people and to point out who do you trust more to help you lower prices for example is it going to be the guy who when he had the opportunity to talk about lowering grocery prices he just blamed it on the Democrats when he could have actually blamed it on the retailers who were keeping those prices High under the guise of inflation or you going to vote for kamla Harris who's already gone after price gougers in her in her career so that's going to be I think her job as we look forward to um all of this uh in tonight's debate it's going to be you know I I do think I do if if if I had to put money on it I would presume that Donald Trump is going to largely try to take the same tack that he took against Joe Biden which is to be somewhat reserved the mics are also muted which is going to help him further it gives him more guard rails so he doesn't look as insane as we all know he is but his job is going to presumably be to reach some some narrow swath of the American people who already has the propensity to think that this guy might be too much too extra and so if he can keep himself calm that's half the battle for him but we'll see what happens if K Harris baits him for example um baits him into saying something crazy and what we watch him lose his mind or even worse again this is what I was contending before for her not to respond at all and that'll just make him looks small and deflated and weak and when you have somebody who who views himself as a strong man being presented as weak and small that's going to set him off even more and send him into this vicious cycle again this is just my opinion I I you know like God knows that nobody really knows what's going to happen and I was out here also thinking along with the rest of the world that Joe Biden was going to perform well in that debate so take everything you know these are predictions I want to make sure that we all have that caveat up front but that is what I do think is uh is going to happen as we as we look toward this debate um with that said I do want to take the opportunity while we're doing this live stream um to answer some questions that you all might have so if you have any questions first off make sure you're subscribed to this channel so you can throw them in the chat the chat is subscribers only but it doesn't cost you anything to subscribe um and uh and second of all tag my name so do Brian Tyler Cohen this way I can see they it'll it'll highlight in Orange this way I can see your question and yes I am I am taking Flack right now for saying watch him lose his mind we've been watching that for the past decade that is true um but I think again the goal here is going to be for Trump to reach out to some very narrow swath of the of the American population and and um and try to present himself as something that he's not which is calm and measured and presidential and of course the media will be falling over itself to help him because the media wants nothing more than to than to be the first to yell new tone we have we have a new tone by Donald Trump um because you know they're just largely extensions of his campaign uh they haven't learned and they won't learn moving forward how can kamalo lose this that's a good question I think if Donald Trump is able to pin um the again the worst policies of the Biden Administration onto her is able to frame her as some radical um radical Democrat radical Marxist communist socialist Democrat I think that's how he wins because remember and I mentioned this at the top about a third of Americans 20 I believe it's 28% of Americans don't know who KLA Harris is yet so the biggest question mark in this debate is who is she they largely know who Donald Trump is and most of them don't like him but who is she if she's not as a if she's not appealing enough to uh to offer some some alternative to Donald Trump then then then she hasn't been able to do her job so if Donald Trump can frame her can Define her as something that she's not that's success for him and that's a failure for her what what I presume will happen is that K Harris already knows all of the attacks he's going to make because he makes them over and over and over like for example he's going to say you're bad on the border and she's going to say I wanted to sign the Border bill that was negotiated by James lford a Conservative Republican the same border bill that you tanked because you wanted a broken border to help your campaign so there are very easy ways there are very predictable ways that we know that Donald Trump is going to set himself up for failure and really it's just going to be on kamla Harris to make sure to to to take advantage of those very obvious opportunities when they present themselves to her okay we're getting a lot of questions I'm going to try to keep up with them as best as I can do I think that Kamera should have done more interviews ahead of the debate I I I don't really care I like and I don't mean that I I don't mean that in a in a um in a negative way toward toward you asking the question but I I look I think she's been able to speak to tens and tens and tens of thousands of people at these rallies rebroadcast to millions of people online and on TV I'm I'm not concerned with her ability to to with with the success of her um her campaign introducing itself to the American people I think they I think they did pretty much as good a job as you could possibly do the polls reflect that the American people reflect that the registration numbers and for voters reflect that the donation numbers reflect that so to look at all of these positive metrics and to say that she did something wrong would be to deny to deny what we're actually seeing which again she's raising more money she's registering more voters her poll numbers are going up so I think to say that she should have done XYZ instead of what she did is kind of is kind of you know wouldn't wouldn't really make sense in my opinion I think she'll have to be prepared to debate both the moderators and Trump do you think she has to be ready to frame the conversation and be a check on the moderators as well absolutely moderators in mainstream media want nothing more than to be able to take right-wing Framing and present it as questions as if it's valid I I cannot remember the last time that the debate in the beginning didn't talk about immigration because that's what Republicans want to talk about I'm sure that you've noticed um that every September or October we immediately hear about migrant Caravans or immigrants uh now we're hearing about Haitians that are coming in and eating your pet dogs and cats and Ducks it is the same cycle every single year it happens over and over and over nobody learns that's the craziest part we have this same cycle where we talk about immigrants or migrants or migrant Caravans over and over and over until November 3rd or 4th or 5ifth or 6th or 7th whenever the election is and the next day crickets there's no more talk about migrant Caravans they all apparently dissipate into the atmosphere and it's clearly just some disinformation campaign being perpetuated by right-wing media and then glommed on to by mainstream media because God forbid they don't take their cues from their assignment editors on the right and then nobody ever learns that when we're not talking about it in this week of November anymore it's because the whole point was to scare Republicans older white base into being afraid of brown and black people and thinking that if the Democrats take control they'll usher in some type of uh uh great replacement or whatever other mainstream uh whatever other racist Theory they're mainstreaming right now and so of course of course in the election in these debates we'll hear something about immigration because these mainstream media moderators need need to C out to the right they need to try to prove some some neutral Bonafide some Centrist bonafides um do they get credit for it do do uh do people on the right ever turn around and say oh well you know what CNN's actually good now ABC is actually good now no they call them fake news the whole time so the mainstream media Outlets bend over backwards to show some Goodwill to the right and to validate these these bogus disinformation campaigns or bogus talking points and then those same people who they're cow Towing to just trash them and then the cycle repeats itself over and over and over these these these mainstream media Outlets are in constant pursuit of this elusive Goodwill from the right that they will never get this elusive acceptance from Republicans and the Republican base that will never be granted to them and yet they do it over and over and we are in this hellish cycle where the rest of us see this happening and we just bang our heads on the wall because we cannot believe that it's actually happening again and again and again so yes I do think that to answer the question KLA Harris has to be prepared to reframe the conversation and take on both the moderators and Trump himself why does Trump have so many supporters I've got a lot of iterations of this question really I think the the answer is the media I think that if you look at what happened with Richard Nixon in 1974 there was no media apparatus to protect him when he broke the law then you have think about who worked in Richard Nixon's uh Administration a guy named Roger alss he would ultimately come up with something called the ALS memo which would lay the foundation the groundwork for Fox News Fox News now in its let's see 1996 I don't know 30th year almost of of being in existence the natural conclusion of what Roger L sought to do is happening right now where now there's a right-wing there's a right-wing media ecosystem that is not only protecting a criminal president but fully embracing him fully running apologia for him so um the media is important that's why I do what I do I know a lot of people ask me in these live streams and on my videos if I would ever run for office the answer is no I think that the most important thing right now the most important um facet of of politics is making sure that we have that we bolster Progressive media there's no doubt about how important media is about how important messaging is and I think it's more important largely than what's even happening in Washington because this is where Republicans have been so successful in manipulating and exploiting people people in obusca reality in in perpetuating the Steve Bannon model of flooding The Zone with solely intended to deceive people and uh it takes a lot to to fight back against that and so I think that I think that messaging and media is is the most important part of politics right now um am I going to watch The Apprentice movie absolutely um I am very much looking forward to The Apprentice movie if if here's what I'm going to do we have we have uh we still have about 5050 minutes until this live stream is up I'm going to take 1 minute and play the uh and play the um trailer for the new Apprentice movie it is that good so let's see [Music] yes hello this is Donald Trump uh from Mr cone thank you so much Donald who Roy K nice to meet you the Roy K you're brutal guilty is charged I didn't always win there's rules the first rule is Attack Attack Attack it's going to be the finest building in the city maybe maybe the country in the world will to admit nothing deny everything there's never been anything like this if this magnitude this quality cheese balls over here what are you doing you want one no it looks totally disgusting cheese balls rule three no matter what happens you claim victory and never admit defeat you have to be willing to do anything to anyone to win you have big ass you got to work on that your face look like an orange attack attack attack deny everything ad nothing never admit defeat what if you lost your fortune today well then maybe I'll run for president I don't know I say if you're indicted you're [Applause] invited so good so good um very much looking forward to that movie thought it would be a good opportunity to show a lot of people um the movie that Donald Trump tried to send legal notice to squash so uh definitely if you haven't yet had a chance to check out that trailer um definitely uh glad that you had the opportunity to watch that okay back to the debate here um I will get back to the questions do I think whoever wins the debate wins the election I don't know that I would say that um I think that we are in period of such high polarization there are so few getable people out there um politics moves so quickly right now that um that I don't know that the debate itself will be will be enough oops I don't know that the debate itself will be enough to to really be the one thing that changes so many people's opinions um sometimes debates can be cataclysmic I think the Trump Biden debate was obviously that other times look Obama very famously um bombed his first debate I believe in 2012 correct me if I'm wrong but bombed his first debate in 2012 uh one re-election so you know there are instances where where I think it can be it can be impactful but I think overall um what will be the most important thing is to talk to a very narrow stream of people in the American electorate tonight and be able and for KLA Harris to be able to Define herself for those people who don't yet know who she is the debate starts for those asking in 45 minutes that's 6:00 Pacific 9:00 Eastern uh you can go ahead and throw some questions into the chat and I'll go back to answering them now there's an interesting question does any of the money for the Apprentice movie go to the Trump family I don't want to add to their privilege no absolutely not definitely not here's what I'll do I'm going to throw the uh for anybody who wants to donate to the kickstarter for The Apprentice movie um and this is to help them um this is to help them promote get the film in more theaters uh I've just pinned it to the comment section you can donate $25 that'll give you a a this way you can actually watch the movie which is what a streaming ticket costs anyway which is what a movie theater ticket costs anyway if you donate $100 you can get your name in the credit of the movie so there's some pretty cool rewards um if you haven't yet checked out the kickstarter definitely check that out okay so I'm getting the question am I streaming the debate here I will not be streaming the debate um I asked ABC if I was able to stream the debate and they said that they are not allowing simoc casting on digital platforms um then I noticed that there are simoc casts prepped on YouTube for digital platforms um on this digital platform rather and uh cspan has a simoc cast PBS as a simoc cast and so I asked them again is there something that that I didn't understand and uh I just was met with a response that basically said our position Remains the Same there's no way for you to stream the debate so um you know not not the fairest process in the world but um but it is what it is I will be watching it on C-Span which I think would answer a question that people had next but I tried um I've spoken to other streamers too I'm not sure if any other streamers are going to stream it uh if you want to support those channels that do I I know that you know I want to operate in a way that protects the channel um as best as I can uh but you know I guess uh I guess fairness wasn't really a priority for uh for some of these networks okay back to questions here why did the moderators stop live factchecking candidates why wouldn't the truth be incentivized so there is here's my here's my objective analysis of this there is a school of thought that the moderators don't want to become a part of the debate itself and so if a candidate like Donald Trump lies that it's not up to the moderator to be the one to interject and become become part of the debate that it's up to the opponent for example to chime in and to say what you're saying is a lie but not the moderator thems I'm I'm not I'm not entirely sure where I stand on this because um I do think that journalists and reporters have an obligation always to adhere to the truth in this instance I you know I I do think that it's an opportunity for kamla Harris to call out Donald Trump I don't know that she'll be able to do it to the extent that he will be making these lies um but I don't really know where I stand on this you kind of don't want to be able you don't want to to think about the moderators at all um so it's it's a little bit of a confusing phenomenon here um I am curious to to hear what what you all think in the comments about this do you want the moderators to not have a footprint at all or do you want to be talking about the moderators afterwards I kind of think that it's an opportunity if KLA knows that Trump is going to lie to use the platform and to call him out on his lies and to do it effectively I mean that's that's presuma the point not for you know David me to be the one to say XYZ you kind of don't want to feel the moderators at all but but it's a little bit in Conflict right because on one side you have you have these journalists you have these reporters whose job is to staunchly and and unapologetically defend the truth and when there's a lie their job is to interject and say it but but um but one could make the argument that the format in which they should do that is during a one-on-one interview during um a rally for example and I know the media has dropped the ball relentlessly with regard to how it how it um how it holds these rallies how it fact checks these rallies which is to say that they don't but to do it on a debate stage when you have the opponent there and the onus might be on that person to chime in and to call out the LIE then it becomes a little bit of a gray zone so I'm I'm not exactly sure where I stand on that issue in particular um so I you hopefully you never want the moderator to really be the story at the end of the debate I think um in terms of how they choose the moderators I don't know I mean I I think that David Mir and I can't remember the other um moderators uh the other moderator Lindsey Davis who I'm not familiar with um I think that they're just kind of I don't think there's anything particularly controversial about either one of them the fact that I didn't remember Lindsey Davis's name I think is a testament that am I going live for the debate as well I think I'm going to end the live stream when the debate actually begins this way people can go to to watch it on uh on wherever they'd like to watch it from I would I I'll probably be watching on C-Span what sort of impact can we realistically see in the post debate polls specifically in the swing States look i' I've said from the very beginning I think we're looking at a narrow swath of people if we can see some difference some bump of 1% that's where a lot of these polls live for example let me show you what what the polling is looking like right now so this is the four major polling averages you have the New York Times you have 538 split ticket and silver Bulletin in all of the Swing States as well as the national polls so KLA Harris right now in the polling averages is leading in all four National polls by between two and almost three points in Wisconsin she's leading in all of them in Michigan she's leading with in all of them Pennsylvania she's leading in all of them in Nevada she's Le leading in all of them and in North Carolina she's leading in all of them um The Tipping Point state is Pennsylvania right now if she loses Pennsylvania but wins Nevada and North Carolina I think she would still win so uh in any case look at the margins that she's winning by in in North Carolina we're looking at 0.1 in silver bulletin we're looking at 0. 2 in 538 we're looking at less than one point in New York Times so if we can see any difference any swing if she can peel off any voters think about the massive impact that that will actually have we are we are not talking about um an election right now where any one candidate has a six-point lead in in in any of these closed States we're talking about tens of thousands of people we're talking about thousands of people so if her job right now in this debate tonight is going to peel off just small fractions of people whoever she can we have a very calcified electorate um there there's a lot of calcification in in the polarization of our electorate right now and so there are very few people up for grabs and again her job is to reach out to those people and Define herself before Donald Trump could Define her do I think they'll convince Trump to agree to unmute his microphone halfway through that's like asking if if uh if you want to take bumpers off of your bowling lane halfway through so that you can just get more gutter balls those those bumpers those um the the the muted mic is there to protect Donald Trump that is a huge advantage for somebody who is as unhinged as he is um you know the only reason that those rules were set was because Donald Trump you know was going to be able to steamroll Joe Biden and make him look small and weak but but when he's going up against kamla Harris it would have the reverse effect it would actually make him look unhinged and and small and it would make her look presidential and the fact that he is still able to benefit from the initial rules from the original rules is actually actually confers a benefit to him um in this new debate you know in this in against his new opponent versus his old opponent so no I don't think that Trump is going to unmute his mic that would just be hurting himself because he's the only one of the two who doesn't have the ability to control himself am I planning to live stream the election results yes yes I have a uh I have some something very exciting planned for election night itself so be aware that on November 5th we have something very very very interesting happening and I'm usually very reserved with uh with teasing stuff like this so um leave your election night open couldn't ABC run a Chiron to fact check um they could presumably do do we think they will I mean we all know the answer to that question could they sure metaphysically anything is possible will they I wouldn't bet I wouldn't bet any money on it I want to look at some more polling by the way this is a morning consult poll that had a lot of polling in a lot of different states so KLA Harris up 10 points in Virginia Harris up um what is this seven points in Minnesota so Virginia and Minnesota which were um creeping back into Trump's category I I shouldn't even say creeping they were they were pretty firmly in Trump's category when he was running against Biden are now virtually off the map um as far as Trump is concerned when we're seeing a 10-point differential in Virginia Minnesota uh you know that pretty much takes it out of play for Donald Trump now you go into Wisconsin um looking at a three-point lead for Harris look at Pennsylvania a three-point lead Michigan a three-point lead by by the way that's all she would need once you win Wisconsin Pennsylvania and Michigan that's 270 electoral votes for kamla Harris so then beyond that you're just looking to pad your win and also give Donald Trump zero plausible deniability when he inevitably tries to subvert the election results by just focusing on one state for example if it's 270 to 269 I don't know if that's what it could be I don't I don't actually know the math how many electoral votes there are in total I can't do that math but but if it's only a couple of points away you know that Donald Trump is going to focus in on one state but if KLA Harris wins with Michigan Pennsylvania Wisconsin Georgia Nevada North Carolina Arizona then it's a much different story to try to do the whole the whole scheme that is flipping electors in multiple different states I mean that's what we need to be looking to do but in any case up three points Michigan Wisconsin and Pennsylvania tide in Georgia Nevada and North Carolina which again goes to show that when we have rare instances like this one where the whole nation's going to be watching and she has the opportunity to to introduce herself to a broad swath of people that's going to be the difference in terms of getting to that 49 or 50 or 51 Mark we're seeing over and over that Donald Trump largely has a ceiling and that ceiling is about 47% he's at 48 right now in a couple of these but if you look at the rest of the numbers um for the swing States not counting Florida and Texas but largely he stuck at at on average about 46% so KLA Harris's job is to make sure that she can reach out to enough people um to come out and bring her over the top and then of course um the last three Arizona Trump is leading by just two points and Florida just two points which again is surprising because Florida is one of those States that's been going redder and redder every year since the year 2000 so to see Trump only with a two-point lead in the State of Florida really signals some bad news for his campaign um and then we are seeing a nine-point lead for Trump in Texas which seems extraordinarily large in a state where that margin was shrinking for Republicans over and over and over again um with that said I have an interview tomorrow with Larry sabado from University of Virginia where we're going to talk specifically about these State polls um and Democrats likelihood of maintaining their Senate majority and also what we could be looking for in terms of the likelihood of Democrats actually flipping a state like Florida uh where Rick Scott is going up against Debbie muker Cel Powell and then finally how long he thinks it'll take uh before we see Democrats flip Texas so big interview coming up tomorrow um if you haven't yet subscribed and you want to watch that interview definitely hit the Subscribe button and keep an eye out for it tomorrow afternoon tomorrow evening okay let's go back into some questions do you think that a VP debate would work better with or without an audience I don't know that we need an audience I don't know that that here's the thing um I don't know that I necessarily trust any of the networks to find an audience that's actually neutral um we've seen CNN town halls for example with Donald Trump that were just filled with like rabid Trump fans that ended up booing I think it was Caitlyn Collins on that stage uh we've seen over and over and over how the media isn't actually willing to to you know when when they say that they have undecided voters for example and we find out that these undecided voters are actually Republican congressional candidates and like nonsense like that so I don't think they really have a vested interest in making sure that when they when they have a certain type of audience that it's actually the type of audience they claim to have so because I don't trust the media to do that I I don't think that uh we would be well served by having an a live audience but I also don't think you're you're well served anyway in terms of having a live audience what like how does that change things people cheer sometimes but how does that actually change anything in terms of what they're saying I think that muting mics has a direct benefit um on on what the debate looks like but I think that having a studio audience doesn't and it can actually give some undue advantage to one candidate over the other and uh I think we all know who would really derive the benefit of that advantage and we've watched the media give that benefit to Republican candidates and Donald Trump over and over and over because they're not actually willing to do the work to make sure that people are really undecided or uh or or moderate or right leaning and then they go in and act like rabid Trump fans has there been more Democrats registering to vote like in 2020 young people who weren't eligible to vote yet I don't have the most recent numbers but I do know in the week after KLA Harris became the nominee we had something like 100,000 new registrations across the country using and 80% of them were between the ages of 18 and 35 so to answer your question yes but I do need updated numbers and as soon as I have uh those I will get them to you am I going to be doing a post show I'm going to be doing a wrapup video so this way um I'll post that video right after the debate is over but during the actual debate itself I'll be compiling um what I think are the most important points the most important moments and I'll I'll put out a proper video at the end Hillary Clinton LED in the polls in 2016 but lost the election what's the difference with kamla Harris leading the polls that will booler confidence in the electorate today the difference is where where she's gone she has been crisscrossing the Battlegrounds to a degree that I haven't seen in like in the last like many many election Cycles Donald Trump is like nowhere to be found and yet um KLA Harris and Tim Wallace have been going to Philly to Pittsburgh to Las uh Las Vegas uh Nevada to Wisconsin Michigan Georgia uh uh Florida so they are hitting a um where am I missing Michigan so they're hitting all of these Battleground States over and over and over again they're hosting rallies that have 10 15 20,000 people going to each venue so um she's not making the same mistakes that Hillary Clinton did where Hillary just basically assumed that she had it in the bag and didn't bother going out to campaign KLA Harris and Tim Walls are making sure that they're campaigning all across the Battlegrounds as much as they possibly can so I wouldn't worry about the same thing happening with Hillary happening to KLA Harrison Tim Walls do I ever sleep not enough I so excited for commo to win and it to be like March or April of 2025 and there' be nothing to talk about I am so excited I'm so excited not to work seven days a week let's see uh you guys can throw questions in the chat and I'll do my best to keep keep answering them here do I think Trump will claim that he won the debate after it's done absolutely Donald Trump could Donald Trump could faint on that stage and be out for 90 minutes and wake up and claim that he won the debate I mean I mean there there is no no length he won't go to to try and claim uh Victory even when it's the guy inited an Insurrection the last time he lost and wanted to claim victory when I say that there's no lengths he will he won't go to to claim victory even in the face of loss or adversity I mean it I mean he incited an Insurrection against the US government I think that goes to show that Donald Trump will always claim victory no matter how bad the results are for him will I will I be dressing up as as Tim Miller or Glenn kersner uh for the for our Halloween episode for Halloween podcast should I shave my head and be Glenn for a Halloween podcast shave my head for a one-day bit let's see do I think Trump prepared for or practiced for the debate I I don't I don't know that he really to for Donald Trump to practice that would that would be like a tested admission for him to claim that there is something worth practicing iing and I think in his mind in his adult brain there's nothing for him to learn he's perfect he does everything right and there's no need to practice anything realistically do I think his campaign made him to some degree probably uh but I think that look we are fools if we are if we're thinking for even a moment that Trump is going to be prepared to do something other than just let his true color shine through and show exactly who he is and if he's going to be unhinged then is going to be unhinged you can pretend that Donald Trump has a new tone or is presidential or any of the things that the media loves to confer on to him but at the end of the day he is who he is he's Donald Trump we can you know it's going to come out eventually and I think that's what we're going to see tonight is it possible Trump doesn't show uh no it's not possible actually he just showed up with Laura lumer um to give you an indication of the kind of people that he frequents with I believe that RFK Jr is also in the spin room for Donald Trump tonight so I mean just like talk about the circus he is bringing all of the the clowns in tonight and uh that should if nothing else even if Donald Trump himself didn't offer enough of a warning for people um to see how unhinged and uh and dangerous his administration would be he's giving them even more of a reminder by surrounding himself with people like RFK Jr and Laura lomer the worst case scenario for tonight this is uh from this is kit asked the question what's the absolute worst case scenario tonight help me steal myself and my anxiety that's right this is uh this is what I get everyone's like give me some good news I'm like What's the I'm I'm in that boat I'm like what's the worst thing that can happen um you got to keep expectations low this way you always exceed them I think the worst case is what we saw with Joe Biden that's not going to happen with La Harris um that really was the absolute worst case scenario I think the worst case is that Donald Trump is able to frame her as being radical to pin the unpopular Biden policies onto her without her being to properly rebut with properly able to rebut them I don't think that's going to happen though but that is the worst case scenario is her not being able to Define herself but instead allowing Donald Trump to Define her for her um I think what we need what best case scenario for those uh for those who are looking for some something to actually Hope for not just reving in cynicism like myself uh best case scenario is that um Donald Trump goes off the rails in the way that he always does devolves into some unhinged um lunatic as he is as he is want to do and that KLA Harris looks presidential compared to his um you know disheveled weak unhinged uh lunacy um and that is able to properly rebut a lot of the accusations that he that he tries to pin on her uh I mentioned this one before but for example we already know that Donald Trump is going to say you know you're responsible for what's happening at the southern border to which KLA Harris can very easily very adeptly and hopefully very concisely point out that uh the only reason that we have the issues that we have at the border right now is because when we had a border Bill negotiated by Conservative Republican James Langford and two other senators um it was Trump who issued his Clarion call to his party and told him to kill the bill but that when she becomes president she will sign that into law Donald Trump is entrenching the problems at the border she's looking to fix them so there are really easy obvious ways around um the the very basic disinformation and misinformation and ausc that Donald Trump is going to put forward um I I don't doubt for a single second that she hasn't been you know that she's not well-versed in how to um how to prosecute this case against him I think it's also incumbent on on her to put forward his character look she is a prosecutor and she said in all of her stump speeches that she knows guys like him she spent her whole career shutting down guys like him uh shutting down conmen Liars criminals cheats frauds sexual deviant Donald Trump is all of those so she know she has his number in that sense and when she was making that case over and over um you know during these rall uh uh that was when Donald Trump was in the worst shape that was when he was the most quiet which leads me to believe that when she's able to take that um to really put forward that framing of of what this race is that that doesn't benefit Donald Trump and he doesn't know what to do with that he doesn't know what to do when he who beats his chest as this Law and Order candidate is properly framed as the Felon in a prosecutor versus felon race he doesn't know what to do when when he who is trying to balance his uh do this High wi Highwire Balancing Act about abortion is called out for being uh an abortion opponent for being responsible for these abortion bans across the country for being responsible for appointing a third of the US Supreme Court that overturned row all the while kamla Harris spent the last year of her vice presidency crisscrossing the country and at presenting herself as a champion for abortion rights so on issue after issue the the direct framing of these two candidates does doesn't benefit Donald Trump in the slightest and so what he's going to be able to do when confronted with that framing that's that's going to be the real question uh tonight as we as we uh see them on stage together talking at the same time let's see what question and topic are you personally most interested in seeing kamla's response to I think the abortion Reproductive Rights is going to be especially potent especially powerful we all know how powerful that issue has been Democrats are winning elections in Kentucky Kansas Ohio Virginia Alabama solely predicated on the issue of abortion so um I think that I think that when they have the opportunity to deal with this question and remember by was handed this question on a silver platter and pivoted to migrant crime which I think was the worst thing I've ever seen in a debate um KLA Harris won't make that same mistake and again this is the issue that I think she's most passionate about as I said uh it's the issue that she criss-crossed the entire country litigating and talking to college students about and I think when she has the opportunity to really prosecute that case against Donald Trump she is not going to let that opportunity SL slip her by for those asking we have about 15 minutes until the debate actually Begins by the way just a quick note for those watching right now if you'd like to support this channel um all I would ask is that you subscribe doesn't cost you anything to do so it's the best way to support my work best way to support and watch these live streams uh that is when certain media Outlets are able to allow us to broadcast it to people and uh and and don't give well I'll leave it there um but in any case if you're again if you're looking to support this channel to watch more live streams to watch my regular my regular coverage on a daily basis please make sure to hit the Subscribe button right here on the screen that's the best way to support what I do I don't do commercials or host R ads or sponsorships I don't put any of my content behind pay walls I don't believe in any of that um but the single best way to support what I do is just to hit the Subscribe button and uh and support my work that way so plenty of close polling does Florida attive -2 for KLA Harris give you hope if his home state is winnable that has to be good news right exactly look I think uh we have to make sure that we are let's see do we have any polling National polling on Florida it looks like it's not being included in the Battleground States let's see if we have any here not being included in the Battleground States so I don't have further information on Florida and of course with all of the polling we have to make sure that we're that we have that that we're not looking at outlier polls um but seeing a poll at Nega -2 for kamla Harris in a state like Florida which has been trending redder and redder every election cycle and which I believe uh Ronda santis won by like certainly double digits uh in in the midterms is definitely a good sign for KLA Harris if she can win his home state of course that would be if KLA Harris is winning Florida on Election night then that is game over for Republicans that is game over to a degree that I don't think uh I don't think we've seen in a long time that would be bigger than 2018 midterms where Democrats won by the largest margin in modern American history won the house so um you know keep looking at keep looking at these polls recognize that they're just a snapshot in time recognize that there's going to be outliers and regardless of what we see make sure that we're still working as if we're down by five that's our job do I think that the moderators are going to fact check Donald Trump in real time when needed I don't think so um again I can't predict what's going to happen but I presume that the moderators will want to to make as small a footprint as humanly possible and rely on kamla Harris to rebut Donald Trump if if he says something worth rebutting that's what I think is going to happen um this is again me just trying to predict the future but that is uh that is what I think is going to happen one other thing that I thought was uh pretty interesting we have a tech we have a tweet here Alex Wagner is reporting that the Harris campaign has a surprise guest in the spin room tonight so do we think it's Beyonce or Taylor Swift that was that was the uh that was the question of the DNC on night four of the DNC everyone was absolutely convinced that Taylor Swift and Beyonce were both going to be the special guests at the DNC here's how certain I was that Taylor Swift and or Beyonce were going to be special guests at the DNC I shot a video um I pre-shot a video about how exciting it was to see Taylor Swift and Beyonce shot two separate videos about how exciting it was to see them at the DNC um and was going to wait to insert the video if and when they showed up and of course they didn't show up and so I had two videos fully edited except for the clip of the actual performers themselves that just died on The Cutting Room floor because everyone was so convinced that one of the two if not both were going to show up at the DNC so all of which is to say um in terms of a special guest fool me once shame on you fool me twice shame on me I think uh I think we can probably safely say that there is not going to be that uh that we're not going to see Beyonce or Taylor Swift or anybody at the debate tonight it'll probably be uh KLA Harris and Donald Trump I think those are going to be the big names of the debate tonight do I think that Trump will slip up and think that he's debating Biden again uh I think that Donald Trump will will lament the fact that Biden isn't the nominee anymore he will probably fantasize about the prospect of Biden being the nominee he'll even do some concern trolling against Democrats claiming that we instituted a coup by virtue of KLA Harris being the nominee because he can't he can't accept the fact that he is going up against a more formidable opponent and that his entire campaign was entirely couched again you know on this idea that they were that they were going against Joe Biden he just doesn't know how to accept that fact so uh yes I think we will hear him talk about that tonight will I be factchecking on the upload after the debate absolutely um the whole point of the upload that I will put forward in the aftermath of the debate will be to fact check what we have heard so um so do not worry about that I will absolutely make sure to fact check in so far as um in so far as I'm able to with my with my own upload do I think Trump would dare to mention comm's bir raciality that's a good question I don't think he will I think he's tried that tack already and I think that it kind of blew up in his face and so I don't know that he's going to try the racist attack in front of the black woman that he's uh competing against um I think it's easier for him to do it when she's not there because he's a coward but it's a bizarre attack and honestly I think the maddest he got if I had to guess would be when who is it Dana Bash asked kamla Harris for her response to Trump denying her biracial and KLA Harris responding I I don't I don't think about that next question because it just belittled him it made him look weak and deflated and small it made her look presidential it made her look bigger than him and I think the last thing he wants to do is set set himself up for that again on this stage and by couched yes I realize I'm doing I'm using a trigger word um if uh if JD Vance is watching this live stream right now we are less than 10 minutes away what I'm going to do is I'm going to uh I don't want to put it on this screen because I the last thing I want to do is give um ABC the opportunity to try and shut down the stream but I will keep it up separately H I'm sorry muted and as soon as as soon as we have any debate I'll end my stream so that you guys can all watch the stream uh wherever you'd like to watch it I do know that C-SPAN is is uh doing a simoc cast of the debate again for those who watched earlier I had requested a simoc cast of the debate and um ABC wasn't willing to extend that to me even though they were willing to extend it to other um outlets and didn't really give me an answer as to why will I leave the chat up that's an interesting question I'm going to do a poll if enough people would like me to leave the chat up I can um I won't be here but please vote in this poll so I know whether or not you want me to uh leave the chat up and yes for those asking I will pin a link to C-SPAN live this way you all know where to go if you uh okay wow we have three qus of people that are requesting the chat to be left up um so I I'm happy to leave the chat up if you'd like that for emotional support that's why uh why am I choosing C-SPAN c-span's been C-SPAN is always great um never had any issues with C-SPAN and uh they have been excellent and uh never act in bad faith or hostile to streamers which is what I've um encountered recently okay let's get a few more questions in here before the this debate Begins by the way for those asking I will keep an eye on the chat there is no I'm sorry I will keep an eye on the debate um in a separate window so as soon as that goes up we have no debate yet but as soon as it goes up presumably in about 6 minutes I I expect that they'll start on time I'll let you know so that you can head over over to the other link why not just stream C-SPAN with us C-SPAN will be streaming the it's a little bit confusing but cam will just C-SPAN will just be streaming the simoc cast of ABC so it's not c-span's branding as far as I'm as far as I know it'll be ABC's branding if ABC sees my channel using their branding they can issue a takedown of my stream they can issue a strike against My Stream so I have to protect the channel so that I can continue doing you know doing my regular uploads doing other live streams if I want to and uh and not and not put the channel at risk um for one event um normally you know what what I think was interesting is um there was some dispute I think that Disney is having with Direct TV and Disney was like oh we're gonna allow or I I don't know who it was somebody was like oh we're gonna allow just this debate even though we're not giving other content to um to you know between Disney and Direct TV while the dispute was ongoing but uh you know we we think it's in the an American's best interest to see this well if you really thought it was an American's best interest to see this you would let streamers stream it too so it's actually in their financial interest not not well but they couch it in this idea that they're out there defending democracy while preventing streamers like myself and Pacman and everybody else on the left from actually streaming this thing so you know U just something to consider interesting somebody just said that uh kamla has uh is streaming it from her YouTube channel um it doesn't look like there is a live stream of the debate itself there's a watch party uh with Tim Walls and that does not look like a stream of the actual debate itself there's a lot of rules around this kind of stuff that's the very unexciting part of of all of this streaming um but usually revolves around money that's uh that's the most that's the most important thing have I thought about what a a Harris cabinet would look like I actually have and I had a conversation today about one member of a potential Harris cabinet I won't talk about it now because I don't want to jinx anything but I promise you if we wake up on November 6th and KLA Harris is is uh the president- elect I promise you we will be talking about everything but I don't want to jinx it right now if Donald Trump loses this year do you think he'll try to run again in 2028 I actually don't if he loses this year especially if it's decisive I don't think he'll run again in 2028 he'll be in his mid 80s by then he'll be 86 I believe it's just I don't think it's going to happen um and I do think that he's going to become enough of an anchor around Republicans necks that they'll realize that it's literally not worth it for him uh to run again for them to run again and and and just to to have this albatross around their necks who's only proven to be a loser in 2018 2020 2022 23 24 and remember if you have a question for me make sure to tag my name so I can see the question because there are a lot of comments in the chat h would I want to be communications director or press secretary no I uh I've said before and I'll say again I think it's very important to bolster Progressive media I've this has always been my focus building up Progressive media I think that's where it's at it's important and uh you know it it would be it would be bizarre to do all of this work and build up an audience than to just leave it and do a job that frankly other people can do much better than me you look at someone like saki there's nothing that I could do better as press secretary than someone like Jens saki so do I think that Donald Trump would try to incite his followers to overthrow the government when he loses in November absolutely he's already laying the foundation to do exactly that um I don't think that that's above him in the slightest I think he absolutely will do anything he can because remember he tried to do it in 2020 and that's before he was facing prosecution in four separate jurisdictions his freedom literally depends on his ability to stay out of to to stay to get himself into the Oval Office so absolutely I think he's going to do whatever he can um to to try to consolidate power for himself do I think that the GOP circus would finally leave town without Trump no I think that the incentive structure on the right has completely completely turned into um completely turned into Republicans making fools of themselves and running in the mold of Donald Trump there is no incentive structure to do what Adam kininger or Liz Cheney or Mitt Romney are doing those people have become persona non grada in the Republican Party so um so yeah I don't think uh I don't think that there is any any hope that there will be some normaly I've just checked in on the C-SPAN feed we still have nothing yet but it's just turned 6 o'clock here and uh in Pacific Time 9:00 eastern time so I presume the debate will be starting momentarily um if people are watching it let me know in the chat if the debate has come on this way I I can make sure to direct everybody um to the debate itself and not and not be responsible for you missing anything because I do think it's important to watch good good good point as we as we head toward an end here reminder from Marine vet this is in the comments um please tell everyone to check their voter registration and vote please make sure that your voter registration is up to date you can do that in all of your States just check it online should KLA provoke Trump into losing his temper I think that uh that is exactly what she's seeking to do and we'll find out right now it looks like the debate has started so I will leave everybody off to the debate I pin the link in the comments of my uh in the top of the comment section so go ahead and watch the debate and we will uh check back after thanks everybody e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e okay wow uh let's talk of a little bit of post-debate analysis first of all it I cannot imagine a world in which that could have gone better for kamla Harris whilst simultaneously going worse for Donald Trump it would be one thing for example if Trump had a good debate but KLA Harris had a better debate Donald Trump had a disaster of a debate KLA Harris had the best debate that we could have hoped for so let's talk about both reasons why I said in the beginning when we first uh got on here for the pre-show and discussed the prospect of of what she needed to do I had said that she will try to bait him um and how well Donald Trump does will be determined in terms of how well he is how well he does in terms of evading uh that bait he couldn't do it at all I mean he took the he took the bait like a like a four-year-old goes for a cookie when it came to crowd size when it came to Haitian immigrants in Springfield Ohio when it came to his rallies when it came to abortion anything that KLA Harris knew Trump would melt down over she dangled it out out there and he took the bait without a second's hesitation watching him descend into a full-blown meltdown on that stage when she said that his rallies were boring I mean you could have you she could have said that that that Eric Trump was on fire backstage Donald Trump wouldn't have batted an eye and he would have gone Allin to rebut this claim that his rallies are boring I mean it was such easy bait such easy bait and yet he was so focused he's so easy to manipulate and so my contention here is that not only did kamla Harris expose Donald Trump for being easy to manipulate which clearly she did everybody could see it she also exposed the extent to which other people are are able to manipulate him if they need to there is a reason why erdogan Putin shei bolsonaro Kim Jong-un the world's autocrats and dictators who are not friends of the United States want that man in office it is quite simple it's because he allows them the ability to roll him roll the United States because he's easy to manipulate we all just got a glimpse of that firsthand on that stage all you have to do to manipulate Donald Trump is is pet him basically and they all know that and they all want something from the United States the the only goal of Russia for the entirety of Putin's presidency has been to uh undermine NATO that that's all that that Putin has ever sought to do and he knows that Donald Trump is a willing participant in in terms of him doing that and so and so he pets Donald Trump he makes him feel like a like a strong like a strong boy and uh and in exchange for that Donald Trump does his bidding on the international stage and undermines NATO I mean he would have pulled this out of NATO if he could and if he gets a second term he absolutely will so Donald Trump gets rolled by these people and K haris put on full display the extent to which it is so aggressively easy to do exactly that so that's Donald Trump taking the bait um in contrast to that she just looks like she looks like the president she looks serious she looks uh um well well put together she looks uh she sounds articulate and she seemed like the president of the United States compared to this unhinged lunatic who was ranting and raving they were multiple points at which he was complaining about Hunter and Joe Biden like what are you doing dude and so those were just two instances obviously the abortion one was a disaster for Donald Trump where he uh kind of went all in does look I think Donald Trump's biggest Pitfall is that he has deluded himself into thinking that the way that people consume his lies at his rallies is the way that people will consume his lies otherwise is that that's real life and it's not the people at his rallies are his marks they'll lap up whatever he puts in front of them doesn't matter how much how much he spews they'll lap it up they're not Discerning they have no Scruples they are there to believe every single bogus word Trump says and so when he gets backed into a corner he ramps everything up to a 10 he gets desperate he gets unhinged and he starts screaming he starts speaking in superlatives he goes full Manic and when he does that at his rallies it works it gets people uh fired up because they believe everything he says but in the real world it makes him look desperate it makes him look like he's lying it makes him look weak and small and pathetic and extreme and no one's going to believe the stuff he says when he ramps it up from a two to a 10 he just looks crazy and that's exactly what he did on that stage and so he realized he was getting pummeled by KLA Harris on the issue of abortion and so what did he do oh he's Democrats are doing postbirth abortion Democrats want to kill your baby in the hospital they want to give birth to the baby and then and then murder it and he thinks in his addled mind that this is going to convince people when he raises his voice he gets more believable when he starts screaming out uh insane conspiracy theories that people will get scared because he's used to spooking people in his base that's how it works on the right but in the real world when he does that kind of stuff it doesn't work it just betrays how how little control he has over himself how little control of reality he has and how easily sus how susceptible he is to disinformation whether he's believing it or purveying it and so he'll come on stage and he'll and he'll spew this nonsense about doctor's doctors aborting babies once they're born and just just straight nonsense it it's it's an abject lie and and it kind of showed how how poorly prepared he was for this whole debate because I think he just got used to maybe maybe he's still fantasizing about this idea that he's running against Joe Biden I'm not sure there was a moment where KLA Harris literally had to come out and say the words uh you're not running against Joe Biden you're running against me that is a rough line to take when you're Donald Trump because dude doesn't know who his opponent is and the fact that even on the climate change question he did the same thing K Harris gave a thoughtful answer on how her Administration is taking seriously the threat of climate change and Donald Trump went on a temper tantrum about Hunter Biden and I think did we actually just get I think we might have some breaking news here hold on we might have some wow wow okay we've got some pretty big breaking news here we go the Taylor Swift endorsement has landed let's read this like many of you I watched the debate tonight if you haven't already now is a great time to do your research on the issues at hand and the stances these candidates take on the topics that matter to you most as a voter I make sure to watch and read everything I can about the proposed policies and plans for this country recently I was made aware that AI of me falsely endorsing Donald Trump's presidential run was posted to his site it really conjured up my fears around Ai and the dangers of spreading misinformation it brought me to the conclusion that I needed to be very transparent about my actual plans for this election as a voter the simplest way to combat misinformation is with the truth I will be casting my vote for kamla Harris and Tim Walls in the 2024 presidential election I'm voting for kamla Harris because she fights for the rights and causes I believe need a warrior to Champion them she is I think she is a steady-handed gifted leader and I believe we can accomplish so much more in this country if we are led by calm and not chaos I was so heartened and impressed by her selection of running mate Tim Walls who's been standing up for lgbtq plus rights IVF and a woman's right to her own body for decades I've done my research and I've made my choice you research your research is all yours to do and the choice is is yours to make I also want to say especially to firsttime voters remember that in order to vote you have to be registered I also find it's much easier to vote early I'll link where voter I'll link where to register and find early voting dates and info in my story with love and hope Taylor Swift childless cat lady damn so there it is uh breaking right now kamla Harris has secured the t-swift endorsement that is huge I can assure you I don't like to talk in absolutes I can assure you we will see tens if not hundreds of thousands of registrations happen in the immediate aftermath of this endorsement this is so big the way the the the power that she holds with Gen Z voters with young people cannot be overstated this is so big and it's just the cherry on top to what has been an abject disaster uh what has been an abject disaster for Donald Trump and an absolute win uh for kamla Harris tonight topped off by the fact that Taylor Swift the biggest star on the face of the Earth the biggest musical artist on the face of the Earth has just endorsed her not only doing that but also linking to register and calling for early voting that is so big that is such good news uh and definitely a surprise too I mean it would have been enough just watching what comma Harris did to Donald Trump in this debate but then to to top it off with an endorsement from the biggest star on the planet at a time when we need genz uh voters to get out there and vote to get registered could not ask for a uh a better a better night for kamla Harris so with that said Let's do let's go back to debate um analysis again KLA Harris achieved her first goal of showing how easy it was to to to bait Donald Trump and basically uh um basically lose his mind um show how easy it was to manipulate him to to show how easy it was to prove that he is unhinged and angry and unqualified doesn't have the temperament to be the next president uh KLA gave clear answers on abortion on climate change on issue after issue um and and Trump couldn't give clear answers and in fact would attack he and like I said before there were lots of moments where he started attacking Joe and Hunter Biden I mean like I mean it just everything reflected uh really poorly on him him in terms of uh in terms of how he performs so so uh yeah I I'm I'm still looking at this at this statement by Taylor Swift I mean this is this is absolutely huge um what a great cherry on top in terms of uh in terms of what we could expect to see from this evening uh this is an endorsement that we've been waiting for for a long time there was worries that um that that Taylor wouldn't endorse anybody because of how hot the political climate has gotten but what was so funny is that or so interesting about this was it came as the result of Donald Trump's own actions had he not decided to uh perpetuate disinformation by posting Ai and claiming that that Taylor had already endorsed him I don't know if she would have but she even notes here that the reason that she decided to make this endorsement was because Donald Trump posted AI falsely endorsing of of Taylor falsely endorsing his presidential run and posted it to his site she says the dangers of spreading misinformation brought me to the conclusion that I needed to be very transparent about my actual plans for that election as a voter the simplest way to combat that misinformation is with the truth I don't know if she would have come out had it not been for Donald Trump he screwed himself he's so desperate to to to Pedal his lies he's so desperate to to to wade into these Waters of straight lies and disinformation and misinformation that had he said nothing he might not have dealt with this endorsement but because he was so quick to do that it forced Taylor's hand to have to come out and clear the record because he can't not lie he can't help himself by just shutting the up for a few minutes he has to lie every time he opens his mouth and that's what happened here and now you've got the biggest star on the face of the Earth who not only came out endorsing KLA Harris not only did it while Donald Trump was was beaten blood and battered on the debate stage but also included a voter registration link to make sure that her voters know exactly how to wield their power know exactly how to make their voices heard it was a smart move and again goes to show the extent to which Donald Trump is just out of his League doesn't know what he's doing is not prepared for this campaign uh running a bush League campaign complete Amateur hour and he's getting taken advantage of at every turn and it's getting taken advantage of by a lot of women and that's something that's not going to sit well with him either to have gotten routed on that stage by KLA Harris only to then get routed by Taylor Swift in the immediate aftermath of that debate is uh is is pretty amazing to see and she signed it childless cat lady A+ JD Vance JD Vance making his Mark making his Mark man I mean he really has just been been a drag on this ticket all along and now his exact words were how Taylor Swift signed her voter registration call pretty brilliant and it's not just JD Vance let's be clear it was Donald Trump promoting on his own platform this notion that Taylor Swift had endorsed him that was that was his screw up both of them equal players in their ability to sync their own campaign I would venture to Guess that we will see 100,000 new endorsements um 100,000 new in uh I'm sorry 100,000 new voter registration um in the coming week that's what I would venture to Guess that we will see 100,000 new registered voters in this country in the next few days that's that's I think what's going to be the the result of this Taylor Swift endorsement so a really big night um a really big night all around so with that said uh I have a debate wrapup coming out for those who are watching right now if you are not yet subscribed to this Channel please make sure to subscribe so you can watch that debate wrap up I go into detail about uh every facet of this debate and I think I have no choice right now but to do another video about Taylor Swift so I'm going to go in uh in depth on that as well um I did just see the question how would I grade kamla's debate performance let's grade both of them right now I would say knowing that she went into this debate needing to do probably two things one is present herself as offering up a vision for for how to move this country forward A+ nailed exactly what she needed to do in fact very often redirected the conversation from Trump's lunacy to actual serious plans policy proposals and a vision for the future multiple times directly into the camera talking to the American people not talking to Donald Trump not letting him um uh um kind of urp the conversation or control the narrative but talking directly to the American people seconds after casting him off casting some nonsense he set off so A+ on that she also needed to show that she could bait him and that he would take the bait and that was a resounding success um to Trump's detriment he took the debate uh he took the bait in this debate on everything whether it was abortion Haitian migrants crowd size rallies whatever she put forward he bit like the first fish to ever see Chum in the water it was there was no question it was like any semblance of discipline that his handlers might have tried to instill in him went out the window it's like throwing a ball for a dog in the park that nothing else existed for Donald Trump tunnel vision rage fueled tunnel vision and so she did exactly what she needed to do she kept she baited him and she redirected everything to how her Administration uh would offer a Clear Vision for the future that would be focused not on helping herself not on lowering taxes for herself but instead offering up um benefits to regular Americans to to build on the work that she'd um that she'd already started uh with Joe Biden and that's work that will help regular middle class workingclass Americans work like $35 insulin $35 inhalers uh immediate refunds for airline cancellations eliminating junk fees at Banks rural Broadband which overwhelmingly benefits red America uh free covid test um an economy where 800,000 manufacturing jobs have come back to the US 16 million jobs in total a record high stock market um on on issue after issue after issue we have 50 million people who've signed up for the ACA so whether it's health care whether it's climate whether it's infrastructure gun safety all of these um agenda items that the Biden administration had started will continue to be carried out by by KLA Harris's Administration she made that abundantly clear on that stage tonight it was there was a focus on how she could help regular Americans as far as Donald Trump's grade is concerned uh a d only reason I'm not giving him an F is because like like cuz he didn't fall asleep I guess uh you know I mean an abject disaster um do I think I'm getting this question a lot do I think the ABC moderators let Donald Trump talk too much nope let him talk he himself they gave him the Rope he hung himself uh this is an instance where I think the the moderators did quite a good job surprised me quite a good job they deserve all the credit in the world were able to fact check without becoming participants in the debate um fact check clear lies that Donald Trump was making like postbirth abortion that nonsense and uh kept the debate on track but ultimately it was Trump's debate to lose and he did exactly that so we we will leave it there uh big night tonight thank you all for tuning in and watching this post debate analysis again if you enjoyed this and if you want to tune in for other live streams assuming I'm able to do them uh please make sure to subscribe to this channel it's the best way to support what I do and doesn't cost you anything but it's a great way to follow along with my work um thank you so much and uh see you uh see you tomorrow we'll either do live streams or more regular videos all right thanks everybody [Music] sh [Music] [Music] [Music]

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