Category: News & Politics
[music] andrea thank you so much but i'm still most cry i'm good for now oh she [music] you no you thank you i love one of my gotten me movies can you take a picture of her and can we also take a picture thank you so much so much could you write to eric with a k i'm a big fan from sweden okay i love... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Intro probabilmente è il film più brutto di tim barton ma quanto mi sono divertito allora allora allora buon cinema a tutti bentornati su cine follie vi spiegherò subito la mia frase iniziale insomma ci sono delle cose che non funzionano in questo film che se qualcuno va lì per determinati motivi potrebbe... Read more
Category: Entertainment
The juice is [music] loose so katherine um this is a project we've been teased with for like decades now um a lot of us the big fans never thought it was going to happen um was it something you yeah was it something you hope you would get a chance to do again reprise this character i would hear about... Read more
Category: Sports
[musica] buonasera e bentornati a flash news l'appuntamento quotidiano con l'informazione sui canali di per sempre news iniziamo il notiziario di oggi con la mostra del cinema di venezia il film di apertura beetle juice beetle juice un intrattenimento puro pieno di umor e fantasia ha portato sul re... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
Cia uh mamma m mamma m vado fuori quando ti muovi [musica] così mamma m mi rubi il tanto se la forse un po' sei strana però te mi piaci palline locale sai che no non va con me ma pu [musica] saliamo in macchina se ci sei tu non sai quanto caldo fa e canto una canzone d'amore sotto il cielo blu e dopo... Read more
Category: Entertainment
[music] and what's it like when you see michael in the full costume full makeup i mean you know for 36 years i've been having to watch terrible versions of beetlejuice at halloween parties uh in the halloween aisle at uh you know the halloween store so to finally see it done properly again and have... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
- here's a preview. be warned. it's intense. - ♪ day-o ♪ ♪ me say day-o ♪ [ominous score] - astrid: can't believe grandpa is dead. - death is hard. - yeah, sometimes i think life is harder. [ominous score] - lydia: when i was a teenager... a trickster demon terrorized our entire family and tried... Read more
Category: Entertainment
We just got out of beetle juice beetle juice and now it's time to talk about this movie this movie what was it it was a sequel a lot of people have been saying things i've been seeing online like this movie 30 years too late what you doing beetlejuice beetle juice but i would say i don't know kind of... Read more
Category: Entertainment
I'm sean fantasy i'm amanda do and this is the big picture a conversation show about beetle juice beetle juu i won't be saying it a third time today on the show we're discussing the sequel to tim burton's 1988 horror comedy classic we're also picking our five favorite burton movies and discussing his... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
[musica] vado a guardarmi perché no aspetta perché mi sa che dalla marina [musica] Read more
Category: Entertainment
Director tim burton has finally addressed the much speculated absence of alec baldwin and gina davis in the highly anticipated beetle jew sequel fans of the original 1988 classic will remember baldwin and davis as the recently deceased couple adam and barbara maitland who team up with michael keaton's... Read more
Category: Entertainment
J'ai une petite annonce à vous faire on a retrouvé le bébé de braind dead salut les cinéphiles de l'extrême et bienvenue pour cette nouvelle critique à l'arche où nous allons parler de beatle juice beatle juice c'est-à-dire la suite de ou là là j'ai failli le dire une troisième fois la suite qui pour... Read more