Category: Gaming
Antes de comenzar este vídeo queremos invitarte a formar parte de la comunidad en bici y hispanoparlante en telegrah en donde ya somos más de 100 usuarios activos donde día a día estamos resolviendo dudas y ofreciendo colaboraciones entre los usuarios de diferentes países [música] qué tal amigos bienvenidos... Read more
Category: Gaming
[music] a city on the verge of greatness a new type of city based not on the man but on the automobile the car the symbol of freedom and [music] vitality where every man can own his own home and have room to breathe and not be overlooked by his neighbors a city where a man's home is his castle a quarter... Read more
Category: Gaming
Let's take one final look once you hit that confirm button your road to glory begins [music] welcome to national signing day once you've selected your school your college football career begins if you have aspirations to see the field early pay close close attention to the depth chart and even if you... Read more
Category: Gaming
Kind of jamming out to this music not going to lie while i was just uh here anyways next up is yu-gi-oh world championship 2007 another world championship game uh not no not 2010 2011 wait do i have it yeah okay here it is oh there was a 2008 i didn't see that all right so these games are usually pretty... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Introducción y las acciones de bugisoft star wars outl es el juego más roto y controversial del momento el cual es una representación de todas las malas costumbres de bugisoft y en parte de la industria en general una empresa que no hace más que reciclar fórmulas sacando los mismos juegos una y otra... Read more
Category: Gaming
Oh my god it made me grab the boom boom cau her wow boom oh my god now that's crazy like taz is kind like taz is pretty crazy bro like if i was to have a secondary i'm not going to say taz will be it but he'll probably be somebody i consider you know what i'm saying but i don't know i think i'm just... Read more
Category: Sports
È deceduto all'età di 63 anni dopo aver combattuto per tanto tempo contro un cancro sydney eudi noto nel mondo del wrestling come sid vius ricordato dai suoi cari come forte gentile e amorevole l'omo aveva svolto la professione sportiva di wrestler per quasi 30 anni ritirandosi nel 2017 tra i suoi grandi... Read more
Category: Gaming
What's up we're back with another video and today we're playing the last of us two remaster on the ps5 and we're going to be playing it on fidelity mode with a long frames which uses like i believe it's the 120 hz or the vr i'm not so i think it's just 120 it just uh gives it a higher uh boost from... Read more
Category: Gaming
Fala pessoal beleza papai urso hoje é quinta-feira tem tweed da band atualizações aqui no site da band duas notícias importantes que eu vou falar com você principalmente sobre a nova masmorra e também a destaque aqui da missão exótica primeira parte ele vai repetir aquilo que nós falamos sobre é o futuro... Read more
Category: Gaming
El regreso de uno de los juegos más originales y divertidos está aquí lollipop chamu repop qué hace de especial a este juego pues su historia locada juliet una porrista cazadora de zombies que debe salvar el mundo con una motosierra en mano y su novio decapitado como compañero además el guion del juego... Read more
Category: Gaming
Fala pessoal beleza papai urso trazendo mais um vídeo aqui para o nosso canal neste vídeo vou mostrar aí a forma de você fazer um triunfo secreto que vai lhe conceder um emblema secreto exclusivo aqui no jogo beleza bora lá deixa eu mostrar aqui para você e aqui trajetórias episódio eos se você tá fazendo... Read more
Category: Gaming
Intro hey everybody welcome uh sophia and i are still in norway y we are done having the con plague mostly recovering recovering recovering we're out here in beautiful outdoor norway uh and we're going to run down the impressions of most of the games we have left except for the ones that are embargoed... Read more