Dune, Khazan, Blue Prince, and Many More! - Gamescom Mega Preview Pt. 3

Intro hey everybody Welcome uh Sophia and I are still in Norway y we are done having the con plague mostly recovering recovering recovering we're out here in beautiful outdoor Norway uh and we're going to run down the impressions of most of the games we have left except for the ones that are embargoed um from Gamescom yeah so I guess start with twoo Museum go for it okay twoo Museum was great it was you know if you know the Two Point Museum other two-point games uh you know 2o Museum I think that the setting for 2o museum is brilliant uh the demo I played uh I was uh focused on putting fossils and prehistoric stuff into the displays and then decorating the displays around them to make them appealing to visitors and you had to have obviously bathrooms and ticket booths and all that and you could put donation buckets near exhibits and it showed you kind of the area of influence of the exhibits and if you put it within reach of like multiple exhibits that are popular you'll get a lot more um donations uh it looked great it played great um you can put info cards next to the little uh you you know displays which is great uh the announcements are as funny as always uh as as they they have like the announcer over the loudspeakers in uh two-point games which are always really fun I honestly think it might be my favorite setting they've done so far they did hospital and and campus and uh this is just it it's the perfect fit and it feels like the stakes are not so dire as health I mean obviously the the mood is very cheeky um you send your researchers out on expeditions to get sorry I got bent by mosquito and it's starting to itch uh uh you send your researchers out on expeditions to get new stuff and they can get like injured and all that kind of stuff so you can kind of like offset their risk or like pay them more and like my researcher kept threatening to quit because she kept going on these like really elaborate dangerous uh Expeditions and so then I just like built a better uh break room for the staff and she settled you know that kind of stuff um yeah I didn't want to stop playing I really liked it it's cute it's fun it's twoo Museum cuz like in twoo hospital they had like the diseases people came in with was like a pun did they have similar stuff some of the exhibits were were kind of funny I think that I imagine they're going to start playing with that um yeah so I don't remember the examples but I think the exhibits are sort of yeah a little tongue and cheek so that's cool uh what what what you got so I played the Berlin apartment uh which I am very excited The Berlin Apartment about um it's essentially this story that expands through different Decades of this apartment and you're trying to uncover the mystery of it uh it's really beautiful you play in first person and when I played you kind of just walked around you picked up certain items and then you know a narrator talked about it um and so I'm still like it's still a mystery to me what it was about but it was cool cuz it was like one time I like you know I threw this paper airplane out of a window and then like learning about my character via like what I wrote in that paper airplane um and so it has a lot of more mechanics than just point and click it has some stuff you actually have to do uh the narration was great uh it was cool to see the apartment at one point change time periods and so suddenly I was in the apartment of like this guy who likes to love Motion Pictures you had all these posters and stuff so you can kind of like tell where in history the person is there was one room that like the posters on the wall like music posters I was like oh okay I think I know when this is um and obviously it's in Berlin uh and so you know part of it is going to be talking about like the Berlin Wall for example um and it's episodic uh and I think it spans like over 100 years 120 years something like that so the apartment is more the the apartment is more the character than individual or it's about the people who come through this apartment kind of yeah so my so like it was nice because the demo didn't really spoil that story element of it so I was just kind of exploring Apartments but I assume that there's going to be like some sort of storyline between all of them um the art was really beautiful totally my vibe um and uh yeah I'm just really excited about it it looks really cool uh and yeah I'm excited my next is maybe Blue Prince my favorite from Gamescom what definitely one of my favorites I everything I played I almost everything I played I really enjoyed um we'll get to a couple of demos that I think just don't demo well in a little bit but um blue Prince uh is so good blueprints uh it is like okay it's kind of hard to describe it's a strategy puzzle tile laying game sort of so if you've ever played like mansions and Madness or Betrayal on the house in the hill it's sort of like that where it's like you're about to go into a new room you put the room down in front of yourself before you and like seamless loading he's been working on it for eight years it's beautiful the art style is so cool um yeah so you put it down the door opens you're in that room that you just chose you you have usually a choice of three rooms and the strategy element is cuz it's a um five across I don't remember how many tall grid that you have to work with right so you can paint yourself into a corner where like uh maybe you build a house that like you can't access the bottom right corner of the Grid or you know you have to pick this this next room because it turns left and you need to turn left stuff like that um so part of that strategy is about kind of keeping track of where you are and you can look at the blueprint the map above above view like anytime you want um it is dense with weird imagery and puzzle stuff it felt kind of like lower line the laser eyes is in this way where it was like first thing I walked in and I started looking around and I'm like okay there's an Ace of Spades picture there there's a Queen of Diamonds picture there like this room has Stained Glass of different kind of like women in in armor and this one's an angel and this one's a a minor and there's numbers underneath you know and I'm like okay there's definitely like an overarching persistent cuz those things didn't change that I noticed run to run uh kind of overarching puzzle happening you know and I was like okay that's really fascinating and then uh you know immediately the guy was like okay I can tell that this is your kind of game cuz like you immediately started looking around and observing and I was like yeah I need to I like my l in the laser eyes brain is coming out I want to start taking notes and he was like yeah I haven't I've heard that's great but he's intentionally kind of like steered away from any game anywhere near his own so he hasn't played any of the great puzzle games in the last like eight years and I was like play out or wild you're going to love it um yeah like slowburn puzzles in that kind of way um there's way more to it than meets the um beyond that metap puzzle thing like I went back out the front door okay wait I I should I should I should I should micro level it first so it's a Rog likee sort of because every day you're not you get a letter from your grandpa your or whatever your uncle whatever and you're supposed to stay uh solve the mystery of this house there are 45 rooms you have to find the missing 46th room or whatever the number is I think that's right um and he's like I know you can do it go you know whatever and there's very there's a lot of stories story Rich um and so but you're forbidden from sleeping in on the grounds like in the house so because the house changes every night so every time you enter a new room your steps counter goes down you know which at first I was like I've got like 50 or whatever steps and like bedrooms give me two more steps this is easy breezy no problem but then I started having to backtrack back when I got like a key for a door over here you know and uh then you're like oh okay that's how you run down your steps really fast is you do that and then you learn like little tidbits where it's like doors on the Western Wing The West Wing are more likely to be locked uh like rooms get higher rank as you go you know and like things change as you go further north like things get more complicated the puzzles get harder some rooms our puzzle rooms they have little like three boxes and one always tells a lie and the other one is blah blah blah or two always tell a lie whatever um so it's all that kind of stuff and it's marvelous and then I went out the front door thinking like okay that'll end the day but it didn't and I start wandering around the grounds and there's like doors out there there's other areas out there there's like a whole huge other world out there and so I was like oh wow okay there's way more to this than meets the eye uh something I was really impressed by that I noticed is like you know I put down a bedroom or whatever in my first day and it was an interior room no windows on the outside and it looked a certain way and then I put down what I thought would be the same bedroom in a in a later day but it was on the edge of the house and then it had windows and I could see outside the house to the grounds and you know it Parallax it looked great like there was the sky box everything and I was like wait a minute you had to program the different room behaviors depending on where these rooms are in the house and he was like yeah that's why this is taking me eight years just like I was like oh my god um different kinds of rooms bedrooms red rooms green rooms you know they have different effects you you'll get into it I'm talking too much about blueprints but uh I loved it so much I loved it so much and I cannot wait for it to come out blueprints it you know blueprints p r i n c e you know it's like a play on words because it sounds like blueprints nice anyway here you go uh okay on to my next one uh I played Sonic's X Shadow Sonic X Shadow Generations generations um and I had fun I I have history playing Sonic games uh mind you it was a little while since I'd picked up one so at first I was like oh boy this is I will say this it feels like it has a little bit of a learning curve maybe if you're like me who maybe like hasn't picked one up in a long time or like even if we're new players I would assume maybe this would have been a would like have a little bit of a learning curve uh just cuz I saw other people struggle with the same stuff I was struggling with that said it was a lot of fun I had really fun playing it you play as Shadow I like Shadow B Sonic I think oh my god um Edge Lord Edge Lord Edge Lord what what was that huh it feels like a Sonic game obviously it goes real fast you collect coins uh you jump there's a lot of cool stuff you're like on a jet ski uh well not jet ski but like you surf the water and then like like you know you crash your windows there's like a big eagle that helps you get to this other place uh and it was a lot of fun once once the like like memory of playing fast games I guess kicked in I was like oh right this is a lot of fun um and and yeah it's it said like it's not just like a remaster it has different stuff in it uh I tried a couple of levels like a shadow level uh Kingdom Valley and then I tried like a c like a huge boss which I managed to beat it was very proud of myself uh I don't TBD on like whether or not that was difficult or I was just proud of myself for beating a boss after not playing sonic for so long either way is fine yeah um but yeah the controls feeled rather good once I got into the mood of things uh and I mean I think cut this out if I'm wrong it's out soon October 25th I believe and so soon enough y'all will be able to tell me whether or not I was wrong or not um but I had a lot of fun I think it's cool I think it's fresh it's nice to play Shadow and like he has different a little different mechanics than Sonic has from what I've read and like how playing it too felt uh yeah I like him better I don't know it's I know hot take possibly um but yeah I had a The First Berserker: Khazan lot of fun next up I played the first Berserker Kazan or Kazan yo this game rips I did not expect to like it you know I am historically very harsh on Souls likes not made by from software uh because it takes a lot I think to to be tight and to have that uh kind of uh the difficulty to tightness of mechanics uh balance is very very fragile I think and um yeah this is you know I started I think there are other weapons like a sword and an axe whatever but I started with a sword and an axxe dual wield uh and it was perfect it felt perfect I mean I have a blade of Mercy Tattoo so you know I like Fast dual wield weapons as we know uh and it I don't know it worked the way my brain wanted it to work also for the first time maybe ever I was actually good at Parry timing like I could uh perfect Parry like most stuff and you need to get uh you need to get those parries down the deflections down to kind of like stagger enemies like to get their kind of poise bar or stagger bar going um yeah it uh was very aggressive which I love it looked well it looked good it ran well um I really liked it yeah it really smooth uh the bosses looked really neat the difficulty curve I thought was really fair there was a you know you the at first you know you struggle a little bit with the normal enemies you got to time it out and then you learn their their patterns and you're able to kind of just Dodge in and get them when they're reloading their sword swing you know and then I went up a hill and fought like this ape thing giant monkey thing and got like a special like a better item for that you know so it rewards you know the good reward for challenging kind of offshoots from the from the main path it seemed interwoven linear kind of you know more like dark or bloodborne uh layout you know it's not open world or anything um yeah uh enemy types that I encountered just playing it for however long I played it for uh several types of humans they had Shield humans uh sword humans uh then there were these fun Apes which were cool because they were easier to kill but they grouped up on you bigger Apes were neat um cool mini bosses yeah uh the good good ramp of new gear and new stuff and you actually really feel the changes when you level up or get new gear which on games like this is pretty rare I think um I loved it yeah I loved it we're going to have to pause to adjust for the Sun so uh hang on so another game I played was the The Eternal Life of Goldman eternal life of Goldman which is an adorable platformer uh it's really what's really impressive about it is that um everything is handrawn and they were saying like we watched this really cute intro that was pretty short but it took like half a year alone just to make that intro uh you play as this old man and you have this little cane and you'll like upgrade the cane as you go so you'll get new pieces for the cane and then it'll like they do special effects so some place you might have to go back to like your old cane pieces to like be able to jump a place or to like you know smash something and it's it's really really cute it's really cool um the art styles really really nice it's just like one of those really cozy like it's challenging but it's also really really cozy you jump you float you climb very like classic platforming uh or platformer um you know abilities things you do it it it felt very natural from the start of like yeah I know what kind of game this is um but it is challenging and it was it was very cozy I played uh with a couple other people in the room and like sometimes we died and then we it wasn't super punishing in the sense that like the checkpoints were really nicely placed so like you didn't feel like you had to go through a whole ton to get back uh and it looks very cute and CU us to them for handdrawing everything cuz that seemed like a lot of work uh and uh I love the old little old little guy that you play he's really cute so it's cute that sounds great uh my next game is called Ken C AI Cairn RN uh it is one of many now a growing a sub genre of Indie Games climbing games uh you've probably maybe seen the trailer but uh you play as this this woman who is she's got like bandaged arms and legs and she's going climbing up this big mountain and she has a little robot friend that helps her with the ble and and all that kind of stuff um and helps you when you put the pitton or whatever in to the mountain you know uh it follows you up and counterbalances you and all that kind of stuff um it was a really interesting control scheme and at first I thought it was going to be like a quop like nightmare physics kind of thing because each limb moves independently but then I realize no okay it is usually it'll kind of just like cycle kind of like arm foot arm foot um and you have to actually kind of like reach up and then push a button to like grab the mountain and depending on where like how solid you your placement is you'll start shaking or not you know and then you have a brief window to write yourself or your fallaw you know to your latest Pon or whatever um and what's crazy about it is uh there are no animations they told me in the game uh on your character at least it's all actually simulated physics and so like the game thinks about cuz I was asking like okay it feels really intuitive climbing uh it feels kind of like supernaturally intuitive because I would be like okay I want to reach my arm up here and she would do it like I would be looking at a thing you know and I'm just using a controller sticks in like two buttons um and it's just because where her body weight is you know the game will make the logical decision of like which limb to move next to maintain stability and uh it's a really interesting system it's a really satisfying climbing me meic you feel like you're you're actually climbing like it it feels like climbing in real life you have to kind of like look ahead and be like okay there's that you can scout out your path but you can get a bird's eye view kind of and like scout out your paths up the mountain uh yeah and that you know obviously there's going to be kind of a story you're climbing for a reason blah blah um I really liked it it's a good vibe good looks uh next year-ish hopefully uh the team was really nice uh yeah Karen I'm looking forward to it uh next I had a hands off Heroes of Might and Magic: Olden Era presentation uh early days yet on this one but uh a new Heroes of Might and Magic game which I'm pretty excited about cuz I I really got into I was trying to remember which one it was I guess three and four I played a lot of um yeah but it was kind of a hands-off presentation they had a you know PowerPoint point and then they played the game for us a little and then they had some more slides um it's called Heroes of Might and Magic Olden era it is a prequel to might Heroes of Might and Magic one two and three kind of uh it goes back to enroth which is which where those games took place but it's a new kind of area uh it has a nonlinear single player campaign uh they hope to enter Early Access in 25 or 26 theoretically it looked great like it was really uh you know a real good update on the classic Vibe without losing the classic Vibe uh Heroes and units depend on Faction you've got necro Temple Hive a couple other ones Hive is their new one uh faithful to the franchise but mostly drawing from 2 three and five uh you can roam the map collect classic stuff you get artifact sets that work sort of like Diablo uh where you get a few and you start to get bonuses you know set bonuses uh there's a skirmish mode where you can kind of just uh play a around without the story element stuff uh and then they also have um a new Mode called Arena you know because you know the full Skirmish mode if you're playing single player or or multiplayer you know that's like 5 6 7 10 hours uh of play and uh arena is more like um magic Arena or uh TFT or something where it's like uh 10 to 15 minutes you draft a hero choose all of their units and skills and equipment and items and all that and spells uh you get three choices per page and you just kind of pick them and then uh yeah you kind of just it's just a fight it's just the combat there's no like Overworld for that mode so it's just kind of like a dual uh which was pretty cool it seemed robust mode they're going to have matchmaking um in the regular game modes you can Auto Battle if you want to like skip the trivial little battles uh fixed camera even though the game is rendered in full 3d um you can zoom in and zoom out on the Overworld map uh you can choose and buy spells directly you want in The Magic Tree instead of them being more random like before which was pretty cool um yeah all kinds of nitty-gritty stuff uh but what is really cool is they're going to have Community tools like a map editor uh and you can make templates for your Maps uh for like random generated Maps uh where you're like okay this region will tend toward this this and this and this region will tend toward this this and this or whatever um yeah so I thought that was really cool um here's a m magic Golden Era can't wait so another game I got to um watch a preview of is Opus Prison Peak um I essentially just had a chat with the Opus: Prism Peak devs uh and you know the trailer is out but uh the release is still TBD um so it's essentially this game a narrative driven game where uh there are multiple endings and you play as a photographer who's like lost in this kind of Eternal e etheral should I say uh realm and you have to like figure out how to get home and like what Mysteries you can uncover there was a I asked like kind of what the elevator pitch line would be and they said something in the lines of like um capture the moment and let it go and I thought that was really beautiful um so you don't need to play any of the previous Opus installments this is a separate one the animation is drawn uh and um you drive the narrative forward by taking pictures and so like you would take a picture of something and it would like turn into a thing and you'd see it for what it really is kind of uh and yeah there are multiple endings which is super interesting to me on like how the player's choices will lead to that by using the camera function like I'm really interested in seeing how that story will uh develop I really like the art style it seemed really really emotional and sweet and uh I'm excited to see more of the game all right next one I really loved it was called Dino Dinolords Lords and you know at first blush from the trailer I was like okay cool it's like a top- down RTS where you can ride dinosaurs uh which is accurate and completely inaccurate um so they're calling it an RPG meets an RTS uh a genre that they are lovingly calling hacken Strat which I really like um you have you control your hero unit with WD walking around free free form your lord you know your king or queen or whatever and you're walking around you're the hero unit you've got abilities you have a Dodge roll uh you know and then you can command the units by uh using a war band uh and you hold R and you just swipe the M Mouse over the units uh and it was really cool it looked really intuitive and it didn't interrupt the flow of controlling your character so it seemed like a really good solution to like how are you going to mix these elements right and then you can order them around and do stuff uh build you can build uh and immediately I was like this feels kind of like stronghold you know uh the castle building and they were like we all love stronghold and I was like oh my God so do I um so it's uh yeah it's this interesting mix of like uh top or you know Diablo esque action RPG and stronghold style uh Kingdom and Castle Management anything that the the the people can do you can also do which includes helping them build helping them Cho trees uh you know going in and fighting whatever which I really liked I thought that that was a cool uh kind of a thing I wrote here full simulation I don't remember what that means but apparently there's that uh there's a morale system as well with the uh troops and stuff um as long as your town hall is still there your Lord will respawn after a short timer um but if your town hall is destroyed you're on your last life and then you have to kill whatever keeps killing you and rebuild before uh otherwise you're dead uh and then yes of course there are dinosaurs um there are uh yeah it's really cool because yeah you can get on a dinosaur ride it around each dinosaur has different abilities uh you know like the um what is it angelosaurus or whatever the little armored guy uh is really good at like smashing up equipment and and banging on walls uh T-Rexes are really good at smashing through walls uh Velociraptors just ignore walls entirely just jump over them they can wreak havoc on the inside of your thing a bunch of different you know Dino types uh it's really cool I really enjoyed it uh they uh are you know hopeful for Early Access stuff but I I didn't uh they didn't have exact timing so uh we're just looking forward to it and we'll see what happens Dino Lords also they gave me a sick ass ironon patch which is really cool uh we Bytebond played a game the next one together uh bite Bond remember that one yes I do I do I do I enjoyed it it was a cute little Co-op puzzle game uh sort of Portal 2 Vibes kind of I mean like in gameplay in concept and puzzle solving not in look it's a top- down isometric whatever uh game where you're inside a computer you're these two little robots one of them can take electricity uh and one of them can absorb and redistribute the electricity um yeah and you just kind of like trundle around solving little puzzles trying to get rid of the viruses in there it was nice I liked it I thought it was really cute it was cool that at one point some like something started happening in the background and I assume that that's something like as the game progresses you're going to see this like ominous threat in the background like this copy of us almost like being in the distance and like are we going to be able to meet up with this one they're very cute they're very like little like almost like bb8s yeah and the way they it was just very it was very fun it was a lot of fun I really like that game yeah it was good bite Bond bite Bond byte another game that we played together was rainbreaker uh which was pretty badass I Reignbreaker really really like the art style it was really cool you play it's like this medieval Punky action Road like Rog like um like Hades yeah like Hades uh it's like this Hightech feudal world and like this cool punk VI Vibe um and you play as clef this really really cool badass character that has like a javelin and you infiltrate a Bastion you take the power and like defeat the queen and like that's kind of the vibe of it um and uh I thought it was really cool you you there's a lot of cool little you trade with like trench rats um and your Javelin like changes in the game uh it's like a 20 to 30 hour uh length game which I think is really nice that's like my favorite length so anything like that um medieval Punk medieval Punk it was very cool it felt very fun to play as well yeah uh your Javelin is like a lockpick and there's a theme of keys and breaking in and like that kind of stuff yeah it was neat I mean if you it's like a hardcore you know punk ass Hades yeah and then like all the levels uh the scale this there's like a scaling difficulty of as well so like everything will get more difficult uh and I I love the whole vibe of the game it's it was just a really cool Vibe it was really fun they said it's going to have a lot of like you know like socially relevant storylines kind of or to just story in general uh I don't know I'm digging it I'm excited to see it hell yeah next up I played a game called Fretless fretless which was a kind of classic jrpg style kind kind of pixel art you know uh game and uh with musical uh elements as the theme and so you are trying to join a battle of the bands uh turn-based combat but with musical timing stuff so if you hit the button on the timing It'll like uh your defense will go up or you know you'll you'll block the damage or whatever more uh it was really cool uh you know cute cute kind of little pixel art RPG if you're into that sort of thing uh the music was good um not a whole lot to say you know I played it for a little bit uh I beat a boss that they said was too difficult to beat so that was good um yeah fretless so uh on one of the days it turned out to be a public day alas uh I made my way up to the Indie booths the Little Indie area that you might have seen in a Huber update hi hype update sorry hype update um which was a a stressful yet delightful event it was very it was total chaos I feel like most of the journalists didn't know I think a lot of the devs didn't even realize that this was going to happen um but in the chaos I managed to take a look at and sometimes also play a couple of games there I played a game called map map which is very very cute where essentially it's about building Maps Map Map which is really a cool way of looking at games like I talked of I talked to the about and it was like they they like the the idea of just just designing maps and stuff and it's like is there really a game where the whole the point of the game is to build a map and so like you're on like a little island I was on a little island and then it's like you have to place a certain thing and you're placing it and then like um you're looking at like a kind of like a blank map and you're filling it out essentially so it's like okay I got to find this one thing and you get like a step counter that you unlock so you can and you have to look at like the shape of an island and be like okay so the thing they want is probably in this little U shape um and I impressed everyone once by hitting something right on the dot like 0.0 like miles away cuz not miles away sometimes you get like two steps away or five steps away and I got 0.0 just it's like the opposite of tre burying a treasure or finding a treasure in Sea of Thieves kind of yeah so it's very we actually talked about that it's very very similar to like how you look for stuff on a map and see thieves except like you're placing the thing on the map uh and it was very very cute and I'm very excited to see that game when it comes out uh which for now is TBD a couple other games I got to look around and see there was roughy on the Riverside where you kind of copy um Ruffy and the Riverside things from your environment and use that in the game play which is kind of cool uh and you know it was it was a very the interesting interesting the the sad part about the whole Indie booth at that time is like I I was watch walking around and I was watching as like multiple games just kind of broke and everyone was it was chaos and the devs were running around um but and I will I will say like the environment in which I played some of these games wasn't the best like I I tried camper van make it a Camper Van: Make it Home! home which is a super cute game you're essentially just decorating your camper van think unpacked kind of uh except unpacking sorry yeah where it's it's I don't know if there's like an heavy like story element like that one which like was very emotional this one is more just like okay I'm I'm setting up my camper van I'm going to put all these stuff everywhere and I was like I'm going to enjoy this game when I'm at home and there's not 10,000 people walking around and even wearing headphones I would hear people like look at that game and like feel them looking over my shoulders I'm trying to place shirts in like shelves yeah very cozy game though very cute game and then I tried ruffy on the More Ruffy and the Riverside Riverside briefly where you like copy textures and you you put them into the gameplay essentially which is a very cool mechanic but again it was like the wrong place at the wrong time and I'm like I don't know if this demo is demoing well you know which is which is a sad problem when that happens but it looked really cute uh it was handdrawn and it was like just very cute Vibes um I also had a glance a tiny Bookshop Tiny Bookshop which also looked really cute where you're just you're setting up a Bookshop in your little van and you have to pick certain genres and like fulfill people's wants and needs very very cute uh and then there was the other game called called follow the meaning where it's Follow the Meaning like a little detective game where you um you kind of collect Clues put them together it was this cute little map you walk around in and that also looked right up our alley that one I think you also really like so yeah it was a very stressful Indie Indie Circle I took um but you know I I will always root for Indies and I walked around being like I'm so sorry to everyone here for this being such a such a chaos of everyone wanting to play everything and they were all like all the booths were so close together that like the there wasn't even a way to like make a line without blocking another Booth like it was like I was like ah but congratulations to everyone who survived Gamescom who were working up in that area because that was very stressful and I hope you all uh left feeling happy uh next up I'm going to do kind of a combo as well uh I had a fun meeting with uh limited run uh super great guy by the way really nice you came in partway through uh really nice guy uh and I played their Clock Tower uh Clock Tower and gex trilogy two separate games not Clock Tower and gex Trilogy cuz that I would play the hell out of that um Clock Tower is awesome it's Clock Tower Clock Tower 1 that game is ridiculous uh there are really good speedruns of it um from gdq this past uh year I think um yeah it they gave it the the Classic Limited run treatment you know you can play the game raw dog like it used to be and it makes no sense and it's basically impossible or you could play it with the new features like rewind and and all that kind of stuff um makes it a lot more livable the rewind is still pretty limited though so you have to you know it's not like a get out of jail free you still have to you know try which is nice and uh gex Trilogy I played gex uh enter the gecko which I Gex Trilogy think is the second one I don't remember which one it is he's like Secret agenty kind of uh gex dude it played well I was playing on a d-pad they didn't have this one's like early days it's not you know they didn't have the uh analog even uh going yet but uh on d-pad it controlled super well uh gex dude I forgot how quippy he was and like risque he was you know like nothing I heard like was offensive or anything but like he made a highman joke at one point and I was like okay like what the [ __ ] G they like a lot of he the the guy was talking about a lot of the like jokes that are in there and like the Spider-Man thing do you remember that oh all kinds of stuff where I was like how are you getting away with this like Elmer fud is basically just literally in the game and you're dressed like a rabbit and I was like this feels like copyright infrigment I'm like did you get him permission for this uh anyway I don't know if you liked gex or Clock Tower um Clock Tower one is soon or maybe already out uh and that one's digitally available too I believe uh check them out you know limited run they do cool stuff um those were neat so I Street Fighter 6 - Terry Bogard was very excited because I got to play as Terry Bogard in Street Fighter 6 uh I will admit I will always and forever be a dwon Maine and it was weird for me to change I always play all the characters but then I always like end up going back to dwam but um it was a lot of fun it's such a cool I love that they were doing a crossover um Terry looked great I looked at some of the cool colorways they were really fun he played really well I mean it's kind of like the classic I don't know how to how to explain that kind of a character but it's just the kicks feel well the punches feel well kind of like the kick and punch like which is why it was weird for me cuz like I'm Doon I like to float around and do all kinds of weird stuff like that and um but it felt very good it's one of those things where I'm like it's hard after playing for you know 15 minutes to know like is this going to be the meta is this going to be great you can't you don't have time to play against every single character um and I wonder what it plays like against you know a player and not just um an AI driven character um but he played well he was a lot of fun uh K yeah Kudos again for doing a crossover uh and I think it will be very interesting to see how how everyone will react to him as he like is released and everyone gets to play him for you know more than a little time but I had a lot of fun it's Street Fighter I'm going to have fun regardless of what character it is kind of so I was just excited to be there and I want to play him again and maybe I will you know resist the urge to just straight go for doam every time I boot up that game and just be like actually I'm going to try Terry again and see what it is maybe you could play Terry hell no you got to play Terry no Cammy own me I love I love that I love that our idea of street fighters justplaying the same character we played since Street Fighter one and just that's the character forever hell yeah when Akuma comes out I'll play Akuma um all right I played Rogue Mansion we both actually uh saw and Rogue Mansion played Rogue Mansion uh it's sick it's it's Resident Evil 1 but randomized uh And Rog like and yeah you go around you have to yeah spooky it looks great you have to find items uh get get through the Mansion you know it's uh that is it is what it is uh I really liked it I don't know how much else there is to say you know it's Resident Evil and it's randomized rooms you know they're procedural it's not like completely random it makes sense and it it manages the items you need obviously like there's a way to do everything and the item management was very intense I wonder if this would be a cool game to speedrun oh yeah for sure that would be like a really cool game cuz like the the the the um fact that you never know the outcome like that's going to be super super challenging and like I just love the idea of the different rooms and like and like I'm always so impressed when speed runs are of like you know everything is randomized and this game is like all way from the start it's like you just that's it you're starting randomized which is great yeah I again not not a whole lot to say about it I really liked it it seems sick I can't wait to play it uh in that same meeting we played uh Labyrinth of the Demon King which was sick yeah it basically Kings Labyrinth of the Demon King field on on Modern crack uh you know it's first person really deliberate combat difficult combat punishing yeah um you got to take your time you got to fight carefully the the look of it was really interesting it kind of had like a kind of voxal pixel like obra kind of vibe I don't know it looked yeah it also reminded me of that horror movie that begotten even though that's black and white it had the same the whole game had like that same Vibe of like it's it's not necessarily like jump scare horror scary but there's like something in the air it Fe everything I'm looking at feels gross and iffy but um it was very cool and yeah the the combat was so deliberate and then I think once if you die to an enemy that enemy is just gone sometimes uh he said some of them respawn and some of them don't um and the enemies so each time you go into a place depending on how long you took enemies are doing their own cycles and whatever and so like you might not encounter the same thing when you go into a room uh but yeah you're you're going around you're trying to make progress uh when you save the game is generous it it it kind of Auto saves but when you save at a at a save point that's where your kind of respawn will be um but you don't really lose progress when you die he said uh yeah I don't know it was Hardcore but really cool I liked it so another title I got to test out was Ace Attorney collection I love Ace Attorney Investigations Collection Ace Attorney in every shape and size and this is a attorney in a collection it's cute it's cool it could change between like an HD art and like an in-game Chibi art which would be when you're like going through the room looking at evidence um or looking for evidence and I mean it's kind of like it's Ace Attorney I feel like this would be a great like intro game probably for a lot of people to just jump into uh it's you know I I think a attorney is always super cozy the shortness simple of it it's Ace Attorney it looks great uh I will probably get it because I love playing Ace Attorney it's always nice and five chapters seems like a nice little length of playing Ace Attorney like that game's going to last you a little bit and it looks really great I actually kind of vibed with the pixelly Chibi art um because when it goes to like the cut scenes and stuff it's not that it's just kind of when you walk around um yeah it looks great I'm excited about it of course it's a attorney um my kind of last grouping of things uh is more just kind of some updates from a few things real quick uh I had a meeting with Reb Ford from Warframe most Warframe of the stuff uh was stuff I saw at tenoc con so nothing new but they have announced the name of the upcoming uh kind of more Japanese inspired uh update that's coming more information on that at the Tokyo game show but they said there's going to be a new frame in there I don't recall her name but uh she sounds really cool uh you know love Warframe check it out Warframe is great oh I did ask her since uh the stalker got a new voice actor when he got a chapter uh since you know Lotus was kind of the focus of the three minute little pre Prelude thing they did uh if she was going to be recasted she said hell no so so I was like okay good space Mommy needs to stay where she is then I saw an update for dark tide uh they're changing Darktide how items work uh kind of addressing the complaints about items and randomization especially at a higher level they're adding a Mastery system where you play and you get Mastery with the weapon family uh like that weapon type um yeah I don't know it it's there's a lot of nitty-gritty to it um but uh it sounds like a very good Improvement for the game um and you can change your blessings uh you can move blessing points around and stuff like that uh way more ways to experiment with weapons uh there's an empowerment menu that lets you change your blessings and raise the levels of weapons so if you have the perfect roll on a weapon but it's just not a good level you can level it up and make it better now um or when this comes out uh so that'll be really good uh and then vermintide 2 which is really exciting to me versus is finally happening they kind of teased it years Vermintide 2 Versus ago but uh it looks so good um so it's going to be a free update it lives alongside the main stuff it's kind of a separate tree you don't have to they don't mix really um they're going to do uh an open Beta that lasts until well today so I guess September 1st but um launch maybe later this year or maybe 2025 it has its own progression system it's a PVP plus e mode uh it's three up to three rounds you take turns switching playing as the heroes and the bad guys you're going to love this it's kind of Left for Dead it's kind of whatever but like so it's four Heroes versus four players playing as the packed sworn which are you know the monsters um and they have abilities like call horde uh obviously there's still swarms of enemies happening but you are like the bigger monsters you're controlling them directly you have abilities on cool down all that kind of stuff um I don't know if there's a progression tree for the monsters too I forgot to ask about that but that I don't know about that but um yeah you can use the enemy weapons like the Gatling gun ratling you know um all that kind of stuff so it's like you will embody these enemies uh and it looks so fun uh they say it scratches the Left 4 Dead itch uh they were saying it was kind of sad cuz they have members on the team who are young enough that they don't know what left for dead is and they were like oh okay we feel old um oh my God that's that's some of the worst thing I've ever heard in my life uh yeah uh it's round veteran difficulty if you if you play verman tide you'll May we know what that means yeah it looks awesome I'm very very very excited for it uh versus mode vermintide 2 uh you got anything else I just got stumped with people not knowing what left for dead is that is alarming uh I think that's it for me I think I've talked about most if not all of the games that I tried I just want to give a shout out to all the lovely people that I got to meet all the dev and Dev teams and PR people everyone was so lovely um every meeting was great and I'm very excited and rooting for all of you hell yeah love that same Z I do have Dune Awakening I played Dune Awakening yeah a little bit uh I was starting to get con plag I think during this so I was a little out of it and also like I would say this is the one I alluded to at the beginning that I don't think demoed very well because to get dumped into an immensely complicated Survival game with no instruction or or uh you know they didn't even really point me in a direction which when I'm sitting down to play the game I'm like hell yeah let's go for it uh but when I have you know 30 40 minutes to play a game I kind of want them to be like go over there you know and after like 20 or 30 minutes they said they said they were going to do this at the beginning so we could try stuff out but they gave me a sand speeder which really helped and then uh yeah so I got to get around and see more stuff but um kind of the jury's out for me on this game like I I don't know I don't feel like I got a a good shake at it uh I liked the like sniper rifle dart gun that I had a lot it like one-shotted almost every enemy the humans but um yeah I don't know it was sort of just weird to get dumped into it um but I I honestly don't think that that has anything to do with the game but more to do with the convention setting cuz I really was impressed with the presentation I got last time so yeah I don't know uh this seems like a game that you need to sit for like 5 hours before you can actually like get in the swing of it you know it's like if somebody dumped you into verman or uh valheim and didn't tell you anything and they were just like okay you know and it's a survival game so it's like playing for an hour even you're not really going to get to see anything so it's kind of they would like they would like jump you into the planes and say have fun yeah that makes sense so it's kind of a weird demo but uh I liked it yeah it's Dune it's going to be sick that it's licensed with the game they're working with the film company to like you know uh make it authentic to the movies it's so it's that's really cool that it's cohesive and look and feel to the movies uh there was even some stuff from the books that they wanted to put in that they were like we're doing that in the movie don't don't don't so it's like okay well we'll put that in later um so that's cool yeah uh Dune Awakening looks cool but didn't demo for me very well um yeah and that's going to do it I think the sun has caught back up to us the sun has caught back up to us which is our our time to go uh hopefully the thing is still rolling but uh thank you so much for watching all of our coverage we still have some coming uh in the yeah we got we're going to do our Starship Troopers because we played it all three of us quite a lot uh Huber and I are going to talk about a certain horror game uh where you may slitter into heads yeah um mhm going to talk about that one what could it be I loved it I loved it I loved it um so Huber and I are going to talk about that one soon uh yeah so check us out we got some other stuff on the way and thank you so much for coming along with us on this Gamescom Journey thank you Sophia thank you where can they follow yeah patreon.com allies check it out uh on yeah and SL e allies on pretty much everything all right all right thanks bye

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