When The Bough Breaks (1994) Martin Sheen | Ally Walker - Thriller HD

Published: May 17, 2024 Duration: 01:38:48 Category: Film & Animation

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[Music] [Music] [Music] we we go I can't St rise it up here [Music] [Applause] [Music] very [Music] Captain Swagger can can you give us a statement please not now can you tell us what you found here you want to move the line back away Captain can't make him go away Jimmy I just ass soon turn a hose on him no need for that tonight is nothing Sam what do you got we check with every Hospital lab in the area there ain't no record of any dumping or disposal like this who found it couple of kids Hing around near the pipe well don't let him get away we've had a chance to interview him yep thank you Sam morning gentlemen how it Captain must be serious when they get you out of bed [Music] did all of these come out of that same bag yes they're all but the one the kids found so it wasn't sealed up not quite Jimmy you better call my home tell Helen I probably won't get back before Don we can expect more safe for the rest of the day things clearing up my late T so don't forget your umbrellas on the way out let's check the forecast for tomorrow it's partly cloudy skies and clearing hot and humid temperatures should be up in the '90s sounds like a good day to stay inside with the air conditioner on [Music] hey Jim morning C morning boys bin sir I want the whole forensics team in here this morning well Vince just got back from the examiner's office he's going to hold the night shift over until Frankie and Scalia get in good deal foots I want you to coordinate two diver teams on standby and make d I'm sure they know what they're getting into down there oh yes sir 6 ft of rapidly moving excrement get that for me away Jimmy what if this rain keeps up captain we're going to have to start building an arc yeah but who we put on it all the white people it's Pete Sweeny Channel 6 wants to know about the numbers on hands well you tell him you have to wait for a press release like everyone else did you hear that Pete yeah just call back later what else do want just sing around for more news speaking of news I got an announcement for you the assistant chief uh has called in an outside profile on this one what FBI no State Crime Division I her two evils she'd be coming in here sometime today she special investigator Audrey El mcle all the way from Austin and what's so special about her oh she a State Trooper man you know what it takes to crack that boys club yeah got to have a mustache and no neck you mean she looks just like you what she going to do around here anyway except look over her shoulder she going to save us from ourselves suspect profiling computer modeling victimology databased analysis forenses trace evidence chemical evidence retrieval blood pattern analysis y'all want to hear more yeah but can't you tie her own shoelaces it sounds like she don't have the time sounds like she wears boots come in uh Captain Swagger yeah I'm investigating mlea boys get out of here I got some work to do nice to meet you Miss mle nice to meet you I help you with your bags oh no that's okay I got it I know I'm running a little behind schedule I was I was going to rent a car but they didn't have the model that I wanted so I I took a cab instead which actually probably saved me a lot of time since the traffic out there only seems to be getting worse and cab ders usually are shortcuts but uh I think this guy took a long way it's okay I'll uh I'll pick up a car later when we're uh done here all you want some coffee or something uh do you have any tea tea yes uh Earl Gray twinings English breakfast have a seat wait oh thank you uh Darlene could you fix a cup of tea and bring it to my office please did you say tea Captain uh yes I did don't you have any I think we have lipin I was lipin oh that's fine that's fine darling thank you so uh how long have you worked for the state division uh a little over four years how do you like it I like it very much uh is it or what if I smoke be my guess would you care for one no thanks I quit I'm working on it here you go thank you and I understand that your uh specialty is profiling yes sir um actually we have to call it suspect analysis these days because the big flap with psychiatrist a year or so back I guess they thought we were encroaching on their Turf interesting how a single word can be that threatening to an entire occupation and uh you use computers quite a lot uh yes sir we uh we take a a victimology matrix and superimpose it over a hypothetical Behavior framework uh suspect Behavior constructed on a computer database and then we uh we look for intersecting modes to to reinforce the model if you would like I can have the Austin office back you my resume they already did so uh you were a year with the FBI at quanico uh yes uh profiling victimology classes that sort of thing and three years on the road mhm what was that like slow but it was the only way to get to where I am now so Bachelor's in political science med school Masters in Psychology I guess when I was younger I thought I was going to save the world another Albert schwitzer or something like that what made you change your mind um I didn't uh I didn't like the pain that I saw everywhere actually I suppose that's what got me into this but uh I didn't want that kind of responsibility what kind of responsibility is that heing tell me did uh your office brief you on this case I no sir they told me that you would do that why don't we take a walk down the [Music] hall now we have we have seven specimens four right three left one like the pair uh according to the numbers in the Palms we have a broken series from 2 to 13 uh what is the age range of the victims well we haven't run any tests yet but judging from the size they're young very young looks that way [Music] subcutaneous fascia veins arteries musculature all severed cleanly with a very sharp blade this is not some gorilla with a meat cleaver this is Sergeant footman and morning Sergeant Belin Addie there's Lieutenant creedmore Jimmy's my right-and man here's Vin from forensics y all have already met and this is Sergeant Delaware Sergeant is our resident computer Guru please to meet you nice to meet you you may sit over there on this pleas uh Alberto would you kindly pull those shades for me I'll get these thank you for also turn off the lights if you will now then uh I know I don't have to say this but just for the record I don't want you talking with your family or friends about this case or with anyone outside the department staff assigned to the case as you well know there's a whole lot of anxiety in the community people are scared as hell so just keep your mouth shut each victim was Caucasian no blemishes and no Mal formations and uh no birth marks now the numbers have been tattooed on with imperishable ink and we found traces of formaline in each of the specimens now that would explain why they're so well preserved now these tiny punctures you see here and here all the way around those are suture marks and each uh specimen has them which would suggest they've all been severed and reattached what about age Vince well there does seem to be a relationship between the numbers on the pawns and the uh approximate age of the victims so the lower the number the younger the victim yeah that's right I'm I'm guessing we're looking at about uh 5 years of age for the smallest specimen and about 10 to 12 for the largest excuse me Mr mle uh yes I have a question I was just wondering about what efforts were made to identify the victims well we fingerprinted each one of the specimens of course but if the hands all come from cheering and uh it's not likely we're going to get a match on an optical Bank we've requested uh birth certificates for local missing children but there's no fast way to match out the handprints uh probably take weeks to get through what comes in well what about DNA fingerprinting what would be the point we don't have any samples to match you well what about parents of missing children we've already uh pulled the national MP list into our database that's over 2,000 names and each one of those would have to be crossed index one at a time the only rapid search we could run is our local list so why don't take samples from that we don't know you think the victims are only local and we'd have the families of every missing person's case for the last 10 years down here on our backs not if you reduce the list of candidates to those matching the specimens for age and gender um miss mle you are talking about contacting parents who are wondering if their children are still alive and asking them to come down here for a blood test they're don't want to know why what do we tell them we tell them that we have remains which need to be identified they already know about the hands see it really doesn't matter what we tell them after we make that call because they're going to be so frightened that it is their child they're not going to be able to think of anything else and if you multiply that fear by several hundred we would have a situation here that we could hardly control well it seems to me that you don't have a crime scene and you don't have any idea identifiable remains unless you make some assumptions now in order to go forward and profile a suspect you need a victimology I mean without that as a base you really don't have anything do you yes well now that the rain is L up uh I expect we're going to find the rest of the victim's remains in the sewers in the next few days and that is our top priority right now yes but if all the victims remains were thrown into the sewer pipe at the same time they could be scattered all over the City by now and why would the hands be placed in a bag maybe because the hands were dumped separately from the bodies maybe the bodies were dumped somewhere else I mean what if those remains are miles away in another sewer pipe we won't know that unless we look for them will we would you close that door please y'all come on a little strong in there didn't you I was just speaking my mind sir well I guess this being your first day and all you're just a little too wound up huh not any more than usual no all right then in the future if you have something to say about a directive I would appreciate if you just say it and drop it don't turn it into a contest all right yes sir it's a good deal we got this call this morning from a doctor who wants to talk to someone in person about this case now I want to send you out on this because frankly I don't have anything else for you to do around here you got a problem with that no sir all right do you know where the state Sak atric hospital is [Music] can you tell me what Dr s's office is thank you Dr singer yes I'm investigator mlea I'm working with the Houston Police I'm a little surprised I didn't expect someone so quickly you did ask to speak to the police yes but uh I've been hesitant about this because of uh case confidential and because there's no way to fully explain the situation on the phone I uh I need an answer to a question go ahead the hands that you found M the police said that there were numbers in the Palms that's correct are these numbers in a series from 1 to 18 we have young boy in seclusion who's been here since he was four or 5 years old he was passed from the adoption agency to the state Foster program and well then to us he has seizure states which are very violent and one of the traits is bleeding from the wrist all the way around like an incision at first we thought they were self-induced but we searched to sell and we've never been able to find anything that could create such a wound watch your step please for some years now along with the seizures he's been drawing hands on the wall of his cell in Paris and each New Pair of Hands that he draws has a different pair of numbers morning Dan would you let us in please how many patients are down here just one thank you bre this one this this used to be our isolation War when we built a new Wing we uh moved most of the patients out why is he still Valu this is his home this way good morning Jordan you have a special visitor this morning she came just to meet you Danny this is M mlea nice to meet you Jordan I I I would like to take a few photos if I might sure [Music] thank you Danny why don't you take Jordan to get a clean set of greens uh where are the handr [Music] here did all of them appear at once he's drawn them a pair at a time over the last 10 years we repainted the cell once but he just scratched them back in again they were drawn in sequential order yeah each pair was drawn in the same date each year July 16th his birthday has he ever been released not since he was admitted and when was that about uh 10 years ago has he ever spoken to you about these drawings he hasn't spoken since he's been here he was diagnosed as an elective mute when he was five or six years old w are [Music] [Music] m [Music] good morning Jordan [Music] [Music] Jordan I'd like i' like to talk to you about the drawings on the wall I I'd like to find out more about them I um I brought some crayons and some paper and I thought that maybe if I had a question you could write down your answers for me how does that sound [Music] [Music] he don't like anybody to touch his D could you leave the room for a moment let's stop pretending for a moment okay we both know that you're not stupid now I don't know if you drew these hands or not but if you did you must have a reason and I would like to know what that reason is I see she does all the talking goodbye D [Music] all clear here so far pull back your out of the half little more good easy very easy excuse me cev Swagger good morning m m morning I think we might have something how deep is the water there good money says about 10 ft park it right there for a minute uh may I speak with you for a moment sure thanks all right boys we're coming in to see what you found all right bring it up that's it that's it easy I've been looking over the medical files for Jordan Thomas the boy I told you about from the hospital now his birthday is July 16th this is the same date every year that he has these seizures it's also the same date that he draws the hands so what's that got to do with this case well seven disappearances over the last 9 years fall on July 16th now if you put them into a series starting in 1984 you get a victim set which matches the specimens for age and gender seven names could be the victims now what I would like to do is spend more time with the boy I think he may be able to help us well look if you got a list of names to go on why don't you focus on that cuz I need a profile as fast as you can build one I know that sir but the names are only speculative there's no positive ID there's no there's no certainty unless you're able to find something down here hey you all right yeah I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm a little dizzy that's all I I think I need to get some air all right I better walk you back no just uh give me some room I'll be fine let me help you don't touch me please I'm fine I'm I'm all right I am I have a little trouble in close spaces sometimes that's all that's all I'm [Music] okay I understand just take it easy now I'm fun what is it Jimmy yeah it's a false alarm they pulled up a mannequin say again they Ned a goddamn mannequin 104 [Music] AR [Music] s [Music] [Music] I'd like to go in by myself yes [Music] [Music] ma'am good morning Jordan [Music] it's a very pretty song did did somebody teach you [Music] that I thought that maybe we could start again cute are you enjoying yourself all right you can stop it now it's not funny listen to me this is not a game I need your help I need you to tell me why you keep drawing these hands I don't want to play any more games with you do you understand me do you understand me we're fine you ever do that again I'll bite you back so you can write huh again again well if this is all you have to say to me then I guess we have nothing to talk about do we you want to keep it is that what you want if you want to keep it write it down write it down good let a start [Music] this is Dean alberty age five at the time of her disappearance July 16 1984 from Twin Pines Park this is Susan lein age seven at the time of her disappearance July 16 1986 from peace Park this is Janie Monahan age nine at the time of her disappearance July 16 1989 from Lake View Park Mary kugman aged 10 at the time of her disappearance July 16 1990 from Eastwood Park all four of these children were identified by DNA fraternity test Bel com now all four ID victims were found in different parks all four of these parks are in upscale parts of town where the patrol watch is above normal all four victims were abducted in broad daylight in front of family members or friends or both means our men's one slippery mother excuse me I am I have a question uh Miss mcle we are obviously dealing with someone who is very intelligent and very methodical he must have received some formal medical training so he's Highly Educated as well he's also willing to take great risks but he reduces the risk by choosing his location in advance along with his victims I mean he can't arbitrarily be choosing different parts for each of his abductions and and his victims fit a very strong pattern so so he has to to seek them out individually so that nothing is left a chance now the date of significance to the Killer is July 16th it's it's part of his behavioral pattern but the last abduction that fits this pattern was Mary kugman which was three years ago uhhuh and what is your question M mlea well it would seem that he has either become inactive or he's changed his pattern which which could mean a a whole new set of locations and dates and and maybe even a new type of victim when he could be evolving in ways we know nothing about maybe just got spooked you know and he uh he just went looking in a different neighborhood for his kids I mean if he is as smart as you say he is then he knew he knew he was pushing his luck with seven hits in seven years you found the hands eight days ago today is the 12th for him to dump those hands so close to the 16th I mean that that cannot be coincidence I mean it's got to be some kind of a signal maybe he's about to return to his old hunting ground maybe we should just take his hunting ground away for I know that this is very difficult for you Mrs kman but I need to ask you about that day about what you can remember do you have any children Miss no it's like your whole world just stops just comes to an end how many times do we have to tell this story to you p i mean what what is it you come into our house you ask us same questions and you write down the same answers you just throw that away I'm sorry that this is so hard for you oh you're sorry I want to know why that thing is still out there just taking kids off the street why haven't you found him huh can you tell me that just answer me that question it's all right Martin if it'll help then I want to do it she was just playing with a group of friends neighbor kids do you remember if there were any adults nearby close to your daughter the park was really crowded that day uh no no she was just with her friends three other kids I knew them all and there were two other mothers on a bench close to me I was taking care of my neighbors two little boys and one of them needed to go to the bathroom so I took both of them how far away was your daughter from the bathroom maybe about 100 ft I'm not sure maybe a little bit more so did you go inside the bathroom once you got there yes I helped both the boys they were both very young but I could see them from the bathroom and how long were you inside the bathroom not very long 10 minutes maybe a little bit longer do you remember any any sound from the park just the sound of children playing and there might have been a radio playing or something like that I I don't even know I heard it and then I walked out with the boys and all the kids were there but Mary nobody even seemed to notice she was gone and the kids were all playing like nothing had happened they were just laughing [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah the bear says you don't just come here for the hunting do you your J excuse me uh does anybody know what this is all about I found it in the reserve store let me see that Jimmy oh yeah this yeah I looked at this till my eyes crossed what's on it well neighbor kid was in the park earlier that day shooting home movies the same Park she was abducted from yes hey it's 2 hours of kids' feet back of people's heads made me dizzy just watching it did anybody do a frame by frame analysis on that was 3 years ago like I said I looked at it so did half dozen other people now hey it's all yours thanks yes ma'am [Music] [Music] [Music] back [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Delan hi it's Andre M hello Miss play can I do for you I need you to do a name search for anyone holding city permits to sell concessions to the parks okay no problem do before you first thing in the morning no I need this done right now run whatever you find through your unit for all prior rest I need as much of a profile as I can get look um this could take a while I need to access a half a dozen data banks fine access to my terminal when you're done yes ma'am [Music] [Music] [Music] that's good that's very good stand up on this chair come on it's okay now put this in your hand and hold it up to the light higher higher what are you see [Music] [Music] Howard speet this is the Houston Police we have a warrant to search the premises open the door go [Music] go bedroom's clear back CLE sir bathroom's clear [Music] out found him in the bathroom sets the premises for anything sharing the buttern away he says uh spec didn't check back in last night he's driving to substitute van until his uh regular van is fixed where's it being fixed hasn't been it's right down there at the end all right have a bin and foots check it out will [Music] you for [Music] [Music] [Music] Howard Speck it over here boys [Music] [Music] [Music] you all right yeah I couldn't seem it's too dark in here Brady move your units around the complex looks like our boy slipped through us here free your hand [Music] he [Applause] I Jordan can you hear me good now I want you to take a big deep breath good now we're going to play a game Jordan would you like that okay I'm going to ask you some questions and I want want you to write your answers down on the paper okay okay now we'll start with a very easy question I want you to tell me your [Music] name Jennifer Lynn well that's a very pretty name did Jordan go away hello hello is anyone in there and where are you now under the ground is anyone else in your room with you sometimes who else is in your room with you sometimes daddy is daddy in your room with you now hello when I see hands all together are these hands in your room are there hands in your room D he gives them to you why does daddy give you the hands so you can can you draw a picture of have daddy for [Music] me but how does Daddy give you the hand he makes [Music] them how does Dy make the hand all right Jord no no [Music] no all right Jordan Jordan look I'm going to count to three and when I count to three you're going down M and say one two three it's all right it's all right it's all right you go to sleep I'll come back tomorrow okay Jordan I'll come back tomorrow I promise I promise I'll come back tomorrow Jordan please help me help me I know what it's like to be alone to be pushed away locked in Into the Darkness with all that pain and fear it's like a terrible secret I won't let anyone hurt you anymore Jord okay go to sleep [Music] [Music] e [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello it's what time is it time for me to get out of here I got some data for you all um go ahead as first and last name I have three Jennifer lindl within the metro area as last and first I have none as first and middle I have one but according to public record she's deceased what's the date of death July 16th 1979 you want to spell the last name for me Jennifer Linn Eben e b e n where did she die l hospital but they've been closed for over 10 [Music] years haven't been down here but once or twice since they closed it down and then it was only to pull out a couple old beds be careful there's all this crap around [Music] is for [Music] [Music] here yes I'm investigator witha I'm working with the Houston Police is Dr E at home no I'm sorry but he's away on vacation well do you know when he'll return not for another five or 6 days I hope there isn't any trouble oh no not at all um you are I'm Mrs Boss the housekeeper Mrs Voss would you mind if I came in for a moment I would like to ask you a few questions well yes I suppose great thank you could I get you something to drink smce te uh just some water please won't you sit down thank you here we are oh thank you thank you are these pictures of Mrs Ean yes she's Lovely isn't She she passed on some years back oh here's my Lily I never knew the woman but I hear that she was a great musician a concert pianist do you know where Dr ean's gone on vacation oh no he keeps his plans to himself well he checks in every now and then but he always likes to be left alone so he doesn't tell you where he goes no I'm sorry sorry does he take his daughter with him on his trips you mean Jenny I don't know of course he visits her quite often I suppose visits her she's away at a private school in Europe a very fine School for Girls you know I didn't notice any pictures of Jenny I wonder if you have a photo that I might be able to look at well yes of course let's see of course I didn't know her myself but she's a lovely girl oh here we are this is a fine picture isn't she a pretty girl she looks just like her mother where was this taken I don't really know the date on this is 1962 well it is isn't it well then this must be a picture of Mrs Eben and the house she grew up in is a girl yes could I speak to Captain Swagger please this is Audrey Mia well could you get him on dispatch for me [Applause] [Music] [Music] for help [Applause] for for is is sh [Music] h me okay [ __ ] [Music] okay for [Music] [Music] [Music] it's okay it's okay it's okay it's okay no no no no no no no I'm here I'm here to help you sh sh I need you to be calm all right no sh I'm not going to hurt you I'm going to help you okay I'm going to take this off your eyes I need you to stay calm all right it's okay look at me look at me I'm a police officer I'm going to help you okay I'm going to take this off your M and then let you just be very very quiet and Nod you'll be very quiet okay okay okay it's okay cut your head and then I'm just going to walk out of here okay walk right out here all right sh scary just be quiet shh it's okay it's okay it's okay okay be very very quiet I'm you I'm here just stay right here okay don't say anything Jenny it's okay I'm going to help you right don't move [ __ ] [Music] it's okay it's okay I'm going to help you now we're going to go outside okay we're going to go together [Music] you have to be quiet you have to be quiet I know you want to go home I'm going to get you home but I need you to be quiet okay not your head you'll be quiet all right stay here and how is my little Dove today your daddy brought you a special surprise happy birthday my pet now it's time for you to play a song for your daddy [Music] you [Music] for h and who would you be I asked you a [Music] question don't be afraid I won't hurt you look at you you're shaking like a leaf let me see your hand let me see it let me see [ __ ] you that's not what I had in mind [Music] [Music] [Music] a put your arms around there here we go here we go in there oh she [Music] [Music] Jenny [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] expain [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]

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