Jason Statham In KING RISING - Superhit War Action Full English Movie | Ray Liotta & Kristanna Loken

general report to your king your majesty kug savage arm frug they they fight with swords this is ridiculous it's as if you were talking about armed dogs they fight like men they killed off our entire scouting party had the genut ordered me to return with word I should be dead as well was is some sort of sorcery it me my Megas [Music] marela father how beautiful you are sit sit look tired and hungry I have your favorite dinner waiting for you oh no time for that I'm afraid the world is changing far too quickly to learn how to take care of your this Kingdom consumes men like a beast I have no time to take care of myself let me take care of you ah what are you reading The Perils of magic are my old book there's so much in it I don't understand speaks of things out there in the Kingdom father I'd like to see the kingdom I'd like to learn from it yes that was your mother's wish and see where it got her she the Queen the prince all killed that is not the Fate I had intended for you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm [Music] down [Music] is I've got you finally into the oven with me I hate the oven it's dry it's warm you don't want us to eat you raw now do you why do you have to eat me tonight I promised your grandfather we're going to eat a dish he really loves so hello how are sales at the market I was good of course the men try to take advantage of me because I'm a woman so I make them pay more because I'm a woman always in charge always the leader no I just knew what I wanted that's all want tell you met your father your father does not take orders very well from anybody [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] where's grandfather the bell tower should we go you have to be careful the bell tower was made for times of War you don't want to pull the wrong rope and start a war out is your grandmother trying to scare you with her stories no no Jeff doesn't scare he is brave and strong like his uncle right over [Music] [Music] [Music] what took you so long [Music] [Music] [Music] they don't scare easy [Music] [Music] this is crazy KRA are beasts they don't have armor and weapons need to use your horse n where are you going Stone Bridge Sol and St for there coming with you she should be safe right here my house is on fire you can see that can't you are you ready my lady always ready giving up so soon your progress is truly remarkable if only e had more soldiers of your caliber let me join your army and you [Music] shall I am not quite sure that the armies of EB are ready for women War besides what would your father say my father never lets me do anything I want tarish prepare your troops to ride hords of kug are ransacking the land oh this sun is blistering my skin what is this nonsense you speak this do is you were commanded I listen only to the king it might behoove you to learn a little respect respect is hand you are mistaken respect is my birth right and you take this thing off you look like a boy mostly watch The Wedding when the bride and groom kiss ring the bell five times signaling their marriage for the village to hear you built this Tower just for people to get married they built this Tower to Signal attack in times of War but we've been at peace so long most don't remember what the bells of War sound like do you let us hope that we're never reminded how went your sales we did well we ask a fair price for a surplus not more than fair and certainly not less farmer didn't come no my husband likes to leave the trade to me so that he can Farm you did well for a husband he loves you very much yes believe he [Music] does go go now take Z home now take him you can protect him father protect him [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] r [Music] St [Music] [Applause] [Music] everyone where salana she's she's sounding the [Music] Bell don't worry Ze we find her find her Bastion take my sword get inside and vat the door come quickly thank you Father [Music] go behind you behind you stand we'll look for her in the village let's go man come on [Music] [Music] well done a man with Spirit h [Music] [Applause] [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] let him go you've already killed me once today and yet here we are again [Music] father mon sir [Music] d [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] look they a reading [Music] [Music] [Music] you e [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I need a fourth Mark for salana nobody saw salana nobody knows we didn't find her body she could have escaped he's right farmer [Music] what do you think M this is gall's work gallan is not that part appears now he is your majesty news more kug attacks we must return to the castle at once no we go on to Stonebridge we'll honor their dead there's the least we can do for them but your majesty we have kug attacking men the laws of nature are failing us there is anything natural about this [Music] [Music] Gan where have you been I've been looking for you I've been busy very busy we had an agreement I gave you ACC to my castle so that we might work together and I'm keeping my end I'm sure recent events demonstrate how very busy I've been yes indeed you have managed to stir things up a bit stir things up tell me Duke what do you know of a man they call Farmer one would imagine that he Farms yes I should think so but then maybe he's something more I cannot wait any longer you must put your little plan into action you must be patient things are progressing according to plan people of Stonebridge the armies of e sympathize with you this great tragedy will be Avenged where were the king's Army when the Cru came killing peasants do not forget to whom you speak in your world don't you bow before your king in my world the king's arm is expected to protect the kingdom not just the castle our army could not anticipate a sudden uprising of the beasts we will defeat the C how does that help us does it repair our houses will it bring back my dead child last you will not what of those taken by the kug kug taking prisoners silence if these kug have taken prisoners it is not yet clear what their purpose might be the king's Army will require every man capable capable of combat who is with us King has his armies on his walls those taken by the crug only have us you dare defy your King's wishes I'm with you farmer God good go that is not the way of them you took a risking it back I can't no more risk than you I have no choice she's my wife my sister all right let's get to it stay here or the armies to AB you wanted the life of a soldier didn't you nah I didn't like the uniforms do you have a horse may she's old but still strong old but still strong you're in my way we have met before have we not Meg's daughter dining alone how sad shouldn't you be off marching with the legance the king in his infite wisdom has left the Castle to my care it's a large responsibility ah command here command there Castle takes care of itself out which leaves you in I time to explore and what would you have us explore oh he JS charms to begin with that might keep you busy for quite some time but it leaves me with very little to do why do you hate me so we are not so different you and I we are both put aside the king keeps me out of his crucial Affairs your father keeps you out of his and so it is that we find ourselves Alone Together in this cold Dark Castle you're forgetting one key difference oh enlighten me mistress my father keeps me out of his Affairs because he loves me too much King keeps you out of his because he thinks you a fool there is a limit to what I will tolerate omas's role is to speak his mind and I am my father's daughter someday I will be your father's King virgins pathetic tell me something nice tell me how you love me you know I'm meric the king's Magus I've heard of you children's stories about magic your king needs you yeah well my son needed me I failed him now my wife needs me if she lives does it occur to you farmer that there may be events of Greater importance than the loves and losses of our particular lives n doesn't occur to me try to stay alive farmer your king needs you far more than he understands ready ready let's go charlot my house is full of food and supplies make sure that those who need it can get it I cannot accompany you on this journey your majesty you are needed combat is terish is jurisdiction yes and beasts fighting like men is sorcery I'd say that falls under your jurisdiction there are things that I have to do before I return to Castle things of great importance of more importance in serving your king I think you will find his majesty will trust my judgment in this my friend seems to be Madness all around us not Madness Darkness what's wrong I've been worrying like you I sense that all is not well in the castle I'm here now because I worried for your safety I'm safe my father worries for my safety as does my king you do have a way must not give myself over to selfish pleasur give yourself over to me Comfort me if you won't allow your self pleasure comfort me should be just over here on the left how did you know about this bridge as a child I runed around these parts it's how I spent my days you a strange child if we Wind Through The Gorge we'll lose a day what are you thinking we can cross it let's take the gear off the horses what do you mean we're leaving them just like that you afraid we're going to hurt their feelings go home out let's do it [Music] all right you are a brave old guy I just don't want you weakening the Rope before I've had my turn come on all right let's go come on you were more concerned about your horse my horse I like it's you I'm not so sure about wa till you get to know me better [Music] down [Music] [Music] let me have some of that rope [Music] [Music] well that saved us a lot of time [Music] your majesty get on your feet Soldier how many men on guard here I am onard my king you on guard to you're very very naughty you make my you going my nephew amuses himself King's throne do you feel it suits you you play while your king and his Legions are off on a military campaign and your only job is the safety of this Castle which is guarded by no one your majesty was off investigating outlandish claims get him out of my sight no before I make you why did the gods fail me why me you're not fck to kiss my gown you you are not fit to tarnish your uncle's Crown unless the king specifically orders it you cannot touch me Imperial law is a toy I shall never Tire of things are progressing according to plan I cannot wait any longer I cannot stand the suffering rule of that scile goat make it happen you wish to accelerate things fine we shall accelerate good sleep well my lady I'll try permission to speak freely my lady of course where young will age a woman before her years you might try to enjoy the life you have don't you sometimes long for something more it prevents me from loving what I have what would be the purpose good night good night ell must you always appear suddenly from nowhere I don't I appear so suddenly from somewhere soon too much enter during my Chambers unbidden am I welcome to the hospitality you've offered in the past welcome to come and go as you please you vanish without a word I'm not sure harlet how could you think such a thing you know very well why I must appear so quietly I can't very well be pounding on my lady's door now can I do you come and go as you please when you're considered by my father to be an enemy of the king I have friends I wield influence why does my father despise you so he's not known for his Hasty opinions questions I did not come here to be interrogated your father hates me because I will not bow and scrape before the almighty King in his maggus because I will take from him what I please even his daughter's virtue gone from my Chambers be gone from my life are you banishing me as well and after all the work we've done haven't I helped you discover your power your vision you've introduced me to parlor tricks and night be still [Music] I'm tired we have to stop rest not time to rest noric damn it farming will make better time in the daylight if we rest Salona may still live how do you expect me to rest we're not going to make it if we don't rest we won't have the strength what about you basan giving up as well I'm tired I just lost my parents I lost my NE neew I may have lost my sister I'm just tired F can't think straight if he doesn't rest pick up some wood make a fire rest now you're thinking straight did you sleep at all close my eyes I see my son dead oh you should have slept we need to keep moving noric hey oh get up you'll miss breakfast my leash again allow me to offer my deepest apologies for mistaking your orders a mistake is that what it was yes may I sit your majesty boy I know go I know I have failed your trust on several occasions and perhaps I may be a disappointment to you in the entire Kingdom but I will change I will shed this youthful Folly in this time of great battle and I will prove myself a worthy heir eat you show a knack my nephew for well timed diplomacy I guess that's something may I offer a toast possibly drinking wine in the morning warning is not a good way to show reform indeed yes indeed long live the king the quog glass attacked stone bridge in the South yes and this harsh terrain will'll drive them North around on the marsh and we should attempt betters if the kug behave the way they're supposed to behave shcr ver Madness gallion you go too far [Music] May the God save [Music] us I don't like this farmer nobody goes into SED with forest forest passes between the mountains come out at slate pass as the kugs arrive there's more than brushing trees in Cedric Forest you don't just cut through it when you please you don't want to be stuck here at night like torches torches attract eyes let them look farmer you know what people say there are things in Cedric Forest people say God watches over the inent people say a lot of things that won't help us now noric come on a lot of ground to cover I don't see any path there is no path so how do we know where we're going [Music] [Music] [Music] w [Music] you were right noric this part of the plan farmer let us down when I'm ready get out of our forest you have no business here we hate your weapon weapons and your killing passing through that's all then pass through and never come [Music] back we're uh we're lost men not only useless but helpless as well your majesty I beg of you news of my father father is going on an erand for his King please what's happening I worry that he's in grave danger King's megas has many responsibilities what he does not need is a daughter who's troubling herself with the Affairs of men my father thinks that keeping me locked in this Castle will ease my mind he's wrong I know the mood of this court it's never been more troubled Darkness threatens I were Darkness has fallen by Magic come on hey and father seeks reason and remedy ma your father your majesty gion I feel like I'm dying did you D well with the King what have you done I thought you were in a hurry to accelerate things I suppose I may have tampered with the King's food you've poisoned me you've killed me don't be so melodramatic it's nothing that can't be fixed please please let us hope you remember who has the real power here this I'd say I've saved your life now what shall you do for me [Music] the King has been poisoned can he be saved perhaps if it's not too late [Music] on my soul a word in private fled the castle and he's taken two full Legions with him well that tells us who poisoned the king prepare to move to the north where we shall meet our new allies the strength of our combined armies so allow for generations of peace and Tranquility I detect the hand of gallion in this why has Commander terish not briefed us of this Mission anyone else cared to commit reason how much of the army remains a third well I have seen the kug massing gallion is Raising armies vast armies how is that possible that a single man can cause so much devastation [Music] my own daughter betray me to my sworn enemy do you hate me that much I thought that I loved him he is a master of manipulation he bends emotions for sport have you learned nothing you keep me here like some kind of rare Orchid you teach me nothing of the world ariela the world is a treacherous place you were meant to be safe here he made me feel as if I had importance oh God he spoke of things I might do and things that I might learn you have no idea how much I hunger for that he has used you to destroy me he has tapped into our bloodline you have tilted the balance of magic in his favor thanks to you the kingdom may be lost I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm so sorry why do you hate Outsiders you hate each other why shouldn't we hate you too we stay in the forest to avoid your Wars and your contests and your mindless Enterprise yet here you are shooting your arrows into our trees harm is but a way of life for your people the fact that you don't realize it is what makes you so dangerous this is as far as I will take you good luck so do you have a plan [Music] are you awake yes I'm awake you'll find it's not so easy to kill a king we will attack but your majesty you have been poisoned perhaps you haven't your bearings I have my bearings commander and I have my w kugs do not expect us to attack so that's exactly what we will do who poison me I believe it was your nephew Duke phow and there's worse he has abandoned the castle taken the guard on the 11th and 12th Legions attack first light some you how much time do you have your life is coming to a close but there is time enough do not underestimate the strength of Kings they are not to be judged by the standards of ordinary men besides if gallion wishes to arm the king then he will be safer with us in battle than here in this Castle surely not even gallan can infiltrate this Castle perhaps we should find out for [Music] ourselves he's already here [Music] you sure about this noric not at [Music] all she's here n conf I think you're right [Music] [Music] salana you have gone too far there is a price to be paid for meddling with Kings too far my dear friend you have no idea how far I've gone I do not know how you have accumulated so much power but I intend to get it back there are some things you can't take back things you can't undo can you stand losing the upper hand Merrick can you stand not being the king's Magus I am the king's Magus for now I am the king's Magus and you serve a discredited Duke but who will be king should conri die and who will be at his side pulling the strings it's the start of a new age Merck I suggest you adjust [Music] [Music] today we ride for our King you ride today in the name of your king Duke phow has betrayed our Majesty in the Craven act and of sabotage in our absence Commander terce is poisoned in murdered my beloved Uncle your beloved King he's taken castle with his military might this act of treason shall be Avenged he has joined forces with our enemies in a campaign to overthrow this king's rule but kings are not so easily supplanted we shall fight side by side with our allies from the north and with Superior numbers tarish and his army of Ruffians shall be destroyed now we are outnumbered and we are without the benefit of Fortress but we do have more in our favor than just our courage and our loyalty we fight for our King and our King proudly fights in the name of L fight today in the name of your King fight for me and blessed be those that die under my [Music] command God bless his those who died for honor and [Applause] [Music] truth I'm curious about you farmer I sense danger in you if his majesty is fatigued perhaps he may care to retire to his tent in the re I'm fine Commander I will not let these men die because an old man so fatigued that he has to lie down of course your majesty no one doubts your resolution but all the men know that you've been poisoned perhaps it would be a good idea to rest for a while I will not rest until my nephew is captured I can't read you I can read most men like reading Scrolls of flesh but you you I can't see past your scowl why is that [Music] who are you some riddles aren't worth solving [Music] [Music] you are here I thought it a nightmare where's farmer where's Ze Bastion where's Ze is he with our parents yes he's with them but he didn't make it he was killed with them the day you were taken I'm sorry my baby did he die quickly tell me yes they die quickly Pharma will come he'll find you how do you know because he must because he needs you at the end of the day you're all he really needs [Music] [Music] oh join me now farmer much for you to do not looking too good are you try a bit of this what's it like what is it that's medicine come on [Music] what they what they [Music] say it's good to be [Music] home I am not your home he has used you to destroy me I know that Po's clean keep Ben's emotions for sport have you learn nothing have I helped you discover your power your [Music] vision lady my father's up doing I'm jized everything your father is nothing but love for you girl stupid taking your life would damage him further perhaps you're right I would like my father to be proud of me he already is he's proud of an idea of me I'm going to make him proud of the woman [Music] [Music] prepare to meet your new allies these are CR obedient Relentless and unquestioning you see before you is a powerful Army [Music] take this man put him in the king's tent see that my horse is well fed hold so is this your urgent errand this is the farmer from Stonebridge it is now why does a disloyal dirt Lover from Stonebridge command such careful attention from the king's Magus because the King has a special interest in this dirt lover I know nothing of this interest neither does the king how long did I sleep just long enough I feel better much better well I am the king's Magus one would assume I have certain skills I thought it was about time that you two were properly introduced we' met but the last time he turned his back on me attend to what needed doing I thought your majesty would be interested in this farmer he's been through a great deal since we met him in Stonebridge so as everyone else what makes him so special because your majesty he is your son [Music] one for you what is it you want can you not see I am busy on the eve of battle I think it is appropriate to discuss strategy I hate when you talk to those creatures are you ready to wol e my Duke are you thirsty enough to drink such power yes I have dreamed so long about ruling e through that Throne tomorrow you will burn Castle EB what do you mean Burn It To The Ground will not rule E from Cinders e will be ruled from the north from chrisn hold omegas is enough to tell King what to do you forget who's handing you the kingdom Burning Castle EB is my condition very well then burn it I will very good idea can I return to my horse go away creature farmer has a friend noric noric tendered the Queen's horses I recognize him when we were in Stonebridge after the massacre at Oxley pass this snic found a boy about 3 years of age wandering in the battlefield there was only one boy at Oxley pass what do you think of this tale farmer one old man thinks he recognizes another from 30 years ago that's how you determine who's King you are the King's son and air to the throne I have no father no parents I have no business here are you telling me that that Arrogant Bastard is my son spent the last 30 years living over a Stone Bridge [Music] Farm it would appear so it would appear so you told me he was dead you said they were all dead what kind of joke do the gods play on me sometimes the gods know what is best for us what the hell does that mean you remember the chaos we were in war everywhere surrounded by enemies if that child had been taken back to cleb how long would he have survived growing up in Stonebridge he grew up strong and far away from the enemies who would have jumped at any opportunity to rid you of your son and Air dear friend you better be right about him you better be sure the king needs every able man he can get for this battle that's not my problem his kingdom is threatened your kingdom is threatened I know this king salana is my family nor combustion they are my family and where will you live when the kingdom Falls to gallion what future will you be able to offer your wife think about it follow you have committed treason we offer No Quarter here and anyone who follows under your command will likewise be considered as a Defector we will spare no traitor gentlemen Commander terce has poisoned the king and accuses me of treason your ambition has no limits terish the kingdom of EB is now subject to my rule we as well offer No [Music] Quarters you will never be king my nephew because you have no Valor not now not ever the 11th and 12th Legions are with you your majesty you coward these CR have no archers but they also have no fear be clear they will attack our lines and as these kug will never retreat they will be vulnerable to a secondary attack from behind but we are men and we serve a noble Kingdom they are beasts with blood lust nothing more dukee phow and his God are men all you men you hear this Duke bow is mine the farm so have you come to do your duty well I've decided to fight my men say you fought very well in Stonebridge I'll be proud to have you fight by my side so that I might keep an eye on you [Music] you certainly look ferocious [Music] lead guard Commander lead out [Music] archers [Applause] fire fire a [Music] [Applause] sh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] it's okay [Music] help [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] General take your flight move out [Music] a [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] iight like dogs yes sor [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] f [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] a [Music] [Music] [Music] br [Applause] [Music] [Music] go [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Applause] a let's [Music] [Applause] [Music] go ready fire [Applause] [Music] [Applause] fire drug my mind the Mind belong to those oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you can win the day it means nothing we will win more than the day you have killed these I will simply beckon more we ride East so we're abandoning the campaign no we regroup the campaign Christ wind is this where we pay for our sins no noric this is where we pay for our virtues sins are more than welcome [Music] [Music] [Applause] here King [Applause] [Music] still good [Music] uncle fire [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] what oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] God God quickly get the king off the field come on [Music] farewell good uncle right [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] s [Music] you have won nothing but time is this a dream what is your name twin twin one day soon all this will be over [Music] I won't live like them I already like them we slaves I won't live like a slave noric be still [Music] [Music] why are we entering Cedric Forest we should cut through the forest to Castle EB with no armies and no guard the castle is ours for the taking the Duke will assume control of the castle tonight Castle ABB shall burn let's get out of this [Music] place look at here A friend of the family how to like alone in the forest does not make you feel vulnerable keep your distance you never did TR me did you Mela your comportment has never earned trust comportment decorum those are words for a castle we are no longer in a castle there are no rules [Music] here no [Music] get [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh special gift for you thank You There Are Rules everywhere my duke your talent for breaking them has failed you at last I'm taking this one with me [Music] [Music] [Music] run go go I find you go where we going we're going [Music] home noric noric [Music] what you always wanted a courageous death you're a brave old guy Salona twin Salas Salona [Music] [Music] [Music] that that K me no I'm going [Music] you fought well today slam beasts could be a cruel courage yeah whatever presents itself you'll do it at least the hard work that'll come in handy when your king how do you suppose it is that you fought so well today I mean was it luck you have qualities you know leadership and of course you speak your mind this will serve you well wisdom is our Hammer Prudence will be our nail when men build lives from Hest toil courage never fails where did you hear that I told it to my son every night when he was a little boy no one else things are going to be a lot harder for you from now on I'm simple F yes yes that's all I know you know there's that little vage not too far from here they raise two crops a year that would kill the soil no it does not kill the soil because of the seaweed you see the seaweed comes in from the ocean and enriches the soil you should try that how do you know these things because I have K because I'm expected to do about the land just as you will be as long as there are Kings as long as there is land they will fight over battles fought for paren lands what are these wars if they never friend you fought for peace peace that's a dream a dream that maybe you as king can bring peace forever you don't understand these battles have robbed me of my child you forget they robbed me of [Music] mine my son [Music] yes sir take a scout to the north side of the woods we should know what's waiting for us I sir Commander hey look well now this is a surprising delivery took fellow is here to meet [Music] Justice his men they've already met Justice it will be your pleasure yes will I assume the king lives General backler give this man your sword no armor a duel how lovely you do remember what I did to you as boys don't you tarish [Music] can I at least have a lick of wine no man help his King with his [Music] armor pigs a [Music] how this D it will be your last father [Music] [Music] I shall kill you the king is dead the king is dead King Con is di no no this cannot be I am your king no you are to the throne Commander tarish is Bound by Honor he'll never kill the new king of EB coward my subjects of ABB long live the king Hipp Hipp put it away citizens of e soldiers of e a few moments ago our beloved king conried passed away murdered murdered by his nephew you who sought to take his place by the laws of our land the king's successor must be related to him by Blood I give you your new king the lost son of conried Camden conried known to some of you as farmer I'll [Music] [Music] stand don't you afraid please stand [Music] up King called upon you to face death those Still Standing Have Cheated death of its priz but our enemy still lives you rebuild his forces launch A Renewed assault tonight we dress our wounds bury our dead tomorrow we march on Chris wind hold gal from its shell Save the King [Music] [Applause] what what do you want take them away take them with the others wait bring her over here be gone I sense him and you the farmer he'll come for you this is perfect and I will be expecting him I'm nothing to you yes but he's something to me more than a farmer much more dangerous to me than a farmer now come to me me how do you know me don't move don't move I feel him in you because you're carrying his son you're carrying his son where you from gler they took me from my home we'll get you back home there's nothing there now they destroyed everything gler will rebuilt itself just a stone bridge will repair itself we'll die here what about your parents both dead you know uh I L my parents just like you I'll take care of each other [Music] [Music] Goodbye old friend [Music] how do you fight an army that large where the broadsword fails the dagger May succeed no time for riddles Magus a small Force might slip through the crug lines and solve the problem at its source give me this gallion and I'll kill him sir with respect are we making plans to save one woman when there's an entire Kingdom at risk if the king is to save his wife he must kill gallion if he kills gallion the kingdom is saved marel now is the time your majesty I wish to join your mission I wish to be of service yes what you made it point now now go back to the castle that life made a fool of me I'm in this world now and I intend to remain in it you are my daughter do as you're told I am my father's daughter and I will serve the king just as he does you brought the king's murderer he fell into my house man needs all the help he can get Magus I accept your offer there are others who wish to help others which others let me show you you've managed to stay alive stayed away those who you fight those who control the crog we will help you fight them thought you didn't involve yourself in the conflicts of men this war isn't going away we can see that and when our forest is burned and invaded we have no other choice we will fight with you and then we wish to be left alone General backler get your men ready we ride at once General the approaching crout numbers 20 to1 they will bear down on us like a wave of death he you listen to me no one Bears down on the armies of EB we let these grug claw and scratch their way to our upper hand cuz tonight we fight for our Legacy now you tell me how do you want to be remembered General here we must leave the horses and climb people get up there no they don't that's the point you people spend your lives on flat ground there are entire worlds just waiting to be scaled Philosophy from a woman who lives on a [Music] [Music] tree crwi built as a secure Haven for Magi secure well the doors open from within you can get it Aus does not need doorways to enter Chris wind I'll find a way do you consider yourself lucky to be alive I do life has never been so exciting those people who came with me why not free them you do not want the world to know that you have ultimate power and mercy do you understand nothing I'm beyond Mercy I'm beyond good and bad these are childish ideas I'm changing the structures of the world where would I stop if I showed your friends Mercy it could no exemptions no one not you not the farmer not your poor screaming boy whose insides I tore out kill me kill [Music] me I won't kill you I enjoy you if you can bleed you can die perhaps I can but I won't I have too much work to do [Music] [Music] take your position [Music] [Music] on [Music] steady AR is ready [Music] fire fire [Applause] [Music] Ro [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] ready [Music] [Music] y [Music] [Music] [Music] there is a cave up there it allows the air to enter and now I must leave you I don't want you to go alone if there is any sanity left in that madman then I must try to reach it you can't reason with evil Merck but I should at least be able to distract him for [Music] [Music] I knew you'd come old [Music] friend we were friends once but you have greatly changed oh [Music] [Music] omas's power is contingent on his service to a King how is it that you thrive as the king's adversary how do you like my kug they are a cruel Abomination funny thing about kug they have no King so guess what I've done old friend I dare guess I've made myself king king of the kug now I serve a king who deserves My Utmost devotion me enough gallan you and I are the lasts of the Magi I beg you recognize that you have fallen into madness you have no idea how powerful Madness can [Music] [Laughter] be in my kingdom there will be be no word for madness we shall simply call it power [Music] be strong be brave [Applause] [Music] he's here he's arrived I see no reason to prolong this battle must get him [Music] I don't know how it happened how could I have been so stupid forgive me legus take the last of my power [Music] now [Music] please [Music] somebody go [Music] go this way farmer this way [Music] B [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is a [Music] [Applause] [Music] farmer oh caused me a lot of worry farmer I understand you become king you can't have two kings bickering over a single Kingdom now can we how often do two kings get to do battle oneon-one getting to taste the blood of one's true enemy you're going to fight took me to death [Music] [Music] you want to fight me with magic where's your honor [Music] a [Music] [Applause] [Applause] be [Music] [Music] a I will have my vengeance [Music] [Music] come [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] no [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] k [Music] what manner of Vengeance are you enjoying farmer the Vengeance of a father the Vengeance of a husband or the Vengeance of a king you forget the Vengeance of a mother [Music] a [Music] [Music] what's happening [Music] [Music] there's something I've always wanted to tell you I love you [Music] [Music]

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