Hollywood Movie HD Full English Movie Action/Liam Neeson

e [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] pleas [Music] [Music] [Music] fore fore foree spee for [Music] Fore for Mama caros spee for Ros watching the famili [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] on Jackson [Music] [Music] sorry girl [Music] [Music] B P this is Jim Hansen I've got four or five IAS heading north out near my range about a half mile from the fence over copy that Jim agents's on the way [Applause] easy easy hon here better send a medic out found one left behind over [Music] check check check [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you James Hansen who's asking Carl neam from Pima County Merchants Bank it's a uh notice of truste of sale let you know that the ranches be sold at auction in 90 days what law requires you be notified I'd have called but I couldn't find a phone listing for you I was in last month explain my situation to Ned Fremont he assured yes well Ned's no longer with us not sure why he didn't follow it but Bank policies to take action if there hasn't been a payment in over 6 months you should also know Mr Hansen that the bank has the right to sell the property before those 90 days if it receives a reasonable offer from a third party Mr Hansen that hill over there spread my wife's ashes on top of it last year I'm sorry for your loss look Mr neam I'm no dead beat I just need a little time to sort things out get back on track uh yeah like like I said you've got 90 days you know most likely um my number's on there if you have any questions you have yourself a good [Music] evening frame's almost built and I got to watch my budget and all anyway don't you have a ranch to run sold most of it off B to the last few head of cattle Christine's medical bills wipe me out I'm sorry to hear that could take that hold for you be done by Sundown I wouldn't be asking if I didn't need the job look Jim that kind of work is not for someone someone my age come on Randall you know I can outw work any man here listen I got a new project starting next month come see me then I'll see what I can find for you okay yeah [Music] okay I was out your way last week things are looking mighty lean tell me about it and 70 cents per pound uh we're talking 17 grand could you make a 20 there's not a lot of profit selling underway cattle you know I'm sorry Jim let me know what you decide buddy [Music] [Music] sorry to B Sarah I thought you'd want to know I appreciate Angie yeah all right it's been a long time since I've seen him here next all right I'm down for that hey there stranger all right go for it hey Sarah what's he taking it's for you drink oh thanks thanks for the call yesterday a few more hours that fellow would have been one for the corner this lucky day I guess not sure he sees it that way walked all the way from Honduras spent his life savings on a coyote who left him in the middle of nowhere Hope for not that's a cruel world that pass has kept us busy all week the cartels are running everything through there drugs people guns what else is there I worry about you out there in the front lines all by yourself it would be fine if the government would get a [ __ ] together and figure that mess out what is going on what are you doing back here been wondering that myself what the hell am I doing I guess I'm trying to understand how you work your whole life serve your country pay your taxes and end up without a pot to [Music] pissing lost my home my livelihood I'm the only person made out here worthwhile [Music] come on let let's get you back come believe it sir I just leing I like to remember her like this smiling laughing I've never seen my mom so happy as the day she married you wasn't right her going out the way she did watching her suffer like that I couldn't imagine anything worse now I know come on let's get you to bed come on Pops I these old [Music] bones wasn't right Sarah I miss her too resta yeah [Music] [Music] C ins is a c [Music] for Fore speech for speech foreign who's the best dog in the world [ __ ] mamae spee this is a good boy Jackson is D hey hey wait wait wait you're never going to make it through there like that it's miles to the nearest Road comen you you will help us I'll call the border patrol no s sir sir sir please please no no border patrol I I pay you what to to help us I I pay you I'm not a Smuggler lady border patrol will help you out listen get you to a doctor please sir no no please this P this is Jim Hansen go ahead jim I've got two IAS by a click south of Stone Ridge copy that we're split in right now it'll be a few 10 4 I'll get you some water mama huh Jackson stay English I come here to take the woman and the bo sorry Poncho these illegals are mine you are border patrol Marine Corp so you are keeping your country safe all by yourself huh Marine cour something like that I'm a soldier too my orders are to take them back with me they no Soldier and I don't scare easy now I've already called the Cavalry so I suggest you all just turn around and Os I'm not going to ask again the woman and the boy hand them over this ain't worth it boys get to me get the truck move m m [ __ ] stay down T quiet back this is hands just taking heavy fire I've got a he to mano okay that's this me sir they take him they kill him no those guys are gone they're gone no please I all I have is yours to to help him is my cousin in Chicago m [Music] [Music] sir [Music] please please mama mama [Music] doesn't make sense no point trying to understand the cartels better just to avoid them what's going to happen the kid unaccompanied miners are sent to holding in aalas he most likely will end up in foster care yes what was the boy talking about he said you hand stopped him his mother' still be alive he's just a kid Jim I need you to come by the station and make a [Music] [Music] statement goodbye J [Music] pleas on bab get some grub huh let's get some grub [Music] [Music] good [Music] no no all I have is yours kill pleas God damn it Danny that uh kid whose mother died last night has he been sent on to a gal sh no he's being deported what Mexican authorities say he's got a relative waiting for him on the other side uh I need to see him sorry Jim can't do that just a few minutes I already cleared it with Sarah call her and check make it quick thanks sir hey come on you're not safe here comen let's go come on station I heard right right yeah that's right well interview here pass we always tell you calm down [Music] come on hey [Music] m stay here understand come on T come on [Music] [Music] God damn it gentlemen passports and vises please open the back please [Music] [Music] all clear adalante the hell you doing listen to me are you're going to get yourself killed they sent you back those men are there waiting for you comy come on [Music] [Music] spee [Music] [Applause] [Music] I love [Music] it [Music] fore I love it I love [Music] it I love it I done my Bo [Music] [Music] [Music] heaven knows I've seen darkness and I've seen what it can do hey you're hungry thirsty foodish uh K yeah hey what's the matter you got to be hungry [Music] that's what I thought there's a storm that's on it way yes in the end everybody [Music] hey hello I need to buy an atlas a what an atlas like a mapbook with all the states uh you could try looking on that bottom left shelf over there we don't really sell Maps Much Anymore everyone pretty much just Googles it on their phone hey hey huh my lucky day how about that you going on a road trip yeah something like that so there's there's no price on this it's probably outdated you can have it on the house thanks thank you have a good one you too Sarah rold Sarah that's J thank God you all right yeah I'm fine just called uh to tell you not to worry what the hell were you thinking taking that kid they were going to kill him the ones who killed his mother they were waiting for him at the border so so you don't come to me with that information you just take him and leave Christ Jam you put my ass on the line here I can only keep this thing quiet for so long I I need you to bring back that kid now I I can't do that why not his mom she we we made like a deal Jim listen we sent agents up to your house it was burned to the ground whoever these guys were at the border they're not messing around now tell me where the hell you are I'll call you later Jim God damn it why the hell did you have to cross my property you damn all to appreciate what I'm doing for you I don't even want to be in your stupid country well well well he speaks hey ja you hear that I want to go home look it's not safe for you there why are you doing this because your mother asked me to help then why did you call a border patrol on us because I didn't want to find your bodies on my land if you want to help me you can take me back I find my own way home taking you to your family in Chicago after that I don't give a [ __ ] what you do look it may not seem like it right now but this is what's best and I'm sorry I'm sorry what happened to your mom and all [ __ ] [Applause] I got to come on no sorry I come here looking for um a man and a boy and they drive a uh truck um a pickup truck yeah he was here he was on a road trip you know where no sorry you know um which which direction he go I didn't notice [Music] sorry you here that's not that's not really what [Music] that's me that was on the rest this is just about dry you're lucky the block didn't crack you see it's leaking around the core there's something lodged in here looks like a slug someone using your truck for target practice yeah something like that can you replace the radiator yeah sure take a day or two to get the part we can't wait around that long I wouldn't drive it the way it is you could blow your engine I suppose I could probably patch it temporarily so that you could get where you are going great see you tomorrow what it's after 6 we're closed tea County Merchants Bank you may enter an extension at any time you've reached the voicemail of neham please leave a message yeah Mr [Music] niham uh Mr Niam it's uh Jim Hansen here listen I was able to work something out uh if you can give me just a few more days I can come in and make things current on my loan uh thanks okay double Whiskey and a cook you boys ready to order I love the F rare and for the young man can I have a hamburger thank you thanks where'd you learn to speak English school must have been a good student my mom she made me study a lot those men at the border you know why they were after you my uncle Carlos he did something that made the cartel mad called my mom and said we had to leave what about your dad he's dead died before I was born your name is Miguel yes Jim [Music] I need to go uh huh oh yeah [Music] it [Music] Jim Jim Jacks good boy [Music] [Music] Jackson little [ __ ] I'll do the shopping from Mir [Music] on uh no guarantees on that yeah if I were you I'd get the whole thing replaced when you get back home wherever home is yeah well there how old you boy he's not my kid you know how to read that thing we're uh we're around here some placees well [Music] no I [Music] can I help you ke it I don't [Music] if you had a phone we could have looked up the fastest way so I here why didn't not have one is it because you're old what some old people don't like phones no that's not it nobody needs to call me and I like it that way do you think I like in Chicago don't know why not I spent some time there one summer when I was about your age I remember I remember how green it was oh and the hot dogs you like hot dogs you like these Chicago is famous for him no ketchup though uhuh Mustard Pickles that sort of thing never had one as good anywhere else what the hell [Music] stay calm and be quiet you license please looks like you had a little incident [Music] yeah how you there today young man okay any weapons on you sir I've got a 45 under the seat and a rifle on the bag both registered step out of the vehicle please I didn't think I was speeding is there a problem I just want to have a word with the boy it'll only take a minute Jackson stay walk back to my vehicle please go ahead and have a seat in the back Conway you out there I got tired of waiting and ain't without you go ahead and have a seat in your truck while I run your information can I have my keys so I can run the AC it'll only take a minute CH come on come you uh you didn't talk to the boy what you said you wanted a word with a boy but you didn't speak to him get in the truck how much excuse me how much are they paying you to betray that badge get in the truck you turn us over to them they'll kill us get in the [ __ ] truck Miguel back in the truck now wait let stay up hold St I don't what the I don't is where where where I don't know don't look us [Music] I'll be right [Music] back that'll be fine if you're paying cash I can do 900 for both ando's on the house sounds fair enough it's my day devil dog huh n two tours I had a brother over there he didn't make it back sorry to hear that we lost some good men we did I got to run a background check nor doesn't take too long but the computer's down might be a few hours tomorrow at the latest I I can't wait you see I'm just passing through I'm sorry I can't risk losing my license look I'm no criminal but someone's after me and I need to watch my back the police can't help me I know it's asking a lot but it's life or death something bad happens he end up in the wrong hands I'll report him stolen out of sound [Applause] thanks this trouble you're in that your own doing not exactly but I made a choice and I got to live with it so long as it's for the right [Applause] reasons Sarah Jim's on the phone listen the DEA says a man you saw the border is morito Guerrero recruited as a kid soldiering for the cartel ever since and the man that you shot that was his brother jeesus Mexican police have a source that said that kid's Uncle stole money from The Vasquez cartel found him hanging from an overpass I don't know exactly what you've got going on here but it is not worth it this maritu will find you and when he does he will kill you and that boy it's time to let this [Music] go Jim yeah yeah all right I'll bring him in where are you uh in the Texas pan somewhere at a town called wer okay find the local sheriff's office they'll get you back here no I can't trust them fine then I'll come myself just just stay off the streets and lay low till I get there can you please do that for me yeah what do you think okay yeah [Music] [Applause] there you go [Music] why are we parking here I think it best we stayed out of sight on take your [Applause] back I'd like a room please $39 plus tax credit card and ID please hold this to come on get yourself cleaned up [Music] [Music] you're [Music] welcome um oh I'll get some salt for the eggs forget the [Music] all do you think don't Mary please don't yeah I don't know suppose they might I have a girlfriend at home someday I'll marry her do you have a wife not anymore what happened she died cancer shitty disease they say you get used to being alone after a while that's just crap you could get a girlfriend I don't think so I'm not young and handsome like you when we get to Chicago the first thing I want to do is eat a hot dog look Miguel it's late maybe you ought to get some sleep huh [Music] want to go out boy Jackson Jackson wake up wake up we have to go what's your emergency there's a robbery in progress here at the Blackwood Motel on Route 12 there's at least three men with guns three men sir can you [Music] go hello sir hello sir are you okay [Music] you killed my brother you can't hide forever maros I'm [Music] Cafe the truck is right through there go get in it and wait for me okay where are you going I got to get my dog go now I'll be there in a minute no [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] he's in heaven now no such thing just something people tell you to make you feel better my dog's nowhere but buried and that in where he belongs you might as well get that heaven crap out of your head right now you are wrong the only thing I was wrong about was driving your ass across the country I'm taking you back I know about the money I looked in the bag get in the truck [Music] Miguel Miguel [Music] 911 got a call a robber in progress we showed up he owner's neck was broken still money in the drawer though guest says he saw a man and a boy enter this room last night seems they left here in a hurry maybe you can explain what the hell is going on where are you look maybe I should have said something about the money it doesn't matter now but I made a mistake thinking I could help you we're now going to Chicago [Music] [Music] sorry about Jackson he was a great dog yeah yeah he was thanks um for helping give my proper burial [Music] I hope someday there's a funeral for my mother [Music] [Music] come on excuse me sir um I wonder anything we can help Eternal rest Grant unto her oh Lord May the Perpetual light shine upon Rosa May her soul through the mercy of God Rest in Peace [Music] amen thanks that is a Lely experience to lose someone so close especially for a child he's your what grandson no uh I knew his mother she asked me to look after that's no small request she must have had a lot of faith in you Jim yeah it's me tell me you're safe we're okay is that him find out where he is good now tell me exactly where you are I got the sheriff with me I got plenty of Firepower I just need to know Sarah listen the kid's not going back that's what I'm calling to tell you I'm doing what his mother asked I'm taking him to her family that is not up to you and what kind of life's he going to have back in Mexico and protection forever if he even last so weak he can apply for Asylum here with what happened to his mother he'd have a strong case can you guarantee he'll get it especially the way things are now tell me what's going on with you here let me help you while I still can this kid he he didn't bring any of this on himself he just needs someone to give him a chance I can't check the feeling that your mom is somehow guiding me through this she'd want me to help this kid if he do this there's nothing more I could do to help you I know you do what you've got to do we're heading to Chicago give me a few hours if you can see you around sir so what'd he say where's he headed I don't know killer of a high Pat officer there yesterday officer J connley was found murdered along Highway 40 west of Amarillo Police say they have little to go on and are asking for the Public's help anyone who may have witnessed anything suspicious is asked to contact Detective authori for FBI in other views closing arguments are expected to begin I guess we better buy another map figure out how to get you to Chicago come on by this Saturday and see the top Championship bull riders up to coming Barrel Racers and some pros and women's events we have butt bu there's first second third priz [Music] hello yeah no problem Miguel come here want to try stand here now your finger here there you go now line up this with this notch with that can on the left spread your legs a little now put your finger on the trigger the gun's going to kick back hard so brace yourself and when you're ready just squeeze try it again hold it steady relax your shoulders keep them loose now take a deep breath let half of it out and squeeze that trigger you're natural press this button here to remove the magazine go slide back to clear it now the gun's empty and safe you were a soldier yeah Marine you fought in a war mhm you killed all the soldiers someday I will kill those men there's absolutely nothing that feels good about killing another man your mother died to give you a chance at a better life don't waste it this spot [Music] [Music] do you still get sad when you think about your wife I miss that woman every day life doesn't always play out the way you expect there are good times ahead for you Miguel your mom's watching over she'll make sure of that this belongs to you I don't want to this cels money then I guess we've got no use for this [Music] just [Music] [Music] [Music] you know something not [Music] bad ready [Music] [Music] where are we going let's take some side roads for now hello exit 209 you sure okay gracias son is that him hold on tight the out don't get it Dam get [Music] out we should run he'll kill us not if I get him first walk [Music] M go let's go come on [Music] no what that is a cabon come on stay now here if anything happens to me you get out of here and you run as far away as you can understand come up here I need you to create a distraction count to 30 and fire two quick shots out there it's ready start count him now do yes do K r [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] we go [Music] what you go get in here let's finish this drop your gun drop [Music] back let him go you bastard there go bye going to make a good soldier one day he's going to be trained by the best he W have kill for you [Music] huh you know I was I was just like him one day we all learned to do what we must do to survive just like you and me Soldier we made our choices let him make his do you think I had a choice huh I never had a choice we y he's going to kill his first man today out look at me what [Music] up [Music] don't listen to him don't do it give me the gun give me the gun Mel walk away walk away now [Music] wait d now you have a choice [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] ch y [Music] [Music] this is for you [Music] [Applause] [Music] spee B it is B got do speak again [Music] [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] heaven knows I've seen darkness and I've seen what it can do and heaven knows that I can't stop this it's like a flood is pushing through as a stor that's on it [Music] way and in the end yes in the end everybody going to [Music] P there will be no retribution Revenge will have its day and there will be no Absolution and all your secrets made of glass they will break woo [Music] there's a storm that's on its [Music] way and in the end yes in the end everybody going away [Music] [Music] [Music] there's a storm that's on it way and in the end yes in the end everybody going away [Music] [Music] [Music]

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