ENGLISH VINGLISH Movie Reaction Part (2/2)! | Sridevi | Adil Hussain | Priya Anand | Mehdi Nebbou

Published: Apr 05, 2024 Duration: 00:25:02 Category: Comedy

Tags : reaction Trailer
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hey guys what's up welcome back to the channel today we're going to be watching part two of English Vinglish let's just jump right on into [Music] this oh just tell [Music] her sh yourself in the just tell her she's going to be gone how do you explain that oh oh oh yeah sorry s I'm late what have you been cooking no cooking late get out come in you may not oh my God I can come in you can the door is wide enough but you may not just like look bro bye why why are you doing this to me why are you doing this I like that simple why may I come in you may may I give Li to you may I give laugh to you may I uh have a coffee with you not today no okay okay but uh your food no no no you cooking Hotel expert I'm to just an entrepreneur food is food is a love you cooking with love good food you make people happy new artist you must open restaurant here yes maybe one day French Indian shoot your shot sir shash shash I hope she's okay pillows sh she oh she made it she's also an actor [Music] Italian wait how does she know his cologne oh [Music] oh yes sister I am Sal hello Madam very very happy to meet you we go I'm glad somebody now knows we will all go watch English movie you want to join us no no Madam you come please I buy popcorn unfortunately my hasn't fallen sick I like her little streak in her hair eat all popcorn oh see an old movie okay Elizabeth Taylor she just so what you get for running around after a toddler you like the movie good English practice yeah yeah good English practice many where you put it wow just call to be rude are you kidding me you're going to boarding school yeah goodbye you like your English so much go ahead go talk to someone else he doesn't even know what you're talking about Hi how are you I'll have a cafe latic a double cheese vegetable sandwich and a glass of ice water please okay okay okay wow okay okay you see what you order perfect perfect yeah you order correct English no like she like what yes ice water what you did it you did you go [Music] girl be careful this is New York you might want to she's feeling it though she's having her moment she got her trench on going to ask the F guy that's right's of the girl he's in his feels who break David sir H I'm going to call it that for now who fra going to talk um communicate Express I I want to teach the office people's big lesson they're thinking no he's a idiot only knowing making fun of my behind of my English but now I will show them I will show them what I can [Applause] do Dake can we hear your voice please me yeah you never talk he talks no one's giving him any Lin I like this class I don't talk much and uh I also gay oh Bo boom um a new love connection okay it be I don't know his face like he's like oh God I need to do my hair no sir I don't don't don't like spitch tell us what you like about the class Shashi told you French men are not shy her eyes are like uh two drops of coffee thing coffee milk oh Cloud oh she knows what cloud means now yeah what are doing the class today not correct yeah no no what La all women not friendch what what I do not what I do what I did is going to need a twoe course to learn English H she's like I don't know what to do now because like she doesn't want things to be awkward because she's married but like I'm very sorry Shashi first time I see you in the cafe you remember mhm [Music] see you tomorrow see you tomorrow is she going to look is she going to look she's not going to look [Music] she why you have been so judge judgmental sorry picture you're too funny coming we have one week left to go on the last day you will all have to take examination each one of you will have to prepare a 5 minute speech sir uh when is exam on the wedding day the 28 28 goodbye she's going to come in her full like gear cuz I think that her family comes this week cuz I think they said after 3 weeks and I this a 4we course you okay all okay just ask to uh take a different day 28 exam take it girly same day wding they'll all come to her yes they'll all come to her at the wedding and the speech yep all their speeches want me see something yeah come you come come with me I going to get locked there like this could go well or it could yeah not beautiful you're beautiful beautiful touch hands we're like Shi being the married woman so I know what I mean I don't know I don't trust her husband and her husband's this mean to her he was being all sus with that girl all right right oh oh slow motion he cooks you cook he wants to open a restaurant with you come on L soon oh she's going to run away [Music] no bad day again oh broke her shoe no that's not fun the worst and you do not want to walk barefoot in New York no she must have fixed her shoe cuz that's a long walk she took the long route maybe it didn't break yep I knew they were going to be there my heart hurts for her you didn't even get up to give her a hug [Music] no still making fun of her show her up Mas m help me out sis bye run run we have spring which is the season of flowers now AA okay good I'm glad that she was able to make it MH I mean I feel like even she tells her husband like oh I'm taking any class he's just going to make fun of her for some reason I uh cook uh I love those that's all he understands he's like what the Empire State Building it's this way you're not even going to like take the dessert from him he made it for you yeah you're being you're being not nice it's not his fault giving him a bad day this is a French L with organic chocolate 70% language of love just grab there we go he like it's not his fault that you're you're I mean he has the feelings and it's not his fault watch he's going be all mad oh what happen to go the emergency room oh man he really hurt himself jeez and he's going be like where were you hello R huh [Music] mama oh my gosh dare you have an identity you're doing it for them too you weren't just doing it for yourself you were doing it for [Music] [Music] them okay but you can still do that but you can just go to the class for three more days days they're going to be fine you have a household full of people to watch the kids does just have to be on you you know no she has to take her exam I know her family is down from India and we're busy with my sister's wedding and I'll give you my card you have her call meour oh how are you r r yeah um sh here my sister's getting married and her family's come down from India so unfortunately can I uh ask for a telephone number please because you can't just leave like you just made friends with all of those people and everything you like just disappear without saying goodbye wow J it's amazing you don't G these are the best lus you will ever my wife she was born to make L excuse [Music] me that's so fun and now she understands too and it's yes that's right Salon why don't you tell me the story of your favorite my favorite movie is sex and City sexy girls uh talking of sex all the time walking on the city very pretty walking on the city excellent don't think you saw the movie yeah okay we can do this so far oh we got baskets now yeah I hope to see my favorite student tomorrow trying David no trying vying s taking an exam is not a matter of life and death been a pleasure uh one cup of coffee maybe oh she shoots him down so hard every time just foror heart he really likes you we need respect as well yes people are going to love this L to give must is amazing I wish Mom got some of that [Music] Talent it's already 8:30 don't [Music] forget I want one so bad now Alexa oh oh no oh now she'll have to make new ones come here leave him alone he's just a kid you didn't fail no you still made them I've heard so much about your wife's food the L she loves cooking she just loves it I love eating thank you for thank you very much thank you thank you she invited them see what are you say oh I say I love you hello Madam Sur surprise oh you look so beautiful what a speech I if want English what a speech I don't understand [Laughter] what sorry yeah that's right she's got a life to my darling daughter MAA and my dear son Kevin you were born so your dad and I could share complete Happ like okay thanks yes time for final exam he going to stand up in English here we go let me interpret for you sorry um my wife's English is uh not very good down really mhm yeah yes there's the like the teacher like o pass this marriage is a beautiful thing Mira sometimes you will feel your less K sometimes you will also feel your less than mea try to help each other to feel equal family can never be never be uh never be judgmental the word the word family will never uh put you down family is the only one who will never laugh at your weaknesses that's what her family's been doing to her this whole time family is the only place where you will always get love and respect yeah literally this whole time you've been not getting love and respect yeah thank [Applause] you her friends yes well Sashi you don't return back you just return and you missed a few us and th else you passed with distinction next time Mama get [Music] take lessons from her finally they get the the something for you her certificate he's speaking too fast speak can my French is Rusty okay oh thank you for making me feel good about myself thank you so much he was going to cry good choice okay but now he has to step up his game if you're yeah what you buy her one sorry so what I I'm all for you loving yourself but like he has to show you some respect yeah R PCT what newspaper would you like sir New York Times please thank you and you ma'am do you have any Hindi newspaper oh no [Music] sorry all right what do you think I loved it it was really cute feels like is my makeup all yeah we're rooting for the other guy but I mean I get like why obviously she stayed with her husband but he needs to step it up that's my one thing that I was like you can't just like just cuz she loves herself which is like I'm all for you want to love yourself but you also need the love still from the other person like it's not just a one to totally match what you're so that was my only thing with like that that ending I was like okay well I love that she's still with her family and everything I just like he needs to step up his game now and they need yeah they need to respect her they need to not make fun of her just cuz she can't understand she couldn't understand what they were saying yeah it seems like they were just picking on somebody it's just like mean mean character so hopefully they're just better people yeah they've come together but no I love the chemistry of all those people like the whole cast was like I don't know it just they genuinely seemed like they were friends and or their family like I I I don't know it was really fun and it seem like work yeah exact and I actually liked the teacher more than I thought I was going to I did they painted him not well in the beginning he changed too he did yeah and I like how they embraced like each other's cultures because like they tried each other's food and they like I don't know they were like learning not just English they were learning other whole cultural EXA yeah my gosh yeah no I really enjoyed that though and I like that yeah it was like not quite a romcom but was an internal romcom an internal you fall in love with yourself yes I love that yeah that's exactly what it was I loved it music was catchy yes yeah we were dancing if there was like an actual dance number yeah then I would have been like we got to learn it stop the movie we got to learn this real quick we in the background just doing the whole dance the food looked amazing yeah I never tried that dessert before I don't even like sweet I mean I love delicious like cuz it was like or something or um I'm not sure what they're made actually made out of but now I'll have to go find some to try it out I think they're sticky too if they look they look like well cuz they were like I mean they stuck it together so it looks like it would be something like that but now I have to go find some ala find us in Indian Supermarket ASAP let's find some Leo that's the that'll be my first Indian dessert if I go try it so oh my God yeah cuz I've had like Curry and stuff but I've never had like a dessert or anything so usually they'll have like glov Jam Moon which is like a rose water kind of like a duty soaked in Rose syrup sort of situation usually they'll have that at restaurants okay I'll have to try something but they do have them at deli's so if we find an Indian store Del we'll find some nearby go f go harass an Indian person on the street please where do you get your food please I need a Leto right now yeah all in all I I really liked it um yeah I it was super enjoyable laughing the whole time felt the anger and that that so emotional anger so emotional so many feelings yeah I know you you got touched like a bit yeah I got emotional well that's good though you want the film to do that to you I was like cuz it's hard with romcoms too usually it's very predictable and very like okay LOL you know exactly but this was a full like she was so good you felt I love like when yeah when she was feeling her hands were literally shaking and I was like oh yeah cuz that's when you when you were feeling intense emotion your hand shake that is a whole other level and so like all the respect yes for sure but yeah thank you guys for watching this with us it was a joy um English V English and I love the little song that goes along with it yeah it's so cute everything was so catchy but thanks for joining us my name is Haley seat and this I am Vivian thank you thank you bye

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