WIND and HEAT WARNINGS for Aus Growers - do this NOW to protect your gardens - 5 day weather event

Published: Aug 27, 2024 Duration: 00:06:42 Category: News & Politics

Trending searches: melbourne wind
hi guys there are some crazy weather events happening right across Australia at the moment here in Melbourne and in southern parts of Australia we're being smashed by the wind which you can probably hear uh Northern and Central parts of Australia are getting smashed by heat I've just been listening to uh the press conference from the Bureau of meteorology they have basically held an extended press conference with a whole lot of information about uh what's coming over the next few days and I thought that was really important to share with you guys as Growers because it really impacts what we're doing in the garden particularly if you're like me sewing seeds and getting your babies going ready for spring and summer they're going to be especially vulnerable to some of these weather events that are happening right now so I uploaded on my community tab a couple of days ago no yesterday the wind warning uh which a lot of you responded to and you will know if you're in Victoria we all got smashed by wind overnight for me that meant my Greenhouse knocked over thanks goodness I had just taken a whole lot of seedlings out that night my mother-in-law had suggested I swap some of the ones um from upstairs around and for whatever reason I didn't put them in my greenhouse because the greenhouse smashed over thankfully I only had a few uh ceiling trays in there with flower seeds that hadn't yet germinated so I don't feel like I've lost too much but the most important thing you need to know if you are in Victoria or Southern parts of Australia that includes obviously South Australia tazy I think it's going to ease off a bit tonight certainly in Melbourne there's lots more wind coming today is Wednesday they're talking right through potentially until Monday so you got to Baton down the hatches if you've got little green houses outside they need to be either be secured really really well or I suggest actually taking your seedlings inside if you can find a good spot for them in the sun I know that's really tricky I'm feeling like I've got a bit more flexibility at the moment cuz I've just purchased and started using a grow light inside which means I do have a bit more capacity to keep them protected but if you do have you set up outside in something that's not particularly sturdy I would change that straight away find a way to either secure it really really well or get them inside other things in your garden pots that are a bit smaller any plants that are a bit taller and vulnerable they're likely to knock over uh so get them secured or move them inside or come up with a plan that works for your garden because this is my tripod is falling over in the wind this is going to be an extended wind event and your little baby seedlings if they're outside they're likely not to cope very well so some of those seedlings that were in my Greenhouse I'd moved up the top and I had a cover over them of course the cover blew off thankfully the seedlings hadn't toppled over but they were virtually horizontal because they'd just been smashed with so much wind now they do seem to be picking up a bit I'll save that for my next seedling tour which I think I'll probably record tomorrow hello Sarah from the bureau with your national weather for forecast for tomorrow that's Thursday the 29th of August and I'll be touching on the unseasonably hot conditions that are persisting through Central and Northern parts of the country and another pulse of really strong winds across the far south so we'll start off taking a look at the mslp chart and here we have a cold front pushing into Southwest wa during the morning seeing a return of those wet and windy weather now that front is expected to reach the southwest of Victor and Western Tasmania late Thursday night while in the north we've got this stubborn Ridge of high pressure that's continuing to bring the really settled and clear weather that's allowed the temperatures to build through the interior resulting in these unseasonably high temperatures now if we zoom into Queensland uh we've got dry and sunny conditions with unseasonably high maximum temperatures with just some isolated showers about the north Tropical Coast for Brisbane a sunny day is expected with a top of 32° which is 9° above the August average Shifting the focus to New South Wales we're going to see a temporary easing of the Winds throughout the day however those winds will redevelop particularly about the southern ranges and also the ilara at night we're also forecasting some showers about the southern ranges and also the Western slopes of those ranges falling as snow about the Alpine areas for Sydney we're forecasting a mostly sunny day top of 23° while down in Victoria also seeing a temporary easing of the Winds however those northwesterly winds will start to pick up during the evening ahead of this cold front with the potential for damaging wind gusts about elevated areas showers are forecast both near and south of the ranges and increasing about the Southwest coast at night associated with that front for Melbourne a possible shower and a top of 17° down in Tasmania wet and windy particularly in the west uh not much rainfall in the Far East but also a chance of some small hail about southern and western parts and you can see the rain really starts to increase ahead of that frontal system a shower too for Hobart with a top of 14° for South Australia uh the winds are expected to actually increase throughout the day ahead of that cold front uh with just some showers forecast about the far Southeast and then increasing again at night night about the southern Coastal districts for Adelaide it's going to be a partly cloudy day with a chance of a shower at night at top of 23° over in the west that cold front will push across bringing really wet and windy weather during the morning with those winds starting to ease from the West as the front tracks Eastward and also those showers easing as well for Perth starting off really windy with the showers easing considerably warmer as we head north a top of 21 degrees for Perth Shifting the to the north part Northern parts of the country Fine Dry and sunny with just the chance of a shower about Northeast Aram districts a top of 34° for both Darwin and broom so if you are wanting to know a more detailed forecast for your area then you can head to the bureau's website app or social media otherwise we'll see you again tomorrow bye for now [Music]

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