Jamie Foxx Ready to Speak Out, Luda's Big Arms, & DWTS Season 33 - Episode 020 - 09/5/24 | Side Dish

e e [Music] e guys I've got a hot opinion for you and that is we have too many world records you could say this guy's name twice but would you dare say a third time also we have the season 33 Dancing with the Stars cast announcement welcome to side dish hey hey I got to turn my my Walkman up oh got to walk up I couldn't hear the the music it's a complicated thing we got these little guys right here on our hips and that way we can like listen to whenever we have like a video play or the intro or whatever and also sometimes someone tell us an interesting fact or correct us when we're wrong yeah and and that happens happens a lot strong and wrong over here what's up guys welcome to side dish how you doing peace y I'm head crack and my name's Tanner hey guys be sure to like And subscribe hit that little bell notification thank you for hanging out with us live we love you so much shout out to the soulmates and shout out to the SW mates uh the people who work out while watching the videos in the gym and whatnot uh that's a new set that just made themselves aware to me today oh we got SW mates SW so I was I was at the YMCA the other day Okay I was working out he's like yo man that that side dish thing you you a T man be doing yo I rock with that yo I'll be watching that in the gym that's what the guy said I was like cool do so I was like all right cool SW mates what's up swole mates and of course our Dish Nation loyal man we appreciate y'all love and energy every lap and man there's so much to talk about today man there's a lot there's a lot going on today we're still probably gonna mess around and talk about other things but we have a lot to do yeah we're gonna we're gonna This Is Us steering and uh we're gonna go off the road just a little bit because there's so many things happening in real time um and one of those things you know like come as I was getting ready for work I started seeing um you know the story about Rich Homie Quan yeah who um a lot of people might know from the song I live my lifestyle and walked in I always needed to read the lyrics to that song when it comes on but they're saying he uh he possibly has passed away due to a drug overdose now it's confirmed so uh so rest in peace the Rich Homie Quan yeah and uh and they're saying it was like due to a drug overdose and one thing and I was riding in and I was talking about how like in hip-hop culture and just culture in general as much as these overdoses are normalized we got a normalize rehab true without making fun of people for going yeah and fully supporting people to make changes within their lives because there's a lot of times where people you know might be you know chemically bound to a substance and they don't want to do anything about it at the risk of like you know the court of public opinion saying something crazy about it and when you think about that Marathon that we had in 2020 of all those people who kept dying like accidental drug overdoses ma Miller DMX sh G from Digital Underground uh and there was somebody even more recently uh that it happened to as well and it's like hey man listen at the end of the day the same way y'all have the confidence to get up here and talk about all these drugs y'all doing we gotta normalize rehab and help the same way y'all was normalizing go get therapy normalize rehab six months rehab 12 month re help was that you Zim uh we're getting a cause of death unclear from TMZ but and probably I bet it's going to be revealed in the next couple days and I like I mean I don't know if sources are saying you know we were just getting information earlier today that you pass away but if like if if the streets are saying that it's a drug overd yeah and sometimes things could be speculative right right Absolut and even if that wasn't the cause of death you know I think he was like 34 years old you know you don't you don't die a whooping cough right at 34 yeah typically not yeah so our condolences go to his family and uh and that's that on that man so uh RP we also got there's also freaking tragedy uh just a little bit north Northeast of us here in Atlanta I'm sure you guys have heard by now and we promis this whole episode's not going to be like heavy sad things like this but obviously we had the shooting at that school yesterday uh there's a 14-year-old subject or or suspect he's been apprehended but he uh four people died yesterday and a number of people were injured I read a thing on the ATL scoop account um that a little over a year ago they found like there was a random threat reported about a school shooting online and they didn't mention where but there were also photos of guns and um let's see do we have the guy's name here his last name his first name is Colt um and that made it to the FBI and within a day the FBI figured out who made that post and they went interviewed the guy who did this shooting they interviewed him and his father a little over a year ago so he was the guy who made the post a year ago he was the guy who made the post a year ago and then he and then he committed the shooting I believe it was just yesterday yeah Colt gray I think is what we're getting his name was how crazy is that very crazy and uh and I would imagine at some point or another the parents are going to have to like face some level of legal ramification some of them are some of them are like um I believe the was it um I Dylan I want to think there's a shooter Dylan who Dylan roof the guy who uh during the the riots no that's a different guy um I don't remember who I'm not going to be able to call the name accurately off the top of my head but recently a shooter's mother and father were also sentenced to jail time as a result of not taking these things seriously when they saw these uh very sort of was that was a young man who uh shot up the church yeah yeah and and the thing is you know to people who have children you can't be so detached from what's going on in your kids's life that you don't know that either a he is having a tough time at school or has these pinned up feelings and aggressions you know like and and we definitely live in a time now too where like you know kids will come to dinner to the dinner table with their tablet and their phone and nobody has conversations anymore we got to talk to the young little humans that create even if you're an Uncle Auntie or if you're a grandparent raising small children you can't let them be so buried in their tablets and social media that you don't know what's going on with them because the conversation that you might have with them may not only save their life but the lives of others and maybe like you know get you some resolution man yeah and uh not everybody needs access to the gun cabinet and I say gun cabinet because you should have some form of safe storage um and not everybody needs access to it yes so um so anyhow on that sour note you know shout out to everybody in in in the comment for for going along the ride with us cuz I know this is like a really somber way to start things up but we're gonna We G things up we GNA shift gears let's shift gears really hard hit the intro song again was starting back up mhm okay there we go hey look at those fancy landmarks and that guy with long hair chop chop 48 Hour Friday energy man welcome to side oh it is time for feed me it's a hit me I need a good story and I haven't even looked at this like your controversial opinions I haven't seen that one I I need y' to forge your opinions real quick right what is something that you just have a very wild take on that nobody else but you feels that way about it we're gonna throw into this video and then we gonna see what y'all talk about right after that let's get to it man shout out to miles on top or IG for posting this what's your most controversial opinion midgets are actually the normal people we the freaks the most controversial op turkey bacon is not real bacon there's no part of a turkey that has bacon on it which's your most controversial opinion sh Knight is the good guy in the whole west coast East Coast beat now thought did no no no it's sh Knight you were just being size you're fat what's your most controversial opinion stupid people is smarter than dumb people because the stupid people got to figured out and the smart people is trying to over complicate this [ __ ] what's your most controversial opinion safe sex is not the best sex and whatever he says what's your most controversial opinion the bathroom is not for brushing your teeth that is the doodo room brush your teeth in the kitchen like a civilized adult brush your teeth in the kitchen sink yeah that's crazy most controversial opinion your most controversial opinion every pedophile has been molested we should arrest everybody that's been molested to cut off the supply chain of pedophiles yes your most controversial opion I think that we should only tip bartenders if they make cocktails they serve you a beer or a shot we shouldn't tip what's your most controversial opinion suicide is the straightest way to leave this earth if you let another man kill you that's that's gay how you have your last breath around another man all right all right wow that last one was dark that was a little that was a little harder I was like I I got I have two I got two okay what you got zoodles are not noodles I'm sick of people making zucchini into noodles that's not a carb that's a vegetable stop trying to trick me with it and then I don't like I'm a i man I hate people trying to act like cauliflower can be anything no it cannot who's making the cauliflower for you listen who's making it for you Tana HK I'm like I'll draw I got there's a few things where I have to draw a line in the dirt and it's and which is where the cauliflower came from by the way and and it doesn't matter who's making it for me I'm not saying that cauliflower can't be good but like buffalo bites those are chicken that's not cauliflower fair enough however let's just say you're a vegetarian and not you can't eat the buffalo bites anymore yeah that's the very first time I went to Coachella and I had like the good tickets so you had a different access have you ever been to Coachella before yes but I have never done the good tickets that's the only way to do it bro yeah like that was the first time I ever had a club house well no something house ice cream uh because they had a truck over there but anyway there was these people making buffalo cauliflower wings and I was I'm the same way you I was like no way no no way in hell yo man when I had it mind was blown well in my thing is just call them spicy cauliflower bites it's called a zesty cauliflower but but a lot of vegetarian people like to pretend that's my thing is why why use meat why use our meat terminology okay for your vegetarian words your vegetarian vocab sorry th the dice down on that me it now zoodles is wild zoodles is wild now are you are these present it to you cold I've had a number of I've had zoodles a number of even with the pasta sauce I know the mouth knows you can't lie to The Taste Buds The Taste Buds and the teeth know when the zoodles it took me a while to get used to it I rock with the zoodles oh and I do gluten-free pasta okay well that's but that's actual pasta just without the gluten which is science say if you're trying to get there in baby steps you got the regular noodles then you go to zoodles well no no you got the regular noodles then you go to the gluten-free joints cuz you still in the noodle Family yeah yeah and then you eventually cross all the way over and go to the zoodles they're hard to come by sometimes yo uh oh man KP listen not culinary appropriation wait what K You're Gonna Hate what KP said if you haven't tried it before and I've tried it before this is slamming grilled watermelon is amazing I'm not mad I'm not mad if I've never had it I'm not mad about that at all it was presented as a steak though okay now that's that's that's different that's different don't do that to me why would you it can't be like a steak yo it was hot it was thick it was had the grill marks on it and it had the right salt to watermelon ratio you into it were you like delicious watermelon yeah did it still was it still juicy it was it just wasn't steak but it was hot like steak that's that's interesting it is weird only thing missing was your shirt if I had your shirt on when I tried it the watermelon shirt that would completed the whole look and the flavor color not the watermelon shirt damn let me show up grilling watermelon golly okay this one dude said this guy said uh ra the talk about brush teeth after breakfast not before just as long as you brush your teeth I'm not mad about either one but old dud said the toilet the bathroom is not for brushing teeth the kitchen is you have sometimes that's the thing you got to think about is like the particles that are floating around in the air of the toilet room and those particles when you leave there they're going to to find your toothbrush and so you could conceivably have those particles brushing into your mouth I saw a video last week where they put some sort of like uh you know the type of stuff that shows up on Blue Light they put a little liquid in the toilet just to show you with the light off where all this stuff is going hey yo listen man your whole bathroom is a crime scene and you don't even know it there's a reason why some of y' breath stink more after you brush your teeth Tim Horton's kicks Krispy ke crispy cream's but I don't know Tim Horton's good crispy cream is delicious uh have you ever had Tim Horton I have had Tim Horton have you had their apple frits oh I love an Apple Fritter cuz here's the difference they do have good apple fritters their apple fritters at Tim Horton is amazing and Crispy Cream never has Apple frits when I show up I'd be mad the red light just went on and what do you mean you don't have apple frits you literally just made donuts they go quick apple fritters go quick uh Lakers and 56 close the lid then flush the toilet M yeah you can do that wow lucky Cedar Lane says mine is oasis is just two mediocre lamee brothers who like to fight okay listen I'm not gonna argue that individually they they're great they're so good um I I feel that uh what was the girl's name in the Titanic um the actress I was gonna say Kate but that's the actress yeah Kate's the character right was name Winslet was the actor rose rose is the villain the villain of the Titan Rose is the True Villain of the tit she her husband took on a cruise she treated she cheated on her husband with a homeless man and then watched him die that movie is about an old lady thinking about her side piece from a hundred years ago and then taking the biggest diamond in the world telling folks where they think where she might be able to find it and then dropping it into the ocean after she let the dude die is that that movie's weird I want to see the prequel the Titanic where like you know she's a slightly older woman telling all her friends about the best cruise ship D she ever got from a dead man she got her back cracked on the Titanic had stopped talking about it for 80 years 80 years Nana what about Dad what about him and Grandpa wait they didn't have kids did they I don't know I imagine she had to have kids later on right because isn't that the thing like her like kids helping her do this that's right but who does she have kids with Billy Zayn I don't know the Phantom but if could you can you imagine finding out that your mom wanted to take a whole Cruise because she's been hiding a million dollar diamond from you and your whole family to dropping in the water because some dude she met on a cruise knocked it just like well what if you find out your your your mom could have saved the man from dying and decided not to cuz she didn't want to be cold yeah that that movie is crazy okay moving on Jack okay dude you know what this CES up I have the weirdest feed this popped in my feed and I really think that we need to have a conversation with the people at Guinness World Records okay because there are things that people are doing that don't need to be world records okay a few weeks ago maybe a month or two ago at this point there was a dude who broke blocks with his head okay that that's kind of a specific thing maybe there's a skill there it's related to karate pain threshold pain threshold okay I want you to watch this one and then tell me what you think this guy's thinking that's a human being setting the world record for blowing a pingpong ball against the wall and catching it in his mouth I want to watch the same video but with the music from uh Kendrick Lamar they're not like us that probably go freaky ass dud you a 69 God 69 God you a 69 go yeah that's freaky so uh and the answer is in 30 seconds why are we doing it slow mode did we just do that or that um in 30 seconds he does it 47 times and I'm like most of the time when you think about like world's fastest man or world's biggest dunk or longest shot or like hardest hit or whatever any number of things is like really cool yeah but this is not one yeah like so so you got the rec how many balls in your mouth yeah yeah how many 30 seconds like and when did you go from being an amateur to a pro when are you just like fooling around and you're not good at blowing a ping pong ball against the wall and then one day you're like I'm gonna get good at this a couple months ago I was JV yeah right now I'm varsity God who you think will win between him and Joey Chestnut o I bet I bet you give Joey Chestnut give Joey Chestnut six months he's got this beat yeah fair enough definitely fair enough uh what do y'all feel like y'all can do in the chat better than anybody else yeah if you can get a girl if you could get a Guinness World Record in anything not hot dog said my dude is the throat goat yeah oh damn Miss bamy said that's called practicing for prison ma'am I'm GNA have to report you to HR if that guy ever gets arrested that person from that one scared straight episode go walk up to him we've been waiting for you at the dop it's wild out here yeah all right well um you know big shout out to ludicrous man who is always taking things up a notch man uh did you see him at the game yesterday I heard about it I haven't seen it I can't wait to watch this video so the Atlanta Braves first pitch was thrown lutter style and uh he resurrected his iconic big arms from the 2004 Back music video check this out [Music] lud L stand they look good yeah that's not that's not visual effect someone actually built them arms giant watch like without context when I saw his arms I thought the Sydney Sweeney tape had dropped L bow that's amazing and also he threw a better pitch than a lot of people will throw with their regular arms like that impressed the hell out of me yeah like how did you do that with a big fake arm a lot of practice a whole lot of practice big shout out to ludicrous and I they had like a ludicrous bobblehead too that they was giving out I when I got a chance to do Good Day Atlanta this morning and I was there with the um like some of the pr people that were there because they was talking about like some of the new swag that they're rolling out for the braid games and like the um the I don't want to say the pr guy but the guy who designs the merch is like and I don't want to get the ethnicity wrong I think he I think he Japanese yo man no matter how fresh you think you dress show me like a Japanese dude in his 50s oh and too smooth yo and with minimal effort like and like and I was like he's like yeah follow me on Instagram and I was going through his page and I'm like yo just unlimited drip just fit Ino top to bottom yeah Tokyo drip just nonstop you know all across the timeline man big shout out to him and shout out to the Braves hopefully they can bring back another um another you know pennant right they spend all the money like when they won the World Series a couple years ago the like one of the first few games that they had when you went back they gave everybody a replica ring what everybody in the stadium everybody in the stadium nice we went to the game just to get the ring and we left yeah yeah that's dope that's super cool indeed indeed all right so last but not least we me and tana like to challenge people all right have you ever seen these try not to laugh videos I have all right so I'm GNA shut up all right because I haven't watched all of these I watched the first three so me and Tanner are gonna try our best to not laugh for the next 60 seconds we want to see how y'all do in the chat and if y'all fumble the ball just type in got me yeah yeah let us know when you let us know when you're tagging out on this all right and action [Music] oh no oh no oh all right all I'm [Music] out no oh no no [Music] [Laughter] yeah I don't even know what uh oh oh yeah that foot finished yeah how' y do how far we make man that when the dirt bik got blew dirt it was the extra the kick up of the Dust man insult to injury on that one W yeah that's pretty solid looks like we got yeah look like everybody in the chat got tapped got me got him but man those those things are hilarious man like shout out to everybody that curates those and post them on various Pages like YouTube and Instagram oh are you a dancer dude I I'm not I'm not really a dancer I used to be like I when I was like in high school and college I was definitely one of those guys who would like get out on the dance floor and go for it uh but I'm not anymore I'm way out of practice but every now and then I like to think of a future in which I could get called up to Dancing with the Stars I I would commit you would commit I would I really would because they do reward the people who are not great dancers cuz I've watched classically trained dancers lose on Dancing With the Stars because they weren't struggl enough yeah the show's not about coming in as a really good dancer and just just like Killing It Whatever the show is about coming in Clumsy but being charismatic and then getting America to continue to vote for you over a couple weeks it's like a metaphor for most arts and entertainment because we don't necessarily reward the best artists either it's like we reward the people they doing the best they can yeah yeah and we just like them a lot when they're being themselves yeah so they rolled out the new uh 33 season 33 cast season 33 cast been announced well sadly sadly HK nobody from Dish Nation has been chosen but we do got a Georgia Peach we got fedra parks in there okay uh we have ala Meer who got really famous from the Olympics who was the rugby player then uh we got Eric Roberts who's been in a million movies and he's Julie Robert's cousin and their my man Reginal V Johnson from Family Matters is in there and so I just know I just know Jalia white is gonna be sitting Courtside and Dancing with the Stars at some point this season that would be dope to have the whole Family Matters cast in the audience kind of rooting and cheering them on yeah and you know this was a great opportunity to have ray gun on there oh from the Australian break dancing team I'm sure they thought about it and I bet they even reached out to her but she's received so much hell online and then like when I look at videos of the break dancing going on in Australia I think maybe you know Australia is not number one it's not America it was a criminal Colony criminal yeah yeah and it's a Penitentiary Island and then like I don't know how much they get to Los Angeles or New York uh fair enough so but any then also like I don't know if you remember pommel horse guy from the Olympics who like who was like chilling in his glasses and then his whole thing was to come out and do the pom hor he's in it I'm trying to remember who else is on the show uh uh uh oh golly the basketball player Howard uh Dwight Howard Dwight Howard's in it yo he gonna be out there looking like Franken stuff yo he's gonna be so big he's probably gonna win it he might win because he seems like the least likely him and reggin Noel Johnson yeah because like you know he kind of you know he's older guy but he got the Grimace build you know what I mean so if anything he can do in the in the fluid movement space he's going to get more props than the normal person than that okay so a couple things yes I messed that up Eric Roberts is Julie Roberts brother also H Anna is it's not durey is it it's Anna delie you remember the girl who's like the Russian chick who always came out and like she scammed all these people out of millions because she convinced everybody she was a million they put her on the shore they're rewarding her for fraud by putting her on Dancing With the Stars well if you put her on let Cosby go Cosby yeah that's not that's not he he do he's he's not in trouble he went to jail she went to jail yeah but the fraud isn't quite the same he he frauded people in the thinking they was awake I mean come on I mean like crime is crime right you know just I'm just saying if we gonna throw criminals on there you might as well make it all even killed like Trump should be able to play yeah I mean like I wouldn't yeah sure I wouldn't be surprised if eventually Trump gets the invite on there um you know there there are levels levels to the fraud game okay all right yeah oh well one was in a white C prison the other one was in Max I don't even know who was what in that situation but who would y'all like to see in D star because I always felt dubc dubc um he's with uh Ice Cube um a lot of times you'll see the mour and what's up can gang can gang yeah like dubc he be sea walking okay I don't know what he can do beyond that I don't know what his ball ballroom dance ability is however dubsy is very agile and I think he can learn if he's got a good seaw walk he can learn things he could probably pick up I do I think they do like a flamco style they have a couple different styles they do and then they like will have like Freestyle and whatnot so I don't know I love the show because I like first off is like the dancers the dancer Pros in there like when I was working in LA on a couple different shows we'd have these people in all the time we've had um the smov smrkovsky brothers and they're just they maximov two of them yeah there's Maxim shovsky and Valentin Val so we've had I think we've had both in the last year and I believe Val is fedra Park's Dance Pro I think he's her partner if I remember this all correctly you think they gonna do it uh I don't know I don't know is married she's I don't I think she's single she well there might be that's the other thing the show is everybody thinks everybody's smashing because it's like you got to be up close that's why I would go but yo if I went on a show and I didn't get the one who looked like they can know what the order when you go to a a sushi spot if if I didn't get her I'd be mad wa know the what your order at the sushi spot what are you talking about I can't remember her name man you're not talking about one of the judges are you maybe she used to be K NAA no okay maybe so did she used to also be like the dance partner well no no Carrie Carri she's always been uh she's always been a dance Pro I'm trying to think of dance partner I know did someone Google the Asian person I don't think that they had an Asian Dance Pro they was somebody who who was given Pat Marita's kid Pat Marita's kid are you thinking of wasn't she married to um one of the uh blossoms act the dude in Blossom his like there was Joey Lawrence and then his younger brother was uh something Lawrence and he was married before Matthew Lawrence Matthew Lawrence was he not married to one of the dance Pros he was married to uh and I know I mean I interviewed her she was nice she was a guest on Cheryl Bur sh Wait Cheryl Bird yeah yeah she is Asian yeah I don't I don't know I don't know yeah yeah yeah yeah definitely chery Burke if if I would have Dancing with the Stars and they didn't pay me with Cher Burke yeah I'm breaking my ankle on purpose dude they did me so cold on a show one time this is probably this is this is like a real life embarrassing moment where like H what was her name oh Chara burges the redheaded Australian chick from wala wala Australia um what's her first name sha Chara Burgess B she's now married to Megan Fox's ex-husband Brian Austin Green I think they're married okay Hollywood's weird anyhow so I was working on this show and they were like and one of my one of the co-hosts sent me a big time was like oh Tanner like who do you like on the show like who's your favorite uh like dance proo and I was like she looks like she's always having so much fun blah blah blah blah and it was like totally have a crush on her and then you guessed it like three months later we have her on the show and I'm sitting over there the old show the old show I worked on there'd be several people hanging out on the couch so I'm like right here and she's like right there and I'm like look at the dud just like waiting for my time on the show and then they cut over to us and then Ross Matthews is over here and he's like oh Tanner we're gonna play this clip and Yad Yad Y and then they like straight throw to this clip of me being like I have a crush on and she's sitting right here and I'm like and and she just laughed hard but like too hard you know what I'm saying oh like there's like wink nudge nudge oh hey what are you doing later and then there's like you know like thanks Darius I just pictured that a scene everybody was laughing at peeee Herman when he was looking for his bike yeah yeah you know what I'm saying yeah yeah very much that damn man yeah yeah that was a fun show man like Hollywood today live that was great it was but uh you know some people said they want to see Alonso robero on Dancing With the Stars I feel like he's one I believe alonso's won the mirror ball trophy uh yeah so uh but yeah like uh also wouldn't mind seeing somebody mentioned Snoop who's somebody who I feel like he's he's beloved by so many people yeah that I think Snoop would go far I don't know if he could pull the whole thing off but you know to be a a tall lanky guy he's very agile yeah yeah someone's mentioning Julian Huff yeah she was at uh on the show for a long time okay somebody said he uh uh he's he's a judge Alonso robero really oh is he a judge this season all that ABC money they need to get Kim and Croy back on okay like Kim and Croy Beerman both on the same season like they have to be split up they can't be together yeah I would like to see them like on like couple's therapy or something yeah before I see them on Dancing With the Stars I know that I need this oh they said yeah Alonso was a host this year yeah Alonso good for him very cool oh and whoopy Goldberg but is she gonna dance in a Mumu like every time I don't know whoopie's not I bet she's not into it like this isn't a secret I'm not spilling any tea here but because we've asked her on Dish Brat's been asked to do it and she's not into it yeah yeah but I feel like brat would also do very well brat is reluctant to do everything right we I had to talk brat and like yo you should really do Pictionary you'll have fun and she went on there she had a blast like brat is just one of those people like I don't know man and but then once you like nud her hard enough then like she'll get out there and do it I think brat would kill on Dancing With The Star someone saying how about Charro I think Charro's been on they're talking about Alonso hosting so it used to be hosted by Tom um Bon Tom Bergeron and then uh what's her name she came in what's her name Ty Banks Tyra Banks came in and the ratings went down and then now I guess Tyra's out of there and Alonso who bleeds Charisma is gonna be on there and I bet the ratings come back up you I would rather have watched it but actually I don't know because I always say I'm gonna watch it and I don't oh Tamar would wait Tamar was on the show per perfect person wasn't Tamar on the show I think she mentioned that yeah Tamar was on the show Darius is telling us I don't I forget who her um who her dance partner was they also said Alonso needs to make an appearance on the new Fresh Prince I agree but was he G wait has Will made an appearance on the new Fresh Prince he'd be behind the scenes so like but yeah I don't know that you like that's a weird crossover like what if Will Smith played the kid's dad and that definitely shows that I have not watched any of the seasons Beyond season one of belir because like I've started watching season one but me and my sister started watching it when she came to my house to visit me right so in my head I'm programmed think I should only be watching belir with my sister so my sister has not been back to my house since we started it so I'm still on season one episode 4 I'm kind of the same way there are shows that I don't want to start until I have someone to watch them with yeah yo late pass and this has nothing to do what we're talking about right now have you heard of the show called Average Joe wait I think I know Average Joe with Dion Cole it started as a be it's a bet show I think season 2 just started but Netflix just picked up season I'm mad at myself for fronting on that episode first season yo tan when I tell you this show is great and just a brief synopsis Deon Cole's dad dies right in the show and uh he finds out between point a and point B that his dad has stolen some stuff from some people oh no and it all goes crazy from that point on and I don't want to give too much more away it just it the the stress level ramps up immediately okay well I think I you say Deon Cole I immediately think it's a comedy it's a very dark comment okay and they even have a guy who I refer to as the evil Dave Chappelle on there I can't remember this gentleman's name EV Dave Chappelle black dude he's on the boys he's part of like the promotional team that like sometimes when they come in like yo we got ideas for your homelander what oh I know exactly who you're talking about probably Malcolm Barret and I just have to take your word for it Kim because the I don't want to Google anything else I I think I know I think that dude was one of the voices of the Ninja Turtles movie a couple years ago oh dude yeah but yo give it a shot Netflix Average Joe is banging dope okay well there it is Dancing with the Stars check it out if you haven't watched the show it's legitimately a fun show it's fun to watch people like learn to do something new it's not like some people might be turned off you're like I don't want to watch a show about dancing it's compelling and uh and you wind up room for people yeah I love to see how far they go yeah okay cool all right this is the second one um dude I don't know if you saw this in the news Jimmie Fox is getting ready to come here Jamie Fox is and I feel like he's going to be taping a special because why would he be doing one city three nights in a row that's it right so he's going to be here in Atlanta October uh third fourth and fifth and he's got a comedy show coming out and on his Instagram post where he talks about this is coming one of the things that he mentions there's what had happened was um and then you look at the description of that and it says um uh the upcoming event is going to be an unforgettable oneman show as jimie Fox takes the stage to share his journey through a serious health scare filled with humor heart inspiration so he's about to take that whole thing where we were all like what happened to Jamie and turn it into a comedy special I hope he does it at the Fox Theater it's only so fake right oh that well oh that would be too dope people don't even know we don't have it up over well the regular dish background you can see the Fox Theater yeah but I mean and the crazy thing I don't know if you've watched a lot of Jamie Fox's stand up no not in a long time he doesn't get the credit he deserves for his standup special cuz he does so many things like he'll be in a stand up bag for a minute then he'll drop an album then he'll do like 10 movies he leaked the trailer the other day from this one movie that he made with what's my man from uh Entourage Ari Fletcher sure yeah uh the guy that played him Jeremy pivot oh okay he he made a movie called Allstar Weekend they filmed it and apparently there's some problematic stuff in the movie that like don't fly no more excellent so they didn't release it but he did leak the trailer they just canned the movie they just the whole movie's done it's pned but he leaked the trailer on his um on his IG the other day and I don't know I would have watched it but I definitely want to see this special yo yeah I want to see this special I also want to hear I I also think there's something to celebrities sharing when they have like a Health crisis or even like we're saying you know like what you were talking about at the top of the episode like when people and celebrities share that they've gone through rehab and are sober now or whatnot like like sometimes I think people sometimes I think people poo poo it and and are negative towards a famous person who's like oh how bad can your life actually be whatever whatever but you can have a very your health doesn't care much about your wealth a lot of times and so like if someone is as like presumably healthy and good shape and Wealthy as Jamie Fox can get in a real serious health scare you can too and so um I don't know I think there's something to that when people come out and speak on it and those sometimes like comedians best specials I think back when Richard prior right right after set himself on fire and he came back and did that special like you know like a year and a half two years later it was so dope how he told those stories and dude I'll never forget the joke where it's like he takes out a match and he lights it and he goes what's this and it's and he goes That's Richard py running down the street I like goly my parents used to take me everywhere and I remember I don't know I had to be like full or something when that came out yo I was sleep before it came on the screen good cuz I was like I thought we was going to the movies I was four and I'm cold four you don't get it you don't get a whole but then later once I understood oh Richard Pryor from the toy in Superman 3 then all of a sudden I cared and I wish I would have stayed awake for it but I watched it late it was a great special yo oh somebody's talking about Pros versus Joe's I believe that was also Spike TV you guys if you ever want to like if we ever want to fall down the rabbit hole like like on weird reality TV shows I worked on a lot of them behind you worked on Pros versus Joe I didn't work on Pros versus Joe's but I worked on um what did I work on uh I don't know I'm trying to think of the Spike TV show I worked on it was a singing competition they only aired it for one year A girl got a record label contract and then and then it like went away but like I just worked on a lot of really random I worked on this show called hurl what was that about hurl was only around for one season and it was a competition it was an eating competition and the whole thing was like you and I would be in a contest there would be four or five of us and the contest was to eat something gross until everyone else puked and then they would start to ratchet it up and make it more difficult so then it would be like eat a gallon of mayonnaise and then ride a roller coaster and then get off and eat more mayonnaise and get on and ride the roller coaster that's gross yeah it's disgusting then there was a show my favorite random reality show I didn't work on this one I forget the name of it I want to think it was called um don't you say the joeo show not the Jo show I know about Jo show I love that you know there's a version of that coming back there used to be a reality show where they would bring a tow truck around and they'd hook up to somebody's car Lizard Lick Towing H is it Lizard Lick Towing I don't think it was Lizard Lick Towing there was another name for this but they would hook up to a car and this is all real it was actual tow truck drivers and people actually getting their car towed and then they go knock on the door and they'd hit him with three trivia questions I've seen clips of that I know what you're talking about and if you answered all three your fine would be paid they'd lower it and you were just fine but if you couldn't answer it they would tow your vehicle they should do that same show but with boots boots like boots on cars oh you also would need security yeah you would need security people are not happy when they get booted at all but you know it is what it is y man all right you lived a lot of lives brother I've been out here grinding behind the scenes long let's talk about Katie Perry somebody who spends a lot of time on TV everybody's love language is different and uh I think she definitely got a lot of fans after she described what her love language is uh she was talking on to the call her daddy podcast and she was talking about like all the things that she does for her dude that she's uh with right now what's the guy's name uh legalist from Lord of the Rings uh he be naked a lot uh I know this because we talk about it on Dish Orlando Bloom yeah Orlando Bloom like whenever he does the dishes this is his reward My love language is his acts of service so it's like if I come downstairs and the kitchen is clean and you've done it all and you've done all the dishes and you've closed all the pantry doors you better you better be ready to get your I mean like literally that is my love language I don't need a red Ferrari I can buy a red Ferrari just do the dishes I will suck your it's not easy I love this so much I've never paid this much attention to Katy Perry I want you to know number one absolutely number two number two don't even let me near Katy Perry's house cuz I'm out here just washing window she's like who are you and I'm like sweeping and I'm like huh mowing the lawn yo I mean yo the crazy thing is I mean like you know people like you know they kiss a lot of frogs in the process of finding the prince and the princesses that they're looking forward I wish I could find somebody who was that enthusiastic about someone doing chores in the house well yeah well I wish I could find someone who is like and ladies I'm talking to all of you I if we could zoom in like zoom in right here and then that's like be clear be clear about what your love language is because you know what most of y'all say and I go oh what's your love language all of them yeah that's not real yeah definitely not real you got to pick a thing yeah I tell people all the time my love language is food and there was another thing and I forgot what it was I believe okay someone in the there's five main ones I I have part this is part of a comedy bit that I do where I make fun of the Love Languages uh but there's like it's like gifts acts of service um words H physical touch and um gifts and something uh time time together is that one quality time Gift Act of service uh physical touch quality time uh and I forget the other one so there's like the five whatever the five main ones yo man if she do that for like washing a dishes imagine what she does if you change light bulbs well and that's my thing is that also when she's like I can buy a red Ferrari I don't need a red Ferrari that that made Katie Perry in my mind so much cooler she's like I don't need the physical things because there are a lot of superficial people who like you have to buy things like I want the elephant man's jaw and it's like like fam like like what are you gonna do with it you want me to dig him up I'm pretty sure that's in a museum yo uh shout out to Justin Harris he said My love language is neglect in space damn uh Karen 7057 said Katie is a head hunter y words of affirmation uh one happy wife said I'm one happy wife for a reason is it because your dishes are clean or because the dishes are clean you're now a happy wife okay also Margarita on the Rocks we got I wish that was my husband's love language you're gonna have to be specific doing the dishes of the other part and then also maybe communicate that to him and see what happens yeah you will have a a a spotless kitchen the entire thing man so big shout out to uh Dale cross said doing things from the heart oh and that that's very big pretty good how about hire a maid how about no you want to come home and Katy Perry hooking up with the maid I'm just joking up I mean unless you can finagle that Repo Games that was the name of the reality show thank you very much Nick Carter you missed it he gave you five things that was his love language Nick was asking what your love language Oh My love language no no well no I was just saying those are the five love languages Oh I thought those were your so personal oh I don't even know I don't I'm not totally sure I'm not totally sure what mine is also haven't been in tons and tons of healthy relationships so I'm not sure that I've gotten to a point where I'm like oh yeah this is it gotcha so you're trying to figure out the Alchemy of what truly works well I don't know that I actually believe in love languages but I do believe that I was with if I was with someone and she was like um acts of service is like a big love language for me I go okay great cool that's what's up I know I know what to do honey love says it's a morning part of her wake and bake what's your IG um yeah so man so big shout out to uh Orlando Bloom that dude is uh probably doing dishes right now as we speak he's Orlando blooming all the time if you know what I'm saying well yo man listen it's getting late very fast today is uh 48 Hour Friday and there's a bunch of people celebrating birthdays big happy birthday to the king queen himself Freddy Mercury the one of the goats so God I wish I could have seen Freddy mer okay also happy birthday to Heavenly birthday yeah uh also happy birthday cat Graham 35 known for The Vampire Diaries and the mass singer yo big UPS to Michael Keaton who I cannot believe is 73 years old uh he's in a new movie that we'll be talking about shortly dude I saw I can't wait to talk about it uh Happy Birthday to Emmy raver from Umbrella Academy she's 36 shout out to Rose Macwan from Scream Charmed and also um that you know that that two-part thing that Quinton Tano did uh Quint T Death Proof and Planet Terror I love that the machine gun leg lady in that joint uh Roland Ray 28 social media sensation but he's uh you know him from the divorce court moment that's right he's in a wheelchair that's why I call him Roland Ray that's why Roland that's a dope name yeah so out of everybody we just mentioned and it was like a a wide pallet of people who y'all giving a cake to in the chat who you giving a cake to Tana man it's really hard because I literally saw Beetlejuice last night I love that movie I think Michael Keaton is an underrated actor like I love Michael Keaton but Freddy Mercury like Freddy Mercury makes me turn the radio up in the car so I got to give it to Freddy Mercury yo like I feel like you know similar to Michael Jackson Freddy Mercury's hand can extend down from heavens and just reach down and grab that cake and take it back with him that's right and just to defending go yo like Bohemia rap city is forever one of those Bops that will live rentree in my head uh I love that song but I'mma have to give it to Michael Keaton on this lap there we go yo man that dude raised me you ever seen the movie night shift no yo man it was Michael ke and um I think he was a pimp or something it was like him and and Henry Winkler really yeah it was a 1980s movie used to come on HBO all the time it was like either before or right after he did Mr Mom but before he was Batman that's so interesting like Michael Keaton has lived wild lives the fact that he's he was both Batman and Beetle Juice is wild no go to give him credit for Mr Mom do you also know he also worked behind the scenes on Mr R's neighborhood I didn't know that yeah he also did standup too yes like that that dude has done it all he's lived that life and you know a movie of his that people don't talk about enough anymore I think it was called Birdman dude I freaking love Birdman Birdman's a great movie didn't he want to Oscar for that I don't think he won the Oscar he was at least nominated he was nominated okay there's a very famous clip you can find it online where you could tell he also thought he was G to win the Oscar you might I'm sure you've seen this it was one of the things where he didn't win he like well they get ready they're about to call the of the actor and then they don't call his name but you know how they have everybody's little faces and squares and then they call the other dude and the other dude like comes down and so Michael is like up here and he sits down and you can see him stuffing like a note back in his to like he had his speech out ready to go like I got this damn I wonder who because I I know I was watching o that year I just don't remember who beat him for it but that was a good movie give it to run great Emma Stone was wonderful on that yeah man we've been treated to some really good movies yeah some movies a little bit forgettable because they don't just shove them down your throat like on like cable repeat like they used to because we're in this era of streaming but it is what it is and speaking of streaming it's it's 48 Hour Friday so let's get into some flick pics things that you could watch in theaters as well is on your own personal time are you been following this new Lord of the Rings show I have not I did the middlee journey in the late 90s early 2000s and I haven't been back fair enough I've only seen Lord of the Rings Two okay I didn't see the first one tow one yeah that's a sad name of the movie oh wow I was like almost Twin Towers came out after the fact but and the crazy thing is like I have a a very strict rule I usually don't watch things out of sequence that's a hard ser and for some bizarre reason I was like you know what I'm just gonna go see it that movie literally picks up with my man falling from a from something that happened at the end of the first one g off the gray and number one is like fly you fools and then he's like and now then he becomes get off the white yo that was the epitome of why I don't just walk into the middle of things and it proved me right and I don't have three hours a piece to watch the other movies well that's the other thing is like the rings of power is like this Amazon series and like one of one of these things is like if Amazon can't make Lord of the Rings profitable then they might stop doing content is something I heard one oh yeah huge okay well we was talking about belir earlier the third season finale of belir is popping off on peacock and you have seen any of them I haven't it's good it is good they lost me with making it dramatic I thought it would too however Carlton at least in season one is such a hatable character in the first at least up to the point that I've seen it had me it had me now have you been seeing the trailers for this next one fight night million dooll Heist I have not yo listen everybody's in this movie we bought the trailer check it out [Music] [Applause] [Music] know they burned Atlanta to the ground he Atlanta roll up cuz of Black Folk Atlanta turnaj he doesn't make a bad movie a [ __ ] Rober put together a party for Frank Molton the black Godfather Jackson all I ask is that you provide a legitimate living for this family that's what here is the one that can put me on top and I feel it for us I'm thinking black Vegas gambling women you still need to reach out to the Council of all the top black bosses Across the Nation the counc top black [ __ ] is this ter Howard wig justen WI and I feel like that's not even a wig you probably grew that out might push all chips in I'm in a movie man we are a vibrant inclusive City that's open for this hey that's my man to see my daughter find a decent place then we can talk about you being in her life looking for some extra bread this is more money than we all pulled in in a year I'm just here for the money I don't think you boys got any goddamn idea who you stealing from oh there was laen SM yeah this Cas taking on life this home these men are killers no no that's that's Samuel Jackson Man in my position can't have that wait I'm confused is that not Lawrence F the wig is so good no that's Sam that can't be Samuel L that's Samu yeah so Sam and Lawrence fish bur is in this clean my get ready this here is gonna be a night that we never gonna forget [Music] somebody said Ralph treas Terren Chloe Bailey looking fine Lorie Harvey looking fine Donnie cheats Samu we going have to upgrade our yeah cuz if one fist bur was in there they would definitely him on the title to us okay so a limited series pops off tonight man uh okay Lakers and five said fish bur is not in it all right so cool there we go thanks I'm hyped for that one I've been seen post this for a while I also like a somewhat serious Kevin Hart movie yeah you know what I'm saying like we get slapstick Kevin Hart a lot like we get Borderlands Kevin Hart have you seen the Kevin Hart movie that it like Wesley Snipes was in it playing his brother it came out during the pandemic it wasn't funny at all it was serious seen it was so good Kim what was that movie called with Kev uh with Kevin Hart and his brother was not his friend for for lack of a better term the people in the chat going to help me out in a minute it it was such a good movie man it came out it was a Netflix exclusive it was a great movie but serus Kevin Hart is a different monster the crime series yeah it was like a crime kind of joint but uh oh yall talking about being over Kevin art come on now sometimes you do some things for the money and keep stacking it up and then you do things that you want to do CH story that's what it was Tana if you got time yeah I think it's like four episodes new Story on Netflix with Kevin Hart and Wesley Snipes is amazing I love Wesley Snipes it is so D going good what else we got we got a couple more to run through uh there's this movie called the perfect couple one of the wealthiest families in Nantucket become suspects and murder Nicole Kidman's in that LE sherber Eve haon and Dakota Fanning uh that's worth a look and last but not least yeah we talked about Michael Keaton uh Beetle Juice beetle juu is out yeah you said you saw it saw it last night let's roll this trailer and then talk about it's not even a it's Beetle Juice doing hot yeah yeah yeah [Music] yeah not on well hi first of all uh welcome to the show how long is this going to take I got to get to the spa wow okay who are some of your influences well Napoleon was a pal Bieber of course for obvious reasons Bieber of course Kula was a lot man I got to say that you got you got a little right here yeah never mind let's uh that's up the Andy superb you've been haunting this metaphysical astrop plane for over 600 years you ever allowed yourself to you know contemplate the infinite nature of time nope how the ribs this is eily reminiscent of a guy I ate in Seattle you sure you're okay yep cuz wow I got a question for you who the hell are you I think was like I'm Batman yeah yeah yeah ex that would have been the prime I'm Batman the thing that's so wait have you seen it seen it the thing that's so dope about it that I like the most is they kept that analog feel like it's not all visual effects they built the things they built the sets they used the cool lighting the cool makeup they they most of it's handmade yeah don't see any I hate when movies go crazy because they have all this new technology and try to overdo it because I love American Werewolf in London one of my favorite horror movies of all time then like maybe 25 years later they came out with American Werewolf in Paris yeah hot garbage yeah because they was trying to use all this CGI effects and it just didn't pop like the OG one did so what was your takeaways from Beetlejuice man I they still got it like like Michael Keaton still got it Katherine O'Hara is so damn funny in the movie She's just so funny in that role uh wiona Ryder still got it they all they all got it it was a great movie Yo and U Monica beluchi as a bad guy she was great like I first got hip to her in the second Matrix yeah that's that was my intro and then I saw in some movie with one of those like little British dudes who got like one of them accents like he's either from Ireland or Australia can't remember which movie it was but she was the the protagonist girl in that and I've been a fan of her work ever since then I don't know if you've ever just like uh she's got this one movie I that I really like a lot it's called Google Images mon Monica Baluchi's great in that one I got you no four stars I'd see it again but Jenna orga does her thing and I think she's a perfect weird child successor to Winona Ryder's character even though she wasn't really on board with everything that Winona was talking about it all comes together so well comes together well do we have we only got three minutes what else are we gonna do okay so um you know we talked about movies let's talk about people's cousin right it's a favorite game Who cousin is it all right you want to run this one I've been running them for a minute all right well check this out man uh you never know what going to happen out there in these streets and uh there was a situation that popped off where a guy got punched in the face after complimenting a man's car now before I go into the rest of the story just listen very closely and forward your opinion if this is your first time watching us it's either gonna be my cousin Tanner's cousin or other other cousin that's someone who isn't black or white all right so this guy was driving around in a souped up Dodge Charger okay who drives those that's very b a little bit of everybody right you know you got people who wanted a uh what a God charges sometimes look like they look like uh they also look like uh those high-end cars but it's a Dodge Charger uh so a guy in another car waved and told them sweet ride so the person in question responded to the compliment by punching the guy in the face dang now it happened uh about halfway between Tampa and Orlando uh oh pulled in front of the guy stopped in the middle of the road walked up to the driver's side snuffed him and the guy's dash cam got the whole entire video on tape you could even hear the the uh the assaulter asking the dude yo you think you're tough and the guy responds by telling him yo I was just trying to say nice car but he was confused some people don't know how to say compliments yeah some people don't know how to compliment some people are always angry and look for things to be angry about I don't know HK I'm going to say this is my cousin I'm pretty confident about it Florida um muscle car uh and then getting punched while trying to instead of just receiving a compliment that feels very WT Florida okay as a lot of people feel like on the strength of the charger that it was my cousin oh okay um TSH says I guess it's my cousin too uh Nigel hot dog says this person's in the military yeah let me tell you that's the first thing you do when you get out of the military is buy Dodge Charger Kevin M says head crack cousin does not play about his car well ladies and gentlemen you said Kim we have video and a picture yeah oh oh yeah what you want to see first the video reveals the picture okay all right well uh move that van you're big tough gu I'm Telly to tell nice car bro I like your car you better a pay attention this what is going on oh no oh no why oh yeah chin diesel chin yeah God the Guy's real name is John sturgeon John sturon yo and the crazy thing is people found this guy and they went on his Facebook page and like all up and down his Facebook timeline they like nice car sweet carart bro yo they like killing him in the comments and you could tell he one of the Meathead muscle dudes cuz like in most of his profile pictures he all flexing in front just even that video you could tell when he was like I'm out you want to get over here brother like he's got no neck he can't move I open can I open cans with no can opener you know I get down bro you know man listen man like we have to understand and get to a point as a society to where we can accept compliments and not take everything as a Act of hostility man you can tell my man in the car I was really sorry yeah the other thing is like not everything is worth fighting or shooting about you know it's like a lot of times you'd be surprised if you if you're in the car and you're real upset you you'd be real surprised far you go and then 30 seconds later it's all over facts and you're just on your way home knife safe safe and sound because what if dude in the other car would have shot that guy what yeah what if he would what if he was going through some hard things at home what if he yeah was messed up because it's Florida yeah and but this definitely strikes me as the type of dude that if he does have a funeral he'll probably get buried like in in a car position remember we talking about like they be having funeral some sometimes driver seat yeah people doing their favorite thing I don't know he might get buried like this like like like he's buried with like a dumbbell you know dark thought right okay so I was at a funeral not too long ago was for a relative and I was thinking about like you know like tall people right yeah like when you a tall person because I've never seen like a tall person casket okay it's kind of like a one- siiz fits all kind of casket situation mostly so like if like you se you like you six foot s what do they what do they do with your legs that's do you think they like bend them in like a little J shape oh no no no I bet they don't do that get them in there or like they they fold them back what if what if you went to like an open casket funeral one time for like a basketball player and his knees were just up here on his chest they probably got another what also what if you saw a little mini casket at the bottom of the casket like the basement of the casket yeah or or like there's like a little like a little curtain that drapes down you pull little slide down the legs kind of hang out so they're not like you know all pressed up against the thing um these are legitimate questions that I have uh honey love says they break them what is that real I don't know we're not gonna end 48 Hour Friday it's 403 we're going after Jamal Jackson says they do Bend but they do have caskets that are long but I'm sure they charge you more for those longer caskets and sometimes I've be seeing gofund me people could barely pay pay for the funeral so let's just say you only had enough like the regular size human casket what are we doing oh man only the regular size that is that is I would have to GoFundMe on that we need a big and tall casket I mean I think you could bend the legs back like a little Transformer slide them in there well anyway thank y'all so much for partying with us on this 48 Hour Friday guys we hope you have a good weekend stay safe if you compliment someone's car and they don't take it just drive off don't get a fight over it yeah man cooler heads always Prevail and uh yeah man just listen man there's always a better way than the wrong way all right so we'll see y'all on uh Monday and don't forget to like share subscribe if you haven't already and don't forget to watch Dish Nation when we have every seat in this chair filled is Tamar coming today no no I don't think we have Tamar or Jessie today I think it's the core for because a lot of people want to talk to Tamar a lot of people want to talk to T yeah they do wonder why wonder why is something going on have you been following your Instagram I don't know oh my God I'll tell you after okay tell me all right anyway so yeah Nation y have a great afternoon we'll see you guys later bye for

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Dancing With the Stars 2024 Cast | Tori Spelling, Phaedra Parks, Bachelor Alums, More

Category: Entertainment

Everybody knows i'm sassy classy and some of my friends are wee bit trashy but if you come for this mirrorball it will get nasty a former traitor an ex-convict and two olympians strut onto a dance floor there's a joke in there somewhere but more importantly there's a mirrorball trophy on the line the... Read more

Alfonso Ribeiro on 'Dancing With the Stars' Season 33 Cast: "This is Going to be an Epic Season" thumbnail
Alfonso Ribeiro on 'Dancing With the Stars' Season 33 Cast: "This is Going to be an Epic Season"

Category: Entertainment

Back season 33 how does it feel to be back it feels great um it's exciting um i think this this year's cast is going to be fantastic they're they're just to totally into it and having a great time and um you know a little bit of nerves but but they're enjoying it i think i think this is going to be... Read more

Reginald VelJohnson & Emma Slater Gush Over Their 'Dancing With the Stars' Partnership thumbnail
Reginald VelJohnson & Emma Slater Gush Over Their 'Dancing With the Stars' Partnership

Category: Entertainment

How has it been so far how rehearsals been going how how are you feeling about this it's a first of all it's a blessing that i got her you know because i was wondering who's going to be my partner who's going to be my partner cuz i can't dance and she made me dance she told me i could do it and i did... Read more