Side Dish! RFK Jr's Whale Chop, Adam Sandler Style Icon & Lonely Dolphin PSA! Episode 017 - 08/27/24

e e e e I don't think you're ready for this b h and a raccoon got so high he went to the moon uh DMX would do anything for his dogs but when he bust his gun oo welcome to side dish hey the sky a limit what's up guys how we happy Tuesday h no doubt that song is getting catchy in my head like it's a song that comes on the radio yeah I like I just like the the sky it's me it's hitting me I'm really digging the vibe that it sets up for us at the top of the show hell yeah yo shout out to everybody already populating the chat we love to see it shout out to our soulmates shout out to our loyal Dish Nation fans and our new found side dishan you know what I mean they already in there what up Brandy what up Franklin what up Galah hin Justin Harris um man he had so many questions in the chat yesterday that I didn't see till I was watching the playback yesterday and unfortunately at this very moment in time I don't remember what his questions were so I can't answer them in real time but uh Justin just know that uh you are seen and you are heard yeah you were seen you're heard Franklin bickham Franklin's up in this chat all the time shout out Franklin Shout out the Bonnet blogger some of y'all we see on the regular and it makes me so happy to see you coming back yo Bonet blogger was going hokam Mania crazy in the chat yesterday she had like mad funny on liners we would like to meet you and take you for lunch yeah yeah come on down to Atlanta don't be a crazy person um which we're sure none of you are but also I mean do you sometimes like to keep a couple of crazies around you just to keep your life spicy see here's the thing we've talked about my dating life yeah what's one thing for the dating life to have crazy involved yeah y because I tell you man like uh crazy crazy girls have an extra layer yeah they defin they sure do and uh so sometimes you got to know not to like you know like you know not inhale of The Ether if you know because you'll get caught up in theu and next you know like that's your that's youro that's the frequency that you're ATT crazy people pull you into crazy world and crazy life like everyone's had a really everyone's met somebody whether it's like a good friend or someone you're in a relationship with and like At first they're a little different and you're like okay that's cool I love someone with different Vib it's like opening my ey my mind to things we're having different kinds of conversations and then it just slightly gets more and more crazy and then you're like downtown wandering around outside at 2:30 in the morning you're like what am I doing here yo one of my best friends he uh is with a crazy person and I'm like what is it that keeps you caught up in this brother and he for lack of a better term he said that there's a gravitational pull in there yeah yeah he's absolutely right 100% right people that are crazy and they know it yeah that's the other thing is if they just owned their crazy in the beginning it would be a lot easier like don't make me Sherlock Holmes to find out that the Call's coming from inside the house you know what I'm saying like the crazy here just tell me yeah just so you know you know what to uh what you're signing up for yeah okay tell sign excellent segue what you're signing up for okay I don't think you've seen this video this one you know I love raccoon content yo Tana has cornered the market on raccoon content I I don't know what the bable value is but ever since he mentioned it one time close to my phone I too started seeing racon content come up and I was like you know what I get it they're they're adorable they're little Woodland creatures like I don't guess you can fully domesticate them but I sure want to try anyhow so this raccoon HK this raccoon got a hold of somebody's uh uh infused chocolates oh and ate the whole bag oh let's get it all right check it out raccoony old weed CH what oh please tell me that the r would eventually gets up we cut it short yeah the the raccoon definitely gets up can we pull the video back up or do we or we got a little okay here we go so it's in the middle of the day which is already already strange to see a raccoon taking a nap you know had I never seen a raccoon in that position oh yeah you'll make it they said we think you'll make it then they come back to him here in a minute oh we might be having troubles with the video uh we come back to him in a minute and he's like laying down on his chest and they're like still talking to him and they figure he's going to be all right and then you see him like get up to walk and he's like wobbly as he's like struggling to climb up the tree and get out of there oh man man and that's probably the only safest way to be that close to a raccoon because people been like growing up all their life watching shirt tails and they think it's a game out here yo man them little claws them little rabbit claws man they'll just tear little marks all through your body and skin Oh Oh They'll mess you up but they'll also like they're also just so adorable looking and they'll eat your cat food and your dog food you don't look out they might eat your cat like what well not I mean they will kill chickens evidently okay so they so they got a like a animal bias towards kitten uh chickens but they'll they they'll let the cats and dogs make it yeah yeah I've never seen a video of like a raccoon fighting a cat or a dog and I've only heard that they will be aggressive with chickens which is very strange but but I think that's the that's how it goes in the wilderness yo shout out to anybody in the chat who maybe has owned a raccoon at some point or or like had one that they you know that visited their crib enough to where you felt like oh I'm going to name that one like like if you had a raccoon what would you call it oh man I don't even know like like uh what was U little Bandit is always like a great because they've got the little mask you know the robbers of the animal community right yo uh shout out to superoman Misty who said raccoons are nocturnal if you see them in the daytime it's because they're sick a lot of people say that that one that that raccoon though that raccoon was sick was a slightly different scenario for that guy hell yeah well uh you know not quite in the animal kingdom but you know uh sometimes people behave like animals and then you get civilized across the whole world Bay have been a thing for years America is just now kind of catching up I remember my dad when I was little he used to work for this clothing designer Nam Alexander Julianne and uh it was the nicest house I've ever been to in my life up to that point and it was like a crib in Connecticut and when I went to that bathroom I'm like yo dad this guy has a water fountain in his bathroom I didn't use it okay good but come to find out it was not a water fountain it was a bedet many years went by before I would see a bedet again and then maybe like six years ago I finally bought one for the crib okay Game Changer and at first I was not pro Bay uh because I just felt it was weird like I'm a man's man normal I get it um here is a montage of people trying a bedet for the first time and if I didn't explain what was going on in this video you would think something else was happening roll that beautiful Beday beam footage what no why is it in slow motion oh my gosh what she saw God for a second what no she's trying to figure out like what why she's in love now wow so how long are you supposed to do it for Wow and what is what corner of the internet did this come from uh YouTube I don't even know how I got there my algorithm is wild uh because between the stuff that I be looking at I be looking at like you know like meditation how to make things with and then like then my kids will mess with something then now I'm seeing blue in Ryan's world and then weird but day content wow I can't say that I've ever dipped my toes or anything else into the bday content I'm glad it's finally making a splash um I've never I've still never used a bedet I'm not anti- bedet I just want to be clear about that I'm not I'm Pro I'm Pro bedet it just hasn't entered my world yet so to speak let me tell you something Tana I was just like you yeah I was just like you you know like doing it like they was doing it in the 1800s I know I know you know what I mean yeah like listen Paris already been ahead Japan gets it right man everywhere I went even the 7-Elevens in Japan have bed really yes and the crazy thing right because not all bed are created equal right so there was one bedet I was sitting on at the sushi restaurant and I didn't know you supposed to hit stop so like like so I you know I hit the on button and I'm just like there that all of a sudden you know that think at the carnival where you got shoot the water in the Clown's mouth yeah I felt like my balloon was full you know what I mean like like like when does it stop like I felt like show you in the video and do stop but it get it gets you together wow okay so now now that we're there now that we're like now that we're there on on this episode of side dish I am a fan of like have you heard of man wipes yeah yeah yeah okay so I am Pro man wife once those entered my world I was like oh well this is clearly a significant step in the Direction abut so I feel like bed's around the corner but it's just like how do you go try a bedet out like where do you go and also are all of the seeds heated because my ex had a b day and her seat was heated and like when you just raised the regular like the the cover and then by the time you got to to hear it was warm and I was like whoa yeah like you have to spend the extra dollars to get the heated seats because not all of them come with the heated seats some just come with the nozzle action and uh and then like a lever that you could press to where like it makes it go you know because guys need different attention than women do women need a little more attention uh you know there so that they have like little adjusting things that you could do if you want to try you can use the one at my house oh oh I have one on the main floor now wow that's can you guys just imagine if I came back next week and I was like side dish B Bros like yo your eyes are so much clearer now like I'm just having this is the best day ever what they say y cottel flush flushable wipes yeah that's a thing too and I remember for the longest time people used to get on um Terence ho man because he was one of the first ones who like was talking about wipes yeah in that way and the example that he gave is like yo if I poured some pudding on the floor and like wiped it up with tissue there still gonna be tissue let me try to do like if I pour some some pudding on the floor man there still going to be some some some streaks there if I use the baby wies man it's going to come right out man yeah baby you can't deny that you you can't deny that logic you can't not at this point like come to find out that guy was a lowy genius yeah moving on you nasty people let's keep it animal content shall we um people love cats I like cats I'm just allergic to them so I can't be around them for too long yeah I like a cat video yeah so this guy Ryan shamalan posted a video of him teaching his cat how to drive kind of like Tes the driving cat really you got clutch you got your brake you got your throttle you got your gear lever AFR gauge fan switch steering wheel you got all that what what is that cat doing yo that cat's mind was blown that cat looks like it had one of the raccoon chocolate it's just like I need that cat's face on a shirt that's pretty good but if there was any animal in the animal kingdom that you could trust to understand the concept of driving which animal you think would get it that's really interesting I mean I have seen that video of like the orangutang or something like that in a golf cart just taking his sweet time I have seen that he's like up like this like waving at people and everything have you seen that I have seen that one because I because somebody made a meme out of it like this this is me like working hard or something like that on my way home from work or what reg was chilling they I feel like I did see a video where they did teach dogs to drive really yeah that's a thing that came it happened in like the early 2000s or late 90s y'all can Google it up maybe we'll I'll pull it up for like next week or whatever but they taught they literally taught Dogs how to like put their paws on the steering wheel and push this for gas and like put it in the gear and everything and here's the thing it's like I feel like a dog would be a safe driver but I feel like if you needed to get a getaway driver you might need a cat why is it a cat I don't know just because I think they're like faster and crazier well they they part things better than dogs do and the crazy thing too about dogs I mean they're smart right however very easily distracted that's true so let's just say if a dog is driving a car and it happens to see another dog driving outside of like or even a dog in the car man dog might try to show off and stunt for the other dog next thing you know you no longer have a driver and you hit somebody or or multiple folks oh wait if so if you could have one animal drive you around what would it be I'm gonna go with the chimp the chimp okay I mean Planet of the Apes has taught us a lot hasn't it let's go yeah um you know they go wear sweaters yeah they have opposable thumbs that's true they're the closest thing to us they are the closest thing to us man like a chimp with like a cool pair of sunglasses and a dope sweater just driving you around be one rolled up joints I mean because let's just say right if if the human race got tagged out and you had to look at everything in the animal kingdom to run the joint yeah for the next 100 to 300,000 years sure who who you trusting oh it's chimps dude yeah well chimps gorillas or Apes which ones cuz they levels level Apes okay hold on a second okay I'm trying to remember my differences between the two of them I mean they all got opposable thumbs uh bubbles was a chimp the little guys are chimps um harambe was a gorilla harambe's a gorilla so they got anger issues so we've established this be out for harambe but he didn't know yeah he was just doing Monkey stuff he was just being a big eight yeah yeah so I'm gonna go with the chimp yeah giving it to Champ yeah and they CH like you know Wonder Maybe in the middle maybe the gorillas is where it's at yo Jamal said this sounds like y'all ate the Edibles uh maybe we did Superwoman Misty says the chimp will definitely be my Chau for uh Zia C said if the dog sees the squirrel while he's driving he's gonna jump out and Chase the squirrel exactly that's true you can't trust a dog in traffic Justin has say the Black Panther like or just a regular black panther I have so many questions yeah that that's a scary driver yeah uh bubbles probably 75 years old at the retirement chimp home I think bubbles is dead bubbles probably gone do you remember that movie there was this random movie in the 80s where they like taught some chimps to fly a plane um I feel like Clint Eastwood was in that movie and I think it was called Any Which Way but Loose is that the one wait no he is in a movie with a chimp you're absolutely right this is a movie I think it's called is it War Games somebody might be able to check me on this oh uh Matthew bradick I think way back in the day and uh Harvey Corman maybe Roger Corvette Roger Corman man with a mustache maybe I don't remember but they wind up teaching some the whole thing is like they I don't remember what they were doing but they like taught some chimps to fly a plane and and they looked like they knew what they were doing I feel like we might be merging two movies maybe we are because I remember war games because dude was playing a game in his house and he accidentally started a nuclear war so they thought I don't remember the monkey aspect of the of the movie the plane yeah yeah yeah I don't even know how we would have got there yeah that's that is see a movie though that is quite somebody somebody cuz we don't have time we're hosting a show somebody looked up look up the movie from the 80s where they taught The Chimps to fly a plane and put it in the comments it was like dark film because they were like getting exposed to like radiation or something the right stuff no that's where they learned that's where we send astronauts to space right Project X Shock the Monkey was the song from The Sound Shock the Monkey was in the soundtrack yeah I don't know if they made it for that movie but I remember Shock the Monkey being played in Project X thank you for bringing that back the 80s was the best 80s was wild dude 80s was so wild okay and yep and y'all came through in the chat shout out to Ken Turner who might be the same Ken Turner sings he's really talented if that's the same person he's dope uh everybody's with the monkeys go Caesar all right yeah go Caesar um all right well let dive deep shall we yeah we gotta dive deep some really really God I mean just honestly heart just terrible news absolutely terrible news um you guys probably saw it if you've been on the internet at all today Mariah Carey over the weekend lost her mother and her sister on the exact same day we don't have all of the details um uh she you know her and her mother had a strained relationship um I think her and her sister Allison had an even more strained relationship unfortunately um but that being said to lose two close members of your family like that on the same day is horrifying and so yeah I think the only thing I could think of that happened in a similar space I think when uh Carrie fiser passed away yeah her mother also passed away the same day oh interesting just like that whole broken heart thing you know what I mean and it's just like yo man like time is so short when you think about it in the long scope of things and you know and I hate when people pass away without being able to bury their you know their grievances or whatever the issues were because like you know her issues with her sister have been long you know documented I didn't know she had that much you know tension with her mom's but it just sucks that you can't close that chapter yeah and somebody died and you mad at them you know I mean or they mad at you or things were left unsa at the very least yeah yeah and no I'm not I I don't know that she had a necessarily a bad relationship with her mom but just as I was looking over things it talked about it being strained at times like listen I'm not trying to be the expert on her relationship with her with her mom and sister but anyhow heart you know sending all our love to them and their family that's for sure indeed man in a slightly upbeat note depending uh if you like animals or not this is very man this this episode is gonna be sponsored by Animal Planet while time we done so all right Robert F Kennedy Jr y know who he is right he's got the voice he totally should do cartoon voice he does um he's been in the news a lot lately you know he just recently dropped out of the presidential race he was running as an independent he's married to Cheryl Hines from Kirby enthusiasm really yeah but maybe not for long because they keep saying that his political views and the people he chooses to align himself with creates a lot of tension between them and the house because she has a different philosophy and everything that he does and it just makes it tough because every time he do something they come at her you know so anyway uh we did that story a couple weeks ago about how like he hit a bear in a park and that's right they supposedly he picked up the Dead bear he was going to skin it to eat it or something and then dropped it off in Central Park and it was a whole thing which is an insane story well this story is even more insane so his daughter kick Kennedy who was allegedly like hanging out with a Ben afflick they said they're not dating or whatever um he told the story about she told the story about once Robert F Kennedy Jr cut the head off of a dead whel that had washed up on shore and he strapped it on top of his car and took it home we have a video this is live video yeah he puts he puts a suit on to do these things oh no not the Vincent Price oh my go yeah evidently this is this interview came out like how like over a decade ago she like said this in 2012 it's just now spinning the block and it's just coming all the way back around dude my mind went to like first off if you're a kid she she was younger then or whatever it's like you don't know anything your parents do you feel like is normal but then then there's the idea of like strapping it to the roof of your car yeah how big what like the size of this pillow what are we talking how big cuz whales vary in sizes yeah and have you ever seen videos online of like what happens when like a sperm whale like does its thing oh yeah oh man you never want to swim with your mouth open that's how mer people are invented I heard did you say mer people yeah cuz you don't want to just stop from the sperm whale possibly it's just so much it's just so much in the water yo so I want that this is this is a whole other side thing there's fish in the ocean does that just mean the ocean is soup is the ocean soup yo is it all soup because it's full of things that you would is it just soup salty soup technically what not you know what with the right Bowl yeah you know it you take a little spoon you get yourself a little up there that's soup I don't know what know what let's pass it the ocean is soup the ocean is soup now we've stamped it Ki was talking about how like after like you know they he got the whale it was on top of the car and then like the whale goo was like spilling on the windshield man she's gonna need therapy if she's not already in it yeah I bet she's already something tells me she's already in it if she's a Kennedy just like you can't have that kind of like a political Dynasty and everything just be cool and I would be scared to go anywhere yeah because you know Kennedy's have the the tendency to get shot a lot there's that thing have you ever seen the video I think I think it's from the mid 80s it could even be from the early 80s and I feel like it's up near Seattle or or even Portland and it's where a large whale uh like dies and essentially beastes itself and they can't get it off the beach and so they blow it up with dynamite this is a true story and like there's video of this if you guys haven't seen it we'll bring it back around but there's video and it's of a wide angle shot of the giant dead whale on the beach and they blow it up with dynamite and then it's like boom and it's gone and you see it and it's and then all a sudden you start hearing pieces of the whale start raining down because it's just blasted it into the air the version of the story I got it wasn't Dynamite I thought like the gas well that happens too that might be a different way okay so I might have seen a different video but similar results though it exploded in a way that no one was expecting the on where they just like sit there and they like rot and then they like swell up and they get real puffy and then explode that's disgusting yeah this one they literally thought that they were going to like put some dynamite in it and blow it back into the ocean and they just blew it into the pieces and it coated everything who cousin did this oh all my cousins you know dang well that was my cousins well you know what let's keep it aquatic for a second okay all right all right so there's a lonely and sexually frustrated dolphin oh that has been blamed for at least 18 attacks on swimmers in Japan one person ended up with broken ribs oo now what do you know about dolphins listen Okay I want you to know that when we were tossing this story around this morning I I have heard this about dolphins before okay that a dolphin um that Dolph there's so there's no easy way to say this but like dolphins understand that number one they kind of like people and when you get in the water I think they know who's who and what's what definitely and a dolphin might be a little more freaky decky than we like to realize and they might try to hunch on you I call them the Weinstein of the sea oh yeah like I mean they really out there getting to it and you know like they always have this friendly I think flipper flipper helped make people think that oh dolphins are cool look at the Dolphin it's smiling with his little like sharp dolphin teeth nah especially those those bottle-nosed Dolphins they really like you know be getting real intrusive and invasive and uh you know in 94 dolphin and Brazil nickname ta attacked two male swimmers and tried to who tried to ride it and the problem was the two male swimmers was trying to get freaky with the dolphin because the dolphin you know they be having them blow holes oh no and and sometimes people we as people just like oh yeah don't you ever put your fingers in my blow hole oh I'mma Chomp youa that dolphin killed one of those people yes you put your dirty human you put your dirty land loving hand into my blow ho and you're in the water no dude I'm taking your legs yo tell me you've seen the documentary about the guy who had a like was in a romantic relationship with a dolphin no no if the the trailer on YouTube really he was like in a seven-year relationship with the Dolph they had to move the dolphin oh cuz he worked there at the place oh wait what at like a SeaWorld he worked like at an aquarium I don't know if it was a SE like hooking up with the mates technically yeah it's like a conjugal fish visit um yeah terrible terrible stuff wow but um just be careful out there when you're out there swimming and then you see a dolphin just don't think it's all fun in games because uh unfortunately dolphins are about that action the other th the other thing that I've seen is where like a dolphin will I've seen a video where like there's like some fish that like when you like agitate them or whatever they'll like release like toxins cuz they're trying not to like get eaten or whatever because it's the ocean and it's dangerous soup and so like the dolphin will like go up there and like nose up on this thing and then it like swells up and it's like toxins come out and then the dolphin like chews on it or something what to get high I'm telling you we think that we run things being like the land Walkers that we are with our WiFi and highspeed internet and Amazon but it's the ocean creatures that are really doing the most man this thing's go like the the Earth is three4 water it's mostly water yeah so like we don't even have a full understanding of everything that's going on down there what some of these things could do yeah yeah now dolphins are like well aware of us they know we got boats they come up they check us out and like they'll swim with us we'll toss some fish they're like cool with that relationship but the minute you try to put your dirty human finger inside of a dolphin blo hole it's it turns into JLo in enough I just like I just like it's just the idea of a dolphin losing its mind just adopt like everything's cool everything and he's like now he's got to come for you you know because that's where it breathes from it breathes from a blo hole you get a blow hole Yeah man let's switch gear cuz we got into a really Subterranean place you know what day it is right it's Tob Tuesday all So based off the stuff we did last week we got really excited as we started going down the uh the pipeline of all the amazing things that was on to and we talked about a movie yesterday yeah that's right party monster party monster oh my gosh and some of y'all have seen it some of y'all have not it it was starring moli Corin in one of his darkest roles ever it is based on a true story about the New York club scene in the 80s and 90s and it Chronicles the rise and fall of a club kid promoter by the name of Michael Alec he's a party organizer his life was crazy and he did some terrible things that got him locked up roll that beautiful Bean footage 2B Tuesday to be Tuesday I think it's so important to begin with a bag don't you like this feels like the first movie ever made in and waited for to come around King of the I want you to teach me how to be fabulous don't dream it no surpr that I ended up in New York City New York City I wanted to create my own world big part you need me to promote this place oh wait yes MC with an IP what's he thinking what was he thinking around justo Michael Where's My Money anything or anyone missing angel you should just turn yourself in I'm getting away with murder you're just wow so wait okay hold on have you You' seen the whole thing I've seen the whole movie and then I watched the documentary about the club kids oh okay I even went on a deep dive again today just to find out where everybody is now and I don't want to ruin it for you are they are they alive or are they all in prison well are they one of them's Dead one of them clearly is dead I mean I don't want to spoil it okay you know I mean they don't tell you everything in the movie uhuh but I don't want to maybe we can have this convers L next do one dude does the one dude really have an eye patch I don't know uh I don't know who he was supposed to be in the SK just trying to take everything seriously here yo in my head I was trying to act like that was Home Alone three oh like like it's Cannon oh that's you know that's a very interesting way to watch that film yeah because he never left New York cuz uh his parents forgot him at the airport when they went to go back so he just stayed there became a club kid and then eventually murdered someone oh that's interesting would you watchie yeah I definitely watch it home alone too lost in New York is probably I mean Home Alone one's great but Home Alone 2 honestly might be better than Home Alone one I just had as a as a latch key child I just never understood the the horror you know what I mean like as a I was a kid who's left at home a lot oh being lost in New York yeah it was like oh sure all right so yeah is there food yeah yeah I'll be okay yeah and um truth be told defax would have came and got Kevin defax yeah uh the department of families and children okay uh they definitely would have came and got Kevin got it because you can't just Beav in your kid sure on multiple times like he could have been murdered by those two people that was trying to break into his house oh for sure both times yeah and then you leave your kid in New York I think I think it's also I think it could be scary like no matter where the kid is left like if a city kid somehow winds up in a in like a country town and is somehow like locked outside of a place and then like suddenly sneaks into a farm and sets up shop like that could be that could be it also an interesting movie it could go wild anyway uh let's see they said you sound just like the dolphin Tanner I don't know what that means uh from Margaret fcks all right um Miss naughty 893 said hard pass on Party Monster yeah it's one of those movies where it's either for you or not for you you know what I mean it was just wild for me I I watch things for the art of it because you you know mcau cin from the things we know him from so to see him take that leap artistically and creatively and be a completely different person I didn't think he had it in him and he did yeah you know what I'm saying and then he also ended up getting with u with uh milakunis oh that's right yeah that almost impresses me more than any of his accolades that he has in doing great he's killing it also give us another Home Alone give us one more Katherine orara is still around one more oh yeah yeah one more but who's getting left oh that's interesting yeah yeah it's not as fun now if he maybe he's on house arrest okay because they realize like yo what you did to those guys man that was a little exive Harry and ma yeah they're out now the wet Bandits are set for parole that's what they were called the wet Bandits the wet Bandits yo man I gotta watch the movie again you know why they call them the wet Bandits right I don't know Marv Marv would like stuff tissue papers and different stuff down in the sink so tows down in the sink and then hit the faucets on so the houses would flood while people were gone oh that was their name the wet Bandits okay cool that could have went a different way um also you know for people who want to watch things today uh let's talk about Entertainment Tonight shall we not the show but you know things you watch only murders in the building you watch that show dude I've heard great things I do not watch it season four has dropped today uh I stole out in the middle of season three I do still like that show shout out to Steve Martin and uh Martin Short Martin Short yeah and uh SZ is the show about murderers living in the building somehow always yes oh okay yeah there's always a murder it's all centered around this building and just when you think you know who did it every time you don't same building every time same building every time why are all those murderers in that building I'd move yeah I'd definitely move and I can understand like how like you know maybe I think they're rent controlled it sounds like they should call it only victims in the building that's a spin-off and it's all the perspective of the ghosts that were murdered in seasons one through four I would totally watch that movie I really like that show I watch I would watch it Adam Sandler's got a new standup special coming out called love you I saw the trailer for it looked really interesting when is the last time he's done like a whole joint it's been years he did one several years ago where he was like playing music on stage he had an Ode to Chris Farley in it this might have been five years ago okay I also think it was a Netflix special thing it wasn't something that he like toured a whole lot I know that he did some live shows and then and then did this Netflix special so it seems like this might be kind of similar to that but just updated yeah if you haven't seen uncut gems with Adam Sandler in it that's another time time where actor really jumped out there and did something that you didn't even know was in his wheelhouse but more so than anything you I see Adam Sandler in New York playing basketball more than I see him do and he nice yeah Sandler's notor he loves basketball he brings a hoop to all of his film sets like and I love the way that like money and fame hasn't changed the way that man is ever dressed he just wears like whatever basketball shorts and t-shirts comfortable and that's how he rolls yo one guy caught him on the street and asked him about his drip and consist in that and here's what he had to say who I'm here with and where you from my name is Adam Brooklyn Adam always got that drip happens I didn't really think it through there's uh snakers there's some goofy shorts okay there's uh I wear this to cover this and then I got this to cover more how do you do this how do you like do you have a specific style because you always like wearing whatever you want to wear you never go based on the rules whatever is in the closet I grab it think I got a bunch of the same socks underwear is kind of similar too I grab it I don't think about it much most people make fun of me in my family but I I keep moving what's five fashion pieces you cannot live without sometimes my wife gets me nice socks that I throw on you know got my kids on them and stuff sneakers that fit yeah it don't matter if they're dirty or not as long as they're fitting and not hurting these shorts are a little shorter than usual you like the Hoochie daddy shorts I don't know what the hell they are goofy shirts threw this on because I think I got this like five years ago and I was like oh yeah I forgot about that thing now what's a common misconception about you people don't realize I'm [Music] [Laughter] 6'5 you like that's the thing it's like when everything is set for you you can just literally get away with wearing anything whenever you want yeah whatever you want he dresses like my Filipino friend yeah who could get away with wearing everything yeah like yo like I could put the same color combo on trash B Momi Momi Joseph could put on colors that don't even deserve to be mentioned like yo I'm I'mma do the silver and purple Ensemble and it's gonna pop that yellow like that yellow Polo with like the Red Bulls shorts it's like the ketchup and mustard of it all oh man solid yo would you like a surprise movie yes so there's a new sci-fi movie that premieres today on Paramount plus shout out to all seven of you who have it Jennifer Hudson is in it and her character lives in an underground bunker with a husband played by common I don't know if this is like foreshadowing or just a coincidence wait cuz they're still right they're still together we'll see how this movie does uh had is played by vajan walls that's a final round spelling be uh word look up how she spells her name but after he goes missing on a trip to the surface the bunker attacked by a group led by Mila Jovovich no check this [Music] out I'll be back as soon as I can trying to have to kill each other while G I say that every time I leave yep oh dang uninhabitable Dad Dad hello that looks like New York yeah yeah Mom we haven't seen a living thing in 3 years the world can heal if we give it time we just got to keep edting come on hello oxygen supply at 50% who the hell are you I know your husband was working on the O2 generator I need to replicate it if she could replicate dad's invention we could be on to something big ma our air filtration system is failing we don't get back 25 people will die but I need to see that machine and I will see it one way or the other oh we got to stop [Music] her making a mistake they not your enemy if I cut off their air they're going to die in [Applause] there think about your daughter and do the right thing TW give me here we're in this together right we're in this together oh wow what we doing folks yikes tick it skip it what we doing I might have I might have to let the reviews come in I might have to let the reviews come in on this like it's it's pretty scary but I feel like I've seen this kind of premise before okay you know like like the post-apocalyptic thing that's like that's mil jov's bread butter yo mil Jovovich has never been in a movie where anything nice was happening no she's always killing everyone you know there's always like no sun you can't go do regular stuff out there the Umbrella Corporation or whoever's stepping them up it'd be cool if that was like somehow tied in right they sort of like mixed that in Common's gotta come back he's got to come back at the end and save them you know Common being stuff but he also be a lot of stuff he dying really but I would like to think he comes back at some point you know what I mean tells you about the power of the Dell computer oh no was that the commercial he was doing was he in the Dell commercial yo so there was there was a period of time when com was doing these commercials it was either for Dell or like some sort of computer company Kim can you back me up on this um yeah like and then the crazy thing there was a teacher who got fired because he dressed up like Comet for for for Halloween but he did in blackface he he did the common commercial verbatim oh man it was spot on though what he did but yeah like yeah that's messed up I get I don't remember that oh man hey well I'll find it in s it to you but that's pretty yeah I'm kind of here for it a lot of people said uh that they're definitely down to watch it uh Irene lancor said dumbs down dumbs down thumbs down oh thumbs down um tear drop says common plays a good villain I do like when comm's a bad guy you seen Smoking Aces yes Microsoft I have seen smoke thank you Kim yeah com was in a Microsoft commercial Now look for the teacher who got fired for impersonating comment in a Microsoft commercial if you want a good laugh would get just a little bit mad uh and then someone also said that you get Paramount Plus for free with a Walmart membership do you is that a fact that actually makes also I didn't know Walmart was selling memberships neither did I like Sam's Club or just like like a like a country club you just GNA hang out in the Walmart you know like sometimes they food court be cool like Walmart food courts be having stuff you don't see no more like I think the last time I ate Blimpy was at a Walmart Blimpy you never had Blimpy I don't know what Blimpy is yo so I think it's more of East coting but they had him in the South too because I had Blimpy it was at a Blimpy in Texas is this a burger no it's a sandwich it's a sandwich okay all right all right they just didn't win a sandwich one one Subway got Jared Blimpy had no no marketing skin in the game you know what I mean they didn't have a success story like yo I lived off of Blimpies because you couldn't find them see we didn't have like I was on the west coast for so long we didn't have like we had granted there's like your low tier like your Subway chains and like your papa like your Papa John's and like different stuff like that or not Papa John's but uh what was it Pap Papa style Pap Papa do Papa do or something something John anyhow Jimmy John's Jimmy John's have a John style Jimmy John style like those are good places but like Los Angeles also celebrated like a good like sub s place so I tried to like frequent the mom and pops and the crazy thing it's hard for those sandwich places to thrive in New York CU most people get their sandwiches from the bodega yeah because their their bread is different sure it's something about like the air hitting it yeah and and incense smoke oh getting wrapped getting wrapped into your bread it just makees the bread taste better I can't explain just confuses the bread yeah uh you want to do some birthdays if not why not if not why not all right rod wave is 25 he's a rapper and songwriter he'd be literally stages down yeah Aaron Paul is 45 oh man I gotta see him in more stuff you know what he's been really he's been he stays pretty busy really because the last thing I notably remember him being in was that uh breaking badge spin off El Camino which for some reason I didn't watch it yet right yeah because you ever be in a space where sometimes you don't want to watch something because once you watch the last thing that's connected to something it's truly over if it if it's really good then you don't like it depends like me in my ear it's not good yeah yeah it it picks up the story it's like if you're a DI hard breaking band fan yeah sure but but like like Kim mentioned it's not it's not as good like an hourong post credit scene kind of yeah damn but then he was in Westworld and I enjoyed I enjoyed him that um I didn't watch wesw I gotta get to it Paul rubben rip happy birthday PeeWee Herman Heavenly birthday and the great khil uh he's 52 years old today man big shout out to him uh then Mario he's 38 yo mace is 49 today living his best life yeah oh my mace is 49 that makes me feel old and the Colt Ford is 53 I don't even know who Colt Ford is neither do I he's a country singer that would explain why you guys know who CT Ford is no we PR man listen we're International with this thing and we recognize all musical genres thank youim this just in we threw someone country in hoping Tanner would know them I don't know everybody who the but also for our fam in the chat we got to send a major shout out to all it went by so fast somebody's aunt's birthday is today dad G it it went by oh uh Brandy's Aunt Raven's birthday is today Aunt Raven if you happen to hear us or see this happy birthday happy birthday Raven That's love right there happy birthday to you a man um so who you GNA get the cake to okay let's see let's see man um um you know what I would probably give it to Paul Rubin just because I love those PeeWee Herman movies I thought he was funny I thought he got done really wrong for the thing that he got unfortunately that other kind of famous for and so yeah I'd probably give it up to Paul ruin you know I'm G have to double down on that because like yo if Paul Rubin would have got in trouble for what he got in trouble for back in ' 89 1990 now got that now he would have been bigger yeah it's crazy how times change and the things that would have got you canceled back then won't get you canceled now and also some things are in Reverse some things you could have totally did back then and now you do it now it's like yo you out of here be but uh he definitely paved the way and when you I watched a few documentaries about how he even came up with that character because it's always been well well-renowned as a a children's show but it started as an adult show very much an adult show at the Groundlings I think is where it started like he was a member of the Groundlings which like if you know uh you probably know but if you don't know the Groundlings is like a comedy troop it's on based on the west coast and that's where like will frell and some of these other people like they trained at the ground Lings in improv comedy and then went on to be on Saturday Night Live Well Paul Rubin had the pee Herman show and it was like an adult kids show and then when they decided to bring it to TV like HK was saying they they brought it back down for kids and they like popped off some careers too like Lawrence fish fish Cowboy Curtis yeah and who was the guy meaha me who was the genie remember who the genie was oh man but that song Yes playing house that was a fun song uh Kevin Mary said Peewee can share his cake with large Marge oh tell him Large Marge sent you man there's so many dope callbacks in that movie such a great especially when he went to Texas he's like no I'm in Texas really the stars at night a big and Bri deep in the heart of Tex I'm at the Alamo there's no basement in the Alamo yeah who wrote that man insane insane um you know the best way to not have a birthday oh are we going to do this story finally let's do take here we go guys I want you to okay set that mood we're about to have an adult conversation just just the three of us brown chicken brown cow um evidently there's a study out there's some science behind this that if you are having and put on our adult hats uh if you're having safe sex um that you should remove the condom and put on a new one if this sex lasts over 30 minutes evidently if you're having sex in the same condom for over 30 minutes it increases the likelihood of that condom breaking and we don't want that um so uh think of it like a like a tire change every half hour right um so because it's rubbers let's just say you know because some people operate in a space of momentum right a what momentum sometimes to stop for a pit stop you know what I mean like when the 30 minute timer goes off you know like it's almost like starting from zero you know what I mean oh yeah imagine like if you was blowing up a balloon and then you stopped blowing up said balloon uh you G have to start blowing a balloon up again that's a metaphor for everything you want it to be yeah yeah yeah sometimes sometimes the person watching you blow up that balloon sometimes and here's the thing is you need to check in with that person because maybe maybe they could take a little short break from watching that balloon get blown up and like maybe you go get like some nice cold water from the fridge and uh then you get a new balloon and start to blow that balloon back up so maybe instead of one 30 minute chunk you break it down into like I don't know two 12 three TW depending on how you're feeling be back in two and two yeah yeah be back in a minute Bonnet blogger said 30 minutes that's a full episode of Living Single exactly uh super womanly Wonder Woman said but who's going to stop uh yeah yeah that's that's just wild uh Stephen cantes says my balloon blowing skills look professional yes I have children that that's there it is yo I felt so accomplished today I was able to blow up a balloon and tie it and tie it off yeah yo cuz like I used to like blow up a balloon and then like tie it with strength because I didn't know how to like get the little knot going but once I figured that out I felt like I you know I leveled up a little bit I remember my dad one time like got a a book for like a kids parties and like learned it was like I don't know my youngest sister was like turning 10 or something like that and so he made like balloon animals and whatnot and it was like a classic like birthday thing that all the all her friends still remember the it's a trick that will impress people for many years to come but to everybody in the chat let's just say if if someone stopped like hey man I gotta go change this hold up hold up hold up did you hear that alarm it's been 30 minutes give me just a minute don't move don't move hey Alexa set a 30 minute timer oh my God you start to get to it and Alexa begin the countdown right and then like The Final Countdown plays after and you're like ah oh go hold on give me a second where's my yeah yeah that's that drawer y'all know that drawer they y'all know that drawer it's right over here sometimes it's under a mattress um you know everybody has their stash Bo every Everybody Knows about that yeah I don't know man I don't know man I'm so happy there's times where I wish I was all the way outside yeah and there's sometimes where I'm happy that I can go in like your s Sam and just tear the club up right right right right yeah it's so wow this is such a you know um okay hold on I'm supposed to read this the important thing is just to practice safe sex in general but if you're someone who's routinely lasting 30 minutes to an hour uh it might be good advice to swap these out so there we go we yeah crust that boundary that's our PSA for today yeah you know uh yeah be safe be safe all right now here's something to make you guys feel good oh is it unsafe I'm sorry well depending on how what you consider a fun time right so there's a lady by the name of manette belittle she's 102 years old wow and guess what she just did what she just became the Britain's oldest skydiver oh and she raised $133,000 for charity in the process all right um and two years ago she marked her 100th birthday by racing a Ferrari on an official Grand Pre track and her advice to people's always look for something new and don't forget to party this sounds like somebody who's trying to make sure her kids can cash in on an insurance policy yeah this lady's trying to take herself out don't forget to party she was racing her Ferrari and she just jumped out of an airplane yo I would not want to be the tandem flyer that goes with that person because that's a lot of responsibility because you know you coming down at that high speed and velocity and yo she was alive when we jumped out the plane yeah her bones are brittle like those like that that that that snack bar that just like crumbles up kit kat no not Kit Kat you know the one that's all flaky it's like hard and crunchy Nature's Best Valley up like Nature's Valley yeah like you think all that speed and force would just tear them little brittle bones up also just I'm sorry sorry also just like 102 year old lady jumping out of a plane like do you think it's ever happened in the history of the world that like somebody's tandem like that and like you're like are you ready to go and they're like yeah you already know you already know you already know and they're like yeah I'm ready to go and then you jump out and then Z person die and then you're strapped to a dead body but you got to fly him down all safe and everything and act like everything's okay and act like everything's cool tan like remember I think we had a similar conversation not too long ago and these are the reasons why I'm afraid of skydiving I want to do it because well you're afraid because you're afraid of the person on your back dying yeah I'm also afraid I'm afraid of the person on my back dying and I'm afraid of me pulling the cord and somehow I'm just going to get tangled yeah Tangled Up in it I don't know why that a very specific fear that I have but it's just something that I fear um but yo shout out to her for living her best life truly now like what what do you think she should do to top that for 103d birthday I would say bunge jump but like I just worry about the skin comes out of like the I'm just worried about bones and ligaments just going nope like her skeleton comes through her mouth like you shaking like you shaking change out of a w just like yeah wow just like a Ren and Stimpy cartoon like oh my God Jesus that's terrible no don't do that lady maybe I don't know maybe enjoy a nice Saturday on the couch I don't know come to Magic City yeah there we go yeah you know pop a bottle like let the people come out with the sparklers yeah like if I was over 102 I don't want nobody to give me no surprise parties either no I don't want to be surprised by anything uh Shout shout out to Dish Nation don't cancel us that's our comment right now yeah it's fair like a Looney Tunes episode she can handle the pressure she's good all right okay long as y'all believe in her man it's on popping oh this comment weekend at bernardet who said that fly exotic word tshb TSH TB TSH TB thank you for coming to our party you are a true Apollo Legend like how you good all right so I guess that's only leaves room for one more thing oh what wait what's that whose cousin is it all right let's get it okay okay oh no we're not even there for that yet we got two things left I jumped the gun I jumped the gun no worries you want to pop this one off sure we'll go for it okay okay okay for the first time ever a major league player for both teams is in the same damn game wait what let's look at this photo here uh and Danny Jansen became the first player in major league history to play for both teams in a single game uh the game was originally postponed and when it resumed he'd been traded in between what he started out as the CER for the Toronto Blue Jays against the Boston Red Sox but the game was suspended due to weather and while he was in the middle of an at bat then the the game resumed last night but by then he'd been traded to the socks so now he was behind the plate for the Red Sox when the game restarted that's wild wild super wild and very specific yeah that's man do which team do you think he played harder for oh I mean you got a lot of time to recharge from June 28th to now well you also want the Red Sox to think you're worth it true true so you got to come out hard it's like hey would you would you snitch on your friends for us like you know how how hard about this new life are you you know what I mean like you know are you willing to hit that ball over there in them stands to show people that you really about this red sock life it's your KN giving the speech yeah you know yeah yeah I like that because it's red because it's red red yeah you get it um yeah but that's that's dope man you could play for any two teams what teams would you play for oh oh that's really interesting I I always thought Deion Sanders had it figured out Deion Sanders and Bo Jackson right they were both solid two sport athletes back in the day you don't see that nearly anymore yeah I think they really be trying to like pay you enough to where you feel like you just good doing what you're doing yeah and then when you think about basketball too like there's so many games in that season I don't know how Jordan did that well actually explain because he wasn't really good at baseball right but you know he pulled it off just to show you that it can be done um yeah but if I was able to jump teams and leagues I would like to play I would like to play for the Knicks right but in a year where they make it to the to the the playoffs right and I just want them to let me come out like in the fourth quarter with 30 seconds left on the clock but we got to be up by 30 oh all right all right I don't want everybody in the city mad at me and then um and then if I was to get traded to another team uh yeah put me on the hulks like in this in this fantasy world World um I'm putting one season down with the Oklahoma City Thunder but I'm just draining them from the outside I I don't have the height to get in there and like and but I'm just draining threes from the outside and everybody loves me for that in Oklahoma City so I become a local hero there and then what else would I do um man I feel like it would be dope to be on the Rams in La okay the LA Rams you don't hear about them as much but I guess you should because now they only have one team that's right we only got one team there is the Chargers still a team in la oh H maybe I'm not up did they get demoted no the Chargers I think there's definitely still a team I don't know what's going on there to be honest with you I haven't kept up with LA Sports since I moved here I think when people don't know if you're a team or not you're supposed to sit the next season out you got demoted yeah you going back to some ideologies we threw in the first couple episodes sorry about somebody said uh oh Justin Harris said the Cowboys and the commanders in the same day oh the commanders they they they used to be the Redskins man uhoh uhoh let it out hey man this is live here we go if I was Indian I'd be a little disappointed oh yeah because there's nothing out there that's really representing us right now you know what I mean like we had the the the the Cleveland Indians Cleveland Indians we had the Washington Redskins still got the Atlanta Braves we do got the Braves until something happens like I felt like there was something cool in the Native American space that they could have named any of these other teams that would have still at least had some sort of representation of the Native American people on set because this was their country it's true that's 100% true this was all them that's 100% true I think I think maybe the thing with like I think some like there's a difference in like the Braves right or like the Florida seols or like whatever and then I feel like it sounds it's I feel like I could get canceled almost for saying it but I feel like Redskins is almost like a little slurry yeah it feels slurry mix slurry if you have um but yeah but tone it down a little bit it would be racially insensitive if there was a team called the Toronto tantos you know what I mean think of something that's dope and uplifting to a group of people and give them that thing don't take everything away because sometimes when people complain hard we lose everything when the last time you seen Uncle Ben oh he's gone oh we lost Uncle Ben do you think he was collateral for Andre Mima yeah we we lost Uncle Ben and anre Mama the same week it was a tragic day for breakfast and dinner evidently anrea was a real person too yeah yeah and and the family wasn't getting no money that's see that sucks if you're gonna play the game play the game fair and do what you're supposed to do for people how y'all say how you feel about this did we did we just get canc Kansas City Chiefs they're still a team man Kansas City Chiefs still a team yall hold on because I think Chiefs is an uplifting word yeah you know what I mean yeah that's a a title of respect I guess right yeah okay okay yeah yeah so like I mean long as you're doing things decent in order and you're not lampooning or making fun of someone's ethnicity or culture I think yeah I think that's dope but don't completely you know take everything away to where no one knows what's going on story uh Misty Butler wants to know what happened to the cream of wheat guy what did happen to the cream of wheat guys he was always so proud of the cream of wheat who came first the we guy or Uncle Ben because I don't know because I felt like they was Brothers they might be and they knew each other they definitely knew each other they definitely I would put them at the same cookout yeah Uncle what you got over there oh I got this this basti over here what you makeing a little little porridge also we don't have the name for the cream of wheat guy like I feel like we should know his name this is true yeah if anybody in the chat is wise enough to know the name maybe his Frank L white Frank White might be the name of the original Frank White that's who notorious b named his character after oh interesting okay we thought the King of New York was Christopher Walkin no it's the cream of weat guy the original Frank White all right we got get couple we're at the hour mark so it's time for who cousin is this all right okay so uh all right here we go a lady pulled a gun when her dog adoption got denied now this is a really good who cousin is it because I feel like it's got things that could lead you any number of ways yeah because I know a lot of people who look like me that would do anything for their dogs exactly I spent $16,000 on my dog and my dog got attacked by a coyote and it's like I don't care how old my dog is we gonna get the dog good my dog has since died but uh but it was seven months later seven months later you did everything you could I literally did you did you did everything you could should have never listened to that last vet though yeah okay uh see so a Florida woman went to adopt a dog the dog's name was Bluey and the dog uh the dog with special needs and the dog needed a wheelchair to get around uh but the people adopting out the dog or doing I don't know what the letting it go what you know the people adopting out the dog um they weren't sure if if it was a good fit because she had other dogs okay and then uh this woman and her mom who run a Rags to Riches animal rescue group were outside when the woman allegedly grabbed the gun from her car clocked it put it to the back of Amar roa's head which had to be one of the women working at this adoption and then press it up against her Temple so she put a gun allegedly to the head of someone over a dog adoption yeah I'm looking at the chat man and it's going back and forth like a pingpong match a lot of Tanner's cousins gay laan said Tanner and me oh uh me said why do I feel like this is a setup um uh definitely Ken of Tanner uh I saw oh I Ken Turner said I predict hk's cousins uh Stephen Savant said RP hk's dog thank you blue definitely Tanner because rpk thank you for that thank you always Florida it is always Florida could be either cousin definitely Tanner family Tanner and Nim thanks for Nim all right y y'all threw it out there okay all right let's move that bus let's see surpr oh no why yo that woman looks like she ain't playing around though at all that woman is not joking give her that damn dog yo and you think she turned her hat backwards before she did the crime or or was it or that's just how she rolled can we get that photo again let me look at her for just a second maybe we can't get it again I don't know there she is surpr oh man surprise surprise yo that lady's not playing around in that first picture to the left it looked like she was figuring out what the gun does yeah you know like I like oh I heard West Coast Gun style like to the side like it's a kill shot it's a Kill Shot they hold it sideways um yeah wow I don't know I feel like she rolled up with the hat backwards that woman looked about the business A1 G fit said she Naughty by Nature dang yo surprise surprise it's always my cousin not always yesterday it was R Blackman black man black man yeah so um y'all keep doing crimes we gonna keep talking about it shout out to all the cousins and czos out there uh Justin in there keep every time we do this he says Cuzo vers cousins Cuzo vers cousin that's pretty funny I like try to go for the spin-off I love it I love it did she get the dog did she get the dog though she get the dog she got the Cuffs she got cuffed she didn't even get arrested this is what we're hearing she didn't she must have got that dog but also the dog's in a wheelchair that's an adorable little dog give us update she an update she um so she hasn't been arrested yet but they are trying to retrieve the gun yeah that's the difference between if she did that and I did that um yeah yeah I would be tased with a bullet someone here wrote Joanna Wick y'all are amazing and just as socially corrupt as we are we thank you so much man shout out to all the soulmates shout out to our whole team that make this happen shout out to Darius on the prompter Ryan in the back Lee making his smack Kim in our ear like Penny on it special Gadget yeah guys thank you so much for tuning in um you know we got another episode Thursday live at 3 o'clock hit us in the comments hit us hit us in all the stuff tell us what you want to see um we don't have any interview or anything scheduled yet but n but you know a lot can happen between now and Thursday there a couple things that we got cooking in the Coffer so we're going to see what's popping and just be sure you not only like but you also share this to other people just so they can know we out here having this kind of fun that's where the share goes hell yeah man so appreciate y'all love your back Andrea K see you Bonnet blogger buy mean stuff and uh gahin and every single individual in there see you later thanks much guys we'll see you later bye like And subscribe like And subscribe let's press it let's press it are we live or is it over I think we go a little bit oh there it is yo man I watched the whole yesterday episode from beginning I laugh so many times like I wasn't here there was a b there's a lot of fun stuff in yesterday's episode and I like I like the whole emotional roller coaster of it all like how like it was so funny then we got serious and then d d just to show that

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Category: Entertainment

Intro let everybody know exactly what is going on here at ground zero in dimi dimick population 1400 has become ground zero in a national battle over hydraulic fracturing or fracking methane in some of the water wells enough for ignition at the tab what they do is they they what they do pump the water... Read more

Fox Host Compares RFK Jr To Jeffrey Dahmer In Blow To Trump thumbnail
Fox Host Compares RFK Jr To Jeffrey Dahmer In Blow To Trump

Category: News & Politics

Over the weekend on, uh, fox news this past  sunday, a fox news anchor by the name of griff   jenkins, who by the way sounds like some kind of  rejected harry potter character. uh, no offense,   i don't mean to make fun of your name. i  actually really like it and i think it's a,   a good name for something,... Read more

We're Poisoning This Whole Generation thumbnail
We're Poisoning This Whole Generation

Category: Entertainment

We're poisoning this whole generation shouldn't we be talking about that shouldn't we be talking about the fact that we have a thousand ingredients in our foods that are illegal in other countries in europe etc and that we're just systematically poisoning this generation of kids when i talk about it... Read more

Jamie Foxx Ready to Speak Out, Luda's Big Arms, & DWTS Season 33 - Episode 020 - 09/5/24 | Side Dish thumbnail
Jamie Foxx Ready to Speak Out, Luda's Big Arms, & DWTS Season 33 - Episode 020 - 09/5/24 | Side Dish

Category: Comedy

E e [music] e guys i've got a hot opinion for you and that is we have too many world records you could say this guy's name twice but would you dare say a third time also we have the season 33 dancing with the stars cast announcement welcome to side dish hey hey i got to turn my my walkman up oh got... Read more

Kamala Harris didn’t get fact-checked a single time: RFK, Jr. thumbnail
Kamala Harris didn’t get fact-checked a single time: RFK, Jr.

Category: News & Politics

>> good to see you. we will see you on the campaign trail. 1 issue that did get a lot of attention from abc's far-left moderators was the weaponization of the parent of justice. donald trump still made it a point of emphasis. take a look. >> everyone of those cases was started by them against their... Read more