Anime Twitter Spotlight: A Wholesome(?) Orange

Published: Sep 09, 2024 Duration: 00:10:36 Category: Entertainment

Trending searches: twitter
wholesome having or suggesting good health behavior and morals or arousing Pleasant sentimental feelings someone that does not embody wholesomeness would be Twitter SLX artist wholesome orenji orenji primarily draws smaller younger characters sometimes from different series like Pokemon Legend of Zelda or little witch Academia more often than not though they just do original characters who are typically plastered with a smug [ __ ] eating grin I do not like this painting Charlie smug AA mocks me it's Evil Charlie to get the obvious out of the way yes odji almost exclusively does loli art yes a lot of it is not safe for work or etchy no they don't draw actual existing people and no I don't care about drawings that don't hurt anyone as long as you don't hurt real kids I don't care have at it back on topic oji's art is overall fairly simple with pastel colors non-descript backgrounds and cute designs leaning stylistically more towards Mo blob they almost always draw females except for the handful of times they didn't look at this guy incredible when I look at Oden's art on Twitter you know as opposed to pixiv or puu I feel like it walks this weird line of being degenerate and being cute depending on how much anime brain rot you have it will definitely affect how you view their art you're probably already infected if you're favorite character is someone like Rebecca Ilia or Megaman or something you're done you're cooked to me teetering that line of cute and degenerate is in of itself weird but interesting in how that works a lot of anime in general plays with that concept and we just brush it off as viewers but Oden's art makes that idea more straightforward I can't imagine oreni intended to do that but that's just my overthinking brain at work while they have a decent following most people probably know orenji from their more memy works one particular sussy meme they drew is called anatomy of a gamer the meme depicts an exaggerated character of a gamer a backpack filled with Doritos a Nintendo switch in a pocket video game soundtracks in the headphones and uh I'm sorry what does that say does that does that say child GF for good and bad reasons alike this meme blew up and spurred an outpour of artists to do their own versions characters from anime video games and other random vtubers were used in this silly template I really don't know why this meme blew up as much as it did it it's nothing crazy novel or anything but I do have a few guesses though maybe it's the very very sus usage of the word child instead of ly I mean Jesus Christ I know it's obvious in most cases not all but in most cases AI is a child in an anime so it's kind of like oeni just said the quiet part out loud anime in general seems cool with normalizing looting lollies and like I said we've all just kind of shrugged and said that's just Anime huh I mean holy look at how many different drawings from different series people did with this template is it anime's fault is it our fault I don't know this sounds like a chicken or the egg type of deal with no real answer regardless I think because this meme is so ludicrously upfront that people found it funny leading them to ironically and unironically jump on the trend another possibility it got as big as it did is because the meme jokes about the very unfortunate truth that in a lot of gaming communities grooming while not common per se seems to be prevalent whether it's any more or less than other communities is beyond me but as someone in this sphere I certainly hear about it more than I'd like truly a gamer moment the last possibility the meme got as big as it did is that it's just a cute drawing Simplicity is King and orenji is good at doing Simple faces and this silly little shit's got a good one yes she is cute and funny cue the crying emojis so cool thank you thank you for that what that's less funny is that this Meme got Oden's Twitter SLX account temporarily suspended it's not super clear what rule they exactly broke either I mean the drawing itself isn't visually explicit in any way if I had to guess the problematic part it's probably certainly definitely the word child to me I think this drawing is obviously not a call to action to get a real LLY GF nor is it condoning them there's clearly layers of irony in this stupid meme that seems to have been Lost in Translation but whatever whatever this isn't the only meme of orangis that's gotten big either we've got smug Cube plenty of uh things to do with that y we've got petite vers LLY vtubers nice good amount of fan art there and we've got virgin Stacy versus Chad virgin yeah they've definitely found their Market huh and with that I think we've covered the main bulk of Oden's popular Twitter content it's mostly smug lollies in somewhat questionable attire and post es sprinkled with memes It's s of course there's so much more than this if you've seen any of my previous Twitter Spotlight videos which you should go and watch if you haven't seen all of them I always like to go a little bit deeper in the latter half gimmick artists always seem to have more to say and this one's no exception I did my research and already established that a lot of Oden's works are not safe for work etchy or oozing with jokes and irony and stuff but there's another type of drawing they do that I hadn't touched on and I'm kind of in love with it wholesome Oden's art has the capacity to be two things genuinely wholesome and intensely expressive knowing the irony Laden drawings and ludes they do I can't say I was expecting that but just look at some of these pieces I'm showing here at least to my untrained non-artist eyes these feel like they were made by a completely different person Oden has always played with pastel colors and simpler designs but they seem to come out more with these in a way that's markedly different it almost certainly has to do with the difference in tone subject and theme but because those things are different odji cuter art style better emphasizes it they feel thoughtful and curious playful but honest I have no idea of those descriptors make any sense but it's the sense I get from these drawings and those are just the more wholesome ones there's a ton of sketches that they've posted too they're obviously not as detailed because they're sketches but they're still interesting in their own way I particularly like these collages of exaggerated Expressions I've seen plenty of different artists do these type of compilations and it always feels like they're trying to find the walls of their own ability if that makes any sense how much can they morph and stretch their face to better communicate and emotion how much can they exaggerate while not losing touch with the character's original design quite a bit it seems and then there's a good amount of drawings that are the complete opposite of emotional and expressive too there were way more of these type of drawings than I was expecting when I look at these I can't help but wonder how much oreni gives themselves into their art like whether or not the sadness or seeming bitterness in some of these are a reflection of their own mental state that's the armchair psychologist in me talking maybe they just randomly felt like drawing sad characters and that's all there is to it I really don't know but man I kind of wish I did to go on a tangent what drives a person to do the art that they do is fascinating and to some extent gets to the core of their character are they big on experience experimenting or motivated to grind out the same thing over and over until it's perfect or do they draw things and then throw them away to move on to the next thing those are the kind of questions that run through my mind sometimes when I look at Art I think knowing the personal stories or emotions behind a work can really color a piece in a completely different light anyways when I take all of Oden's Works into account I can't help but feel almost impressed I'm impressed at the obvious dichotomy of it this Probably sounds stupid as an interpret ation but to me it's like a testament to the complexities or drive a single person can feel I mean they've dedicated years to this craft and these these pieces are the completely different fruits of that labor I've given a lot of thought to oreni stuff maybe too much thought I've considered whether or not the completely contrasting material oeni draws makes them deceptive or Too Faced or a shield to what may make money but didn't come up with a satisfying answer I say that because I don't know this person you don't know this person so that just leaves us to our own interpretations and that's okay the consumption of art is kind of a personal Endeavor anyways I'll stop rambling and wrap this up odji draws Lolly characters not safe work drawings memes and wholesome art their style has an interesting way of walking the line between degenerate and cute when they're not walking that line their art is whiskful or somber and their sketches are expressive and play playful in the end would I recommend checking out their stuff uh I don't know I don't know wholesome what's Twitter is mostly safe and not explicit explicit as of the time I've uploaded this video it's definitely more etchy than explicit so take that for what you will in conclusion while wholesome orenji is probably not wholesome that's okay I mean after all they did get me thinking about a lot of other things things like anime culture personal motivation artistic interpretation and smug lollies can a [Music] werewolf want me that's the end of the video thank you so much for watching I am almost at 20K subs and I'm hoping to get there before the end of the year so sub to the channel do it do it do it other things um I've been planning on casually streaming on YouTube again so I can better connect with you guys I really just got to find it in me to just do it this Probably sounds weird but I'm kind of afraid of you guys but I'll do it I'll try to stream because I owe it to you guys and I want to do it I hope to see you on stream sometime recommend me random artist or something I don't know mother anyways that's that's all I've got I'll see you guys in the next one everything fine bye on top of [Music] another I know when it's time to let the dog decide

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