The Festival of Harvest - Adventures of Azius Session 49

Published: Aug 28, 2024 Duration: 03:39:20 Category: Gaming

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e e e e e [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] anyway now that that's over stream now OB session yeah stream can hear us now they are never going to know what just happened M I'm never they I'm never going to tell the rain wrong reactive I'm never going to tell them they're they're going to hear me saying like now that that's over with and saying I'm never going to tell them but they're never going to know what happened but what if I tell them what happened I will silence you permanently that sounds fun can you do it anyways without me taking what happened uh fix your reactive I'm working on it uh Chase had me sign out of [ __ ] everything oh um anyway last we left off you all you all found yourselves within the town of IV aaria in fact actually let me flip this back over to it's a good City Town [Music] um the town of Iaria um and while there you encountered hyen again a Grove from the Goa or a druid from The gka Grove uh whom you had interacted with previously uh you found a cult dedicated to worshipping zerth um believed to be Fern's true identity uh and intent on returning zth to flesh um and uh you also um you you you had information that I of aaria was where a vampiric ritual was meant to occur however it turned out to be a trap and instead you encountered Hemlock the shadow Druid intent on capturing helbor you managed to beat them back and they barely escaped with their life and as you watch them meld into the tree and vanish in a flash of green light what do you do I'm surprised AA didn't counterspell that but okay I was asleep I I was [ __ ] asleep Dam [ __ ] you that's D I fell asleep rain when we need when when we needed the Avatar most [Laughter] she oh damn sorry guys I F rain was just a bit too much out of it after he got knocked in the head of you too many times mhm mhm I can't I cannot believe it is literally throwing my game right now well you know what maybe maybe I wouldn't have to throw if uh you didn't have to bring in a wizard that seem to be more competent than mine I didn't want to take all of your [ __ ] so I didn't give him counter spell oh that's what that is why don't huh what I have this uh character on my D to beyond that is not a character I've created but I forgot that um yeah I forgot about uh certain things I actually cannot I'm realizing to say because there are two players in my campaign here silly my bad I am sorry though guys I [ __ ] up H sh is important [Music] it just means we get to kick their ass again later when they know all of our fighting abilities and come much more prepared real um helor is currently quits aore um so she kind of um she will land and drop the wild shape and as she does you see her glare at this tree like she looks [ __ ] pissed off um for maybe like 5 Seconds of um just glaring at it before she kind of um almost in like a panic um turns to the others [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] we we can can we go after them we have to go after them I mean they're like nearly dead like this is our chance like we have to go after them that spell doesn't go far he's probably still within the or they're probably still within the town okay for shirely with like you know her mother and everything like she she's familiar with tree stride yes okay so she would know that like it is only a tree of that kind is it a common tree or is this a Specialty Tree um the tree itself is um with within this part of the kingdom it is somewhat common jooo are there a lot of trees in the town uh there are yeah it's not like a forest but it's definitely not void of trees um first time Hur has been like deforestation oh my God it's the only way rain will turn to hell of war and just just oh get a bird bird's eye view I I I can't do that again um rain will turn to high come on both of our DRS can't be sillies I've expended most of my energy I can't transform again okay [ __ ] it rain is going to give me just [Music] moment cuz he used symbiotic entity twice wait which one is uh which one was symbiotic oh my gosh my headphones [ __ ] broke I need new headphones it's what gives him a bunch of temp HP and bonus to his Halo of spores and weapon damage made the flowers grow out of his veins and stuff okay um rain is just going to uh quickly like throw his hand out and just say fine spread out uh stick together try to stay within earshot of each other if something happens uh yell and uh looks a little confused hang on spread out or stick together both and rain's going to Dart off in One Direction um um I forget which uh creature it was a mole rat wasn't it yes uh star no mo all right there's nothing underground yeah Rain's Gonna summon the Goon Felix and hello master we're looking for Jude heisen uh no is that him I can only think of's name now Hemlock what are the other dud Hemlock my bad that was a go on my part guys same same energy as I as we found your [Laughter] daughter rain will just like pick up Felix and just say we are looking for a druid Hemlock if uh you happen to find them uh inform me me but uh go go go uh they came out of a tree Yes master I will look for the Druid named Hemlock uh I assume you mentally project an image of Hemlock into Felix's mind yeah yeah okay along with the smell as well along with the smell that's wild helpful probably but wild nonetheless quick what does himl smell like um [ __ ] you Dam actually I feel like helbor sniffer might be able to wait the locate uh does hore have the locate creature spell I do but I've used both my fourth little spell slots I mean it would still technically be up because it lasts for an hour but I mean unless we had like let me yeah switch that on command which I don't think that's how it works that wouldn't work MH so um someone turn walk into a vampire rain Yes um a mole which is what Felix is right now has a minus four to investigation for a total of 11 that's sad um good thing rain was not relying on him and rain is going to uh summon a little o actually [ __ ] no I feel like rain would attempt to cast the spell and it wouldn't really so Talon yes I remember we flavored it to where the summon F spell was just Harbor more it was like a power boost for Harbor mhm rain's going to attempt to do that spell but I don't I understand if it doesn't work roll Arcana I don't know if I want this to work 14 Would Rain try to modify the spell in any way shape or form or would he cast it exactly as he knows it I feel like he wouldn't he would try to modify it in a small sense less so he wouldn't want it necessarily go to like Felix though he would probably try to have it be like maybe just like a small friend his small friend with with a slight modification to the way you do magic and with your knowledge of how conjuration Works uh you manage to cast summon Fay the way it's supposed to work rules is written what do you summon I imagine because like he was just thinking of like a small friend it doesn't even have like necessarily a fully like formed uh body necessarily it's like almost like a wisp sort of and rain will uh upon realizing that he was successful and he will and able to summon this rain will just uh cup his hands and go to pick up the Wisp say I need your help there is a dangerous drw in these parts that they got away their name is hemlock and they've been using trees to get around please if you're able to help us we need anything any bit of information on their location me after waking up I G to say after after getting my wisdom teeth removed but just me waking up is funnier and now because this uh they do have a 40 feet uh speed so I'm hoping that they are able to move zoom zoom and uh hopefully catch up maybe if they do end up and Rain just gonna go off with his uh little group and just like go hunting without roll investigation for both yourself and the summoned Fay um and we're going to pan over to helbor okay okay um obviously this is up to you and if you think I have any insight into if this would work but if I theoretically were to you speak with plants to ask this tree where they oh god I don't know if it would work like that you can certainly try I can certainly waste a third level spell saw I mean I I feel like I can still just run around like yelling out to trees like yo you seen yo you seen this [ __ ] um gross and stinky before you do that Hinn is going to turn to the two of you uh and say centipedes I need centipedes 10 of them uh what tort just kind of like blinks and then like she she just kind of I I guess she'll mold Earth a few times like kind of digging up the ground a little bit so look look for some centipedes it's not hard there is a surprising amount of centipedes within this Garden um hen is able to pull a few uh from kind of uh the ground as well uh as he gathers the T together within maybe 30 seconds uh you see his eyes light up gold uh as flowers kind of sprout from his wrists uh and reach down wrap around the centipedes and all 10 of them become giant as he goes ahead and uses a fourth level spell slot to cast Giant insect um hor as he looks to them and says we're looking for a druid Hemlock find him and the 10 centipedes uh the 10 giant centipedes kind of skitter off in different directions this is what I imagine that hellar not hellar when Talsen fighter Le like shuffles over he is not looking okay but he's he's been given an order so he's making his way towards the door um okay we're about to cause a riot in this town with giant centipedes in the middle of a festival oh yeah um yeah yeah I mean elor will try it she'll she'll try it um I'm going to do a good old fashioned speak with plants um and she's going to run over to the tree um kind of like put her hands against it and like yeah give it some puppy dog eyes oh hi there hi there hi there um do you know like that person that really like stupid dumb person do you know where they went give me half a second hear this tree voice cuz I need to roll 10 investigation checks oh yeah okay investigation checks rolled two of them were the highest that a giant centipede can roll which was 15 um as uh you see them skitter Off You cast the spell on the tree uh as uh the kind of smaller tree uh you hear the voice respond to you no yeah no I that magic went like southwards I don't know where southwards but southwards hore um kind of like bows her head and like puts it almost like headbutts the tree like gently um kind of does like a little rub thank you thank you thank you soui head uh thank you thank you best friend bye uh nice meeting you bye bye bye bye bye nice meeting you too kind Druid H is going in the Southward direction as fast as her paw will go I am following hin is also Al following hore um can I have investigation checks from uh hore and Talen and I will roll for hin I guess if that's necessary hin got a 17 and then rain what were those perception checks for you um the Fay creature God 14 and Rain got a 23 okay a for me I one sec it's not perception that Mak it's just a Tory character getting a 15 on perception would be absolutely Bonkers I got 26 Jesus [ __ ] Christ okay he has a p has a [ __ ] plus a to investigation um tal don't know much but when he's looking for something that [ __ ] will find it um rain you and your Fay kind of Dart to the north uh as you begin to kind of wander around look through town um you see a couple giant centipedes uh which cause a bit of panic um but they don't hurt anyone and people just kind of watch them go by confused um as uh you gather that probably hellbore or hin must have summoned them to help with the investigation um you see people are having fun are enjoying themselves the festival is going well and these people have no idea what just occurred in their Town Talon hi you head southwards following closely behind helbor and hin but you notice it first about 200 ft away from the religious uh area a small faint trail of blood leading away from a tree almost identical to the one that Hemlock disappeared through I am T like mentions this and then just Sprints okay uh you catch up you catch up to the trail of blood uh as it you see it leads out of town we go we go we keep going mhm you're able to follow it to the edge of the river you do not see where it goes from there I'm going to take a chance I'm going to do something really stupid first cuz I have six health and I'm going to [ __ ] vital sacrifice and pray this doesn't [ __ ] kill me okay okay he's on one Health okay and then I'm I'm taking I don't think this is going to work considering how long it's been but he is going to like in the loudest you've ever heard him say yell Hemlock and cast psychic Lance cuz I don't need line of sight if I know the creature's name what is the range on Psychic so he is within 25 20 12 ft I need an intelligent saving through you channel the magic I don't think he is but like better than nothing you channel the magic as you call out their name uh the the the the uh Talon's voice echoing uh over the nearby mountains uh as you feel the magic gather around your hand and you release it and it finds no target yeah really smart idea unfortunately he they did have a 200 foot Head Start yeah that's what that was that was my worry yeah the moment that swell kind of like gathers bursts and dissipate dissipates TS and just like Falls over [ __ ] H kind of moves up to Talon uh and kind of place a hand uh over your stomach uh as he kind of tries to hold you up it's all right it's all right he's going to go ahead and cast cure wounds uh we'll call that second level he rolled absolute [ __ ] that's going to be eight points of healing oh was that sick I did damage so that's there we go he rolled a one and a two that's oh no so he he takes a bit of a gasp and then just kind of like like grabs where kind of his heart would be on his uh on his yeah he just grabs his shirt where his heart would be and it's just like coughing helor is like doing the in between of like trying to like um also like assist with talin while like looking around like a freaking Hawk to see if she can like find any Trace um perception I well I'm I'mma do a thing I feel like she does this without even meaning to but I'm going to use my CR to do a commun with nature um okay so I'mma do people obviously um and for the hell of it I'll do people buildings in case they went in somewhere and I guess just general terrain and bodies of water in case you know so I can like get an idea maybe of where they're headed to okay you uh your eyes light up as the crest uh the major crest of D appears in front of you uh your eyes glowing with magic um so three miles and you're looking for um prevalent peoples buildings and terrain and bodies of water the magic radiates outwards as knowledge rushes to you first of all the mountains are uh as you are aware the home of Sky man Lions uh and the home of a handful of other dangerous mountainous creatures uh there is the river that you are next to it feeds into the ocean and and it comes from the mountains uh but it also connects to the river that heads South uh towards isia assara and the rivers that head north to past fonus and to Contra City The Plains territor the the plains terrain around you uh expands near endlessly until it reaches the mountains the beach or the forest uh inhabited by many small animals you do ping onto a couple buildings that interest you first of all of course I have a story at pings but you also ping a small almost like a strange collection of buildings almost like a small village towards the south end of the northern Fox Woods you ping a singular building in the middle of the richm forest which with a start you realize is Todd's home and you ping a building towards the south end of the mountain range a small hunt as for prevalent people you also get a ping from the south end of the mountain range you hin rain and Talen all ping as prevalent people Alexander pings as a prevalent person and that's it all righty um helor is on the tra right now um I genuinely think um is it the smartest idea no is she still going to go for it yes um she just kind of like points in that direction to the others I I sense something that way that way that way we we we need to cross the river come on and she's she's GNA go she's going to doggy paddle over it's like half a day's travel to get there oh go okay so do like with how far this is does this seem like like this like could they have made this distance this quickly the the river uh maybe um but getting out of that 3 mile radius not without magic okay so realistically the Ping I got is probably this um makes sense okay then yes like she's not wasting any time she's going for it okay uh High kind of calls out what about rain I feel like there's the cartoon squeal of like her stopping oh oh [ __ ] um oh God hore trusts highest sensibility to be able to like navigate the Wilds hopefully she is going to with where she peened what she got of like the surrounding area she's going to give the best description she can of where that ping came from um and then just kind of um fck a high ense can can you get rain and come there with us quickly all right I'll meet you there and he's can turn and run back into the city or into the town [ __ ] you've got me doing it now rain [ __ ] you oh God okay I guess ts's going to attempt to swim this as well then okay uh both of you roll uh what's it called atics checks thank you I just rolled my dice in perfect increments of five first after 20 then a 15 then a 10 then a one oh God uhoh okay I'm if if if I see tals and strug and I'm I'm a guidance you add a D4 to it with guidance that is a zero oh oh Telson buddy one 1 - 2 + one he doesn't know how to swim he does not know how to swim he has a seven string Telson [ __ ] dies what what did hello roll okay hear me out I rolled a 22 could I could I try to help tal across this River you can it will just take longer I don't want to be that's fair that's fair you could have come back before before tson got in cuz I was to say you would already started would you even be able to but like no yeah could with a 22 that's easy yeah zero um it takes like an extra couple minutes but you do get across the river with Talon uh rain as you are scanning the village for information the town for information uh hin kind of darts up to you hore's on his Trail on their Trail southwards we need to go now oh oh [ __ ] okay so this is where I roll a stupid check guys I would I would like to roll an inside check on him D okay oh my good roll inside that's a 13 He is this hin first of all you are confident that this is both hin and he's telling the truth m is rain confident though yes I will tell you he rolled 15 on persuasion okay okay you you you've been around hin long enough that you are confident that this is his own mannerisms okay okay rain will kind of look him up and down and just say uh he he'll start moving with him though to make sure that they are still on the Move rain will just uh turns hin and say we are positive that uh hore has the correct Trail no but it's the only thing that makes sense hore was able to commune with uh the nature around us uh and there was one significant person besides you guys and me and they were uh off in the same direction that TS and found a blood trail leading to okay then let's we got this right um do you do you know where it is exactly hellor given me a pretty apt description I should be fine I should be able to lead us there all right let's try to get there before they do before they do rain's just booking it oh [ __ ] hin is going to attempt to keep up uh [ __ ] where where uh where is this location uh it's up in the mountains to the south end of the mountain range okay DM yes it's a little silly but I I know we're a little bit behind them technically in a sense mhm would it make any difference if rain used his final Blade song to get that extra 10t of movement how long's that last a minute would that make any difference [Music] you might be able to catch up to hore and uh talisen but you would be leaving hin in the dust especially if you're bonus action dashing as well mhm cuz High only has ft and does not have a bonus action Dash and he's out of wild [Music] shaves but we' be able to catch up to hore you would be able to catch up to hore and ton yeah rain's doing it I'm sorry he [ __ ] you rain rain's booking It Roll an athletic cheack to swim the river oh well he's very he's he knows how to Natural 20 easy be 19 easy [ __ ] you are able to get you uh hore and talson you guys begin to Dart for the mountain range uh you hear footsteps behind you uh rapid footsteps behind you within like a minute of crossing the river you turn your attention and rain is right there rain's doing like that anime run boom boom boom boom pass you guys realizing he passed you guys he slows down a it jogs backwards I looks completely taken off guard but impressed oh my gosh rain you that was quick wait wait where's where's H at he wasn't quick enough we got to move quick don't get away El's not going to argue she go rain's going to continuously move zoom zoom okay rain is notably like trying to get ahead of them not like you have no idea where you're going all you know is south end of the mountain range is that going to stop you from trying to get ahead of them I imagine rain's like trying to stay like 90 ft ahead of them or something still within only lasts a minute I would think it wouldn't be like still still rain still has bonus action Dash though oh damn yeah rain rain can Dash with an action and a bonus action he does not have bonus action Dash no he doesn't you're right why did I think he was a rogue I was about to say is there no I'm like yeah no I I wanted to double check that and correct that if it was wrong he he does not have bonus AC Dash though no he would I could forcibly keep rain like in check but I don't know if I should don't think he I I don't know why I was thinking he had bonus action Dash but he wouldn't have been able to catch up to them if he doesn't aw cuz I'm a [ __ ] idiot even with the trouble they had at the river in my natural 20 yeah I think you'd be able to see them off in The Distance by the time it wears off but you wouldn't be able to catch up to them how far away would they be with an earshot if you want to shout at them rainwood shout at them then to like try to I try to have them slow down a bit so he can catch up would hellbore slow down bit a bit begrudgingly but like I also feel like she's going to start like almost like she's calling a dog like the come on come on like beautiful either way yes but yeah she she will wait for R to get closer and then start off again um then rain you catch up to them same comment about high synth being slow [Music] um and you make for the mountain range um oh hore can I have a survival check from you indeed that's a 17 um okay uh give me half a second uh that's a 21 for High um as uh you begin to scour the mountain range for the location that you're uh commune with nature panged you have a pretty good idea and you [Music] see uh as you as you climb the mountain range you see a Hut kind of nestled into a uh it kind of uh almost like a small Valley uh and as you see uh as you come up to the edge of this Valley you also see hin about 30 45t away from you uh also kind of coming up the crest of this Valley to look down to uh the Hut okay if there's an easy way um to kind of meet in the middle with him to reconvene she will do so okay pretty easy yeah highin does kind of jog over to you this must be it then MH okay okay um we we should probably have some type of plan but maybe not like too lengthy of a one because like we we do probably need to go in there before you know okay actually continue hell I'm so sorry you're good that that was pretty much the end of the sentence okay okay rain's going invisible and going in okay okay the moment hore sees rain turn invisible she's like I better get my ass in there she she'll start to make her way um as quietly as she can okay did I I did [ __ ] okay never mind as you make your way down towards the Hut you smell the scent of fresh baked bread on the Wind um we [ __ ] up uh and you see a uh a loaf sitting uh in the window the open window the door made of tree bark uh with a kind of small Laurel wreath hanging on the front uh sits near to the window as you approach the Hut what do you do uh the window's open right yes rain's going to take the loaf of bread uh pockat and uh SL in through the window roll slide of hand and then stealth some old woman is just watching as her loaf of oh my God that was on the side of hand for a 25 again floats up disappears got my again but that is going to be a 15 uh you have Advantage cuz you're invisible oh [ __ ] that's right hold up ah still 15 okay you uh slip in through the window uh you can hear the faint crackle of flame uh I forgot to describe that you can see smoke rising out of the chimney uh of the Hut you hear the faint crackle of flame and kind of a humming um as you see uh kind of sat in one corner of the Hut uh on a rocking chair in front of uh fireplace there's an old woman uh she's currently knitting who what are you I feel like helor would kind of um she would probably want to look through the window first can yeah so she she's going to try that can can she see the old woman you yeah you can see the old woman up so she can you can you can see the old woman she's sitting in a rocking chair knitting uh humming to herself you can see the crackle of the fireplace uh and there's an oven that is uh no longer lit but you can still see some Embers uh in it um and uh you see a door that probably leads off into like a bedroom hore's face just kind of drops for a moment but then um hardens again as this could be a trick him when visited their grandmother oh God rain and hore are about to kill some old woman in the mountains oh no um hore I honestly I think she just kind of no no she she goes to the door and she tries to open it you try and open the door yeah you touch it you w with the door handle oh no I'm scared you're getting psyched out relax yes yes she does she touches the door handle she does the motion of opening a door you [ __ ] die you grab the door handle you turn it push the door open and it opens um but tell why are you like this because I can um you do hear the humming stop and you see the old woman kind of uh turned to look towards you uh as she says oh dearies oh you startled me please come on in I just I thought I just baked some bread my old mind is getting is getting ahead of itself sometimes now kind of stands this is absolutely a heck there's no yeah I was about to say this is the biggest hag energy uh she she stands kind of grabs uh a cane um to kind of hobble in your direction how can I help you daries um while they got distracted can rain also be like snooping uh yeah um roll investigation for me um you do see that uh she's got the the woman she's got long blonde hair um her her face is old her eyes is green uh the there's kind of a black fabric on her head that almost looks like a hat but it's too loose to actually be a hat uh the cane that she grabs is kind of topped with some berries uh and she wears these like beautiful kind of red and green robes almost um Port does does AIP quick um glance around um I I take it I do not see any signs of there being anyone else here uh Ro perception okay oh that's pretty good I'm my God that it's a 29 um uh [Music] you uh with a 29 you look around you don't see any sign of people other than you do vaguely uh see like a drawer slowly opening uh as rain is kind of snooping um you do see cat hair oh no hort about to be abducted you you see you see some cat hair kind of clinging to uh the there's kind of a table a small table uh towards the back of the room that's got like this beautiful tablecloth on it there's some cat hair clinging to it um you see and and interestingly enough there's like multiple uh multiple colors there's kind of orange black white um but you don't see any cats um um you also see bread um you also see that there are some herbs kind of hung to dry above the fireplace um that are not from here in fact they're not from this plane the herbs hung to dry are only found in other planes you recognize one from the Fay wild one from the astral sea and two that you don't recognize at all um rain what was your investigation 25 um you begin to Snoop around uh and you find a lot of things um herbs Arcane components I feel like rain is being so such a kleptomaniac right now he's just like taking things left and right and you find a um drawer that has a bunch of small paintings in it uh [Music] and can I have a history check as you look at the paintings oh [Music] no oh I have thing I could do uh 14 you [Music] see a lot of people in these paintings there's one that feels weirdly familiar to you a young girl she appears to be a to backi but you can't quite Place her finger on why she feels familiar rain's going to take that image though the painting just cuz you know I know in each like in each of the paintings the woman is just as old as she appears now uh while all of this is happening would it be possible if T was like touching like the wall of the of the Hut and maybe casting identify uh see if it's under any any any any sus things um yeah you cast identify on the wall of the Hut the Hut itself is not magical okay um and she she she looks to you hore and she said or she looks to the two of you uh and hin as she says take a seat I'll I'll get to work on some bread or some pie or something what what what brings you to my humble humble Hut in the in the mountains oh excuse me I almost forgot my name is Pondo yeah hi there um oh okay so um we're we're actually um here uh do you know a him loock she thinks for SEC I've known a few uh do do you know um a uh yeah um like recently one that came here blooded maybe no here [Music] no uh no Hemlock has come here not in a long time can I inside this go ahead I was going to SI I do this what is that oh that's not very good that's a seven o that ain't great here either that's a 13 seems to be telling the truth but you also you know for a fact that was bread on the window and she seems content with believing that there wasn't so it's entirely possible she did see a Hemlock and forgot good thing we took that bread what do you mean good thing you know we wouldn't know she's got memory issues otherwise oh my God how how dare you commit a cry what was that Tori um when when's the last time that someone's been here oh no one's visit ited old grandma Pondo and I don't remember you look familiar though she kind of Narrows her eyes at you have I seen you somewhere before uh not that I know of oh maybe I was friends with your grandma you know all old ladies know each other this is true they all have a psychic connection that's creepy I I I desperately wish I was a thing now the moment you turn like 60 or something you just can hear the thoughts of every Grandma currently alive just start communicating with each other it's a hive mind old age is just a hive mind um hell work is a bit of an awkward look to that yeah maybe um well I uh she kind of looks over to hent are are you are you getting the idea that that they magicked away I they must have it's there's no way they would have been able to get that far that quick without [Music] magic Tre ride can last a while they probably cast used it a few times they could be Happ across the continent by this point uh you see you see she begins to kind of approach the kitchen uh and then her eyes land directly on you rain uh as she says Deary don't Snoop around if you need something just ask it's always a great side when some R has [Music] [ __ ] bra is going to just like s side step and Sid step seeing if like she's tracking his movement her eyes follow you as you do and and drop that spell you're it's only hurting your friends every yeah every time talson sees a spell used poorly he takes a a DI of damage all right I know how to take care of him oh [ __ ] thanks I how to I know how to take care of tals and casts literally anything talson [ __ ] dies rain is just going to take a couple steps backwards and just like uh try to step like hide like physically hide away she she watches as you hide behind a pillar or just hide sure I'm not going to hurt you I don't bite well much sometimes I do uh you don't happen to be made of rabbits do you she she opens a cupboard uh as she says but I'm not going to bite you uh and kind of reaches in pulls out uh a a bunch of like wheat uh and begins to kind of lay out a bunch of ingredients on the counter as she kind of hobbles around the kitchen Hal is still standing in the doorway and like the awkward like looking out like do do I do I stay and endear this poor old woman where you know um but honestly I imagine the curiosity would went out on this one um if she sees herbs hung up there that like she does not know that is so up El alley like I I feel like she she kind of like will wait for a moment like that the woman's back is turned and like quickly like walk over and try to look at one of them uh you you are able to do so quite easily you you get up right next to it and kind of look go ahead and roll a nature check okay okay uh it's a 15 15 um it's definitely not from the material plane you know that for certain as you're looking at it um but there's something that feels in incredibly ancient about it as you're looking at it the herb itself what's weird is that you can't pinpoint the plane that it's from your mom taught you so much about herbs that even if you don't recognize an herb you could probably guess what planet's from but this doesn't make sense none of it makes sense these two herbs they don't look like they should exist there are properties to them that make it that they would only be able to exist in the astral sea but properties that make it that they wouldn't be able to exist in the astral sea you have no idea where these herbs are [Music] from okay hur's curiosity is like killing her at this point like I feel like she's she's she's doing like the little sniffle like smell test like she quickly like rips out her book and starts like sketching down what they look like like biological notes like shape color consistency like why is it why is this one breathing H kind of approaches and looks narrowing his eyes uh as you sketch them kind of looks at them as well what the hells are these I know I know I've never seen anything like that speak up my ears don't work like they used to once he walks in tson he sheepishly sheepishly walks in and just kind of stays by the door okay hore thinks about if she wants to ask for a moment but the curiosity killed the cat but brought it back mhm um the the these two herbs where are these from oh they're the the plane they usually grow on no longer exists what what plane is that oh that's little place called oalt does this rink a single Bell no you have never heard of a place called oalt it's where Cobalts originated from they're really space aliens hell we're like fully curious now um kind of like tilt her head over to look at her a bit what what do you mean it doesn't exist anymore can they just not exist what was it like have you been there oh I mean yeah it it was it was it was a nice place I mean and I've I've got some fun memories about it unfortunately it was destroyed a long time ago I remember what destroyed an entire realm oh right yes the the Next Generation did it's fine you'll learn about it later or never actually I think that's what they want I don't don't think they want you to learn about it they never do isn't history so weird tells is a little curious now but he refuses to let that get the better of him hore is a fish on a line right now hore however is about to get kidnapped to the F [Music] wild he [Music] she is too thoroughly stunned and confused by that to press it any further um but she kind of looks around again like taking everything in do you have cats I saw cat fur I somewhere around here they love to jump out the window and go hunting but they always come back do that what are what is this generation calling themselves she kind of turns and looks to you what do you mean generation like your people what are you calling yourselves nowadays do do you mean just like people in general yeah uh uh people that's lame think of something more creative I mean there's so many different people though like I feel like there's not really a collective oh I guess like humanoid kind of is a thing people use see that's more creative humanoids funky I like it are you not that no darling I'm way older than humanoids what was your generation called H it doesn't have a word in your language the closest thing would be progenitor name ring any bells no probably not yep we're so old so forgotten there's like four of us left maybe heit how old are you older than your plane sweetheart hore has the note out Tak the she flips like to a page print init her question mark question mark what the heck how old is this we're going to get some weird [ __ ] dreams tonight I tell you that some some some [ __ ] is going to be like you better stop your your your needs to know what a preditor is or else you have learned too much you know you know too much it's time to go to heaven my child wait what stop where did I put those good berries which kind of opens a couple of cupboards looking for something wait wait wa wait I I'm not done if you're older than the planes then was W are another plane how many planes were there oh there's been so many wait what what happened to the other ones they destroyed in the wars Wars oh like the big war oh bigger than that war bigger than that what the interplaner wars when the abans overthrew the progenitors and then the people who came after the abans overthrew them who what and then this generation I don't know have you guys had your your take over the plains War yet every generation does wait wait wait I need to make a timeline I need to make a timeline are you the first thing ever no okay okay how many things in the line of things ever how many things ever were there before you well every generation tells their Creations that they're the first so I don't know I'm told that there's one before uh my generation but so are you guys and so is the generation before and so is the generation before so who knows maybe there were billions huh I don't know I'm not time I wonder if time's still let me this the biggest Flinch let me let me call him real quick oh wait LOL we killed them sorry actually I think I think I think time gave up his powers to that Raven thing I was also dead H is quick quickly trying to turn it away from this uh yeah um I what huh you said other people like you where where where are they do they live in Huts in the middle of nowhere uh probably not in fact I'm probably the only one who looks vaguely like your people why do you choose to look like this then so I can help people can I see your true form is it cool is it big is it ancient sweetie looking upon my True Form would kill you okay if you had to like equate it to something that like is now what would you say that it looks like do you know what an ilth it is nothing like that hore would know what an Eli it is right yeah probably I don't think helbor would have seen one but hore would have a vague idea hore like lifts up like her tentacles and kind of does like a little Slither motion with them you have tentacles uh no no my True Form looks nothing like an elith head um no it's like you guys have you guys have people made of trees right uh kind of yeah it's like that but like really big oh but she's not an aunt she's a grandma that's wild I hate you I'm sorry guys bad joke it's also it's also like correct oh go on the the form is five dimensional it doesn't really work in your plane the most chill outer realm God I've ever encountered yeah sure I could probably wipe out your entire existence just by thinking about it but I won't you guys are silly hbor is like ripping the pages of her book she's trying to get this so quick like she's quoting she's like hore is GNA let whoa rain's GNA let hore do that my bad um and he's going to try to while uh find dries that's fine suddenly this radiant magic erupts out from her uh and like you feel this immense force of energy you've never felt anything nearly this strong and then as it fades you just see five berries sitting on the counter I love her oh my God everything about her this is my new favorite NPC are you [ __ ] me bro just ripped apart the [ __ ] SpaceTime for some berries I love that amazing why can I help you with uh why' you come here okay if if if you're like so like incred like uh do you know where like everyone ever is ever no why would I know that uh I'm Pondo I'm not time or existence p is Pondo you silly fool also why did you guys change the word time and is still the same existence is still the same but you changed you changed the one thing to fear and you changed Pondo to Nature why do you keep changing the words wait wait does your name mean nature my name I think nature there we go I see I'm catching on I got her it means going tson is going going to refer to Nature as Pondo for now from now on but then some big shot guy who was calling himself like Nadar or something he he stole it and he was like I'm going to call it nature now and I hate him now I wonder if he's still around how many generations ago was he whatever I don't hold grudges it kind of sounds like you're holding one n it's fine I Let It Go like 3 seconds ago okay do you want some bread she she R's hand immediately goes to his pocket she she pulls uh you don't remember her putting it into the oven but she pulls out a fresh loaf of bread from the oven and sets it on the counter it's hot but I don't remember if that's a bad thing for you guys or not what did you say it's what hot hot [ __ ] my Discord won't pick up the I'm turning off noise [Music] suppression is that Canon no thousand Pondo cashley turns off noise supression oh my God everyone can hear everything ever um rain would take a noticing that this uh seems to be handled the situation by hore is going to step on outside uh probably trying to slide out the window unnoticed again where are you going stay with your friends stay a while take off your coat at at the at the offer of food talson is going to like Shuffle over to where the bread is and like just quietly like start eating it he'll like he'll try if there's like a knife somewhere he'll he'll cut a slice and start just gently eating the bread tell TS reaches for it and she smacks his hand no I'll serve it she he like falls back oh I'm sorry sweetie she kind of reaches out a hand to help you up he'll he'll hesitate a bit but he will take it and stand up and then take a couple steps back like I'll sludged over sludged over in fear she she reaches for her staff and pulls uh from the staff uh knife made of wood and kind of cuts the bread into even slices uh and then sets a slice on a uh kind of small piece of uh parchment and hands it to you he'll he'll take it and then start quietly eating um you going to go ahead and restore three hit points oh uh and you are fully fed for the next 24 hours oh [ __ ] this is really good bread yeah it's the best made by Nature himself or herself or their itself bur ends are weird nature I imagine rain's like actively sitting on the window sill and he's just going to point to the outside uh you guys have it handled here I'm gonna go scout out don't you want to stay a while uh I think you guys got a handle this is your part of the story not mine all right fine leave old grandma Pondo to herself you're not by yourself you have them Dam po you could like you could like sit and eat and stuff sitting and eating is very nice Al turning around still with like bread in his head I imagine rain like goes to like give hell for like a I stole [ __ ] from here look and then realizes he's invisible and P can see but like he definitely throws his hands up at like Hort you're supposed to be helping me out here and then how can I help you when I can't see you oh uh it's really no trouble I'm not that hungry don't leave your friends then oh I'm not leaving leaving I'm just going to be outside waiting all right you're loss wait there's something gain here rain scooches inside a little more oh my God I already said I'm here to help help with what exactly whatever you need I'm Grandma Pondo uh well um you you said you couldn't help us find Hemlock though right I didn't say I couldn't help you I just said that I don't know where everything is all the time could you get us to blaze Port wait is that the right place uh that yes that was where next was okay R's going to like scooch in could you get us to blaze boort probably how quickly ah instantly I don't work for free though I thought we were going to take Alexander and then go to go to that City you guys were talking about but this could be a shortcut this is exactly what we need this is the shortcut we were talking about is is uh wait what do you want to go to police Port just there's something I need to take care of in the city and it shouldn't take too long but I afraid that NYX is in trouble if I don't go and do this I it was going to wait but I got a message from him and I told him I I'll try to meet him there but if I don't meet him there then he's going to get started without me and I don't want that to happen Okay but I I I was going to tell you this anyways after like you know we killed himl or whatever and uh um shouldn't uh yeah yeah I said that um anyways so um yeah like after after we did that like I was um you you probably should like I mean if you're people are like taking contracts from the vampires that's really bad right I mean you should probably go like tell them not to do that I can tell them not to do that at any time but NX needs me now wait did can you talk to them at any time well no no but like that's not them taking contracts is not top of my priority list right now hore I will get to that eventually but NYX needs me NYX is more important I I just think speaking of I guess an hour I thought invis did you not dispel invisibility nope she told him to but he didn't yeah I know he know I I I thought when he came back in he realized he had dispelled invisibility then dispelled it I just kind of no rain's being a goon and I imagine like he's like doing the full typical like cuz R rain is very uh he very much portrays what he's saying with his body yeah we just hear like quiet shuffling we don't actually see anything I've been um where was I yes um speaking of Nicks I was I'm just worried I guess about it I mean they they still don't even know that him Lock's a traitor and that that's the same thing that happened to him you know he had a traitor and then he lost like everything overnight like his entire criminal thing was just gone and I h's not like that h's not going to sell us out well because wait why would you say that I mean he was he's a shadow Druid One Rotten vegetable doesn't spoil the whole garden that's that yeah that it's do you really think that they're loyal to you guys and not them really like Hemlock was going to give us a way give me a way out there is a part of Hemlock that does care if we get in the way yes Hemlock will probably choose their own personal selfish well Shadow druy ways but Hemlock a part of Hemlock still cares about I hate the term Shadow Druid I thought she just said not to mention it we don't want to [ __ ] up we don't want to ruin her garden talson does swear that's my bad I I hate said I hate the term Shadow Druid it's so okay that nature isn't evil it's the people who use it Shadows aren't necessarily evil either though exactly but it's but Shadow Druid is used to refer to evil Druids and it's not Shadows aren't evil and neither is nature I mean I never really saw Shadows Shadow droids as specifically needing to be an evil term for them shouldn't it be the intention that a word is spoken in I don't know I just hate the term very well aside whatever you want to call them I I just call them that because that's what they call themselves but like At The Mention Of more bread TOs and take a step closer if you too much you're going to get sick he take he he goes back to his original standing but you can have one more slice and she'll hand you a slice he STS back rain is getting lured in with this bread as well just like slowly creeping in but any more than slices and you're going to get sick good berries aren't good for you if you eat them too much yes ma'am thank you he quietly it's this last life some bread oh uh you heal another three hit points yipp yipp yippe rain will patiently wait behind tows and for bread do you want a slice well without saying anything rain will nod invisible people don't get slices Dam rain's Crossing his arms ping and just taking his stuff away invisible people don't get slices that's wild you guys audibly hear the audibly hear the the Huff of disappointment okay so do you want help finding this hamlock guy or do you want help getting to this Blaze Port Place can we get both you know since one person's asking for one and the other's asking for another you said she doesn't work for free we should probably know what the price is yeah what is your price it depends on what you can offer me what do you have Al looks at his veins just looks rain is going to reach into his that's rain will reach into his pocket and pull out a couple gold pieces not Material H unless you've got herbs that I haven't used before I don't think you will I am Pondo wait not Material not Material material is temporary spiritual is forever what what counts as spiritual then knowledge memories Souls rain actively taking off the holy symbol oh my God gosh I mean it's not necessarily it is still in a sense material but it does have spiritual purpose she kind of looks down at it looks up at you looks down at it what am I going to do with that trinket I mean I got a I got a [Music] um h rain's like thinking he doesn't want to give up anything to I had a [ __ ] up thought just now guys go on oh no we we know this uh person likes cats right oh no we give them Felix that's still material and SL flavy kind of that's why was do I feel like Felix is a weird Middle Ground between material and spiritual yeah but that would be so [ __ ] up and I also a feel like there would be a like a certain Clause that makes it to where oh you can't cast find familiar anymore haha get [ __ ] like I think the mention of herbs thousand like reaches cuz he does have I don't know don't remember how he got a pouch of herbs but he has one apparently but then on with the like ones I haven't seen before he puts it away what uh do you have any suggestions on what the value of I like I get it it's a whole uh barter thing where like you let your customer make the choice that the right you have your customer make the price so that you can manipulate it and get higher worth out of it but what would you that's not how this works huh that's not how this works I don't get you to offer so I can get more worth out of it and manipulate I get you to offer to know what the to know what it's worth to you rain not that anyone else could see it looks a little uh like oh [ __ ] I've been caught I I have I have a thing that I think Telson would do but I don't know but it it's kind of it's kind of heavy what if material items though are what we find valuable well they have no Worth to hers there's always something spiritual that's going to have value to you memory knowledge your soul can you take my soul actually is that on the table are you offering me your soul I mean not quite but I just like can you like is it like free for grabs is up up there for grabs can you take it I can take Souls yeah can you look at take mine like just like without actually it what I you know it's my soul's in a funky situation and I want to see like are you capable of taking my soul if your soul belongs to someone else no that's [ __ ] up you think that you know if you find certain powerful people people that would to just like yoink it I guess no one's that good well technically I'm physically capable of doing that but then that goes against all the established Like rules and [ __ ] about spiritual [Music] trading then I'd be the [ __ ] and the planer forces are going to come find me and I've been trying to hide from them oh what are the planer for forces you don't want to know I do want to know I do want to know no you do not you do not want to know I don't think you want to know guys the Arbiters are far too dangerous for anyone to know about if they don't have to I'm convinced hore is a conspiracy theorist like she rips to a new page and in all caps just Arbiter explanation point question [Music] work all I can think of was [ __ ] Halo oh my God does this plane have an Arbiter actually I don't know what that is who rules over this plane hore does the biggest Flinch of mankind I think that's just people so you don't have an Arbiter weird but cool so you can tell it's all about them though since it's one no no no if they find out you don't have an Arbiter it's only going to be worse it's cool that you don't the BB will kind of just look over to rain I feel like I just imagine like rain's like pulling out his pockets like I have a memory I have like an idea for a memory Telson might want to give up but I don't know if I should [Music] M with the person to just take their trauma away pretty not not exactly but like almost make it worse in a way rain after a bit of like searching through his items rain will just like Snap up and uh look at Pondo what if i instead of necessarily having a piece of information that I forget and like a piece of information I give to you since I value secrecy What If instead I share the secrets with the world and I'm forced to give the secrets away I never said you had to give up the knowledge oh so would you be okay with knowing Secrets then if you think the secrets are worth it oh I think these ones are worth it I can't wait for you to be like this is a big juicy secret and she'd be like hey yeah most people know that no actually what's going to happen is rain's going to pull out a book o um this is actually a book that uh rain got from nx's Place uh the one with all the room oh with all the what with all like all the information about like uh what like this royal family was doing with these people like just like all the like blackmail information pretty much oh God okay uh yeah R CU rain got a couple of those before uh for Nick mhm and rain is going to um he's not going to just like read off random ones no he's going to try to specifically look for ones that he would find Value to um okay so anything with like high ranking officials um Insight against yourself how do I do that just roll inside that's me6 okay you find some information that you find valuable uh within the book you begin to speak mhm as you begin to speak magic begins to curl off the page curl out of your mouth this green energy and it begins to kind of move towards her uh as she holds out a hand uh and it kind of wraps around her hand down her arm and kind of into her sleeve where it vanishes uh you see her eyes begin to Glow green uh as the energy absorbs into her roll a persuasion check at disadvantage see I'm not going to actually say that uh hold up that's going to be an 18 roll a 13 and a 17 naturally and then plus five as the information is absorbed into her she kind of looks at you why did you want in return when we are done with our uh when we're done with our rest and uh our conversation I would like it if me and my friends could be transported to blazen Port all right you have a deal uh and as she said the word as she says the word deal you feel this burst of magical energy again uh the glow from her eyes Fades uh and like there's kind of this wind almost that blasts out from her for a moment how's it is he he he Eeps he's like here's something he gives an e so uh sorry guys rain totally didn't bring that up with the rest of the party now we're forced to go there she she turns to look at hore and he wanted something too right I I swear I you look familiar are you sure we haven't met somewhere I don't think so where where do you think you've seen me I don't know somewhere in the forest Talon question answer does that picture of the cat person that looks familiar by chance look like uh the mother uh that's we uh hore's mom in uh it is a tortoise shell to back say okay okay noted the reason your race even exists just like everything that falls into rain's hands that will never be revealed yep all right um it's just like anything that rain ever gets ever things guys come on I when I said I when I said he values Secrets yeah I didn't mean it 99% of things and those that other 1% we have to beat Out of Rain um elore just just kind of nods oh yeah yeah You' you've probably seen me in a forest or something [Music] um there is something specific that I want from you you're curse give it here uh what the knowledge on what you are cuz you look so strange I've never seen anything quite like you oh um I mean uh i o o okay um I [Music] do him's going to come back whether we go for them or not I can tell that so do you think um if I were to tell you that do you think that you would be able to tell me um I'm not sure if you know what the Creston is but if you do would you be able to tell me where their next ritual is and when it's going to happen uh yeah those are the people tearing holes in the planes right uh Pro yeah yeah something like that probably yeah yeah I can I can tell you where the next one is okay uh um I assume you don't mean the one that's happening right now right right now yeah they're like tearing a hole in the planes right now what what what where I can't give you that information for free can can you at least tell me if wait okay okay it's already in progress we probably wouldn't be able to stop it in time right right uh no in fact 3 2 1 There's a Hole uh almost as soon as she said says there's a hole you hear a voice echo in your mind oh my [ __ ] god wild oh I'm sorry did I tell you I have aara was the next [Music] one yeah sorry we're leaving aness [Music] now I I wasn't lying that that one's going to happen eventually I just I it must have slipped my mind that that wasn't the next one elore is like literally shaking in rage right now but she does not respond um like she she closes her eyes and does a few deep ass breaths um before continuing okay yeah um the location of the next one and like you know where where it's going to be and when when and yeah um I I don't know exactly what you're wanting I I mean I'm I'm a half to backi oh the the tentacles are from diser Beasts I don't know if you've ever heard of them yeah I yeah I've heard of them but I I mean more specifically I I need to see your soul I'm not going to keep it I just I need to look at it babby wants to hold it let me hold it can I hellor kind of uh just her head from one side to the other um she does think about this uh I I guess if you're just going to going to look at it yeah um it it's not going to be some violent ripping out of my body thing is it you'll live do we have a deal to go through that every now and then anyway so you know what um sure yeah as soon as you say sure magic fills the room and Delon in rain as hore says sure you feel magic radiate out from the two of them the whole room kind of slowing to a stop for a moment as green energy reaches out from hore and then she collapses catatonic to the ground rain's rushing forward to hore she is staring blankly still breathing but motionless as you see a small orb of energy come out of her mouth and it is weird the orb of energy is kind of a light blue but there's different colors mixed in with it purples and blacks over uh like kind of flooding around each other swirling within the uh orb of energy and you see Pondo kind of Narrows her eyes uh as the orb comes towards her and she looks closely at it kind of taking a look at different angles uh hore as soon as you say sure you feel magic radiate around you and then you go unconscious you are floating in a blank void of nothingness you feel nothing around you and then you see something no you hear something a voice that simply says no in a moment as Pondo is looking at the soul suddenly it tears itself away from her forcing itself back into hore's body as helbor lurches up uh and Pondo kind of stumbles back frightened as she looks at hore oh no I'm assuming that wasn't good oh [ __ ] she kind of takes a deep breath swallows and says what happened to you all right quick question D have I ever heard this voice before no actually roll a history check okay I actually rolled quite good um that's a 21 you have actually you it the the memory buried itself but as you think you find yourself in the memory and let's do this real quick um as as you find yourself remembering again a small hore maybe 12 years old in the forest alone you were just recently separated from your mother you do not know where she is you are terrified you are alone this is the first time you've been alone and you hear a growl from the forest as a large dire bear comes out of the forest it lunges at you and you don't have time to react uh as its claws strike you in the chest pain shoots through you out of inst stin to Wild shape but another claw and the wild shape is gone the bear opens its fangs uh and goes to sink its teeth into you and your vision goes black and all you hear is a single voice as you suddenly are hovering in the void that says no you wake up and you are bleeding from multiple wounds including a puncture wound on the neck and you stare down at the bear which is lying dead puncture wounds all over its skin like displacer Beast tails and attacked it and your mother standing wide-eyed looking at you that was the first full that was the first new moon you ever trans formed under you forgot about the voice but you remember it now as you sit there clutching your chest Breathing heavily having just heard that voice for the first time in over 80 years what do you do ohly [ __ ] uh oh [Music] man ah I mean hort Frozen for a good bit like a good good good bit um just like incomplete shock um at you know unearthing that memory and the voice and seeing this this super ancient all powerful being oh you cut out super ancient all powerful being Tori did I cut out yeah you're here okay Tori broke T fucking's crashing oh no you broke tor's computer probably crashed guys yeah something like that I imagine anxiety oh oh uh Tori are you back nope never mind she's gone what did Tori say like something about an anxiety something about anxiety y' am I am I am I alive okay sounds like you are you cut out at all powerful uh the ancient all powerful entity okay okay good um Discord just decided Discord had Channel too much of my uh my oh [ __ ] there couldn't handle it um you want to try that again yes I I will attempt ancient all powerful entity being scared um just kind of heightens the anxiety um tin fold um but she she eventually just manages to kind of croak out did you hear that hear what the voice no what voice child what happened to you what what do you mean your soul it's not like any Soul I've ever seen it's a portion of it is dead and a portion of it is something else dead something else what do you mean something else actually I think a more app description would be someone else so FY who I don't know I didn't get a good enough look but if it's powerful enough to overcome then I don't I don't know have you have have you had any weird dreams lately or any weird dreams at all yeah yeah yeah yeah um like I mean we we we all have though right I mean we we we all have I I don't like I I thought that was just a thing that we were all having what what kind of dreams did any stand out as especially unusual uh uh well I mean I've I've seen a bunch of past stuff like things that have happened before and stuff would you say any of them stood out as especially unusual Talon um wed most of the dreams that you've had were about the era of Heroes were about the ancient past but there was one that wasn't one dream that really stood out as weird because it didn't feel like it was trying to tell you something like every other dream was your most recent one the person like the the queen dying yes huh okay um helar kind of tilts her head and thinks for a moment before um she kind of looks a little at T in I think we had the same one together uh but I I yeah I mean I had one that was like kind of not like the others I I mean I was like in someone's body and then they it it was like the person um tellson I think you said it was like Queen richlum being killed or something it was like a claw thing he just kind of like he just nods quietly her eyes Dart between the two of you as uh you speak helor and she says I I don't [Music] know this goes a lot you're a lot more complicated than I thought you were going to be I figured I'd look at you and be like oh your dad was actually a mind flare and then give your soul back but no you're something else no we we met her dad we know her dad oh and that's that's certainly not the Cas oh well what is her D doesn't realize this he [ __ ] up about to say giv the [ __ ] look the look of looks he just like he like like he fully said that like just like no yeah we we know things it's like oh [ __ ] [ __ ] wait right she's giving like the look though um oh hang on I owe you information first before anything else before I forget uh the next ritual it's it happens in like uh 3 weeks four give or take and it's it's happening in the northern Fox Woods there's a village there that it's happening [Music] in if I were to give you information could you give us information on how to stop these rituals no I I don't I don't know enough about the rituals I know what they're trying to do I don't really know how to stop [Music] them does that correspond with um the time that we're supposed to be on APS Island mhm I'm pretty sure at least tell does somewhat yeah somewhat God damn it [ __ ] we just start like killing Talon oh man you guys are the one who chose to undertake like six side quests simultaneously Skyrim you're not giv time limits this isn't Skyrim [Music] dumbass um Hort is intrigued this is like the closest thing she's found to someone who might have some answers here um isth is still in here right yes he's okay watching quietly patiently and very intrigued about all this oh no helar is like the most like apologetic look as she like looks over like to him um hiin I'm really really really sorry there there are reasons I can't say this could could you step outside for just just just a few minutes just a few minutes please um yeah sure turns around and walks out okay is he going a good distance yeah he kind of walks up the hill a bit stand to kind of Overlook look down from the mountains get a good view of the Richland Forest okay um you can still see him out the window okay helor wants to be fully transparent with this woman because she wants that answer she's mhm um she like um like the most like anxious look ever like just looks around like 360s like someone didn't like magically sneak up behind her or something um and then just kind of oh [ __ ] you see h no I'm kidding he's been preparing he's been preparing several spells all at once mhm yeah yeah they they they're they release all their prepared spells and everyone in the Hut dies including Pondo who go on um not seeing anyone there she uh kind of looks back up at Pondo uh okay um yeah I I will say that because it it it might help maybe I I don't know it might have something to do with something uh my dad's more dumb she just blinks who okay never mind uh nothing to worry about I knew what I was doing but he you I I I I don't get it though like I I I don't get it like how can part of a soul be dead or someone else's did they transfer what was your dad was morm anything special oh well um I mean like the god of death made him oh well that explains the Dead part wait how are you alive uh what do you mean well the god of death made your dad and your mom was a druid I assume you smell of Druid maybe you didn't is was your mom a druid yeah your mom was a druid and your dad was made by the god of death that should not be able to create life is should it no it's impossible wait what do you mean why you would have been stillborn huh yeah shouldn't exist wait is there some rule against that I've never heard of that when life and death were first created they hated each other so much they cursed it so that anyone made by one of them could not have children with anyone made by the other one and that's just how it's been for ever children of death and Children Of Life cannot have children and now because it's been so many generations and it's been so long since my [ __ ] siblings had their Feud it you no longer have to be directly connected to life or death you just have to be like like a druid counts as a child of life and like a vampire counts as a child of death for just random example huh you shouldn't be able to you you shouldn't be able to exist you would have been [Music] stillborn uh [Music] H I feel like Dad had a thing for Druids though and he has other kids well more kids with the same Druid Todd no I think they're different ones oh Todd will Todd will never be able to fight the allegations different Druids I Pro probably I mean I assume how that shouldn't be [Music] possible uh I I I I don't know I don't know anyways um wait who wait actually hang on where did your dad live uh like the forest the one the one that's like you know right over Yonder points Forest is your dad Todd the farmer yeah yeah know him oh I I would sometimes trade with him when he was in town he made great crops no his wife was not a druid H so most of his kids they they're fine she loved nature but she wasn't a druid anyways anyways anyways um oh okay that that's something to keep in mind um h so you you don't know you you you have no idea no you should be dead well about about all of it like like the like any of it any of what any of like the the the weird thing like like you said like like you don't know anything about like why am a lyan or any like that you're a Lykan what the hell is a Lykan like a like the the the people they normally like transform under like the full moons but like I I have like the new oh yeah that weird amalgamation thing that Moon and wait no no it was the the the new moon the whatever the [ __ ] her name was lunar or something and the huntress or something they made the weird amalgamation things they're funky I like them but they're weird I will I will give one thing to the previous generation and that was that they were creative they were much more creative than us or the abans they were very creative I'll give them that um but no no I've got no [ __ ] clue I couldn't look at your soul long enough cuz whatever Is possessing you ripped it away from me well you know I I don't have the words to describe exactly what's going on but possessing is close enough oh gosh it's more like more like two tenants in one Soul like a roommate situation there roommates for oh God there is pure Terror so you you think this is the person you you asked about the dreams you think you they're they're the ones doing it maybe or maybe it's unrelated I know well you can't it has to be unrelated cuz how would I get the same dream maybe your Soul's weird too I didn't look at it it shouldn't be I have no there's no reason for it to be TS and rip out your soul we need to see it Z's like patting at his chest I I can't get it right I goodness I mean I can but it would be weird if I took that information without giving you anything in return how about you give us more information on the crest hunt I've given you everything I know I mean if it'll help uh like verify things I don't mind I don't need anything no what do you want what do you want nothing talson is there any information about your past or anything that you want you know any ideas he actively like almost looks sick at the thought of that he just like shakes his head I know you really like the bread right yeah I have an idea she turns around and walks into the kitchen area uh kind of you hear her digging through some cupboards uh before she uh comes out a moment later with like uh a small box and hands it to you uh and she says and in return I'll take a look at your soul deal he he'll take the box okay as soon as you say okay again burst of magic throughout the room as you lose Consciousness yippee konic State rain and hore you watch as talison just stares off into space and collapses catatonic to the ground around uh and a small blue orb comes out of his chest when rain uh for hore rain Dove R in for talson there's a moment of hesitation but he still goes in to try to help talson is breathing he still has pulse but he is catatonic and unresponsive as hesitate she tries to help yippe H's there for me as the soul moves up and towards her it is notably smaller than helor she kind of looks at it oh you poor thing kind of caresses it a little bit oh I see she kind of pushes the soul back into Talon's body gently uh as you blink awake she looks at you you're you're hurting yourself a lot aren't you it's currently at 9 HP oh sorry no he's at 15 right he ate a bunch I mean that's how magic works right a look of pure sympathy in her eyes eyes as she looks at you I couldn't get it to work other ways so I think I understand why you saw the same thing he kind of like tilts his head but I don't know how to put it into words oh okay you'll figure it out later but nod starts to up and then holds the Box meanwhile hell word wait wait you can't put it in word oh can you write it down can you write it down can you write it in words I can't put it into words whether I write it or say it I can't find the words to tell you rain is also like your language is too simple is there anything you gathered you could put into words that I know just like in general well if you keep casting magic the way you are you will probably kill yourself in 10 years it's kind of like Wes the S whatever is now visible for all to see if you're not worried I'm not worried not good Telson tell tell them how exactly is it you're going about casting magic have you not seen anything of what I do I mean yeah but like what exactly it's not it's not exactly flashy but like it's pretty I feel like it'd be pretty obvious is it like the blood draining is that that that is that what's killing him yeah he's hurting his Soul he's using Life Energy to cast magic could he use life energy from other things and set them to oh absolutely he could yeah I'm pretty sure your people call that dark magic but yeah you can use life energy from other things I don't I I wouldn't want to use other people anyways that's that no uh-uh he just shakes us up you could you can use animals and [ __ ] too uh-uh no no all of Pondo has Life Energy just me is okay okay uh maybe maybe we could like um would the vampires count if we like kept one with us and just like siphon from it oh no that's that's oh no vampires are dead they don't have Life Energy oh my God what what if we just took something and just used it as a siphon would that work horrified but I mean like the concept works it's just vampires don't have Life Energy so you'd have to find something else what why do Souls look like that um what are you soulist I'm I'm not I'm not soul I my God I'm not Spirit why do people keep asking questions for my siblings oh no uh just like it they're so colorful they're blue a lot blue so they're they're so colorful one second uh sorry she wouldn't say hore you're one friend there with the tentacles her Soul's weird but souls are just blue wait what color was mine yours was blue and purple and black my sounds cool at least oh well I'm sure reain is rainbow colored ah probably not can you change the color of one's Soul nope unless you kill your soul or you mix it with something some souls are different colors depending on like where you're from and stuff but all you you people from this plane your souls are blue blue is kind of a sad color though what's the purple then I don't know oh I haven't seen purple since oalt oh wait that that's the herb place right that's the place where I got my herbs yeah or at least where they used to come from now I grow them in my backyard I I I should probably um go get uh pin I I I feel kind of bad I left him hanging out there um but you know uh okay so I I know like you don't really you don't think it's a big deal but like please don't tell anyone um about any of this please I'll probably forget in like how long have you been here I'll probably forgetting like who are you how' you get my h i i i know some people uh do this like when they're oh I'm the spooky uh witch in the woods type Vibe they disappear after cter with them do you live here like permanently can we come see you again if we need usually sometimes I leave but my hat's always here one has a very important question okay uh Are the souls like a solid color color like the like like uh paint squares or are they like glowing and weird they're glowing and weird okay yeah they're like semi-translucent glowing blue sweet yeah was like you have to ask this question for me fair enough I mean my Hut's always here sometimes I'm not home hore you step out to go fetch hin you make your way up uh to him he kind of looks down towards the rich in the forest his attention turns to you hey am I coming back Elora looks really like guilty about it is she kind of nods uh yeah yeah yeah yeah uh I'm really sorry for like you know sending you out like I I don't do Secrets I don't like Secrets but it's it's okay it's not mine to share so everyone everyone has something that they need to hide from others uh yeah he gives you a soft smile smile uh and follows you uh back as um as you step back in Pondo is in the middle of saying to Talon so that box is if you reach into it once a day you'll get like half a loaf of the cool of the bread you liked how big is the Box very small he his his his face like lights up a little bit and then he just kind of holds up thank you yeah we just free infant food that rain can actually eat also yes that we like barely need to eat any of that also heals let's [ __ ] go it heals three hit points upon consumption uh and suddenly furn not allowed come back half a loaf half a loaf is four slices worth nice um and one slice can feed you for a day you can consume two slices without getting sick nice um as uh as she says um what was I saying something about the bread H oh yeah don't eat too much it'll make you sick okay s in what way you'll throw up and die oh that's not good I i' still oh God you're saying we kill someone if we had them meat three pieces well I don't think I don't know if you'll actually die die but like oh okay I was going to say I I may only have 10 years but I still should should jeopardize that you you you shouldn't eat more than two slices a day two slices is already too much this Telson maybe whenever we go see the wizard people that want rain eventually maybe you can have one of them teach you how to do magic that's not bad for yourself I mean I I was given like a beginner's book and Basics but even even that I couldn't I I did everything the book said but nothing happened I mean tson if you want I could teach you he looks a little worried but it's like I'm not okay I'm quite skilled at what I do actually certainly a word for it does he actually say does ton actually say that I think he would okay rain's going to cross his arms mind you can actually see him now uh cuz when the souls started popping out he uh dropped it um he uh is going to cross his arms and just say I'll have you know I have some of the uh most talented Mages in the world looking for me and my expertise oh they probably just want to eat you at least at least my magic doesn't cause people to want to eat me it just kills me slowly I'm eating myself I don't think they want to eat me isn't that isn't that what me just do they eat people oh that oh my is that hore what if they're actually vampires and they're wanting to eat eat us you can't do this to my girl she'll believe [Music] anything her eyes just kind of like widen I oh my goodness rain you might be on to something I mean Serena like she said that she lived a really long time right yeah what if it's because she's a vampire and already fell for one vampire's trap he could be in trouble right now I've I've lived really long in I'm not a vampire I am a vampire that's true I am Pondo and Pondo is everywhere I'm gonna eat Pondo in a moment you shut I I think you die hin steps forward uh and says I have something of my own actually hm yeah what there's information that I need a man named Blue went missing a long time ago a druid like myself do you know where he is like the color probably why do you want to offer an exchange memories of a party high is quiet for a moment before he says the fact that I know rain but before he says being friends with Hemlock oh that's deep I mean I think that's just more so him getting two benefits she yeah honestly she she thinks for a moment before she says no no no that sympathy is what makes you you oh um right do you have something else you can offer me no it's fine I'll I'll find blue on my own all right um hi I I meant to ask how do you know henlock we grew up in the same Grove uh oh wait was it the one my mother was in a little bit I I I I was really young when your mother and Hemlock were both in the Grove she left before um before I really got to know her but I did see her around she was wonderful she was brilliant for a small period of time she was the first Ru but amarus always was a Wanderer amarillis your mom's that little girl God hore hore's heart can't take this she looks over again wait you you you know mother too she was a she was a half Arch Fay of course I knew her hey well she was like a mortal Arch fager something she was weird but she was cool I liked her she was Tiny she was so small I taught her a lot actually your mom was your mom was amorel like the little T shelf to back seat she kind of holds her hand to like her knee height she she was like taller than that when when I knew her but yeah but yeah she was like a really pretty torsh she had like the split face it was really pretty she got taller oh I liked her when she was small do do you know where she came from no I know I know where she got her name from oh the the the previous the the other Druid right yeah some other amarillas gave up their name and then the Fay that had it gave it to your mom you can exchange names like that only Fay can for some reason and you know people older than Fay it's a spiritual trait thing oh but for whatever reason your generation doesn't have spiritual trade abilities no we invented capitalism gross agre huh T casually knowing every little thing about capitalism how it's going to destroy everything small world huh anyway if you're done here are you done here a kind of oh my God the two the two clueless ones look at everyone else are we done yeah oh well no um hel has a question for uh where where was the The Grove the one from before where was that at the one me and Hemlock grew up in it's not there anymore what what was it in like a forest like where's the location do do you think that he would they would still like be around that area or something maybe the South Flo Grove burned hore oh about 20 years after your mom left is that what they're mad about do you know what they're mad about why are they mad at you they're mad at me cuz I'm protecting you probably um what's your passive insight uh 15 heisen is lying hin is lying about why Hemlock is mad at him he not only does he try to come off as uncertain but fails he knows certainly why Hemlock is mad at him and he knows that it's not just because he's is protecting you there's more to it but he continues as he says and I think he they're just mad at you because they were in love with your mom or something that's a really dumb reason but some people are really dumb um I I don't want to press but I promise you you can tell me the real reason that they're mad roll persuasion oh no hore ain't got no Charisma man hore doesn't have the Riz required oh uh okay that is that's not as bad as it could have been with my plus zero persuasion that's a 15 you looks at you for a moment and he says no I can't I told you everyone has things they have to keep secret I won't press you and I expect you to do the same every childish bone in hore's body wants to be like it's not the same um God you like you can kind of see it on her face like she she hates that she has to deal with enough of this [ __ ] from range you're supposed to be better than him um she she bites her tongue and um gives like a very very half-hearted nod uh yeah um anyways I uh rain I guess whenever you want to go to blaze Port I'm [Music] ready well I mean technically the deal was once we finished our rest we would be able to be teleported there right oh yeah that was the deal wasn't it I was wondering why I was wondering why I didn't have the ability to teleport you guys away cuz you go sleep there's beds in the other room actually I think there's an important conversation I need to have with someone back at the town so I will venture back down there if uh if you guys want to follow me and come along with me I'm also fine with that if you want to stick together but I also understand if you guys do want to just hang around and wait for meos you whatever whatever I mean it took like half a day to get up here correct half a day yes yeah yeah like it's it's it's it's getting pretty late and that was us like running mhm when you wake up you'll be in blaz Port now get out of here scam we kind of look over to rain uh is it Alexander who do you need to talk to rain's uh face just breaks into a grin as he nods oh my God T walks out he he gives he gives her a nod says thank you and then we fly shffle out ah rain hesitates at the doorway for a brief moment he turns to say something but then his entire demeanor shifts and he just you know straightens up a bit thanks for everything uh we'll be seeing you hopefully okay now go away I have potions to make and Rain's Gonna scad on still clutching his little Bread Box I love how like there was like the transition from like sweet old granny at first to just Elize at the end like um hell will give her most um polite bow that she ripped straight from Todd at the doorway um and we'll then kind of do a little wave uh byebye uh yeah what would you mind like letting me know if you do like if you have a revelation or if you remember something or something about you know like you can just like like my mind's open you can just be like oh hey and you know yeah yeah that she just kind of stares at you uh okay um or or not you you don't have to tell me anything um I just you yeah uh bye bye have a good have have a good day little one will never part with his little Bread Box this is the best gift he's ever given it's perfect for talison specifically though never having to go hungry again literally this is this is the first time he's he's at access to Quick food he is he's over the moon as you guys are uh as you guys leave pondo's um Place Hut we're going to go ahead and call a break there we will be back in 15 minutes so four uh 55 past the hour oh man I don't want a break I need one because my attention span is too small and see I'm over here like haven't done nothing for like so long I'm just like finally on the plus side this does mean that rain can give the picture at some point I was literally taking my headset off and then I heard hellbore and I came back oh wait did you not hear what I said no no what you say oh oh just something I'll do later okay don't worry oh [Music] no okay go take your break go take your I will be back [Music] for [Music] e for for for for for e [Music] [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello where is everyone where the [ __ ] are the other two I don't I didn't even I didn't know they got they got G whoa I'm very confused are they coming back are we I I do not know I didn't realize there we gone I just got back hang on wait wait huh what what that was bad timing what you you joined as I left the other VC I have no idea what you're talking about I've been here the whole time okay okay I see tor's here now too apparently while I was away my PC decided to reboot also no I do not know what p is from uh Pondo is uh the name of the oldest living organism on our planet ooh that's really cool yeah sorry uh ignore me all right so as you guys leave the Hut you can see the sun sort of beginning to set off in the distance what do you do when helor does their like Todd likee uh departure from the HUD rain will just look over house and like wipe a fake tear man they grow up so fast you know wait what okay so I know like talison did not really know Todd whatsoever mind you but rain uh will uh after hellbore does that uh tolik departure will uh turn to TS and then just like wipe away a fake tear and just be say man they grow up so fast don't they who are you uh sure I guess don't worry you'll get there too and rain will just start walking along beautiful all right I'm assuming the others follow uh rain back to the town question is I imagine like rain's trying to lead but like H has to correct him my God he just starts heading south rain gets complet go deeper South Rain AR we supposed to be heading back to the town oh yes it's that direction amazing um so it's like half a day Journey back to town and the Sun is already beginning to set we should have just stayed there you guys figh by the time we get there Alex is be asleep it's okay we can up we don't know where he is we can find him also I realized that we left Felix in town it'll be fine feel like um I mean if they're traveling and it starts to get like dark I I do think that hore will kind of like look over to rain like uh what what is it that you need to talk to them about so badly I need to inform them that we'll be uh departing so that uh they don't get any wrong ideas and ensure that we will be there for the ritual after all building up a good relation ship with him will mean much for the future uh I guess yeah um I mean if you were serious about them joining your people maybe you could ask them to be a messenger to let them know if everything that's happened I still feel like you need to tell them in some way I don't feel like we should be something of that highend priority okay I can't just like invite someone to our group and tell them to go tell the higher ups hey one of the higher ups is a traitor that that right there if they were to believe that that would be like instantly there's so many things that go wrong with that they could that that would be very bad I think for now we can just leave it you know we'll be back here soon it's the thing with Nick shouldn't take too long you know we're just going to pop in over there help him with a couple things real quick we can come back here you know sort out a couple things uh with rituals you know a few other things we have to take care of and then we can stop a couple rituals and yeah yeah get a couple keys from the meeting we do need to be looking into a way to get there again I I mean I don't think we can just like fly in or anything we probably would need to get like a boat but but I don't know how easy it is to go back there and and I mean we probably need to like set up beforehand I I mean it's going to be really hard to steal all those I imagine mhm mhm is giving Rain a little bit of a a side eye right now like a little bit of a um I imagine like rain is not even like paying attention 100% like he's off like just like he's like looking at this trees bark very intensely just like a taking the color wait did I can't even remember rain didn't even tell us what it is that um that NY is needing help with right nope no oh my God holy [ __ ] [ __ ] okay ol will kind of snap one of her fingers then and like look over uh oh yeah by the way like literally why are we going there what what does Nick's need I just I promised uh him that I would help him with uh family matters you know how family gets hellbore oh that was a mean one I'm sorry the Tori I'm [Music] sorry she gives an entire look and a half to that one um but ultimately lands on a confused expression he has a family I assume that he didn't from being like captured and stuff well you know I I'm his number one priority when it comes to family but uh we a dark expression crosses rain's face for a moment you might have found his family though and they're people of importance too so I want to be there so I at least know what choices he wants to make and so that they can't hurt him if it comes down to it I don't want him doing this alone because if something goes wrong and I'm not there that's on me that's fair I mean they don't technically really have any reason to like believe him or anything I don't imagine most people would be as accepting of something like that as dad was you know so um I guess it's not a terrible idea or anything I also don't want him to forget about me Hort just is a very quick confused to look to rain what do you mean forget about you rain looks almost as if he said a bit too much and uh he he snaps up you know smiling don't worry about it we we should really uh get back to heading to the town though it's a little bit of a ways rain you're Unforgettable you know that right you're like bright and colorful and you make people happy no one's going to forget you it's very hard to not remember someone in your style of colthing you do put a pretty frog image in people's minds I believe Torn Between the compliments SL insult uh rainv just kind of Stand Out [Music] Ash look I might stand out but I certainly know how to hide when need be after all I am the world's greatest Thief eler will do a little happy nod um oh yeah speaking of things that also need to be approaching rain on all of his secrets that he's been keeping um boy that jogs her memory a little bit oh yeah I I meant to ask I kind of forgot a little bit with everything that was going on um did you ever get an answer from from the chaos person about the locations I thought you forgot about that Tori oh no I didn't forget about it I don't forget about anything well yeah brought up the [ __ ] amulet wasn't it it's because I touched it and you J that jogged your memory didn't it no literally been thinking of a good moment for hore to remember that because she's going through a lot right now okay uh rain will just uh smile you know how Divine beings are always so cryptic and never wanting to really answer your questions with anything more than riddle I'll sort it out soon though don't worry what was the riddle it's not quite a riddle of words but more of a riddle of feelings you got to feel it out it's a different type of communication hore gives rain quite a serious look um I I don't really care about whatever Relic information thing they were going to give I mean I I do because they could be useful but that's that's not really my concern did they tell you where DOI was how hard is tort looking into rain soul right now I need you to describe what hellor how hellor is looking at rain it's like a it's like a Stern serious look like you can tell like she's not playing around about this like she is um this is a serious thing to her um but there's there's also like almost like like a little bit of a plea in bit to it as well um this is information she wants to know very badly if I tell you and when we come across when we find [Music] Todd will you go tell him there there's a flash of just like there there's like an eye turn like a sharp turn of the head but she kind of makes herself calm a little bit I rain can you please tell me why you don't want him to have that it's not the right time not yet what does that even mean I rain you realize what that is right that's not just like a weapon or like you know just a trinket or just an like that's literally his dad's body there's not going to be a time for that there that's his right always he's literally not been able to even know the location of his dad for thousands of years if you know that why why would you not tell him are you guys having this conversation in front of hin yeah yeah they are okay we hore would be away she would be like away like oh a good distance away no she would not be having this in front of hin okay tazin is distracting highin by feeding him bread okay fair enough hen is uh probably just entertaining uh talson then Yi I imagine rain and rain uh started wandering off too far in the wrong direction so helor had to redirect them to the right way so uh they're just like it a few a little bit of a distance ahead of the group but not too far like you guys can still clearly see each other okay um oh [ __ ] what was the last thing uh Tori uh hore said that's his dad's body that's his right he hasn't been able to see his dad's body in all right let me roll this real quick well that's a pretty good [ __ ] roll uh when you mention the fact that it's his dad's body you see something shift in rain's demeanor it's almost as if he grows a bit colder as he just says maybe it's because I never had a dad but I don't see where that value comes from a body is just a body at the end of the day I think it's more important you carried a body to another continent to be able to return it don't say that you don't place value on that you've shown that you do can you imagine if if NYX or one of us like if we died and you knew that potentially someone was like I don't know using us or you just didn't know where it was at you never had like just the thought of like where could that even be there's not a place to like visit to like pay your ASCS or anything like that someone could be using it or something it's isn't that awful you have to realize how awful that is no one's using his dad's body though it is misplaced yes but it's safe and he will get to be reunited with it soon but there's danger to it at the same time if we're not careful with how we go about this his dad's body as you say could fall into the wrong hands and very well be used to do horrible horrible things I mean they already got more most they already have probably both the other relics that we got we need to not make another move until we can ensure that we get to keep it until we reclaim the others no NYX already has theirs do do you have a plan to get the dagger does NYX have his though cuz I'm not entirely sure I believe that right now I don't know what's going on with NYX I don't know if NYX truly has it or not I something's off about the whole situation I can't put my finger on it but there's something off with NYX there's something off with everything they know too much they're able to do too too much and I'm sorry hore if I'm not being very forthgoing with information but I trust you I do but I don't want to see this information fall into the wrong hands unintentionally [Music] the good bread right oh yeah it's it's really good but like she said don't drink too much or don't eat too much of it I happens why I'm not having any I already had to I imagine like that is how long of like a silence there is as Hort just like makes the prolonged eye contact like she is very glaring r h a little bit a little bit rain still trying to keep up with that whole cold demeanor like not he won't look at hore this entire conversation like at most it's like side-eyed glances but he's not turned to face hellbore fully who is it that's giving you this information you are talking like you know like so much like it's not the right time or whatever like [Music] are you making that up to just have an excuse to not tell us or is there really something there is someone who's given me some information and I'm going to be honest I don't trust them fully either you learn never to put your trust in people you meet in your dreams ever in my line of work at least it's 10 10 badly when you do are are you talking about the fake Nola or someone else I feel like I've let a lot of information slip recently that hasn't that's backfired on us through the dreams and through just open conversation out in the middle of nowhere if there's one thing Todd was good at it was keeping secrets because he never spoke of them he never beat around the bush or anything so I feel like that's honestly something we should take uh more thought to out of sight out of mind people are less likely to uh ask the questions if they don't even know their questions to be asked after all [Music] that's that's so so stupid I I don't get the point in most cases of Secrets they're just they're dumb and they're stupid and you don't think if we found it that we could safegard it that that we I don't I mean look at us hore at this rain is going to turn to look at hore and he's going to like kind of face to kind of gesture to the party what are we I'll tell you if you ask we don't have the capabilities to stop this group yet we couldn't stop them from taking dagger we couldn't stop them from doing many things we can't stop the vampires We Can't Stop The Crest hunt none of it half the things we've been able to do we've only been able to do because we were relying on feric and Todd or on magical mystical other beings that happen to appear into our life we need to learn to stand on our two and feet before we go undertaking any more crazy wild quests [Music] there's Hort just looks more than anything hurt at that I yes I admit that they helped a lot but I think that that's discrediting you did things I did things it it wasn't like it was just them you're right you're right I forgot you are also one of those magical mystical beings that stepped into our lives as well huh the amount of guills I have right now [Music] oh my gosh there's such a look reignman over here pressing button after button after so if you think that you aren't capable that you you know are that you can't do it or something then why would you not give me that information to give to someone who can use that and actually make a difference and do something if we're so weak you know how about we rely on someone who can actually do something and who would you give this information to so that we could rely on them you know who I'm talking about Dad obviously with a relic and dad still wasn't able to stop them from taking the tager prince I mean he would be stronger if he had that that's like doing nothing but helping like helping because he deserves to have that and helping because like it can help him there's a bit before rain speaks again well I guess we got to find Todd first then maybe maybe then all maybe then it'll be the right time chair we can't do anything without uh Todd around here then first though okay then how about you tell me where it's at I can't just do that who knows who could be listening someone was listening and we're already [ __ ] basically not necessarily but we do need to be more careful about what we speak about out in the open the trees have ears no they don't at least that's the saying that uh I've been told many times that saying's weird and wrong and you're stupid [ __ ] you no that's illegal I was being Ted helora kind of crosses her arm she's giving Rain the rain look the look that he gives other people he's been hore's been studying it for so long she can pull it off perfectly her face actually molds to look like RS guys is curiosity actually going to kill the cat I feel like that is the hore's driving force hore does like she she can't like she's got to know everything like she's a knowledge driven creature um rain is a knowledge driven and secret driven creature my God want to know everything offers nothing um yes hellor as she's giving this look speaks up again so if you don't want anything to be spoken do you just not want me to mention anything if I have a dream if I have important information do you want me to just be like you and just ho that and not you know share or help anyone at all until it's a too late in opportune time oh that that definitely strikes let's [ __ ] go get that [ __ ] hell that's my [ __ ] girl you see rain tear this [ __ ] apart we can see which side Tate's on I have never been on rain side what do you mean where no one's ever on rain's side that's the problem ex yeah I wonder who whose fault that is um rain it definitely winces at that and no I don't okay so I should just tell you everything because you know it benefits you and you want to know but you literally won't tell me where my grandfather's body is that's two completely different things the dreams are something I tell you if I have them you tell me if you have them we do an equal exchange of information there you don't though like because I don't have the same amount of dreams as you guys you're right uh lately it's been you guys having dreams because I'm staying up making sure that you guys are safe I thought the whole you the the the Huts is that we are safe you don't need to I mean you've apparently had plenty enough at least to be super cryptic about it and say that you know when something isn't isn't the right time I had a lot of these before I even met you hore how how do you know it wasn't just your people [ __ ] with your mind or something then was it while you were with them no no if it was then that seems like it could be a legitimate concern then yeah they probably wouldn't want you to reveal where that is because it'd be a good thing for us if we found it it's not what's going on here helora they didn't they're not messing with my mind like that I can spot their tricks I know when I'm speaking to real people not after I caught Nola not being Nola like I I know where the mistakes lie that I've made in the past and I'm not going to repeat them vanishes as he's never been gr from the first place wait what what what what Jesus say tell advantes cuz he's never been real in the first place oh my God no they are not the reason why I had the dreams at least if they were that would be a pry interesting trick that they somehow pulled out and then I would be concerned for all of you guys as well but I don't I don't even know for sure where the relics are okay I'm still trying to get that information in a sense but we also need to be careful because when I do get the information you know the types of spells people have mind reading ones maybe it's best we don't look directly for this information until we uh are sure we can protect it rain if you don't know where it is then what does it matter if you tell me if it's just a general idea it's down maybe down that's what I got you wanted a general idea that's a general idea I have down [Music] underground maybe but like um you were given that it is below the cliff BG of s just in you as a player [Music] forgoten you're outing me the T here didn't we I I'm pretty sure I I might be misremembering this didn't like in character Todd speculated that it was at the bottom of the ocean he did yes yes I do remember that rain giving information that you guys already know I was about to I I know I know that rain knows no more than we do but like helor is like he knows the exact geographical location okay um at the maybe she switches gears then at the bottom of the ocean like he thought it was perhaps I'mma Insight this real quick to see if I got that straight on the head okay okay okay that's a nine okay I don't even have to modify that I rolled a 17 rain's pulling his sketchy [ __ ] oh my God I I like could go into more detail because you did there's such a difference there um rain is deflecting there's so much deflecting going on here trying to distract you with one thing give you information on another thing you can fully tell he's trying to manipulate you and just uh kind of get you pointed in different direction helora looks done with the [ __ ] at this moment like she just gives like a blank look so it's at the bottom of the ocean and you know nothing more than that am I right literally what we already knew and you tried to mislead me this entire time when you could have just said it's what we already thought yeah we'll go with that fair enough we'll go with that and uh rain's going to kind of walk forward trying to like end the conversation really get out of dialogue range break the stop no you be closer to this target to interact with it yes H work gets closer rain starts running um can I hore is actually like a kind of kind of pissed at this like she's she's she's like this is this is genuinely like she sees no reason for this to be a thing that is happening um this the first big fight that these two have had I say that they had like a big fight about the exact same thing which was you not saying where the body is um um okay like as you kind of start to um like walk away a little bit she's she's just going to like mold Earth under you a little bit just to like try to trip you like like oh would that just be like a passive perception check okay against passive perception to you uh roll a deck save against spell uh hell spell save DC that's going to be a soft 20 [ __ ] son of a [ __ ] but this means he notices it yes rain notices it and just like kind of like jumps out of the way looking back clearly knowing what just happened he's going to we stinky going to press the elore what that's so rude is very stinky this is no fair this is no fair I don't get to make a save against that so rude look green can play Petty he does petty he is petty I'm sorry I'm sorry anything else oh my God you know what helbor doesn't notice it because she has a dog sense of smell like the worse something smells the better she thinks it smells that's funny oh my gosh I imagine like it's like rotten [ __ ] fish no that is so up pellor alley like she she [ __ ] loves she loves the smell of dead things and she loves fish um you see literally probably like the worst reaction that you wanted as um like she just she just Smiles like it just like completely like does like a little sniff oh uh thanks rain what smells like fish R rang just kind of glares and is going to not like storm off but try to walk off no she she absolutely gives like the thanks rain like little like head til like the little cute smile like she knows what she's doing she's like El give me a little petty [ __ ] and she wants to love that mom dad they're fighting again rain's walking away before he does something too bad [Music] damn this is what we do we cross the river and I wash the fish smell off please Talon don't make me smell like fish yeah press digitation doesn't last long no but R rain can keep that [ __ ] up that's so rude but uh I know it's a little bit early let's end session there thank you for coming both viewer and player as hore and Rain walk in silence ahead of the group angry glaring at each other I'll see you all next week

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