Pretty Girls All Go To War In School

Published: Sep 01, 2024 Duration: 00:23:18 Category: Entertainment

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Hello friends it's me and today is Darman Monday today's video we're going to take up all the pretty girls in high school and they're going to go to war whatever that means so grab your Pitchfork and let's watch the top 10 most beautiful girls will be rewarded with renewed membership Into The Shining Star club with the number one girl me being named The Shining Star the school's highest honor because what's more important than being the most beautiful is making sure that everyone around us knows it I'm sorry what kind of school cares about how good-looking you are the Instagram model Academy are you going to get a scholarship based on how good you look you're going to get sponsorships job offers no literally nobody cares what's going on you must be the new girl yeah I guess you weren't as lucky to have a shining star Club at your old school the girls here are ranked in order of their beauty so the top 10 are oh no I know what it is I'm just wondering why you're not in there oh I'll never make the top 10 or even 100 yeah to be ranked top 10 you have to wake up 5: in the morning do a full Glam beat before going to school to be considered ain't nobody got time for that except those girls I have some friends who Meredith gosh just because you're big enough to be a set of double doors doesn't mean you should block the entry move I'm so sorry she shouldn't talk to you that way oh don't apologize she's my friend valid yeah me and digital next talk to each other like that too the best kind of friendship is is when you can just roast each other uh she lets me eat with her in the tower as her plus one besides she's right I'm not as pretty as Lucy so I kind of deserve to be treated like this what yeah I don't really care about how I look so I I deserve to be treated worse than everybody else what kind of alternate universe are we living in the top 10 girls are the only ones with access to the top 10 house alongside all of its special privileges including a private Chef pristine bathrooms separate lockers and of course most importantly the honor that comes with being a member of such a house screw honor man you had me a private Chef if I had to do a full face beat before school to have access to a private Chef sign me up remember beauty is determined by how we look not what we do so resumés and activities will not impact your vote and how you look is most important so go out there and Bully the ugly kids but make sure your makeup slays while you're doing it you know maybe go and dance on top of a homeless [Music] man but don't forget to apply lip gloss you don't get a second chance at making a first impression and that first impression is determined by appearances wow that was such an amazing speech Now where's the private Chef I'd like to request a f Manan and a spicy salmon roll ow oh that actually cut her face what are the chances of that I didn't know a paper plane could be so deadly she has one of those anime scars this is the start of her villain origin story you cut my face all of you are going to die that's what I'm hoping is going to happen like they go to war right luy how do you get your hair to shine that way was born lucky I guess you're so gorgeous stop imagine having no personality or substance within you that the only thing that you can talk about is how you look rain empty only looks maxing hey uh I'll catch you guys later okay oh hello have you seen her before that's Moon the new girl she's pretty too oh what a pretty name not as pretty as Lucy I don't think we've met are you new here yeah my name's Moon I'm princess 10 your name is Princess 10 I've been in the 10th position for the past few years you can call me Lucy princess 10 yeah I'm not calling you that and I'm pink cake Mars dog pleased to meet you you're pretty she is pretty she might be prettier than Lucy she kind of is I mean you're really pretty is this hug cut on my face are you okay much better now huh nothing um what are you having for lunch why is she being so weird she's like about to malfunction like there's another girl that is threatening my princess ranking I might get demoted to princess 11 or 12 or maybe I won't even be in the top 10 that's an impressive building they didn't show me this on the school tour that's because it's very exclusive only the top 10 princesses are allowed this is so embarrassing only the top 10 princesses y'all at school we got math class in there like what are you doing there learn to slay look maxing 101 the most beautiful girls in school the food is amazing way better than the school in the cafeteria every Tuesday a tailor comes in and creates bespoke clothes for each of us Wednesdays a cosmetician comes in with all the ladies beauty products who's paying for this a shame it's not Wednesday they may have a cover for that scratch who pays for all this that's what I'm asking show me oh the girl that was talking at the assembly yep oh yeah if she was going to pay for all of that okay you could be number one princess I don't even care what you look like if Daddy's going to sponsor my shrimp tempora then I don't care you can play your little game do whatever you want I just want access to my private Chef that's the only reason I'm here princess number one and the shining star for the past few years crazy what money can do she's a trust fun baby and she funds it she set up the whole program and The Shining Star gets to make the rules for The Shining Star program you say shining star one more time I'm going to shining slap you like we get it Daddy's Rich make your own rules wait so she set all this up and she's number one smart way to make sure she keeps her status as the most beautiful and popular girl in school huh where do you think you're going oh uh Shelby invited me she said it was okay well let's have a SE here Shelby has not added any anybody new to the list oh but but as well I don't see a headband so if you don't want to be reported to the disciplinary Council I suggest that you just turn around and March right back to the cafeteria yeah not very demure and mindful of you all you got to do is go to Claire's buy one of them bedazzled headbands and walk right in you have all these amenities for only 10 people it's kind of wasteful oh wait they did mention you can bring a plus one what a way to Swerve somebody oh somebody coming towards you that you don't want to talk to or interact with let me just look away I don't see you I don't hear you you don't exist to me yeah my dogs do that too when I call them what was that about ordinaries aren't welcome inside ordinar how can they tell the difference only top 10s get this headband how don't worry every top 10 has special privileges and one of them is that we get to bring a plus one oh so today you're my plus one oh wow she's with me you know if you weren't my guest you'd have to eat in the regular cafeteria with all the ordinaries calling everybody a ordinary is crazy just the ordinary living in a princess's world the ordinaries the average girls that's what we call them oh the ones that aren't as beautiful and popular as you and the other princesses exactly you're learning well thank you for allowing me to dine in such exclusive surrounding let me see what y'all got a salad and some reheated frozen dumplings I'm not not impressed this ain't worth waking up at 5:00 a.m. every day to do my makeup I'm so sorry please take some oh no it's okay I really shouldn't those are my favorite come on take some chocolate is to die for okay oh no if I eat a bar of chocolate I'll explode from fatness and then I won't be top 10 princess anymore ew it's Hershey's literally the worst chocolate can you please tell them that I'm sorry Meredith Moon's my plus one today oh oh what do you mean I don't have access to the good cafeteria this is ridiculous I have to go eat the ordinary food take this to make you feel better oh she gets to get it to go thanks come on don't make a scene only one plus one per princess I feel bad for Meredith she's overweight she's just not very pretty she's overweight so you give her an entire cake to eat by herself you're an [Music] enabler where are we standing is Trixie Tang here did y'all really roll out a yoga mat I guess that's a red carpet we running low on budget this month oh my God it's Trixie [Music] Tang where are they going is there a secret room yeah just close the door lock them in the closet this is where they disappear until tomorrow I don't get Shelby what about her she's all right you're much more beautiful though what yeah I don't know about that I think that you should be this year's Queen what yeah they should play the trumpets for you and roll out the red carpet is she trying to sabotage the number one princess I mean she is really pretty but you can't do that who's going to fund the private Chef if you want to be number one princess you got to have that money what are you doing checking my rank how do you do that download the app scan your face AI scans your face and it objectively ranks each Girl based on their beauty everyone's beauty is updated in real time that would be so funny if that was a Tik Tok filter like upload your face we'll give you a ranking based on how goodlooking you are the number one self-esteem destroying app how is a robot camera going to tell you how good-looking you are based on what it's like beauty is very subjective you could be ugly to somebody and be the most beautiful girl in the world to another person it doesn't make sense it's very subjective if anyone loses their beauty their rank drops immediately it's pretty fast yeah I would go home take off my makeup and drop from a 8 to a two am I not allowed to be a princess anymore I know a little bit about apps I've even designed a few but I've never seen anything like this oh wow number 11 wait I thought it only goes up to 10 wow new girl and you're ready number 11 better watch my back I'm sure you have nothing to worry about out well I better head back to class but please help yourself you're still my guest why does it look like she's living in a prison cell are you okay sweetheart I'm fine Mom it's just a nightmare I wish just squeeze it the white part is showing do you have to check your ranking every day even highlights pimp pimple you pimple face freak you're gross minus 10 points don't even bother getting out of bed today this is a nightmare this is a nightmare yes squeeze it that's very squeezable hey what do you think I'm trying a new shampoo you have a zit what oh yeah it's just a little pimple I wouldn't call it little didn't think you'd notice it's hard to miss this is awful like imagine waking up with a pimple suddenly you're ugly don't even bother coming to [Music] school hey what no no no no no this can't be happening what' she do she just took out her hair and moisturized wao that is a massive eruption on your face loose what happened I don't I just popped it oh I didn't know you were one of the no R what some of the girls in the top 10 they're allergic to raspberries makes them break out I'm not allergic to raspberries I break out every time I eat chocolate do you eat chocolate oh no she didn't that happens to my friend too when she eats chocolate or nuts she breaks out the chocolate is to die for yeah one bite is going to do it okay maybe just a little bite one bite and your face erupts sabur hey where do you think you're going you know the rules Lucy yeah where's your headband stupid you forget it at home Lucy you can be my plus one I can repay the favor she took it it's like when you win a game of fortnite you have the crown it just automatically spawns on your head the next game this is ridiculous are there any boys in the school or this like all girl school that's okay I miss cafeteria food anyway also like where are the classes do we have any real classes do we learn anything or do we just come here to eat and talk crap why were those girls making fun of her they're ordinaries too they be sitting in the cafeteria with the rest of everyone did do you want some lunch no thanks here e thanks MTH I'm surprised you didn't freak out that's a real friend right there go on take a bite try our ordinary SLO what do you mean you guys are eating the same thing everybody knows hot girls have the worst stomachs one bite of chili got you fighting for your life this is actually me in the bathroom one more for the middle [Laughter] yes e no no no no no no no no no no today is a horrible day mid poop a spider is going to fall on you and you got a pimple she can't be seen shopping for acne products no oh no no disgusting and sinful not very Mindful and not very demure pink hair she going to dye her hair pink [Music] why are you always in the way why is everybody at the school at the convenience store hey no get away from me you bum is the pimple gone maybe it just a bad dream I'm beautiful again a pimple does not make you ugly come on now to get my headband back and get back into the top 10 we told you yesterday one more time and we're going to have to send you to the disciplinary board you don't understand look I'm beautiful again it's you who doesn't understand oh how you going to let an old man in a security c talk to you like that I just came to get my headband back check your ranking what at this point this is like episode of Black Mirror like you get a pimple your entire world is rocked ruined time to sabotage a new girl that's a great hair color on you absolutely stunning thank you Lucy your skin cleared up did you use that shimmering face cream that's my fave did you want to be my plus one today but that's okay I have another thing to go to and I just came to say hi and you've said hi now leave now you can leave this establishment has a reputation to uphold girl literally you go to school to learn go to biology class like we ain't here to hang out it's not even that great like so what you missing out on some preheated frozen dumplings y'all were really hyping up the private Chef when in reality it's really Continental Hotel breakfast food I am not impressed Moon Moon can I get a picture with you your hair is fire hey what's the matter ouch I got hit in the face during dodgeball and pe oh that's terrible oh that's terrible that makes you super ugly now give me your crown so that knocked you out of the top 10 I guess don't no I'm still in the top 10 I just got knocked down to nine I'm not two anymore oh I'm just glad this wasn't worse I can't imagine not being in the top 10 at all I'd have to leave school or worse if I was ordinary this is so dramatic yeah it would suck to be you why did you even show up here just go home home just go to another school just pack up and move across the country I wish your stupid injury was worse then you'd be out of the top 10 yeah beat her up H it's not a bad idea yeah those are fighting words oh look she learned a thing or two in science class maybe she's making slime yeah let me just put a little bit of this when you're not looking definitely nobody saw [Music] that oh what what what did she even do they got smoke in their face did she literally burn their skin off first degree chemical burns what do she even do okay their ranking went down time to get that girl you know hit her in the face again oh so they actually do have classes this is the first time we're seeing classes [Music] oops my nose she literally broke this poor girl's nose to get back into the top 10 okay she got her crown back sorry I mean Claire's bedazzled head band cheers enjoy your Gourmet Sandwiches wait why is she pretending to be a chef I thought she was already in the top 10 what is she put in those cupcakes where's the frosting that she put in did she kill them she literally poisoned them we're getting rid of all the pretty girls in this school yay third rank after taking out all my Ops feels good donut into the shimmering face cream oh time to take out the final boss Moon did she just steal that she just stole it she just stole some shimmering face cream yeah she's definitely going to notice that it's blue oh no it turned her into Shrek bro just wash it off no sorry it's permanent she has swamp itis she can't just wash it off she's permanently green this is so ridiculous you can't take out the main girl Trixie Tang literally owns this establishment she funds it with Daddy's Money what do she put in her Coke real coke she's going to die she died she literally died do you think she's going to wake up and not remember like oh no where did all my hair go you know the girl I was doing homework with last night definitely didn't have anything to do with this oh no more headband she gets the crown now you're shimmering today absolutely shimmering what we're just going to act like she didn't ruin everybody else's lives yeah Bow Down you NPCs students wait where did her crown go please join us in the classroom as we are about to announce this year's shining star she didn't even cut her hair she shaved her bold she didn't even stop at the hair she waxed off her eyebrows too oh that's brutal from Trixie Tang to Caillou it is my privilege to announce this year's shining star the top of the top 10 the number one one [Music] Moon all that and you still lost but how that's impossible you can't wear makeup to cover your face stupid app isn't working that's because it's updating what yeah I made a few changes to the algorithm now that I am the shining star and I make the rules I can change them and that includes the app o what changes the new rules are a top 10 based on a new standard of beauty beauty is on the inside not on the outside you guys should all check your apps everybody leave you're all kicked out because you're all horrible people go I'm in the top 10 so am I wait me too top 10 weren't they roasting that girl for having a pimple not very top 10 of you you'll notice that I've moved a few spots down and that there is a new number one Meredith our new shining star Meredith is kind and sweet and always helping everyone and never thinks of herself and that's why she deserves to be number one thank you Meredith a shining star that we can all look up to girls we're all friends here right get her yeah after all those war crimes you committed oh oh my gosh I am so so sorry princess I mean shining star please don't fire me fire you why would I fire you why would I fire you just go make me more food you're a chef [Music] simple ew Joy your SW oh she going to jail I'd like to ask you some questions yeah you can't just shave a trust fun baby's head and her eyebrows while she's passed out and expect to get away with it about what about what about you sabotaging other girls at this school take a look at this oh he came with receipts that's simple assault oh you're going to jail please come with me what come with me put your hands behind your back that's not even me put your hands behind your back please you you you you got me mistaken I was not the one that's what they all say I'm not very demure and mindful was that Lucy I'm going to stop saying that yeah Lucy's dead I mean in jail I mean probably dead in jail she died in jail but that's all for today I hope you guys enjoyed this video it was ridiculous what a roller coaster if you guys enjoyed make sure to hit that like button the peace and make sure you turn on notifications click click and subscribe J the fact I love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys

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