UCONN To the Big 12, Basketball only a good idea?

Published: Aug 23, 2024 Duration: 00:35:37 Category: Sports

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[Music] wow that happened fast we were doing a live stream about uh the Women's Basketball team getting a $2.5 million gift and in the midst of all that in the midst of the 30 minutes that I planned for that show we get the breaking news that Yukon can join by 2026 football by 31 let's dive straight into this uh let's go to I mean there's a ton of tweets on it but the first one I saw was from Brandon Marcelo so let's get on to that big 12 presidents will discuss a proposal next week about adding Yukon a person familiar with the process tail CBS sports247 Sports basketball and Olympic sports would join ASAP football would not join until 31 as it places more resources into a program to the program to become a power for team my head spinning uh not even sure what to think about all this [ __ ] um because I thought we were kind of past the point of Basketball only you know I did I I really did uh Utah Utes if the Huskies are in the Big 12 for football there will be no Big 12 Football as at currently is in the future Brett's plans are to maximize the short term before the conference gets dismantled in my opinion it's not a bad take I like I dislike the idea says me casar I I want pit Virgina Tech I'd actually be pissed if I were UCF interesting uh you know Dinger McMurphy are also reporting it let's let's go to the Ross Dinger okay oh what am I doing Scotty B the Baylor King all right uh why is this not oh because I'm looking inside somebody else's tweets let's go home let's go home we go and then look up Ross dinger what am I doing wrong here uh sorry guys there it is I don't know why it didn't maybe I spelled it with an i all right so Yukon officials visited in person with big 120s in Dallas last week as the school and Conference remained in serious expansion negotiations sources tell at Yahoo sports Yukon would join in all sports but football would have a run way before full membership in 2031 planning leue leaders are planning to present the league presidents next week a similar expansion presentation related to Yukon that the athletic director saw last week the athletic first reported about next week's meeting Interesting Man huh this is wild let's see uh let's let's see if Murphy has any extra details brck [Music] Murphy all right Big 12 Yukon of discussions for the huskys to join the Big 12 in football in 2031 and all sports in 26 s is told Action Network Big 12 presidents must approve and but commiss Brett yormark has been a long time per per the Huskies sources said yeah that's because he's from that part of the country uh this is tough for me because we're football first I think you know this is a basketball Channel um but we're football first it's what drives the bus it's what makes you relevant as universities it's what makes our state more Rel relevant and Yukon is while I think they could be a good football adad a lot of people don't feel like that I feel like Yukon could be a good football adad because of the way they were when we played them in the mid mid 2000s we played several ranked Yukon teams during those years uh I remember the 6621 game we beat them right before pit that was a 21st ranked Yukon team they had some pretty good teams under R edel but that's 2031 that's down the road I get it I'm just trying to get that you know there there's a win you know because of how good they are in basketball I think they could do something similar to what Kansas has done um you know because that just makes them so relevant because they're so dominant basketball at the end of the day by bringing in Yukon you solidify yourself a this is just me thinking on the Fly you're you're preparing for a future without Kansas right I it feels like it feels like this may be a preemptive move for if we lose Kansas because we all know there's been some heavy Kansas to the Big 10 talk right that basketball brand that Kansas have has is the best in in College of basketball you know at least top two top three so is this is I guess the question I'm asking is is this a preemptive move just in case that happens and if it doesn't happen then you you know you solidify the Big 12 as the no chance no chance any other conferences got no other conf they don't have a chance uh to become the best basketball conference and we will remain that even though we are now with what we have even if you lose Kansas you could still probably count that so a lot of moving parts to why I think your work would want to do this but well I mean yeah but how many things have happened Curtis that we didn't see you know like at this point if I don't see something coming doesn't mean it's not going to happen anymore like I'm open to any and all things can happen you know I just I I don't I don't write anything off these days so uh JK says we need more East Coast teams in the Big 12 24 teams 12 in each division they're giving them a chance to get it together I guess that's really a Runway of 2031 it is and yeah pretty much what's up BPA 1985 Yukon football should join sooner than 31 unless they are willing to give up a lot of their meteorites money yeah I mean I don't think it takes that long to get your program together unless they're talking about from a facility standpoint because you gotta think guys when they were they Yukon was able to be a ranked team in the Big East years when we were making seven million a year was that what we were making or six million I mean AB visible AB visible money you know and they were contending Randy edel had that program moving in the right direction if I were Yukon I don't know where edil is right now uh sorry I meant to turn my phone off and I gotta read the sponsor for the channel as well here before too much longer but uh if I were Yukon I would bring edel back in as an advisor and then hire somebody unless they believe in who's there now and I don't even really I can't even know who's the Yukon football coach oh Jim Moa he's probably not your guy um just saying you know uh but uh let's see where Randy etel is uh I mean he's older now too but let's see he's he's only he's 65 looks like he's retired yeah yeah he's retired he hasn't coached since 21 with Yukon uh you know I I feel like Randy edel is important to that program he's most definitely the best coach they've ever had and if I am gonna hire somebody I bring in Randy edel to just be around because Randy edel was around for some really good runs there look at some of the runs they had at under edil so from 99 to 2010 especially some of those years man he he did really well let's see uh seven let's see okay the 07 season witnessed a new level of excitement and stores as the huskys earn their first e national rankings peing at number 13 in the BCS standings on number fifth Yukon became just the second Big East team to go ever go s and0 at home and defeated three teams which are ranked in the top 10 at some point during the season that year they also beat for their first ranked opponent in school history by being South Florida number 11 on October 7 2007 22 to 15 and they finished N9 and4 that year the next year they started 5-0 uh and finished eight and5 and 2009 they were eight and5 2010 they were good Lord they they beat Texas Southern 62 to3 good God uh another winning after a three and four start the first win over West Virginia in history in 2010 I remember that uh oh yeah they actually went to the BCS that year in the Fiesta Bowl in 2010 so and then then he went to Maryland and ruined it right but point is I don't want to go on we don't need to hear the history of Maryland football but Randy etel was there when Connecticut was legit right 2010 that's not long ago that's the last time we were good right like if we're being honest two years after that is the last time we were really getting things that we're proud of around here right like we've had some pretty good years since 2012 but if we're being honest as West Virginia fans we're not very proud of the last 10 to 12 years any raise your hand in the class anybody proud of the last 10 or 12 years at West Virginia football I'm not um and then so there's that but so point being Randy edel is I think it I would bring him back around and then hire somebody young and upcoming I don't know who that is uh maybe we can go get Dana hogerson to go go back go over there to Yukon that'd be an interesting hire for them no but seriously uh so on the basketball side it's no-brainer you know it's like do you want Alabama because that's what they are in basketball right so I I mean I'm all for Yukon and basketball it's just when you go down the road of basketball only for people which it's not only it's almost like they're adding to 2031 I mean that doesn't have to happen right just because you say it's in 2031 doesn't mean it's gonna happen in 2031 or at all it's almost like this is they're saying that just so people can't [ __ ] and say the last time we uh started doing B basketball only we lost our votes and the conference disbanded that's that's kind of what this feels like to me so the fear with this move would be you give a team or a program with no staken football a vote in the conference and that's while it may be only one there are still other programs in this conference that would favor basketball over football I would imagine I would love to ask a Baylor fan where they're at with it because you've shown that you can win natties in basketball right I wonder if Baylor people are basketball only no wonder we know at Texas Tech it's pretty 5050 although football now probably wins out uh although you know I don't know they probably it's probably pretty close to 5050 at Texas Tech uh if you look at basketball football split at Kansas we know what it is right it's basketball school although recently their football has come alive in a way that you know I'm sure all these Kansas basketball fans that have rooted for other teams their whole life probably are now football fans and act like they've been around forever uh you know who else Utah is definitely a football program Colorado is definitely a football program Arizona is a basketball program Arizona State's a basketball program in my opinion they they do care about football there I feel like but I feel like they're more of a basketball program uh Houston basketball program do you know what I'm trying to say here K State's a football program Daniel no doubt about it uh just my opinion their fans are just as rabbit as ours in football like I you could say they're like us they're more both they're not they're really not not either they're more four ofos like we are like there are times when I feel like our basketball program has probably been a little bit more supported uh certainly during the Neil Brown ER era but uh even under drum tang and Bruce Weber yeah because of Bill Snider you know I mean it's like he's still their most recognizable coach in my opinion so but uh then so who else will we looking at here let me uh okay so BYU is a football school I think it's fair to say UCF is a football school it's fair to say uh TCU is football Cincinnati's basketball in my opinion although they have been been football Iowa State's interesting I feel like they could be either they're one of the both in my opinion I think they really care about football there but I mean they're better at basketball you know like it's not even close Oklahoma State they've got so much tradition with Barry Sanders and all that I think you have to give them the football nod but just going down the list I'm trying to get a sense of if just giving one more vote may not seem like a big deal right and I don't know the ins and out of this I don't even know if they get a full vote I'm just speculating here if you bring it a Yukon you give them a vote they're basketball only that's Arizona that's Kansas that's Arizona State that's Houston that's Baylor Cincinnati seven teams that I could think of that would probably lean towards basketball over football right and so you start to worry about the future of the conference a little bit right because we saw what happened to the Big East you give all these teams the basketball that were basketball only or more basketball at the time uh votes and all of a sudden your football programs are like what the [ __ ] heck gotta watch my mouth what the heck curious what you guys think about that uh in then Oregon State in Washington it's a great it's a good question uh are they back in play if the AC doesn't fall apart we're just GNA spread ourselves to each Coast aren't we like at some point we've got to be Central to somewhere I I just feel like you know spreading from both it's go I don't know like it's not good for us I can he that I mean I'd rather go to stores than to tempy but it's you know I'm sure the people in Tippy don't want to do that you know does Colorado want to go to stores and play a basketball game I don't think so but who knows man BPA says the Western teams probably won't want Yukon long travel and then football isn't there so they won't want to give up money to them interesting Kanas won't want him that's for sure you think so miss the Big E super comps inbound soon I don't I mean I miss the Big East from rivalry standpoint I don't miss the Big East mon like the money we made sucked the officials sucked in my opinion there uh on the football side but they just weren't any good uh T you know we never got credit for anybody we ever beat there similar to the Big 12 but you know I mean if you're going to take a chance on somebody would you if you had the pit if you had the choice in South Florida in football or or Yukon and basketball who you taking then uh or or who would you rather have than Yukon right now if it's a basketball only right like they're the ad like they're the ad Gonzaga doesn't come close their revenue like it's not even close like Yukon is probably what top five anyway in revenue and basketball let's I'm sure I can look that up obviously North Carolina's gonna be number one all right so Candace Duke Louisville Georgetown [Music] Syracuse let's see North [Music] Carolina Illinois Kentucky Michigan State those are all the top 10 uh Baylor Marquette Texas Ohio State Florida Gonzaga Purdue did I miss Yukon somewhere or didn't this has got to be including yeah there's Indiana there's Yukon okay anyways I don't know this is I don't know what I mean I'm just looking on a random website here we go let's see let me look at that it's hard me to tell I'm I'm guessing though yukon's got to be pretty high up there I mean just if I had to guess hey Scotty B you're I'm glad you're in here so hey Scotty B is Baylor a football or basketball school uh like take your opinion out of this this and speak for the fan base if you think you can because I don't know the answer to that question because you guys have had so much success in basketball I would really want to know like my my fear with this is like is Yukon gonna get a vote a full vote because we're bordering on a lot of basketball teams in this conference even with one more vote would does Baylor if you guys had to cut one of the programs which one would it be uh you know because okay that's what I thought he said I believe the fan base would say basketball school I think so too and and the reason I say that is because obviously West Virginia is a football school Utah is a football school C what do you think because you're over there what about Texas Tech uh we know TCU is a football school Texas Tech is similar to you guys like I feel like you care about both uh yeah football has been good at B too at Baylor but no doubt about it um obviously right now you're more of a basketball school but when the football team is good like go back to 2010 RG3 you know like do you think it would still be basketball like if you guys were good in football again I don't know I'm just I'm trying to figure out like if you give Yukon a vote right like I don't know how this is going to work work maybe they only get half a vote but you put yourself in a weird spot if you got too many basketball only schools or schools that play both but lean basketball uh for the because you know obviously we care about the football side just a bit more I don't know I just worry about it little bit more of football than basketball Scotty okay what about um Houston is basketball I had the list pulled up here I listen to this list though and I'll jump off the topic after that everybody's probably already tired of be talking about this but okay Arizona is a basketball I mean they're basketball Arizona State I feel like is basketball they're a little more football than than they're more basketball than football in my opinion but they do like football there Baylor basketball BYU's football Central Florida's football Cincinnati's basketball Colorado is uh football Houston's basketball so we've got let's see one two three in Cincinnati Houston Sport Iowa State's another one gotta be basketball five Kansas is six I feel like K State's football but maybe they're basketball I don't know uh I'd love to ask John that um so you know you're right you're right in there in that six to seven range teams that would probably lean basketball um you added you know you're at the point now where like look this confer I mean we're all that's almost half the teams in the conference you know so you give if you give if it's just something to think about if you give Yukon a vote what happens what happens if it comes down to it you know the Big East could it happen all over again we don't ever want to go through that again you know because what happens in that scenario teams get left out hang out to drive if you guys didn't throw us a Lifeline when that happened in the Big 12 I I often wonder what H what happened to West Virginia had the Big East not thr us a Lifeline I mean the big 12 I really do because our BAS our football program was as strong as you can get at the time I mean when the when the biggies fell apart we were on the same level as probably where you'd have to say we're on at least right there with like where Utah is now probably a little better uh or like you know in that in that vicinity like we had won three BCS bowl games in the last uh 605 at that time we had been one game away from the National Championship uh at one point which you know which was wild so obviously our football brand we had just beat Clemson 70 to 33 in the Orange Bowl uh and yet we had to just almost not we almost didn't make it you know because Missouri slid at the last minute got our SEC spot I'll never get over that we could have been in the SEC this whole time you know but we didn't make it because Missouri did ESPN thank them for it just depends though if Arizona sucks at basketball for a few years and do great football than their football school it's pretty subjective I just don't I disagree with that lukee personally uh Arizona's in the same bracket as North Carolina and Duke to me you know like to flip that it takes a long time and a lot Arizona's never going to be bad that long you know they've got too many what happens is it's just my opinion Luke uh when you're really good in a sport for a long time you build up a lot of cache as far as donors and ex former athletes that maybe play pro or have a lot of poll Arizona's got so many pro players that have gone to the league or coach now that it's insane right and so you whether it's Mike Bibby or Jason Kidd like all those guys factor into why Arizona is a big huge basketball school yeah they have a good football team this year but basketball's number one thing it's not even close you know to me um I mean they could turn into a both I think you know but I still think basketball will always be number one you know in Arizona yeah exactly that's ex that's exactly what I'm saying no matter how good football becomes they'll be always basketball first it's just like Kentucky right like their Bas their footb football has gotten a lot better over the last few years with with Stoops like they're respectable now top 25 almost every year but it's not a question if they had to cut one or the other they're lopping that football arm right off and that's they could be kicked out of the SEC or anything they would still do that I feel like like it's that you know because it's it's in their blood there you know it'd be like asking me the West Virginia basketball can win a National Championship and then you ask me the next day which program I'm keeping it's West Virginia football it's not close you know uh the closest I've ever been to it being 5050 was when Huggins was there you know in the final four years but even still and then even then like I never really couldn't fall I love basketball and football equally but when it comes to West Virginia I'm always gonna be football you know I feel like that you have the biggest opportunity to represent the state in football aspect and I also feel like I don't know there's just so much history with it as far as how we you know we've been on the mountain toop so many times and not been able to to succeed just everything that goes into it just the way we're looked at the whole thing yes exactly Luke I think we are both but I do think football still is it's still it's still Bor for football you know Yukon has a long way to go they only won three games last year they're going to have to throw some money at the program and it or it won't work I do agree with that Curtis uh you're talking about football uh for it to possibly work that's the thing about about this yeah we'll get to it in 2031 thing is like okay yeah we may get to it in 2031 but what if we don't then we just have a basketball only member you know like I don't know it just it's just like uh I mean there's a lot that can go wrong with like get your football program together then we'll talk about it like there's no guarantee that actually happens it's very crazy to me means too much buddy so this is pretty crazy news guys I appreciate you for joining in if you don't care don't forget to like the video uh don't forget to subscribe to the channel and drop a comment below let me know how you feel about all this news by the way well I've got you here I'm gonna go if you want two free pen State tickets here's what I need you to do I need you to do four things okay if you look on the bottom of the screen Paul Mountaineer is my ex name okay and it looks like 37 of you are listening by way of X as we speak so this is good if you want two free tickets to the Penn State game here's what you do I'm G to go to my page really quick um share it yeah I'm sharing it okay I put something out earlier uh let's see where is it just give that a little retweet okay uh here it is okay if you go down here where it says holy cow two free pen State tickets click the link below to find out how it's free all you do is you're going to click this link it's going to take you to Magic shine autospot Channel sponsor right they you know how good sea Sean's a great guy so click on this and then you have to follow these directions let me share the screen one more [Music] time okay West Virginia versus Penn State ticket giveaway magic shine Autos spies is giving you the chance to win two lower level tickets to the West Virginia vers Penn State game on August 31st these seats are located around the 40 yard line giving you an incredible view of the action how to enter like this post share this post with your friends and follow magic shine autop Spa on Facebook it's that simple one lucky winner will be chosen on Thursday August 29th don't miss out on the opportunity to support the Mountaineers in style good luck and let's go Mountaineers disclaimer to be eligible to give for for the giveaway you must share the original post from our magic shine autospot page that's this page right here uh and and be following magic Shine Auto Spot on Facebook and meet all three conditions failure to meet any of these requirements will result in a new winner being picked so all you got to do is like the post share the post and follow magic Shine On on Facebook you can find that on my X page right here at Paul Mountaineer so it's a heck of a deal y'all you know and uh Sean is 1,000% good for it the tickets are expensive too you know I I I mean they really are so I mean these are listen I've got my ticket by the way and it's literally field level guys and I got mine from Sean you know and they are the best like I'm talking like your field level like these are the best tickets you could possibly get these are $400 tickets so like to be a get two of them that's almost ,000 dollar all you got to do is those three things you know I mean come on it's that quick all you do is click my link follow like and share I mean it's so easy to do you know so and Sean is a computer whiz by the way so he can fact check all of it he'll know so he'll know if you uh actually did it or not so be sure to do it if you're gonna do it all right also like to thank magic Shine autospa for being the sponsor of this video they do a great job over there gotta get gotta get keep up this Sol work Paul longtime subscriber to both channels don't normally type much of your stuff but steady listener love the WB fan base and your coverage love coverage but thank you man appreciate that Luke really do man all right guys so we reacted to this uh appreciate you guys for joining in Yukon could be a b basketball leag member as soon as next week which is wild so keep coming back guys we'll look we'll talk about it again if we do comes out but until then I'm going to bounce out for tonight have a good evening and I'm out

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