Jen HEARTBROKEN By Devin And Marcus/ BROKEN Engagement: The Bachelorette #bachelornation

this week on the season finale of The Bachelorette deep down inside as scary as it is to admit it if in fact you you do love this woman I think you got to tell her because I'm afraid you're going to lose her if you don't yo what is up everybody and welcome back to talking about the new episode of The Bachelorette which is the season 21 Grand Finale and wow do we have a lot to talk about so let's get right into this back back back [Music] back all right you guys so after 10 weeks it's finally finale per usual there were many Bachelor Nation alumni in the audience they were plugging in the golden Bachelor at every chance they got and so also for this Mormon wife show which I'll definitely be watching um and of course it wouldn't be a finale without Jesse teasing that there will be something that has never happened in Bachelor at history and like at this point it's a joke but he was right oh my gosh so this did not go the direction I thought it was going to go at all so let's begin the episode Jen is in Hawaii her final two are Marcus and Devin and her family has arrived and I got to say that I thought it was very sweet to see Jen's Mom very nice lady she starts crying as soon as she sees Jen walking into the room so the family that Jen brought is her mom her aunt her brother and one of her close friends and again really Monumental that this is the first Asian family that we're seeing on The Bachelor and I really love that they would were speaking their native language from time to time but this is prime time television American television so that's a big deal Jen tells them that she is in love with two men but that only one of them has told her that they love her which is Devin so the first guy that they introduc is Devon Devon tells him that Jen has spoken so highly of all of them and that they have connected very much when it comes to the topic of family then Devon goes to speak with just her mom and the aunt they ask Devon if he's ever dated an Asian girl he says no I haven't but I love it because he himself is half white but also half Hispanic to him Jen makes him feel whole it was very touching to hear the aunt ask him if he would be able to always make her feel safe since she didn't have have a father in her life and he says yeah absolutely what if he isn't the one they ask and he says that it would kill him Jen then speaks to her mom her mom seems a little bit hesitant she's asking Jen questions has he told you that he loves you does he like the culture is he willing to learn more about the culture and Jen says yes to all those questions Jen asks her mom do you like him and then the mom says I need more time I think it's normal to feel skeptical and who knows maybe I don't know what the mom was feeling but you know she didn't she wasn't sold 100% then we go to her brother he tells Jen that he too doesn't know about Devon 100% he asks about Devon's dad and things like that just to kind of get a little bit more of a sense about him he did say that he can tell that Jen looks very happy and that's all that he wants so then the Brother Talks to Devon and he asks him do you know what she how do you know she's the one and Devin tells them you know Jen keeps me grounded and the brother asks well how do you keep her grounded Devon says well we share a lot in common and all this stuff Deon also tells him that after Jen told him that she loved it it meant a lot and he only wants to do this whole process of getting engaged and doing all of this just one time and he also asks for the brother's blessing and the brother says I'm not going to give you that just now because I still have to talk to a second guy but I do appreciate that you asked me about this now by the way I'm only 21 I haven't asked anyone's hand in marriage but let me ask youall in the comments is it really this intense in real life when you're asking like family members or is it a little overplayed for the show let me know in the comments but I will say you know her brother was asking some pretty good questions Jen and Devon go talk after this whole meeting and she knows that he didn't have the most smooth ride with her family but she tells him once again that she loves him and tells him not to get into his head so overall it wasn't a great day but it was not a bad one either then it is time for Marcus again she has told him that she loves him but he hasn't said that to her yet also can I please make a suggestion stop putting these annoying people's reactions in the corner during the episode they're so distracting and unnecessary anyway the family tells him to tell them a little bit more about himself this is Marcus now and he tells him what we know about him him being an orphan being abandoned almost dying and those traumatic things that he had to go through he continues a conversation with Jen's brother he says that in the military you don't make decisions based off emotion but by Logic rather so the brother asks if this is maybe the main reason why he's a little closed off and not too open about his feelings the brother asks him some hard questions as well and unfortunately Marcus is kind of going in circles then he talks about he talks to the aunt and to the mom they ask him are you in love with Jen and Marcus says I'm not there yet and I don't know why I haven't been able to get there it makes me feel unsure I want to get there but I'm struggling I was just thinking damn I feel bad for him for sure but to hear Devin say I love her I want I want your blessing I love you guys and then to hear from this guy talking about I'm not there yet it's not a great look the brother then talks to Jen and asks her do you think Marcus is giving you the love that you need and she says no he could be doing more but she does justify this by bringing up his trauma and says that maybe that's part of the reason why he isn't so open and the brother says that he understands that trauma he doesn't want to downplay it but Jen does have a tendency to choose men who are not emotionally available and aren't vulnerable so to him maybe this could be a pattern so she says that she's given a lot and then the brother asks well how long how much are you willing to wait and that kind of made a light bulb go off on Jen's head and she's she was kind of like oh shoot like maybe I didn't think about it that way and then they had a very special moment as siblings so Marcus says goodbye to the family and then he talks to Jen outside she asks him how do you see this ending for us and he was like oh you know today was great process but he sounded like this is week six sow Fu this is the this is the final week and then again with the word salad she asks are you not sure about me and he says I'm trying cuz I think it's possible but again not looking good at all there's no way that one of the top two should be feeling like this so the next day they have some final dates I forgot they had final dates I thought it was just you know meeting the family that was it but no so her first final date was with Devin and she's already calling him baby and everything so that's a great sign they did a Hawaiian ceremony they did some like they had some rocks and it all has a meaning of course like get a rock to represent something that you want to get rid of and throw it into the water and stuff like that uh the later part of the day they were having a mean more of a meaningful conversations like they've had all season and then he gives her a gift it was a necklace that the shaman gave him when they had their oneon-one which was a while ago so it's very meaningful but I don't know you guys this was the part of the episode when I started to feel that something bad was going to happen it seemed a little too good to be true a little too like I love you lots of kissing and now I was just like H let's see what happens so the next day it's going to be the day for Marcus to have his final date but he speaks to Jesse first Jesse you know hasn't seen him since overnight sweets and they're kind of having the same conversation that they had two weeks ago he says that he's Marcus says that he's torn but I'm just like what are you torn about it's either you love her or you don't I can't believe that jent sent Jonathan to keep this guy that's crazy so Jesse's only advice is that if he truly loves her he's going to have to tell her this today because it's not about talking about no process no this is the end wake the hell up so for this final Meetup Jen is going to need to ask a lot of questions to Marcus so she goes straight to his hotel room Jen is done dancing around it so she goes straight into it and asks him what is gonna happen tomorrow are we G do you want to just continue to date do you want to propose are we are things going to change today what's going to happen and he has no answers y'all he keeps looking down and Jen says it doesn't look like you're excited for a future with me and he says it's scary for him and he's struggling he says that he's scared but wants Jen to make him want to fight and he wants a family in the future and she says I know all of that but I don't think you want that stuff with me he says well my feel things are for for you are real let me tell youall ladyes something if there's a man that's behaving like this he don't want you I do believe Marcus's feelings like when he was crying and I do think there's something about him that's struggling but he's clearly not gent's person and I don't know why she's being so stubborn like Take a Hint lady so he's crying she's crying and then she needs to take a moment Marcus then says at the end of the day I do love you and I do want to do this with you and I want to give it a try what so now you saying it I thought this was going to be a breakup oh my goodness and I thought Jen please don't be dumb enough to run with this so again she takes a break takes some fresh air when she comes back inside now all of a sudden he's singing like a bird saying that he doesn't want to lose her and that he did fall in love with her and I'm sorry y'all listening to Marcus talk is exhausting thankfully Jen got some common sense and she tells them that at this point she's done being with someone who's going to to that's going to be making her wait around and you know maybe see a future with her and maybe this no it was very sad when he I I did have some compassion for him when he said I'm afraid I'll rather find someone as great as you and you know it makes me think that there's something wrong with me but she tells him that he's a good guy and at the end of the day he will find his person so this was their breakup Marcus was crying a lot like I said Marcus then joins Jesse in the live studio audience and he says that it was very hard to watch this back he says that those final days in Hawaii helped him clear up a lot of his feelings about Jen then Jen comes on out to the studio it's the first time that they've seen each other since they shot that last scene Jen pretty much tells him that she cares very deeply for him and she hopes that he's fine he says that the same thing which is that he still cares for her deeply and hopes that she's happy and doing well and he thanks her for this whole process Jen says that she always kind of deep down knew that there was something a little off Marcus with him uh definitely a defying moment for her was when Devin came to her hotel to ask her if she loved him and she said that that day kind of put the two Connections in perspective and she realized that her connection with Deon was much stronger and then by the time they got a fantasy suite she just saw that they were completely in different paths her and Marcus so that last conversation they had was just really you know kind of having closure then he Marcus says a whole lot of nothing you know those people who can just talk and talk but they're not really saying anything at all that's pretty much him Jesse does ask Jen if Marcus had told her sooner that he loved her would that have changed things had things would things have gone differently and she pretty much says no and that was pretty much it and that was it listen Marcus I'm going to give you some advice bro go to therapy you need intensive therapy my brother like real therapy and I know a lot of people were in the comments and Twitter and other social medias asking why they didn't bring up the allegations about him why did they brush over those I'm glad they did and I'm going to tell you guys why I'm not um casting doubt in any of those allegations but when you have something so damaging I don't think uh accusations done on Reddit should have a place on a platform with where millions and millions of people are watching because whether or not those are true I think that for this is just me personally allegations need to be seriously but I don't think they should be impacting people's lives unless you go through the actual court process and it becomes that it's true until then it's just speculation and I don't think his life deserves to be ruined I think it needs to go through the process of the court and that was just a little sidec comment but whatever okay so then we have the final Moment of Truth Devin goes to get a ring and then Jesse goes to see Jen to ask how she's doing and she says that she woke up this morning but she's going to do something unprecedented she's going to to pick herself and she's not going to let Devon propose because she's going to propose aha I knew this would happen I 100% knew this would happen but then wait Jesse stops the finale again instead of seeing the proposal he interrupts and says that something happened and we can't see what happened until Jen comes out Jen then joins the stage and she's in tears she can't get a word out and she says that they left Hawaii engaged and there happy and thought she had her person but then she said things were completely different all the promises that he had made were not fulfilled he was pulling away he was acting very weird like he wouldn't bring her around his family and stuff like that long story short he broke up the engagement he told her that he didn't love her and that he regretted the whole thing she even said to him like okay you know maybe this is too much pressure on you we can just go back to dating but he didn't want to she says that she tried very hard to fight for this relationship and put herself in his shoes try to see what where he was coming from but she was truly heartbroken then they bring Devon out honestly I was mad even looking at him like I don't even want to see him so she begins to tell him that she could understand some of the feelings that he might have been feeling if it had something to do with the pressure and stuff like that but his behavior after the fact like first of all breaking up an engagement through a phone call second of all following girls on Instagram like Maria oh damn she was really upset about that one he says well you know I can't excuse that but everything I felt for you was real and Jen says oh really was it really that real because a week after our breakup you went to New York and you were clubing with Jeremy then the camera pins to Jeremy which was actually pretty hilarious but then Jen and Devon begin to bicker so Jesse interjects and says to Devon you always spoke so highly about her what happened and he says that there were feelings that he was suppressing and he never bought them out she's very upset that they dated for 2 months after the finale and the whole time he pretty much had his foot out the door Jen says that she truly did want to spend the rest of her life with him and that every Monday for the past month she's been heartbroken because of all the things that feels like a lie all the things that he said he would do he didn't he never fought for her like he said he would do he didn't protect her like he said to his to her family that he would and he abandoned her like he said he wouldn't he then give Devin gives this whole big speech with I didn't understand a single thing Jesse then shares some very special words with Jen he apologizes for this being the ending like you know she didn't deserve this but she did some amazing things so she take she should take the good things with her they do end up showing the proposal Jen was crying and crying and crying as you were watching it so it was a typical engagement Devin said all these nice and beautiful things about her which clearly now mean nothing but then she says some wonderful and beautiful things about him she then says to him I can't let you propose to me I've chosen myself and I want to wake up every day choosing you so will you marry me she gives him a ring he accepts he's super happy he then proposes to her formally on his knee she says yes and that would have been such a very nice beautiful ending but it wasn't so back to the studio Jesse tells her that she should feel empowered because she did think her way she's still crying and says that that was honestly the happiest thing of her life the engagement in that moment that was the best that she could have had however while that might still be the same woman who stood there now that's not the same man as far as Devon he's trying just like to say something pretty much the same thing I made promises I couldn't keep a part of me really did think honestly I thought that he would apologize or try to get back with her I don't know then they showed a preview of The Golden Bachelor Ed who they showed a preview where Kelsey's dad is leaving the limo I predict that he's not going to be chosen but by this lady but that he will eventually be the next Golden Bachelor but whatever that's not either here nor there um this was a shocking finale for sure first of all why did they it would have made more sense for them to show everything and then to show the aftermath I think it would have made a little bit more sense that's first of all second of all I feel played you guys because I'm usually a good judge character I've predicted all the bad guys I've predicted them this one I did not see coming I feel like we got played and from Devon's answer I was really expecting to hear the reason why he broke up with her he never was able to explain to us why and that can only leave us to one conclusion he was in this to win it and that was it he wanted to win the game but he didn't want to actually commit to it which is really you know it's very disappoint Po in and it's very bad I feel bad cuz I do think Jen put in her real um Blood Sweat and Tears clearly he didn't um and that's such a shame I did not see this coming at all at all I really did think that they were going to end up together I mean they did but like you know not they didn't they're not together anymore so yeah guys this was honestly the saddest part for me is putting your family through it Jen having to put her mom her aunt her brother for all this to happen in such as but this was the Epic finale that no one saw coming I don't think any of us predicted this let me know what your thoughts were about this finale were you surprised did you think that Devin was a good guy were you deceived by him as I was what do you think about this whole thing please let me know in the comments don't forget to like And subscribe it's been an amazing ride thank you all for 10 weeks of the bachelor Recaps I've enjoyed coming on here to talk to you guys about them them so let me know all your thoughts and until the next one you have a great one bye

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