Marcus DOESN'T LOVE Jen Back & Devan is HEARTBROKEN: The Bachelorette #bachelornation

this week on The Bachelorette I would be lying if I didn't tell you that I am in love with you I'm not there yet giving and giving and giving and I'm withering away am I doing something wrong I can't do it anymore yo what is up everybody and welcome back today we're going to be talking about the new episode of The Bachelorette season 21 episode 8 this was a crazy episode so let's get right into you guys oh [Music] yes all right so we begin this eighth week on the beautiful island of Hawaii that's one of the great Parts about the bachelor franchise seeing all these different places on Earth so this is fantasy sweets you guys and it's where Jen will or I should say might get engaged as well in Hawaii so these are the three the final three are Marcus St and Jonathan it's crazy to think that we're down to three guys so the episode begins with Jen meeting up with Molly my first question was who is Molly but I remembered quickly that she's from The Bachelor season 13 she was the same lady that was at the radio station a few episodes ago when they had that group date remember Sam was being all weird yeah that's her well I was reminded too that Molly is still with her man who she met on the show so she's giving Jen some advice about fantasy suits and how to utilized his very intimate time Jen says she feels very secure that she will get engaged with one of these men Molly asks who are the final three and once genen tells her Molly says that her and her husband talked after the radio date and they came to an agreement that Jonathan seemed to be the one that was most connected with Jen who truly liked her the most just based on what they saw uh and Jen says she really likes Jonathan but he does he he he can get in his head a little B then with Marcus Jen says she feels like she puts more into the relationship than he does so she's going to need him to step it up this week then with Devon she really has no complaints about him she says that he's great and he told her that he loved her last week she says that she isn't totally there yet but she does think that she can get there Jen says that with Devon she might get in the way like she might get in her own way by thinking he's too good to be true Molly says don't get in your head soak in all the emotions and just be free Jen says that every single one of the conversations in chats this week will be Make It or Break It so we get going with the first one which is Devin Devon is going into this a little apprehensive because like I said he did put it all on the table last week he said that he loved her and it hasn't really been reciprocated yet but we're going to have to wait and see if he gets that so they get together and y'all can already guess what they do get on on a helicopter typical I'm going to need something new but it's a great place to discover on a helicopter so I'll give that to them they land then in the middle of this huge waterfall they were doing a lot of kissing so there's that for sure but then they jumped back onto the helicopter a few seconds I was like huh then they sit by the water Jen says that she really enjoyed meeting his family he says he is very like over the moon he likes her so much and he can't wait to be with her and just do normal stuff like go to the movies or go to restaurants just live his life with her he wants to get back to work and he's also very clear that he is ready mentally prepared to get engaged which is the end goal of this whole thing they say that they have gotten so close in such a short amount of time and Jen's like yeah that's crazy it doesn't make sense sometimes and Devin says well it makes sense to me that's why I told you I loved you the other day Jen said you to feel that way and he's like yeah I know and I I know why I love you it's because you make me feel secure in a way that I've never felt before she says that she's very excited to hear that it's sometimes hard for her to accept a good thing but she knows he's a good thing sometimes she is unable yeah that's what she said that she's unable to recognize a good thing and she wants him to know that she's on her way there and he says okay I'll be waiting for you there like you're worth it obviously he wanted to hear it back and I get that but I'm actually glad part of me is glad that she isn't throwing it around she she isn't throwing the L word too Loosely as some other people have on this franchise before so it is then a little later and they have this super romantic Hawaiian date set up U so they sit down Devon says that it's been a long journey he misses his friends and family but Jen makes it worth it for him because it's been clear and way that it hasn't before Devin then says can I ask you something um what did you mean earlier today when you said that sometimes you can't recognize a good thing so she says yeah you know this whole self sabotage because of previous ex relationships and expectations that those bring out of me but she says that this is a different in a good way so again it must be too good to be true so basically she's had a lot of bad experiences and she feels like they're all going to be like that damn she might have thought about going to therapy before doing the show if that's the case but he says that he feels so strongly about her and that's why he is comfortable telling her that he loves her even though he might not hear it back it was a little awkward because she knows that he's expecting her to tell him she loves him back so she's just asking all these other questions kind of feels like they're going in circles Jen keeps saying you mean a lot to me you're such a great communic Ator you mean so much to me but I think at this point he don't want to hear none of that he wants to hear I love you and he also um reiterated that he is ready for an engagement they then opened the card which invited them to the lovers room the fantasy suite and they accept Devin's excited to have quality time off camera so then they go and then we see them wake up the next morning it felt a little too personal seeing them wake up okay and then Jen said something about him being better than Pete Davidson in a lot of ways okay they eat their breakfast Jen says that last night made her feel more confident so that should make him feel a little better he keeps saying I love you but he ain't hearing it back so it's driving him nuts so Jen then gets on going to pick up her other boyfriend Jonathan so she drives and is taking him to a surprise they go get some fried donuts which it was killing him to eat because he takes care of himself and I get that there's a certain there are certain times when I'm really on the grind that you can pay me to eat a carb but you know moments like this what are you going to do it's worth it then they just do little simple things like walking around to other shops and then they go to have like a little picnic by waterfall and they start talking I'm going to be totally honest the conversation between these two makes me close my eyes and want to fall asleep but they seem happy and Jonathan did seem to be a little out of his head and more confident and then they kiss and get into the waterfall to swim so then let's get to the night portion of the day Jen says that she feels like they had a lot of fun and they talk about the hometowns they had last week Jonathan says that he felt like Jen was super confident meeting his family and Jen says that's interesting because she she then opens up because she says that when she was a kid she was really all all that confident you know her parents were immigrants and she grew up in a place where she would kind of be ashamed of her culture she was she grew up in a predominant white place and she felt like she had to hide her identity and she just felt like a different person I could totally relate to that uh not in the sense that I've ever felt embarrassed or try to hide in my culture but I do know what it's like to be in a place where you are ethnically different I understand that uh and then Jonathan gave a great response about embracing the different parts of himself because he is mixed race and he says that if they had kids he would make sure that they would embrace the half Vietnamese side the quor black side the quarter whites all of that and I did notice that in this conversation Jonathan seemed like his eyes were definitely glowing and he seemed super happy to be there and it almost feel like you could see him falling in love with her so then uh they get the fantasy car and they get on going and then we see them in the morning again feels a little too much it was funny though cuz she said never did I think I'd be in bed with the mummy man from night one he seemed very happy but if I'm going to be honest I saw her a little bit more happier with Devon the morning of than in this one but anyway speaking of Devon we see him and he's freaking out he's still in his head of feeling like an option not the choice which is really something I would never want to feel no one wants to feel that no everybody wants to feel like they're number one not an option but I mean this is the premise of the show so Devin I would say you got to hang in there bud just a little bit like this is what what the show is so then we see this scene that I don't want to call it odd but I'll call it interesting it's Jesse and Marcus and Jess is telling him that he needs to be proud of himself because he has overcome a bunch of obstacles and that he deserves to be happy and Marcus isn't 100% sure about Jen and to be honest that has been apparent for a while with the exception of Devon now it it looks like Jen has been way more into the guys than the guys have been into her but this is crazy you guys because Jen said that she's in love with Marcus and she's getting ready to tell him that in the date whoa so they meet up they get on a boat they make out a lot she likes to make out and then they chitchat a little bit Jen tells him that her feelings with with him really grew after hometowns uh she was so into the state uh and then they go underwater where the once the sun had set and they uh went to go swim with some Manor Ray so they had a lot of fun then it's time for the night portion and oh my gosh hang in there guys okay cuz this was a lot so he says that the date made him really happy but right now he feels nervous he says that last week when his name was the last one called in the row ceremony it made him realize that maybe it couldn't it wouldn't be him at the end of this and that this would all have been for nothing so he definitely says that he got into his head then he starts to do this word salad about the childhood his goals to be a father and he's never met anyone like Jen but I listen I get it because he comes from a broken family and he didn't have normal childhood and he then says he only wants to be engaged once only ask once which by the way there this is another one who needs to do extensive therapy before he gets married or has kids but all the word salad I guess was just him buttering her up to eventually say that he's not really that sure about them I was like dude just say it he says that this process is approaching and again going in circles and circles and circles um but yeah it's been hard to for him to be at this this point and but he says that he's not comfortable to say that he loves her and you could see Jen's face just completely changed that completely ruined her parade she's speechless he says I'm sorry and she's like no you don't need to apologize like you're following your heart but she look devastated uh but then she says I would be lying if I didn't tell you I am in love with you whoa she says you make me comfortable you make me feel like myself and I feel like I needed to say this to you I feel like I really needed to say how I truly felt and get it off my chest then he starts to cry and then a hush fell over Hawaii it was so awkward he says I've been trying she says I know but I want you to feel confident and whatever you're feeling he says well you make me feel amazing but I'm like what is going to happen so my the is this he was getting ready to get the hell out of there but once she told him that she loved him it changed his mind because all of a sudden he's like well you know I wouldn't be here if I couldn't see something with you like really dude but anyway she then gets the card offers it to him and he accept because he says that it will they will have some extremely beneficial time that they need so they get going and then it's the next the next morning and he says that the night before helped them a lot on the doubt that he was having okay she then leaves so that's all for the overnights that's a wrap then we see Devon again and he's still in his head and he and then he asks Jesse to come over because he needs some guidance Devon says that he felt very excited for his overnight day he was really wanting to hear the love back that he already declared deep down though what he wanted to do was ask her do you love me as much as I love you but he didn't ask her that Jesse says well did you feel like she might have loved you back just like what you felt and Devon says I don't know I said to her that I loved her so many times waiting for her to say it back but nothing damn poor guy he starts to get emotional he says I truly uh if I truly make her feel some type of way then why can't I feel it I want to be loved I want to feel wanted and that's all a man really wants to feel a man wants to feel loved and wanted he says I don't feel like I'm the one I feel like I'm one of the many and there's this thing that he wanted to so many things he wanted to say to Jen so that he can get a Clarity but he didn't so after this Devin goes to Jen's room to see her he knocks on the door and he's ready to be brutally honest she opens the door and says hey and then it ends there o you guys this was a lot okay so a few things Devon is doing too much Marcus is doing too little Jonathan's doing just right but but I don't understand I've noticed Jen really really likes Marcus but I'm curious what does she like about him like not like what does she love because apparently she loves him she's in love with him I don't really get that how are you so in love with someone who has shown you nothing he's never said he like he's he's in love with you he's very close to off during the dates what does she feel towards him I want to know but you you you just want to know something that kind of became clear to me after this episode no shade to Jen she wasn't ready to be no damn Bachelorette she really wasn't and I'm starting to understand why she was the third option um she seems very emotionally immature and she it feels like she doesn't know what the hell she wants um it's a lot but anyway guys they're going to have a special tomorrow night which is the ment a and we're definitely going to be here to talk about it but let me know what did you make out of this crazy fantasy sweet week so please let me know know don't forget to like And subscribe and I'll catch youall next time you have a great one bye

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