Jenn Has CRAZY Hometown/ Only Three Men Left: The Bachelorette #bachelornation

Hello everybody welcome back today we're going to be talking about The Bachelorette we're going to be discussing season 21 episode 7 which is hom towns let's get right into it welcome to Manny's TV talk where we will talk about all of our favorite reality TV shows and news surrounding them grab a snack a drink and get comfortable because this starts now so we kick off this episode in Texas give it up for Texas they are in Houston Texas to be specific because it's Hometown and this week is beginning with Devon he says he has a few surprises for Jen and the first one is some running club that Devon is part a part of now Devin you're a great guy but what kind of date is this running but it was nice though because this is something that's very important to Devin so in a way it's him showing her part of who he is he started this club with his friends and it was so cute that they had Jenifer and Devon t-shirt made which all the members were wearing and then they wore them as well and then they start going they start literally running up and down and they ran a while and you know actually now that I think but I take it back because I remember taking a class in college intro to psychology and I remember learning of that I can't remember exactly what it was but after you do a workout your brain releases something and it makes you more like prone to make a move on the person you like or something to that effect I'm going have to double check on that but maybe it was that it wasn't too much of a bad idea but I'm still a little like really running okay so Devin had so much fun he loved introducing Jen to all of his friends and doing something that he loves they then sit down on like a little bit of some grass and Jen meets deon's dog um as we all know Devon doesn't have the best relationship with his dad especially growing up but he is still somewhat in the picture so he really likes jenu guys and he's so sure about her that his dad will be in the hometowns because for Devon this is the real deal so it's later that day it's now kind of like night time and Jen is going to be meeting a whole bunch of people Devon's dad his mom his Grandpa Grandma brother and stepdad and Devon he's very nervous because he's never really introduced any girl to his parents and I totally get that his family was very happy to see Devon and Jen they're having catching up on all the things they've done all the places that they've traveled and there's a lot of laugh which is a good sign Devon talks to his dad and he tells him that he is in love with Jen he hasn't told Jen yet because he is scared to tell her that he loves her and what if she then goes to tell another guy that she loves him so that's definitely very scary Devin says that you know their family doesn't have the best track record when it comes to relationships being successful like the first time but he's hoping for the best Jen talks to Devon's mom the mom asks her what makes Devon special when Jen says he's very emotional mature he's himself and that he's opened up to her about his childhood Jen then tells her about her childhood and how both Devon and her will take what they've learned about what they didn't have and you know try to just make sure everything's well Devin's mom is now married to another man and she has a good relationship now and it was a pretty good chat but then the mom asks what are your feelings and Jen says yeah I am uh you know they are both falling in love for one another and they've said that to to each other and Jen says that she does see a future with him and you know typical concern from a mom and dad there are three other guys in this same situation and their son might be heartbroken and this is why I've said this for years now I say it every season when it's the Bachelor or whenever it's the bachelor whenever they come on I'll say it every time and I'm gonna say it again four people is too many for hometowns because that means you're going to have three men introducing their entire families to someone and those three will not end up with her so let's reform the final four going to Hometown let's do it final three maybe ideally I would say the final two maybe the final four could be them meeting her family or something like that um I don't know it's just a thought I've always had and I'm always going to have it so the last conversation is Devon and his mom and he tells her the same thing that he told his dad he's in love with Jen but he hasn't told her yet because he's scared the mom says that he needs to take the risk and share the feelings that he has with her and it was so sweet he says to her you're my hero so then they say goodbye and as Jen is leaving Devon hugs her he's hugging on her kissing on her and he says Jen I love you ah I you know was glad he said that um this was definitely the red time for him to say it now she doesn't say it back I didn't expect her to but she does say that she is falling so hard for him and she sees a future with him so it was a very successful Hometown all right hometowns number two it's Jeremy and they're in Connecticut they go to a grocery store child first a running date now a grocery store what is going on this was a very big grocery store and y'all know how like in Chuck-E-Cheese they have those like robot an animatronics or whatever they're called yeah this grocery store had a bunch of them which some people find creepy and they sold a bunch of like cool food so it wasn't your like typical grocery store it was really big and so they kind of just went around the store looking at different things one thing about Jen and Jeremy is that they're going to have a lot of fun they have a good time which is a great thing and it was so funny because as they're eating some like fried buttery Donuts something like that all of a sudden Jeremy says oh my gosh that's my aunt the aunt was at the grocery store that was funny so then it is time to see the family it was still during the day so it was not that late as compared to the first one Jen brought a flower bouquet that she had made at this grocery store Jen will be meeting Jeremy's Mom Dad brother and sister they are all catching up and sitting around then John then Jen talks to his sister and she asks what Jen thinks about Jeremy Jen says that they have a great time he has a good sense of humor but the part that they still haven't really talked about too much is about their feelings so then Jen questions the sister and she says do you think that as far as Jeremy could he get there and the sister says well you know with this short amount of time probably not uh uh what listen if my sister was the one who cost even an inch of Doubt with my girl I would be pissed I would be so mad but then the sister talks to Jeremy and she tells him listen Jen thinks you are guarded then Jeremy talks to his mom and wow his mom was very skeptical you can't blame her this is her son but she did not look thrilled at all about this she brings up that it's very little time how do you know she even likes you and things like that she even said that I I guess she's a bachelor Nation fan because she said that when she heard Jen describe her ideal man before the season started she thought to herself yeah that's definitely not Jeremy oh so the mom then talks to Jen and she says this isn't a game this is a future could he be a life partner and Jen's like yeah that's why we're here you know Jen asks do you think he would be ready for an engagement the mom says I just met you oh she says it depends it has a lot to do on the girl as well look if I were J I would have ran out of there they made her feel like a complete Outsider as compared to Devon's family so then that was it Jen and Jeremy go outside and he finally tells her that he is falling for her and that made Jen really happy she didn't say it back but he definitely did but dang the family that Mom they could have faked it at least a little bit okay let's move on it's a new day and it's time with Jen to go with a man who she definitely likes and he likes her Jonathan they were in San Diego they also look like a great couple as we learned before they have in common that they both played lacrosse so they play a little he had a little game set up for her they then talk a little about the walls he still has up and he doesn't use the word love lightly at all then it's time to meet the family they will be meeting Jonathan's mom dad sister brother and his fiance the brother's fiance also I didn't know this but Jonathan is biracial his mom's white and his dad is black I honestly thought he was Latino but anyway or maybe his dad is Latino I don't know they're talking to the family and Jonathan's brother is engaged and him and the girlfriend share their story about how they met on some dating app and they're engaged the brother was being a little weird I get being protective and not wanting your little brother or loved one to be hurt but come on can we at least get a little smile his mom was very nice Jen spoke to her and you know compared to the last mom great conversation Jen tells her that she does feel like he is Jonathan is holding back a little and still has some walls up and the mom asks well you know there's four guys is he a top Contender here I go again with the four is too many but anyway um Jen says yeah of course so then the mom talks to Jonathan about the things Jen and her just talked about and how he needs to be a little bit more open he says that it's fear and that today if the family likes her that would also allow him to open up more Jonathan ask like flat out asks do you see this as someone that I could be with in the long term and the mom says absolutely wow and similar to Devon's mom she tells him to take the risk so right before leaving Jonathan Thanks Jen he tells her that they all loved her and he tells her that his eyes are open and he's falling for her this was very genuine and she tells him the same thing and she was like trying to get it out of him um but you know I was thinking like I get that I get having your walls up I get being closed whatever whatever whatever but but at this point in the game if you were the guy and you're trying to get this girl she shouldn't be trying to literally force it out of you to say I'm falling in love like you're the guy bro you should be the one trying to say it as much as possible like come on now so let's go on on to the last state which is with Marcus and they're in the state of Washington and this is the time where we hit the one hour mark and I was thinking wow we already had three hometowns we only have one left what the heck are we about to get into so let's talk about it they go to sit on some bench I'm guessing that they must have used all their budget going to Australia and New Zealand and all these places because what are these dates a running thing a grocery store a little lacrosse game and now being on some ugly Lake uh-uh okay so Jen will be meeting Marcus's sister his adopted parents and a bunch of friends that he was uh that he met when he was in the service and it was a full house they really didn't have that much of a quote unquote datee they kind of just went straight to the hometown and I'm glad that Marcus has a lot of people who like who it looks like they like him a lot and they care for him so Marcus talks to his dad and he tells him that today is going to be important day to really get all of his feelings sort of in order he does feel like he is struggling a bit on being able to fully be there Jen talks to his mom and then talks to his sister and you can tell how close and how much Marcus and his sister love each other and how protective they are of each other because of all the things they've been through like I mean we learned last week like two little kids that were just dropped out a daycare and their parents never came back and now they're in foster care that's horrible and that's what this sister brings up that you know these traumas have put a lot of walls up for Marcus then Jen starts to cry because she says that she too is scared but the sister says that today when they walked into the house earlier she has never seen him with have such a big smile so he thinks that she thinks that this is real for him then Marcus and his sister talk and he talk he talks about where he is at and how much he wants to be a father and have this great life so the sister tells him that all of these things that he wants to do you know in order to get there he's going to have to go for it but overall it went very well Jen really liked his family and vice versa so outside Marcus finally takes the initiative to tell Jen that he is falling for her and she's very excited and she tells him that she is true so that's all then they did something a little interesting where they go back to California and all four of the final guys meet at a bar they like each other but it's definitely awkward I mean they are all hoping this you know to be the final one but they don't really want to hear how well it went for the others but they're all feeling pretty confident with their hometowns all except Marcus he's having a little bit of res ations he likes Jen but to say that he's there to get engaged he doesn't think so and he's even feeling guilty about it so then they go to change to get ready for the rose ceremony so without further Ado it's time for the rose ceremony Jen walked out wearing a fabulous white dress and then the first rose goes to Devon no surprise there Jonathan get the second one no surprise there and then finally there was one rose left which goes to Marcus and he says that he would love to accept it so then Jeremy has to say goodbye now I feel like I was Bamboozled they kind of tricked us into thinking Marcus would self- eliminate himself but I'm not surprised by this two things Jeremy didn't have that much time with her he kind of skyrocketed out of nowhere and second he can thank his family for their attitude but you know they their goodbye wasn't that bad it was a very nice sort of like I love getting to know you we had lots of fun goodbye I wish you the best um there really wasn't that much of a connction that strong foundation for them and that was the end next week we will be getting a two night special Monday and Tuesday for overnight fantasy suites and you guys we see the preview where Jen tells Marcus she loves him and he says that he's not there wow so we're going to be getting into all that next week and we're also going to see the Mel all which I'm not thred about I don't want to see no damn Sam Aaron Thomas no thanks but anyway you guys this was the end of the hometowns we are top three three contenders are now Devin Jonathan and Marcus I still think it's Devon's to take but let me know what were your thoughts about this episode please don't forget to like And subscribe and I'll catch youall next time youall have a great one bye

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