Record predictions for Coach Prime, Shedeur Sanders, Travis Hunter & Colorado in 2024

Start let's go [Music] w [Music] Intro right [Music] bation let's go what a day unbelievable day welcome into the Toyota Lounge driven by your Front Range Toyota stores Toyota the official vehicle of DN VR so Xavier Weaver makes the Cardinals roster much to get to Z just made the roster though by let's go Z shout out Z I mean we knew like from Jump Street that yeah that man belonged in the NFL we watched him you know do it all last season um we talked about him being like a second or third round pick at one point and then he gets the injury it really hurts him um he has to do his own pro day like obviously doesn't get nearly the attention he would have gotten if he was at the Senior Bowl or the combine ends up going undrafted which was so disappointing at the time but he lands on a cardinal team where we're like this is a good spot for him he has a really good chance to make this roster and then all he did was ball like MH from day one of Camp we're just hearing good reports about Z Weaver every day and obviously Twitter's a lot more algorithmic now but like I felt like I was just seeing at least one thing a day of a different Cardinal reporter being like wow Z weer balling yep practice clips and then he goes out in these preseason games and does what he does best and does what he we we know he can do which is ball out um special teams too it was cool watching him against the Broncos on Sunday too uh and just like seeing it in or with our own eyes yep cons I mean he was really consistent in that game and it was clear he had become a favorite Target of both Clayton tune and U Desmond Ritter yep so shout out to Zay big play Zay has made the 53 man roster for the Arizona Cardinals and uh I think he's going to play I think he might be either starting return I I mean the way they were using him in the preseason sure made it seem like it and he had three or four good kick returns with the new format so yep um okay to the big news from today though if you saw the video on Twitter and you saw it right before this show went live we're hitting the road we are hitting Great American Stampede the road Eastbound and Down yes sir um I was listening to that song that Willie Nelson On The Road Again mhm uh man you guys I mean I think you actually do know how much work has gone into this because I've been talking about it January and I felt guilty about that at a certain point cuz I was like man we're not going to be able to announce this as soon as I thought we were but um it has been a long time coming and as I said on Twitter I was like this essentially was a response to the response we got from this fan base last season and I was just thinking to myself like we can't make enough content I remember at the spring game we just went live on YouTube from a phone yeah and just like walked it around at the tailgate and it did like 14,000 views and I was just like oh man like this community this group of people just wants as much content they want to you know there's people from all over the world that want to feel closer to this team uh and it's one of our big goals is to always feel like we can bring people closer to it so that inspired this and and I was actually telling someone the other day just like how inspired I have been as a content creator by this fan base yeah and it's because they support and and hype up and watch and consume everything so it allows it it just forces you to keep thinking so I came up with this idea I talked about it with you guys I mean we were talking about it what at the Utah game maybe even before that I think before that cuz I think we had already gone on most of our road trips and you were talking about how sick it would be to go to every game in this bus that we just it's like our content hub yes and so I uh started planning that and you guys should know one thing about me I hate planning things um really really do but says the guy who also just launched a market too I don't I those are great though because alli's the planner and you know we have all this other team they just tell me what to do and I I can usually execute it this one I'm like if I want this to happen I got to really take like control of it and make it happen so I wrote like a 2,000w document of what I wanted to do and gave it to our sales staff and was like please make this happen to me or I might just retire from content creation I want this so bad and uh credit to them man they they've been on the grind like I said since January not only um locally but they passed it around to all of our different um sales directors nationally at all of our different markets so they all helped out on it um you know we brought in like Marissa to run operations on this uh it was it was just this huge team effort that everyone like I feel like matched my energy on was like okay this is going to be really cool um you'll learn more soon about all the sponsors that we were able to secure for it but it's uh it it's just really cool to see uh you know all of that come together and it it it's a credit to you guys for honestly supporting us in the ways that you have and giving giving us the platform to go to big sponsors and say we have this huge idea we know we're going to have the audience um like can you help us put this on and so uh true team effort 100% um yeah shout out to the whole team shout out to you man I mean you did the damn things uh it was a ton of work too I know it was and uh you made it happen so we're very appreciative for you hell yeah man thank you and uh it's going to be incredible I mean we're we're setting this thing up with starlink so that we can be live anytime so we're going to hit the road we're going to press live we're going to be streaming twitch playing you know uh cfb2 against each other from the bus um we're going to be creating like behind the scenes Vlogs With RG we're going to go try and um test out like the the number one food spot that everyone says in each City we go to and rank them against each other uh we have so many plans for the content obviously we're going to have you know players hop on once we're in the city of the game and you know maybe play some cfb2 with them or just do you know like a 21 question Style video all that stuff uh it's going to be hopefully I hope I I hope at some point you guys say all right all right enough is enough we can't take this much content but I have a feeling you won't n straight to the top man um and then also you're back I am back you opened up a market in Dallas great job uh emergency show first day dude yeah that's insane uh shout out to the team out there they're really good they are really good super good team it's uh it's incredibly exciting it's always a a grind to launch these things but that first day when everyone's just like ready to go just rearing to go is so cool so uh shout out to Dallas I know we have lots of uh Cowboys fans and stuff we we can see the numbers so I I know there's a lot of you guys that are watching this show in Dallas so if you haven't already go subscribe to uh DLS Sports on YouTube uh also follow them on Twitter and and check them out we got we got some really really great content creators over there yep so shout out to you the Toyota chat viewers listeners for bearing with me as uh you went and open a new market shout out to you for holding it down lot of shout outs and one more shout out yes our guy Petro from goonville clothing is here man uh we had an awesome conversation before the show just about like you know his brand and what he's uh you know trying to put together and um the clothes you guys have seen neie rocking it and I was I'll be honest I was kind of jealous I was like damn what's going like where's he getting this stuff I actually thought originally I didn't tell you this but I thought originally it was like a Mississippi I know like company or something that he had a relationship with going back but uh Petro reached out to me on uh on Instagram one day and you know just said he he loved the show and so we uh got together today he hooked us up with some hats and one of those sick new hoodies if you haven't seen the new hoodies they absolutely pop off so check them out goonville appreciate you coming through man we'll we'll we'll talk more someday about all the cool things he's got going on definitely um so yeah there and like a true kfax guy which I respect once you like work at dmvr you you learn a new appreciation for kfax uh he's got like a connection to Pete which if you know kofax you know Pete and uh it's uh I love it I love it he he knows the spot down here yep uh we'll be decked out in goonville stuff let's get on with the show then let's do it um today is the day people have been asking us Season predictions since February January no y what's your record prediction for this team yep even when I go on other shows and I'm like ah not ready to reveal that yep um who's going to be the guy that you guys have your eyes on the Freshman the transfer uh who's going to make the big 12 title game all that today let's start offensive player of the year are we including yes we have to okay uh offensive player of the year is going to be shador Sanders yes it will be and I want to talk a little bit more about shador later uhuh well actually we could do it now if we want to play that um we'll finish talking about shador and then we'll we'll play that because the quote from um what's his name Tim palassi okay that's what I thought but I I was scared to mess it up out of respect uh the quote from tasic on shador Sanders was maybe the most ball knowing quote I've ever heard about shador Sanders even more than you I did his homework yeah I know he he really watched toor Sanders but um we're going to see a alltime season definitely for the Buffs MH and I potentially would say for college football from shador Sanders this year um obviously Travis is going to make a big impact I think there's going to be some fun like Darkhorse candidates for who could win this but in the end you're going to see a ridiculous season from from qb1 back there this year and I can't wait to see it you're going to see the best season of quarterback has ever performed in a Colorado Buffalo's uniform this year I would almost be willing to guarantee that I practically am I mean he he's extremely motivated coming into this year he knew what he had to work on he's got the reinforced offensive line he's got more weapons around him now which man if you go back to last year's team and just said okay you lose z uh you lose some of these guys you get to keep you know Travis and all them and you just roll it over this would still be one of the most lethal wide receivers in the country but they go out they get Le jonte they get will Shepard they bring in drayen and cam um shador is just going to he's going to light up scoreboards across the country and he's going to set CU records this year it's going to be a good time can we play that clip of uh Tim pic I was I was going to get it okay I was gonna get it Tim pic uh did you see NDSU fans are upset that coach Prime had to ask for the pronunciation they're reaching they're reaching they they always are but let's hear from him yeah um you know four weeks ago getting started on this process everybody's asking about Colorado my mind you know just went to off schedule plays you know him making things happen um you know outside the pocket or you know off schedule right he's the best player that NDSU has played yet okay and I really believe that this guy is process oriented he's progression based he's aware of footwork and timing and Rhythm he takes what the defense gives him okay he goes to the right spots and then on top of that he can play off a platform different platforms I think he has a great ability probably his in my opinion his strongest suit is that he can get his cleats in the ground and deliver the ball quickly when he has to you know and that effects that has a positive effect on rpos that has a positive effect on relief type plays you know a run with relief he's impressive um you know if you were to line up and show him a three-man rush he's going to buy time back there by time and hit second and third level um throws that are uncommon you know with great accuracy and deep crossers and those kind of things um some of his best plays are the simple play of throwing the ball away as well I I admire uh shador from the standpoint that he's playing the position the way it's always been attended intended to play you know Rhythm timing footwork all matching up and then you put on top of that the ability to to extend plays looking to throw he's not a runner first but he is capable but extending plays and and keeping his eyes down field is pretty impressive it's exciting I think our fans should be excited and should appreciate that they get to see one of the top you know a first round draft pick at quarterback get to play against the Bison is he better in the pocket than you thought then we just said now you know once you sit down right like I I um mentioned to Sam I think we were talking I Pro Football Focus has all these cool different cut-ups and I was able to pull his best 250 plays and then you start to really have an appreciation for or um he's playing the position there's a lot of guys that are really good they're really scary that just are making throws or they beat you with their feet he is playing the spot you know I several times found myself back in the quarterback coaching chair and like bump bump bum bum bu bu bum I mean he's there's some Rhythm there and there's some Tempo and you got to appreciate it what you so we played this yesterday with Scott and uh Scott kind of shared some insights he's a former college quarterback himself but again the work that Tim pic has put in he knows shador Sanders oh yeah they're not going to be surprised by what they see from him on Thursday no and and I just I give so much credit to uh coach pic and you know after this week I'll be rooting for them moving forward um except for I don't know some of their fans are annoying anyways um because he kind of admitted that he didn't know shador Sanders before he started um started watching him he thought he said I thought it was going to be a lot of Off Script thing you know and and uh I think it's common for people who haven't watched to think oh this is Deion Sanders son playing quarterback like you know he's going to be running all over the yard and doing all sorts of crazy stuff um and we talked about this from the first time we ever talked about shador on this show it's like no like he plays the position the as as a coach said the way it was intended to be played I mean what a comp y uh and you know you think about the fact that shador models his game more than anyone over after Tom Brady Y and that's what made Tom Brady so Elite among other things but uh it was just it was so refreshing to hear coach actually talk about it not just say it because it's not that as if coaches haven't said nice things about shador before that a lot most if not all of them do before they play Colorado but for him to actually break it down and talk about his footwork his timing his rhythm his understanding of the game like all the stuff that we really try to Bang the Drum about and what makes shador great um hearing it from you know a coach who probably has watched every throw he's he's made now in college he's had enough time to do that uh was very very very refreshing and and it's almost like everyone should be on notice yeah because he's going to take that to a new level yep 100% man all right let's take a quick break and then we'll get back to our prediction shout out to our friends over at breing Ridge Brewery the homies really come down to the dmvr bar hang out with us um if you cannot make it to our tailgate and to the game on Thursday and you are in the area come down to the dmvr bar and hang out it's going to be packed with buff fans everyone's going to be enjoying some bre brw um we got them on tap as well here you can check out their new West Coast style IPA it's called The Ridge Runner it's a double dry hot Brew inspired by the iname beauty of Colorado's trails and creates get notes of bright Citrus and pine you can find that and every other beer from Breen Ridge Brewery with their beer locator at also shout out to our friends over at mintmobile hell yeah get in on their new customer offer and a new thre Monon premium Wireless plan for just 15 bucks a month go to Buffs that is Buffs you can cut your wireless bill to $115 a month at mmobile / Buffs and guys I mean I've been guilty of this as well like you just kind of get into a cycle where you pay for something and you don't even realize how much more you are paying for it than you need to be paying for it uh and these companies who have been doing it for forever kind of just have Monopoly on people like I was just kind of coasting through same thing with like cables like all of a sudden your cable bill ends up being like over $200 a month and you're like what is happening here and then you you know cut the you're like wow I did not realize I was getting taken over the coals like this and this is an EXA exact example when it comes to your phone bill so hit up our friends over at mttmobile go to Buffs to cut your wireless bill up to $15 a month or down to $15 a month shout out mmobile shout out bre Brew back with our predictions for the Season predictions part 2 season this one will be I think a little more interesting but still Travis defensive player of the year give me BJ green hell yeah give me BJ Green Man uh I had a conversation with someone uh within the program recently about BJ green and it was something that I think we've kind of mentioned on this show but um the the term they Ed was gear I said he has a different gear when it comes to rushing the pass passer and um you know you think back to certain players and certain people that you've seen rush the passer a lot of people do it with skill and it's not to say BJ green doesn't have skill because he does um but like other guys just do it with Will and that's what I think makes BJ green special he can will his way to the passer and there's like a certain type of guy who when he gets his hands on you he just there's so much violence in uh you know explosion in what he's doing that there's just like nothing you you can't match that as an offensive Lin uh and so I think that he's going to make some really really big plays uh and I don't I'm also you know trying not to just go chalk across the board here call my shot a little bit I think uh BJ green and this whole pass rush group is going to be special but I have a really great feeling about him I like that pick a lot um again Travis is who he is I mean the whole defense is designed around him so I think that's the easy pick so with that being said I'm going to pick Trevor Woods all right I think that uh you know the story about him changing his body adding weight um and all the rave reviews honestly that we've heard from him in his second year I guess yeah sure second year at linebacker um he's still learning the position but he's starting to figure it out now uh we've heard about how he's really Gotten Good at lurking in underneath coverage reading the quarterback's eyes and just hitting that window to make a play on the football the other way uh I think we're going to see a lot of that from him he's got a nose for the football going back to my first year in 22 he had a nose for the football he had a nose for football against TCU CSU sealed the game against CSU I think we're going to see a lot of that this season I'm with King Mars Trevor needs a neck roll I wanted to tweet at him but I don't think he has Twitter anymore he does not um so I can't uh pass that message along um do we have an overall player of the year if not I'm doing it right now MVP sure Travis Hunter we can't go through this without talking about Travis Hunter um this man is going to be on the highlight reels damn near every week I mean this is going to be I think one of those Seasons like um you know Reggie Bush type like Christian mcaffrey where you think about like that year in college football you think about a certain player he's going to be this year's player I love that so much watching I mean as we as everyone knows those guys only do highlights on one side of the ball last year Travis's best highlights actually came on the defensive side of the ball um because he does things that you've just never seen people do before but I agree with you you know I don't think people realize that Travis was never really Travis after the injury um we got him for the first two and a half games last year yeah like the true Travis yes and uh TCU I think was the most you know it was the most obvious like this guy is domination absolutely out of this world and he did it in every facet of the game and I think you're going to see that again this year uh you know I uh I pray he can stay healthy but if he does like you said you know that Reggie Bush like cut back run against uh Fresno State like just little like highlights like that you're going he's going to compile an insane one and I'm I can already see it in my head during every draft preparation show just this real Travis Hunter doing the most ridiculous things playing underneath you know Mel Kyper and whoever breaking down the draft can't wait uh yeah that's the easy pick for MVP he's what this roster is really built around honestly it's built around Travis Hunter's versatility his I mean rare two-way ability his athleticism um that's going to allow them to do so many different things that other teams in the country just won't be able to do CU they don't have a player of that caliber I mean maybe they do but it's only one side of the ball you know uh he affects both sides of the ball so greatly and yeah man you're going to see a lot of his highlights from this year in like alltime CFB reels I think y I completely agree all right next prediction freshman of the year who are you going [Music] with give me o give me drayen Miller okay that is a tough question um because I I won't say who if you're going to go are you going to go a different direction yes okay um drayen Miller again we talked about it a lot um first of all I don't well first of all I don't know how many opportunities there are but I think that there's going to be legitimate plays designed for drayen Miller just go out there and be drayan Miller you know we talk about kind of like um the the Debo Samuel type I think you're going to see that you know could potentially even see like a wildcat package where they're giving direct snaps to drayen Miller um I saw a bunch of people posting with two days left today you know of course you get the shador Jersey post but the other one is Lisa Chanel um that's a high bar to reach but I think at least when it comes to players who are like lisus chanal jayen Miller is the closest thing they've had since him um just in terms of that that like combination of speed and power um and just overall force out there on the field so I think you're going to see him get opportunities and be able to do some really cool things out there for this offense yeah uh there's a clear I think top three for this category and he I mean I was probably going to pick him too but since you did I I feel like I have to go Jordan Sean okay his impact on this offensive line is I think why we feel so confident of course you know you have the veterans coming in in the portal but uh we've got a Cornerstone on this offensive line now and it's not just for this year it's for the next uh three years um watching his growth this season again it it's probably going to be Rocky there's probably going to be some matchups where it's like all right Jordan just lost that rep like it is what it is um but I think the story in terms of freshman of the year the story for Jordan is going to be his whole entire progression and I think we're going to be talking about a completely different player in December than we are right now I love that you finished with that and I do just constantly want to pre preach patience when it comes to Jordan Sean um you know I was listening to um oh gosh I'm going to forget their name never mind I'm going to go a different direction ction uh it's going to take Jordan a minute to fully settle in and that's okay that's what should be expected of a true freshman playing left tackle in power four football that being said he also has the physical ability to survive out there and Thrive out there early in the season and the one thing that I'll add to what you're saying is the way the schedule shakes out actually is very beneficial to Jordan seeden it essentially the schedule gets Progressive massively harder as the season goes on uh and so if he's playing his best ball of the year in November and December it's going to be huge for the Buffs and if so when we're looking back at the end of the season I almost guarantee we'll be naming him uh freshman of the Year yep but I I went with drayen just mostly in part because I want people to be patient with Jordan no for sure um I'm I'm we're going to be talking about he's going to be a big topic I think the next 12 13 weeks um and we're going to again we're going to watch every snap very closely but again kind of with that let's not be overcritical for a true freshman who was playing high school kids yep uh 10 months ago absolutely um and then shout out to Michael Welsh I think he's the easy third yep for that one um this backfield is something that we still we're going to really find out on Thursday for sure and that's just the first taste I think this is an evolving process for this backfield in terms of the share um the sh carries and the sheriff snaps and so um you know maybe he's like second half freshman of the year or something like that you know what I mean yeah absolutely and uh I find it to be no coincidence at all that D Hayden was on the coaches show today um and I think to me that tells me he solidified his spot in the rotation for week one um I think you're going to see a heavy dose of D and Charlie MH in week one and hopefully the game is in a position where then you get Micah you know in the third fourth quarter um get him some carries but I think you are going to see um D and Charlie handle the load on Thursday MH but like kind of just like Jordan Sean by the end of the year you could really see Micah you know making an impact in that room yep um all right let's hit a break real quick then and then we can wrap up we still have some news to get to as well shout out to our great friends over at game time um there are still tickets available for Thursday's game and there are limited tickets available for multiple games throughout this season um if you want to come to that CSU game head up our friends over at game time and they will take care of you take the guest where out of buying tickets with Game Time download the app create an account use that code Buffs bu ffs for $20 off your first purchase terms apply again create an account use the promo code buff spu ffs for $20 off download game time today what time is it game time game time also I mean more than just Games events concerts whatever's going on in your city check out absolutely and they have a fun new feature called Game Time picks Y where you can kind of filter out they'll just show you the best deals so you don't you can kind of filter out the noise y Melissa is showing you the the way it works right there oh hell yeah also shout out to Circle K hell yeah I've been wanting to say this for so long I know I know but Circle K is going to be absolutely fueling us on our uh road trip yeah on the Great American Stampede they are literally going to be fueling us they have uh chimed uh chipped in to help us uh pay for gas on the road trip which is one hell of a uh a homey move from Circle K but also you better believe we're hitting Circle K before we set sail on any uh trip out anywhere so we can load up on snacks and I I've also been told uh where we have our own little mini Circle K snack cart that's going in the Box yeah hell yeah so uh big shout out to Circle K like you've probably heard us say at the end of one of these ads for a while now like and more to come with Circle K well there it is uh we're going to try and keep track of how many Circle Ks we hit like uh like a baseball strike strikeout counter yes hell yeah can't wait um Inner Circle yeah check out uh Circle K become an inner circle Rewards member to get discounts from Circle K that's ww w. inner-circle all right we've got four more here transfer of the Season predictions: Season record Year oh my goodness there's a lot of options here yeah um you got to pick one I already went defense with well I already used a transfer for my defensive player of the year yeah so let me go on offense here and take will Shepard I like it love Z so happy for z um but I think will Shepard in that same position can do can just be a little bit of a different guy for shador that can help shador maximize his accuracy I've talked about this before but that back shoulder combination between Z or between will Shepard and shador is going to be one of the most lethal plays in college football this year I almost feel like I have to take Leon now cuz he took will but I'm actually going to take PR Hodge oh okay uh I think he's going to Skyrocket up draft boards he's going to lock down the opposite side of the field from Travis Hunter I think you're going to see him hit with a lot of targets so he's going to get a lot of opportunities this season and he's going to have some production on the football he's going to knock down passes he's going to get interceptions he's a very smart player um and I think he is more than ready to play at this level of college football it's such a hard one maybe if I could go in a time machine I might go back and pick leonte Wester right now MH um but you know I think when it comes to touchdowns will is going to Rack them up um which helps you win Awards and then I mean shout out D shout out trell Timmons who's made an impact so far BJ green Sammy saaks Deon Hayes I mean yeah we can go on and on and on and on DJ McKenna like there's so many position coach of the year okay um let me go Jay Phil wide receivers he's blessed with an incredibly talented room um but I think those guys are going to ball out uh I think I have to take Phil Lo Hol here nice um it was between him and Dam Lewis Warren Sap Vincent Dancy for me yeah um but I'm going to take a three-headed monster it well they they're grouping them all together now so I got to group them all together too um I think balone is a good one too as well I think the tight end's going to have a big impact this season with Sam Hart um but I the story is going to be the offensive line and it's going to be how the offensive line is uh improved how the this team's able to run the football predict shador Sanders um and we're going to see that sack total dramatic Ally cut down and Phil Lo's going to get a lot of Praise so that would be massive and if if Phil lool has a great uh year as a coach and his unit has a great year I guarantee Jay Phil's units is going to have a great year as well oh definitely definitely we got two left you tell me what order we do these the record prediction and then Big 12 championship game prediction let's go records record prediction 12 games where are you going to go I have thought so much about this and I've gone back and forth and I do think it's notable that last year we both I believe said six and six yes we did um so people are going to say oh you guys are you know just homers which I you're right um about at least about me um and oh I've gotten that too think I'm uh you know going crazy here but last year we were actually very realistic and couple bounces away from being spot on hell yeah we were so this year I'm going N9 and three okay and I don't know exactly where the three are going to come from because I think every game is winnable mhm um but I also know that in football it never works that easily um so you know there's going to be a lot of close games and I think that this is the classic I've talked about it a million times but I'll say it one more time first you win first you lose big then you lose close then you win close then you win big this is the win close year there's going to be a lot of close games and I think even the losses are going to be really really close the games are going to be fantastic but when I look at it and I look at the talent of this team and the defense is what pushed me to nine here mhm the defense is going to I think win some games on their own so that it doesn't have to be the shador show every single week then you add in a running game if you add in a running game maybe the running game wins you a couple games on their own but when push comes to shove and you're telling me that the game's close in the fourth quarter I want shador Sanders with the ball in his hands and I think he's going to go win a bunch of games for them this year in those situations so I'm going nine and three I'm also nine and three we matched it last year I we picked these independently too I'm not just trying to follow we had zero conversations about I thought about changing my pick just to be different in the last minute but I think I'm just going to stick with my original prediction that's N9 and three um I look at this road slate for this team and you know that's usually where a lot of the losses come in college football I think they're better team NE than Nebraska think they're a better team than Colorado State I think they're a better team than UCF I think they're a better team than Arizona Texas Tech I think they're better team than and I think they're better than Kansas I think it comes down to games like against Utah Oklahoma State um Kansas State those are all at home uh and then potentially Road games you know UCF Arizona um yeah any anything can happen on the road in college football anything can happen in any game of college football I just look at this team's overall Talent level I look at their best players I look at the big 12's best players and Colorado just holds the edge almost every single time I mean when it comes to the best players on the field they are going to have a distinct Advantage at at the top end every single week MH um I also just think it should be noted because one season makes a lot of people forget coach Prime just wins man everywhere he's gone he finds a way way to win last season 4 and8 is an anomaly over the life of Coach Prime and I think that the work like after last season he was able to survey the team and know exactly what they needed to go forward and they attacked that with a lot of intensity mhm and then you hear you know coach Prime said it today he said he slept in his house two times yeah since fall Camp started this man is willing to do anything for this team to win this year um and history would tell us that he's going to find a way to succeed when he had the the video that came out on social um what was it Sunday night Saturday night when they were practicing like under the lights at the lower practice fields and he was just talking about how it was the best practice they've had so far did he choke up a little bit there that's what I'm saying man he feels it with this team like this is something special that's Bru and Boulder right now and I think a lot of the players can sense it I think the coaches can definitely sense it and I think we in the fan base can sense it as well y um this is going to be a year to remember heyen and I guess that Segways us into it I think that that record gets you a spot in the Big 12 championship game who are they playing I think they're going to be playing Oklahoma State I think there will be a um a week 10 rematch with Utah for the Big 12 title game oh could you IM the big TW Big 12 like traditionalists would hate this Colorado and walk in and meet in the T that would be like uh Oregon and Washington meeting in the Big 10 they would hate that too yep um man that would be uh that would be a hell of a hell of a way to get the Rivalry that the Pack 12 always wanted going wouldn't it be ironic though if that's the way it happened so you got Utah huh yes I think Utah is going to be one of the best teams in this conference and I think cam Rising will be just fine I don't know like a year and a half off I know I know I don't know why I just have this gut feeling that they're not going to uh they're going to stumble for some reason there's no basis behind that because I think from a coaching and um Team standpoint they're probably the most complete team in the Big 12 um when it comes to the trenches and you know how they've recruited and all that stuff um but I don't know I just have a I don't know what it is I have a feeling that they're not going to be maybe they get like third or fourth in the conference so you've got a rematch the week after with Oklahoma State then it's the last game of the season that would be wild that'd be cool it would be cool I wonder if there's a situation there where like one team doesn't need it like they're already in right so they don't show any in the last game but and they end up actually losing the game which lets the other team in and then it's like a whole new situation the next week absolutely would you do that why not so let's say you've clinched a spot and well but well in in the new this is an interesting conversation in the new college football yes in the new college football at the same time though you're you're putting a lot of stake in making or winning the Big 12 championship game that's the only path you think so yeah I mean what's the point honestly okay especially if you're banged up you don't want to show anything you know you have a rematch already so let's say callado 9 and two okay they've clinched a spot in the Big 12 championship game Oklahoma State come into town you just rest the starters yes that would be so fascinating and also it would be incredible I mean the AQ changes everything man I think you I think if the buff went I guess 10 all right I don't know we don't know what it's like but I think they I think they could get a an at large bid just by being up there because of all the attention and all that stuff I mean so here's the thing top four teams get a buy right and it's not conference winners are automatic top four teams it's the top four in the cfp ranking so if you're say Colorado is 9-2 headed into this game you're already secured your spot in the title game um Oklahoma state has to win or whatever to get in whatever the case is and you're already ranked like 12 11 10 n like you're already at the bottom of seating anyways you're going to have to play the weekend after anyways worst case scenario would be you play to win and lose mhm uh and now they're extra confident going into playing you the next week yep I don't know I mean it's a fun conversation it's we're we're putting the cart way ahead of the horse but it is interesting to think about well this isn't I mean Beyond Colorado this is going to relate to every Championship Game this year every single one like even G5 like say the G5 team is 11-0 they've already locked in their title Game Spot why would you play the last week you just have to win your title game and you're in that's why I was saying third place in the SEC is the best possible place to be I mean that's definitely going to happen too oh yeah like you think someone's going to well I don't know throw a game to get third I think that you still want a potential SEC title Crown um because that obvious we as we've seen in this playoff era that carries weight maybe some years it doesn't actually but um SEC just has different rules yep also shout out to all of the haters in the comments talking about how crazy we we are you are helping us go on an RV trip so appreciate appreciate you run up those views use code dmvr where uh seen fit where seem fit you want to talk about what coach said on the coach's show about shador his communication with Coach Prime and Shedeur Sanders in helmet communication shador a thing I had not thought about once coach Prime talking about the inh helmet communication or started by saying Pat Shermer will be able to talk to shador in his headset and then add it and me and I find that to be incredibly notable and I'll tell you why Jake I spoke with someone who works on the coach Prime documentary last year and their job one game was to mic up coach Prime on the sidelines and essentially listen to everything he said take notes the clips they wanted to pull that they could use in that episode mhm what they told me was that coach Prime essentially predicts every play before it happens yep and so another thing that people just don't know is that coach Prime is legitimately a football Savant he understands the game at the highest possible level he he has a a master's degree and knowing ball there's going to be times where he he's able to get on that microphone and tell shador The Nine's going to be wide open yep it's massive both coaches talked about the inh helmet communication devices yesterday or um I think Livingston did at least but either way they've talked about it through camp and the impact of it is going to be massive uh even Tim pic talked about it in his press conference about how much easier it's made everything for them yep it's that's going to be such an advant I honestly think it's a bigger Advantage for cuu than any other team because of the pro coaching stuff yep and the IQ yep yep and now um Pat Shermer talked about it you can actually watch video on the sideline not just pictures yes real time understanding of how coverages are moving and how players are reacting and again shador Sanders one of if not the smartest quarterbacks in college football when it comes to knowing what he's looking at he is going to be able to weaponize this information yep uh also I was wrong so when they rank the conference title winners that's one through four so I guess whether it's the G5 or the lowest ranking conference title winner would be ranked Fifth and would have to play oh no longer so if the G5 winner ranks higher than it says the four highest ranked Conference champions will be seated one through four and receive a first round buy doesn't matter it doesn't say power four okay good to know I'm so hyped for this playoff man I know there's a lot of work to work out and it's going to be chaos but it's going to be a lot of fun um Z Weaver has made the Cardinals as we talked about earlier real quick what number do you think he gets numbers zero through seven are taken eight and nine are available 10 is taken 11's available he's got to get out of that 30 I think he wears 11 I think you're right Derek McLendon was unfortunately wave though he was the other uh buff that had a real chance to make the 53 man so we'll see where he lands now good luck to him pulling for all these guys shout out to C5 Cordell Russell I'm sure you saw he posted on social media today that he's having surgery he's had a shoulder injury um it's obviously going to cut into the season we'll see if he's able to make it back but who knows based on my understanding he should be able to make it back during the season okay um we didn't even get to this uh anything catch your eye from practice yesterday though that you wanted to talk about I don't think so no um I did listen to your guys' show you and Scott it was fantastic great job guys um coach Shermer is very I asked him how confident he was in the offensive line he said very confident um coach Livingston uh heaped Praise on Coach Prime for bringing him here say he'd one through run through a wall for him um it's kind of it stab solid qb2 yep sounds like Cardell Thomas is really impressed is going to be a player not this week though but in the near future for the Buffs put I mean iron sharpens iron mhm you know put those guys on notice that you're coming for their jobs can only help how about uh coach Prime partnering with the local bank to give uh players who are parents $2,121 what I love about this is just how thoughtful it was and how completely obvious it is that this was coach Prime's idea MH um and the reason I say that is because he takes you know fatherhood and um like mentorship all of this stuff just so seriously Y and so I know he's just you know thinking like what can I do for these guys um and what can we come up with we saw him post a tweet about it reaching out and was able to uh to partner with that with that group to uh to do that for those guys and like I said I just love it because that's that's like an actually thoughtful thing it just shows how much coach Prime loves these guys y um and you know like all good things sadly in this world these days I'm sure it will go highly uh undercovered I think that's it man it's great to have you back though great to be back questions Questions: DLLS, pregame show on Wednesday, NDSU, CFP, tailgates, fight song, and the Great American Stampede. questions Adam ask will there be a bar in Dallas uh not imminently um yeah I guess that's what I'll say it's not imminently okay um emis also asked how was Dallas Dallas was awesome man um I can't remember if I shared this detail on the show but uh when I got when I got to Dallas for the first time uh I sent shador a picture of the skyline and said where should I eat and I thought he would send me like one restaurant he sent me like a whole list that's his home uh of the best spots so I hit up a lot of the spots that he recommended they were all very very good um I thought Dallas was really cool uh it wasn't as um texy as I thought it would be like Fort Worth is a lot more like you it was very obvious you were in Texas you could kind of get like dropped into Dallas and not exactly know you were in Texas and if you didn't weren't look if you weren't looking for it uh but it was really really cool city um loved the hospitality great people down there um I'll definitely be back you know just to visit the market and and I I'll look forward to it we'll be there next year true Nicholas asked what time will the show be tomorrow um as close to 3:15 as possible as close to normal time as possible yep as you guys probably remember from last year's pregame shows a lot of moving parts that go on um but usually it ends up being worth it worth the wait if you do have to wait yep um I'll put a tweet out again tomorrow uh big teasy will you publish the stop so we can do meetups I mean yeah oh like on the road mhm um I was thinking it'd be cool if anyone wanted to like Caravan from Denver well someone asked about that a few weeks ago yeah I remember that we couldn't share at the time but yeah so we'll uh if that's something that people are interested in DM us or come to tailgate tomorrow and let us know yeah for sure um I'm yeah it's GNA be really really awesome and uh obviously we'll do meetups in each City because we're going to have a tailgate just off the RV I think we even have a partner who's going to send us a uh a grill for the tailgates that we can throw under who's going to be grilling who's Grill Master I mean you are the Cook all right I'll take it but I I offered my services when this came up in the meeting uh I think you were looking at your phone [Laughter] I was publishing the show bro by the way we got praised in the Discord for how fast we upload the podcast after the live show that's that's all Jake he takes that job very seriously I do 5280 Ivan what match up are you guys looking forward to seeing the most first NDSU are we talking good matchups or favorable matchups um I was just going to go very broad position group matchup Colorado's offensive line versus the North Dakota State defensive line if we're going what we're interested in seeing the most I would go the opposite of that Colorado's defensive line versus North Dakota State's offensive line um but the the matchup I looking forward to the most is Colorado's wide receivers versus North Dakota State's [Music] secondary yes did someone did I say tailgate tomorrow obviously Thursday not tomorrow getting ahead of yourself where did you get your shirt from uh I believe it's let me just double check SS2 is that shador sounds right yeah SS2 let me just I you know I got to yep SS2 that's shor's like nil uh clothing line always has great [ __ ] on there Laura what's up can you guys do a show on the new playoff bracket and what it would take to get in clatt has some interesting takes on it this week we'll definitely cover that um hopefully we have no choice but to cover right but we'll cover the playoff odds and how that's all shaking out and stuff this might go down as like one of the most fun years of college football ever and we got off to an amazing start last week mhm I'm having withdrawals already soon Germaine asks if I'm going to Pearl Street this season um again that stuff goes on during the pregame show and all that so uh unfortunately probably not but never say never you should hit up a stampede you might be asked to talk about a documentary or [Laughter] something I nailed that though I nailed it tell you what uh super chats oh uh Su death will there be a tailgate at the CSU game um we're still figuring out CSU I'm going to say no unfortunately I'll just be honest I don't think that this is going to be a uh particularly safe environment it's not going to be very friendly no [Music] um yeah and because of that one I think it's it would be incred incredibly hard for us to find Space where they're going to just let you know 100 Buffs fans uh right right come congregate so unfortunately no tailgate maybe I'll like tweet out where I'm yeah something like that hanging out before the game or something I don't know what we're going to do yeah it's honestly the more like The more I've thought about this more this absolutely sucks that we're going to for Collins I'm not looking forward to it there's a lot of push for bringing the game back to campus which is really great when it's in Boulder but I think it actually sucks so much to have to go to Fort Collins that I don't know if the trade-off is worth it and I'm and I know that like OG bus fans will hate this take I think I would maybe just take the tradeit of putting it back in Denver to not have to go up there I don't know I think it'd be cool to see it but it is what it is I mean do you think this rivalry goes on much longer no and that makes me sad uh I I'd love I think rivalries are at May college football mhm um but I don't think that uh I don't think that this is going to be renewed anytime soon going go on a pretty long break here I agree and uh I'm just saying like getting up there nightmare yes and then imagine coming back after the game what what a nightmare that's going to be yeah um we're trying to figure it out so that we don't have to do that um and I think we have a pretty good plan for what we're going to do for our postgame show but I feel bad for you know just the average person who's going to drive up there and have to get on uh I25 North heading back towards Denver after that game I25 is going to be an absolute [ __ ] show yep what's up big teasy welcome back uh with the super sticker as well hippo character with star grow growing in his eyes pumping his arms in the air with the word hype pulsating above him pulsating is crazy uh it's a super sticker you didn't say that I'm just saying I'm just saying the the metadata on that is crazy he asked also are you excited about the fight song I've tried to let these types of things go uh if they end up winning in belting the fight song out that would be really cool but I I don't have high hopes for it I I I'm trying to just not care about things like that uh Miss lur again shout out RK for the new dmvr Neely tour bus we need a weekly list for who we are going to throw the bus contenders oh man that's a funny comment we are going to stop before that though I'm ready to stop uh I'm ready to stop talking about other media yeah no but it's over it's done doesn't matter anymore but that is that was funny also kind of a good segment uh you had a great idea that you put in the slack one night oh yeah we're doing that we should actually put in a uh Graphics request for that okay like right after the show okay East Coast Kev asks or with the Super Chat says when col starts winning are you going to be ready for all the goalposts moving they're going to get say how easy the Big 12 is or prime can't win when shador leaves of we we went through last year we already know that that's what's going to happen immediately if Colorado on the opening drive goes and scores against North Dakota State and the score is 7-0 it's oh well they should have won this game anyways oh which which is why receipts are so important yep which is why receipts are so important cuz people have been talking crazy about this game and they will immediately move the goalpost and the goalposts for them have unlim space to move there's no place where they can't move them right he's got a long way to go to be Nick sa all that stuff yep last one from uh oh we got a last minute one so big teasy here what do I need to do to donate or to get big Tey in the house and or big Tey or big 216 Tey on the RV I'll sign your name on it for you want uh you just want your own personal brand on the on the RV you can buy that uh Dom peasy with the last one late to the party great seeing RK yall see coach Prime's response to the CU relevant comment he said something like yet you're talking about us the fan only blows when you're hot we must be hot classic yep yeah classic coach Prim ISM um it he didn't have to say you know he was on a podcast so he expounded but he didn't have to say anything other than but you're talking about us yeah how can you say someone's irelevant if you're talking to about them by the way that was at the SEC media days that Paul fine bomb was doing that sure was can you scroll up just a little bit I wanted to see what someone said about the uh fight [Music] song keep going keep going they learned the fight song out of respect it's not a Vibe though yeah just it is what it is it is what it is I if they like I said if they end up belting the fight song and you know pounding on the lockers and after a road game that'll be sick but uh I have low expectations we'll also see if they want to run out directly behind Ralphie this year I have low expectations Camden's been leading the vibe for the fight song look let's just win okay just like with Shiloh and shador and Coach Prime honestly have said anytime anyone asked about the uniforms mhm uniforms don't win let's just win and that's how I feel about the uniforms as well I do think uniforms can help you win long term and sometimes even shortterm if they're fire enough on like a one-off game mhm but yeah um yeah man I'm I'm worried about what's going on between the lines and I'm trying really hard to not care about any any other bull junk the next time we do a show in here the Buffalo will have played a football game that's true God cannot wait pregame show tomorrow I'll have an article coming out tonight before the game as well anything else no man let go of Hell let go of Hell let's go Buffs let's go [Music] Buffs we all C like the May

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