what's going on it's your boy DJ Clinton of the past rush podcast and welcome back I know it's been a while since I've done the face to face videos uh been a while since i't made any video honestly uh but it's for good reason I really just wanted to watch the games to come like that that's really it last week I had some family here uh my mom came to visit uh so I didn't get to watch the Florida State game the way I wanted to so I didn't make a video cuz I didn't want to go off just highlights cuz highlights tells a different story than what actually happened but if you do see me looking down CU I want to make sure I cover everything I have my notes here I just want to start off with a brief overview of Colorado's football team uh from what we saw yesterday a lot of goods a lot of bads of course a lot of people wanted to see them win a lot of people wanted to see them lose they're playing against North Dakota State a Powerhouse a team where their last couple quarterbacks have gotten a chance to go into the NFL Trey Lance of course didn't pan out the way people have hope but he got a chance Carson Wentz he was a little burnt out I guess when he got to the league a lot of injuries and things of that nature uh but two guys that really made the name for themsel at the FCS level uh for college football and uh their quarterback that they currently have right now is going to follow uh that list of good guys that come from that program because cam Miller really lit it up last last night uh now when we first get into things uh with quarterback play you know like we've been here before I usually go through every position on what I liked uh from Colorado and the other team and really just give a brief overview of the game that way and then at the end you know we do the closing thoughts and things of that nature and then I love to read you guys opinions down in the comments below so first quarterback play shador lights out um it's really hard to knock him uh for more than what I am going to knock him about uh after I get through the goods uh but Goods uh was able to take some of those hits like if you seen some of those hits and then you remember back to the last uh bit of the season when he wasn't playing because of some of those hits you like oh man like you know I don't know if he should be taking those and then it came up in the in the press conference as well like you know Shor should you really want to take those hits but he said it felt good to be live he hadn't had taken a hit since you know last year big 53 for North Dakota state did a really good job getting uh him really back acquainted to being a quarterback now with that being the case uh he threw for 446 yards three touchdowns I really don't count that pick uh I mean it's there on paper but I mean that's a freak accident of a pick to where it hit somebody's calf pops up in the air and then somebody intercepts it you usually don't see things like that for quarterback play for North Dakota State again lights out I believe that guy definitely solidified himself in front of those 31 Scouts representing the 19 teams there yesterday I believe he will definitely be on some people's J draft boards and they will definitely be eyeing him if they wasn't already as a senior for shador to get to his his negative is really just checking to pass at the end of the game I mean he talked about in the Press like you know usually don't make mistakes more than than once and then that's true but in this case uh in front of all those Scouts it it can be a hit or a Miss there just just for me looking at it that they know that you know the game is on the line but you want to get your guy involved with we you really want to get it you know to Wester and get him a pass down the field I feel like it's it's more so I could be wrong I could be wrong here right but the line was n and a half Colorado's up five you and a lot of bets went on Colorado right and then you try to hit him down the field one onone zero coverage yes tempting very tempting but if they score here push it above nine and a half above 10 those people get paid I ain't saying that's what happened but I don't feel like uh that's something that somebody of his stature and quarterback play would risk cuz that not doing that ends the game before North Dakota State really even gets a chance and that's after mind you that's after being bailed out from that pass interference down the field because if 35 didn't pass interference on Webster uh down the field on that third and eight they would have got the ball back with like a minute and 40 seconds left uh before they decide to punt it and what we saw at the end of the drive would have made the game completely different I mean I'm just saying at that point you take your win uh and once you got bailed out from that pass interference and you just run the ball coach Prime also mentioned that there's a running back number 29 on the side that he said is a Bruiser when he comes to running the ball and he would really closed the game out we didn't get to see him at all uh during that time I just feel like uh something I I just feel like that was just a bailout on their end like they got really lucky uh with it panning out the way that they would but as shador as the quarterback I feel like you just you just run the play that's called and just run the ball get as much time as you can off the clock because you know they're dangerous on the other end uh just something that I know people will be in his ear about that's close to him Scouts will be in his ear about when he go to the combine and he he gets into the combine that's going to be a play that every time a team brings him in they're going to grill him about over his years of his college career just like hey why like why uh when we get to running back play you got offeral uh at running back I am not completely sold on offer Hall but I'm not against him if that makes sense like you got all the guys that's come in and the guys that's left like Dylan Edwards and then you got the guy from Ohio State coming in uh you know you got a lot of talent at running back but from my perspective you guys know that I I make the videos transparently uh when it comes to like putting out Colorado's offseason or their full story like all everything I do I try to do it really transparent from my opinion I feel like running back is the position that they coach the hardest at Colorado and I feel like it's based off your willingness to protect your door and what I mean by that is off ofall is a guy that was a walk on he would do anything and he going to do it as hard as possible he's going to he's just one of those guys he's going to try to do anything as hard as possible Right the guy from Ohio State he will do that but he's also used to getting the ball like hey I want the ball like I'm I was at Ohio State I'm used to get in the ball y'all was struggling at Colorado with the Run y'all brought me here because yall want me to run the ball I'm not here to just protect your door with that being said I feel like offeral gets so much love because he's willing to do everything but he might not be more talented than some of the running backs that they brought in but he's more willing to do the things that running backs usually don't want to do and that's pass block right now as a runner as a runner I don't look at him and say oh man they got arahal back there like he's a threat now I'm going to give him like five games to really really hone in my opinion on him CU when you look at the spring game hajes was like the the threat like offeral was okay but like hajes the guy who came from corner he was really like that threat like oh man he can really break up some some long runs and stuff uh wide receiver Travis Hunter is uh the lordge gift to college football that guy as I I I watch him and it's just like I I feel like that's how people used to watch other two-way players like Champ Bailey and and Dion back in in college like I feel like that's the the aura that he gives off when he's out there on the field like man I can't believe this guy's in college football because like there's guys that we've seen in college football where you like they could they could go pro right now like how everybody looked at Trevor Lawrence when he was like his freshman sophomore year like he should be Pro right now that's Travis I mean they they got on there and said he burns 4,500 calories a game I mean that's up there with uh Navy Seals budge training like if anybody knows anything about that that's when you go into like that buzs military training where you're going through hell week and you're sleeping only 4 hours and you you working hard hard hard played every snap no complaint never look tired always encouraging his team when he got to the media he's sitting there with the media and he's just being transparent he said he don't like the party he don't smoke he don't drink he just wants to fish be with his lady play video games be with his team work out like that's the only stuff that he wants to do Travis is able to balance everything about him well and I and you can see that on the field so I appreciate that um three touchdowns I mean the guy deserves it from losing a little bit of his season last year and even when he lost that like you saw his relationship with Hen Henry Blackburn afterwards where it was just like the guy can't the guy doesn't have anything to knock him so I mean Travis Hunter A++ uh Jimmy horn right there behind him I feel like Jimmy did so well being in the position that you wanted him to be in at any time he needed to be in it because a lot of those throws again from shador spectacular throws Jimmy was right there like he was right there every time you needed it those two guys lit it up we talk about the wide receivers for North Dakota State I feel like Tre Lance's little brother really good I feel like one did well at at uh that wide receiver I feel like though from watching him uh for North Dakota State he would have been a good corner is as well so wide receiver wise for um North Dakota State I feel like their best wide receiver was kind of the tight end yesterday he looked really good strong physical to the point of attack we need to see more of that from Colorado's tight ends uh but look good look good I don't really have much bad to say about either team now when it comes to offensive line for Colorado that that's the biggest expectation right we brought in all these guys from all these different schools hyped it up uh ORD seen coming from high school hyped up I mean I I don't know if I'm sold right like I don't know if I'm all way sold on the offens of line right I feel like I want to give them five games too because I I see differences but I see a lot of similarities from offensive line from last year where last year when we played TCU the offensive line looked just as good as they looked last night only one sack can't be mad about that only one sack I can tell that that's been a focal point and then shador brought up the incentive if you was able to catch the press conference the incentive I can tell that that um made a difference then when you when you move past that right and you move past uh the offensive line incentive and their focal point from last year really honing it in last year I think you have to look at the fact that the school that they were playing against is a smaller school and not the worst defensive line they're going to see all year but also not the best defensive line you're going to see all year so with that being the case I feel like it's it's you're going to have to put more incentives out there for the offensive line more like more of everything that you've already been doing you're going to have to ampl it up when you get to the FBS level of games now because the offensive line it looks like sometimes they was able to give up some pressure but as far as like Jordan Sean like watching him individually I think he did well as a freshman I mean that guy that that guy is going to be special as he continue to develop the rest of the offensive line I feel like um they didn't play bad again one sack not much bad you can say about that but just judging what they got to come a little concerned uh same with the dine uh as a dline specialist I am very particular about the dline but I uh the one thing I that I want to knock them for just to start is the want to sack the quarterback I feel like there's a couple different things you can do to yourself as a defensive lineman that can stop you from getting to the quarterback one you want to do it too bad to where like you're just that's all you're thinking about every play is I need a sack I need a sack I need a sack and you start to get all over the place I feel like we seen a little bit of that yesterday with uh Hayes 50y a new guy from pit I feel like he wanted to sa the quarterback so bad that he lined up in the neutral zone and that's a part where and I know Warren saff is getting on to this about is like when you look over like everybody should feel like they're a leader on the defensive line where you got a leader at a d tackle and you got a leader on the end where you look over and say hey bro back up like back up a little bit like maybe they did and he just didn't want to back up but like you want to really get on to your guys to show like hey is a lot of accountability because all of us want to get in all of us want to sack the quarterback all of us want to do this so you need to relax a little bit play your game and and be in your role to get to the quarterback because uh I feel like the one two was so bad not only for that one instance but a lot of the times when they get to the quarterback and they missing and then the quarterback's rolling out and he's making them Miss and all that like even though I feel like cam Miller is an NFL caliber quarterback he's at the FCS level you're the FBS level you should be able to sack him three to four times it was there like anybody who watched the game you know it was there it was very very possible to get more sacks than than we did with I believe like two sacks really one came really at the end uh more so like a coverage sack I feel like you got to we we could have had more definitely and it was there because like the difference between FCS and FBS is usually the offensive line skill usually skill usually matches up when you don't Travis Hunter on the field but skill usually matches up a little bit uh where it's like okay we can compete with these guys but the the offensive defensive line is where the big difference happens and I feel like we didn't see a big enough difference um because last year's defensive line had talent I feel like those guys had Talent too for Colorado uh North Dakota State's def defensive line has talent and I feel like 53 really LED that charge and you can tell he was like the leader of that defense um I feel like we have some guys on Colorado that makes a difference where you like oh man they they kind of like the leader of the defense but um I I feel like I just want to see more right now like more when they have the ability to sack the quarterback more of them getting there putting a lot of pressure on the quarterback getting a lot of hits on the quarterback getting him really uncomfortable and the team making them pay for it because a lot of those third Downs they converted like we wasn't really good at was a third down defense in the beginning of the game like the whole first half uh things really changed when in the second half but the first half I feel like they just got a lot of the Jitters out and you know that happened so I don't want to be too hard on the offens and defensive line right now I feel like I just want to give them some time because it takes some time some time to you know really you know get comfortable in your role so we got more to see linebacker I feel like 42 as you guys know when I talk about the spring game I like him I like him a lot I think the guy is really good um Bentley though Bentley is somebody that if you've been watching me from last year you know I've been advocating for Bentley to be the starting linebacker since last year Bentley is a NFL linebacker he's an old school style NFL linebacker where he's almost like the only comparison I can give him right now is kind of like Wagner uh Bobby Wagner who used to play for the Seattle Seahawks he kind of has that build where you like he's a bigger get agile linebacker where he can really move side to side Bentley is the leader of the defense and because of that Colorado was able to stop the run more because of that the defense looked more physical at times against the run and is because of Bentley of course you got the coaches and stuff too what I'm talking about on the field playerwise Bentley is the enforcer Woods is a guy to where you know you you use him to maybe get the running back out the back field even though he got killed on that Texas route second play in the game happens Texas routes hardest route to guard as a linebacker if you know that you know that so um Bentley though he definitely impressed some Scouts yesterday if I'm a scout he on my list now I ain't saying Bentley no first round second round linebacker yet but I I would look at him third fourth fifth round you like he that guy Bentley we can do something with him at the NFL level and our scheme our system our fit that guy can be something I like him uh because I feel like big linebackers are kind of getting phased out the game kind of lame to me uh because linebackers are the tone set defense you can't have a bunch of safeties down there I feel like that doesn't really do anything for you but Bentley like him I like him a lot uh when you get to corner I feel like McKenna uh which is somebody that the NFL has bragged about uh mckenny I feel like is a good tackler for corner like he really didn't allow many broke tackles whenever the ball would get caught in near him but coverage was a little bit up and down and that's the case for the for the DBS as a whole just kind of look a little up and down and I feel like uh and this is my bias from being a forign pass rusher that's on them like that should be on us like pass rush get to the quarterback the the defense back should only have to do it for 3 to 4 seconds they shouldn't have to cover for Seven 8 nine seconds because of extended plays and then we're blaming the DBS it it as a unit get to the quarterback make it easy on them they shouldn't have to cover that long just get to the quarterback make it completely easy on them no complaints no worrying no nothing like just get to the quarterback we'll take care of it that's how I look at it right that's just me as a defense alignment anytime a play is going over 3 4 seconds it's our fault so a lot of the times North Dakota State there a lot of pick routes rug routes uh X routes and things of that nature where they motion their guy across the field to see if they're a man of Zone and you didn't see all the time a man would run with them that's how you know they're man of Zone because the man's going to go all the way with the man if he doesn't then there's some type of zone or they could be running some type of shell coverage or whatever you can get really nitty-gritty with it but North Dakota State really wanted to get Colorado off their game instead of playing black and white they was motioning people around good Colorado did the same later on down in the game really good to see but the DBS just look rough now when it comes to shallow shallow been in college football as as long long is like me and him aren't too far apart in the age you know I'm 27 and shallow is like 24 25 I graduated high I mean I graduated college in uh 2019 so I've been out of college for a little while now shallow still there he too old to be making some of the mistakes he be making and and nobody can say otherwise he a little too old to make some of those mistakes that he make special teams overall for both teams look good nothing crazy uh both teams play clean there and that's that's new that's new with Colorado to have a clean special teams that's new another thing that Colorado has to make sure they nipping the butt early right now is penalties some of those penalties boneheaded again the the shalow one the haze one just boneheaded North Dakota State they got a little fatigue down at the end of the game they started making some of those same similar mistakes and you just like why uh so those type of things we need to see less of from from um coach Prime and I think he did a great job anytime somebody made a penalty he brought them right over got on to them about it like hey we not going to be nothing like last year we not we're not going to be too forgiven like we was last year with some of these mistakes and then they're going to make it again and again and again I mean we we've seen it but I feel like the team again not enough difference to say this is a completely different team than last year but not enough similar larities to say that this is the same team from last year either right like there's some things that we just have to continue to wait and see on again the offensive line defensive line quarterback play Travis uh who the the stopping the run because I don't even though they gave up 157 yards I don't want to say that the Run was bad because came like later on when the quarterback started scrambling I feel like that's just like a little bit different I know it's all get thrown into rushing yards but when he came to physically stopping physical runs Colorado looked better than they did last year and that's just a testament to their training and physicality though um next week Nebraska beat Nebraska last year but it's going to be physical this next game is going to be physical is going to be grueling a little bit and I'm going to come back and I'm going to talk about the matchups a little bit later on this week and until then you guys stay safe take care see you but I sh the

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