Donald Trump Rakes In $7 Million in Crypto Owns $1 Million Ethereum

Published: Sep 11, 2024 Duration: 01:44:43 Category: Entertainment

Trending searches: trump net worth
welcome our host Mr Brian Rose okay what's going on everybody thumbs up if you can see me and hear me what's up Esther what's up Fred what's up Jeffrey what's up Dylan nice to see you sir it's been too long what's up Tim what's up Wendy we got Luda in the house Elena's always here always a pleasure uh fabian's here Patrick's here clores nice to see you and of course we got Mark and Mike and uh Paul I need those cameras on I need to see the whites of your eyes because I like to see who I'm talking to otherwise I got to Twitch finger and I sometimes I just throw people out of the call it's by accident but I do it sometimes so um don't let me do that to you Mike I'm sure you want to watch this stuff and I just want to say hi to everybody it's a beautiful sunny day here in London and uh there's no place I'd rather be because I'm getting more and more and more excited about crypto as this year goes on is anybody with me on this we're getting Tailwind after Tailwind after Tailwind that's going to push crypto into the biggest bull market we've ever seen it's going to give it mainstream adoption and the thesis that we have on the inside here at London reel is that 10 years from now every minute of your day will involve a blockchain transaction and this will be 10 times bigger than the internet itself does anyone agree with me that that's where we're headed or you believe that's where we're headed in crypto I'm telling you folks digital assets are the future also at London reel we're big Believers in Freedom as anybody watched us fight for free speech over the last few years anybody's seen us do that and go up against these trillion dollar tech companies and they're trying to censor us and they're trying to De you know defame our name and all this great stuff and we believe in Freedom and that means free and fair elections freedom of speech and Financial Freedom as well and so what you need for freedom is you need to be able to own digital property and that specifically means own digital assets Bitcoin is an inst strument of Freedom it's something your government can't take away your bank can't take away your government can't print more money they can't steal it from you and this is what's going to keep us free going forward how many people kind of know what I'm talking about here yeah this is so important I I can't overstate this enough because if you don't own property you have no Freedom now you know we let we know that the folks of the world economic Forum say in the future you're going to own nothing and it's going to be okay and when AI takes over we're going to give you a universal basic income oh and by the way you're going to live in a 15minute city where you can't move around but that's okay and if you get hungry we got some really nice bugs over here you know they chart out this future and they show you that when you start owning nothing you actually lose your power and I think the founding fathers realized that in the United States when they you know said life liberty and property and the reason that they wanted people to own guns is that they thought that it would allow you to protect your property now regardless of how you feel about guns it doesn't matter anymore because cryptography now means we can protect our property being seized by the government does that kind of make sense to everybody here right because we can hide it with a with a long alpha numeric number and so now we don't need to have a gun to defend our property we can actually have it always and so I know I might be talking about some things you haven't thought about before but you know we've been gone heavy into this space now for three and a half years I've interviewed over 100 of the biggest names in crypto probably 20 30 40 billionaires in there and a lot of really influential people we've graduated over a thousand students from my crypto and defi Academy and we've now invested uh right about $14 million into 56 different um blockchain web3 AI companies some of the best in the world and we've already um made tens of millions of dollars on those Investments so we're deep into this and what I want to teach you tonight is something that no one else is teaching and quite frankly your banking system and your government they don't really want this stuff taught they like to keep you ignorant and kind of in the dark does anyone kind of know what I'm talking about right you know none of us were given a financial education in school none of us were taught about money and I think there's something very weird about that and my mission is to change all of that and I'm sure they're going to come after us again um but they already don't like us so it's okay and um every time we stand up for our rights and stand up for something important and take a bunch of heat I I get hundreds of thousands if not millions of new fans who believe the same way I believe so I personally would rather connect with people like you H who have a shared value system as me and I'll take the haters any day because people forget when they see the hate sometimes they don't realize the love that we get and the love we get is honestly a thousand times better uh so I don't mind at all um so folks I want to jump into this uh again last chance to turn those cameras on so Mark I want to see a Mike I appreciate you putting the camera on see it's always the good-look people like Mike here that turn the cameras that keep the cameras off so thank you for doing that I'm going to jump in I got video I've got all sorts of things I haven't shared before I've got new information about the market and if you have any comments or questions please type them in the chat and let me know what's going on okay sound good is everybody ready to rock and roll here yes okay great let's do this all right hot off the presses here here we go how many people can see these Two Fellas here you know one one's in Orange one's in red they both look a little crazy to me uh but folks here's the news here is that Donald Trump now has raak in $7 million in crypto he owns over a million eth he's got nft Collections and now his two sons Donald and Eric are teasing out a new project where they believe that defi is going to be involved now they said it's not a meme coin but they keep saying on Twitter or something big is coming and we love defi so this is a potential future president that is going to be massively Pro crypto and I think that's really important for for two reasons first of all I don't really care what your politics are I don't care how you feel about Trump what I care about is the crypto narrative and when Trump pushes crypto it forces the Democrats to come back into crypto and look at crypto and I think so far the current administration's treatment of crypto has been just terrible because it stifles Innovation and so when Trump goes hard on it then the Democrats have to come back and you see Chuck Schumer and Cala Harris now meeting with people and honestly it advances the agenda and so for me anytime a politician talks about crypto it's a win for us does everyone agree with me on that it really is a win and crypto has been vilified for the past year unfortunately um two or three years really in the current Administration so this is going to change that so let's dive in before we get started I just want to say this this presentation is really for information purposes only it is not intended to be investment advice if you are looking for investment advice please go find a professional is that clear to everybody okay good also I want to give you a free gift and this is a special bonus and I'll give you the link at the end of the presentation and it's actually module one of my super premium course called the investment club uh we got a couple members here Elena's in the club uh I thought I saw someone else either but I'll take a peek through and um you know this is uh actually going to teach you how to find the hottest crypto pre-sale tokens in three easy steps if you don't know what that is I'll explain it shortly but it's basically how you can directly invest in early stage companies via these things called safs and safes and I'll explain that all to you and I'll give you the bonus module at the end but this is where the real money is being made folks behind the scenes and I I want to share that with you by the way one of these pre-sale tokens actually happened with one of the biggest cryptos out there how many people own some salana here just raise your hand anybody have some Elena does Luda does anybody else heard of salana anyone heard of that crypto some of you probably have right it's the fifth biggest crypto out there and guess what they did a pre-sale token a few years ago and if you had put $1,000 in that pre-sale guess what you would have made Mike vulpe $4.4 million on that thousand investment anybody here could use an extra 4.4 million right about now raise your hand if you good yeah Jeffrey's like no Brian I'm good More Money More Problems right Jeff okay well I'm sure we can find someone to give it to um but that's real money and in Dubai that'll get you barely a Bugatti but in most people's hometowns it will actually allow you a lot of freedom and I want to talk about money and freedom later because that's what it means to me a lot of us think money you know is the root of all evil or it's for bad people or for me it's just gives me more freedom that's all it does who here wants more freedom in their life life raise your hand I mean think about it freedom to quit your job freedom to give it away freedom to put your grandkids through school that's what we want and that's what money means to me and I'll talk about that a little bit later because I think it's really important by the way this is one of the deals that we closed two months ago and you can see here that we invested $200,000 by the way this is a snapshot from a thing called the Saft agreement by the way you can see that we D we invested $200,000 you can see on the second line there on the third line you can see that we bought 16 million of these tokens called Sky SK aai raise your hands if you can see that third line can everyone see that there right okay and then you can see the price in the red circle now that price um Fabian is not1 and a quarter dollar each that's one and a quarter pennies that we paid for each one of these Sky tokens now sky is SK AI anyone want to guess what industry this is in any big smart people here oh check out the big brain Elena Mike what do you think it might be artificial intelligence all right which is hot right now especially on blockchain um and if you would have guessed that you would have known and boom this is what happened the token was up 20x on launch it made my investment club members a $4 million profit and this guy here zon the CEO uh is actually going to be here in the studio on Tuesday and we're going to feature his story and by doing so probably take the token up to 100x and it means people here like Elena in my investment Club if they had put $10,000 in this one deal it would make them a million dollars that's real money folks and here's the crazy part we've done 55 other deals and so you know imagine if this happened for every single deal and if you had put 10K in every single deal you can do the math right it's $55 million so there's a lot Happening Here with crypto there's a lot of ways to lose money in crypto don't give me me wrong but if you're at the right people with the right deals at the right place and the right time you can make money like you've never made it before in any other industry and now is the time it's not next year it's now if you want to make this happen and so I just want to show you some of the things that we've been doing behind the scenes in addition to that this is a company called shrapnel and it's what we call a AAA game what does that mean that means a game on the blockchain that's as good as any game out out there as good as a Grand Theft Auto or Call of Duty I don't play these games but I hear about them um and we invested in this one in November last year and it did a 20x in 20 days and it made my team a $5 million profit this is the CEO Mark long who came here to London flew from Seattle sat down with me and we had an interview and um we think this token's going even higher here's the crazy thing about this deal we bought not only the tokens but we bought the shares of the company as well it's called double dipping not many people know about that and we're doing it now on a few deals our last two deals we've done this as well and so it means when the token goes up we make money but if all of a sudden you know uh Sega or Nintendo comes along and just decides to buy this entire gaming company we're g to make another 20 30 40 50x on the shares of the company does that make sense to everybody here just thumbs up if that does yeah it's like a double double double bubble in addition to that this is our mem coin that we invested in about a month ago you know Meme coins are fascinating they're very volatile very risky and uh this one has gone up I think 433,000 per when it's launched it has been an extremely interesting experience to say the least it's been very volatile it's actually up about 2x from what we're looking at right now on top of this and the guys here want to build this into a billion doll protocol um if they do that again members and all my members will make millions of dollars and it's been a real um education but the truth is is that memec coins aren't going anywhere and it's a great way to understand crypto and we've been pretty happy so far with this investment and of course this is our latest win it's called the mocha verse and it's up 10x uh 10x1 12x and it's basically the digital ID system of a company called animoca brands has anyone ever heard of animoca Brands just raise your hand they're really big in this space it's actually a$6 billion doll company and this uh guy here on the right I was about to say this good looking guy but they're both good-look let's be honest and uh his name is yatsu and he's a Visionary he's built this $6 billion dollar company and he owns over 500 web three games and he's considered you know kind of a a genius I think he's basically the future Elon Musk and so we've not only own Anam mocha Brands but we own the mocha verse um token as well and Anam mocha is supposed to have an IPO so that's another double dip scenario that we're really excited about and the whole team is as well so we're just getting win after win after win and we got another 52 of these coming over the next one month to probably five months where I believe you're just going to see more of these 10x 20x 30X 50x and I'm we're still going to get a 100x in here soon as well and so um I just really love celebrating these things because this is kind of what we're doing and So lately a lot of people have been asking me Brian how does London re pick so many winners and I had to think about this because I I think a lot of people think we've just been lucky but I actually don't think it's luck I think there's more going on here and I believe it's actually this I believe that success is what happens when preparation meets opportunity has anybody ever had one of those moments in your life where you've spent the time preparing and then opportunity happens like we just saw the Olympics anybody watch the Olympics raise your hand if you saw the Olympics yeah now when someone wins a gold medal there do you just say they're lucky or do you say h they've probably been preparing for four six 8 12 years and now they've worked their way they've got into the Olympics they have the opportunity and they win a gold and so that's the way I feel about investing we have been preparing for three and a half years we work hard at this I just want to tell you inside my investment club we spend two hours on a Monday night and two hours every single Thursday listening to CEOs pitch us their companies and we make decisions so we're constantly learning networking and talking to the best in the business and that's why we're having so many wins to be hon honest folks you ain't seen nothing yet what you see right now is the tip of the iceberg we're going to show you so many wins coming from this group over the next three to six months that it's just going to Boggle the mind is what I believe but it's because we put in the work every single week no exceptions folks I know a lot of you have tried to invest in crypto before how many people have lost money in crypto raise your hands anybody here I appreciate the honesty here okay thank you Tim thank you Esther um the rest of you I don't believe yet I think you lost money as well and so trying to invest on your own it's like a jungle out there you know I'm not saying everyone's a bad actor or a scam artist but if they're not they're incompetent and if not they're just you know you make mistakes and I know this because we started off making mistakes and we've gotten really good at this and so trying to invest in crypto your on your own reminds me of uh Drake at the top of this photo um and so he's not feeling that maybe you know maybe Kendrick just dropped another track about him I don't know but he's not feeling in this but when you invest with us at London real that is when you really start to enjoy crypto in the blockchain because we are doing a lot of the work for you and we're teaching you how to find the hottest deals on the planet we have a track record of success we have an incredible brand we get the best of the best on the show and all the CEOs want our media coverage and so we've created something that's never been done before and I'm giving you an opportunity to join us on this ride and I'm telling you it literally is like these two pictures because when you try to do it on your own and try to follow these weirdos on Twitter right with no real names you know what I'm talking about right Esther right they got fake pictures that are nfts they got fake names they won't tell you their real name that that never sits well with me um telling you what coins to pick little do you know they being paid cash behind the scenes they're dumping their tokens before you get to it's it's it's a mess honestly and then there's Bad actors and then wallets get hacked and you're sitting there thinking I just lost all my money that's no way and then you think crypto sucks yeah it does the way you're doing it but you've seen our results already crypto is a lot of fun inside our investment club and so everyone's having a great time making a lot of money and helping change the world and so these are the two realities out there folks this is the big news Donald Trump has raked in over $7 million from his three nft Collections and he actually owns up to $5 million in crypto I like this folks this is the first president who not doesn't only talk about crypto and he was the first talking about crypto but he actually owns it and he gets it and his son gets it and his team gets it and this is what we need because the last four years the administration in America has been terrible for crypto they have vilified it they have persecuted us they have prosecuted us and it's the first time in 200 years that America has not been the least leader of a technological innovation right now America is behind they a laughing stock in the world I'll be in Singapore next month um Martini I just posted in the telegram group The Token 2049 conference will be the biggest crypto conference in the world there'll be 20,000 raving fans there why because Asia is leading the world in crypto why because America has dropped the ball how many people know what I'm talking about here raise your hands right and it's been a shame it's been an absolute shame and it's not the America I know the America I know Embraces Tech they they built Silicon Valley right they built the internet startups they built the mobile phones they built these trillion dollar technology companies and when it comes to crypto they they're they're a joke and so this needs to change and I really appreciate the fact that Trump has jumped all in of course we know that he made over a million dollars in crypto he just did all his financial disclosures and we know he holds over a million in ethereum which which is really really cool to me so he's got the assets and he's knows about them and is managing them and he gets that it's a really big deal this is the interesting one because Donald Trump Jr just shared in their telegram channel that something big is coming up and you can see on the very bottom Circle that last week Donald and Eric his sons shot down rumors that it would be a meme coin but they just said they love defi something big is coming here and again the fact that the the uh the former president's sons and potential future president's sons are saying the word defi folks this is really positive for crypto in all sorts of ways and of course we saw what happened at Bitcoin Nashville it was absolutely incredible Trump went on stage and got the BBC here in London to cover him talking about crypto this had never been done before Not only was Trump there 10 different senators and congressmen were there all talking about crypto that alone gave crypto so much exposure it was incredible and of course while he was on stage he vowed to fire the SEC chairman Gary Gensler not once but twice it was a beautiful moment and directly after um Senator Lumis who I've invited on London reel proposed to Congress a 1 million Bitcoin strategic Reserve yeah you heard me right just like Fort Knox in America owns all the gold and it's it's stuck there they proposed having a million Bitcoin that the US would use as is a reserve how many people like that idea pretty cool huh right that would be epic if that happens and so what I want to do is I want to play for a video for you of of exactly what was said because again I hate disinformation and I hate weird news stories that try to tell you what actually happened uh Lord knows they said things about me that were never true and so I like showing you exactly what was said by by the people straight from the horse's mouth um and this is exactly what Trump said about crypto if crypto is going to define the future I want to be mind mined and made in the USA it's going to be it's not going to be made anywhere else on day one I will fire Gary gentler whoa let's go I will appoint a new SEC chairman who believes America should build the future not block the future which is what they're doing amen I am announcing that if I am elected it will be the policy of my Administration you United States of America to keep 100% of all the Bitcoin the US government currently holds or acquires into the [Music] future as we Implement these reforms Bitcoin and crypto will grow our economy cement American Financial dant and strengthen our entire [Music] country all right do we like to see that is everybody feeling pretty bullish on that and I love that last part because again now he's forcing the hand of the Democrat to reconsider this the truth is is that crypto is a single issue for many voters in America which means all they care is your stance on crypto they don't care what you think about this or that or pipelines or n and if that that could swing some of these states and so I think it's forcing Kamala and the Democrats to really reconsider their whole stance now crypto is very suspicious and they really want to see action but I I just think this is positive for everybody when this happens so again big bold statements again I just still I have to pinch myself that that Donald Trump said on stage hold your Bitcoin always hold your Bitcoin I just can't believe he actually said that and uh so this is super positive you know to say the least and of course Trump previously had raised more than $4 million in Bitcoin just in campaign donations so again we know he puts his money where his mouth is and Bobby Kennedy who's been on this show twice back in 2020 and then in 2022 um he came out before Trump and said he wanted a 4 million Bitcoin strategic Reserve 4X the amount that Trump and Senator lum's proposed now that's a lot um but I love the fact that Bobby's going big and wouldn't you want this I mean Bobby's a a a super credible independent candidate I'm a huge fan of Bobby um but uh this is great as well and really pushes The Narrative forward folks we know that Bitcoin is prepping for a $90,000 breakout and I'm I'm keeping an eye on bitcoin right now and there are so many bullish factors that are Brewing underneath I already see it going up right now and I got a feeling it's going to make a breakout over the weekend um but we know that it's prepping for a $90,000 price tag would be which would be an all-time high of of course over the previous all-time high of 74,000 it could happen at any moment and here's the thing folks it always happens when you least expect it right oh it's in August everyone's on holiday that's when it does happen right it never happens when you expect it to happen so we are ready ready at any moment for this to happen because we've invested like Mad Men and mad women for the past nine months of this year and of course we know that now the salana ETF looks like it could be a reality in the next six months Brazil's approved it a bunch of people have applied for it we got a Bitcoin ETF we got an ethereum ETF which again nobody expected this year and now salana will take this to another level and when it does we think it will 9x the price of salana taking it from about 150 right now all the way blasting it over a thousand and then some which will be incredible for the markets and of course black rock is actually predicting a $288,000 ethereum which again would just be a mind-boggling number that's something that's really going to be like an 8X from what it is today folks I spent a lot of time in the Middle East I'll be in July and October I'll be there in January I'll be there in February I'll be there in March I think I'm gonna take my boys there and then put them in school over there for that time and I meet gentlemen like this from the countries around there I meet people from Saudi from Kuwait from Abu Dhabi from Qatar they have more money than God is what they do right and they have not even begun to put this into the Bitcoin ETF or the ethereum ETF when they turn it on it's going to be a shock and everything is going to go up and even further up black rock is telling this but we know this is true now they take their time they're still doing due diligence but once they move they're going to put 1 to 4% of their entire portfolio into big Bitcoin and I'm telling you we all know what's going to happen next you're going to see a new wave or a$1 15 trillion dollar earthquake that's going straight into Bitcoin ethereum salana and more and that's going to push all these prices up to to levels that we can't even comprehend right now folks in addition to that Kathy Wood of Arc invest who's considered one of the most Savvy Tech investors out there um just said that Bitcoin could go as high as $3.8 million now we actually just invested in a deal with her a company called Kino the C was actually here this week martini and he told the story of how Kathy invested in his company and so we're doing deals with some of the ogs she has huge positions in Tesla coinbase and she's been betting on bitcoin since 2015 2016 folks when I ran to be mayor of London a few months ago I had a pro- freedom and massively Pro crypto pro pro blockchain platform I asked for three things I asked for all the voting to be on the blockchain so there was no issue of fraud how many people like that idea right why not right what are you scared of homie just put it on the blockchain it's so simple number two I wanted the entire Budget on the blockchain imagine if a politician had to tell you where every dollar went right how would that work out and of course the third thing I asked for is I wanted to create the London token and I wanted to give every man woman and child in London 100 pounds in crypto and use that system to finally give them the financial education that they've been denied their entire lives from our schooling system how many people like that idea pretty cool huh I was going to tax the banks by the way to pay for this that's a ride they can afford it billion pounds easy now of course you know the mainstream establishment fought me on this I got some bad press for it because they're all they're all in that together but I'm really happy we put this out there and it will be implemented one day folks this is me and Dubai in January and February this year making connection C with the most important people in crypto The Gatekeepers of the hottest deals on the planet this is Alex Vel of swissborg he's one of the biggest players in decentralized finance this is Da Vinci he's been buying Bitcoin since 2011 putting out videos on YouTube since 2012 begging you to buy Bitcoin of course you didn't listen to him this is Mario nafal who's massive on Twitter spaces he has the direct a of Elon Musk and he's also a huge investor in early stage crypto deals in Dubai this is Dr Marwan aleron runs the Dubai blockchain Center he's one degree of separation from all of the biggest players in crypto he also gave me my golden Visa in the United Air remits and I'm super grateful for that this is uni Wong one of the biggest crypto influencers on the planet this is Bruce Fenton crypto OG runs the Satoshi Round Table event which I'm actually buying my ticket today for the one in February it's an invite only no media no social media allowed where only the most important players in crypto over there um I mean my attendance last year has already brought us probably six seven eight deals in our um Academy um and in our investment Club it's an amazing event to go to uh this is yatsu of Anoka Brands as we know $6 billion dollar company that's really charting out the future of web 3 folks behind the scenes quietly we are currently investing over $5 million into 15 different blockchain and AI deals this quarter we did six or seven deals last month right we're going to do another six or seven this month so we'll probably end up breaking that and doing more than 15 deals right we're super busy we've got a group of how many we got now Martini 116 117 members in our investment club that are actively learning and investing and making a boatload of money by investing in these early stage companies and I'll show you exactly how you can do that as well and I'll show you how we're doing it now it's all because of this this is London real Ventures it's the world's first media powered investment firm this has never been done in human history and it hasn't been done since we did this about a few about three years ago and it's what happens when you take a media company like London reel 13-year history over a thousand interviews with the greatest mods on the planet a billion views five million social media followers and you you combine it you marry it together with a venture capital firm with $20 million in capital it's just never been done before and the results they're spectacular they're really off the charts because this is our portfolio and what you're seeing here folks is the best of the best the crem DEA crem of web3 blockchain and artificial intelligence deals what you see here is decentralized finance protocols you see web3 games you see AI on the blockchain you see billion doll funds and uh my designer keeps messaging me saying Brian slow down I'm running out of room I don't know where to put all these things but I told them we're not slowing down okay you can't stop us you cannot stop us right and I'm so proud of each one of these deals each one of these I think is going to turn into a multi-billion doll company and again make all of my members you know a boatload of money enough money to give them the freedom to do anything they want in this lifetime these are some of the Investments this is a billion dollar fund called 1rt and this is the fund manager named Dan tapiero probably if not one of probably the best smartest savviest Trader I've ever met now a lot of you don't know I spent 15 years on Wall Street in Chicago and here in the city of London in the highest levels of the banking and brokerage industry I met a lot of good Traders and Dan's better than all of them when everybody was selling and crying in October 2022 when FTX had just defaulted Dan was buying he was buying assets for pennies on the dollar and he just sent me a message recently Martini you know we've already made a boatload of money on this and we just closed this investment earlier this year so this is something that I know I'm in Martini's in we're gonna let him multiply this over the next 10 years and we're going to probably just pass this on to our states and stuff it's going to be worth a ton of money because Dan's investing in the bricks and mortar and the picks and shoves of the entire ecosystem you can see some of the names in his in his portfolio here it's really the who's who in blockchain this is shrapnel as I mentioned before the 20x in 20 days made a $5 million profit and we think it's going higher this is Jason ma uh he's personally been involved in over a billion dollars wor the transactions we've invested in his web3 social app called open this is Benjamin charbett he's building a the very first metaverse on the Bitcoin blockchain and it's being funded by animoca Brands this is mocha 10x already the equity is going to go as well probably giving us another 2X and I think the token's just going to keep going up and up and up this is mad our meme coin it's the wild DJ that hustles hard and parties harder and uh we're really enjoying being part of this and feeling what it's like to be part of a meme coin mem coins aren't going anywhere and it's better to be on the inside than on the outside with these things and most of you probably missed the Pepe coin on ethereum you definitely missed Brett on base and so of course you definitely don't want to miss Matt on the salana network and of course I'm doing my part here um although I seem to have you know gotten a little purple there Martini uh but uh we're definitely trying to uh promote what he's saying and he's a fascinating dude and obviously he cleans up pretty good as well uh when he came to our studio recently and uh the the profits been amazing on this and we think when Bitcoin finally starts to move mad's gonna move like crazy and uh make us a lot of money and just take everything to the next level in addition to that this is favor it's a web3 social app so that means you can never be censored Again by anyone so you know we like that this is story protocol our ver investment with andrees and Horowitz one of the biggest Venture Capital companies on the planet this is metag good and Danny Yang on the right and this is one we invested alongside of Mark yuso on the left Mark runs A2 billion doll fund called Morgan creep capital and this is the investment we did with Kathy Wood she spoke on stage at the Bitcoin conference right in front of trump and this this is Kino just had Austin on the show he was amazing blew me away I think we talked for two hours martini and uh I'm so happy with this investment we're going to make a boatload on this one as well folks this is who we invest alongside and this is the who's who Adventure Capital you know the names like coinbase Ventures polygon Ventures Kathy Woods Arch invest andri horowits Galaxy digital Warner Brothers music of all places this is one of the reasons we're having so many wins because we invest alongside the smartest money on the planet folks I believe the greatest way to predict the future is to create it how many people agree with that raise your hands come on if your hands aren't up honestly I got no use for you I might as well just get off this call because I only spend my time with people that want to change the future and believe they can change the future okay I don't spend my time with people that are pessimistic that stick their heads in the sand that are always negative I don't do that we are going to change the future we are going to create the future we did it before in 2020 and 2021 and we're going to do it again and we're already doing it as we speak and so I'm looking for people that share this same vision of the world and we've so far found 116 of them and I'm looking for more and it all comes down to our mission statement here at London reel this is literally written on the wall back here um we show it to everybody that comes here and that is that our mission is to create a mass scale transformation of humanity into a fully empowered conscious and Cooperative species everything we do is to give you your power back give you more Consciousness and get us to work together right isn't it about time we work together raise your hand if everybody thinks so right web three is about working together it's about everybody owning the protocol everybody winning and there's not enough of this happening folks and this is the way we live here every episode I tape every movie I make every master class we give every investment we make every class we teach is all trying to support you and give you your power back and not take it away like all the other companies do out there but to be honest with you folks for me it's not just business it's a little personal because I got these Two Fellas to look after uh this is Kaden on the right who's eight Damon is in the middle he's turning seven next week trying to figure out what he wants you know what he wants for his birthday he wants one thing you know what he wants Martini he wants digital assets for his birthday he wants Roo that's what he wants doesn't want a bike he doesn't want Legos he doesn't want a remote control car he wants digital Assets Now is that my fault I don't know I don't know but these guys get digital assets they both have Bitcoin wallets they both have Bitcoin and Damon in the middle he owns more digital assets than probably Trump does at this point and so the truth is folks I am concerned about their future I'm concerned that they're not not going to have teenage years the way I had them quite frankly I'm concerned that machines are going to be dominating them through artificial intelligence I'm concerned their government and their banking system is going to try to censor their currencies or print more of it or steal their money through taxation so I'm here I'm here every day morning till night working extra hard to make sure that they have the future they deserve and one that still has freedom in it is anybody here looking out for people like this in your life maybe children maybe parents friends family loved ones maybe yeah it's our responsibility to do this because if we don't do it who's going to do it you know and they will not accept your excuses I will not be giving these boys excuses in 10 years you know and everybody has an excuse oh I couldn't I couldn't do it I didn't have enough money I didn't have enough time yeah that doesn't fly when it comes to the people that you have to take care of it's your job to find a way that's what leaders do and that's what we're doing behind the scenes folks this is Michael sailor and he believes that Bitcoin is the Apex property of the human race I believe one day there'll be a statute built for Michael and Satoshi Nakamoto because of everything that they've contributed to digital assets Michael has been on our show twice and he is a Pioneer when it comes to investing heavily in this digital asset space he currently owns over $4 billion with a Bitcoin and he buys more every single week he doesn't care what the price is he said he told confidently he said confidentially he said Brian I'm going to buy Bitcoin up to $250,000 each he told me that in 2021 right because he thinks it's cheap even at those levels and of course he was recently spoke at Bitcoin Nashville and he made a price prediction of $13 million of Bitcoin all right that's even higher than Kathy Wood and uh he also believes that Ai and ETFs are going to power a decade long Gold Rush for Bitcoin now when Michael first came on the show it was fascinating to me because Michael um is an MIT graduate like me he graduated about three years before I did and what's interesting about MIT is they teach you to think for yourself it's kind of rare to find a place like that and so they teach you to not listen to what other people say not follow the herd but to step back and use first principles reasoning raise your hand if you know what that means first principles anybody know what that means it means it okay we got somebody here Fabian knows what I mean it means you step back and you just go back to the basics and you say Okay um you know how does this work you know not because an economist told you to do it or a Federal Reserve person or you know a banker told you to do it no you just think about it and so that's the way Michael looks at at Bitcoin listen carefully because you're about to learn something you didn't even think you knew about crypto we went from investing 250 million in Bitcoin to 4 25 million in Bitcoin to eventually a billion in Bitcoin to two billion in Bitcoin to just F less than four billion you said there are decades when nothing happens and there are weeks when Bitcoin happens so every decade there's some profound Paradigm Shift it's such an out-of-the blue idea that no one can conceive of why you would even want it what you've got is a lot of people questioning all their premises and Rising through that chaos is a new idea what if I can encrypt energy what if I can encrypt money such that nobody on Earth no government can debase it no Corporation can steal it I don't trust anybody I'm going to create a shared immutable Ledger Incorruptible Immortal transcendental Ledger if I can transfer a million dollars of value from me to you without an intermediary that means I have transcended the political realm you said Brian I like Bitcoin because it has low aspirations the idea of Bitcoin was how do I create a protocol that's fair and Equitable that I give as a gift to the world that no one can control if you're going to do it and you understand thermodynamics and if if you have any sense of genetics or biology or physics you realize you need to be very humble in your aspirations how do we give the gift the property right freedom and sovereignty and empowerment to everybody on the planet the best idea 30 years ago was YouTube or Google Maps Twitter or Facebook or email I think the best idea for the next 30 Years is digital energy everybody can own their stuff and nobody can take it away from them what do we think of Michael we feeling his Vibe right love love listening to him I always learn something I listen to Michael um what do he say at the end everyone can own their stuff and nobody can take it away from them why is that such a revolutionary concept huh Esther why why Wendy I mean that that should be obvious but in this day and age that's the case how many people here have money in in a bank right now you got some savings accounts or checking accounts some of you yeah Jeffrey you actually don't what you have is a bank that has C of your money and they'll do whatever they want with it and if you go say to a peaceful protest in Canada to support some truckers like some people did a few years ago your assets will be seized right that can happen at any moment and if that doesn't happen what your government can do what print more money right and more money and more money the to service the US debt right now the amount of money you have to pay just to pay interest on the US debt is bigger than the entire defense budget and it's going up a trillion dollar I think every 90 days on top of that you got inflation so when the government misbehaves as well prices go up which ruins any type of savings you have and on top of that you have taxation which some people call theft I don't know if I go that far but you know there it is and so I would argue that yeah you actually don't have money in a bank there's somebody holding it and they'll take it away from you from whenever you want has anyone over here tried to get cash out of their Bank recently and struggled raise your hands right good luck with that or try to use your money to buy crypto good luck with that you'll realize who's who's who's the boss and it's not you even though last time I checked it's your money but it's not your money and that's why I'm such a big proponent of owning digital assets because that's how you keep your freedom in this case so that was Michael really love talking to Michael um he recently gave a speech uh called Bitcoin for corporations and he explained to everybody that only 0.1% of all capital is digital think about that only 0.1 of all capital is digital and can move at the speed of light look at all these different asset classes you got just over 300 trillion in real estate about the same in bonds equities or stocks you got about 115 trillion can everyone see the little orange corner on the upper leftand corner raise your hand if you can see that what do you see a tiny little square called Bitcoin one trillion right the world is going digital it's and we're just in the beginning stages folks when this moves you're going to see our entire Market go up massively and this is your chance to get in on the early stages takeaways from Michael is the crypto is encrypted energy That's Heavy you got to think about that one over the weekend no government can debase it what a great concept no Corporation can steal it yeah we're talking about your Banks crypto transcends money why because it's it's not money you have been experienced money in the past but what you've experienced is garbage it's Monopoly money anyone ever play Monopoly as a kid those pieces of paper right what did you do after the game was over you put them back in the Box because they're useless that's what your money is right now so you don't take it seriously which means guess what Esther you actually don't take life seriously which means you don't take your job seriously because when people are paying you in Funny Money paper money you actually don't even show up because it's not real crypto transcends money I think it gets us to show up as better human beans I I truly do believe it gives you that folks if you haven't got the message 2024 is the year of crypto it's your chance to create generational wealth and guess what you've already missed half of it and you're going to miss the rest unless you pull the trigger and take some action yeah it's going to be scary yeah it's not going to be easy yeah it's probably going to require all your courage to do but think about the alternative all your money becomes worthless all your family members and your people have nothing to rely on and you miss the only chance in my opinion to really create generational wealth in one cycle it's all here it's right in front of your face and you're on this call the question is are you going to do something about it or are you going to keep procrastinating and watching more videos and reading more articles that's probably not what you need to do and so where and how do we invest I'll tell you how first you got to find the hottest Trend and I'll share that with you shortly exactly our investment thesis and why we're making so much money behind the scenes but there's one other thing that none of you are seeing right now none of you are getting the good stuff what am I talking about I'm talking about deal flow right none of you are seeing the hottest deals on the planet how do I know that because they're hard to find they're really hard to find it took us years to figure this out folks and it's the reason I keep traveling all the way around the world do you think I like taking 12-hour flights to Singapore like are you kidding me do you think I like training outside and 33 degree heat and 100% humidity that's what I do you know uh but I do it because I know when I go to Singapore on September 18th I'm going to walk into token 2049 and they'll be 20,000 people there and guess what I'm GNA meet four or five people and each one is going to make me $10 million for our club and that's the way I walk into those things who's going to make me money and there's going to be one person there that's going to make me 10 mil and there'll be another one and there'll be another one I used to say there's one person that's going to make me $1 million but we've already done that and in future I'll go to the conference and there'll be some there that's going to make us a hundred million and so that's why I go and this is me hitting the bricks for the past three years traveling the world going to places i' never been before right this my first time in Dubai a few years ago hanging out with the biggest crypto influencers in the world on the left that's Carl the moon and Chris mm crypto they're the biggest on the planet uh in the middle that was my first meeting with Dr Maran aleron I'm hanging out with big VCS and influencers from there I bounced back to Paris had a private dinner with some of the biggest VC's on the planet and some of the hottest deals out there did some media shot some documentaries and I'm back to London here I'm at the token 2049 conference had one of my first in-person interviews with yatsu back then and from there I'm off to Texas this is the consensus conference it's the biggest one in North America and of course there I'm seeing portfolio companies seeing New Deals and on the bottom right you can see I met up with 14 members of our investment club and folks needless to say we had a good time now I'll show you some more pictures later but why are we smiling so much because we're making a ton of money we're changing the world we're living our passion we're living our purpose and we're going to be together for the next 10 20 years what's not alike right so we're having a great time we're going to do this again in Singapore next month we're gonna do it again in Dubai in October and we're gon do it in Paris in March of next year um and we even got to get together in London in in early September so this is what we're doing folks and it's incredible but of course there's no rest for the wicked from here I'm off to Singapore now last time I was there I got to hang out with my good friend Robert kosaki he dragged me on stage for one of his events that was fun and you can see more of our portfolio companies you see favor you see Life Beyond there's me and yatsu filming more documentaries and again I'll be back there next month as well um in Singapore but from there I went back to Dubai I'm in Dubai two or three times a year now I premiered our documentary film was on stage interviewing some of the biggest personalities out there there and just doing what I do folks this is how we Source the hottest deals on the planet because I build relationships the oldfashioned way which is in person one at a time how many people know what I'm talking about here right this doesn't happen on Twitter and it doesn't happen on Zoom you got to really be in the same room with these people multiple times really folks if you want to win in this space you have to invest with the best what does that mean means you have to look at a lot of deals or as one of my mentors says you got to kiss a lot of frogs to find a few princes or princesses right this is a snapshot of the number of deals we'll look at pretty much every two weeks it's a lot of deals now most of these will not make it on our live calls we choose four deals a week to come on our live calls and they're the best of the best these are CEOs with phds from Stanford these are CEOs that personally are worth 50 hundred million doll these are CEOs that have been invested in by the biggest funds on the planet and they come to our calls and they pitch us just like they did last night right martini two of them came on and this is an amazing way for you to learn as well by listening to these pitches but that's not enough folks you've got to understand the financial tools and this is where most of you are failing right now what do I mean well first of all you have to have the right investment thesis and we believe that early stage let me emphasize early stage web 3 metaverse artificial intelligence Investments represent the hottest opportunity on the planet why well number one you buy it super low valuations this is really important number two you see the biggest gains possible number three you invest in what I'm calling the biggest dislocation of wealth in human history yes it's high risk but the reward is even higher and you've already seen evidence of that already folks we use something called pre-sale tokens I alluded to this before but I'm going to give you an exact example of what this is like and exactly what happened with our favorite blockchain called salana by the way who is heard of this by the way raise your hands have you heard of salana okay it's it's like I said the fifth biggest crypto asset out there but I would guess that most of you and 99% of the market has no idea they they missed out on a chance to buy these before they were offered on the market and I'll show you exactly what happened can everyone see this red circle here raise your hand can you see the date there April 5th 2018 they sold tokens for four pennies each by the way this is all on the blockchain it's public information you can go look it up don't take my word for it what happened they raised $317 million again folks this is early stage it's not a lot of money they're looking to hire a couple more programmers and get some new office space that's all this is they sold 79 million tokens what happened you know what happened ,000 invested at 4 pennies would have made you $4.4 million you want to hear something crazy crazy Fabian Mike Ronda Joel in our investment Club our minimum investment is $5,000 and so if you had put that in here you would have made $22 million on one deal one deal think about that right now did anybody here buy these at four pennies on salana be honest anybody no probably not why didn't you let's just zoom out real quick for a second why didn't you get a chance to buy these at four pennies I'll tell you why because you didn't know someone like me you didn't know someone that had the deal flow that would reach out to you on the morning of August 5th of April 5th and say hey Wendy I got this new token called salana you want to put some money in it hey Fabian hey Mike hey Joel you want in on this deal you didn't get a text message from me and again I'm not making that scenario up this is what I do every single day right Martini this is what I do every single day this is our telegram group right Elena's in this group and this is the message I pinned today our latest deal right and it says hey how would you like to invest it's on the telegram ecosystem by the way a billion users on telegram don't get me a s literally you get a text message from me every day saying hey do you want in on this deal all all you have to do is click the link and boom within two seconds okay 20 seconds you can put your money in and you're done it's that simple folks but you don't have access to this and you didn't have access to salana so you missed out you didn't even know what happened that's the worst part so you're walking around totally oblivious that there's people behind the scenes making massive amounts of money while you buy some stupid token on some stupid exchange promoted by some stupid Twitter influencer and that's why you lose money that's what's happening out there now I always love to watch this movie about Finance called Wall Street does anybody ever watched that movie it's a classic right Michael Douglas and Charlie Sheen Tim you've seen it nobody else watched that movie come on well there's a line in the movie Tim you know it Fabian you know it looks like Fabian you know look like you got a couple years on you like me and there's a line in the movie where Gordon gecko the seasoned Trader right is telling Bud Fox the junior guy who's learning and he says Bud he said the most valuable commodity I know of is information think about that right Tim Fabian how many people agree with what he said there information right gecko didn't say it's a stock or it's a bond that's looking that's looking that's that's that's myopic he didn't say it was a bar of gold or a piece of real estate it's information folks imagine knowing exactly what was happening imagine getting that text from me and that's what I do folks I am a dealer of high quality information by the way I don't make decisions for anybody in my investment Club if atena wants to invest she invests if Martini wants to invest she's invest it's up to them my job is to get them the hottest deals on the planet and let them decide and that's exactly what we're doing behind the scenes now I've got a line up here that says money equals freedom and I want to talk about this because for me that's what money means now some people want to buy Bugattis and fly private and get Beach beachr property that's none of my business if you want to do that that's great I don't do any of those things for me the money gives me the freedom to do something I love to build something amazing and to contribute back to the world I think each one of us has something unique to give back to the world how many people agree with that statement I think we all have something beautiful and that could mean you know building a great company that could mean raising a beautiful family that could mean giving a Ted top I mean I just something unique but I would argue that most of the people right here I'm talking to on this call haven't had the chance to do that because you're living paycheck to paycheck in a state of stress in something called an economic prison you're being lied to and told that your savings is worth something and you're going to get to 65 70 years old and you're going to look and see that you're worth that you're basically worthless you have nothing and everything's been a lie and your life is lived without purpose and you'll say what the hell was this all about that sucked and that's because you never got out of this Loop folks what do they say Esther that insanity is repeating the same behavior expecting a different result that's what all of you are doing with your finances right now and so it's on you quite frankly because this is happening every day behind the scenes I'm telling you about this if you want to go back to that behavior that's your choice but there are people out there that are creating the wealth to give them the freedom I want to give you the wealth that allows you to quit your job that allows you to start your own business that allows you to start a charity give money away that allows you to put your grandkids through college and let me tell you one more thing that's very personal to me how many people have watched an episode of London reel in the past or watch one of our movies or learn from us right guess what London re wouldn't exist unless I got money I had to make a bunch of money in the banking sector to quit and walk away and spend five years building London re without making a single penny and so the most beautiful thing that I've ever been a part of some would argue the only good thing I've done in my life besides M raising my two boys is because I had created generational wealth first and I can't I can't imagine my life without London reel I don't even know if I'd still be alive it's that bad and so I I've done this and I want you to be able to do this and let me say one final thing I want it for selfish reasons I want you Tim to contribute something beautiful to the world same with you Jeffrey same with you Fabian same with you Mike because my world is a better place if you're living your passion my world's a better place imagine if everybody on this planet wasn't phoning it in to a job they hated but actually doing what they were here to do who wants to live in that world right and so I'm doing my part I'm taking a small group of people giving them the Financial Freedom to do something beautiful and unique and contribute to humanity but folks let's not kid ourselves you need the generational wealth to make this happen and of course that's what we're doing folks this is the skillful AI deal you saw that $4 million profit I mean that literally happened in 40 days that deal so how do you do it folks how do you create the generational wealth you got to pull the trigger and that's what none of you are doing right now you're watching things another video reading an article you're buying some stupid coins but you're not pulling the trigger on an early stage investment and that's what we do these are snapshots of pitch decks from over 500 companies that we've looked at in the past two to three months alone this is our deal flow monitor we track every single deal what uh blockchain it's on if it's token Equity or both the valuation of the deal you name it and these are the results the hottest companies on the plan Planet each one here potentially making us hundreds of millions if not a billion dollars each I mean literally there's a ton of upside here and it's all because of London real Ventures this gives us the deal flow that I can pass to you deals you would normally need a billion dollar fund just to be a part of deals you wouldn't even know they were happening deals you could never see as an individual or retail investor and it's because of my quadruple threat this is why the CEOs want to be a part of what we're doing number one is production we bring the CEO to London sit him down 2our six camera highdefinition interview with me where they talk about their passions number two we distribute these video assets to five million of our subscribers worldwide and a million on our email lists number three I connect you with the biggest names in the business and number four I write you a big fat check I mean honestly nobody can say no to this deal it's too good to be true right it really is and they love it and they want in and they all want to be a part of what we're doing here right now so how do you do this how do you learn how to invest well here's where I'm going to give you all a bunch of bad news that you're not going to want to hear so if you don't like being offended you might as well just leave the call right now but this is the truth and you're going to know it you got to surround yourself with the best how many people agree with this statement you're the average of The Five People You surround yourself with how many people agree with that come on Fabian you don't believe that Joel you believe that that this is an old quote by Jim row we all know it's true and as one of my mentors would say who you hanging out with losers is what he used to say it's your friends dare I say it's your family that are probably bringing you down more than anything these people don't believe that you can become worth $10 million right Esther they don't believe that you could be making a bunch of money in blockchain they don't believe that crypto could allow you to quit your job and do something beautiful and every time you talk about it they make fun of you how many people have family here that makes fun of your crypto Investments right yeah how's that working out right how's that yeah and the truth is you got to get around people who believe in you you got to get around people who are actually doing this and here's the catch eser those people don't want to be around you why is a billion do billionaire in crypto want to hang out with you you bring nothing to the table it's very hard to find great mentors out there it's very hard to find a peer group that pushes you to the next level it really is and that's what I've discovered my whole life and I've really found a way that I stumbled into this practice of finding a new peer group and these are four stages of Brian rose on the left is me I'm 16 just bought my brand new 68 Mustang and my peer group is a bunch of high school kids and I'm making six bucks an hour I'm broke anybody been here before right I'm going nowhere I'm broke I'm going back home to this house by the way in two three weeks and I'm going to beat a bunch of people in San Diego that are like this guy but he never left and I'm gonna see what it's like to keep your same peer group for your whole life and it's going to be a little scary I think but what did I do I studied really hard in school and that allowed me to go to find a new peer group I got into MIT I flew across the country from San Diego to Boston and now you can see me on the top picture I'm graduating and now my peer group is the smartest kids in the world make sense to everybody here it's an upgrade right I'm still broke though because they're all broke too they're only 22 so I think I made $3,000 that summer working in an aerospace corpor an aerospace company called the Aerospace Corporation but I took my grades at MIT and I got a job on Wall Street and that's a picture of the trading floor I was at on the right Bankers Trust I'm surrounded by 300 of the most alpha female and alpha male Traders on the planet each making between $9 and12 million a year I couldn't believe it they were so nasty they were so mean they would all be fired these days but back then we had no Personnel department at least we didn't have one that cared and they would abuse me physically mentally spiritually they cut my tie off literally push me around break phones on my hands I mean this was old school baby but they taught me how to make a ton of money and after three four years I became one of them and that's me on the bottom right making millions and millions of dollars a year and doing all the stupid things that people do with that kind of money my point is that this is about upgrading your peer group I wasn't smarter than anybody and the only reason I was able to do this is because I got uncomfortable and put myself in a peer group that was smarter than me richer than me and better than me does this make sense to everybody here this is so important if you take one lesson away from me tonight don't worry about the crypto that's not what you need you need a group of people that's going to take you to the next level folks now let me ask you a question Esther while you're here let me ask all of you this question I'll ask you Tim and you Wendy and you Fabian you Rhonda what if you go home for Christmas and at the dinner table you're sitting there with your friends and family or whatever and you say to them I'm gonna make $10 million next year I'm gonna make $20 million next year what are they going to say to you when you say that Esther they're going to look at you like you're crazy Raise Your Hands Up someone's going to look at you like you're kind of crazy what what do you mean bro just chill have another drink right we're going to watch some Netflix later for six hours get drunk tomorrow we're going to go to a sports game watch a bunch of people make some some points and then uh we're going to talk about some other people to kill kill some time right they're going to not believe in you why why won't they believe in you well I want to get you around people that do believe in you that's why I created my investment Club this is maryan Bartel she's a 35y year Wall Street veteran Chief Information officer Mar Lynch Bank of America this is your new peer group she's made her clients tens of millions of dollars she knows more about stocks and bonds and inflation in the FED than anybody I've ever met when she speaks on our Zoom calls I zip it and I listen Okay this is your new peer group Esther Esther you know what what what MaryAnn's going to say when you tell her you want to make 20 million next year anyone know what she's going to say raise your hand she's going to say yeah why you playing so small Tim 20 million what are you some typ of punk let's make 200 million that's what she's going to say I'm not joking that's the way she thinks that's the way we all think in this group right we're not going to belittle your dreams we're going to push you to take them even further one of my mentors is dampa the T trillion dollar man there's a video of him on one of my shows and he looks at me and he's getting kind of agitated and he said he said Brian these people think you're a big deal and he's pointing at the cameras he said I know you're not he said I see you a thousand times more and he's angry he's yelling he's spitting out of his mouth I see you a thousand times more imagine being around people that see you a thousand times more right who wants to be around people like that raise your hands right I mean that is literally Priceless to be around people and people that care that much to even tell you that your friends and family won't even tell you that they'll just be little oh yeah why don't you take it easy because the truth is your dreams scare them they make themselves feel small and they worry Tim let's say you did make that 20 million maybe you're not going to go home for Christmas dinner anymore and the truth is you probably won't you know you'll be doing other things and so I need to get you around people that are going to help you get to the next level folks this is the biggest thing holding you back it's not some token it's this it's being around the right people and I got 116 of them this is tan I was just dming him Martini getting him in on this latest deal actually um he's one of America's top 100 criminal defense attorneys one of the most sought-after litigators in the world this is your new peer group okay he's in Yellowstone right now Ballin Martini I'm so jealous I really want to go um and so I sent me pictures um folks this is your new peer group tan rolls on another level recently went out to Beverly Hills took Martini out to dinner with a bunch of our VES club members bought flowers for everybody what do you think he talks about at dinner Tim think he talks about the the the football score think he talks about other people gossips no people like this talk about ideas they talk about the future they talk about change right they talk about career creating things they don't even talk about money per se money is a byproduct of the way they roll right this is your new peer group this is Andrew Haynes he's our digital land and metaverse expert this is him graduating from one of the top executive training schools in Switzerland this is your new peer group Andrew's on pretty much every call he knows all of the metaverse plays all the web three games like the back of his hand this is your new peer group your chance of hanging out with Andrew and tan and Maran in your in your everyday life is zero why would they hang out with you you bring nothing to the table this is Dr Encore three years ago he was in medicine seriously took our crypto and defi course graduated took our Kings of defi course graduated was the founding member of the investment club and now we hired him about a year ago now full-time London real Ventures now he sources a lot of our deals this is your new peer Group by the way this is his YouTube channel he did he created in his spare time did a video day for almost two years right don't you want to be around people like that right he didn't give some excuse I don't like the way my voice sounds right that's not what he said to me I don't know what to say today no he got it done wouldn't it be nice to be around some people that get stuff done that do what they say they're going to do that's what we got in this club and this is our family folks these are some snapshots I took selfies uh of me hanging out with 14 of our investment club members in in Austin Texas imagine Martini if there was 114 of us there oh my gosh the place would have exploded with positivity um but yeah why are we smiling so much like why are we having so much fun we're having so much fun because we're making a ton of money we're empowering the most exciting CEOs on the planet we're changing the future we're doing this for team human we're creating freedom and we're having a lot of fun people meet their best friends in this club and we're going to be together for the next 10 20 years it's an amazing beautiful family and we're so proud of it and uh honestly it's it blows it blows me away and I'm grateful to be a part of it every single day folks I believe your net worth is your netork how many people agree with this statement come on it's true it's not what you know it's who you know that's the truth Fabian it took me honestly 20 years to figure this out don't be like me I was Mr MIT brain I'm going to study my way to Wi no it doesn't work that way dummy I'm the dummy right I'm going to study harder and make more money no get in the right room bro that's how you make more money oh it's uncomfortable in the right room I don't like it there they look down on me I don't know what to say yeah good that's how you grow most of you are most of you I would argue are big fish in a little Pond how many people is that true with you you're a big fish in a little Pond right you are you like your little pond because you're the big fish oh wow look how good you are you know you want to be in a room where no one's looking at you and no one's talking to you that's the room you want to be in whenever I get in a room and everyone's saying oh you're Brian Rose from London real I get the hell out of that room I'm not going to make any money in that room I want to get in room they're like who are you what do you do what okay we're doing this we're doing big things here that's the room I want to be in that's how I get to the next level folks I want to give you a network that gets you to the next level I believe you feed him you give a man a fish you feed him for a day if you teach him how to fish you feed him for a lifetime that's what we do folks the investment club we teach people how to fish and that's why we created this beautiful Club because back three years ago in 2021 we invested in a pre-sale token with a hottest gaming company on the planet called cross the ages is a legendary company right and I'll be honest with you folks it scared the Living Daylights out of me scared me silly now look it shouldn't have scared me I studied Finance at the MIT slone School of Business I worked at the highest levels of Finance for 15 years all over the world but I had never heard of a crypto pre-sale token honestly I met this dude on a zoom call and the next day he wants $100,000 of stable coin sent to some random wallet address and I said bro you must be joking he said I am joking because if you don't send it in an hour You're Gonna Miss on this deal and I thought this is crazy crazy like where's my due diligence where's my lawyers no you don't have time for that you want in or out and I thought to myself if this freaks me out then how the hell is anybody here going to do this there's you have no chance none of you are ever going to figure this out and I thought we got to teach this I called it Martini I said Martini we got to teach this right she didn't think it was such a good idea we were super busy right now on the crypto at that point the crypto defi Academy was going crazy but finally we uh we agreed to do it and the results have been amazing and this is what we do folks it's an application only program we open up 10 spaces every quarter they're always gone over subscrib and that's why a lot of times you'll see Martini literally disappear from this call because she's busy taking video calls from people all over the world that are desperate to join we kept this quiet for about 18 months but now the word is out everybody sees the CEOs I'm interviewing they see the money we're making and they all want in because nobody's teaching this nobody has a media powerered investment firm nobody has access to these deals for the average person and now everybody wants in it's six modules three months of coursework it's a 12-month program but guess what no one's ever left it's become a lifetime program right again there's nothing like this out there we do weekly live Zoom video calls with top CEOs we do four CEOs a week right now because it's the bull market right you get a private telegram group you get access to all the deal flow and you get if you don't know crypto if you've never bought a Bitcoin in your life we do a full year I give you a full year of our Kings of defi program for free will bring you up to speed in crypto no problem we've had people that have never done a crypto trade in their life join this program and three weeks later they do their first deal right impressive right Martini Dennis joined the group like four days ago and he just did his first deal today like these people don't play around amazing how fast people move um next live call is Thursday 6 PM we teach this remotely to over 20 people in 24 countries I think this is the syllabus uh and I I reteach the syllabus every three months because the market moves so fast so we're constantly updating what we're talking about in learning because the market really moves I'm also constantly changing the colors of my shirts and ties as you can see and this is the syllabus folks module one is what is a blockchain AI metaverse pre-sale token some of you are starting to learn what that is module two is what is a Saft or a safe by the way raise your hand if you know what a Saft is raise your hands Elena knows because she's part of the group no Joel you don't know Rhonda doesn't know Esther doesn't know Jeffrey doesn't know Tim doesn't know honestly you should be embarrassed if you don't know what this is it's ridiculous you don't know what it is it's scandalous is what yatsu says that you don't know what this is and it shows you've had no Financial education right you what you've been on this planet what 30 40 50 years you've had no Financial education because our schools teach us to be poor how many people agree with that statement schools teach us to be poor they do they teach us to be little worker bees and do what we're told why a Saft is a simple agreement for future tokens a safe is a simple agreement for future Equity I sign these every week this is how we're making so much money behind the scenes and guess what I'm gonna put this on you this is your fault because anyone can use these things I hate it when people Point finger oh look at this person they made all this money you can do it too you just have never educated yourself or you come up with an excuse when it's time to pull the trigger you got to know what these are folks this is how the rich get richer and this is exactly why the poor stay poor module three is deal FL part one I'm going to show you how to evaluate and do due diligence on any single deal on the world any single deal we use the 5T system that's team traction technology tokenomics terms and conditions you can evaluate any deal in about 10 minutes module four deal for part two I'm going to show you how to find these deals I'm going to show you what conference to go to what ticket to buy what to where yeah it matters what event to go to and how you can use QR codes on your phone to get deals back to the investment Club in minutes minutes module five is how we nurture these deals into billion dollar 10 billion dollar protocols and module six what do we do with all the cash so much money being made right now what do you want to do with it you want to spend some you want to save some great invest the rest back in more deals create that wealth that's going to last two three four generations that's what we're talking about folks that's our telegram group is our Discord group and here are the details folks we are over subscribed massively because we have only 10 spaces available each quarter the investment in your peer group in the next 10 years of your life in the education in the mentorship in the deal flow in everything is $50,000 and that gives you the hottest deals on the planet now look I understand $50,000 it's a significant amount of money I get it I used to make six bucks an hour I get it but it gives you unlimited Financial results think about that some of you say oh it's too expensive is it what if it makes you $50 million Tim does that make it expensive or does that make it the cheapest thing you ever bought in your whole life you know Robert kosaki said something to me when I first interviewed him in Phoenix Arizona in 2018 he said Brian a poor person says I can't afford it a rich person says how can I afford it he said a statement closes the mind a question opens the mind you saw pictures of those people in Texas here's something that's going to shock all of you guess what Tim they're not any richer than you are guess what Fabian they're not any smarter than you are guess what Esther they're not more connected than you are guess what they are that's different than you they have a better relationship with fear than you do and they joined anyways they had more excuses than you have and I I know you got plenty they pulled the trigger anyways a lot of them didn't have the money and guess what they joined anyways Trevor did that psia did that James did that they pulled the trigger anyways and guess what they found the money and guess what happened after that they found more money and they've invested in more deals than anybody else but they confronted the fear and they asked the question how can I afford this so before and I saw a lot of your faces when I mentioned this price I saw the glaze over I can't afford that well great you can continue the same behavior and get the same result that's what this is about folks and this is your chance to take part in the greatest wealth creation event in human history and our special investment opportunity the telegram deal is ending right now and you're going to miss it we actually got three Deals we're doing right now right Martini I think maybe even four and you're going to miss them all by the way this is the deal you missed last quarter this is a Saft agreement by the way away and that deal did a 466 per return in one day imagine if you put 10 grand on this deal you would have paid for the entire club for the rest of your life no more excuses you'd have been surrounded by amazing people every week you would have seen four deals you would have education mentorship peer group are you kidding me for the rest of your life if you had just done one deal but you didn't another time another excuse whatever folks this is happening right in front of your eyes you're going to have to confront some fear to make this happen and look I can show you all the wins I can make this so obvious but at the end of the day you have to pull the trigger you have to step into the unknown I can't do that for you you have to get to a point where you're sick and tired of being poor you're sick and tired of getting the same results you're sick and tired of your government and your Banks and everybody jacking you every way from Sunday and you know that you have no other way you're going to create this wealth in your life you have to make this decision I can't do it for you but here are the results you've seen them shrap all 20x in 20 days skillful 20x so far mad up 433,000 per mocha verse 10x and if you come back and see me in a month or two you're going to see more and more and more of these and you're going to miss those two this is my pledge to my investment club members like Elena and everybody else I'm going to create 10 billion dollar for them in the next 10 years and folks you can be on the inside and make this money or you can be in the outside and watch us make this money but it's going to be made and I'm going to tell you about it either way and uh you know when I first said this about 18 months ago people thought maybe this was said with a little bit of bravado or exaggeration but now we've invested almost $14 million we've seen 20x returns that's already a quarter of a billion come the end of the year it'll probably be a half a billion and you can see how this is going to become a reality folks we got so many members who love being part of this club each one of them has a story each one of them has a video where they talk about the club you can go watch them all right now if you want at for investment Club this is Carol she says every member is both a learner and an investor so well said this is Joe who says the window of opportunity is closing quickly and you know he's right this is Jerry he just he's honored to be a part of the group this is dret she's a single mom with four-year-old twins she says if I can do it you can do it what's your excuse Wendy what's your excuse Jeffrey you got four-year-old twins doesn't look like it Fabian Tim I mean the truth is your excuses are your own we have another female in here named Ivon she's got 5-year-old twins between the two of them they've done 25 deals right again your excuses whatever you want to do with those these women don't allow those to stop them does Dr Encore our founding member this is Mary she said did anybody tip you off to an early stage Facebook or Amazon probably not we can this is Yen ask a very interesting question how can you afford not to join us that's a good one this is tan our trial lawyer this is petsa she couldn't afford the club right Martini she couldn't afford it and she joined anyways right that's what I'm talking about folks she did it anyways and then she went and found the money so many of our members did this and then she found a lot more Peta has done 35 deals do you know how much money it takes do the math to do that many deals this is from a woman who couldn't afford the price when she joined I believe that when you pull the trigger when you step into the unknown with confidence I believe that the world conspires to support you how many people agree with that statement how many people felt that in their life when you make a bold move that all of a sudden you find I got an angel here and someone here who's helping me along the way right I believe that's true but I also believe the converse of that Fabian and that means if you continue to live your life In Fear And scarcity guess what I think happens the world conspires to make you smaller has anyone ever been there before I've been there before depressed pessimistic and guess what I get more of the same that's the way the world works and you make this Choice every single day by the way this is Alexander imagine seeing a top Tech deal every single week I'm going to show you four a week this is Harley when you join the club you're not just a member you're part of the family amen to that this is Chris he says the deal flow is beyond what I expected joining was the best decision I ever made here's the cool thing Chris has a 14-year-old son and guess what you're going to love this his son does 20% of all of the deals that Chris does so when Chris puts 4,000 in his son puts a thousand Isn't that cool Esther literally and he's in the background and he's like I want Dad I want in on Mad meme put me down for a thousand right get me in on bit lay I'm kid you not and they are loving this course so much fun and we really love having Chris here and it's just great seeing that father son how many people here would love to kind of invest with your kids or some family member wouldn't that be fun I'm waiting for my boys to get a little little older I think they're closer than I think a little bit older and so I think that's super cool and you know we welcome uh husbands and wives and we we welcome all that because it's just I think it's a beautiful thing and uh this is what Chris said about his experience in the club what the London real investment club actually does for you it gives you the keys to open that door to the inside deals in the last 3 weeks I've participated in three incredible deals a layer 2 Bitcoin protocol a an incredible AI protocol the deal flow is beyond what I expected I don't think I've ever seen a model like this that just gives average folks the opportunity to be behind the deals and that's exactly what we've done not only that you get to hang out with Brian Rose every week and for me that was huge because I look at Brian as somebody who's not only an expert in the space and I think is on the Leading Edge but just the Leading Edge of thought with London reel and the work he's doing there to anyone who's taking a serious look at this I know it's a big decision it was a big decision decision for me and my family and it is one of the best decisions I've ever made so I wish you all the best and hope you come join us we like Chris we're feeling his Vibes right love Chris honestly everybody's like that in the club they're super positive you know we don't compete with each other we all make money together so we support each other we want you to win we need you to win we expect you to win that's what we want and I I forgot that most people don't get to have a peer group like that sometimes I forget I'm super spoiled folks it only takes one one of these deals can change your life forever remember that and if you don't have one what are you doing you're wasting your time is what you're doing final thoughts don't let 24 pass you by you already missed half this year I'm telling you you're going to blink your eyes is going to be New Year's Eve and you're gonna be like what the hell I just missed it you have to pull the trigger now you have to get your relationship with fear sorted out I'm telling you you see the pictures of those people they're not any different from you they just got sick and tired and said enough is enough what was it Christine was talking to us the other day right Martini I said Christine why'd you join she said I woke up one day and I was so angry I was like wow this is a good story she said I was angry at my Banks and angry at my government and angry at at my pension fund and angry at my employer everybody's lying to me about my money everyone's stealing my money I have no choice and I I projected myself out another 20 years and I realized I'm going to retire with nothing nothing and I'm know I'm not going to live my life like that anymore and she said that's why so I joined she's like I don't know if I I don't know how I'm gonna pay for this but I'm gonna join and then she started did like four deals five deals and I think that's what it takes I think a little anger is important sometimes because it gets you to make a decision you wouldn't normally do I've been angry a bunch of times in my life which is why I left Banking and started Lear real because I was angry because I was go I was hating it um I've had a lot of those moments I think it can be a really healthy way to make a decision um and that's what she did so don't let 24 pass you by you can learn early stage investing now what I teach you you can use the rest of your life remember what I said liquid tokens and Equity have limited gains what do I mean if you go buy a Bitcoin or ethereum right now on the exchange or a salana someone has already taken out a THX it's too late to get big Returns on that does that make sense to everybody here you have to go further up stream you have to go early stage if you want those huge returns so don't just buy from an exchange that's the biggest mistake you'll make I'm giving you the chance to learn from active Elite investors for just $50,000 I know guys that run billion dollar funds if you ask them to sit next to them learn from them get all their deals for 50 Grand they would throw you out of the office they wouldn't do it for 500 Grand I know them they'd be like get the hell out of here so 50 Grand is actually quite reasonable and look it is a significant investment but it's got unlimited Financial returns and thanks to Martini we have a payment plan so you can start now for 10,000 a month for six months and get in immediately say you have limited Capital right now only 20 grand or something put 10 grand down for the course put five grand in two deals boom Martini that telegram deal you get 50% of the tokens on tge that's going to happen in 30 days imagine a bunch of our deals have tokens coming up very quickly you can be all already involved in the market and you get the best deal flow in the planet folks remember what Warren Buffett said the best investment you can make is in yourself think about this seriously think about what he said that's what this is this network of people is you investing in yourself surrounding yourself with a group of people that are going to help you win in life that is the investment you're making in yourself honestly the tokens and the crypto gains that comes but you got to start with the investment and yourself get around these people folks if you want to join us you have to book a call with Martini she's the gatekeeper she decides it's the only way you can join the investment Club the only way here are four different ways you can book a call with her but I must warn you if you book a call with Martini make sure that you're serious about joining the club now make sure you have your research done make sure you have good questions and when you get on that call find a way to convince her that you should be allowed to join if you're thinking about joining next week or next month if you want to ask a question about crypto if God forbid you want to pitch your deal do not book a call with Martini okay she's only interested in talking to people that want to join now and she's really busy talking to those people so don't waste her time please folks what is your why God damn they're beautiful we're going back to the Dolphins I think in in January um I think it was nii that said for a strong enough why anyhow is possible and that's what's true about my boys like I'll C I'll crawl through glass for these guys and so my question for you is what is your why who do you care about in your life how many people have people you're looking out for kids family parents no no hands up Tim got is somebody you care about right think about them and think about their future think about what you want to leave behind and then think about what you're doing right now now with your life and think about what that would change with having some wealth not to mention a purpose and a peer group of cool people how would it change their future if you really want a bad enough you can find a way to join and if you don't have a a why or you don't have people you care about you'll never find a way so I'm asking you to think about the why honestly it's late right now some people say I should be at home but all I have to do is look at the boys and I'll stay all night with you guys if you want because I know what I'm doing is going to fulfill my purpose and it's really important to me folks this is a Japanese concept called eeky guy I've been kind of meditating on recently and it's this this idea that that very rarely in our lives and for some of us it'll never happen we're in this this beautiful place that you can see in the middle of this ven diagram it's a place where you're doing what you love what you're good at what the world needs and what you can be rewarded for all at the same time is anybody doing that in their life right now just tell me it's really hard to do okay has anyone ever had three of these things or two of these things raise your hand I think every now and then we get like two you're like okay I'm doing what I love and I'm getting paid for it that's pretty cool or I'm doing what I'm good at and I'm getting paid for that's pretty good three but imagine being in all four at the same time well that's what we're doing in the investment club and that's why I think you see all those smiles and that's why this feels so right and that's why it feels like we're vibrating on a different level because we're right in the middle of this diagram it's a really special place I've never been here in my life before but we're here right now and that's why I think we love it so much martini and that's why I think we're attracting these beautiful people as well and uh if you want to be there that's what we're doing folks is the bonus I promised L bonus it'll show you how to find the hottest crypto token uh pre-sale tokens excuse me and uh it's a little bit of a a snapshot of a live video I gave on one of our talks um it'll give you an idea kind of what we do in on the investment Club unfortunately it won't give you the mentorship the education the community or the deal flow so you'll miss all that but you will get a little bit of a taste as to what we do and that's it I'd love to answer some questions was that helpful to everybody here did you learn something that's all I want to know right did I make your life better that's really what I want to know uh that's fantastic I also see we're lucky because Martini isn't actually on a video call right now talking to someone so Martini just wanted to get your thoughts here for everybody yes absolutely well it was so good to have everybody here and hopefully you all were able to pick up some amazing gems that Brian dropped today and I think the main one for me was money equals freedom I had this energy that just totally just like dropped when you said that and it's like you know what that's so right you know and I'm pretty sure that quite of us quite a few of us on the line know uh what it feels like when there is no money around versus when there is money around and I will say that life seems to be a hell of a lot better when we have money involved right so uh for those of you who are wanting to have more freedom please understand that it is going to take you having to invest invest in yourself invest in your future invest in the knowledge and invest in the people that are going to support you in getting the money that you need to be able to have the freedom that you desire so if you are wanting to join us in this ride that we call the investment club uh we are more than happy to connect with you and see how we can best support you on your journey to achieving more freedom so I put some links in the chat below there if you want to just go ahead and take a look below the very first uh link is for you to go ahead and check out the investment Club page and that's basically going to give you some details of what it's all about all the details of what you would expect on the inside and also just what we stand for and what it is that we do here so what I would recommend that you do is just jot down a few notes and a few questions as you're going through the page and then also the video up top so by the time that you do get on the line with me the call will definitely run a lot smoother okay so the next thing that I would say to do is after you've taken a look at the investment Club page please be sure to also so check out some of the emails that Brian has been sending because he does a really good job of educating and letting you guys know what early stage investing is and just giving more in-depth detail of what it is that we do in the investment Club as well as some of the results that we're getting on the inside so once again the more that you are able to inform yourself the better our call will be so when you are ready to go ahead and book a call with me that's the second link that's in the chat there and um I only want to talk talk to people who are serious okay and serious means you are ready to pull the trigger and join us now not next week not next month not in a year from now these deals are happening now these Investments are closing now and these opportunities are happening now and we want to make sure that everybody who is ready to join us seizes the moment and joins us now okay so if you don't see a time that's available on my calendar please be sure to go ahead and send me a private message on Facebook Messenger or you can go ahead and send me an email at martini and just let me know who you are where you're from and the best time to get a hold of you and I'll definitely do my best to accommodate okay so we need wealth back into the hands of the people who are going to do right with it okay and just remember that money equals Freedom it just does so it is our privilege I would say to be able to support this London real community in Building Wealth shoulder shoulder with people from all over the world who are going to do right with it so if you are ready to join us on this journey I can't wait to connect with you and we can't wait to see you on the inside soon back to you Brian all right give it up for martini making everything happen behind the scenes uh investing with us getting people there curating the community it's amazing um we've put in a lot of work and that's why I think we've had so much success but we're also having a great time it's actually the best way to learn is by doing in this case so you know you'll be on on the phone you'll be listening to these CEOs at first you'll be thinking I don't know what they're talking about what are these networks they're talking about what's a vesting term what's a Saft and then after two or three or four calls you'll be like okay I kind of see what they're doing and then you'll hear the group chime in and talk about why they like the investment you'll see us fund a deal and then you'll see a deal you like and you'll be like all right I'm gonna put 5,000 on that let's try it and then you'll do it it'll feel weird and scary and then you'll see the tokens you'll be like wow this isn't actually that hard I want to do more of these and then you'll totally get in the vibe and you'll start really getting a third or a sixth sense about what makes a good CEO and I'm telling you we've got amazing we've got an amazing intuition in this group don't we martini and I I trust everyone's opinion in this group I don't care what degree you have how much school you have how much money you have how many Investments you made everybody listens to these CEOs because they have to pitch us live on video and I give them like the Shark Tank treatment I push them hard ask them hard questions I call them out and you can see how they react and and based on that you can get a good feeling whether it's a good deal and I think anybody that joins can learn really quickly so we learn by doing they always say if you want to learn how to make a film you don't go to film School you make a film and I believe that's true same with podcasting you don't go to podcasting School you make a podcast and you make another one so if you really want to learn how to invest you invest invest with the best and that's how you learn and that's what we're doing so folks I really appreciate everybody being here tonight I appreciate you keeping your cameras on I appreciate all the comments I'm going to go through them all and I'm I'm going probably write you back on some of them but I really appreciate everybody's support um and concerns and look I know it's hard I know fear is real I know there's uh this is this is not the easiest program to join but I also know it's the best thing you could ever do with your life because I've seen 116 people changed their lives forever this is the greatest Community we've ever created in 13 years this is the greatest thing we've ever done in 13 years and we've done some great things here I love this so much I I mean I do I can't lie about this I love it I want to do this for the rest of my life I love the community I love Founders I love the deals I love the ecosystem I love web 3 it's about Freedom it's about ownership I just love everything about it and I'd love for you to be a part of it as well so I think that's it folks thank you so much I hope you both called Martini I hope I see we see you next Thursday and otherwise have a wonderful night all right bye everybody the mass scale transformation of humanity the fully empowered conscious and Cooperative species it's something we live and breathe we have a mission here we want to help build the centralized Finance infrastructure of the future what is your mission hey it's Brian Rose from London real how would you like to join my investment Club where I teach you everything you need to know about early stage token and Equity Investments look right now is one of the greatest times to invest in human history we've got AI happening we've got the metaverse that we built on AI and all of this needs the blockchain which is what we specialize in here in my investment Club is a 12-month program for 3 months of cours workk where I teach you all the basics I want to talk about how Capital isn't enough and I want to talk about how you can upgrade your arsenal of influence in a variety of ways I teach you how to do basic due diligence I teach you how to go to a conference and come back with 10 deals just go in Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam this is super exciting and we're able to do this here at London re because I speak with some of the greatest guests on the planet we have an amazing Network and we also have a structure to actually invest money in these deals just as a strategy your business just keep it simple especially the first time you do it but do it at the same time I'm telling you this is an incredible opportunity I've got the best community in the business right now 75 people from around the world and over 20 countries that are alongside all investing together and you can learn and network with the best in the business no decision is much worse than a no something action action action the clock is ticking if you're interested in this click a link below and set up a call with one of my team they'll walk you through what's happening the opportunities the requirements but I plan on working with this group for the next 10 years and we're going to do massive things here and I hope you are a part of it click on the link and let's do this [Music]

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BITCOIN LE COMBAT ULTIME & LA CHUTE !!! 😱 #crypto #cryptomonnaie #bitcoin #btc #trading #bullrun

Category: Entertainment

On est le 4 septembre et le bitcoin a atteint la zone de prix dont on avait parlé qui était la zone des 55969 dollars c'était une zone de sel stop intéressante c'était un plus bas weekly qu'on devait probablement aller chercher pour déclencher un maximum de stop acheteur cette zone a été atteinte pendant... Read more

LES NEWS ÉCONOMIQUES À NE PAS RATER !!! #crypto #cryptomonnaie #bitcoin #nasdaq #btc #trading thumbnail
LES NEWS ÉCONOMIQUES À NE PAS RATER !!! #crypto #cryptomonnaie #bitcoin #nasdaq #btc #trading

Category: Entertainment

On est le 29 août ce que tu as sous les yeux c'est le graphique du nasdaq et tu as également les news echo à venir aujourd'hui 14h30 he de france on a les premiers chiffres du pib pour le trimestre précédent et on aura également les inscriptions au chômage ce qu'il faut comprendre c'est que les inscriptions... Read more

CRYPTO : BITCOIN LE DUMP de TROP !? ⚠️ thumbnail

Category: Entertainment

Bonjour à tous j'espère que vous allez bien on se retrouve pour le brief du jeudi 28 29 août 2024 on se for un petit point en bitcoin ethereum vous avez choisi en commentaire d'analyser n je remets en jeu render contre ape c'est à vous de décider le commentaire qui viendra le plus gagnera l'analyse... Read more

Oasis Network (ROSE) price analysis thumbnail
Oasis Network (ROSE) price analysis

Category: People & Blogs

Hello everyone and welcome to my channel today i'll discuss about oasis native token row and i'll provide an update of price analysis using trading view i'll put a link into the description down below my previous video about this token if you like the content make sure to subscribe to my channel it... Read more

Interview with eminem lounge on web3 defi renewable energy crypto mining pt3 #kaspa #Bitcoin $kas thumbnail
Interview with eminem lounge on web3 defi renewable energy crypto mining pt3 #kaspa #Bitcoin $kas

Category: People & Blogs

Um i've i've went to financial institutions i've went to my bank i literally talked to a person um about using the collateral in my home and then financing a line of credit to buy you know over $100,000 worth of equipment and and they're i can show them that the second these get plugged in they make... Read more

Bitcoin: Dubious Speculation thumbnail
Bitcoin: Dubious Speculation

Category: Entertainment

Hey everyone and thanks for jumping back into the cryptoverse today we're going to talk about bitcoin dubious speculation if you guys like the content make sure you subscribe to the channel give the video a thumbs up and also check out the sale on into the cryptoverse premium at intothe cryptoverse... Read more

CPI Report (and Bitcoin) thumbnail
CPI Report (and Bitcoin)

Category: Entertainment

Hey everyone and thanks for jumping back into the macroverse today we're going to talk about the most recent cpi report if you guys like the content make sure you subscribe to the channel give the video a thumbs up and check out the sale on intothe cryptoverse premium at intothe cryptoverse docomo to... Read more

PEPE COIN PRICE | PEPE COIN NEWS - What Next?! thumbnail

Category: Education

Pepe coin another fallen hero when are we going to see the revival areem coins dead is another question that is just popping into people's minds more and more more so than ever really um because let's face it we can see so many coins are down massive amounts pepe 60% dog with hat 70% bonk 64% flaky... Read more

#Trump’s odds to win #election fall 3% on #Polymarket #shorts thumbnail
#Trump’s odds to win #election fall 3% on #Polymarket #shorts

Category: News & Politics

In the harris trump debate neither candidate mentioned crypto trump's odds of winning dropped 3% on poly market making the race nearly tied harris stayed composed while trump appeared slightly agitated taylor swift endorsed harris after the debate analysts predict a trump win could push bitcoin up to... Read more