Category: Entertainment
Hey everyone and thanks for jumping back into the cryptoverse today we're going to talk about bitcoin dubious speculation if you guys like the content make sure you subscribe to the channel give the video a thumbs up and also check out the sale on into the cryptoverse premium at intothe cryptoverse... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Hello xdc family and welcome back to crypto ready if you want to be ready for crypto then you are in the right place today we have got an explosive video about xdc and its connections how institutional adoption of crypto has already been happening in the background why jp morgan is ahead of the game... Read more
Category: Education
Pepe coin another fallen hero when are we going to see the revival areem coins dead is another question that is just popping into people's minds more and more more so than ever really um because let's face it we can see so many coins are down massive amounts pepe 60% dog with hat 70% bonk 64% flaky... Read more
Category: News & Politics
So the cpi inflation report was released today and i'll show you this headline i think it sums up the situation the rate of inflation has now dropped to its lowest level since february of 2021 so this means that the federal reserve will be cutting interest rates in 7 days so i want to show you the official... Read more
Category: Education
Bonjour à tous et bienvenue sur crypto signal alors aujourd'hui on va parler du débat entre cala haris et donald trump qui a eu lieu cette nuit et puis on va parler du cpi bien sûr qui est sorti il y a de ça à peu près une quarantaine de minutes allez [musique] intro alors deux grosses news depuis la... Read more
Category: News & Politics
I really wanted a fair shot at this election and i believed in the america that i a little girl pledged an allegiance to and that is not that is not where we are today and it's not because of the republican party taking us out it is exclusively because of the democratic party taking us out and i am... Read more
Category: News & Politics
[music] hello everyone i hope you guys are having a wonderful day and are making some really good trades now let's dive in into some gme gamestop analysis very unfortunate as you guys probably can tell let's get into the after or sorry the extended trading hours you can see gamestop has dropped quite... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Einleitung moin freunde und herzlich willkommen zum sonntägigen wochenreport eine wirklich wirklich spannende woche geht dem ende entgegen brad garlinghaus und der chefanwalt von ripple haben durchsickern lassen dass die berufung scheinbar vom tisch ist werden wir uns gleich anschauen michael sailor... Read more
Category: Entertainment
On est le 4 septembre et le bitcoin a atteint la zone de prix dont on avait parlé qui était la zone des 55969 dollars c'était une zone de sel stop intéressante c'était un plus bas weekly qu'on devait probablement aller chercher pour déclencher un maximum de stop acheteur cette zone a été atteinte pendant... Read more
Category: Entertainment
On est le 29 août ce que tu as sous les yeux c'est le graphique du nasdaq et tu as également les news echo à venir aujourd'hui 14h30 he de france on a les premiers chiffres du pib pour le trimestre précédent et on aura également les inscriptions au chômage ce qu'il faut comprendre c'est que les inscriptions... Read more
Category: Education
Holy cow we have some crazy news here today we have news that hackers are stealing or trying to steal funds from the bitcoin etfs we have news that the sec is now suing a fund for storing their funds in ftx we also have bitcoin hitting fear on the fear and greed index we have news about just no one... Read more
Category: Education
There's a confusion about china that uh and let me at least give you my opinion the the popular conception is that companies come to china because of low labor cost i'm not sure uh what part of china they go to but the truth is china stopped being the low labor cost country many years ago and that is... Read more