Category: News & Politics
So anyone who that has owned td bank stock over the last little while i'm sure you've heard that they've run into some regulatory issues they were fined recently by finra uh governing body here in canada $9.2 million for uh not going by or not having the best anti-money laundering or not following the... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Td bank is in so many mutual funds like nell now i'm not going to say it's another nell because we know what happened to nell and i do not believe and i stress do not believe td bank will go the same way as nell went but we could see some pretty big fines uh charged to td bank some people are talking... Read more
Category: Education
In a period of high inflation which particular businesses owned by berkshire hathaway will perform the best and which will perform the worst and why well the businesses that will perform the best are the ones that require little capital investment to facilitate inflationary growth and that have strong... Read more
Category: News & Politics
I really wanted a fair shot at this election and i believed in the america that i a little girl pledged an allegiance to and that is not that is not where we are today and it's not because of the republican party taking us out it is exclusively because of the democratic party taking us out and i am... Read more
Category: Education
Market update for friday september 13th 2024 indicates a negative outlook for the markets dow closes 200 points higher snp 500 post's 4-day win streak as tech giants rally the australian dollar is expected to have a strong bias to the downside while the japanese yen is anticipated to have a strong upwards... Read more
Category: Education
[music] [music] he a Read more
Category: Entertainment
Hey everyone and thanks for jumping back into the macroverse today we're going to talk about the most recent cpi report if you guys like the content make sure you subscribe to the channel give the video a thumbs up and check out the sale on intothe cryptoverse premium at intothe cryptoverse docomo to... Read more
Category: News & Politics
That is not the position we should be in it's not the position i want to be in but we have to end the politics of the easy answer obviously um the budget is uh in a number of weeks and the detail will be set out there but i say again what i said before the election which is um we have to get away from... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Joe biden said to become president in just eight days it is time for our final final final trumponomics report card for the quarter this is where we measure rick newman measures the economy under the president compares it to the six previous president so rick the question is how did he do trump earned... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Shares of dell now as its second quarter results hit the wire taking a look at the numbers here you can see the stock is having a positive reaction i'm going to tell you why right now operating income was the key figure to watch as operating margins fell by double digits in q1 that number came in at... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Hey everyone and thanks for jumping back into the cryptoverse today we're going to talk about bitcoin dubious speculation if you guys like the content make sure you subscribe to the channel give the video a thumbs up and also check out the sale on into the cryptoverse premium at intothe cryptoverse... Read more
Category: News & Politics
I will be honest with you there is a budget coming in october and it's going to be painful we have no other choice given the situation that we're in those with the broadest shoulders should bear the heavier burden and that's why we're cracking down on noms those who made the mess should have to do their... Read more