SKIBIDI Senator, 9 DAY Earthquake, North Korean NUKES!! | Boy Boy Rapid Fire News

chat is this prime minister serious just put the fries in the bag little bro good on mhm what yeah how [ __ ] that makes no sense what the [ __ ] imagine imagine the world ending because of a thing called Dixon FJ you what they all talking about no what are they saying FMA pman clip what do she do she did some weird really Pro zery speech in the Senate it's pretty cringey might be funny to watch okay fine how do you find it f payman speech giib giib no no no that's not true hang do you guys before you play so the Americans I don't know they might not know who FMA payman is yet ftim payman is a wa senator and she that's Western Australia Western Australia Senator and she left she got kicked out of the labor party because she didn't go along with she voted in favor of immediately recognizing Palestine and the labor party has very strict caucus rules which is basically that um the whole labor party has to vote the same way and if you vote against what uh the labor party does then you can be get sanctioned and they kicked her out of the labor party so she's now independent and she's trying to figure out a way to make a name for herself one of the ways she's going to do that is by trying to speak to Muslim issues and in particular Palestine and stuff like that and then there's other groups doing that but she also gave this speech and I'm talking now because I want Alexa to watch it so we're going to wait for her to come yeah she's from Afghanistan she's a she was a refugee um she was very young uh Senator as well and think she was a union organizer come have a look at this clip I started watching it and I got so cring out I stopped that's so annoying though cuz she sounds [ __ ] sick today I Rise to address an of Forgotten segment of our society I speak of generation Zed who will be playing a substantial role in the next election and generation Alpha who will start to come of p f ala the election after it is for this reason that I shall now render the remainder of my statement using language they're familiar with oh no to the sigmas of Australia I say that this goofy a government have been capping not just now but for a long time a few no I like this I think she's really sweet I think it's really good up volume is it this one no no of you may remember been capping not just now but for a long time a few of you may remember when they said there'll be no Phantom tax under the government I lead they're capolicchio put the fries in the bag little bro what's um I'm can't work out is she doing this like cuz some you know you got the right-wing grifters that purposely try to be lame to get clipped yeah I think she's not doing that is like genuinely like this is going to be cool no I don't think so okay I think it's I think she's having a bit of fun good she's being like lame and fun this makes me like her more I think it's a joke she's great yeah they tell us that they're locked in on improving the housing situation in this country they must have brain rough from watching too much kette and forgot about their plans to ban social media for kids under 14 if that becomes law you can for Gore scal Emoji all about watching Juke Dennis or catching a dub with the Bros on Fort catching a dub with the Bros on Fort that fortn yeah they got brain they got brain people say Skull emoji say spell Emoji in real life they do no but they say it they say oh man spell Emoji chat is this prime minister serious even though he's the Prime Minister of Australia chat is he Senator serious is he senator for come on Chad I'm mean I'm in War of her I think that's so good cuz I'm a [ __ ] I'm an old guy and I'm on Twitch yeah I'm never going to say this [ __ ] cuz I'm scared I don't have the balls to say stuff like this I think she's younger than you 29 yeah no she's amazing he's amazing he's so bright hey I want to wait I'm waiting for this CU sometimes it feels like he's the CEO of Ohio I would be taking an L if I did not mention the Ops who want to cut wa's GS and services tax the decision voters will be making in a few months time will be between a me government a dog water opposition what's the Gat is GST that's oh G G I thought it was a [ __ ] oh really yeah is G is G ass a [ __ ] G yeah is but yeah I thought it was ass see it's ass I know the kids I don't know the kids the ass and services tag or a crossbench that will MOG both of them though some of you cannot yet vote I hope when you do it will be in a more goed Australia for a government with more Aura skidy I think that's was awesome that was fun awesome good h m she's a really brave brave fighter I'm I'm crying yeah I know I haven't seen you laugh like I'm crying that was very funny I think she's really cool I do disagree with her on this I think social media should be banned for everyone yeah yeah I think it should be gone see I I don't know I I think that kids shouldn't be allowed to post maybe yeah I I definitely you shouldn't be allowed to you shouldn't be allowed to post Tik toks as a kid I think like the yeah I think it's I think it's quite concerning like the sexualization on Tik Tok and the young teenagers participating in it I think there should be a but I think like maybe you should be able to go on cuz it is true like being part of the conversation anding and stuff like that we wouldn't have Leo P exactly I want Leo pugy to to stick around we love Leo you should get a Leo emote you need get a Leo pugy em raise the criminal age of responsibility exactly I know that's the other horrible kids can go to jail they can't soci [ __ ] criminal respons is 10 oh my God yeah yeah you should be on be on social media yeah [ __ ] live streaming yourself stealing a car yeah you we can lock up 12y old but they can't go on the Internet it's [ __ ] that's kind of nice though cuz they got less to lose when they're in prison yeah it's you knew the joy of the internet you were in prison yeah criminal age of responsibility is 10 but it's there's Dolly incap packs until 14 so Dolly incap packs is that like Phantom tax that's like a one of the Zuma Zuma phrases no dolly incapax is the presumption that a kid Bel kid under 14 can't understand the the crime that they're doing so therefore they shouldn't be but they can get locked up for it it's rebuttable um we got Lucas is skibbidy I don't understand okay entire Earth I'll do my news R voice entire Earth vibrated for N9 days after climate triggered mega tsunami landslides in greenlands caused unprecedented seismic events that shows impact of global heating say scientists this stuff I don't know I was reading this arle scares the crap out of me because it's just like you know I'm not a scientist I don't have a very good grasp of like what climate change does need see [ __ ] like this cuz in my head I'm like oh yeah there's going to be bigger like waves and like more droughts and stuff that I can comprehend but like a [ __ ] tsunami in Greenland who like who the [ __ ] cares about that like that's nothing that has nothing to do with anyone like [ __ ] sync the whole place you know what I mean it's just like okay tsunamis in Greenland who gives a [ __ ] apparently that's going to [ __ ] us up as well a tsunami just in the middle of nowhere is going to have these KnockOn effects I feel like I've got no idea what the [ __ ] global warming is going to be you know like is it how how how is how is a tsunami related to climate change though cuz is tsunami from like earthquakes and stuff so how are the earthquakes I don't know I'm not doubting it I'm just wanting I want an explanation caus entire Earth to vibrate for 9 days um that's F the seismic event was detected by an earthquake sensors around the world but was so completely unprecented the researchers initially had no idea what caused it everyone just started shaking and we're like H what's going on I now solv the mystery of scientist said it showed how Global heating was already having planetary scale impact and that major landslides were possible in places previously believed to be stable the temperature rapidly Rose what happens to all our poor landlords wait who have bought houses wait landslides cause earthquakes no no no tsunami had this effect um which changed which made seismic activity around the world which will you know usually have places that move places that don't move everything's moving now yeah the collapse of a 1,200 me high mountain peak into the remote F happened on 16 f23 I barely even know it the melting glacia below was no longer able to hold up the rock face right Glacier melts rocks too heavy cuz it was leaning on Ice the whole time so that plunges into the ground causes tsunami and also makes the world shake for a million years for eight days um what it Tri an initial wave 200 M High and the subsequent slushing of water back and forth in the twisty field send seismic waves through the planet for more than a week what yeah how [ __ ] that makes no sense what the [ __ ] imagine imagine the world ending because of a thing called Dix and FJ wait but that's crazy cuz I thought I thought tsunamis were like earthquakes yeah but may this was a tsunami from a big splash yeah giant it's like a baby's understanding of a tsunami you drop a big rocket LA and the water FL goes over the bath the landslide mega tsunami were the first recorded in eastern Greenland Arctic regions are being affected by the most rapid Global Heating and similar though seismically smaller events have been seen in Western Greenland Alaska Canada Norway and Chile [ __ ] me I what's also [ __ ] though the idea of it if it's going around the world it's like the It own wave crashing into itself when it gets comes back when it comes back around like that's [ __ ] just to think about the scale yeah no I just have no like I had a very limited understanding of what this actually meant until you see some weird [ __ ] like this like there's literally no like in my head I'm like you know you watch like I've watched like a vice documentary about Russia being like they stand to actually gain from climate change because um all the North Sea routes will be open and they can exploit that and then I'm like no way we actually have no idea who stands to gain cuz the what can actually happen yeah it's like no one stands the game everything's so linked that like some kind of imbalanced in the ecosystem will just like [ __ ] up something so far away well it's the same with just like the natural disasters I really fully understand how like um just like tsunamis and stuff get worse but I think it's just like it's the fluctuations of um but then there also I think like we're less prepared for it cuz it just happens when it shouldn't um and it's [ __ ] as well I don't know if you guys talked about it but like in Australia it's been really really hot this like the end of winter spring came really [ __ ] early so early that joies were coming out of their pouches too early and they weren't fully formed and flowers were budding and and opening up before they' fully formed like it's just the knock on effects of everything is [ __ ] it's so funny how far we've come as a species that once upon a time not that long ago maybe a thousand years ago something like this happens we would sacrifice people to make it better we'd be like oh my God something's seriously wrong what the [ __ ] of the flowers doing BL would be a good time to be a virgin that's for sure mhm so better watch out [ __ ] it's so insane it's funny how we come full circle that we've become so um technologically advanced when we see the same things happening we're so out of tune with our own environment that we're like whatever I know [ __ ] hell use my on tourist cruise ships can't go I don't care good people stranded close to Dixon F that's a good place to be stuck talking about Dixon F man all those cruise ships are like full of swingers all these old people just [ __ ] yeah do you remember didn't we try to watch that swingers YouTube channel they're were on cruise ships really boring earthquake from mines in the upper Hunter yeah what thing there was there was like multiple earthquakes the upper Hunter cesn yeah I thought Australia was like earthquake proof like in the center of a I know I don't know how it happened cuz I thought so as well but there was in like back in like the early 2000s there was a big Newcastle earthquake you don't remember that you might not have been here early two downs yeah were yeah remember Castle remember the bush fires was around the similar time we talking about earthquakes yeah so I'm trying to change the topic uh uh but I don't know how bad I think I think somehow is it's collapsed in that but I don't know how it happens because again I thought earthquakes were tectonic plates yeah same so I don't know how it's happening because there's no tectonic plates in Australia where no we're on the center of a GI pl we are a big plate um although isn't there one through New Zealand who cares about those guys that's close and stuff but there was a tsunami I don't know someone explain Newcastle Newcastle earthquake I don't I keep doing this I keep asking for explanations from chat than they never I don't always get oh yeah can we I want to read about the um Hunter ones that's so crazy Co mines did this Quake I mean this is going to be nothing to Americans who are [ __ ] getting shaken up every second day we've never had an earthquake in there's not a thing that happen Newcastle no but this is this is a man-made earthquake I know this is like the earthquakes in North Korea from the underground nuclear T is it though what do they say they said coal mining oh ising is is Alex you have to read more than just headline I don't like to um and anyway we're completely [ __ ] we are so [ __ ] we so [ __ ] the whole world I woke up to an earthquake I thought it was a fat ass posum that is what it feels like um talking about North Korea causing earthquakes by um by doing huh talking about North Korea I did oh I said the mining thing is like North Korea underground nuclear test North Korea make first display of uranium program at Center of us friction Kim visits nuclear facility calls for accelerating production uction Saul has said Pyongyang may do nuclear tests near us vote I love that the the headline makes it sound like the place where they do the test is called the center of us friction it's like we want to we're we're an organization um that wants to create friction between North Korea and the US what we're going to do is nuclear test so first follow a facility to R uring for atomic bombs but um Bly this was something that they were talking about for like 20 years um you know there was speculating where and how North Korea was enriching uranium for their nuclear program first time they'd ever publicly disclosed one of its uranium enrichment facilities but it's like since 2000s the West was like accusing them they were like you are enriching uranium and they're like maybe but we know they are yeah I know yeah they never saw photos oh yeah he's looking at the production of nuclear materials awesome should you be in there without any hasmat and [ __ ] on if you're if it's nuclear facilities maybe it's all fake oh yeah that's it's just grass M there's just grass in there no if it was grass and all the North Korean yeah 100% great work this is totally 100% what they need unironically you saw what happened to Iraq to um Libya yeah you can't live in a world that America runs without having nuclear weapons yeah that's the only way you're free from war again see you know what I just started to do then I just started to do a Social Democrat line of thinking I was just thinking no but you know you know maybe maybe that they're kind of bringing this upon themselves by being authoritarian and stuff like that it's happening I'm going I'm it's it's we're watching no we can all document what I'm going through right now over the next week of me becoming more cent no but I think you have a point in the sense that all they need CU I don't want North Korea to have nuclear weapon like oh if you don't want anyone to have I don't anyone have nucle if other people have yeah but it's just it's more people that more states that might then use one yeah it's scary but you got to protect yourself against the only state that's ever used one yeah no but I think it's I can understand it it's like they wouldn't need one if they did regime change in North Korea and they just like became like a a normal part of economic system yeah broken down and brought into South Korea which I don't want yeah but it's also it's like anyway I won't go there going to start you're going to do more social democat more Social Democrat like how good how good is North Korea really you it's just like I don't i r it's just unfortunate it's it was the better Korea until the Soviet unions lost the war but also and like the situation that Korean now finds themselves in in terms of like all the weird stuff of the authoritarianism and and and wanting to lock themselves down is because of the trauma of the Korean War and the trauma of the US but all of that doesn't then make it like a good commendable Place model that other countries should be B understand context yeah but it also doesn't mean that it should be invaded and ra regime change just like I want to ease the tensions the solution should be to ease tensions that's what that's what nukes do it won't though nukes stop the US from invading yeah but that's not easing tensions I would like to ease tensions further than that they shouldn't need a nuke us should get should back the [ __ ] off should um denuclearize yes and everyone can follow suit yes I think that's that's the only sensible way you start with the person who uses them yeah and then and then everyone else can back off as well that's legit if you were doing if you're doing a schoolyard you know who else had nukes who Soviet Union yeah what happened to them they didn't use them against people no but that didn't protect them from the US oh true they disappeared yeah you can still get [ __ ] it's just not directly yeah well you just they won't invade you yeah but that's not always a protection so that's why let's deescalate in other ways rather than just being like we're going to can they still do sanctions they can still do all this stuff I want all of that stuff to end as well nukes aren't going to stop that them getting nukes is still going to have [ __ ] ton of sanctions on them it's going to be [ __ ] for the people of North imagine with the uranium they're making like nuclear power plants as well perfect sanctions have less of an effect because your your energy self-sufficient yeah and the only thing that sanctions affector is energy not medicines and everything else you can heal yourself with plutonium yeah um Lucas you're forgetting what will stop a bad guy with a nuke a good guy with a nuke no saying you got a playground of kids and Pakistan as well [ __ ] Imran Khan got CED by the CIA but I mean that's because the milit inv it's just it's not as simple as what you're no it's not I think it helps I'm sure it helps them not be outwardly invaded but it still doesn't help which is huge cuz that's that's the problem they had initially was getting invaded by the US yeah but it's not just about like we're not just about picking aide against America the idea is also about making a better world if someone I well look you've got the what do you called pra primy what what's the primy case no not primy what's what's the cass's belly no um's doly Inc no no what's a thing where Something's Happened and now you got to deal with it like this thing's already like let's say Cuba is um funding angolan sorry that's being too funny funding funding the resistance in angol in order to provide uh thing to the Soviet Union which is like look this is already done now you have to participate Y what is that called there's a there's a Latin term for providing someone with an already existing situation that they have that they that limits their possibilities of choice oh another country that disappeared South Africa they had nukes is um funding Eng Goan sorry is um funding is um funding is um funding is um funding I don't yeah like broader things aren't just backing the other side of America there's like a broader I don't have the capacity to stop America from invading the dprk so I'm fine with capacity to do anything about the nukes either you're just saying it's fine yeah that's what I can do so you're absolving yourself from it then well the the is saying it's not fine I don't get it we're talking about what we can and can't like promote ourselves yeah yeah I'm that's not like a massive political action yes yes who won who won I don't know I wish Yugoslavia had nukes you know I wouldn't be in this country Lucas won I won Lucas always Lucas you got it no nukes for North Korea we got it no I anyway I we we go over this a million times it's it's like the same as Iran all this stuff I understand completely why they want them I'd want them too but I I disagree with the hyperfocused national interest focus of sovereignty like there must surely we've got some bigger concept that we can r on here yeah let's promote that cuz that's how we can actually change the [ __ ] but they that's not very centr I think that's IDE I think that's ideal in in the context of a world that is already nuked to the gills like you you can't be the only ones especially if you're that small although what was oslavia was um was antinuclear they I was just think like that non-aligned movement they [ __ ] hated nukes didn't they and look at all these countries what happened to all of them yeah they're all [ __ ] [ __ ] idiot more and more more fun fun you like whatever you can to stop yourself getting invaded IM the bul with nukes it's not just imagine just Yugoslavia sounds horrible serbians having nukes and croatians having nukes what do they call it they call it the Powder King of Europe let's give him nukes yeah gunpowder is too oldfashioned may we had nukes it would be completely changed everything making Atomic rakia be beautiful

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