Try This To Improve Your Run Game in College Football 25

if you've been struggling with the Run game or any aspect of offensive line play in EA Sports college football 25 just know that you're not alone but I'm about to give you a tip that since I've been applying it to my own games at the Heisman difficulty my run game has drastically improved to where it was on the first day of me playing this game so this tip is courtesy of member of this channel Tyler gwine Who in real life is an offensive line coach at the high school level now I didn't know that this was possible in this game apparently it started with Madden 24 and then was carried over into the new game and that is that you can manually ID the mic that's the tip manually iding the mic or checking to make sure that the mic is correctly identified and you're going to be able to have the best offensive line play possible in college football 25 so I'm going to use some footage of me playing this game on stream and we're going to start off here with my Jacksonville State Dynasty I'm the offensive coordinator we're here at home against New Mexico state and to activate identifying the mic you're going to hold down the LB button on on your Xbox controller or L1 on your PS5 controller it's going to bring up this pass protection right here and you can see ID the mic you got to make sure that you're holding the that lb or L1 down so that brings up this menu and then while you're holding it down you're going to press ID the mic let me go forward a little bit for you and once you do that this is the screen that's going to pop up you can ID the mic what does that mean you can use the left stick to identify whoever you want to be the mic so I can identify right here as the mic I can identify this Defender as the mic I can identify that Defender as a mic identify that Defender as a mic the mic being identified what it does is in the simplest terms is identifying the mic is basically telling the blockers on offense how their blocking assignments are going to go it's basically telling them hey this is how your double teams are going to work this is how your solo Block's going to work whether you have a double team things like that who are you going to slide to in pass protection it does doesn't matter if the defender isn't the mic as the way that the defense will identify who their mic players are so it could be uh a sa strong safety it can be a nickel that's walked up in the Box you're just identifying the mic so that the offense knows hey all the blockers this is how your blocking assignments are going to go generally speaking when you're identifying the mic though you're really wanting to make it so that well identifying the mic I would identify him as the mic because I want to have my Center working on inside Zone to the right I want my Center to be working up towards that direction I want my offensive line to be working to the right and then backside knows that they're supposed to have a combo unfortunately in this game because of the way that it's coded because you might throw a backside uh RPO and another version of this play that's not what's going to happen how I would normally block it we would have this Defender right here he would have to hold because he's got to respect the running of the quarterback even though it's not a a read play but that's how you're working it and so what we're going to have here and I'm going to run the play so you can see I'm just going to leave the mic the same now the CPU initially I did identify this guy as the mic I didn't move him at all I just was making sure that the mic is the mic so that tells you you can see 11 pointing and then what we're going to do is we're going to run we get a nice block by our Right Guard he kicks out and then we're just going to press and then get vertical thanks to the backside backer taking a bad angle as well as the safety let me go ahead here and go back back so that you guys can see it again right here we've identified the mic the mic right here that's who we're keeping as the mic instead of right here we don't want to do that we want right and we're going inside zone right so we want to make sure that we're getting blocks to the right and sometimes you might see your blockers go directions that you don't want now this is the way the game does it what I would prefer again is climb to this level and then just leave this to Defender reading and then you've got the box taken care of but that's not how it's coded but you can see again we're going to run it immediately go bang we get a nice block and then we're going to press vertical bad angle and it's going to lead to a touchdown so here's the next clip of gameplay that I want to go ahead and show you you can see right here I'm Oregon on the road at Utah we're down 7 nothing on Heisman difficulty the stadium PS are starting to get going a little bit and you can see that the CPU has identified the defender over my slot receiver as the mic does me no good remember the purpose of identifying the mic is to help the blockers know how their blocking assignments are going to go and having the mic be a Defender over a slot receiver way out there does me no good so I am going to manually move the mic over here to this Defender that's right over to my Center's right again remember identifying the mic doesn't mean that it has to be a linebacker that in the defensive scheme is necessarily the mic it's just who you're identifying to help your blockers know their assignments generally speaking like I said it's basically the direction that you want your Center on their blocking to go towards the person that you want them to work towards and so by identifying that person as the mic that player's the mic in game now I'm going to get blocks right here right here right here and right here so basically we're getting a wash of 5v5 right across the front back's going to press and if he can he'll get vertical and if you can take cut back he'll take cut back but that that's how it's going to be blocked up based on me adjusting the mic so let's go ahead and see boom we get a seal block we get kickout block and that's the great beauty of that play right there let me go back a little bit right here so you can see again we've got the mic way out there so I'm going to adjust it with the left stick now I've identified my mic we're just all going to step the right direction everybody gets the blocks that they need we get a seal block by our left guard in Center kick out kick out press vertical touchdown easy easy touchdown that's about as open as you're going to get sometimes on Heisman difficulty but you can see right there how identifying the mic has made my blocking a lot better up front so a different clip of gameplay you can see now the score is 13 to7 Oregon over Utah and we're going to be coming out in this jumbo set and the CPU has identified this backer as the mic I am actually going to manually change that and I am going to ID the mic right here so the reason I'm doing this is because we are running duo duo for those of you that don't know is basically the equivalent of power without pulling any blocking uh any blockers around it's basically Gap scheme with no pulling blockers many you confuse it with inside Zone but it's really uh just Duo and the way you kind of can really see it is if the the angle that the back takes which is more of a vertical press as they're taking it because are basically running the equivalent of Power with their steps so by identifying the mic the way that I am that allows us to get some nice double teams right here we're going to get our most double teams right here right here up to here we're going to go ahead get Block here we're kind of a double team off to here and then we're going to get a double team right here with Duo you're trying to maximize the number of double teams that you get so let's go ahead and run the play so you guys can see I'm like like I said I'm changing the mic so now the center goes away but he still works for the same Defender and it's going to be a N9 yard gain right up the middle so let me go ahead go back so you guys can see in the game play changing it again we're going to get vertical we're going to go off the cut was down boom nine yard gain so you can see right there how it applies as well to a different type of Run play that's not inside Zone that is Duo so let me go ahead and show you some others with regards to ID the mic to help you out in in terms of where you should be making the identifications as well to help your run game all right so next clip we're here in Split backs as Oregon and you can see that the game has initially marked this Defender as the mic I'm going to switch this defend the mic to this Defender because I have a running back who is the lead we're running fullback inside that's James he's going to be the lead blocker so I want to make sure that this backer right here is getting picked up so that's why going to identify him as the mic because of our blocking scheme we can climb up to him so we'll get a nice solo block here by our left guard and left tackle we're going to get a double team now ideally I would prefer that one of them climb up to the backer and then our left T excuse me our right tackle sift through and block right there the game's not going to have that happen our right tackle is going to go block and they're going to stay on their double team but regardless you're about to see a really nice run play as we run it I'm going to change it and going to see how good this works with the Run play we get press vertical I know I don't make the man miss but it gives you an idea I was busy talking to my chat but it gives you an idea of the power of identifying the mic and how it can help your run play I'll work out so I'm going to show you two more plays it's dealing with The Gap scheme of like power which is base out of the gun or you know you might get power o and then counter so for our last two clips I'm going to show you about identifying the mic when you're running Gap scheme runs like power uh it's Bas called base when you're in the gun or counter and you can see right here we're back to my OC Dynasty OC Dynasty as Jacksonville State and we're going to be running counter right here the computer has marked this Defender as the mic I don't want that Defender to be the mic I want this Defender to be the mic so I'm going to switch to that Defender to be the mic and doing that the reason I want to do that is because we're running counter to the left I want everybody else who's not pulling I want them to block to the right so we'll get a double team right here and then to the backside backer tackle's going to kick out and then our guard's going to kick and our tight end is going to lead up on the original mic call so by changing the mic call that now allows for our tight end to be the one to pick up this backer right here to seal them off for our running back to hit through so I'm going to go ahead and run the play pull it up you can see me quickly adjusting the mic and then we're going to go ahead and run the play and you'll see that it works out perfectly in fact that backer steps up so much that he's able to be blocked and get caught up in the wash and it's a nice big play as you can see now Lewis does get injured on this play get some uh bruised ribs but you can see that he's 23 of 106 yards on the ground the other back has a great carry as well so let's go back again so you can see that's why I'm identifying the mic to the backside because I want the blocking scheme to work to the backside and that's what we're going to get and then you're going to see it really work out nicely in the next clip which is a touchdown play so here's the last clip that I'm going to go ahead and use to show you about identifying the mic and why you should ID the mic to help yourself with your run game you can see that we're basically on the 5 yard line here at Jacksonville State we're going to run counter just so you guys understand Gap scheme runs are really really great in the Red Zone because you're always going to have a lot of Defenders that are walked up sometimes there's going to be a lot of them walked up it's going to make it very difficult for Zone blocking but with gap scheme you can just all step down block block basically wash everything down create almost basically like a wall because everything's going to be basically washed down basically you're like a hinging as a wall you can have blocks right here and we're going to pull around kick out lead up and so because everything's getting washed down with a kick out it creates a nice Lane for the running back helps clean up any mess any back is trying to shoot through they'll get caught up in the wash of the blocks as well so it makes it very difficult for them so the game has identified this Defender as the mic however I don't want this Defender as the mic I want this Defender as the mic so I'm going to go ahead and change it remember we're wanting to have the AI we're wanting to have our blockers all work to their right so we've got to seal down so that when we're having our pool he can kick out and then leave up and then the back can carry out his run and have a nice clean Lane to run into so let's go ahead identify that mic and we'll run the play again and you're going to see that it is a nice clean Lane and if we were further out that's probably a big long touchdown run let me go back to the beginning again again we're going to get that nice block the end right here actually jumps outside this end right here is going to jump outside but our left tackle be because they've been assigned to block them again because we've identified the mic they know their blocking assignment he's actually going to take and just kick that end out we're still going to get the nice Convoy with the kick out by our Right Guard tight end lead up and we're going to get a nice touchdown and as you can see identifying the mic will change how the blocking goes and it can help out dramatically so that's how you have better offensive line playing college football 25 I know I didn't show any pass protection clips but that's because I really haven't had many issues at all in the game with regards to pass protection it was mostly the Run game uh the first night on Monday when I started playing this game in Early Access I was Oregon at home against Clemson at Heisman difficulty we only had 35 yards rushing with 19 carries and so it was really just a run game that was really affecting me and it's probably what's affecting a lot of you as well with regards to the Run game maybe not but hopefully showing you how to ID the mic will help your gameplay get better whether it's with the Run game pass game or both so again just as a reminder hold down lb or L1 on your controller press a or X that will help ID the mic then you're going to use the left stick to move around to who you want ID as the mic and then you're going to press a or X to make sure that that is very much solidified that's what you've chosen then let go and run the play and hopefully everything works out for you uh with regards to it as it has for me as I as I mentioned Tyler he's the one who gave me this hint and since then I've averaged about 4 and a half yards per carry uh in the game when been running it's not going to be a catchall for everything you will have bad plays but you will have bigger runs you will be able to at least run the ball on Heisman difficulty and have some good plays with regards to that and also help yourself out with pass Pro uh hopefully you enjoyed this video if you did please make sure to leave a like let me know your thoughts down below with regards to it if you enjoy this type of content please make sure to subscribe I will be doing a lot of break down videos come fall again I do IRL breakdowns um and then I will probably also be taking some other clips from college football 25 and going over things that I have basically taught while on stream what I'm reading things like that based on my years as a football coach at the high school and Collegiate level so hopefully you learn something tonight we'll see you next time have a great rest of the day I do want to recognize the members of this Channel at the booster level and above for their support if you wish to have your name in a video just like this make sure to check out the join Link in the description below here on the end screen you can see that there's another recommended video make sure to click that and watch it also make sure to subscribe so that you don't miss out on any future breakdown videos I hope you have a great rest of the day

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