How to Recruit in Dynasty Mode in College Football 25!

EA Sports college football 25 Early Access dropped yesterday this game is so much fun I'm having an absolute blast with it however I have seen a lot of people and people even ask me and say that recruiting is pretty confusing and they're not exactly sure what to do in recruiting for dynasty mode so this is going to be a quick tutorial for recruiting in college football 25 now keep in mind this is not going to be a tutorial on how to get the number one recruiting class or how to land a five star I'm still learning that myself as this game literally just dropped but this is going to be a very basic overview of recruiting in college football 25 so you can better understand what the heck you're doing when you get into the recruiting process in this game so just like previous NCAA football games you're going to go ahead and set up your recruiting board and these are going to be all the guys you want to recruit throughout the season one thing that's nice about college football 25 if a recruit plays a position that you need it'll show need in bright red right there on the prospect list so you already know you might want to go ahead and add them to your board I'm not going to go into too much detail right here this is pretty self-explanatory it's very similar to NCAA 14 and 13 it shows you their interest in you their stage their state the pipeline the pipeline you probably want to pay attention to just quickly to explain the pipelines again you want to have a higher level in the pipeline the levels are 1 through four you can see them in that column right there the higher the level the more influence you have when recruiting from that pipeline so there's 50 different pipelines in the game one of them for example is Metro Atlanta so if there's a player from Atlanta and you have a level four pipeline for Metro Atlanta you are going to have a pretty big bonus when recruiting that player on the other hand if you're a level one you're not going to have much of a bonus at all now before you advance the week you're going to want to scout these players that you put on your prospect board it will not show you their overall but you can discover some of their abilities as well as their attributes each time you Scout a player it costs 10 hours and you'll want to pay attention to your total hours that you have here in the top right you can see Missouri has 750 hours to use however that's during the off seon this will change during the actual season now I know there's a lot of new people playing this game that didn't play the previous NCAA football games so this green thing right here that pops up that means this player is a gem that means they are better than people thought so right now this guy is a fourstar he might actually be a five-star similarly if it is a red thing that pops up like a red broken gem that means they are a bust they are worse than it says they are so maybe there's a fourstar but they're actually a three star so once you have gone through and scouted all the players on your board you can go ahead and Advance the week and this is where we get into the meat and potatoes of recruiting where you're actually going to have to make pitches and learn about the player and all that and every time you advance the week this little summary thing will pop up that shows you what's going on in recruiting so it's a little helpful tool there so once you were looking at your recruiting board you can sort it by clicking X and this will sort it in different ways I like to sort it by looking at the recruiting stage this will show you which prospects are further along during the recruiting process and it'll show you what stage they're in so you know what you need to do I also like to sorted by interest status this will list them from most interested to least interested so the guys at the top that are most interested you might want to try to get them to commit pretty early that way you can use those hours for those other guys or you may want to actually take some hours away from the guys that are pretty interested in you and put them towards the guys that are least interested in you and kind of spread the wealth so when you're looking at a recruit you'll see this top bar right here that shows their top eight top five and top three and how far along they are on this process and you can do different things depending where they are within this process so you can see this guy just cracked the top eight and basically the only thing you can do at this point is to continue to scout them if you haven't fully scouted them yet or offer a scholarship or add an action so as stated before you want to pay attention to your hours in the top right so Missouri at least at the base level they have 600 hours now this can be upgraded depending how good the team is and how good of a coach you are but we're not going to get into all of that in this video so these are weekly recruiting hours so this is how many hours you can spend per week and each task you perform has a specific number of hours tied to it and you can also only spend 50 hours per player per week again this can also be upgraded we're not getting into that though the last thing you want to look at when looking at a recruit are their motivations over here on the right you'll notice on the left side of the motivations there are X's there are check marks and there are question marks so a check mark means that player cares about that specific motivation an X means they do not a question mark means you have not found out if they care or not they're only going to have three green check marks and those three green check marks create their ideal pitch so these first actions you're performing you're doing so trying to find out what their ideal pitch is now the grades on the right side of the motivations are for your school so if it's an A+ that means your school's really good at it if it's a c minus that means your school is really bad at it obviously you want these grades to be high because the recruits will be more interested in you and it'll be easier to recruit guys to your school and you can see a more in-depth look of these 14 motivations for your school if you go over to the my school Tab and it'll tell you how to improve those grades but again we're not getting into all of that today so with all of that being said when up guy is in his top eight or not even in his top eight yet you are going to add an action and pick from one of these four things right here search social media DM the player contact friends and family send the house you'll notice each one has a certain amount of hours it cost to do so searching social media is only five all the way up to sending the house which is 50 hours and Performing these action will do two things one it'll make the recruit hopefully like you more and then two it'll hopefully reveal what their ideal pitch is so as you're performing different actions you may move up or down their recruiting board based on what other schools are doing as well but you'll also be figuring out what their motivations are that way you can find the ideal pitch and then when we get to the pitch stage you can give the correct pitch so for this guy I chose contact friends and family which cost 25 hours but it does the second most amount of influence on this player and keep in mind you can double up on these so I could have done like contact friends and family and DM the player you just can't go over that 50 hours per player I was kind of just doing random things for this video but when you're in your own Dynasty you'll see from week to week what recruits you should be spending more hours on based on if they like you or not and also based on how good they are and remember you can also offer these guys scholarships they're not going to commit to your school until you offer them a scholarship so that's something you definitely want to do at least at some point but probably earlier on on and before we go too much further I also just want to quickly touch on deal breakers so if a player has a deal breaker that is a requirement your team must meet in order to get that recruit to commit to your school so you can see this guy's deal breaker right here it's Championship Contender you must have a B minus my team has a b so we're safe it's not a big deal we can actively recruit this player and he can commit to us no problem however it is possible for my Championship Contender to drop below that B minus during this season season and then he will no longer be able to commit to my school or if he does commit and then I still drop below that B minus he will actually decommit so that is something you will want to watch out for when playing this game hopefully your team is just successful and you don't have to worry about that anyways so like I said as you advance the week it'll show you this quick little summary of recruiting right here so here's a good example of a recruits top schools list so I'm currently number five on this list and I definitely have some ground to make up if I want to get this recruit you'll notice I only spent 10 hours on this guy so I'm definitely going to want to put more hours towards this guy if I want to move up on his list so I decided to offer him a scholarship cuz I hadn't done so yet and then also search his social media to find out more about him and hopefully that'll help us move up on his list now like I said I was just kind of doing stuff to make this video but if I really wanted to get this guy he is a fourstar I would probably need to spend more than just five more additional hours I probably need to start doing things like contacting his friends and family and sending the house if I actually wanted to get this recruit so again our goal is to figure out what this guy cares about the only thing we know right now that he cares about is his proximity to home and we know he also does not care about Coach stability and as we perform more actions and invest more hours into him week by week we're going to learn more about this guy the problem is we're pretty far behind and we're only fifth on his list so there's a good chance this guy ends up committing elsewhere but you can kind of see how the recruiting process works so this is the next week and you can actually see we moved to Fourth on this guy's list I sorted by recruiting stage and I realized this guy was already in his top three which means he's about to decide where he's going to go to school so some of these guys move very very quickly and they could commit in just a week or two because they go from their top eight to their top three that quickly so some of the guys you're not very intentional about at first might commit to somebody else like within a week but once they get into the top five you can start pitching them now this guy we literally only know that he cares about proximity to home we also know that he doesn't care about those other five that have the X's but it's going to be a little hard to pitch this guy cuz we don't know exactly what he cares about so I removed the friends and family action you can actually remove actions some people didn't realize that I then added a new action scrolled down to pitch and chose Soft Cell the difference between Soft Cell and hard cell is that hard cell is going to have a lot more influence on the player so if you know their ideal pitch you can hard sell them cuz you know you're not going to pick the wrong thing if you do not know their full ideal pitch which I do not know about this player you probably want to soft sell that way you don't hard sell them on something they don't care about soft selling is also only 20 hours where hard selling is 40 hours now I will also say if you're using a small school there's a good chance you end up soft selling even when you know the ideal pitch just because you don't have a lot of hours I found myself doing that with Kent State because I only had like 350 weekly hours and I really just couldn't afford hard selling play players so once you choose Soft Cell or hard cell there are 20 pitches to choose from each of these 20 pitches align with three of the motivations on the right you can see how it's highlighting different motivations as I go to different pitches so I hope this is starting to make sense now you want to pick the pitch that aligns with the three things they care about now the problem is I don't know what the three things this player cares about are but I see this pitch right here time to get to work aligns with the one I do know he cares about and then the other two I know he doesn't not care about them so I decided to choose this one and again I was soft selling him on it because I wasn't sure if he actually cared about those other two things cuz let's say he doesn't care about those and I hard sell him on it he's not going to want to come to the school so going back to Joel I decided to do the same thing with him he's in his top five which means teams can start pitching him now you don't have to pitch at this stage if you do not want to the problem is other schools probably are pitching him and you're going to fall really far behind and he'll probably end up committing elsewhere so just like the last recruit I'm guessing on this pitch and I'm soft selling him so this is the next week I moved down to the fifth school on his list you can see right here that I picked two out of three right on his motivations so I did not pick the ideal pitch but I did pretty good I guess like I said I got two out of three right but at this point I would probably just remove this guy from my board I don't think I'm going to be able to get this guy he's going to commit elsewhere so here's an example of a scenario where I actually know the guy's ideal pitch it's conference Prestige playing style and proximity to home so I can go in here and hard sell him on the ideal pitch so you can see the three motivations he cares about align with this pitch right here and I did the same thing right here with this recruit Max awesome now the other thing you can do once you get into the top five for a recruit is not only pitch him but schedule a visit so I chose to schedule this guy's visit against Auburn and after you choose the date you choose one of 14 different activities the recruit can do on his visit these 14 activities line up with one of the motivations over there on the right so you just choose one of the ones that he cares about you're going to want to choose one of the ones that your team is graded high in so you can see here I chose family visit as the activity that lines up with proximity to home which he does care about and my school is rated A+ in it so this guy we're sitting pretty with right now and bang we just got our first commitment now this hasn't been one of the guys I've been highlighting throughout this video but I've been doing the same thing just with this guy and we ended up getting a commitment so just as I predicted Joel ended up locking us out so I'm going to go ahead and remove him from the recruiting board so I just kept doing exactly what we've been doing so far and here we go Max awesome just committed to Missouri so let's fast forward all the way to national Signing Day all the players that verbally committed to you will hopefully sign on this day if they do not decommit and the only reason they should decommit is if they have a deal breaker that you are no longer meeting the requirement for so you can see we have a few guys here that signed cassim Jackson TGs right above him that was our only fourstar I think we only had like six or seven guys that actually signed with us but that's because I basically just sped through the whole thing but I hope this gave you a good overview of how recruiting Works in college football 25 again I'm still trying to figure out exactly how to get these four and five stars exactly how to sign like a top three class once I find my little hacks and tips and tricks I will definitely make a video about that it is so in depth I didn't even get into the way feature that you can do during recruiting and as well as how to upgrade your recruiting hours and different things like that but for those of you that are confused I hope this gives you a good overview of going from stage to stage at first you're just trying to figure out what the player cares about then you start pitching and scheduling visits and then hopefully you can get that commitment this game is so much fun dude I'm going to have a lot more videos coming out I'm going to have Dynasty series Road to Glory series uh I definitely want to check out road to college football playoff I'm probably going to have a series about that I'm still just trying to figure out how to play the game cuz I'm definitely not good yet but follow me on Instagram at bring NCAA back a name change maybe be coming soon to that but follow me there follow me on Twitter ubby light and then subscribe here for the video content

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