BREAKING! CNN Cuts Kamala Harris Interview After LIES On Policy Change "40 DAYS FOR THIS DISASTER"

Published: Aug 29, 2024 Duration: 00:26:18 Category: News & Politics

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this out it has more dislikes than likes wo this has more dislikes and likes y'all on over a half a million views wow okay you know people people are not happy man you know and then she can't do the interview by herself yeah but hey they call us weird they call us this and that when you say Dei unqualified you know you pronounce her name wrong people are so sensitive they say you're racist H the burden has un been unburdened the coconut has fallen out the coconut tree and uh we get $25,000 on a new home then come to find out it was a lie for it's not even for us and they just raised the price $30 $40,000 they just they just raised the price $25,000 yeah sounds about right man people are clapping on puppets puppets puppets puppets how has your life been these last three and a half four years I want to ask you that do you know where your tax dollar is going to especially in these states and look look at California come on in we got 0% interest rates free health care free food everybody else is homeless veterans homeless dying on the street struggling people have to make life decisions inside of a grocery store at the gas pump trying to figure out how they're gonna put food on the table tomorrow I ask you guys how has your life been these last three and a half four years that's all I want to know man I love you and I'm wishing the best in all you guys life before we get into this video man God bless all you and your families through these times I myself that used to be a trump hater a never Trumper I didn't think for myself I listened to the fake news the mainstream media some we're CNN but I am voting for Trump 2024 and we encourage everybody to go out and vote it's time for a change time for a change in leadership all the lies they spew out project 2025 none of that stuff is real for the Trump presidency a threat to democracy a dictator on day one a so-called racist it's crap hate to break it to you I know a lot of people don't want to hear it but it's crap I know you might watch these clips here you might go back to this tweet here you might go back to this clip but it's all crap and he was right all along ago everything that's happening right now in this country everything that's happening right now it all came to past Trump was right but hey people were offended people don't have tough skin we are very very sensitive in today's time very very sensitive I encourage you to think for yourself do your research and it's time for a change man let's check out this interview we got an amazing put together V video and we're going to bring Benny on the show so let's go and jump in make sure you hit that like button subscribe to the channel if you're new here I'm wishing the best in all you guys life man voters look at some of the changes that you've made uh that you've explained some of here uh in your policy is it because you have more experience now and you've learned more about the information is it because you were running for president should affect voters listen to that exchange generally speaking how should voters look at some of the changes that you've made uh that you've explained some of here uh in your policy is it because you have more experience now and you've learned more about the information is it because you were running for president in a Democratic primary and should they feel comfortable and confident that what you're saying now is going to be your policy moving forward Dana I think the the the most important and most significant aspect of my policy perspective and decisions is my values have not changed you mentioned the green New Deal I have always believed and I've worked on it that the climate crisis is real that it is an urgent matter to which we should apply metrics that include holding ourselves to deadlines around time we did that with the inflation reduction act we have set goals for the United States of America and by extension the globe around when we should meet certain standards for reduction of greenhouse gas emissions as an example that value has not changed my value around what we need to do to secure our border that value has not changed I spent two terms as the Attorney General of California Prosecuting transnational criminal organizations violations of American laws regarding the passage illegal passage of guns drugs and human beings across our border my values have not changed so Phil Phil that is her sort of broad explanation of some changes in policy and what she would do as president now that she is running at the top of the ticket in 2024 but as I said we did talk about some of the specifics which you'll see tonight Danny you mentioned wide ranging uh I don't want you to give it all away obviously it airs at 9:00 p.m. tonight but what else kind of Topline people that did you have an opportunity to speak to them about this is ridiculous Senator Harris thank you so much for sitting down and welcoming us if you win your Administration is going to inherit a really dire situ purp The Color Purple a child's marker you know it's so purple that that hasn't always been the case 10 years ago these markers weren't so purple but now they're purple now they're really really purple and it's it's alarming to me and it's also so enchanting to me to see the deep blue sea inside you know this I want to ask about Russia the department of homeand security said that Russia is trying to amplify amplify claims that mail and talking about butter sausage talk about buttered sausage where it comes from what it does why is it doing what it's doing get it out of my face buttered sausage it's not my gem I don't buy Gem buy honey and I kiss it on the lips what's up guys your boy Benny the history of sports is filled with boom and bust athletes who have a bunch of hype around them and they get out into the big game the big dance the big lights and they choke and everybody says wow uh that sucked because they weren't ready for the big time they they weren't ready they they might have been good in their own little district and their own little league but when they hit the big time when they hit the big game they can't compete they're not ready they aren't Built For This Prime Time ladies and gentlemen this is KLA Harris now KLA Harris has been choking quite frankly this is how she built her career uh uh to this point she is ready to run for president of the United States just just listen to the poetic words of K haris spoken just minutes ago we been called for termination of the United States Supreme the the the Supreme land of our nation the United States Constitution the Supreme land of our nation the United States Constitution even called for the elimination of the Supreme The Supremes don't you love their music I I was a member of The Supremes I'm comma I've done it all yeah that great but this is also why they are panicking I'm telling you they're panicking they're keeping her off camera because they know the more they show Comm Harris the more people hate her a quick quick crash course reminder that K Harris is is the most hated vice president in American history M Harris has a lower approval rating than Dick Cheney until she got the complete and total glow up sugar high Diabetes Type 2 injection from the corporate press to say that she's now Queen and slay and KL Harris is doing her first interview tonight and they've just started releasing the clips of it CNN has by the way the person Dana Bash who's doing the interview you know married to a guy who signed the hunter Biden laptop letter just you'd think that'd be maybe a conflict of interest nobody knows but this is going to be the softest of softballs yet this interview which was supposed to last an entire hour only last in 15 minutes well 18 minutes total with the interviewer yammering and the human blocking dummy coach Tim Walls what's being cut out asks Trump campaign officials this is now popping that the interview is uh well not that great now this is a uh let's just say very charitable angle the uh interview itself looks like a parent teacher conference here uh why are there so many coffee cups kind of the first takeaway like is there some reason that there are so many coffee cups in the shot is that like a diner or something it's so dark what's happening the visuals are just awful Dana Bash a conference with principal walls and vice principal Harris about the importance of doing homework and not causing disruptions in the cafeteria people from inside the Trump Administration saying that the uh CNN sources saying it's already over short she got jammed up maybe it'll make the final cut so K Harris not ready for Prime Time Donald Trump Jr wait wait wait a second the first interview with commo and wal is only 18 minutes long and CNN isn't releasing the whole thing that's right they're not releasing the transcript they won't they won't release the transcript it did not go well truncated for 18 minutes will not release the transcript CNN will a shortened version tonight to fill time CNN will run an inspirational video about K Harris and Tim Walls oh I just showed yall man she they had the more dislikes than likes on CNN on the actual video sheesh pretty bad this is like again the look here is atrocious KLA waited 40 days to give an interview refused to do it live needed her lap dog emotional support animal and now it's only 18 minutes long she couldn't even do 18 minutes is this a joke KLA isn't ready you got to tell us every decision of her campaign is screaming it from the rooftops comma ain't ready okay so this is uh the Highlight clip that they released which is remarkable here you go ladies and gentlemen uh the the highlight of the night speaking how should voters look at some of the changes that you've made uh that you've explained some of here uh in your policy is it because you have more experience now and you've learned more about the information is it because you were running for president in a Democratic primary and should they feel comfortable and confident that what you're saying now is going to be your policy moving forward Dana I think the the the most important and most significant aspect of my policy perspective and decisions is my values have not changed you mentioned the green New Deal I have always believed and I've worked on it that the climate crisis is real that it is an urgent matter to which we should apply metrics that include holding ourselves to deadlines around time we did that with the inflation reduction act we have set goals for the United States of America and by extension the globe around when we should meet certain standards for reduction of greenhouse gas emissions as an example that value has not changed what is she talking about her values hasn't changed like like like they say you just can't make this up man and again we know who the ones that are that are that are going for this like oh yeah yeah you guys give her a break you guys are weird give the lady a chance you know but how has your life been the last three and a half four years under underneath this leadership the same lady who told you Biden was as sharp as attack and that the Biden Omas is working that we're doing such an amazing job as Millions struggle and die but hey come on in we got free health care free food for your Free Housing can't make this stuff up man War I mean we are I'm tell I know y'all don't like hearing it man but I'm telling you they if they find it has to be too big to rig man because if not we are in big trouble with this right here y'all I hate to break it to you facts over emotions and it irks me that I have to hear you know identity politics all the way to November 5th not a black woman if she is a black woman if she's not I don't care but it's sad that not one person not one Camala Harris voter can tell me one One Good Reason one just one not one good reason and then she call B did she call Biden race he and he he didn't he didn't took five vacations in one week he'd have been to the beach about 10 15 times who's running the country we are not against a candidate y'all we are against AIS a corrupt ma a machine and it's corrupt you know how you know how easy this is to to to like do an add-on there's no question I'm in favor of banning fracking you know we have to stay woke like everybody needs to be woke and you can talk about if you're the wokest or woker but just aay more woke than less woke the people who are in convicted in prison like the Boston Marathon bomber on death row people who are convicted of sexual assault they should be able to vote I think we should have that conversation what would you do about the millions of specifically assault weapons that are already in circulation what do you do about those well there are approximately 5 million to your point Craig we have to have a buyback program and I support a mandatory buyback program it is outdated it is wrongheaded thinking to think that the only way you're going to get communities to be safe is to put more police officers on the street also says quote every individual who is a resident of the United States is entitled to benefits for healthcare services under this act not every individual you know I grew up man you know 24 years old but I grew up you know with amazing people around me amazing parents both parents in the household right from Rome we got hit upside the head we got we got you know we got beat mom always said when when somebody show you their true colors they show you their true colors and then you go back and look at Trump from the 70s 80s 90s F ain't changed you guys seen all the you know You' seen the interviews you see all the movies the shows everything he was invited on everybody that used to love him now they hated him after 2016 how the media turned against him you see what he said on on you on that CLI on those famous Clips with ofra on The View everywhere it really goes to show you how corrupt this thing really is man it goes to to show you and a lot of people are waking up a lot of people are waking up man and it has to be too big to rig a citizen but every individual who's a resident so you support giving universal healthcare Medicare for all to people going in this country illegally let me just be very clear about this I am opposed to any policy that would deny in our country any human being from access to public safety public education or public health period uh to reiterate you support uh the Medicare for all bill I think initially co-sponsored by Senator Bernie Sanders you're also a co-p on I believe it will totally eliminate private insurance um so for people out there who like their insurance they don't get to keep it let's eliminate all of that let's move on how dare we speak Merry Christmas how dare we Edie I am red up there is my values do not change okay K Harris is now like for the border wall you know this right like she's she's now she's now changed every single one of those positions there's not a single position there that she says she's in favor of when she's actually trying to run for president as a Democrat and now she's been installed as a fake illegitimate candidate and she knows that they are in a desperate panic mode to to try and like whitewash everything that Kell Harris actually stands for my values have not changed yeah okay okay got it if her values haven't changed then how can she possibly uh hold the brand new positions that contradict those alleged values every single day says ttim MOG uh one of the campaign advisers for president Trump CNN editors deleting clips of kamla fails from the interview ding ding ding ding ding ding ding do they film this in the breakout room it looks absolutely awful not presidential it doesn't it doesn't look good Comm Harris my values have not changed seems to be the takeaway line uh Comm Harris also has some uh commentary about the Border greenhouse gas emissions as an example that value has not changed my value around what we need to do to secure our border that value has not changed I spent two terms as the Attorney General of California Prosecuting transnational criminal organizations violations of American laws regarding the passage illegal passage of guns drugs and human beings across our border my values have not changed not ready man not ready that feeling when the essay is due in 10 minutes but you haven't hit the word count yet people saying she says nothing anyone in would no no one in particular in mine I got it we got 68 days to go with this election so I'm not putting the cart before the horse but I would I think I think it's really important I I have spent my career inviting diversity of op opinion I think it's important to have people at the table when some of the most important decisions are being made that have different views different experiences and I think um it would be to the benefit of the American public to have a member of my cabinet who was a republican that answer will you have a republican member maybe a former Republican she says and then a complete word Sal this is what we're going to get this is why they have kept her away from the cameras and away from talking and away from questions because she topples like a house of cards when just even the slightest push back we haven't even seen the full interview yet they won't even release the transcript it's only 18 minutes long whole thing's Insanity president Trump previewing the interview today Dana Bash interviewing KLA Harris want to see if she can get through the interview nobody knows what's going on here we go is uh interviewing Kamala and people just want to see if she can get through the interview nobody knows what's going on I've done so many interviews in the last couple of months every time I go out I have an interview I have people reporters and we talk to them and they ask me every question in the book and we answer them and you don't see any scandals Brewing nothing we answer them properly you have to as president you have to be able to deal you're dealing with the toughest smartest most ruthless people in the world if you can't do an interview facts we got the wrong person commense pretty obvious who has the IQ to be president and if you have a high IQ please subscribe to our channel it's one of the smartest things you possibly do like share and subscribe shout out to my brother Benny man let me know what y'all think all this we're going to be covering this whole interview in a couple um about an hour or so so make sure you don't miss out man we love you guys bless you all and your families man let me know what y'all think of all this it's ridiculous man it's and again there's tons of people that are clapping this this clapping this crap on man puppets you know puppets man and again we know tons of people are Trump deranged uh they're in their feelings Trump hurt their feelings you know but we got to we got to continue to fight man we are not against the candidate we are Against the Machine and it has to be too big to rig you guys see how corrupt this thing is man and it's all playing out in front of you and a lot of people are getting played and don't even realize it man you know people are sick tired man people are struggling people are dying man how has your life been the last 3 and a half 4 years answer that question under the Biden Harris Administration it's time for a a different set of leadership I'm sorry you guys it's time for a different set of leadership man and my heart goes out to all the hardworking patriots man for the ones that make the ultim sacrifice man to the ones that get up every single day trying to make it happen to the families out there to the ones out there on their own you know living on their own single people everybody man my heart goes out to you people are struggling at an all-time high right now you know failed policies failures Liars Joe Biden was as sharp as aack he was as sharp as attack he said Joe Biden was as sharp as attack and then he went out there and blew the blew the he blew this blew the machine up they had to get the machine fixed and rigged back up again but we knew what it was f b blew the motor and transmission at the same time it it we're living in the biggest history yet you guys and we encourage everybody to go out and vote man I believe that history will be done this election on that map and I tell you some things might even turn red it's going to be history made man but we have to do our part get some friends get your family you know it's time for a change man cuz with that we in trouble I love y'all we're going to be covering this interview you know after 40 days 40 days they get an interview you know can't even release the transcript it's 18 minutes what then she does it with her running mate can't do an interview on her own this is crap man crap comrade commy Comm communist comma don't want your ton I don't want your $225,000 they just they the market just raised the price $225,000 they laughing at you can't make this up man

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