Kamala Harris In TROUBLE After ABC Whistleblower EXPOSE She Had Debate Questions & No Fact Checks

that's some breaking news y'all breaking news where my Sirens [Applause] at wo you just can't make this up ABCs should be ashamed of themselves those moderators should be fired and you see that the the advertisers pulled over 27 million ad Revenue because they said it wasn't conducted fairly it wasn't conducted fa but we got some breaking news y'all and a lot of y'all probably already seen it you probably already cuz it came out um a couple a couple hours ago before me recording this so but um ABC whistleblower allegedly will release Alpha claiming the Harris campaign was given sample questions that there were essentially the same questions that were given during the debate as well as assurance that Trump would be fat checked and she would not be as we seen take place doing that debate man you just can't make this stuff up you guys let's go and jump in um but hey you cannot make this up boy uh my reaction is I'm really concerned about what ABC did when the refs put their finger on the scale you got to throw out the the score of the game what would have happened in that debate had they challenged Harris and said you know that's not right what you said there about Charlottesville we don't know how she would have reacted and then Trump wouldn't had to spend all his time on the defeat I think they did a real disservice to the voters of America when they did that and they put in Jeopardy the institutions of debate well un look for the candidate on your side of the political aisle it might have helped her you know I mean if if you want to get sharp you have to rub up against something that will sharpen you and it might have even helped her quiet down those in your party who still have so many questions about her policies great boy you just can't make this up man you just can't make this up told y everything's going to hit the fan whether you like it or not what's done What's Done in the Dark must come to the light the truth must come to the light for the good and for the bad I told y'all you know but Trump came out on top in a 3 verse one and uh his ending statement quadrupled millions of views than anything that Harris said or lied about in that debate she dodged every question you know and that's one reason why she didn't she didn't win and while the first thing that they said that they said oh she needs to do a better job of of of of of talking about what she's actually what's what's her actual plan her policies what she's actually going to do that's the first thing that they said CNN the the the the woke media the Democrats that's the first thing that they said and why they asked for a second debate but hey man you see what the polls are saying you seeing what the voters are saying and now everybody and everybody's pissed that this that ABC was just bias and unfair us show but that's what we expected we expected for this to take place man Trump called it we all knew what was going to happen but we thought it it was we thought there was a slight chance of them being fair like Dana Bash and and and and Tapper Jake did you know Jake Tapper call him fake Tapper oh man but they should be fired David and lindsy Davis fired what's up guys your boy Benny you ever seen a viral video of a crime or some type of horrible tragedy and you close your eyes at night and you you still see it right you can't get it out of your head you're like that that's dark man that that stuff's really evil it's bad for the soul that's what a lot of people thought when they saw the behavior of ABC News on Tuesday night during the mob attack on President Trump the unethical sickening and grotesque journalistic malpractice which really added up to a three-on-one assassination attempt journalistically of President Trump K didn't have to do anything and the pre-rehearsed prescripted answers for k Harris made everyone really scratch their heads the reactions the sniping the Snipping the fact checking but there's this one moment I can't get out of the back of my eyelids it's right here you lost the 2020 election you repeatedly falsely claimed that you won many times saying you won in a landslide in the past couple of weeks leading up to this debate uh you have said quote you lost by a whisker that you quote didn't quite make it that you came up a little bit short are are you now acknowledging that you lost in 2020 I don't acknowledge it at all I said that sarcastically you know that it we said oh we lost by a whisker that was said sarcastically look this so Donald Trump says I would said that sarcastically and he jumps into defending his campaign in 2020 defending uh his historic margins that he got and talking about why he had every right under the Constitution to contest an election and to talk about the way that we do elections and govern elections here in this country yeah we know what happened yeah them patriots know we went to what happened y'all we went to sleep three and what happened at 3:00 4:00 in the morning what happened at 2:00 3:00 in the morning them beautiful Patriots know I tell you that they know they know yeah 81 million for Joe I I 8 but hey 81 million now but we know what took place at 3:00 in the morning so Trump says but but but you've heard that before from Trump on the campaign okay that that was not shocking or groundbreaking president's been saying that for the better part of four years what was shocking was when Trump said I I lost by a whisker this this is just me being sarcastic David mure the news broadcaster I didn't detect sarcasm lost by whisker we didn't quite make it to come into our country I did watch all of these pieces of video I didn't protect the sarcasm lost by whisker we didn't quite make it and we should just point out here as clarification and you know this you and your allies 60 cases this is yeah you David that's what we say David F you you should be fired you're the a disgrace ABC should be as shaming themselves absolute disgrace the whole network had to get that out my sister me all I apologize is about you you jackass this isn't about you you propagandizing piece of garbage this isn't about you you absolute and total shill I can like this is the thing I I cannot get this interaction out of my head that David mure all the fact checks everything that's bad enough okay they didn't fact check K Harris once they fact check Donald Trump they fact check Donald Trump in like seven different things at least K Harris told 25 lies that can be recorded in this debate but they are literally factchecking Donald Trump's sarcasm during his comments they're saying oh you I I fact check you to not be sarcastic when you said that they're like diving deep into his soul and saying that they are the Arbiters of what Donald Trump thinks and is saying man you know it makes you think it really makes you think and the more you watch this the more you watch the the comma reactions and the kamla answers more importantly to these questions and how performative and prescriptive they are because we all see what happens when kamla Harris doesn't have a script and she doesn't have something to follow like an actual script and agenda to follow it it's a real head scratcher like it really does the the being in the tank it it begins to like make even the most honest people watching this debate say man like this there was this thing seems like it was totally rigged from the inside against Donald Trump and they may be right check this out this is what's breaking across my feed right now and ABC whistleblower is set to expose a rigged debate revealing two claims Harris campaign revealed received sample questions that were identical to the ones being asked in the debate that there was a promise that Donald Trump would be fact checked and that K Harris would not face any screw scrutiny as you just saw in that clip Donald Trump would be fact checked even his even his emotional intentions of comments will be fact checked you were sarcastic enough you this this is why K Harris had such Swagger and confidence wobbling into that debate the wh also points to several other elements designed to give Harris a significant edge of the debate I wonder if we'll have any Revelations about the use of secret communication okay so where's this coming from the best thing we could do is we could track down this this uh post right here this tweet right here I'll be releasing an affidavit from ABC news regarding the debate I've signed a non-disclosure agreement with an attorney and whistleblower the affidavit states that Harris campaign was given sample questions which were essentially the same questions that were given in the debate factchecking Donald Trump would not be fact checked according to the affidavit States several other factors were built in to give comman Advantage I will release the full affidavit I'll be releasing it before the weekend is out uh this account obviously a trump supporting account black insurrectionist is what it's called I have not heard of this person I do not know who this person is but these are the claims these claims are being picked up pretty widely ABC whistleblower alleged that affid that the Harris campaign was given sample questions and that Trump would be S fact checked this is Jason Miller Trump's senior adviser saying uh what the f is this we all saw KLA Harris perfectly recite answers during the debate like she knew exactly where what she was going to be asked the head of ABC News set her up with her husband two of ABC anchors uh attacked Trump all night and cut him off Remember When Donald Trump brought up the fact that he was shot and the anchor said we don't have time to talk about that and moved on remember the anchors didn't even apologize to Donald Trump that he got shot meaning like they didn't even say I'm we're glad you're okay what does that mean incredible turns out to be true this is a serious breach of journalistic ethics and will be the death blow to ABC news says well Bill Amman one of the one of the richest guys on Earth billionaire uh all of this leads to president Trump making the announcement that he will not be doing another debate there will be no third debate KL Harris with KL Harris campaign releases a memo touting the gains in targeted States so president Trump has said he will not debate again KL Harris when a prize fighter loses he says uh I won a rematch polls clearly show that I won the debate against a communist KLA Harris Democrat radical left candidate Tuesday night she immediately called for a second debate she and crooked Joe Biden have destroy the country millions of criminals and derange people pouring in unchecked everyone knows this all the other problems caused by KLA and Joe uh she was a no show at the fox debate she refused to NBC or CBS Comm should focus on what she's done during the last four-year period there will be no third debate there will be no third debate Trump team is hearing right now Donald Trump just posted this saying there will be no third debate why debate the numbers for Trump look good the debate is obviously an opportunity for KL Harris to frame herself uh as someone who can well recite prescripted answers which is exactly what that sounded like so I had a during the debate I I I had and these these are just the most recent Pew research released figures showing he's up uh 82% to 16% uh with evangelicals well white evangelicals as the vast majority of the nation get out the vote programs full effect uh the number is incredibly impressive uh and is historic actually Trump's unique and special bond to the religious communities um I want to like talk to you about something really quickly and I wonder if you had the same experience I called a member of my family who's not that political but was passively watching the debate and they said that KL Harris and I can't get this out of my mind K Harris behaved like an actress reciting lines that she just kind of like knew her prompts and she was like ready to recite a line that it was performative it was like completely prescripted it was almost like like Trump was being Shackled down and K was given all of the room to run now in spite of this Donald Trump has been on ABC news's social media Donald Trump's been absolutely destroying KL Harris and many people have been destroying KL Harris after the fact obviously the fact checks that happened during the debate or didn't happen during the debate is journalistic Mal it's a crime it's a crime this was the debate was a crime scene uh David mure uh fact check Donald Trump that crime was down this is absolutely and provably false I encourage you to go through this Twitter thread but uh the reality is that the largest cities in the country have opted out of a uh FBI crime uh Vector uh an analysis uh and as a result at least 6,000 law enforcement agencies are not providing data meaning that 25% of the country's crime data is not captured by the FBI this deliberately unre reporting exus statistics painting falsely the optimistic picture of Public Safety everything was a lie here Seattle Times like lying and getting fact checked about uh you remember Chaz chop verifying people hoax was pedal by KLA Harris K Harris begging for another debate we owe to the voters to have another debate this could potent look at this you you had your ABC friends attack the hell lot of trump and you still lost this is why you want another one this is how k face on Tuesday was the stuff of Legend the stuff of Legend This is why K wants they want more they they needed their I'm speaking Boom Clap moment they didn't get it they didn't get any comma viral moments instead what they got was a KL Harris being able to lie with impunity and against Donald Trump and it's time to shut it down this may be a negotiation tactic for Trump I mean we'll see what happens with the with the affidavit this may be a negot tactic for Trump saying okay you want another debate this bad it's going to be on Fox and it's going to be it's going to be moderated by Jesse Waters that I mean that's that would be so fair I'm telling you that would be the fairest thing ever you know I'm telling you that would be such an amazing debate y'all now that I now that we got the we can't hey now look now I'm telling you let's go Fox honestly like this is these should be the grounds now that President Trump like like asked for and you should have to like Republicans do MSNBC debates right like this like we I went I went to one that this is this is the like Republicans do this all the time K Harris actually wants to be the leader of this country she should be able to go on Fox News and survive so I think that this should be a negotiation tactic this is what Trump should do and he should push the outer limits uh of this and um otherwise as you can see in in this crime scene fool me once kind of thing the med yeah I'll tell you this is what they're stuck with this is what they're stuck with y'all you just can't make this up let me show y'all what they're stuck with go back this is what they're stuck with oh wait they stuck with this y'all look look look this is what they're stuck with we going to put it on the big screen for y'all this is what you keep your puppet hidden you should have why won't they listen make sure she stays far away from the camera from the Press from interviews cuz this is what you're stuck with what you feeling about Pennsylvania I am feeling very good about Pennsylvania because there are a lot of people she can't even get it out look it's just another word salad in Pennsylvania who deserve to be seen and heard that's why I'm here in Johnstown and I will be continuing to travel around the state how are you feeling about Pennsylvania I yeah you just can't make this up man you just can't can't make this up 50 but here I got a little ending for y'all before we get out of here ABC should be ashamed of themselves those moderators should be fired absolute disgrace man my plan is to give a $50,000 tax deduction to Startup small businesses we've got to increase the corporate tax rate state taxes are going to have to go up I believe in the ambition the aspirations the dreams of the American people I will snatch their patent so that we will take over the question is do you have the will to do it I have the will to do it the cost of housing is too expensive for far too many people biomics is working it's working it's a term we're very proud of I must tell you I'm going to invite you to attend one of Donald Trump's rallies and I will tell you the one thing you will not hear him talk about is you it was hardworking Patriots like you who built this country and it's hard working Patriots like you who are going to save our country I want to really see something that said take a look at what happened Dad I love you fight daddy my love you must fight fight I love you Dad I'm proud of you [Music] son I will not ban fracking I'm in of banning fracking has to be legislation but yes and this is something I've taken on in California I have a history of working on this issue when it came to the proud boys a militia the former president said stand back and stand by but you have to go home now we have to have peace these dictators and autocrats are rooting for you to be president again name a favorite candidate it used to be Joe Biden support Miss Harris so that is what we are going to do what I do offer is a new generation of leadership for our country one who believes in what is possible one who brings a sense of optimism we all sing Happy Tunes and sing Merry Christmas and wish each other Merry Christmas how dare we speak Merry Christmas how dare we Tim Walls and I are both gun owners we're not taking anybody's guns away so stop with the continuous lying about this stuff we have to have a buyback program and I support a mandatory buyback program belittling and name calling let's turn the page don't you find some of their stuff to just be plain weird

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