Kamala BOMBS First Interview, FREAKS OUT On CNN Host Dana Bash For Unedited Clips Left in Interview

Published: Aug 29, 2024 Duration: 00:49:16 Category: News & Politics

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come on now come on come on the coconut has fallen out the coconut tree and the coconut has cracked what can be unburdened from what is burdened from if it was a bird and it was Tuesday and now it's Friday if we could make the bird to be unburdened on the weekend it was pre-taped it was pre-recorded and still find found a way to get so much negativity from the public voters are mad disappointed Camala Harris voters are disappointed it's been 40 days she had to bring a running on there with her 40 days the CNN as well Dana Bash oh Dana Dana Dana Dana like Trump says Trump says she was fair he's not going to call Jake Tapper fake Tapper anymore they were fair in the debate and um September is going to be uh so September going to be something you guys and I believe it's going to be a cak walk for Trump a easy knockout man um again I want to ask everybody again and I want to wish the best and every everybody's life no matter if you're what side you stand on you know blue red in the middle Democrat Republican or if you you know if you're not just if if you're not voting at all but I want to ask you and we encourage everybody to go out and vote man cuz how has the last three and a half four years been for you your family your loved ones your friends The Neighbors The Strangers call and check up on your people I encourage you to ask them how are they been check up on them man people are struggling and dying right now and it it's wide open they say come on in we got free housing Health Care food for you the legals but your people our people We the People V veterans on the street dying homeless but they get 0% down $150,000 for a home boy and it gets even worse than that I can go down the list people are making life decisions inside of a grocery store look at the economy foring face a recession people are scared to walk down the street to send their kids to school it gets even worse than that how has the last three and a half 4 years but as you can see of uh everything that's trending Dana Bash is trending CNN and look and look what people are saying you know you can't make this stuff up gas lighting you know look you know failed policies you know both sides bashed uh her economic plan you know changing policies now she wants to build the wall now she wants no tax on tips you know but hey we they wiped Trump through the mud fake news they said Trump is uh presidency is Project 2025 he's a threat to democracy no he's a threat to their corrupt system and I hate to tell you guys this uh you Democrats or Biden feet massagers or ones on the other side they lied you've been you've been brainwashed lied to sorry and that's why we're at where we're at now in this country and millions are struggling and dying and uh you clapping this on this Harris walls ticket um you want another 4 years huh could be World War III any any day from now and it can we are are in big trouble with that far that far far left ticket I hate to tell breaking the news to you you know and I tell you guys I was a never a lot of people know my story I was a never Trumper I followed the fake news my friends family I was listening to all the stuff I thought Trump was this and that you know races and all kind of stuff like that and then I understood what was really going on everybody used to love them everybody everybody on CNN MSNBC The View all these actors and people that got paid off to come speak at the DNC or whatever everybody they all used to love Trump at Maro eating Keyon pie with Trump saying I hope you run for office one day Trump he was a former Democrat a lot of people don't even know that that Trump was a a democ trump was a Democrat but I encourage you guys to think for yourself and do your research you know but right now there's tons of people that are Trump deranged TDS and we got a special uh ad for y'all at the end of the video um after we get done checking out this um interview now a lot of people are mad um that this was in clips that it was pre-taped they want to see Cala live but they know it's a word salad you know keep the puppet hidden 40 days and this is what you get but I want to play this clip right before we get into this this uh this this whole I want to play this clip we must protect uh uh Scott Scott has been one of those ones on this CNN panel that um has that has been waking up a lot of people a lot of Voters yeah on CNN check this out is there the line now going to be well why isn't she doing it by herself yeah I do think people are going to bring that up like I I have great confidence in Dana and CNN to do this I think it's incredibly weak weak sauce to show up with your running mate the fact that they don't have enough confidence in her to let her sit herself the actual top of the ticket and do a single interview in fact I think the hand ringing and the gations over this over the last month show a troubling lack of confidence in her political ability which also makes you wonder as a voter what kind of President would you be if this kind of a smalltime decision can we do an interview or not what does that look like for your decision-making process so on so I yes I think Republicans are going to think it's pretty weak to show up uh with effectively someone take up half the time is boy oh boy boy and um Dana Bash is getting hit with a lot right now but look what people are saying man you just can't make this up you know people are calling it off of what it is people are you know but I I I told y'all man and I just don't know how you can a pre-taped a pre-recorded just can't make this up man you know but hey she can't even do her current job and now she wants a promotion now she wants a promotion man but I want to ask you guys again how has the last three and a half four years been for you and your family your friends your loved ones check up on them call them I encourage you to do so I love you guys man and I'm wishing the best in all you guys life man I I really am no matter what side you're on no matter where you're from no matter what your ages no matter what your skin color and it's sad that we have to hear identity politics all the way to November 5th care if she's a black woman or not if she's black or not I don't care I don't care if I'm saying her name wrong CU I guess it's like aund ways to pronounce it she in my book she's not qualified if she was at least a little bit qualified I would I would be honest but no nobody has given me any not one good reason why I should take my hat off and I probably still wouldn't take my hat off cuz this hat means something this hat probably isn't what you think it means this hat represents a way bigger message and that's what I want people to understand man they're going to continue to wipe Trump through the mud they're going to continue with the Li the project 2025 the abortion this this and that this and that you know it's all crap and a lot of people are waking up and seeing that a lot of people I to be honest with you and shout out to all the other content creators I've come in contact with and there's a bunch of the creators that you guys watch that I've talked to on the phone a lot of amazing people and we are all in a fight to get our country back man I've talked to a lot of never trumpers anti-trumpers Democrats people that never thought they were going to uh you know give Trump a chance but that are going for Trump this year yeah let's go and jump into this you guys uh I believe it's a part one and a part two I don't know why it's all chopped up and chopped it's it's just ridiculous and they said it was supposed to be 40 minutes and and and or not it's eight they say it's 18 18 minutes what is this what is going on you know it's been 40 days Trump and Vance are doing two three hour long interviews no no notes no no teleprompter you know live live talking about the mess they created talking about their mess and how they're going to fix their mess she wants a promotion okay well underway here in Geor Madam vice president governor Wells thank you so much for sitting down with me and bringing the bus the bus store is well underway here in Georgia you have less time to to make your case to voters than any candidate in modern American history the voters are really eager to hear what your plans are if you are elected what would you do on day one in the white house well there are a number of things I will tell you first and foremost one of my highest priorities is to do what we can to support and strengthen the middle class um when I look at the aspirations the goals the Ambitions of the American people I think that um people are ready for a new way forward um in a way that generations of Americans have been fueled by by hope and by optimism I think sadly in the last decade um we have had in the former president someone who has really been pushing an agenda and in an environment that is about diminishing um the character and the strength of who we are as Americans uh really dividing our nation and I think people are ready to turn the page on on that so what would you do day one day one it's going to be about one implementing my plan for what I call an opportunity economy I've already laid out a number of um proposals in that regard which include what we're going to do to bring down um the cost of everyday Goods what we're going to yeah and um both parties both sides have uh bashed her uh so-called plan communist comma yeah we don't want and we don't want you you're $25,000 guess what they're going to they're going to raise the market $25,000 even more yeah the Realtors laughed and hey tampon Tim we don't want we don't want your tampon sir sorry sorry I don't want it I don't want I don't want it I don't want it put it you keep it keep it in your pocket I don't want it shout out to all our beautiful women out there our daughters we love you shout out to the beautiful girls out there shout out to our amazing parents teaching our kids right from wrong Common Sense we need Common Sense back man we got to make Common Sense great again I don't know how people are clapping for this I I just don't see it it's not something's not processing I don't know if it's just me but I don't see it man I'm sorry do to invest in America's small businesses what we're going to do to invest in families for example extending the child tax credit to $6,000 for families for the first year of their child's life to help them buy a car seat to help them buy baby clothes a crib um there's the work that we're going to do that is about investing in the American family around affordable housing a big issue in our country right now so there are a number of things on day one what about you well I'm excited about this agenda too as I said the idea of uh inspiring America to what can be and I think many of these things that the vice president's proposing are are uh are things that we share in values and the child tax cred is one we know that reduces childhood poverty by a third we did it in Minnesota to have a federal partner in this um unbelievable I think in the impact that we can make you talked about you call it the opportunity uh economy you are well aware that right now many Americans are struggling there's a crisis of affordability one of your campaign themes is we're not going back but I wonder what you say to voters who do want to go back when it comes to the economy specifically because their groceries were less expensive housing was more affordable When Donald Trump was President well let's start with the fact that when Joe Biden and I came in office during the height of a pandemic we saw over 10 million jobs were lost lost uh people by I mean literally we were all tracking the numbers hundreds of people a day were dying because of covid um the economy had crashed in large part all of that because of mismanagement by Donald Trump of that crisis that's what they do they blame Trump on everything huh there you go blame Trump for everything when we came in our highest priority was to do what we could to rescue America and today we know that we have inflation at under 3% a lot of our policies have led to the reality that America recovered faster than any wealthy Nation around the world but you are right prices in particular for groceries are still too high the American people know it I know it which is why my agenda includes what we need to to bring down the price of groceries for example dealing with an issue like price gouging what we need to do to extend the child tax credit to help young families be able to take care of their children in their most formative years what we need to do to bring down the cost of housing my proposal includes what would be a tax credit of $25,000 for firsttime home buyers so they can just have enough to put a down payment on a home which is part of the American dream and their aspiration but do it in a way that allows them to actually get on the path to achieving that goal and that dream so you have been vice president for fre and a half years that you're talking about now why haven't you done them already well first of all we had to recover as an economy and we have done that I'm very proud of the work that we have done that has brought inflation down to less than 3% the work that we have done to cap the cost of insulin at $35 a month for seniors Donald Trump said he was going to do a number of things including allowing Medicare to negotiate drug prices never happened we did it so now and I as I travel in the state of Georgia and around our country the number of seniors that have benefited I've met I was in Nevada recently a a a grandmother who showed me her receipts and before we C the cost of insulin for seniors at $35 a month she was playing hundreds of dollars up to thousands of dollars a month for her insulin she's not doing that any you maintain biomics is a success I'm maintain that when we do the work of bringing down prescription medication for the American who who who we asked if bomic is a success that you said bomic was working you also said that bomic that Biden was as sharp as a tack yeah 81 million votes sharp as attack boy people are clapping on these failures man these Liars lie the LIE of the LIE man puppets man puppets puppets people including capping the cost of the annual cost of prescription medication for seniors at $2,000 when we do what we did in the first year of being in office to extend the child tax credit so that we cut child poverty in America by over 50% when we do what we have done to invest in the American people in bringing manufacturing back to the United States so that we created over 800,000 new manufacturing jobs bringing business back to America what we have done to improve the supply chain so we're not relying on foreign governments to supply American families with their basic needs I'll say that that's good work there's more to do but that's good work I want to get some clarity on where you stand on some key policy issues uh energy is a big one when you were in Congress you you supported the green New Deal and in 2019 you said quote there is no question I'm in favor of banning fracking fracking is you know is a pretty big issue particularly in your must-win state of Pennsylvania do you still want to ban fracking no and I made that clear on the debate stage in 2020 that I would not ban fracking as vice president I did not ban fracking as president I will not ban fracking in 2019 I believe uh and a town hall you said you were asked would you commit to implementing a federal ban on fracking on your first day in office and you said there's no question I'm in favor of banning fracking so yes so it changed in the in that yeah people are voting for this man I tell you one thing you can say about Trump is uh he never changed never started back tracking reversing they actually been the same since the 70s 80s 90s you know you you've all seen that famous clip when he was on the o on the Oprah show they all used to love him he came down as a Conservative Republican 2016 BR you are a yeah I'm out fool fo what they say fool me once fool me TW can't fool me twice can you will never fool me again yeah yeah campaign in 2020 I made very clear where I stand we are in 2024 and I've not changed that position nor will I going forward I kept my word and I will keep my word what made you change that position at the time well let's be be clear my values have not changed I believe it is very important that we take seriously what we must do to guard against what is a clear crisis in terms of the climate and to do that we can do what we have accomplished thus far the inflation reduction act what we have done to invest by my calculation over 10 probably a trillion dollars over the next 10 years investing in a clean energy economy what we've already done creating over 300 ,000 new clean energy jobs that tells me from my experience as Vice President we can do it without Banning fracking in fact Dana Dana excuse me um I cast the tiebreaking vote that actually increased leases for fracking as vice president so I'm very clear about where I stand and was there some policy uh or scientific data that you saw that you said oh okay I get it now what I have seen is that we can we can grow and we can increase a thriving clean energy economy without Banning tracking okay where is part two so we got part two what's up with these clips man so we're going to do part two um all right come on another issue big one is immigration as vice president you were tasked with addressing the root causes of migration uh uh in southern countries and northern part of central America the northern part come on in and guess what we got free housing free food free health care for you 100 0% down to $150,000 but we the people struggling veterans on the street dying but hey come on in it's wide open of of of Central America that deals with that affects the southern border of the US during Biden Harris Administration there were record numbers of illegal border crossings why did the Biden Harris Administration wait three and a half years to implement sweeping Asylum restrictions well first of all uh the root causes work that I did as vice president that I was asked to do by the president has actually resulted in a number of benefits including historic Investments by American businesses in that region um the number of uh immigrants coming from that region has actually reduced um since we began that work but I will say this that Joe Biden and I in our Administration worked with members of the United States Congress on an immigration uh issue that is very significant to the American people and our security which is the border and through bipartisan work including some of the most conservative members of the United States Congress a bill was crafted which we supported which I support and Donald Trump got word of this bill that would have it contributed to securing our border and because he believes that it would not have helped him politically this cap lies I'm sick of it was help funding the war and allowing and still allowing Millions to come in he told his folks in Congress Don't Put It Forward he killed the bill a border security bill that would have put 1,500 more agents on the border and let me tell you something the border patrol endorsed the bill and I'm sure and I'm sure in large part because they knew they were working around the clock and, 1500 more agents would help them that bill would have allowed us to increase seizures of fentanyl ask any community in America that has been devastated by fentanyl what passing that bill would have done to address their conc concern and a pain that they've experienced so you would push that legislation again I just want only push it I will make sure that it comes to my desk and I would sign it just one other question about uh something that you said in 2019 when you first ran there was a debate you raised your hand when asked whether or not uh the Border should be decriminalized do you still believe that I believe there should be consequence we have laws that have to be followed and enforced that that address and deal with people who cross our border illegally and there should be consequence and let's be clear in this race I'm the only person who has prosecuted transnational criminal organizations who trafficking guns drugs and human beings I'm the only person in this race who actually served a border state as attorney general to enforce our laws and I would enforce our laws as president going forward I recognize the problem generally speaking you recog how should voters look at some of the changes that you've made uh that youve explained some of here uh in your policy is it because you have more experience now and you've learned more about the information is it because you were running for president in a Democratic primary and should they feel comfortable and confident that what you're saying now is going to be your policy moving forward Dana I think the the the most important and most significant aspect of my policy perspective and decisions is my values have not changed you mentioned the green New Deal I have always believed and I worked on it that the climate crisis is real that it is an urgent matter to which we should apply metrics that include holding ourselves to deadlines around time we did that with the inflation reduction act we have set goals for the United States of America and by extension the globe around when we should meet certain standards for reduction of greenhouse gas emissions as an example that value has not changed my value around what we need to do to secure our border that didn't we just hear this value has not changed I spent two terms as the Attorney General of California Prosecuting transnational criminal organizations violations of American laws regarding the passage illegal passage of guns drugs and human beings across our border my values have not changed so that is the reality of it and four years of being vice president I'll tell you one of the the the aspects to your point is traveling the country extensively I mean I'm here in Georgia I think somebody told me 17 times since I've been vice president in Georgia alone I believe it is important to build consensus and it is important to to to find a common place of understanding of where we can actually solve problems on that note you had a lot of Republican speakers at the convention will you Appo a republican to your cabinet yes I would anyone would no no one in particular in mine I got we got 68 days to go with this election so I'm not putting the car before the horse but I would I think I think it's really important I I have spent my career inviting diversity of opinion I think it's important to have people at the table when some of the most important decisions are being made that have different views different experiences and I think um it would be to the benefit of the American public to have a member of my cabinet who was a republican I want to ask you about your opponent Donald Trump um I was a little bit surprised people might be surprised to hear that you have never interacted with him met him face to face that's going to change soon but what I want to ask you about is what he said last month he suggested that you happened to turn black recently for political purposes questioning core part of your identity yeah any same old tired Playbook next question please that's it that's it okay um let's talk about some foreign policy uh issues that would be on your plate if you become commander-in-chief uh President Biden has tried unsuccessfully uh to end the war between Israel and Hamas in Gaza he's been doing it for months and months along with you would you do anything differently for example would you withhold some Us weapons Shi same old Tire Playbook boy no answer Ms to Israel that's what a lot of people on the Progressive left want you to do how do yall feel about that man comment down below let me go back how do y'all feel about that unsuccessfully uh to end the war between Israel and Hamas in Gaza he's been doing it for months and months along with you would you do anything differently for example would you withhold some Us weapons shipments to Israel that's what a lot of people on the Progressive left want you to do let me be very clear I am unequivocal and and unwavering in my commitment to Israel's defense and its ability to defend itself and that's not going to change but let's take a step back October 7,200 people were massacred many young people who were simply attending a music festival women were horribly raped as I said then I say today Israel had a right has a right to defend itself we would and how it does so matters far too many innocent Palestinians have been killed and we've got to get a deal done we we were in Doha MH we have to get a deal done this war must end and we must get a deal that is about getting the hostages out I've met with the families of the American hostages let's get the hostages out let's get the ceasefire done but no change in policy in terms of arms and and so forth no I we have to get a deal done d D we Joe Joe yeah we get something done huh Joe is on the beach curling his toes in the sand on his fifth vacation in one a one week time span and which I didn't think was possible how you can take five vacations sleeping out on the beach in the sand have to get a deal done when you look at the significance of this to the families to the people who are living in the significance of the passage of time oh she didn't I thought she was going to say the significance of the passage of time that region um it a deal is not only the right thing to do to end this war but will unlock so much of what must happen next I remain committed since I've been on October 8th to what we must do to work toward a two-state solution where Israel is secure and in equal measure the pal Palestinians have security and self-determination and and dignity her confidence is is is is is is whooping her alive y'all man is that is people are really casting up ah man Governor wals the uh country is just starting to get to know you I want to ask uh you a question about how you've described red your service in the National Guard you said sto go to tampon out on the middle of the freeway that you carried weapons in War but you have never deployed actually in a war zone a campaign official said that you misspoke did you misspoke well first of all I'm incredibly proud I've done 24 years of wearing uniform of this country equally proud of my service in a public school classroom whether it's Congress or uh or the Governor uh my record speaks for itself but I think uh people are coming yet to know me I I speak like they do um I speak candidly I wear my emotions on my sleeves and uh I speak especially passionately about uh about our children being shot in schools and around around guns so uh I think people know me they know who I am they know where uh where my heart is and again my record has been out there for over 40 years to just be for itself and he just skipped over the question just skipped over the that's all they do is just just skip over you know what was asked you know the idea that you said that you were in war did you misspeak as the campaign has said yeah I said we were talking about in this case this was after a school shooting the ideas of carrying these weapons of war and uh my wife the English told my grammar is not always correct but again if it's not this it's an attack on my his grammar isn't correct that's the excuse his grammar isn't correct I tell y'all man this ticket is worse than the Biden Harris ticket boy y'all man I man I tell you this huge shout out to our veterans man huge shout out to the ones that make the ultimate sacrifice man what a slap in the face isn't it what a slap in the face in his grammar is incorrect grammar children for showing love for me or it's an attack on my dog uh I'm not going to do that and the one thing I'll never do is I'll never demean another member's service in any way I never have uh and I never will I just one other question because again this is all new I mean this was not ever many days ago this was not uh either of your bingo cards Especially Yours um you had to clarify uh that you had said that you and your wife used IVF but it turned out you used a different kind of fertility in order to uh have children and then when you ran for congress in 2006 your campaign repeatedly made false statements about a 1995 arrest for drunk and reckless driving what do you say to voters who aren't sure whether they can take you at your word well I've been very public I think they can see uh my students come out uh former folks I've served with and and they do they vouch for me I certainly own my mistakes when I make them the one thing I'll tell you is of um I wished in this country wouldn't have to do this I spoke about our infertility issues because it's hell and families know this and I I spoke about the treatments that were available to us that that had those beautiful children there um that's quite a contrast in folks that are trying to uh to take those rights away from us and so uh I uh I think people know who I am they know that record they've seen that I've taught thousands of students I've been out there and um I I won't apologize for peing passionately whether it's guns in schools or protecting of reprodu rights uh the contrast could not be clear between what we're running against the vice president's position on this has been clear and um I think most Americans get it if you've been through that um I don't think they're cutting hairs on IVF or IUI I think what they're cutting hairs on is an abortion ban and the ability to be able to deny families the chance to have a beautiful child vice president Harris you were a very staunch defender of President Biden's capacity to serve another four years right after the debate you insisted that President Biden is extraordinarily strong given where as sharp as a tack as sharp as a tack the bomic is working we're doing such an amazing job we are now do you have any regrets about what you told the American people no not at all not at all I have um served with President Biden um for almost four years now and I'll tell you it's one of the Great greatest honors of my career truly um he cares so deeply about the American people he is so smart and um and loyal to the American people and I have spent hours upon hours with him be it in the Oval Office or The Situation Room he has the intelligence the commitment and the Judgment um and disposition that I think the American people rightly deserve in their president by contrast the former president has none of that oh boy and so um one I I I am so proud to have served as vice president to Joe Biden and two I am so proud to be running with Tim Walls for president of the United States and to bring America what I believe the American people deserve which is a new way forward and turn the page on the last decade of what I believe has been um contrary to where the spirit of our country really lies but the last decade of course the last three and a half years has been part of your Administration I'm talking about an era that started about a decade ago where there is some suggestion warped I believe it to be that the measure of the strength of a leader is based on who you beat down instead of where I believe most Americans are are which is to believe that the true measure of the strength of a leader is based on who you lift up that's what's at stake as much as any other detail that we could discuss in this election um because we haven't had a chance to to talk I'm just curious saying on President Biden when he called you and said he was pulling out of the race what was that like and did he offer to endorse you right away or did you ask for it it was um it was a Sunday so it's here I'll I'll give you a little too much information go for it there's no such thing Adam vice president um my family was staying with us and um including my baby nieces and we had just had pancakes and you know Auntie can I have more bacon yes I'll make you more bacon and then we were going to S we were sitting down to to do a puzzle and the phone rang and it was Joe B and um and he told me what he had decided to do and [Music] um I asked him are you sure and he said yes and um and that's how I learned about it and what about the endorsement did you ask for it and he was very clear that he was going to support me so when he called to tell you he said I'm pulling out of the race and I'm going to support you well my first thought was not about me to be honest with you with you my first thought was about him to be honest I I just don't believe it I'm sorry I just I just I'm sorry Joe Biden was as sharp as attack um I think history is going to show a number of things about Joe Biden's presidency I think history is going to show yeah uh Nancy Pelosi I mean drunk I we say man breathe in this walkie-talkie for us hands behind your back cuz Nancy got on live on air and said Joe Biden deserves needs to be put on Mount Rushmore hands behind you back man you're coming with us just hands behind your back man you're above the you're above the legal limit you're you're you're four times above the the limit yeah man hands behind your back well how many how much have you had to drink tonight ma'am oh that in so many ways it was transformative be it on what we have accomplished around finally investing in America's infrastructure investing in new economies in new Industries what we have done to bring our allies back together and have confidence in who we are as America and grow that Alliance what we have done to stand true to our principles um including the the one of the most important International rules and Norms which is the importance of sovereignty and territorial integrity and I think history is going to show not only has Joe Biden LED an Administration that has achieved those extraordinary successes but the character of the man is one that he has been in his life and career including as a president quite selfless and puts the American people first I just have to ask you both about two standout moments aside of course from the addresses that you uh both gave but standout moments that were perhaps unexpected during the convention you mentioned one of them Governor uh a moment that you shared that the world shared with your son Gus you were speaking the camera caught him so incredibly proud of you so emotional saying that's my dad yeah I uh I don't know as a father I could have ever imagined that I grateful for so many reasons to be on this ticket but that moment um to understand what was really important to to have my son uh feel a sense of pride in me that I was trying to do the right thing and uh it was um you you try and protect your kids you know it brings it brings notoriety in things but it was just such a uh a visceral emotional moment that I'm I'm just I'm grateful I got to experience it and I'm uh I'm so proud of him I'm proud of him I'm proud of hope I'm proud of Gwen she's a wonderful mother and these are great kids and I think the one thing is talking about the era we're in is our politics can be better it can be different we can we can show some of these things and we can have families involved in this and I I hope that there was a I hope people felt that out there and I hope they hug their kids a little tighter because you just never know and life can be kind of hard and last question Madam vice president the photograph that has gone viral you were speaking one of your grand nieces that you were just talking about was watching you accept the nomination you didn't explicitly talk about gender or race in your speech but it obviously means a lot to a lot of people and that Viral picture really says it what does it mean to you you know I listen I am running because I believe that I am the best person to do this job at this moment um for all Americans regardless of race and gender um but I did see that photograph and I was deeply touched by it and you're right she's it's the back of her head her two little braids and um and then I'm in the front of the photograph obviously speaking and um it's very humbling it's very humbling in many ways did she talk to you about it afterwards oh she had a lot to talk about she had a lot she listened to everything and she listens to everything give you your hot C oh yeah definitely uhhuh Madam vice president governor walls thank you so much for your time appreciate it what do y'all think of that man I can see the comments now they tried to get a picture like this you can't you can't get a picture like this though I tell you one thing one thing you could try to do y they they're trying everything man but you can't you can't get nothing like this promise you that promise you that man boy we're going to end this video off on a on a on on a video that we think I I believe everybody needs to see you probably already seen it um it is going viral right now and um we believe everybody needs to see this you know I mean it's very very powerful and let me know what y'all think of all this man let me know what do you guys think of all of this that is going on how do you think this went um a lot of people a lot of her voters um are kind of dis are disappointed you know um and they were also disappointed that it was set up in like three different clips you know and um it was only not even they said they Pro they said it was supposed to be 40 minutes and it wasn't even 40 minutes this this video might been been 40 minutes but boy I'm just trying to see if I can pull this video before we get out of here we can pull it up pull it up pull it up pull it up okay we got it pulled up here we go let's go get into this and make sure y'all hit that like button and share the video share the video make sure you hit the like button we're going to end it off with this right here let's jump in are you or your loved ones suffering from illnesses such as TDS also known as Trump derangement syndrome do you dismiss or deny the current issues facing our country such as historic inflation illegal immigration corporate corruption World War III escalations and the chronic disease epidemic are you willing to elect someone who was the least popular vice president in modern history and who offers no policy or vision for America simply because your brain keeps telling you anyone but Trump if so you might be struggling from TDS introducing Independence Independence allows you the freedom to finally think independently once again instead of believing everything you hear from the mainstream media Independence allows for constructive critical thinking I used to hear people on the news say things like Donald Trump and the movement he is encouraged are a threat to democracy and I instantly believed it with Independence I now realize the media is run by the Democrat Elite who are a corrupt oligarchy that censors Free Speech silences political opponents supports forever Wars and abandons democracy by anointing its candidates Independence may not be for everyone if you enjoy being lied to about your president's cognitive abilities support or willan totalitarianism or are excited about communist fiscal policy Independence may not be right for you common side effects of Independence may include an Awakening of rational thought successfully identifying propaganda Freedom of Choice loss of hatred antiarc istic behavior and love of democracy I used to blindly hate whoever my party was running against I didn't care about facts or policy because I was hopelessly indoctrinated with Independence I'm much more interested in policies that uphold democracy and I truly care about the health of our country and its citizens ask your doctor if Independence is right for you and enjoy your freedoms once [Music] [Applause] again yes indeed how we go it off man I love you guys God bless you all in your families I'll catch y'all in the next one man peace and love y'all

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