MASSIVE WEEK AHEAD! - Market Open With Short The Vix

good morning ladies and gentlemen happy Tuesday I hope you guys all had a long weekend and are ready for another very interesting week in the market we have a lot of things going on this week uh really kind of stacked towards the back uh when I say a lot of things it's really just one giant event uh NFP on Friday now lot of setups are looking really really really good team all you guys in the Discord you guys have that pre-market play there that's kind of what we're going to be looking at throughout the morning and throughout the day um but looking at es on The Daily here guys like it just does not want to get out of this little range that we're in here yet just yet so we'll see if this is going to break up break down we will see what it wants to do uh Market's down about half a perc in the pre-market here so we're g to see what's going to happen I mean there are some sectors still looking really good uh utilities Health Care things like that so we could end up seeing uh kind of that continuation of the rotation that we've been seeing but other than that ladies and Gentlemen let's go over a couple of tickers but it is that time of day make sure you guys are saying good morning to somebody in the live chat if you guys would like to say good morning to me I'd love the re receives and good mornings over here if you guys are new to the stream let me know I'll welcome you guys all in but as always ladies and gentlemen make sure you guys are hitting that like button on the way in helps out a whole lot spreading these streams out to some more people cost you nothing to do it helps me out a whole lot let's have another great week huh let's have August I mean August felt a little bit slow uh and then I kind kind of looked at it and I was like well I mean August was great August August was great there we had a lot of good opportunity um and took advantage of it very nicely so we're gonna see if we can start off September hot doing those same things again team finding socks that are about to explode before they do keeping it simple but let's see we got A- Rock daily Taylor Rogue Joshua Samuel Eddie all function Michael Romeo reckit Ralph good morning budy starski Andrew Todd David good morning everybody new and looking to get started honey bad welcome welcome welcome YOLO on the free car giveaway no no no no no uh but yeah that Waste Management we were looking at in the Discord on Friday looking really good so far uh I actually thought I was late on this Walmart trade here I sized it down they expir this week so we'll see what happens with this they're up a decent amount uh I still really like the I mean you guys all have the watch list now so oh the other thing was uh I didn't say anything about this in the Discord but um when I was going through the tickers on Saturday there were a couple crypto tickers that looked pretty good and I was like oh okay well on Monday I'll just send them then when I went to go look at them again they would had already broken up and I was like oh so maybe the crypto tickers and the FX pairs I got to send you guys as soon as I find them for those of you guys that want those uh just because obviously those markets are still trading so we're gonna have to get on those a little quicker uh than we would with any of the uh the the single stock tickers that we're looking at so and then yeah Qualcomm I still really like this chart here the thing is is is that we know exactly what I mean on this day here we saw was one of the days I forgot which day it was in here but yeah this thing does look like it really wants to to continue consolidating down one and a half percent about in the pre-market here I mean if this thing breaks it's probably gonna have a really big move let's see uh ack says you guys don't know how much of a gift you're getting with two weeks free in the Discord take advantage of that y'all got good uh got it good trust me we do numbers over here a rock we do yeah I mean everybody that's not in there yet the link is at the top of the live chat for you guys to go in uh and get your two weeks free but after that after September probably it's going to be weight list only so don't miss out G yeah gme I don't like um chewy I kind of like gme I don't I mean if it starts consolidating from where it is sure but I wouldn't I'm I wouldn't just buy this like I wouldn't buy this it's just it's just moving up but if it does another this right in here like I gave you guys the last time yeah yeah we'll look at it uh Chewy though I do like this one chewy is an interesting one good morning all what's up Caesar how you doing buddy yeah I mean well I want to see how this thing goes I mean Waste Management's looking pretty good Walmart looking all right nothing crazy Market's still coming down here I believe in the premarket yeah I mean we do have some data coming out today but it's not I don't think it's going to be that market moving just because because of what we have later on this week I mean we have manufacturing PMI construction spending and ISM Manufacturing today so I mean it'll move stuff around a little bit probably that's 9:45 and then 10 or when the other two come out um other than that I mean we get the ADP unemployment report on Thursday along with the normal jobs report but Friday's big with NFP Friday is very uh important with NFP uh vix the pre-market plan is actually really useful you going to do that every day yeah yeah I'll get that pre-market plan going for you guys in there every day trgp and XEL let's take a look at those not bad I mean oil and gas that's not a bad one and then X yeah a lot of these I mean look at xlu a lot of these utilities names are going to be looking good I mean xlu is flat in the pre-market here XLV I believe is green yeah no XL XLV and xlu but these charts still look really good so if we can continue to see that little rotation into Healthcare and utilities there could be a lot of opportunity there uh win more yes yes that's why I sent you guys the link and the code but yeah you got to have an account it's it for some reason it wants you to put your credit card info in even though it's not charging you Expo yeah let's see how's that looking oh from down here yeah weekly setup that's a good one lft looks good I feel like I saw that somewhere yep lift looks good yeah probably on this one though I'd wait for it to fully confirm above like 11.95 like playing around anywhere below that is would be a little bit iffy Uber was looking really good let's see how this yeah that was like the beginning of last week before it had that bad news on Monday Uber doesn't look bad though so Uber and lft I do like we'll have alerts on for those Netflix I really like too it's not perfect but I do think Netflix has the ability to get some real crazy action here uh you guys saw what what the deal is in the pre-market plan though so that that kind of mapped out the Netflix already for all of you I like that Waste Management so we'll see what happens there Market's not really doing anything what do we got 23 minutes to go until open let's see oh you guys are crushing the like button today thank you guys I appreciate it yeah nothing too crazy I don't think on Twitter um but this week is really G to give us that final the final kind of piece of the puzzle there for what we're going to be doing in September in terms of race I think it's 25 I think a lot of people are are yeah 25's where the leading expectation is uh let's see that's interesting 100 basis points stepped up a little 75 stepped down 50 went down that's interesting yields are something's going on with bond yields this morning and I don't quite know what it is yet like when I was looking at this earlier like Bon yelds over the last like couple minutes here or hour have just knifed so somebody's somebody's in the bond market making some pretty big purchases moving yields around like this because the market really hasn't done anything in that time frame it's kind of reflected in those raid expectations with like 100 basis points getting stepped up but that's that's not enough for the tenure to be doing what it's doing so let's [Music] see is Ford on the watch list it's not but I could put it there I could we could look at it it still looks good so I'm not in this one we were just drawing this out because it ended up being it made more sense that a shares trade on Ford if it were to continue consolidating and then breaking um that's what Ford really looks like here uh 25 Bas points is the only cut that makes sense if you need a cut yet correct correct uh yeah publish this time now the time for bonds that's interesting I mean I wouldn't I wouldn't necessarily expect there like a report from them to move yields around that much uh msgs let's see I feel like we've looked at this before uh the Daily's not bad DA's not bad here it's not the best but it's not bad why is this glitchy it's like fine but then all of a sudden it just glitches out WM good I Walmart could have some fun I mean Walmart's just been cruising here guys he got another little breakout there post earnings I mean if that thing starts to go that'll be a fun one I thought I was late like on that one I was like yeah WM I like so of that Uber trades on there's some really nice setups this week There's a lot guys it there are a lot of really good setups out there um it just depends I mean when you see the market doing what it's doing hanging around in a Range like this on the daily like yeah there's going to be a lot of Epic setups out there we just need follow through that's what we need ecbs Bond data that wasn't ideal that probably was what it was I would if I if I had to expect anything it would probably have been that so all right that's a lot I mean that thing's moving down aggressive where's uh Bitcoin wasn't having any fun either I don't think where is it oh that's everybody was freaking out on crypto Twitter it was down what nothing that's nothing oh my God these people are weak Financial juice has the data all right I'll take a look at that oh my God everybody was losing their mind they were probably looking at this on that candle down and thought they were going to go out here and Target something like 53k somewhere around there which I could see um but it did seem like it was the end of the crypto World on when I opened up Twitter like once this weekend all right I want to see this ECB data ECB Bond Holdings oh they're buying B what public sector Bond purchases okay that's probably what it is oil getting slapped now too oh my God oil's down two bucks a barrel jeez oil has been coming down a lot I mean oil at 71 is interesting I mean we were just at what April 87 that's huge gas prices coming down that's going to help inflation where's the dollar this morning I mean guys that you that dollar move that I kind of called out it was just the problem with that dollar move was that there was no real good way to take advantage of of it um so like in terms of like the options on uup were terrible you're not going to just go out and buy the shares there's not a lever dollar ETF so not that I found so that's a bit annoying what did we have on here before I want to check USD JPY as well see where that is just to kind of give us an understanding where the carry trade is all right I mean that's that's fine I mean you're just retesting the 10 again the danger zone is really going to be if you fall through 14168 right here this low and then continue uh communication sector yeah yeah that's been looking pretty good like Telecom yeah TLT should be up there I actually I mean I I did on that private Twitter account I did give you guys I was like yeah I mean TBT it could be time for it which it actually looked like it was wow that's a gnarly move on TBT there breaking and then poof right back down so yeah I mean I'm not in any of this I'm I actually now if I were to give this a little bit more time like a couple couple days I'd actually be interested in maybe looking for a better thesis on TBT here but I'm probably not gonna do it right now so wasn't there something else I had to do research on oh Disney that's what it was but Disney's chart isn't looking the best and it is rolling over a little bit but nothing too crazy H Waste Management could have some fun today who knows oh Market's selling even more here ladies and gentlemen uh oh what are they gonna do today I mean we're just trapped in a Range that's in the on the on just like the the daily time frame on ES we're literally just trapped in a big range that's it ba down 4% yeah but boeings had that's not surprising wow that's interesting Ralph uh what they do now who what what they crash what they what they do what did Boeing do here uh Boeing labor talks Stall oh that's not great and a downgrade uh P's okay so sort of but probably not so the reason is is that you we've seen a lot of those food companies do very well I mean Chipotle is looking really good here too Chipotle still good we've seen what's happened with Cava I believe Pizza is Pizza Hut I'm not positive oh it's Papa Johns close that's actually not a bad setup there I don't hate that but you got to think about like which consumers are going where like like Cava is g to be a little more highend higher end than and same with Chipotle almost than Papa John's so I think you could almost view which is going to be difficult Papa John's you could almost make the argument that it's people are going to shop there more in like worse Economic Times you could also make the argument that they could go purchase things there more often when things are better because it's going out and buying food instead of cooking at home so you'd have to figure out which you'd have to look deep into like where they actually start performing well or poorly which I haven't done but it could be an interesting one I I'm really a big fan of the Disney thesis my favorite one right now for one of those like the idea competition that we're probably going to do for me is Disney I still have to do the work on it but I do like I do like that one um all right let's get Waste Management back on here there's just a lot of good status man like Chipotle lift like there's a lot I mean where's PayPal Here how's PayPal doing PayPal I mean that's too much noise there but still up they're really taking this thing a lot lower today wow uh was it Ling I thought it was downg grid this could be wrong this whole think could be wrong though Well Fargo has downgraded Bing company to an underweight rating from Eco and has reduced the price tget from 119 to 185 oh so it was the price Target Joseph thank you so much for the super buddy I appreciate that appreciate your analysis have a great day everyone trade carefully you too buddy you too thank you so much for that super again guys um Joseph I'm not sure if you're in there yet but everybody gets access to the uh twoe free trial to the uh uh to the Discord Community there we just launched it it on Sunday for everybody so everybody else got it on Thursday uh the course members and then everybody had access to it on Sunday so that link is pinned at the top of the live chat for you guys but Joseph thank you man I appreciate that you guys don't have to send in suers though uh do I trade currency and medals I don't trade currencies I will trade gold and silver uh but I do uh put watch list out for uh the Forex space as well in the Discord just because the setups are really nasty on it uh um but I know there are some people out there that just don't have the it's very rare but there are just some people that don't have the ability to trade single stocks or even crypto I mean we have crypto alerts in there too or watch list I don't want to say alerts it's not alerts don't be don't be in there being like alert me now because that's not gonna happen so pretty rare without earnings or data to have such a nice future trade in the pre market yeah I know that's kind what I was thinking I was like why are why are we selling so hard I mean it's again it could just be we came to the top of the range and now we're moving back to the bottom side of the r or like the midpoint of the range here so that's what it looks like probably for here but we'll see I still think you're going to see a lot of those rotations too I mean WM is still up Walmart still in the green Disney I'd like for it to that's Uber I'd like Disney to get a little lower honestly get a little better better spot on the dude lift looks really good lift might be one of my favorite ones oh we are 15 likes away from 50 on the stream thank you guys I appreciate it keep smacking that like button on the way in help spread these streams out some more people there let's see yeah I mean I I kind of like like I'm I don't know I because what do they do in here like it's not like we've really gone anywhere uh you oh the premarket 50 r oh yeah straightforward 15 points oh that's great Ralph there you go that's great all right we're starting to move back up again it's almost going to be a similar week to last week where it was like all right well we have a really big piece of data coming out towards the end of the week the market could be a little bit slower there's not I don't think there's any big earnings I can take a look it's I know there are some earnings but there's not anything huge not to my knowledge dicks tomorrow before open zscaler C3 AI could be fun like there are going to be some for the Post earning strategy but nothing that's like crazy uh Market moving AV go on Thursday doc you sign yeah there's nothing crazy there could be some pager Duty like there there are some that could be fun but for post earnings uh on Friday yeah dude the Epic end of the day pump here was W all of a sudden I'm just like hanging around and everything just started alerting and firing off and I was like okay it's it'll be go I'll play a little bit on a on a Friday if we want to pump but we've given back like I don't know 40ish per of that move so we'll see what they want to do with it in tray again we do have more data coming out uh at 945 and 10: a.m. that it can move things around a little bit but I don't think it's going to be that drastic so be interesting to see what waste management and Walmart do today yeah oil's getting whacked EV go will matter especially yeah didn't NE yeah I mean you sent that smci filing like they delayed it which could have just been them double-checking things to be like all right did we screw something up um but I don't think like they came out and said if if if uh hindenburg's right smci is done um if Hindenburg is wrong then smci needs to come out and prove as to why they're wrong because in the court of public opinion you're guilty until proven innocent after something like that comes out because if that starts to spread around and and Hindenburg looks like they have some pretty de decent evidence for it especially with those um uh the what do you call it the PE the the old Executives that were involved in the wrongdoing and then they got hired back in different roles that's not good they can't be doing that all right nine minutes to go until Market open ladies and gentlemen here we go here we go it'll be fun today will be good let's have another good week I mean it's the start of a new month I actually I thought that like last month was slower but I did forget the the big Nike trade we had some really good trades throughout last month like any month where I'm up over double digit percentages that's a really good month I'll take that all day long that's kind of the goal it's like once you crack double digit percentages like anything over 10% in a month that's great I'll keep I'll take that all day long and just keep stacking uh gme it's moving it's not setting up but it is moving Benjamin good morning yeah that that lift setup does look really good if it all right I'm gonna be I need that full confirmation of it but yeah I'm gonna be watching that yeah and then did you guys like the the new way I was putting the charts in there too with the watch list in the Discord for you guys we'll have the pre-market plans oh tomorrow webinar we got our hedging webinar at night for everybody so yeah that's our first webinar there it's going to be tomorrow night at 6 PM um it'll be you guys will all have the access to the recording though so let's see thing is garbage I mean it's moving if it sets up again like it did uh the last time where I was like well the only way for it to really print is if it like completely rocket and then it did um I'll probably I'll probably trade it but right now I wouldn't touch it low impact uh it depends on what the data comes out as it depends it could move I don't think it's gonna move stuff around that much but I'm not gonna trade the news again less trades more profits that's all you got to think about once you get that ingrained into your system like into your head you're just like I'm only going to be taking super high quality A+ setups you're going to see your performance go from probably negative performance to very very very different in a positive way as long as we can watch it after I'll be there yeah we're GNA do it on uh yes tomorrow at 6 PM so you guys will all have that link [Music] all right ah dude Walmart I mean it's I I don't know they could do some last minute nonsense with this thing but Walmart looks like it wants to have a little fun you got some GameStop calls on F why are you buying GameStop calls what are we doing guys well it's just that's just like rolls over and then V shapes I don't know what you're doing there but hey it's working out for you so far I do really like lift uh Netflix I want to have on here there Netflix looking very interesting here car giveaway no car giveaways none of that nonsense none of that nonsense yeah well the crypto the the cryptos that I was looking at to hand out to you guys they were looking really good and then I went to go do them again and put the screenshots in there and then I was like oh they already broke I was like shoot they moved so yeah when I do those uh those are probably going to be so the crypto and currency uh watch list that I'm going to give you guys they're probably going to be rolling so I'll do them at like every other day and just keep adding to the list that you guys have earnings week and the chart well you can't really I don't think you can make that argument for the chart earnings week sure but the chart there I'm not a fan of that one all right guys we have four minutes to go until Market open make sure you guys are hitting that like button on the way in sounds like what the Market's done recently that's true that they don't need the bank's cash anymore guys okay hold on we're making a lot of different arguments here that they're they need to do something so drastic to do anything let's see let's see what happens here markets flickering around all right any other tickers we'll take a look at them we yields just getting hammered Dollar's still moving lower let's see yeah there's no post earnings moves or anything that we really got to think about really look forward to the webinar wish I could attend live that's fine it'll be you guys will have the link for it you guys will have the link for it it's not going to be that long it's pretty quick the way I hedge stuff in trading is very simple we'll go over different ways different elements of it as well though so yeah I mean those of you guys that are in there you guys are good to go but everybody gets two weeks free that's that deal is going to go until the end of the month and then the Discord is going to be weight list only these sellers are angry today these sellers are a bit angry coming into the market ladies and gentlemen they do not want this thing I mean who knows the market could open it can move all over the place but is there a day trade sat ofday there might be from up here there might be yeah there definitely is it'd be like right in here right in there sort of somewhere in here probably could you do a webinar on the option chain what about the option chain because I feel we've talked about all the different elements of it before somewhere like I think in the C in the courses we do it all right less than a minute to go here ladies and gentlemen 50 seconds Dan the man good morning ladies and gentlemen here we go here we go starting off the month let's see if we can have a strong start if not hey all we're looking for is A+ high quality setups that's it f well I mean that's probably where I would start looking at it Cole i' I'd probably start scaling in there and then if it breaks that big level above yeah I'd probably take a little more but we'll we'll see I have it up here don't I it's like these two Netflix is a wild wild child though so I'm going to be careful with it yeah there goes Walmart back down that makes more sense all right 10 seconds here we go here we go ladies and gentlemen Tuesday's High I think that's this one yeah yeah that's kind of what I'm looking for there too oh Walmart's getting a little spicy there about 85% on Walmart I've got a limit order out there 94% on Walmart let's see that pushes I'll probably be able to make him free that'd be nice it's moving there a little 100% on the Walmart here we go all right Netflix did break it's too early though so yeah I'll probably wait for it to to get going a little bit more because the problem is is the ranges are huge like if we were to go for a and the risk is not in a great spot like it's again it's the first minute of the market Walmart Walmart Walmart boom boom boom let's see if these are gonna get me out for free oh they're close 120% on my Walmart here nice nice see if that can push a little bit more for me and get me out going on but looks fun yeah well the Walmarts are doing very well uh WM is down little bit Boeing shares getting killed ah Netflix is going I just let me check the premiums on it how's the chain look all right that's is that actually moving or is that fake oh that's moving nice the BM is nice a rock I like that all right Walmart coming back down that's fine all right what was I looking for oh the Netflix chain that's what I want I want to see how that looks yeah bmy is moving that's good so that's xlu I bet I bet that's XL or XL V moving yeah Healthcare bmy I got a little this weekly setup's really good oh Walmart right back up yeah so I'm just waiting to get taken out for free uh on the Walmart and Netflix is right back down the BM are looking good all right let's see what we got I'm gonna need a little more action out of Walmart there to be able to get out for free I mean they're up over 100% I could scale out now I just it's a smaller position so I want to let it I want to let it cook a little bit more yeah see Netflix just kind of popped locked and just not that's why I was like I I want to give that a little bit more time I'm probably why is this glitchy probably gonna go for that 707 if it wants to get up there Ford still in play uh yes it's going to take a little we can look at it but it's going to need little time yeah that looks good that's probably going to end up being a shares trade that's what makes the most sense on Ford Disney looks like it wants to roll over Market coming to the downside yeah I mean if this pushes to like 7770 here that's probably gonna give it to me yeah I mean I'm re I'm three cents away on the pre two cents away on the premiums these are 120% on the Walmarts here so any second now what's that ah bmy looking really good all right just got taken out of the Walmarts made them free those are up 129% 132% those are good I thought I was late on that too that was a really good one uh the bmy I have are up 23 so the bmy was off the weekly setup uh we were talking about this one in the Discord on Friday I grabbed him right around here this thing's movement these have more time on them though just cuz it's a weekly setup uh Chipotle's getting a candle is it ah yeah I mean I'm probably gonna not do that just cuz like it needs a little more I wanted it to consolidate a little more you know yeah I mean this is a great start bmy is looking good the one thing that's not going for me right now is they're still green but the waste management those aren't moving but everything else looking phenomenal Ford I do really like so we're gonna have to give this a little time but yeah Ford does look really good Walmart is just cruising I'm not gonna sell any more Walmart until 78 so they break 78 I'll sell half of what I have right now 155% on the Walmarts right now Nvidia impressive knife at open really it's is it that bad oh I don't even want to look at AMD there oh my god oh that's not great yeah I mean that Walmart trade's really good lift H it's not breaking is it no it looks awesome though I love this that looks really good bmy is looking really good 80P 80P no it's it's not tight enough uh and then what is it MOA weekly that looks pretty good need a little more consolidation but yeah that does look pretty good there is Market just getting killed dude what is going on is this just Nvidia being an a-hole Apple getting smacked yeah it just looks like everything's moving down with Nvidia that's what this looks like here yeah Nvidia shares fall more than 5% to three-week low that's exactly what that is so here's here's what else we got to look at xlu ities we have to keep paying attention to 're little pullback there but nothing oops XLV yeah Healthcare is looking good where's like UNH UNH breaking to the up UNH looks interesting there dollar cascading down too yeah yeah the Walmart's good the bmy is good the waste management kicking around but but let's see man nice start though good way to start off September all right what else we looking at UNH PG LL y was on the list not moving yet uh but UNH is going there a little that's I mean that's interesting on United Healthcare looks good on the weekly I would say I mean the daily looks Bri there I just don't like those Wicks as much but it did break I mean yeah you get the break above here uh but be I'm again I'm kind of already in healthc care stuff with BM bmy so I'm probably not going to go for the UN but that does look good too uh you've been in XLV since 814 shares trade on the monthly there you go Michael there you go uh airm could have a pop but no Set uh yeah but wh why would it have a pop it's already moved I mean that was kind of perfect what we were looking for there it's all it's already kind of done it there yeah so next stop on the Walmart position that I have is going to be 78 so if Walmart can trade up to there that'd be great if not whatever and then WM I might cut that I might just hold it though because these do have a little time on them I'll probably hold that for a little bit am I in anything else uh bmy this one on the weekly those are up nice okay so we have Walmart moving what else because it seems like everything's getting whacked off of Nvidia right here data in five minutes yes we have what is it Services PMI or no manufacturing PMI at uh 9:45 and then we have construction spending and ISM Manufacturing at 10 so I don't think they're going to move things around all that much but they definitely could dude Walmart's looking like a monster 150% on those I think they were already up 150% before yeah 155 U is super strong today that I believe had news this morning I saw that uh but there's not much that you can do on this so I mean if it if it flips up into here starts consolidating I would actually be interested in this this one does have some potential PM is going slow but strong still dude PM was the I mean you guys saw look at this on the weekly guys I'm pretty sure no I gave that to you guys lower uh those of you guys that hopped into the uh into the Discord I mean you guys can go see when I gave you guys this Philip Morris it's right I don't think the dates on it but I might have been talking about what price it's at in that research report I gave you guys but it was right here uh sub 95 on Philip Moore this thing is now at 124 and you get a nice little dividend as well I mean there you go uh all the other research reports are in there too our first webinar is tomorrow night uh let me I'll grab the link for you guys though I mean everybody gets two weeks free you guys get a free trial to it you guys get all the courses everything so again at the end of the month there's going to be no free trial it's going to be weight list only so if you guys want to hop in get a pretty insane deal before eventually the prices go up there you guys go uh all right what else we got here Walmart losing a little bmy same deal coming down Market's just not having any fun you bought Nvidia puts at open why'd you do that Cole I mean those are looking those are probably looking really good but why'd you do that I do really like right now the strength that Walmart has I really do like being not a big fan of it losing like 40 cents there from the highve that's not it have time it's not like I'm looking for that to happen right now uh WM trying to move back up a little that's fine o daily I think I saw that one yeah dude these reads just still look really nasty yeah I'd play around with that and then we can kind of take a look and see where that Netflix is but it's not I don't think that's gonna yeah see that's what I was worried about happening and we talked about this in the pre-market is like it's it opened right here it could Flash and just run and we miss it but I'd rather wait for the confirmation above 70777 but this was the risk that it hits here comes up a little bit goes up to like 703 and now you're at 695 that's not what you want eyes on lift yeah I I mean I want this you could do it now this would be a little front runny but I'm probably gonna wait for that 1195 MDB that's probably either a bottom side of the range or the FIV minute opening range from earnings but we're not going to touch either but technically it's still valid it just happened the next day that is interesting but I really do like l left that's not left that's left someone getting liquidated on bitcoin is it just getting hammered Little Pop Lock and Drop there on bitcoin I still like yeah you are kind of right it does kind of have that diamond look but it also is holding the 10 like if it was doing this and it kept flashing down below the 10 I'd be looking for that diamond to break to the downside the fact that it's holding above I'd be all right with that I'd be like if it starts to break up i' I it'd be a shares trade though or some like longer dated options something like that you know I might end up cutting the WM for a little baby paper cut there I mean it's fine the Walmart's already printed for me the bmy have I think I have the Octobers on these so that's fine with me I like that yeah those are October so we're going to see what happens there um what else what else where's Qualcomm if Qualcomm invalidated below which technically it hasn't yet but that's not the best there so we're probably not going to be paying all that much attention to that what else do we have yeah I know Chipotle went yeah Chipotle is kind of getting going there a little I do like that I just don't know if I want to do it right now I'd probably give this a day or two you marked out a great setup on eat and you missed it that is another thing that is very important to everybody and that you have to this is like everybody when I said out these watch lists to you guys in there or when you're creating your own watch list you have to have alerts on you can't just be like oh look chart you have to have an alert on it because you're not going to remember all of them there are so many epic setups out there that you have to be like all right I need to be notified when this is going uh PayPal not yet it's there's a little bit too too much noise on that chart right now we talked about that one a little earlier Walmart looking for new highs more sense away is Sofi getting hit there yeah I'm probably gonna cut the waste management yeah just take the money back oh the spreads are terrible oh nice uh yeah next spot for Walmart there is going to be 80 if we can trade up to 80 there I'll sell half of what I have remaining Marcus just getting killed off of this Nvidia move yeah a rock's always got those alerts on but yeah how's Sofi look I mean I'm not going to buy it up here our buys were down in here which I know you were a part of Michael you were low you were getting it lower than I was check the data that's that's right at expectations it's like right there I I yeah that's like I wouldn't expect the market to move too big on that well yeah vix oh that makes sense L wait L is breaking right now hold on what the heck just happened with this this was not doing this five minutes ago when we were looking at Eli Lily look boom ripping I actually don't hate that at all it's a little early but I would not hate that let's check the premiums on them they might be just God awful in there and going to be miserable but I do like the healthcare plays [Music] H is you and H moving too un H fading Eli Lily just lost it a little what is going on that's an interesting one hold on I'm going to check the news on that because that came out of nowhere Boeing shares down 7% oh my Lord yeah Eli Lily is going there a little BM is coming down Markus still getting killed yep it's going to be tough to get phills on the one minute it looks vertical yeah it's going to be tough to get fills on it I'm think I'm trying to think of another one Roblox Roblox was looking good last week I remember yeah Roblox still looks good I think I'm going to burn that one for now if it breaks up here I'll sling something cuz you still have some decent resistance up in there your twio trades looking spicy that is looking good I just there was too much noise on that chart for me oh we got some Japan stuff hold on what's going on there Japanese Yen surges uh 1% to session High against the dollar [Music] uh oh USD JPY moving back down yeah bmy not the biggest fan of that but weekly setup we'll see what happens there uh Boeing had a downgrade I believe no I I couldn't get anything on LY and I wasn't going to play around with it too much just because like there's a lot of nonsense like the this double top here I'm a little worried about I wanted to break that I do like the healthcare sector and I I'm also not the biggest fan I mean this is going to make it look really drastic but look that's uh yeah not buying up here I'll tell you that uh if it comes down retest does something maybe um but I'm GNA give that a little time look at how just how extended that is that just shot out of nowhere I mean Walmart's still holding up looking really good that was nice those are those were up like 155% I think my scale out was at like 140 140% on those those were real good and then I think this might be too big for a day trade setup now we still might be able to get it but it's it would be like here which actually could line up perfectly with this Zone it might even be this that would make more sense 56 45 75 that would make a lot of sense or it's somewhere in that zone I believe honestly I mean look where Walmart is if this thing starts to pull up here a little bit Walmart could get that straight shot to 80 or 78 sorry would be great if this thing went to 80 oh my God that'd be a lot of fun who knows though I mean that's a really good gem to start off the week with and then I think the other things are just they're just still consolidating still just kind of waiting for those moves but the other thing you got to be careful about is like this is still not the time to just start going crazy sizing up like how we easily could because like this could easily just break to the downside and we start trading lower um The Daily ones here this is why this is part of the reason why we're getting such good setups potential setups across the board is because the broad Market is just starting to consolidate so depending on where the break is things are either going to look really solid or we're gonna have to go for the things that like a Walmart that can have a mind of their own which is fine you can still nail some really good trades on those uh and then Disney I'm kind of hoping that that thing is just getting nice because it gives me more time Disney Burke B doesn't care that's also probably one of the reasons like I bet Buffett owns some Walmart it's this like or Jags talked about the factor rotation which has been interesting do I ever trade the ETFs like XLV and XL y or do you prefer to trade the stocks inside the sectors I like the stocks inside the sectors unless it's like like bonds or I need to up semiconductor position and I'll do something like sock ass which is rare but I've done it um yeah I what I so Alfie what we're looking for when we do the and this is probably going to be a webinar as well is looking for leading sectors is I'm not I don't really care what sector it is if the sector is leading it just tells me to look at those stocks within that sector you know and it says these are the ones that could be start to look really good uh rkt you're taking a look at here let's see because that could be interesting with yields doing with their oh hello yeah that actually could start to set up in here from growth to Value yeah but it's like not it's like a different oh yeah Jag just tweeted about uh brickby let's see here and then uh this weekend as well team we're also going to be giving you guys another vix Insight research report in there as well so yeah you haven't Tak advantage of the two weeks free to the Discord yet make sure you guys do that's pinned at the top of the live chat let's see wmart still trying bmy is trying to fight a little but it's that's not the best way to start off the week but this is just the market getting hammered we're down 1% that's nuts all right I got to grabb water give me two seconds I will be right back e all right hello let's see what do we got yeah that's all this really is I mean it's been happening for a while the thing was though is that with the Japan situation it made it a lot like you couldn't really like you couldn't really like dictate what was going on in there because everything was starting to get killed but remember when the market was hanging out at the highs and just wicking I was not a big fan all right let's see what this wants to do here he came down touched the zone what else are we looking at um Netflix I still like it man it's just not time uh Here Comes Walmart looking for new highs there we go come on what are these up 173% ni nice xbi breaking biotech where's Lau lab all right I kind of want that actually I I might do something here I actually would probably do the options on xbi not Lao there because you need a giant move on good call Alfie I like that I do really like that actually xbi I actually do really like that what's the market doing it's getting yanked oh yeah I wouldn't yeah yeah I wouldn't trade the options on Le the reason why I was looking at Leu is for shares um but I do like the xbi options idea where's Walmart yeah I mean if we hit 78 on Walmart I'll sell half again those will be up well over 200% if if that ends up happening all right yeah I mean remember in the uh what you call it this morning the uh pre-market plan what were we talking about watch and see if like xlu XLV start to get going but xbi biotech is another one that we definitely got to pay attention to it's coming back down but that's interesting that kind of got a pop out of nowhere again didn't it yeah kind of with uh Loi there I did get a little more time on this one I'm not like slinging it the way I typically would with some of these data's out uh yeah what do we have uh construction spending and construction spending estimated at up 0.1% down it Act was down three same as last time ISM Manufacturing higher than last time but lower than expectations prices are up okay so that's the new data there uh bmy I'm not a fan of that I'm probably just gonna cut it ah those have time on them though they're basically flat I'll probably leave those B for now we'll see I do think healthcare though is going to have some fun healthc care is that one sector that I think is g to have a lot of fun so we just gota wait and see does it want to go or does it not uh Wall-E right back down market right back down to that zone too I mean dude if this Market turns around today which is possible that it does at some point iwm did not like the data uh what did yields and the dollar do I think the dollar bounced if yields are up on that that's not going to oh no yields are still coming down QQQ huge Hammer what time frame that is some Divergence there between es and NQ that is interesting because es is not having any fun with that I would almost say the Dow is not either yeah the Dow is getting killed now uh yeah Dow's coming down hard that's gonna that's probably gonna hurt Walmart but Walmart doesn't really care right now yet so we'll see xbi moving down yeah selling through the Zone I mean we're g to have to watch this level now 55.94 geez man over down over a percent in the market today W that's dirty look at this es down 1.1% damn that's big uh Netflix lower but still setting up where's the lift did that give it back or is that still holding no lift is actually still holding there earnings when that's a long time yeah I mean we gave it all back Market just gave back that entire move from yesterday Friday sorry I'd see what these LIF premiums are looking like let's give a little take a gander oh hold on all right I mean spy hedge Runners at 360% nice yeah well I'm happy I did I remember my hedging on I think it was [Music] Thursday I didn't really have to do much after that all right I'm thinking I'm thinking the 13 for September it'd be a sling unlift but the idea here is one the setup is good it's kind of breaking that's why it's 50/50 like I personally would really want to see lift above 1195 that's where I'd really want to see it uh bmy came back there nicely that's good so I'm Gonna Keep Holding that yeah I just I don't think I'm G to do it yet I just want to give that a little bit there just made five r on your new account Christopher great work buddy good work yeah Walmart coming down bmy I mean the Walmarts are already free so I'm looking for 78 on Walmart if it hits it hits if it doesn't it doesn't uh but I mean I'm not going to let the position the rest of it go red so if it goes from where it was at like 175% two down to like flat I'll cut it there and just take the rest of the money which it might I mean this Market's getting nasty here bmy I mean that thing's moving back up what are yields doing yields are getting bought back up a little or sold off basically xbi coming up Walmart not having fun that's that's the Dow weighing in on Walmart now lift maintained buy at Loop that was two hours ago I do really like that setup man I just if I I mean I'd really size it for zero if I was going to go for it XP I got whack all right oh Hill is down four and a half oh my God yeah I just saw that come through you wanted a limit order on lift for 11.95 and it just filled that was not a limit order then oh oh oh you can't it has to be a stop by because if you put a limit at 1195 it's just going to fill you down here cuz it's going to fill you at that price or better we still getting drilled here there look at that four point no the risk reward is not what we care about it's the risk on it it's it's well over five points now you went from it's a 70 point drop I do like how it lift is hold them yeah Wall-E right back down yeah I see that right here that's what that's what I was saying before it's like you gotta we're have to pay attention to this now it Wicked it so it is starting to move back up a little but that's not going to be helpful let's see that's a bit weird xbi I lost it big time there I just I kind of want lift I just don't I want it like it I want it to be cleaner you know CNP is breaking another utilities name I like that where is xlu right now that's pretty good uh where's NE what would this look like that actually looks really good it would need to make a big move though 29 [Music] Nvidia looks to be consolidating Nvidia is getting blasted I don't know you might be on replay mode there Howie Nvidia is getting assaulted let me you might be accidentally be on replay there but that's not look watch what are you looking at look I I don't how I don't know what you're seeing here but paler yeah I want it to drop below 30 just since the slam down no we wouldn't look at it on like a intraday no no no no no you were thinking that too yeah no inidia is not in video we're not going near that we're leaving we're leaving that one alone bmy trying to come back where's Disney I wouldn't do it here but my Disney idea I think is sound I just need probably a year of time on it once 12:30 yeah but like we wouldn't do it on like the five minute or like two minute we wouldn't do that that wouldn't make sense it's howwi he's not El back out no no no no dude this is nasty there's no news on this it's literally just Nvidia selling that's really it and yield started to move off of the ECB stuff I don't I look at this they just want to keep pushing this thing lower oh my all right sellers do what you got to do to it it's again it's just you're literally just tra the the moves look huge because of the range that we're in I mean it is we're now in the bottom side of the rank which is nasty BMI still looks good all right where's lft it's tempting me yeah Wally's losing it there lift came down dude we are still just drilling you're good flash crash kind I mean yeah if we take Thursday's low something's wrong I just don't see the reason for it like why why are we selling so hard I gotta watch the Walmarts because oh no I still got a lot of room on these Walmarts like they're still up the rest of the position still up like 60% so I still got a lot of remund yeah that's what I was thinking too I mean even the 15 minute the 15 minute got hammered when buying paler puts I don't buy paler puts I'll sell them to people that I will do the BJ input it's in the courses I think I can pull it up though it's just this take a screenshot that's all it is CER I mean is holding nicely with this market doing what it's doing these I still like lift I just I kind of you know should we do it it's just 5050 I don't really it looks nasty it does want Intel I think is getting manhandled here too thank you no problem no problem yeah tomorrow night though too guys we have the uh the hedging webinar for those of you guys in the Discord and then everybody gets two weeks free that we're going to do that until the end of September and then the uh Community is going to be wait list only glad you made Sofi for you last week yeah were you trading it yeah because I just have the shares I'm just going to keep those kicking around be a my back now I just I don't know this one I don't want to do it yet it's so tempting to do it I just not right now I'm left Wall-E trying but this is just oh man I mean where could we head to like I mean I don't really look at the 4 Hour ever but where are we headed to I mean we are tapping this zone right here you had calls for a couple weeks oh those must have done very well I mean sometimes these Zone to Zone moves are just ridiculous bitcoin's below 58k yeah bitcoin's getting whacked uh where's UNH that's what I'm curious about UNH is still holding strong here let's just a tough one to get right on un and H see lift is tempting Intel faces D listing from the Dow oh God Christopher there you go man yeah I mean there's not much else going on lots of times see what happens is risk- free yeah that's the name of the game again it's all about and this is what I think people don't realize it's like we're looking for the giant move and in the meantime we just have to protect protect ourselves so like when I see this Wallmart move go and I make I don't know 150% on the scale out it's free I've already made money if it wants want to run up to 78 fine great uh yes I do remember that Ralph that was a good call because I think I drew this out last week for you guys like this is this is what your trading should look like big what the hell was that oh that's why like big gain up chop chop chop chop chop chop chop big gain up chop chop chop chop chop chop up maybe up boom boom boom that's what it looks like it's not this this this this this it's not that it's it's waiting for the solid moves to happen is uh qualcomm's pretty much invalidated I'm still hunting it just because I don't I haven't looked at it in like the last half hour but yeah I don't think I'm GNA be going for this one um I wanted it to kind of hold and keep consolidating but it didn't so I'm probably just going to burn that oh you think more death Michael interesting well here comes bmy hello come on I think gold is down too yeah gold down 1% still up nicy today with the Walmart like with the Walmart that thing's carrying I do want L I just don't want to do it right now I could be late on it and I could miss it but because if this Market turns around it's probably GNA go a little bit that's the that's what I'm thinking about lift which makes me be like do I take a little I would love the confirmed break though of 1195 that's what I want good to be cautious yeah you want lift shares that's not a bad idea XEL let's see what's going on with that didn't we look at this this morning yeah that's another utilities name looking good glad you didn't front run a bunch of stuff uh Disney yeah Disney's starting to go Disney though I'm not the only thing I'm gonna touch Disney with is probably with leaps my walles are back up over 100% the free ones my bmy are green see what we got yeah I might tweet out some setups today too that I find freaking lift it's getting there ah just like I could go really small with it and then just size it for zero with something that I just don't care about which I think is probably what I'm going to do just staring at it too much and it looks too good if it dies it dies Tesla starting to look decent let's take a look at Tessie I haven't seen Tessy nothing H that needs to consolidate up here but if Tess's going to go I will definitely let you know oh look at Wall-E coming right back up there we go L yeah lift does have the potential to really get going Disney is one though that I think could be like really fun I think that idea the idea competition that we're gonna have is going to be really fun in there um but I do really like the idea of Disney yeah it is interesting that Tesla is up right now with the market doing what it's doing sold it for 66% profit nice Eddie there you go yeah we're gonna talk a lot more about hedging with you guys uh in the webinar with you guys tomorrow night yeah Wall-E right back up close to those highs nice there we go look at that look at that what's up Walmart those up probably like 120 something per 132% now back on my walles I'd love like 500% you know 3M me I I like what we did on it with the 500% move on the post earnings I just don't really want to touch it now like yeah we were looking at it in here for the break it's just a little bit of a slower mover that I don't really want to do much with this though would be nothing for us if it just runs up tank comes down to the 10 could it consolidate from here and start to look good sure but I'm probably not going to do anything with this here Twitter is all over Tesla yeah I mean they're always talking about Tesla are the webinars on YouTube the webinar it well it's going to be in the Discord you'll be able to rewatch it yeah but you guys will all have the links to it so that I'll send that link out for you guys uh at some point tomorrow in the afternoon could I do an economic calendar in the Discord no because it's we talk about it on the streams and it's like we are and every single day Alfie 2 in the uh in the pre-market plans I'm going to talk about what's like happening like for the day anyway so we're kind of already going to have it just for that day and we talk about it on the streams we did like oh did it fail Here Comes un andh backup where's LL y yeah see that one didn't go these Healthcare names are finicky I mean this is what I was saying if es starts to move back up with any see you could see Walmart at 78 today which that's where I would sell half of what I have left make some more money you know keep it simple that's even better yeah I mean those of you guys I mean you guys that have been seen it I mean the discord's been open since what Thursday so we've had two premarket plan three two I think I did it on for you cuz we started it after am I still in xbi no I cut it xbi yeah I ditch that one when it started knifing like that it was like right around where it is now I was like yeah no I don't want that uh Wall-E let's see if that can go bmy I still like man if this thing can I'll throw an alert at day high that'd be aggressive if that thing traded all the way back up but that had a strong start not a fan of How It's sell off sold off but that one I am still holding Wall-E I like where's lft you got a lift shares trade nice I took a little bite it sized completely for zero should you buy the Invidia dip you should do whatever you want I don't know why you're asking me like I can't tell you I don't I don't I mean again why you're asking the guy that owns a boatload of AMD at 1139 like I'm not buying any Nvidia right now [Music] what are yields doing they getting eaten a little the biotech ra dude that's the thing it's like if they're going to bait you in it's just like all right I'll just take a tiny paper cut and then just be done those had those had way more time on them too so they barely move I'm having like old Weeble alerts go up where's Facebook actually oh that does not look good break a 12 that's what I'm thinking to daily Taylor that's Pro that's what I'm I'm most likely thinking about doing on live like if it can go and break up sure if not I'm going to let that thing go to the dumpster Visa I think I think we talked about this one the Z no no Visa we talked about wasn't this on the watch list last week I mean now you wouldn't touch it again this is you got to find socks that are about to explode before they do I'm pretty sure Visa was on the watch list last week or two weeks ago so this one we would have already been in I didn't I don't think I touched this one but I think a couple people did visa and MasterCard were both looking pretty good oops that's not it this one right here yeah this MasterCard setup was really good uh I have the 13s right now with some time on them but they're like it's barely anything I barely took it at all it's it's it's in the event that it just wildly gaps and starts running because it is kind of going like it is not right now now it's looking like it's a little bit more front runn than it was back around 1280 but I mean it still looks really good so I'll I'll start scaling into that one which I did already a little bit but team it is 10:30 we are going to wrap it up for today remember all of you guys that still have not taken advantage of the two weeks three of the Discord here you guys go there is that link for you guys there uh we have our webinar coming out tomorrow again you guys get all the watch list all the courses the vix insights research reports which we're going to have another one out for you guys this Sunday uh after NFP uh we're going to be working on some more of those single stock research reports for you guys as well we're probably towards in a couple of months we're probably going to start that uh that long-term portfolio in there for you guys too we'll have the small account challenges going for you guys in there as well we're going to have the idea competition it's there's a lot in there for you guys so team I see you guys in there I will be in and out of there I got to run to the grocery store make lunch and then I'll be hanging out with you guys in there for a while so team have a great rest of your day I mean Walmart was carrying today so we'll see if we can catch another couple ones like that but again team as always let's trades more profits peace

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